#Azem sounds like a hot mess and I love it
Oooooh Frog has one pink eye and hair that grows in pink because Azem was a ridiculous pink person back in ze day. I have had a Revelation. An Echo Vision of mine own into their deal :'D
Mostly this just means I have a better grasp on poor Emet-Selch, respectable serious white haired anime man being followed around by perpetually giggling lavender-haired Hyth, and freewheeling pink Azem who is rapidly turning into drunk-girl-in-a-bathroom-goes-on-a-D&D-adventure-textpost made flesh in my imagination.
Ancients aren't asking what he sees in them, they're asking what THEY see in HIM.
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
hi! i was wondering if you could do a relationship hc’s for commander neyo please? my boi doesn’t get enough content. i love all your works btw! <3
Yessss!!!! I did Bacara here, now it’s time to do my other psycho hubby 
Commander Neyo relationship headcanons //SFW and NSFW//
If you even get Neyo to talk to you then you deserve a medal 
Neyo hardly ever talks, and if you piss him off he’ll probably spit in your face 
So be careful of what you say around this Commander. He isn’t the nicest 
If you do happen to get him to talk he won’t say much 
You learn he’s very interested in other species, so you talk about that with him
He doesn’t enjoy talking, so he’ll nod and other things to express himself 
When Neyo talks it’s mostly cuss words anyways 
When Neyo begins to like you, everyone knows immediately
Neyo will talk to you?? And you’re not a clone or his general?? Crazy.  
It’s still not a lot of words but it’s some 
It’s a lot of work to get into a relationship with Neyo, but it’s worth it 
You quickly pick up on his habits because he trusts you enough to allow you to follow him around
Neyo is pretty similar to Bacara, he works out a lot. But not in the same way 
Neyo runs instead of lifting a lot. 
He doesn’t go out for drinks or anything when he’s on leave 
So he runs. A lot. 
If you bug him enough about it he’ll eventually mess up his schedule and come to your home 
He’s obviously very OCD so it takes a lot of bugging to get him to come over
Neyo is fucking awkward at first. He just stands in the center of your living room looking around
You have to shove him to the couch and distract him by a holomovie or whatever 
He relaxes after a few minutes and eventually leans into your touch
Neyo is very awkward on the whole touching thing. He also doesn’t know anything about relationships either 
So it takes a while for him to be fully comfortable around you 
Neyo never came to your place unless you asked him to, but as your relationship progressed that changed 
After one particularly stressful mission he showed up at your house in full armor 
He basically moved in with you at this time. So you bought him comfy sleeping clothes 
Neyo will not admit that he loves the fuzzy socks or comfortable sweatpants 
It’s obvious though 
Neyo doesn’t flirt, but he shows off some. 
When he runs and you watch he makes sure to run extra fast, just simple things like that
When he basically moved in with you he’d wear the sweatpants and nothing else
The sweats were a little too tight they showed off his goods and very muscular legs
The asshole knows this and loves it when you stare at him. 
When he’s that comfortable around you he still hardly talks, he just doesn’t want to 
Neyo never takes you out anywhere unless it’s on a walk at nighttime. 
He always brings you to his favorite rooftop on the upper levels of Coruscant and watch the ships 
He’ll go to restaurants if you want him to, but he’ll be awkward and very very tense 
He hates being in public without his armor 
If he does go out in public with you he will always be touching you. He is very possessive 
This means he gets jealous easily. If someone looks at you or tries to touch you Neyo sees red 
Neyo will kill people over you and not bat an eye. 
Luckily for those pervs, you can relax your angry psycho boyfriend  
That’s why most of your dates are you two just relaxing on your couch 
You’ll have to climb onto him for him to cuddle you at first
He’s so touch starved that he doesn’t really know how to cuddle or anything 
You have to teach him how to relax and such when you lay on him
He ends up loving it 
Sometimes he’ll just pick you up and plop down so he can hold you 
Neyo seems like a hard ass but if you pout and give him puppy eyes he breaks 
It’s his weakness. 
Since he doesn’t talk much you learn his body language easily
It’s harder than it sounds 
Neyo really misses you when he’s away on missions, so he may comm you sometimes 
He’ll come back and just want cuddles because he missed you. 
It’s really sweet. If you say it’s sweet he will scowl at you. 
Neyo’s hair is a little longer than most clones, so he slicks it back 
It keeps it out of his face when he’s wearing his helmet 
He doesn’t slick it back when he’s on leave 
Neyo lets you play with his curly mess of black hair and he loves it 
He has more tattoos then the one on his face 
You made him stand naked in your bedroom while you examined his many scars and tattoos 
He had two sleeves that connect along his chest and back, all with some odd patterns 
The patterns somehow reminded you of death, in a weird way 
The pattern moves down his spine and splits down his lean hips, stopping at his V line
When you asked if the linked tattoos were pointing to his dick he just shrugged and smirked 
Neyo has an odd personality, much like Bacara’s
He can do something absolutely hilarious and keep a straight face 
Neyo doesn’t show too many facial expressions anyways, he’s very good at keeping a mask
If you make him smile it makes your day 
The asshole will mess with you. He loves teasing you in his own way 
You’ll ask him a serious question and shrug, his dark seemly soulless eyes shining 
Neyo doesn’t sleep well and doesn’t seem to like sleeping 
He has terrible nightmares, mostly plagued by his own thoughts 
Neyo really enjoys killing, he enjoys the control.
 He would never hurt you but he still worries. 
He sleeps better with you in his arms, or with his head on your chest 
He’ll still wake up in a cold sweat some nights and will flinch at your touch 
It takes a minute to get him to relax but eventually he’ll calm down 
He just curls up against you, shaking slightly, while you whisper sweet nothings to him
Neyo never thought he could ever show so much weakness, but he loves you 
He’ll probably say it first, like right out of the blue 
When his gruff voice says the three words your heart nearly stops with joy 
Neyo may seem soulless to many, but to you he’s your cuddly lover
Help him. He is so awkward 
You have to show him and teach him the first few times 
Once he relaxes and memorizes your body(Very quickly) He doesn’t need anymore teaching 
Once he’s more confident he’ll fuck your brains out 
Neyo is into rough sex, like very into it 
You learn he’d rather fuck you hard that you can’t move than to run. It’s his new favorite exercise
Neyo seemed very dominant at first, he was so primal about it 
You quickly learned that if you tried hard enough you could flip the positions 
He loves wrestling with you for the dominant role, it becomes foreplay for you two 
You two rarely have those slow and soft intimate nights, unless he’s feeling tired or needy 
If you ask though, giving him the pouty face and eyes, he’ll do whatever you want
No matter how hard you two fuck, he’s still making you cum as much as he can 
He loves watching you as you cum, he especially enjoys the noises 
Neyo isn’t the biggest fan of quickies, but he’ll do them
Neyo will totally do public sex. He wants everyone to know how much pleasure he gives you 
Neyo will tease the fuck out of you in so many differnet ways 
He loves the noises you make so he’ll tease for as long as he pleases 
His self control is fucking nuts 
You didn’t know Neyo was kinky until the night you came home and he was sitting on your bed, naked, and holding a few lengths of soft fabric 
He loves to tie you up. 
Neyo also loves choking and spanking, you learned that the hard way
You also learned that Neyo is very into anal, as a surprise of course 
He won’t ever bring up his kinks but he’ll do whatever you want 
Neyo will fill out your deepest darkest desires. He whispered this to you once and it nearly killed you 
Neyo doesn’t dirty talk but he growls deeply, he’s very vocal with his groans and growls 
It’s really hot actually 
If he ever mumbles your name or some words, his voice is extra gruff from not being used often. The tone is hot as fuck. 
If he says a word to you during sex you’ll probsbly cum immediately 
Neyo will mark the fuck out of you. He bites and nips, he wants everyone to know that he controls your pleasure 
He’ll make you go to work sometimes with your thighs still covered in his cum 
Neyo is Very very possessive.
If he ever draws blood with his bites he’ll lick it off. He has a big blood kink 
I mentioned how he shows off with the too tight sweatpants? Well….
He’ll sit in a man spread and pat his thigh. He loves watching you ride his muscular thigh 
Neyo has very muscular and powerful legs. If you trace his leg muscles he tenses and shivers as lighting bolts of pleasure shoot straight to his cock
If you trace his tattoos or scars he melts, he loves it. 
Worship his body then dom him, he loves it. He’ll moan louder than ever if he’s being ridden or pegged/dick downed.
If you mention your sex life to anyone else you don’t even know what he’d do
It’s strictly between the two of you(Unless y'all sometimes have a friend or two over if that’s your thing)
Neyo always surprises you with what he’ll do 
He woke you up one time by giving you oral 
His mouth is incredibly talented, he made you forget your name with just his tongue 
If you give him oral prepare for him to fuck your face 
He’ll use you as his personal fuck toy unless he’s tied down 
He secretly loves being teased till he nearly begs. He never begs by the way, you’ll get a snarl 
You begging on the other hand? He fucking loves it 
If you say his name, call him commander, or call him sir then you better be ready to be fucked extra hard 
Neyo is a little weird about aftercare
He wants you covered in his sweat and cum as you fall asleep in his arms 
He wants you marked for as long as possible 
You can talk him into a shower with you though, he really enjoys those 
No matter what, you’re falling asleep in the embrace of you big “Mean” cuddly commanders arms 
Tags:@royalhandmaidens @catsnkooks @valkyrieofthehighfae @peacelandbread @blue-space-porgs @leias-left-hair-bun@Iamassbuttkingofhell @Azem-thefourteenth @opalstxrs @commanderrivercc-3628 @my-awakened-ghost @captainrexstan @hounding-around
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thecat-inthehat · 4 years
14. Part
I didn’t want to post this until I had edited it and spent some time mulling it over. 5.3 was not kind to Nive, and working through her emotions left me exhausted. I cried at least twice writing this :/ Damn emotionally constipated cat, making me feel things for her. I abused some italics in here, be kind to them. 
Y’all, her hat came off. That’s how bad this is.
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The sound of laughter grated at her ears, tucked away as they were underneath her hat. She winced as yet another happy giggle bounced around the Rising Stones. Her quill snapped under her hand, spraying ink everywhere, and making her curse. Just great, aetheric ink everywhere, and all over her hands, smearing over her notes… 
Nive snapped the book shut with a growl, grabbing the quill and crushing it in frustration, while grabbing one of her rags to clean up the mess. Her carbuncle yipped at her and ran to grab another rag, holding it in their mouth until she grabbed it. Their tail waved uncertainly, sensing her mood, and it set the rag down and pawed at it to try and help mop up some of the ink. Nive gave the carbuncle a smile, patting their head, only to cringe when another peal of laughter echoed across the room. Gods, could they not see that some people were trying to work—
Fine. She’d go up to the ramparts above the Toll, surely there’d be some quiet there. She grabbed her grimoire and her journal, her pack, her bottle of ink, and started to march out of the Rising Stones. 
“Nive?” Shining asked, looking up at her from where she was sitting with the Exarch—G’raha. The seeker man was laughing still at Shining’s joke, trying to get himself under control. Shi frowned just a little, moving as if to get up out of her chair. “Nive, are you alright?” 
“I’m fine.” Nive snapped, and waved a hand. “Don’t get up on my account, I’m just going out.” 
Her carbuncle chimed worriedly, twining between her legs. Shi got up anyways and came over, and G’raha was at her side… Nive did not look at him. She didn’t. 
“Nive, you’ve been quiet ever since we came back home—“ 
“I said I’m fine.” Nive snapped again, and ducked away from Shining’s hand. “Just. Spend time with your friend. It’s fine.” 
She spun on her heel and marched up out of the Rising Stones, heedless of the expressions on Shining and G’raha’s faces. Better to leave them to be happy together instead of tending to her own tumultuous heart. She didn’t want to deal with them, she couldn’t. 
And just her luck to run into Helisent and Arbert, coming back with a box of food from the Seventh Heaven, talking and laughing with each other. The two were chatting about something or other, their eyes only on each other. They almost ran into her, Arbert barely managing to stop the box from crashing into her. 
“Oh, sorry, Nive, I didn’t see you--” He said, scrambling to grab the box of food so none of it would spill, and seemingly instinctively leaning on Hel for support. 
“Hey, Nive?” Hel asked, leaning down to look at her. “Are you --” 
“I’m fine. I told Shi the same thing, I’m fine.” Nive snapped, her tail bristling in irritation. “Nothing’s wrong, I just want some fresh air.” 
“You sure?” Arbert asked, his brows furrowing in worry. “You don’t really look--”
“What do you know?” Nive demanded, baring her teeth in an instinctual hiss. Arbert stepped back in shock, almost dropping the box and going pale. 
Shit. Shit, she had to leave. 
“Nive!” Hel shouted after her, sounding confused and upset. Nive didn’t look back at her, she just ran. Out through the Toll, into the Silvertear shore, dodging whatever nasty beastkin tried to look her way. She didn’t even know where she was going, but it just had to be away from there. 
She ran until she couldn’t anymore, panting and wheezing and doubled over, trying to scrape herself back together. She was trying so hard not to be angry, to be jealous, to be distraught and felt like she had been left by the wayside after her sisters found the people they loved. Shining deserved to have her friend back, to have something go right in her life! Nive knew that! And Helisent had pleaded to the Mother and sundered herself again, just so she could have Arbert back! But--but--
With a yell of rage, Nive threw down her grimore and her pack at the shore of the Lake, the books bouncing off the crystal and flying into the underbrush. She kicked the rocks out into the lake with force, yelling again, just to let it out. She dragged her claws through her hair, ripping off her hat and throwing it away. Her carbuncle yipped in fright, stepping back away from her, their tail waving in uncertainty. 
She jumped slightly, looking down at her carbuncle, and all her anger just drained away, falling off of her like water. She sunk down to the ground, feeling the tears start to well up, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop them from falling. They came thick and hot, clawing their way up her throat and wracking her chest with sobs, till she could barely breathe. She pulled her knees up to her chest, tucking herself close, and wrapped her tail around her feet, feeling her whole body shake with the sobs. 
Her carbuncle yipped softly, lifting up on their hind legs to paw at her knees. When she didn’t respond, they ran back to get her hat, holding it in their mouth to offer it to her. Nive could barely see the bright emerald creature through her tears, but the gentle, unassuming presence helped just a little. She pulled the carbuncle into her lap and sobbed into the soft fur, while they gave a small rumbling chime that sounded almost like a purr, trying to comfort her in any way they could. 
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair. 
After everything, after Emet-Selch, the Light, Elidibus, everything, and she felt like an outsider. Like her sisters had changed, and she couldn’t keep up. They got everything they wanted, they were happy. So why… why wasn’t she? Why did she feel as though her heart was clenching painfully in her chest, why did she exist on a wire’s edge of anger and a soul deep hurt?
She barely knew them, but part of her had, once. A half forgotten dream, an aching memory of a lost life, resting on the edges of her mind. Torturous in its elusive lure, scraping at the part of her that desperately needed to know, to understand. Hythlodaeus’ words, the gift of the stone, and it was more like a curse and a damnation.
She remembered his final words. Their final words. A promise to remember, a mournful longing for a new day. Why did it hurt so much, why did she feel as though a part of herself had died with them? 
Remember us, he had said. Asked. Pleaded. Remember that we once lived. Shining and Helisent thought he had been asking them to remember the Ancients, to remember their civilization and their struggle, their suffering, and a hope for the better tomorrow. But Nive knew differently. She had met his eyes squarely, and saw it.
He asked her to remember them. Himself, and his friend, the person that she used to be. The part of her that would never come back. He asked her to remember their new friendship, budding and strange as it might’ve been, across their journey in the First. He had asked her to remember the bond they held, once upon a time. 
A tiny yellow glowing stone, etched with a circle, and it destroyed her, and left her with more questions than answers. A name, Azem, and it sounded foreign but correct, a moniker that she once had. And a desperate spell, clutching the stone to her breast and wishing with all her might. He had saved her, somehow, pulling them out of the Rift. She still didn’t know if it was actually him, or just her desperate need for salvation manifesting in a form she thought could save her. But her heart ached when he had pulled them out, and set them all down… What could it possibly be but love? 
No one else knew. How could such a simple promise tear her apart from herself, and separate her so completely from them? 
So she cried. 
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