lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
i LOVE the iceman dating headcannons - can we have cyclone dating headcannons pls 🙏🙏🙏 i am in such a cyclone mood atm it’s unbelievable
Dating headcanons — Beau "Cyclone" Simpson
Pairing: Beau "Cyclone" Simpson x reader
Warnings: Slight mentions of insecurities and trauma.
a/n: Hello and thank you! I really enjoyed writing this!
If you haven't already, please check out the general Cyclone headcanons I posted a while back, as there are more than a few references to them in this post!
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The first several months of your relationship will be the toughest.
He's terribly guarded and has all but forgotten how to let anyone in.
You'll honestly just have to wait him out. Meeting him where he is and proving to him that you're in it for the long haul.
When he finally starts to let you in is when your relationship gets very serious.
He's quite traditional in how he views his (and only his!) role in a relationship.
On the flip side, he expects next to nothing from you and is wholly grateful for you even just being with him.
I headcanon that he's had to look after himself since a pretty early age, and is used to just kind of... getting by?
Like he's extremely put together on a professional front, but on a personal one, he's an "eating a shitty frozen microwave meal in front of the TV on a Friday night" kinda man.
Not that he couldn't take better care of himself, he just found putting all that effort in for one person a bit depressing.
Now given the opportunity, he's an absolute dream to date
He's paying all the bills, doing the home repairs/improvements, taking your car to the shop, etc.
If you protest this, he will sit you down and quite literally tell you that "your money is your money, and my money is also your money."
And like I said, he expects nothing in return.
However, if you do want to do something to make his life easier, like pack his lunch or iron his uniform, he'd be a goner.
It's also in these small gestures that he best shows his love.
Doing the tasks you dislike, knowing your preferences, anticipating the things you'll need to complete, and making your life just a bit easier is where he shines.
At each restaurant and cafe you go to he has your order memorized.
He is the best cook and will cook for you whenever he has time
He's totally the breakfast-in-bed type too!
Will probably have stayed up late the night before to bake a loaf of brioche for french toast, and will serve it to you on a fancy wooden breakfast tray (that he handmade) with a fresh flower from the garden because that's just the kind of man he is.
If you offer him any he'll refuse, instead preferring to have you fuss over him and his habit of having nothing but a single cup of black coffee for breakfast.
He will, however, accept bacon. Thick cut, cherry smoked.
His desk both on base and at home is covered in pictures of you.
Like Iceman, he isn't jealous, but very protective.
This is also the only point of contention in your relationship.
He has some insecurities and would be absolutely devastated If you were to vie for others' attention or flirt back with them.
Ironically, he absolutely loves to show you off; and will use any such occasion to spoil you.
Will tell you stories from his various deployments.
And cherishes the way you squeeze his hand when the tougher memories come back.
Very nearly worked himself into a worry the first time you were going to stay at his place.
Now he struggles to sleep without you beside him.
Loves nothing more than to cuddle up with you in bed or on the couch.
More often than not, you'll end your day just like that.
With the added bonus of him reading whatever book he's been reading aloud to you.
Will 100% take you on bookstore dates!
He'll order himself a coffee in the cafe before happily setting you free with his wallet.
Will happily carry and/or guard the stacks of books you pick out.
If you happen to pick out a book or two for him, he'll get almost bashful??
Knowing you not only cared enough but paid enough attention to his interests to know just what he'd like hits him directly in his soft spot.
Each year he takes you back home to Alaska.
It's one of the few times you get to see his personality shine in private and in public.
The trips are only a few weeks long at the most.
Although as the days pass, you both secretly hope to get snowed in for the whole winter.
These trips have spawned not only some of your favorite memories as a couple, but moving back there with you in tow has become his retirement plan.
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! taglist !
@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @austin-butlers-gf, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @dannyramirezwife, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @Criminalmindsandmarvel, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @paola-carter, @barbiewritesstuff, @dozcan123, @withakindheartx, @nyx2021, @teti-menchon0604
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topguncortez · 1 year
Because of my new found unhealthy obsession with the SUPER DILF Beau Simpson, I stumbled across your whumptober masterlist and wanted to only say you a quick thank you for writing 🤍
and because i support unhealthy obsessions with fictional men i’m gonna shamelessly plug this fic
and these two by the incredible @wildbornsiren
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kanzlervn · 4 years
[Chia sẻ] Bạn có biết ai là người phát minh ra bếp từ?
Ngày nay, thuật ngữ bếp điện từ cũng không còn quá xa lạ với tất cả chúng ta, trong các bữa ăn lẩu, trong nhà bếp khách sạn hay trong chính gia đình của bạn, bếp từ dần trở thành sản phẩm không thiếu của mỗi gia đình. Vậy bếp điện từ ra đời như thế nào? Ai phát minh ra nó? Đó là các câu hỏi được nhiều người quan tâm & tìm hiểu. Sau đây besthouse xin chia sẻ với các bạn lịch sử hình thành & phát triển của sản phẩm này.
Bếp điện từ ra đời năm nào? 
Vào ngày cuối tháng 9 năm 1859, George B.Simpson người Mỹ đã phát minh ra loại bếp sử dụng dòng điện (electro-heater) làm nguyên liệu để nấu chín thức ăn, đánh dấu sự ra đời cho bếp điện hiện đại hơn về sau này.
Bề mặt bếp đun nóng nhờ các vòng dây platinum cấp năng lượng từ pin với mục đích thuần túy của nhà sáng chế làm ấm phòng, nấu nước sôi & thực phẩm.
>>> Xem ngay:
Nên mua bếp từ hãng nào tốt nhất hiện nay?
Tại sao bếp từ đôi lại đắt?
Một nhà phát minh khác người Canada tên là Thomas Ahearn  được biết đến với phát minh bếp lò điện (electric cooking range) vào những năm 1882. Ahearn cùng Warren Y.Soper chủ của công ty điện lực năng lượng & đèn chiếu sáng Chaudiere ở Ottawa. Ahearn lần đầu trưng bày bếp lò điện năm 1892 & lắp đặt cái đầu tiên ở khách sạn Windsor tại Ottawa.
Tại Hội chợ thế giới Chicago vào năm 1893, bếp lò điện đầu tiên được triển lãm, tại đây mô hình bếp điện khí hóa được trưng bày. Mặc dù phát minh sớm nhưng lúc mới ra đời, vì công nghệ không quen thuộc và đòi hỏi phải dùng điện nên bếp điện từ không thay thế được bếp ga. Cho đến những năm 1930, sự trưởng thành của công nghệ cho phép bếp điện cũng dần thay thế bếp ga, đặc biệt là trong nhà bếp gia đình.
Biến thể của bếp điện: 
Công nghệ biến thể đầu tiên đã sử dụng cuộn dây đốt điện trở cho tác dụng làm nóng đĩa sắt nơi đặt nồi chảo.
Công nghệ đầu tiên dùng cuộn dây đốt điện trở có tác dụng làm nóng đĩa sắt, từ đó làm nóng nồi, chảo đặt bên trên.
>>> Xem thêm: Mua bếp từ tại Điện Biên ở đâu tốt nhất?
Tiếp theo, vào năm 1970, chiếc bếp mặt gốm thuỷ tinh xuất hiện. Đặc điểm của gốm thuỷ tinh là dẫn nhiệt thấp nhưng lại cho phép lượng lớn bức xạ hồng ngoại đi qua dễ dàng. Do đó, bộ phận phát nhiệt được cải tiến thành đèn halogen hồng ngoại. Với công nghệ này, thời gian mặt bếp nóng lên ngắn đi và thời gian tản nhiệt cũng nhanh. Đó chính là công nghệ dùng trong bếp hồng ngoại bây giờ.
Thứ 3 là công nghệ cảm ứng từ. Khi mới ra đời, chỉ những nhà bếp chuyên nghiệp mới sử dụng nó nhưng dần dần, nó đã thâm nhập thị trường đồ gia dụng. Loại bếp này làm nóng dụng cụ nấu ăn trực tiếp bằng cảm ứng điện từ nên yêu cầu quan trọng đối với các loại dụng như nồi, chảo là phải có đáy sắt từ. Chính vì thế bếp mới có tên “Bếp từ“.
Thiết bị bếp KanzlerSố điện thoại: 0978889986Địa chỉ: Số 69 Tây Sơn, Đống Đa, Hà NộiEmail: [email protected]: https://thietbibepkanzler.vn
Nguồn: https://thietbibepkanzler.vn/news/ai-la-nguoi-phat-minh-ra-bep-tu.html
Bài viết được chia sẻ từ Blogger https://ift.tt/2ZRU5Dn Dưới sự hỗ trợ của IFTTT
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homesunvietnam-blog · 6 years
Hé lộ ĐỊA CHỈ VÀNG sửa bếp từ tại Bắc Từ Liêm giá rẻ
Chuyên nhận sửa chữa thiết bị gia đình như sửa điều hòa, sửa máy giặt, sửa tủ lạnh… tại 12 quận nội thành Hà Nội. Đặc biệt, dịch vụ sửa bếp từ tại Bắc Từ Liêm là một trong nhiều dịch vụ được đánh giá là dịch vụ chất lượng cao, làm hài lòng hầu hết lượng khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ.
Sơ qua một số thông tin về bếp từ
Hiện nay, bếp từ không còn là thiết bị xa lạ với mọi gia đình Việt Nam. Được thay thế những dòng bếp ga mini không đảm bảo an toàn trong những bữa ăn lẩu hoặc trong nhà bếp. Bếp từ đang là thiết bị gần như không thể thiếu trong cuộc sống hàng ngày.
Bếp từ được nghiên cứu và phát minh lần đầu tiên vào tháng 9 năm 1859 do một người Mỹ có tên là George B.Simpson. Ông đã phát minh ra một loại bếp có thể làm chín thức ăn bằng dòng điện. Nhưng phải đến những thập kỷ cuối thế kỷ XX. 
Dòng điện chạy qua một cuộn dây đồng, cuộn dây này được đặt dưới mặt kính. Sinh ra dòng từ trường trong phạm vi cực ngắn, chỉ vài milimet trên mặt bếp. Bếp từ phải dùng đúng nồi, loại nồi có đáy làm bằng chất liệu nhiễm từ nằm trong phạm vi này được dòng từ trường tác động và tự sinh ra nhiệt. Nhiệt độ chỉ tác động vào đáy nồi, gần như 100% không bị thất thoát ra bên ngoài.
Ngày nay, bếp từ được sản xuất bởi nhiều hãng có tiếng khác nhau, từ các nước châu Âu, châu Á đến các hãng sản xuất trong nước. Bếp từ cũng ngày càng hiện đại, đặc biệt là được trang bị công nghệ tiết kiệm điện Inverter. Đây là công nghệ giúp bếp từ Inverter có khả năng tiết kiệm điện lên tới 60% so với bếp từ thông thường.
>> Đọc ngay: 4 bước cách vắt quần áo bằng máy giặt Panasonic
Bếp từ hiện đại có bao giờ bị hỏng?
Có bao giờ bạn nghĩ bếp từ được trang bị các công nghệ hiện đại thì sẽ không có tình trạng hỏng hóc nữa không? Bếp từ cũng giống các thiết bị điện tử khác; dù được trang bị nhiều công nghệ nhưng vẫn không thể tránh khỏi các sự cố. Nhưng quan trọng là khi bếp từ hỏng, muốn sửa bếp từ tại Bắc Từ Liêm thì phải sửa ở đâu? Trong khi có rất nhiều cơ sở, trung tâm sửa chữa nhưng không xác định được độ uy tín.
Bạn sẽ không phải lo lắng nữa, vì từ nay đã có Homesun – địa chỉ vàng sửa bếp từ tại Bắc Từ Liêm. Liên hệ ngay để nhận hàng ngàn ưu đãi đặc biệt.
Tại sao Homesun lại là địa chỉ vàng để sửa bếp từ tại Bắc Từ Liêm?
Chất lượng dịch vụ sửa bếp từ tại Bắc Từ Liêm luôn được Homesun đẩy lên cao nhất. Cam kết làm hài lòng mọi khách hàng, kể cả những khách hàng khó tính nhất.
Giá rẻ cạnh tranh với mọi dịch vụ khác. Luôn báo giá trước để khách hàng tham khảo. Giá dịch vụ được niêm yết theo quy định của công ty.
Homesun có mặt tại 12 quận nội thành của Hà Nội. Nhanh chóng đến nhà sửa chữa giúp khách hàng nhanh chóng có bếp sử dụng ngay, không mất thời gian chờ đợi.
Nhận sửa chữa tất cả các dòng bếp từ, từ dòng bếp phổ thông đến những dòng bếp hiện đại. Cam kết xử lý triệt để mọi sự cố, khách hàng an tâm sử dụng.
Tiến hành thay thế linh kiện chính hãng khi cần thiết. Linh kiện được phân phối chính hãng, không sử dụng hàng giả, hàng nhái kém chất lượng.
Dịch vụ sửa bếp từ tại Bắc Từ Liêm của Homesun phục vụ khách hàng tất cả các ngày trong tuần, kể cả những ngày nghỉ, lễ.
Lượng nhân viên kỹ thuật đông đảo, hiểu biết, có nhiều kinh nghiệm để sửa mọi lỗi của bếp từ.
Nắm bắt được nguyên nhân, lên phương án xử lý nhanh, tối ưu nhất.
>> Bạn cần biết: Trung tâm uy tín chuyên sửa bếp từ tại Tây Hồ
The post Hé lộ ĐỊA CHỈ VÀNG sửa bếp từ tại Bắc Từ Liêm giá rẻ appeared first on Home Sun.
from WordPress https://homesun.vn/he-lo-dia-chi-vang-sua-bep-tu-tai-bac-tu-liem-gia-re/
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
Cyclone dating an autistic!Reader would include (Headcanons) — Beau “Cyclone” Simpson
Pairing: Beau “Cyclone” Simpson x autistic!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of mental health, sensory issues, and social anxiety
a/n: thank you to the anons who requested this pairing!
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He happily listens to you infodump about your special interest(s) for as long as you want
He'll commit everything you say to memory and do research on your interests on his own time so he can better converse and relate with you about them
Always keeps your safe foods well stocked
Will purchase your preferred and/or sensory-safe dishware and utensils so that mealtime is as painless as possible for you
Also consults you when shopping for his clothes so that he can be sure none of the fabrics or patterns will bother you
If you struggle with interoception, Beau text you various reminders throughout the day to eat, use the bathroom, drink water, etc. Ensuring that you're taking the best care of yourself as possible!
When you first start coming over or staying the night at his place, he'll take you around his house and have you test out his bedding, couches, rugs, etc to make sure they're ok for you
If anything is problematic (or even just not to your taste), Beau won't hesitate to remove it
The weekend afterward he will take you out to lunch before going out shopping for replacement decor
Also removes anything sharp or breakable from the space so that you won't hurt yourself if you fall or bump into it :)
Makes note of your favorite/most worn clothes and secretly buys duplicates for when your current ones inevitably wear out
Invests in lamps and fairy lights so you can avoid the widely hated "big light"
If he has to travel for work, he'll keep an eye out for any gifts he thinks you'd like. Looking extra hard for anything related to your special interest(s)!
Beau doesn't mind if you have a specific bedtime routine or have an irregular sleep schedule. Being in the military has trained him to sleep anywhere and through just about anything
He Always makes sure your emotional support water bottle is clean and filled
He will happily take over any household tasks that you don't enjoy or find overstimulating
Has told you many times that you're free to forgo "typical" employment in favor of pursuing one of your passions or simply staying home
When you're out together in public, he frequently checks in with you to make sure you're doing alright
If you let him know that you're ready to leave, he is perfectly happy to drop whatever he's doing and leave with you. No questions asked
Has no problem explaining jokes or expressions to you if you don't understand them
Because of his dry and sarcastic sense of humor, it's not uncommon for you to misinterpret him as being serious
So he'll often send you a wink to signal that he was simply joking
If you have social anxiety, he will seamlessly steer conversations away from you when he sees that the situation is bringing you discomfort
Keeps an extra pair of headphones and/or ear defenders in his desk for when you visit him on base :)
Gives such good hugs and is the best at deep pressure therapy!
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! taglist !
@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @austin-butlers-gf, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @dannyramirezwife, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @Criminalmindsandmarvel, @nyx2021, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @paola-carter, @barbiewritesstuff, @dozcan123, @withakindheartx, @nyx2021, @teti-menchon0604
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
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AU —Wintering together with Cyclone
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@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @nyx2021, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @paola-carter, @barbiewritesstuff, @dozcan123, @withakindheartx, @teti-menchon0604
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
Helping you avoid a meltdown (Headcanons)— Beau “Cyclone” Simpson
Pairing: Beau “Cyclone” Simpson x autistic!Reader
Warnings: This is almost entirely fluff, but it includes non-graphic mentions of mental health, autistic meltdowns, and feelings of guilt
a/n: this is the second part of the headcanons I mentioned a couple weeks ago :)
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When you come home after a long day and are on the verge of a meltdown, his sole focus becomes helping you regulate and fend the meltdown off
Depending on your preference, he'll help you change out of your day clothes before pulling you into bed with him or he'll set you up in a quiet room with your hobbies/comfort items while he reads a book in the next room
He makes sure to stay just close enough so he can occasionally check in on you + you can come find him when you're feeling up to it
He makes a point to never stray far from you when you're in this state
At some point, you'll silently enter the room he's in and make your way onto his lap
When this happens, he'll hold you tightly for several minutes before shifting until he's lying on his back
Thus allowing you to settle into whatever position you want
Your head will almost certainly end up resting against his warm chest
Chances are he's shirtless, so you'll probably end up running your fingers through his chest hair
It's just so soft
You shift between rhythmic patterns or you trace shapes with your fingertips
You don't notice how wide he smiles at the sensation and your natural orderliness
Or how his heart nearly bursts when you start to hum as he tells you a story in a low voice
(especially when he realized your stim was actually mimicking the vibration you felt when he spoke)
At some point, he'll turn on the TV and relay what there is to watch.
He keeps the options to a minimum, knowing that too many choices can easily overwhelm you
You'll usually settle on something calm and comforting (like a show from your childhood or a studio ghibli movie)
If you'd prefer to listen to music or watch videos on your phone, he'll fetch you your favorite pair of headphones and quietly watch one of his favorite shows instead.
If you are nonverbal (or simply don't feel like talking) he's more than happy to sit silently with you
If you still feel like communicating, he'll bring you a pen and notebook or your iPad
Once you're more regulated
If you start to apologize, he'll gently insist that there's absolutely nothing to apologize for
On the flip side, if you thank him for being understanding, he'll just smile and kiss your forehead
To him, his actions were nothing special.
The person he loves most was having a hard time, so he jumped into action.
And everyone knows you don't get to where he is in his career without being a bit of a problem solver :)
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! taglist !
@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @austin-butlers-gf, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @dannyramirezwife, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @Criminalmindsandmarvel, @nyx2021, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @paola-carter, @barbiewritesstuff, @dozcan123, @withakindheartx, @nyx2021, @teti-menchon0604
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lieutenantfloyd · 1 year
Currently thinking about dad! Rooster and dad! Cyclone with babies who are their complete mini me’s (and who also happen to be in the same class at school)
- Rooster and Duck, a little boy with big brown eyes and an even bigger heart, seldom seen without a tropical shirt and a mustache drawn on with a brown marker
- Cyclone and Blizzard (also known as Izzy), a little girl with pink beaded braids who rules over her classroom with an iron fist and has wit well beyond her years.
They’re personalities makes them somewhat unlikely friends, but they spend most of their time in each others orbit and insist on eating lunch together every day.
(Blizzard’s lunch, a bento fit for a princess, is painstakingly packed by Beau everyday before he leaves for work. While Duck’s lunch always comes with a short “you’ve got this, kiddo” note penned by Bradley)
You can almost always find them sitting under a big shade tree while they dig in to their packed lunches. They also take this time to discuss the most important topics, Including:
The quality of the playground sandbox
What flavor jelly is best for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (she thinks strawberry, while he doesn’t care as long as there’s no crust)
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
Izzie’s campaign for class President
What song(s) Duck is learning on piano
Despite their close friendship, neither of them have explicitly mentioned the other to their parents. It’s only revealed after summer vacation when the school’s open house happens, and little Ducky (who’s hid behind Rooster all day) sees her and takes off running, nearly tackling her into a hug.
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
Hold Me, Flatter Me - Beau “Cyclone” Simpson
Pairing: Beau “Cyclone” Simpson x Reader (read note)
Word Count: 677
Summary: Reader comes home totally and completely exhausted. Luckily, Cyclone is there to help her feel better. 
Note: Thank you to everyone that has requested Cyclone fluff as well as more Cyclone x Autistic!Reader! Because of that, this can be read as either a standard x reader or as an x Autistic!Reader story. There are no direct mentions of reader having autism, but I wrote this in a way that reader could be mentally exhausted from having a terrible week or she could be experiencing a shut down. That way its accessible to everyone <3
Read on ao3
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slipping your shoes off in the entry, you made it exactly 7 steps into the house before the weight of the world slipped off your shoulders and hit the floor. It took your last bit of resolve to stop you from sinking to the floor alongside it. Instead you tilted your head back and closed your eyes. Breathing deeply in an effort to keep your composure. You dropped your shoulders in an effort to curb the tension headache you could already feel growing.
Through the haze you didn’t notice the Beau exiting his office only to be hit with a wall of melancholy. His expression twisted with confusion for just a moment, his own problems vanishing as his mind shifted to you. Silently he made his way to you. First touching your back softly as not to scare you, he felt the tension radiating off of you even as you softened subtly under his finger tips. The hand made its way up your back until it reached the base of your neck. Agile fingers working your pressure points as his other arm moved to turn you around and into his embrace. You barely registered what was happening before he enveloped you in a hug so strong and secure. It was only then, as he held you that the haze you were in lifted. “There you go...” He voiced softly, hands caressing your back. He didn’t know exactly what had come over you, but he knew he’d do his absolute best to fix it.
“What do you need?” he asked gently. Silence lingered, and Beau rested his head atop yours while you tried to find the words. “Can we just… lay down for a bit?” “Of course, hun.”
With Cyclone’s gentle encouragement and a bit of your own determination you made it to the bedroom. He helped you into bed before following you between the sheets. You were quick to curl into him, something he was more than happy to facilitate. You lay together for awhile enveloped in blankets and a comfortable quiet.
“Tell me about your day?” You asked in a soft voice.
He tried his best to leave work at the door, but he knew you needed something to take your mind off things. Not to mention the fact that a request from you was all but granted before the words even left your mouth. Pulling both you and the blankets closer, he began retelling his day from the very beginning.
You settled down as he spoke. Soon finding yourself absentmindedly raking your fingers through the dark hair on his chest. The depth and poise of his voice and the vibration in his chest relaxing you instantly and you burrowed impossibly closer to him. One of the things you loved most about him was just how comfortable he made you.
Soon he was dramatically relaying the events of an afternoon meeting with his maverick. Cyclone’s voice grew slightly louder while he aired his newest grievances towards the aviator. One particularly dry and snarky comment about Maverick making him consider an early retirement had you burying your face in his chest while letting out a soft giggle. Your reaction made his heart soar and he couldn’t help but placing a sweet kiss in your hair.
“At least someone gets joy out of my meetings.” He teased while moving further under the covers with you. You poke him in his side. “Don’t act like you don’t love your job.” You say before he leans in to kiss the tip of your nose. “Maybe, but what I really love is you.” You laugh and bury your face again to escape his cheesy (albeit honest) words. “You flatter me.” You say with a slightly muffled voice. “That's my job.” “Technically, your job is to deal with Maverick.”. Your sentence was cut by him groaning at the mere mention of the aviators name. “-but I much prefer this job.” He smiles wide at your admission while you take the time to eye him up and down. 
“Even if you do look really hot in uniform.”
@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @dannyramirezwife, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @criminalmindsandmarvel, @nyx2021, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff​, @austin-butlers-gf​
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
Hi! I am happy to see a fellow Cyclone affectionnado!! CouldnI please request something cute and fluffy, maybe about cyclone and wife!Reader and their kids?
Thank you!!!!
Hello! This request has been on my mind 24/7 ever since I received it haha. I'm working on the cute fluffy fic you requested, but I have tons of Dad! Cyclone (and Wife! Reader) headcanons to share in the meantime!
Dad! Cyclone HCs
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For starters, this man is a complete and total girl dad
He has 3-5 girls all pretty close in age
100% cries each time you told him you were pregnant
Talks to your belly every night before bed
“Hey there little one. It’s your dad talking.”
As your pregnancy goes on he starts reading stories to your baby too
This continues after their born, and even after they leave for college
It’s not uncommon for them to call late at night when they’re stressed/before a big test and ask him to read them a story
Once his babies are in the world he spoils each of them absolutely rotten
Every year he ensures his kids' birthday parties are the biggest, best birthdays a kid could have
Has never, and will never tell them no or deny them anything
His girls are his complete pride and joy and he will not let anyone forget it
Not only are they complete and total daddy’s girls, but each one inherited a different aspect of his personality
Though they all inherited his snarkiness and dry wit, much to everyone's dismay
Both his home and work office are decorated with more of his babies' pictures and achievements than his own.
Seeing that he works a lot, he insists that you send him updates throughout the day
These updates range from major life milestones to what they had for breakfast
Literally the most devoted husband and father of all time
He is president of his daughters' private school PTA
He runs each and every meeting, event, etc like the navy
The PTA members are both terrified and possibly in love with him
This goes for the other kids at school as well
When the babies are tasked on the first day of school with telling everyone about themselves, each one of them brags about how their dad is a big important admiral
Flash forward a few months and kids and parents alike are fawning over him at career day
At work, he keeps his personal life as private as he can. To the point that most people don’t know he has a family outside of him wearing a wedding ring
That is until one day he shows up at one of the infamous Kazansky family barbecues with you and the girls in tow
everyone loses it
Takes his girls to work with him whenever he can
The dagger squad adores them
Cyclone’s proudest moment as a father just might be when they all collectively glared at Maverick when he walked by
Uncle Warlock and his wife are the only people Cyclone trusts to babysit
not to mention that they’re the only ones both willing and equipt to deal with them
Beau makes sure no one, under any circumstances, messes with his girls
Once you all went to the park and a bigger boy ended up pushing your youngest down the slide
You quite literally had to hold him back from fist fighting an 8-year-old
He settled for having a very strong word with the kid's parents
God speed to the person who causes one of his babies' first heartbreak
He insists on you both setting a good example for what a strong, healthy relationship looks like
No matter how busy he is date night is mandatory at least once a week
His kids all end up with very specific and insanely high standards for their potential partner(s)
When he has free time he takes them on daddy-daughter dates
Is the type of dad to let his girls dress him up, paint his nails, do his makeup, etc
Hosts the best tea parties
Your house becomes the house everyone in the neighborhood goes to
The annual Fourth of July cookout you host is his time to brag about how good his life is
All in all, he is quite literally the best husband and father anyone could ask for
@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @dannyramirezwife, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @Criminalmindsandmarvel, @nyx2021, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @paola-carter, @austin-butlers-gf
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
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Setting up a party while helping your daughters get into their costumes was no small feat. Luckily, your tactician of a husband Cyclone had a plan in mind.
Finishing up your youngest daughters face paint, you headed downstairs to see if Beau needed any last minute help setting up. After he assured you he was almost done, you settled on stealing a small handful of candy from the bowl he had placed on the counter. A decision you regretted only seconds later.
“You mixed the skittles and m&m’s as a prank?!”
“horrifying, right?”
He simply chuckled while you did your best to swallow the terrible mix of sugary flavors in your mouth.
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
NSFW alphabet -  Beau “Cyclone” Simpson
Requested?: Yes
Warnings: 18+ content. Minors DNI.
Words: 1.8k
note: apparently my version of self care is writing porn about a 50 year old man.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Cyclone is the king of Aftercare. To him it's an essential part of the experience. It's also his time to make sure it was a wholly pleasurable experience for you. Sex with him can become both physically and mentally demanding for you. Whether you're taking a shower together or staying in bed, he'll make sure to clean you up and sing you praises.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: His hands. Specifically their ability to make you come apart in ultimate pleasure and put you together again with comfort.
Yours: your neck. Biting, choking, or just making you arch your back so you expose your throat to him. He loves the intimacy, vulnerability, and trust of it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He will almost always cum in you. Visuals are very important to him, and most he wants to see his cum drip out of you. He will, however, cum in your mouth as punishment.
i.e. "If you act like a slut, I'm going to treat you like one. Fix your attitude and do what Daddy asks you to and he'll fill your pretty pussy just like you want him to."
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's acutely aware of what turns you on and purposefully implements them all through the day just do you'll break his rules/he'll have a reason to punish you. Worst of all he's just inconspicuous about it that you haven't caught onto him yet.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I personally don't think that Cyclone has had many partners, but that's not to say he isn't experienced. He honestly finds the subject of sex and sexual expression fascinating. Even what he hasn't physically done he's well versed in. He knows what he likes and is more than willing to explore with you if you so desire.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy, with a hand between your shoulder blades as your pinned to the mattress. Not only does it feel amazing, but it allows him to be most dominant/in control.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It's 100% serious on his end, but if you want to joke around when he's in a more adoring mood he's happy to indulge you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps things trimmed, mostly out of personal preference. As for his partners, he's perfectly happy with whatever they're comfortable with.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Nine times out of ten, Beau is as intimate as intimate gets. Although he's not the music and candles type, he lives to praise, touch, and love you, aka making you feel like the only thing in the world that matters. That's because to him, you are.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
It's not his favorite, but he can't help himself every so often. On your most recent birthday you flipped the script and had him jack off while you watched. It almost changed his whole opinion on the matter.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks
Daddy kink, dom/sub dynamic, cock warming, hair pulling, biting, size kink. Receiving: scratching, cum play, somnophilia. Giving : Degradation, orgasm denial, bondage mutual masturbation, spanking, brat taming, collars, breeding.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He's willing to get down just about anywhere, but he does have a particular love of doing it in his office. Whether it's his one at home or on base, something about the atmosphere and mixing his work and private life's (which he works very hard to keep separate) really gets him going.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly? Everything. But above all what's gets him going is disobedience, especially if it's for his benefit. He's set very clear rules and expectations for you and wholly expects you to be good for him. But you like to push his boundaries just a bit. For instance, he's specified that you aren't allowed to play with him while he's working. Yet you noticed that he'd been working late recently and wanted to help relieve some of his stress. In his office he gave you a exactly 3 warnings to cut it out before he had you pinned to his desk, work all but forgotten.
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Threesomes aren't completely off the table, but it would take a hell of a lot of convincing. He's more than a little possessive and quite honestly doesn't trust anyone else to be with you and respect your boundaries.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Easily one of Cyclones top 5 favorite things in this world. Whether he's burying his head between your legs until you can't take anymore or sitting like a king while you choke on his cock, he's completely obsessed.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This really depends! There are times when his pace is downright brutal, while other times he's pumping into you with such leisurely yet precise thrusts it nearly drives you insane. If he's punishing you, expect to get downright railed. But there are many times he wants to reward you or is feeling more sentimental where he takes things nice and slow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
It's far from preferred, but he's a busy man and sometimes he just needs you. Luckily, he's mastered the art of getting you both off in record time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
With his affinity for office sex, he'd be lying if he said the thought of someone catching you both didn't turn him on a little bit. He's also not opposed to getting you off under the table or fucking you in the bathroom at important events/dinners.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He'll go as long as you let him. That, paired with his willingness to take things slow (and take breaks for heavy petting) is a golden combination.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Oh absolutely. Cyclone owns a variety of toys, for a variety of occasions, all to be used on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
As much as he lives to please, he loves to tease a bit more. Aside from the standard, whisper of filthy things in your ear, his degradation and orgasm control/denial kinks really come out when he starts teasing you. He'll alternate spanking and fingering you until you're quite literally dripping with desire. Only to then pull his hand away and start massaging your thighs, hips, and ass. Ignoring your core completely. All while calling you his little slut and expressing the most filthy thoughts someone could come up with.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's not much of a moaner, but good lord is he a dirty talker. Above all else his ability to keep a completely neutral and steady voice is outstanding. It's truly one of life's greatest mysteries. He's not shy with groans and curses either.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Cyclone will almost always push you back onto the mattress if you try to ride him. Not because he doesn't love it (the complete opposite, actually) but because you sitting in his lap and raking your nails through his chest hair makes him cum faster than he’d like to admit. Therefore, he saves it for when he wants to feel particularly good.
This totally isn't an excuse for me to talk about his chest hair haha
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
If you're here, you most likely know that Jon Hamm's dick is Hollywood's version of the Loch Ness monster. It even blessed us with one of the best articles that has ever graced the internet, aptly titled ~ Jon Hamm's Ham: A Penile Retrospective
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Extremely high. But where most people with his sec drive would ask for a couple rounds a day, he prefers to drag things out throughout the day until neither of you can handle it anymore.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He definitely gets tired afterwards, but not necessarily sleepy. Once you're settled and all taken care of, he's pulling you into him for what is greatest cuddle of all time.
@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @dannyramirezwife, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @Criminalmindsandmarvel, @austin-butlers-gf, @nyx2021​, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @paola-carter, @barbiewritesstuff, @dozcan123
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
SFW Alphabet -  Beau “Cyclone” Simpson
Warnings: Mentions of self confidence (or really, a lack thereof)
Words: 1.8k
note: so many Cyclone thoughts, so little time.
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a- asking (Who's the first person to confess and how does it happen?)
Overall Cyclone is quite reserved, especially when it comes to his feelings. That paired with his slight fear of rejection could honestly lead to him never confessing to you. If you're quite a bit younger than him he'll also have some self-confidence issues as he fears overstepping your boundaries and/or being viewed as the "weird old guy".
All in all, You don't have to run up to him and tell him you're in love with him, but you will definitely have to show him (pretty blatantly) that you're interested.
B - Butterflies (How they act when they're nervous.)
Cyclone is a man who all but refuses to be nervous around others. With his career, he's perfected a confident facade even in the most terrifying of situations. But if you look closely enough, you can see his usual calm and confidence slipping. In his personal life, his nerves often come across as him being cold, awkward, or even downright mean. If it's a one-on-one conversation, he's still polite but his tone becomes harsher and harsher as the conversation goes on.
c- cuddles (What is their favorite cuddling position? Do they like physical touch?)
To say Beau lives for his partner's touch is the understatement of all understatements. It's not uncommon for him to send you texts throughout the day detailing exactly how he wants to cuddle the moment he arrives home. He's not super picky on the position, except that he usually insists on being the big spoon. Although he does love it when you wrap your arms around him from behind while he cooks or gets ready for bed.
d- domesticity (Are they the type to settle down with you? Are they willing to help with chores? What is your daily routine with them?)
Beau is a provider at heart and lives to please. He craves stability and domesticity. In his mind, the dating phase is just a trial run for marriage. There's also no task or chore (around the house or otherwise) that he won't do for his family.
e- encouragement (Do they encourage you to achieve your goals? If so, how do they support you?)
He's so very supportive, albeit not vocally. Beau is a man of action, so while he may not always say how proud he really is of you aloud, he'll always be right there by your side helping you achieve your goals.
f- favorite thing(s) about you (What are their favorite personality traits/physical features about you?)
If you asked him he'd say there wasn't a single path of you he didn't adore, but most of all he loves how you challenge him. He's more than aware of his authoritarian nature and the fact he can be a bit overbearing. Yet here you are, shutting him down when he goes to far while mirroring his sarcasm. As much as his ego hates it, his heart flutters every time.
g- goofiness (Do they like to make you laugh? How often do they joke around with you?)
One of Cyclone's best qualities is how unintentionally funny he is. This man has been fed up with everyone for at least the last twenty years. Most days his sense of humor is all that keeps him sane. This extends into your relationship as well. He appreciates how he can come home, drop the façade, and just be himself around you. Assuming you encourage this (or find it endearing at the very least), he'll do absolutely anything to make you laugh.
h- honesty (Would they lie to you? How much do they share with you?)
Beau is honest to a fault. So while I honestly don't think he'd lie to you, I do think in certain situations his brutal honesty could be more offensive than if he would have just lied.
i- i love you (how fast do they say the L-Word?)
Beau feels his emotions very, very deeply and has honestly spent so many years suppressing this part of himself. Although he's known he loved you for a long time, just the thought of being emotionally vulnerable makes his stomach churn. Add in the possibility of rejection and he's 100% waiting on you to say "I love you" first.
j- jealousy (Are they the type of person to get jealous? If so, how do they react to being jealous?)
He's a jealous man, but not in the traditional way. If someone comes onto you and you completely ignore it, he couldn't care less. He'd honestly probably find it funny. On the other hand, if you paid even the slightest bit of attention to them (innocent or otherwise, he'd take it very hard. He'd ask himself what he was doing wrong, if you'd be better off with someone else, etc.
More on this in letter W
k- kissing (Where do they like to kiss you? How frequently do they like to kiss?)
He'll go for anywhere he can reach, though he does gravitate towards the classically romantic hand and cheek kisses.
l- love language (What's their love language?)
Quality time is his biggest love language followed by physical touch.
m- marriage (Do they want to marry you eventually? Who proposes to who?)
Marriage is his a major goal for him. Although he never really let himself consider it until you came along. He's pretty traditional in this area and wants to be the one to propose.
n- nicknames (What do they call you? What do you call them?)
What started out as him teasing you turned into him calling you honey almost exclusively. Throughout your relationship, it turned into hun, with the occasional sweetheart and doll thrown in for good measure.
As for what you call him, he has no real preference. There is something about you introducing him as your boyfriend/husband/partner that really does it for him, though ;)
o- openness (How much do they tell you about themselves? Do they reveal everything at once or gradually throughout the relationship?)
Cyclone is a hard man to get to know. He craves connection but has so many walls up that he just can't. The more you try to get to know him the more he'll push you away. Be patient with him and he'll reveal everything in time.
p- PDA (Are they affectionate in public or do they prefer to keep your kisses behind closed doors? Are they the type to brag about their SO?)
PDA honestly grosses him out a bit. Although it's more of an embarrassment thing than it is a genuine disgust. He's not opposed to a bit of hand holding + showing you off if the circumstances are right.
If you want to stir the pot, cup his face and kiss his cheeks. He'll flush the brightest pink.
q- quality time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He's up for just about anything, though he does enjoy the classic dinner and a movie. He insists on cooking (he's a shockingly great cook) while you pick out the movie. He also has an extensive home library and a large board game collection that he saves for late nights and rainy days.
r- romance (Are they the romantic type? If so, how do they express their feelings?)
He's the man romance novels are written about. Romance and its gestures come as naturally to him as breathing and sarcasm.
s- security (How protective are they of you? If they are, how do they show this?)
Your safety, security, and comfort are of the utmost priority to him.
If you think he's at all hesitant to flex whatever power he holds, you're sorely mistaken. It's actually very well known to anyone within 30 miles of north island (and various other naval bases around the world) that you are untouchable. Point blank period. This bit of knowledge does make your occasional trip to The Hard Deck quite interesting...
t- turn-offs (What traits do they find unattractive?)
Mostly the general turnoffs. Though what bothers him most of all is a lack of logical reasoning and grammatical errors (in both writing and speech).
u- understanding (Are they good at sympathizing with your problems? Do they listen to you when you need to rant?)
What better person is there to go to with your problems than literal career problem solver Cyclone?   He first asks if you "want solutions or just to talk", then give you however long you need to get everything off your chest. Any advice you receive is logical and well thought out, while his sympathy provides the perfect solace for the situation at hand. If necessary he'll let you rant and rave until the cows come home. And with his own biweekly hours-long rant about his arch nemesis slash frenemy Maverick, it's only fair.
v- value (What do they value most about your relationship?)
Dependability and trust. He knows he's not always the easiest person to be in a relationship with, but he always has your best interests at heart (even if you don't see it that way).
w- wild card (A random headcanon about your relationship)
Once in a relationship with him, you quickly learned he had two very distinct sides of his personality. Cyclone is a steadfast man of unwavering conviction and confidence. On the other hand, there was Beau.  Shy, reserved, and severely lacking in the area of self-love. Seeing the complete polarity of him was as shocking as it was heartbreaking. With some gentle encouragement, you've been able to get him to open up to you and provide him with the extra love he needs. He's sure he'll never quite understand why you wake up every day and choose him, but he couldn't be more thankful you do. In his mind, he's forever indebted to you.
x- x-ray (How well are they able to read you?)
Like an open book. It's honestly a little scary just how well he's able to know exactly what you're thinking/feeling at any given moment. There have been times when he's been away on some super serious work trip only to call you mid-day because he just knew you weren't feeling 100%.
y- yearning (How well do they cope when their SO isn't with them?)
Unfortunately, he's no stranger to being alone. Before you came along he never really had anyone and lived a pretty isolated life. As much as he hates it, it's relatively easy for him to slip back into that solitary mindset. Being without you for any length of time just reaffirms how much he wants you with him forever.
z- zappy (Are they fast-paced in a relationship? Or do they like to take things slow?)
While his end goal is to settle down, as long as you're on the same page he's ok to take your relationship at whatever pace you like best.
@marchingicenotes7, @bayisdying, @princessofglitterland, @bella-law, @callsignaries, @katesmadness, @dannyramirezwife, @oliviah-25, @luckyladycreator2, @shakira-sasha, @xoxabs88xox, @Criminalmindsandmarvel, @nyx2021, @fanboyluvr, @alexxavicry, @madamemelancholysstuff, @paola-carter​, @austin-butlers-gf​
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
When Duty Calls - Beau “Cyclone” Simpson
-Chapter 1-   
series masterlist
Words: 1.9k
Summary: Commander!Reader and Cyclone have a years old tradition of coming over and sharing a glass of whiskey whenever something is troubling them. When Cyclone lets his feelings slip, reader realizes she’s been reading the situation wrong the whole time.
warnings: language, implied age difference, superior/subordinate relationship, slight 18+ content.
note: Thank y’all so much for 500+ followers! It means really does mean the world to me. Back to the fic at hand, this is 1900+ words of pure self indulgence. I’m already plotting at least one more part to this. Lastly, A Massive thank you to @austin-butlers-gf​ for listening to my many, many thirsty Cyclone thoughts and encouraging me to write this.
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The bright San Diego sun shone in through your bedroom window, scattering white flits of light throughout the room. Most days you were already on base before the sun even considered rising, but this was one of the rare times you were allowed to practice the art of sleeping in. Unfortunately, your standard day-to-day schedule had made you forget just how sweltering your room grew during the day. 
Tugging your way out from under your blankets, you flipped your pillow over to the cold side and tried to settle back in. It wasn’t long until your new position grew just as uncomfortable. Soon any soft material within arm's length was promptly discarded to the floor in an effort to find the one cool spot on your bed. With your eyes still closed, you pushed up on your arms and rolled dramatically across the now empty bed until you finally found your oasis. A near silent sigh left you as you settled into the mattress.
Just as your luck would have it, just a few short minutes passed before your phone began to ring from beneath the mounds of material on the floor.
Rolling back into the sun you let off a string of curses toward the universe. Planting your feet on the ground, you began digging through the heaps of material. By the time the third cycle of your ringtone had come to a close, your recovery efforts had become nothing more than flinging your fluffy white duvet backward onto the bed. As the fourth chime began you finally spotted your phone. Answering quickly, you took a seat on the edge of your bed. A “Hell0” hadn’t fully left your lips before the man on the other end of the line was already speaking. "Open your door." "…what?" "Open your door. It's hot out here." "I was asleep." "It's 11:43 am, y/n. Now come open your door." "Fine, just… give me a minute." You responded, rolling your eyes at how he was implying 11:43 am was late. Throwing your phone onto the bed, you threw on yesterday's sundress and brushed your teeth before padding out of your room and towards your front door. Swallowing back a groan, you pulled the door open and met eyes with a surprisingly casual-dressed Beau Simpson. "Don't you have to be on base today?" You questioned. "Consider it Vice Admiral privileges, Commander." He answered, pushing past you to enter your small bungalow. - 10 minutes later, you were out on your back deck listening to your superior rant about a particular group of idiots (his words, not yours) that he had to deal with back on base. As he continued on, you noted how these moments had become more and more common over the years, especially as you and Beau navigated your respective careers and climbed the ranks in the Navy. All it took was a shared glass of whiskey for your collective egos to be set aside in favor of genuine human connection, something that was increasingly hard to come by in your profession. "-so not only did they directly undermine me and risk the lives of countless men, but Admiral Kazansky let them off with a slap on the wrist." He finished with a huff. "well maybe if you weren't such a hard ass all the time, they'd be a bit more inclined to follow your orders." You said sending him a playful wink. This earned a scoff of feigned annoyance from him, which you counted as a victory in your book. "If I wanted someone half my age to tell me I was an ass, I would've stayed at the base." He stated with a hint of humor. You smiled over at him and nudged his shoulder. "Mhm. You know you love me, Admiral." You say with a laugh before sliding the last sip of whiskey his way. His shoulders stiffened as he looks out towards the horizon. A rare silence falls between you two. He paused slightly, before throwing back the glass and letting out a shaky breath. "That I do, commander." Those four words caused the already unusual silence to grow thick and syrupy. You turned to look at him as his eyes set on something way off the coast, jaw taut with his signature look of confidence and determination. Yet this time you noticed something else beneath the surface. The silence grew heavier and heavier as you wracked your brain trying to figure out what that thing was. As his finger traced the rim of the glass, everything fell into place. You'd only ever seen that look once before. It was years ago in this exact spot when you'd told him you were being shipped off to some far off land to fight the good fight. Brief as it was, that look was burned in your memories. Furrowed brows and shifty eyes avoiding your own. All tell tall signs that he was nervous. The ringing in your ears drowned out the waves. Leaning further back over the railing, you turned, letting the wind whip through your hair as a few birds flew overhead. Squinting against the mid-day sun, you smiled. "Christ, Beau." You said through a shaky laugh before finally meeting his eyes. only then did he relax slightly, slowly turning his head towards you. "That was not how I expected this to go." He said, looking down and through the glass before looking back towards you. "You've been expecting this?" You questioned in an unintentionally pitched tone. At this, he pushed off the railing and turned to leave. Before he even made a step away, you grabbed his arm. Pulling him back towards you. He looked between you both with a watery curiosity before surrendering to your touch. "I hate you." "And here I was thinking you loved me." You said, standing up straight and matching his tone. This earned a smile from him, which in turn caused your eyes to grow soft in that particular way he loved. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile." You marveled. His smile grew wider and somehow shy. You took that as a go signal to push the boundaries. Stepping closer to him, your eyes meet his as your fingers trail up his arm. "It's... um... not something I've made a habit." "Well, you should. I mean holy shit." You beamed up at him. It was then that you realized these were the moments he showed his love. Sly smiles and teasing comments are spoken in close proximity, hidden away from judging eyes. Your hand snaked up his chest and around his shoulders, pulling him into you as a soft sigh escaped your lips. His arms found your waist as your head fell against his chest. There was a fluidity to these movements as if you'd done them a thousand times over. His hands stroked your ribs gently. The feeling of safety flooded your system, allowing your mind to drift. You remembered a conversation you'd had with your fellow aviators at The Hard Deck a few summers ago. Conversation and drinks flowed like always over a game of darts as the notorious egos of aviators reared its head. The topic eventually drifted to the various assignments that called the aviators out to North Island. This led to a heated debate about the leadership each mission had. Admiral Kazansky was well-liked, Rear Admiral Cain was feared, and Vice Admiral Simpson was a complete mystery. Conversation roared as they speculated, leaving you to just laugh along while thinking about all the little things only you knew about Cyclone. How much he loves baseball and hockey but rolls his eyes at football. How he hates the soft mosaic of grey that graces his otherwise dark undercut and how that mosaic is a little more prominent every time you see him. How he refuses to admit his eyes get misty when he watches the sun rise and set. How he always put his hand near you, but never makes contact. How he was engaged once, but never married. Breaking free from your thoughts, you pulled back from his arms slightly. He cleared his throat and tensed under your touch. Worried he'd pushed it too far. Ignoring the feeling of your heart breaking at his reaction, you moved your hands up to caress his face. Before you could even think about it your voice filled the now decreasing space between you two. "God, how did I not see it before? I am so in love with you..." You whispered, thumbs brushing over his cheeks. The words were barely out of your mouth before his mouth collided with yours. His hand found its way into your hair as you both deepened the kiss. His teeth nipped your lip, making a yelp escape from your chest. His arms snaked around your lower back and lifted you effortlessly onto the railing. His hips pushed your legs apart, prompting a moan to escape your chest. He smirked against the kiss and pulled you closer to him to keep you firmly in place. Ever the protector. The sharp scrape of your fingernails dug into his shoulders as he groaned happily into your mouth. His hips pushed harder into yours, prompting warmth to fill your lower stomach. His fingers began to trail under your dress as his hips met yours again, indicating he was feeling the same way you were. Your head fell to the side as his mouth made its way down your neck. Just as he began to slide your dress strap down your shoulder, his phone rang. Planting a firm kiss to your neck's pulse point, his hands landed roughly on either side of your hips as he rested his forehead against yours. You stayed like that for a moment. Eyes closed, pretending that if you just ignored the world, they'd leave you two alone in each other's company again. Yet the world kept spinning just as his phone continued to ring. Standing up straight, he let out a deep sigh before pulling the phone from his back pocket. - His fingers played with your hair as he took the call. There was something so attractive about watching him revert back into the leader headspace. He finished the call soon after and you leaned forward expectantly, only for him to send you a despondent look. "I thought you weren't needed today?" You said, disappointedly. "That's Full Admiral privileges, hun." He replied, fingers dropping to your hip. "I'm going to need you to start working towards that promotion, then." "Yes ma'am." He smirked down at you. He stepped back, allowing you to hop off the deck rail. Your legs were shaky as you led him silently back through your house and out the door. - Once outside, he turned to face you. "Are you free tonight?" "That depends on what you're about to say," you replied cheekily, leaning against the door frame. "I'll pick you up at six, and I want you in another one of these pretty little sundresses." He stated. That same warm feeling pooled in your stomach as his tone of voice washed over you and his fingers trailed the hem of your dress. As he lent down for another kiss your hand pushed into his chest, stopping him in his tracks. "People will see, Beau," you warned. "Good. Let them." He said simply before closing the gap between you two once more. Mere seconds later, he pulled his lips away just as smoothly as planted them, yet he didn't back up just yet. Rolling his shoulders back, he assumed his usual commanding posture before leaning in and placing a firm smack to your backside. "I'll see you tonight, Commander." he winked down at you before turning on his heel and making his way down the path to his car. You stood there dumbfounded as he drove off. Shortly after you closed the door and padded back to your bedroom. Throwing yourself onto your still bare bed, your thoughts are flooded with nothing but images of him. What in the world have you just gotten yourself into?
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
Any Cyclone headcanons? (Loved your music headcanons! 😁)
Thank you and of course! I have pages and pages of Cyclone headcanons that I plan on formatting and posting, but here’s some of my favorites!
Random Cyclone HCs
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Was left-handed as a child but was taught to be right-handed.
Grew up in Alaska but absolutely hates cold weather.
His favorite color is sunflower yellow.
Drinks a glass of milk with dinner like it's 1950.
Loves orange juice.
Is a surprisingly good baker.
His dad was a fisherman and his mom was a nurse
His mother is from Seattle and his dad is from Boston. They first met by chance while she was in nursing school in Boston and eventually fell in love.
Beau spent the first 7 years of his life in Boston before his dad got a fishing job in Alaska.
He played both hockey and baseball all through his childhood and was scouted before deciding to join the military instead.
Was an extremely anxious child.
Is meticulously organized.
Frequents bar trivia night and has never lost.
100% drives a BMW and 100% gets made fun of for it.
Will fight getting into a vehicle unless he's driving because he has control issues and gets motion sick really easily.
Owns one of those really ugly camo la-z-boy chairs from the 90s.
Is ready for bed at 6:30 pm sharp every night.
Has an extensive personal library but it's all either non-fiction or James Patterson, John Grisham, and Tom Clancy.
Tried to learn guitar when he was in high school but stopped once his fingers started to get calluses.
Developed a really specific and very intense workout regime that he maintained for several decades.
Two weeks before his 43rd birthday he pulled nine separate muscles doing said workout routine. Now he just goes to the gym and runs before work.
When he first started to go gray, he attempted to cover them with Just For Men. He only used it twice, but people still call him Lego hair behind his back.
Has very strong food opinions overall, but especially about fried eggs. (He believes sunny-side up is superior and will fight anyone who disagrees).
Is a massive hopeless romantic.
Secretly loves hallmark movies and will 100% cry when the couple ends up together at the end.
His favorite sports teams are the Boston Bruins and the Seattle Mariners.
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lieutenantfloyd · 2 years
Everything, Everything, and the Search for Reclamation - Beau “Cyclone” Simpson
Pairing: Beau “Cyclone” Simpson x Autistic!Reader (gender neutral)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Graphic and in depth descriptions of autistic meltdowns, mentions of self hatred/depression, poor mental health, bullying, language, and use drowning as an allegory.
Summary: On a rare occasion, reader accompanies Beau to an important event. Reader ends up having a meltdown shortly after they arrive. This causes reader to recall painful memories, as well as question Beau’s perennial and undying love for them.
Note: Leaving the taglist off of this as its very different from what I usually post. This is a hurt/comfort fic heavily based on my experiences (both past and present) as an autistic person. Self diagnosis is not only valid, but lifesaving. Lastly, this fic was also inspired by many songs, including Time Will Tell by Gregory Alan Isakov, Like Real People Do by Hozier, and We’ll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross.
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Every nerve ending in your body was on highest alert as you blindly rounded the corner leading to the deserted hallway. Tears fall as you grip at your throat in one last effort to keep yourself from drowning in the deep, dark, and endless sea of sensory input. -
Around your tenth birthday, you were sent to see yet another professional. Off you went to be examined like the oddity the world was coming to see you as. Another professional, another declaration that something clearly isn't right, but that they just can't place exactly what it is.
It wasn't until your 16th birthday that you learned just about everyone was gifted a boat to captain upon their arrival into the world. The ships' captains then grew up and formed the world into what suited them best. You read an article once detailing how it took them virtually no time on the cosmic scale to begin replacing the peace that had existed long before anything else with ports, fishing nets, and water. Water that swallowed the world whole. It was once the water appeared that the existence of the existence of those without ships became known. The ones with rafts, barrels, buoys, or nothing at all.
You learned quickly that you were one of them. Though clearly not a ship captain, your craft floated well enough that you went unnoticed on a grander scale.
If you somehow managed to get a hand on the rail of these boats, they'd rush over with an endless slew of anecdotes letting you know they knew exactly what it was like to be you, or better yet, why you were actually just like them, because look! Your weathered, weary hand is up here with them so, of course, it wasn't really that bad, right?
Then they'd pluck your fingers off one by one and send you on your way, all while muttering "So dramatic, the drowning ones are.".
Yet it was the choked screams that bothered the captains most. Not the poor drowning souls, but the disturbance of their wicked form of peace and order. As if somehow it was your fault you were never told that boats even existed, let alone be granted one. Like it was your fault that they ignored your lifetime of pleas and wails crying for their help. Begging to let you float alongside their ship for a while. Yet in their eyes, you were nothing more than a seafaring disturbance, to which they only sailed away with their propellers kicking up more water. Leaving you alone to drown like always.
Too loud.
Too bright.
Too warm.
Too close.
It was all too much.
Why did it always have to be like this? Why couldn't you just be normal for once?
Scream, cry, claw out of your body. Run and run and run.
You wanted needed to be anywhere but here.
You shook as wave after wave of nausea and adrenaline coursed through your body. Already labored breath catching in your throat over and over again. Despite the almost primal urge to wail out, you couldn't. Neither words nor sounds were able to be produced, your body instead allocating its forces to sending you into yet another meltdown and subsequently, allowing your mind to spiral into that familiar pattern of complete and utter self-hatred.
You promised yourself you wouldn't do this. You fucking promised.
This was a big night for Beau, and by nothing but pure association, yourself. Yet less than 2 hours in and here you were once again. It'd long been understood between you two that for most events, you'd stay home. He'd always expressed that your comfort was his biggest priority, yet you couldn't shake that sick feeling every time an event rolled around. From the beginning, your relationship was a source of much confusion for the gossipy military spouses you were expected to hang around. Why had Beau, a picture-perfect navy man, pushed aside the countless eligible suitors in favor of someone who could barely hold a conversation, let alone be the pillar he needed in such a high-stress career? Years in they'd yet to get an answer just as Beau had yet to pay them any mind.
It could've been seconds or days, but through your checked-out mind, you felt him pull you into his embrace without a word. Onto the floor, you both went. Him positioning his body into a seated fetal position and melding himself around you. You didn't have to look up to know it was him. Not in the romance novel "I'd know him blind" way, and not just because your senses were so heightened that you could feel each individual fiber woven together to create your formal wear. But because Beau was the only person who dared to even acknowledge you in this state, and acknowledge he did.
Dark, heavy, quiet, safe.
You stayed like that, with him humming and rocking you slowly. The rumble in his chest paired with the weight of his body pressing deeply into yours allowing your nervous system to rest and eventually begin to reset.
Words were still hard, but reckoning with the guilt bubbling in your chest was harder.
“I-I'm sorry. I'm s-so sorry" you sobbed into him almost silently.
How badly you wanted things to be different.
How badly you wanted to just function like a normal person. How even after pulling yourself up from the depths you still would never be anything like the person you hoped desperately to be. You allowed yourself to stay up late, read books you were "too old" for, waste money on interests labeled as pointless by others but meant the world to you. Let yourself talk in circles about the same topic for hours, days, months until your lungs burned from oxygen depravity and your mind quieted ever so slightly. How you allowed yourself to just feel, in the way your soul knew was right despite what you were taught. The way you did before the judgmental eyes and sickening snark world took hold. How you picked the rot and maggots away from your spine with chipped and dirty nails. How you stretched your arms upwards towards the waning moon as the midnight air crept beneath your ribs, letting the coolness of the night tangle with the rage and the sick you'd been nurturing since birth. How piece by piece, you began to reclaim what you so dearly missed out on.
Yet it was moments like these that you understood so deeply why you stopped letting yourself feel anything by the time you hit second grade. The hurt of feeling nothing at all paled so harshly in comparison to the unbridled fear that crept into your very being when everything became too much for you to handle. You'd been blessed to find a place to just be, but even that wasn't enough to stop the hurt from seeping in.
You did your best to push these thoughts away. Best not to linger, you'd taught yourself. From here you attempted to bring yourself back into the real world. Yet as you regained awareness of your surroundings, you couldn't ignore that in your current position your world consisted of nothing but him.
You were well aware that he couldn't fix you. Nothing could, as there was technically nothing to fix. You were just "wired differently" you tried tirelessly to reassure yourself. He knew this too, and for whatever reason, he still stayed. Running right alongside you, outside and in the sunlight. Offering you his pockets to fill with rocks and wildflowers when yours got too heavy.
He'd never know even half of what it is like. Honestly, you reveled in this. He didn't deserve that burden. What simultaneously left you elated and heartbroken was the way he navigated everything you were with so much care. Leaving the fluorescent light off while you slept in the blanket-filled bed opposite the bathroom, eating the same one-note dinner for months on end, and now practically laying on the floor in full dress in a desperate effort to bring you some semblance of peace.
You'd asked on multiple occasions what you did to deserve his love and why he chose to stay with you for the long haul. It was by all accounts perilous work with zero reward. He'd wave off your questions with that air of command and finality he wielded so well. Over time you accepted this and pushed that area of doubt away. Away, but never gone.
It was a night marked by candlelight, dark but not stormy, when he finally gave you an answer.
"You're not, nor have you ever been, an inconvenience to me."
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