#Axl absolutely asks X to patch up his Poncho
Axl and X
Okay so a bit of another idea since I revealed that Aero and Barrett are Axl’s apprentices that’s gonna leave me with Axl’s relationship with his apprentices and X himself since ...
He's the first person that X reunites who’s from his era after THOUSANDS of years after the elf wars, especially that HE died in the elf wars. It’s more emotional for him. Axl missed out so much, the aftermath of the war, creation of Neo Arcadia, the events of the zero series, etc… so he’s gonna have a hell of a recap of everything that went down before they became Biometals.
From Axl’s perspective it felt so short from his Death to waking up on Terra just as displaced as X, unlike him since he woke up earlier allowing him to adapt to this new era better. Axl has been wandering and learning so much of Terra to the point that he’s aware of a lot of stuff. Another thing is that he’s basically a dad now…kinda he didn’t expect it since taking in Barrett and Aero after saving them from a dangerous situation. It was supposed to be just him taking care of them and once they’re old enough he’ll part ways with them. But nope there are his kids now. His partners in crime, his students, they basically remind him of his younger years with their energy and ambition.
God is this how X and Zero (By extension Red) felt when they took him in all those years ago? Now he sorta understands them now…he’s not ready to be called dad yet if he was called then he’ll explode. Also of how much of a huge pain in the ass they can be at times but he’ll either drag them out of trouble or let them solve the problem (if the threat isn’t dangerous). He’s not the greatest dad but he’s sure as shit tries at least. If you hurt them I hope your ready for the fucking mercy of the shapeshifting gunslinger.
He hides his past from them of course because how the HELL can you explain to them that you're from ANCIENT HISTORY, bro he can’t be called old yet! plus he’s waiting for the best time to tell them…but he can tell them snippets of his past without revealing the truth. In forms of absolute batshit stories that no way in hell that happened. Barrett thinks that he’s bullshitting them while Aero thinks that it’s the coolest shit ever at the same time kinda curious of the context.
But then that all changed when he reunited with X and god that reunion was fucking emotional…X couldn’t never believe to Axl again and how much he’s GROWN. Look at him he isn’t the same happy go lucky kid with assassin skills that he picked up years ago. Compared to how Axl felt, X’s reaction was stronger since he had been through so much shit after the elf wars, enduring so much but also holding on to the guilt of the friends and family that didn’t survive, especially Axl. He crushed Axl with that hug; he was a sobbing mess. Axl also was an emotional wreck too since he apologized to X from dying in the war. It’s just nice to have someone familiar again after so long…
And then Axl finds out that X has 5 kids and one of them is Barrett’s Friend…actually looking back it was kinda obvious that kid was X’s kid since he suspiciously looks like him the most compared to the guardians. And now he not only has to catch up with what he missed from the Elf wars but also finally coming clean about his past to Barrett and Aero too.
X was confused at first only for Axl to explain that…He’s kinda a Dad, then explains that Barrett and Aero are his kiddos. Coming to the realization that…Oh…just like Axl, X should've also put the pieces together cause some of Barrett and Aero’s skills and mannerisms were suspiciously similar to Axl’s. It was so obvious that these kids picked up the traits of their respective parents. It was almost fate that their Kids meant to be close friends like their parents.
Axl definitely starts to visit the flutter to hang out with X. Catching up like old friends, the conversations last for whole hours. It was kinda a shock to see X this happy and healed after everything that he went through. But to be honest it’s for the best, X earned this anyways. Plus he can come towards him when it comes to parenting advice. The same goes for X seeing Axl mature and grown makes him proud of him. But deep down he’s still the same troublemaking kid from before. In both ways they changed for the better…however he still judges Axl for that little Incident involving Barrett calling Volnutt Nutsack.
Axl: In his defense, Volnutt is a pretty weird name that can be used for really creative nicknames.
X: Axl, please it was incredibly rude to say that to my son! Fefnir almost blasted him!
Axl: Okay! Okay! It was rude but at the same time it’s really funny.
There's moments that they banter like the old ways before everything went to shit. It’s a bit of a shock to see these old geezers acting like this to be honest it’s for the best….
It would have been completed if Zero was around but the question is…Where is he?
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