#B: Riza? why would she have opinions about this?
dairogo · 2 years
Berthold Hawkeye, having just finished his life's work, the theory of flame alchemy: Now, how to make sure that my research outlives me but is only passed on to someone worthy
Flashback to his [intellectually remarkable but politically naive student who left in a huff when Berthold refused to take action to help the corrupt, military-led country they live in] flirting with his [quiet, capable and strong-of-conscience daughter who reminds him of his dead wife because she doesn't shy away from hard things she doesn't like].
Berthold: now that's a canvas I can work with.
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reigningsniper-a · 4 years
time for nat’s meta corner on just a little detail i have the need to dig into:
riza’s willingness to take her own life isn’t because she can’t live without the biggest man fixture in her life. in my opinion, this criticism of this plot point and riza as a character has stemmed from anti-royai sentiment (and not liking royai is not a problem. ships are personal. that’s why i personally don’t ship a lot of ships. i’m a picky gal. i used to be a one ship pony for YEARS) or an incredibly shallow read into a narrative deeply laced with themes of interconnectivity and the bonds they bring, and the impact that individual people end up having on a greater conflict that arises from a world that once seemed much smaller.
arakawa repeatedly has callbacks to different people that everyone in canon meets. she emphasizes the bonds we share and the memories that come with them, the emotions they illicit when thinking upon them. they’re brotherhood - like edward and alphonse. they’re begrudging tensions - like general armstrong and mustang. they’re childhood friendships - like the elrics and winry. they’re a reality check from a chilling source that lingers in your bones - like with kimblee, mustang, hughes, armstrong, and hawkeye.
my point with those examples is that the way people relate is multifaceted. sure, you likely consider your relationships to be a, b, or c. But when it comes right down to it, there is complex giving and taking going on between people. it’s not just one emotion. so to say riza’s suicidal admissions are only because of ‘love for roy mustang’ is, in my opinion, disingenuous to how these characters feel and what they’ve experienced.
this isn’t to say that love is entirely removed from this. but to say that it’s the only one, or even the main one? i disagree with that. the two times riza iterates her intentions if roy was gone are never ‘omigod she loves him she can’t live without him’. we don’t want this to happen to either of them. we want them to get back up, to be unrelenting and not back down in the face of adversity. they do, but obviously not without almost insurmountable obstacles. so to me, less ‘we can’t live without each other’ and more ‘the future holds so much that keeps us going, and without it, we have nothing after what we once did’.
arakawa interviewed wwii veterans when researching for the manga. elements of ptsd are brought into canon quite a few times. ed has recurring nightmares involving his mother and alphonse. the alchemists who have seen the portal of truth deal with the trauma brought about by having pieces of themselves torn away. those involved in the extermination campaign, those innocent and those not, carry the devastation it wrought. they find various ways of tempering it day by day. ed and al seek ways to get their bodies back. scar seeks revenge against those who murdered his family and vast swaths of his ethnic group. hohenheim wanders everywhere trying his best to prevent father’s plans from coming to fruition. 
riza’s mitigation comes in the form of working daily to attempt to atone for what she has done. (side note: i am never going to say that riza should not be seeking additional professional help in order to directly deal with her trauma). i want to emphasize and highlight her ability to keep going, keep moving, and to have people around her in a social sphere. there are countless positive aspects of leaning on those closest to you to have them either help, or moreso in this case, seek out those things, y’know. like changing a country. to isolate herself would only make whatever she experiences so much worse. a lonely mind finds the darkest of shadow. but it is also clear that she clings to the goals of fixing amestris so tightly in ways that are dependent. but it’s not just roy.
furthermore, i don’t want riza to be discredited as a pivotal figure in the narrative because of a tendency to overlook or downplay her strengths simply because she’s a bit more reserved. and arguably, the shipping component might also have people looking down on her because she is so closely linked with a man. roy has more stereotypical qualities that are associated with a leader. he is charismatic, pragmatic but hopeful, unrelenting and motivated, a figurehead, confident, concerned, eloquent... I could keep going. it takes a lot of facets to do what he does.
that isn’t to say that riza doesn’t have any of these qualities and that’s why she can’t be a leader, too - I think she already is. you have to have more than one leader for a cause to gain traction, and she is one of those. riza is more reserved, yes, but she takes the time to connect the people she does interact with, she’s observant, skilled at tactical maneuvers and methods in reconnaissance, she knows the tells of those she needs to know well, she’s accurate, she’s caring, and she’s honest. heck, i don’t even think riza would want to do what roy aims to do himself. even general armstrong, for all of her prowess, strength, and success stationed up at briggs, i doubt she has any interest in taking the reigns of the country. they all have ways to contribute to what is necessary by finding their niches: armstrong as the gatekeeper in the way of a drachma, which waffles between skirmishes and non-aggression pacts, mustang as amestris’ eventual leader who’ll transition the country back from the military into the hands of the people, and hawkeye, as a staunch defender and protector of the hope and happiness that keeps people moving forward, both concrete and otherwise.
if that hope is totally gone, then the sense of dread and loathing cuts deeper than anything else possibly could. it isn’t just roy. it’s what he embodies. she believes in the good he can do for everyone around them, knows he has unique perspectives and capabilities because no two people are the same. they all contribute something magical.
 she isn’t weak. she is broken by her past and her own actions, seeking the hope that will keep the pieces from shattering and imbedding into amestris’ ruptured history.
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Project Title: 1 bag in  1year  project
    This Project Proposal will conducted in Koronadal National Comprehensive High School
Date: March 3 2018
Proposed By: Rhomillen Flores
                      Lynie Mae Pantuhan
                       Bairon Sandigan
                        Mae Cortado
                      Jenny Rose Castromayor
                      Edjay Tingson
                       Riza Santos
                      Cydric Ondac
                      Angel Cabel
          This project means to give a 1 bag in 1 year is to give a new bag who is willing  to get a new one to a students who don’t have enough money to buy. KNCHS is school is the most big public school in koronadal and have a many population of students.Some many students have a ruined bag,but they willing to repair it again because they don’t have a money to buy again. Also many students want a new bag to put their all things,but how can they do that if their bags are ruined and old. We are requesting to approved this project to maintain the confidence off all students to go to school  getting a new bag is also help the students to  avoid t think what bag he/she can buy,a cheap bag that is easy to ruined? or a expensive bag but is not affordable of his/budget,so this project help the students to save money.
Project justification
Problem Statement
         Many students don’t want to go to school because they don’t bag,the most important of school supplies is our bag if our bag is ruined,yes we can buy a new one,but how’s the students who don’t enough money, how about them? example. One student in grade 11 ask her mother or father to buy a new bag because her bag is broken,but his mother answered that “we can’t buy a new one because i don’t have extra money to buy”. so that the child would lost his/her confident to go to school.
Priority Need
        Students need to get a new bag to maintain their confidence to go to school not only to be a special its because to get a priority as a students . This project is very important to all students for encourage all students to to school without thinking their needs as a “ Poor Confident of student”. A list of needs may be:
 Improved the confident of student to go to school   
better bags;
improved willingness to students 
           This three needs would be need to given of all students to help them a importance to go to schools.
       In this project is to test the approach of the students about “ 1 bag in 1 year “solution in KNCHS .The used of asking the students backgrounds and ask them why they need to approved a new bag in 1 year we planned that to give a letter to each students to hear their sides.
Implementing group
        Project implementer’s may choose to implements the project in school. As long as the project will notice the capabilities of our organization. Our organization is the most appropriate to run our project .This project will be implent to organize all things in students about bags or this project will follow the approval of schools and their expertise about in our project.
Project Aims
      The  objective of this project  is to approach the student will significantly learn and to  support our plans to achieve this, the project will address a number of technically challenging problems.The goal and purpose of this project to share to other students what the important’s of all things in our life especially the bags that we carry everyday.
Target Group
   The people who will benefit on this project not only the elementary,high school or senior high school its all students who will be willing to get a new bag and who will be willing to approved on this project, this is important its because this is the one key also to help students to work hard and to study well.
Project Implementation
    This plan should  include specific information and explanations of each of the planned project activities.The activity of this project to clarify of the students needs and ideas,the production of this study is to  allocate tasks among the team and  responsibilities in consultation of all students.It will provide an information first to do is to identify or search the students who want to get  new bag, second ask their background and third asking them what is the advantage to process this project.
Time frame              Activities Strategies              Resources Human Material
April 23,2018         Orientation about this projects          Design and implement                                                                                                      training program
May 21,2018         Distribution of requirements               Meetings with all groups 
 June 15,2018        Distributing of bags                                   Improve project
     The budget will use is around 20 thousands that we will earn a each students pay an advance a 100 pesos in 1 year  and all students in Knchs is equal to more than 500 .Any budgets or income will also help by city government and DEPED . This will help to make the problems easy to solve.
Monitoring /Evaluation   
       The project will get the plans of others and opinions to conduct this project.On month of May will start the planning and adaptation of this project to be in process.Monitoring students actions to identify if they like to improve the project. Also to clarify the individuals ideas and information in all people who covered in planning this project.
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