travelling-bird · 1 year
Along with Swiss design and Indian aesthetics, Noida airport will have a world-class passenger processing system. Click here to know more.
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douxreviews · 6 years
Star Trek: Discovery - ‘The Red Angel’ Review
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Spock, to Burnham: "Perhaps you simply have a penchant for the dramatic."
By nature I love brevity: A serviceable 'moving parts' episode that gets us from Point A to Point B, and does it in a way that's often entertaining to watch. Quiet and subdued, building to an exciting climax that mostly works.
And the Red Angel is...
To the great bereavement of all, not Patrick Stewart in a lobster costume as a backdoor pilot to the Picard show.
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All joking aside, I... think I like the big reveal? Maybe? To be sure, I am tired of the big mystery character being revealed to be a parent of the main character. It's absolutely a trope, and it often leads to recycled and stagnant storytelling. I do think it can done well, however, as it instantly injects emotion into a character dynamic without having to build the characters' interactions from the ground up. It all depends on how well the show uses it. Whether or not they will do a good job with this storyline remains to be seen.
I do think the writers are hitting their stride, though, and it definitely shows. The stories have suddenly been slowed down to the right pace, which improves the show by leaps and bounds. Part of this is perhaps the direction, which was fittingly subdued and understated here, but I think that even from that standpoint, having far less story to cram into an hour is helpful. 'The Red Angel' has time to spend on its key interactions, like 'If Memory Serves' and 'Project Daedalus' before it, and the show is far better for it.
That said, some of those interactions are better than others. I still don't believe a single thing that comes out of Shazad Latif's mouth, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what the purpose was behind Georgiou's scene with Stamets and Culber. On the better side of things, I liked the reconciliation scene between Burnham and Nhan, and I thought Spock's conversation with Burnham was good, if a little bit of an abrupt shift from their dynamic last week.
Leland and Georgiou are on the side of the angels this week (no, wait, they want to capture the Angel? I'm confused), with a few caveats. The first of these is the big secret that Leland tasked Burnham's parents with Project Daedalus, and that his actions indirectly got them killed. I'm not sure why Leland would think that Burnham needed to know this for the mission, however, unless he knew that the Angel was Burnham's mom. Wait, did he? Huh. In any event, the moment that I guessed the Angel's identity was in that scene, when Burnham told him what her parents were, and Leland said her mother was also a great engineer.
How Burnham processes this revelation is interesting. Her guilty perspective was, as Spock put it, 'a child's understanding,' but she was still living with that childish mindset. And her reaction to the news was emotionally quite childish. At first, she denied it and provided counter-evidence that showed her naïveté about the situation. In that scene, Sonequa Martin-Green's performance reminded me so much of a child that I'm unsure if it was an intentional choice or not. Then, confronted with reality, she got mad and expressed her anger by lashing out at anybody and everybody related to the situation, whether they were responsible like Leland, or not responsible like Tyler. It was only after Spock came and forgave her that she was released from the childhood burden of her guilt and anger. When he did so, Martin-Green's face beautifully conveyed the lifting of a heavy weight from her shoulders.
Let's talk briefly about the plot, before we unpack what this episode may mean going forward. From the outset, it didn't make a whole ton of sense - admittedly, as time travel plots do. To be fair, I at least have a better sense of this plot than I did of Enterprise's utterly nonsensical Temporal Cold War, but certain elements of the time travel irked me. Although the problems worked themselves out from a story perspective with the reveal that the Angel is Burnham's mom, it still made no sense that the characters weren't seeing the obvious flaws in their plans. For one thing, if the Red Angel was Burnham, then she would know in the future everything that they were planning and therefore be prepared. Secondly, and perhaps worse, having Dr. Culber there to resuscitate Burnham if she dies completely invalidates the 'bait.' Nobody except for Spock seems to understand that the only way their plan works is if Burnham will actually be dead if the Angel doesn't show up. This bothered me the whole time that I was watching the episode.
So what does this mean going forward? Disco now has the Red Angel, who is Burnham's biological mother, trapped on the planet. But something fishy is going on with the Section 31 ship, as evidenced by Leland getting The Phantom-ed. Could this be Control taking, er, control of Leland's 31 ship? It certainly seems that way, especially since the voice actor who recorded that line from the computer is credited as 'Control Computer.' As this show seems to be ready to start slowing down for meaningful conversations, I think we will see Burnham and her mother work out some of their emotional issues and baggage next episode. I suspect Stamets and Culber will do the same, as they will be trapped down there as well. How Georgiou and Spock will figure in is anybody's guess, but I don't think it's an accident which characters are left on the planet at the end of this episode.
Strange New Worlds:
Essof IV was a testing site for Project Daedalus. Its inhospitable conditions rendered the planet's surface unlivable, so the researchers built a facility to control the environment.
New Life and New Civilizations:
No new species or creatures in this episode.
-Good funeral scene at the beginning, that did the Wrath of Khan parallel a little bit but didn't overdo it.
-So, if the Federation and the Klingons were so close to developing time travel, why don't they all have it and use it regularly in the rest of Star Trek? The Temporal Prime Directive isn't until way later.
-The theme of faith has been lost in the shuffle here. We'll see how it ties in as the season draws closer to its end.
-Leland said they needed a time crystal for the Red Angel suit. That's the same thing that was in Mudd's time loop device in 'Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad' last season.
-Another chance for Cornwell to use her therapy background. I like that her profession is a consistent and recurring aspect of her character.
-There was a very interesting and important-feeling shot of Sara Mitich's character Lt. Nilsson taking Airiam's place on the bridge. Sara Mitich played Airiam in season one. Huh.
-Burnham was on a roll with her impressions this week, doing the bug-eyed look of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at one point (please note: no political statement is to be ascribed to this joke about a famous person's most distinguishing facial feature) and her best Nicholas Cage 'not the bees' when she was exposed to the atmosphere of Essof IV.
-Hanelle M. Culpepper directed this episode, as well as last season's well-liked 'Vaulting Ambition.' She will direct the first two episodes of the Picard series.
-Happy Talk Like William Shatner Day for anyone reading this on the 22nd! What's your favorite Shatner line delivery?
Tilly: "Some people choose to live their lives as if nothing is a miracle."
Georgiou: "I was thinking you might be smarter than the Stamets I knew. You're also much more neurotic. Have you considered medication?"
Tilly: "What just happened?" I'm with her on this one.
Admiral Cornwell: "Love is a choice, Hugh, and one doesn't just make that choice once. You make it again and again." Whew. Almost had this one as my opening quote.
Spock: "I do wish I'd been there when you struck him. I believe I would have found the moment... satisfying."
4 out of 6 lobster costumes.
CoramDeo doesn't like to lose
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rosewcterdrunk · 3 years
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“CAN YOU BELIEVE THE OUTCOME? I’M ASKING YOU GOD HOW COME” || THE BROTHER: Darcy took the brunt of the abuse against the Kazakov children, sparing his two younger siblings as best he could. When he aided their father in a bank robbery, he took the fall by force and was sentenced up to three years when Darcy was twenty-eight years old. He hoped that their father’s probation for the crime would keep them protected while he tried to get out early on good behavior, but getting caught only made things worse. Everything he tried to protect his brothers from no longer had a barrier. The middle Kazakov brother tried his best, but ultimately the abuse and neglect was too much and their younger brother succumbed to it. After their younger brother died, the middle Kazakov brother stopped coming around to visit Darcy in prison and he was left in the dark. When Darcy found out, he threw his attempts at getting out early for the sake of beating their father the moment he spotted him in the same facility. The middle Kazakov brother has severe PTSD from the abuse and it’s possible he picked up Darcy from prison after his sentence was extended by four years. [Ages 23-26. Suggested FCs Taron Egerton, Jordan Elass, Nolan Gerard Funk, and Logan Lerman]
“I’M BREAKING YOUR FALL, YOU’RE BREAKING MY ASS” || THE HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEART: Darcy’s isn’t the type to fall for anyone, but there was one person he confessed every what if to. They were never romantically involved, but there was always something more that hung in the air between them. At some point, they agreed to be each other’s plan D.  @reagan--donahue
“DO YOU NEED LOVE, AM I ENOUGH FOR YOU? IN TIME YOU’LL FIND I’VE GOT MY BAGGAGE, TOO” || THE OPPOSITES ATTRACT: Darcy’s reputation managed to skip over this muse, whether it because they’re brand new to town or came while Darcy was serving his sentence. Somehow these two have managed to let the rest of the world fade away, and they see what the other is willing to show despite what their reputations will soon reveal. This is a flirtation that takes off too fast and is set for doom, but who knows if they’ll just be the ones that got away or another enemy for Darcy.
“YOU USED TO CATCH ME IN YOUR BEDSHEETS JUST A-RATTLING YOUR CHAINS” || THE BAD HABIT: This one can go one of two ways, and it’s the most specific thing ever. Whether it was Darcy’s friend who managed to graduate when he was held back or someone else, he started hooking up with someone in their college apartment. One night, bored, he wandered into the kitchen and unsuspectingly found their roommate. They chatted, and while his hook up was deep in their slumber, he found some humble entertainment with them. The next day, the roommate confessed but it wasn’t without twisting the truth. They said that they slept with Darcy, and it caused some strife between him and his friend despite the lie. As a way of getting back at them both, Darcy hooked up with them again and then made a note of hooking up with the roommate right after like they lied about.
“DON’T YOU PRAY TO A COCAINE JESUS, IN A BLACK FOUR SEATER” || THE NOSTALGIA: Darcy steered away from drinking and drugs most of his life, though he never turned his nose up at his friends who took their dance with it. Some of the crowds he hung around in his youth took their taste of drugs, candy, alcohol and Darcy was always the one who could get everyone home in one piece if his sharps turns didn’t take the best of him. After everything he’s been through, Darcy’s about to finally have a taste and it won’t end well. This muse is someone from his past who will connect the dots on why he’s never given in, and see partake in a downfall even Darcy didn’t know he was capable of.
“BITTERSWEET SURRENDER, EVERYTHING IS BETTER NOW” || THE OPTIMIST: This muse is the key to getting Darcy to do good. He has no intention of interacting with his father, but he knows for Tristan’s sake there needs to be some reconciliation. This muse is the push he needs to settle the bad blood, that way he can move on. It won’t come without its bumps, though, and every attempt on his behalf to anything but surrender to what has already happened.
“A CHOKING ROSE BACK TO BE REBORN” || THE ROLE REVERSAL: So far, Darcy’s been hounded about his reentry since the day he could wear denim over a jumpsuit. This muse is someone he has to look out for instead of the other way around, whether it be because it started as a second glance because they seemed like trouble or an old friend. 
"NOT A FOX FOUND IN YOUR PLACE” || THE TRAITOR: Darcy had his short lived glory in high school where he excelled at sports. When he had gifted with the chance in a scholarship to get away from Asteria, his disorder seemed to only get worse and affect his performance like it never did before. It costed his team more than one game until he eventually parted ways with football for good. There’s some that are still bitter with him to this day because of it.  
“IF MISERY LOVES COMPANY, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE. WON’T YOU PLEASE JUST LOOK AT ME?” || THE TEMPTATION: This is your typical we shouldn’t but we can’t get enough. Listen to that song, and you’ll know the vibes. It can go anywhere from Darcy being the reason for a break up, or a new secret in what should be nothing more than a happy relationship. Gimme Darcy sleeping with a married woman, thanks.
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grandcatfestival · 3 years
Advanced Airport Technologies Market Investment Trends To 2028
The global advanced airport technologies market can be divided based on solutions infrastructure services application and region. Based on infrastructure the global  market can be divided into endpoint devices sensors IP phone tags video conferencing communication systems smartphones wireless airports and tablets passenger NFC social media cargo and baggage ground handling control  robots for passenger IoT-enabled beacons and common use self-service kiosks baggage movement RFID baggage reconciliation system e-gates automated border controls air/ground traffic control security systems alerts & cyber security smart systems & scalable air traffic management solutions biometrics e-tag system e-fence & ground surveillance radar and others (landing aids navigational airport management software digital signage etc.). In the last few years the whole body imaging systems were installed at airport checkpoints but due to advancements in technology several smart technologies were installed at airports and has further revolutionized the overall growth of the global advanced airport technologies market. These above mentioned advancements in such technologies are due to increasing number of bomb blasts in flights due to rising number of terrorist activities. Moreover advanced airport technologies are further employed in many airport systems including airport communications airport management systems digital signage systems fire security and car parking systems among others. Increasing number of security concerns as well as increasing capacities at airports along with rising number of cases involving illegal immigration and increasing number of airlines are some major factors driving the global advanced airport technologies market. Get PDF sample report: https://www.envisageresearch.com/sample/EMR100251/
The global advanced airport technologies market can be divided based on solutions into lighting control terminal side digital video surveillance HVAC and management life cycle services energy management Automation systems and building management advanced visual docking guidance system fire and life safety solutions runway improvement airfield ground lighting and apron management digital and radar video surveillance surface movement guidance landside access roads parking perimeter security car rental airport city and mass transit. Based on applications the global advanced airport technologies market can be divided into content management core applications next generation web business intelligence integration collaboration noise abatement business applications performance management and gate management and fee management. Based on services the global advanced airport technologies market can be divided into smart transport and parking services smart retail trip concierge  real-time travel services intelligent transport services hospitality and entertainment services lean retail solutions passenger specific retail and hospitality telepresence rooms intelligent advertising  smart workplace services equipment telematics solutions locationbased services smart airport processes no-queue check-in solutions mobile worker and expert locator smart business-to-business services traffic RFID baggage tagging smart supply chain facilities management and MRO services. Based on region the global advanced airport technologies market can be divided into North America Latin America Europe Middle East & Africa and Asia Pacific. The robust demand especially in the Asia Pacific region is anticipated to be one of the key driving factors for the overall growth of the global market. Moreover China is further projected to account for the highest share in the global market and is estimated to maintain its lead in the overall demand during the forecast period. This can be attributed to rapid industrialization and increasing urbanization during the past few years. The markets in various other developing economies such as Russia Brazil Indonesia New Zealand Poland Argentina  Korea and India among others are also predictable to witness a rapid growth throughout the forecast period. In addition to this rising per capita disposable income and surge in the global economy is another main factor. Key players operating in the global market are focusing some of the major market strategies such as partnerships mergers collaborations and acquisitions in order to keep hold in the ever competitive global market. Furthermore they are concentrating on gaining hold on the local players to strengthen their goodwill as well as to enhance their market reach in the global market. Key players involved in the manufacture and supply of advanced airport technologies include A4 Vision Inc. Alstom Aerospace airports  ActivIdentity corp  Bosch Security Systems Inc. American Lafrance Corp. Cisco Systems Inc. Analogic Corp. Arinc Inc. Siemens Airports  Cisco Systems Inc. Syagen Technology Inc. Vanderlande Industries and Rockwell Automation among others The global advanced airport technologies market can be divided : By Infrastructure: • Endpoint devices • Sensors • IP phone • Tags • Video conferencing • Communication systems • Smartphones • Wireless airports and tablets • Passenger • NFC • Social media • Cargo and baggage ground handling control • Robots for passenger • Iot-enabled beacons and common use self-service kiosks • Baggage movement • RFID baggage reconciliation system • E-gates • Automated border controls • Air/ground traffic control • Security systems alerts & cyber security • Smart systems & scalable air traffic management solutions • Biometrics • E-tag system • E-fence & ground surveillance radar • Others (landing aids navigational airport management software digital signage etc.). By solutions: • Lighting control terminal side digital video surveillance HVAC • Management life cycle services energy management • Automation systems and building management • Advanced visual docking guidance system fire • Life safety solutions runway improvement airfield ground lighting • Apron management digital • Radar video surveillance surface movement guidance landside access roads parking perimeter security car rental airport city • Mass transit By applications: • Content management • Core applications next generation • Web business intelligence • Integration collaboration • Noise abatement business applications performance management • Gate management • Fee management By Services: • Smart transport and parking services smart retail trip concierge   • Real-time travel services intelligent transport services • Hospitality and entertainment services lean retail solutions • Passenger specific retail and hospitality telepresence rooms • Intelligent advertising   • Smart workplace services equipment • Telematics solutions location based services • Smart airport processes • No-queue check-in solutions mobile worker and • Expert locator smart business-to-business services traffic • Rfid baggage tagging smart supply chain facilities management • Micro services. By Region: • North america • Latin america • Europe middle east & africa • Asia pacific Buy this Report: https://www.envisageresearch.com/buy/EMR100251/
About Us: Envisage Market Research is the leading provider of custom and syndicated market research reports. Our team of expert analysts offers end-to-end consulting services, along with 80% of the Fortune 500+ companies in the recent past. We are focused to deliver market research report solutions to small and medium enterprises. Envisage Market Research has steadily grown to become a trusted market research partner for clients across the globe. We are majorly focused to serve a wide range of industrial insights, including automotive & transportation, technology, consumer products, automation and equipment, food & beverages, services & utilities, chemicals & materials, energy, mining, and oil & gas.
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edwardbailey286 · 4 years
Smart Airport Market - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, And Forecasts 2020–2026
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Smart Airport Market: Overview
According to a new market report titled Smart Airport Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2019–2027’ published by Transparency Market Research rise in demand for automated and self-service processes and increasing number of air passengers leading to high airport traffic are the major factors driving the smart airports market. Globally, the smart airports market is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 13.0% during the forecast period from 2019 to 2027.
Smart Airport Market: Scope of the Report
The global smart airport market can be segmented –based on infrastructure, application, solutions and services. Based on infrastructure, the market can be classified into endpoint devices, communication systems, passenger, cargo and baggage handling, air traffic control systems, security systems, and others. The security system segment is anticipated to dominate the market in terms of investment during the forecast period. The expansion of the security systems segment is likely to be driven by rising demand for biometric devices by airports for the identification and checking process. Based on solution, the market can be segmented into terminal side, airside, and landside. The expansion of the terminal side segment is expected to be driven by rising demand for digital video surveillance and management solutions by airports to enhance the security and productivity of the workplace. In terms of application, the market can be split into core and business application segments. Based on service, the smart airport services market can be classified into smart transport and parking, smart retail, hospitality, and entertainment, smart workplace, smart airport processes, and smart business-to-business services. The smart airport processes segment is expected to expand owing to high demand for location-based, terminal-side, and landside services. Moreover, the rise in penetration of smartphones and tablets is playing a major role in changing the outlook of smart airports. Effective customer service differentiation and cost reduction are the two main benefits provided by the presence of mobile check-in facilities.
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Rise in Demand for Automated and Self-service Processes is driving the Global Smart Airports Market
Demand for automated and self-service processes is on the rise due to increasing number of passengers at airports and the rise in need for effectively managing airport operations. This is, in turn, driving the requirement for upgraded solutions that would ease and allow automation of the processes at airports. A majority of airports are now focusing on self-service solutions and adopting new technologies such as robotics kiosk, facial recognition, automated passport control, and others to manage airport operations effectively. Companies are also introducing advanced technology solutions and systems in the market and are investing heavily in digital technologies and IT to provide value added services to customers. Rising demand for various technologically-advanced communication systems, non-aeronautical systems, and security systems is anticipated to boost the market over the forecast period.
Global Smart Airport Market: Competitive Dynamics
The research study includes profiles of leading companies operating in the global smart airport market. Some of the key players in the smart airport market are SITA, Amadeus IT Group SA, IBM Corporation, Vision-Box, Siemens AG, Honeywell International, Inc., CISCO System, Inc., Thales Group, ESA, S.A.S., and Lufthansa Systems GmbH & Co. KG. Business strategies being adopted by the market leaders are largely focused on business expansion by offering cost-effective ICT infrastructure to midsized airports including smart connectivity and improving airport experience, and enhancing the product and service offerings through R&D. Leading players are currently focusing on integrating products to create a new customer base. As a part of this strategy, companies are engaging in various strategic partnerships and acquisitions.
Request For Covid19 Impact Analysis https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=covid19&rep_id=1041
Market Segmentation:
Global Smart Airport Infrastructure Segment Analysis
Endpoint Devices
Communication Systems
Passenger, Cargo and Baggage Ground Handling Control
Air/Ground Traffic Control
Security Systems
Others (Navigational, Landing Aids, Digital Signage, Airport Management Software)
IP Phone
Video Conferencing
Wireless Airports
Smart Phones
Near Field Communication
Social Media
IoT Enabled Beacons
Robots for Passenger and Baggage Movement
Common-use Self-service (CUSS) Kiosks
RFID Baggage Reconciliation System
Smart Systems & Scalable Air Traffic Management Solutions (ATM)
Automated Passport Control
Alerts & Cyber Security
E-Fence & Ground Surveillance Radar
E-Tag System
Global Smart Airport Solutions Segment Analysis
Terminal Side
Lighting Control
Digital Video Surveillance and Management (DVM)
Fire and Life Safety Solutions
Energy Management
Life Cycle Services
Building Management and Automation Systems
Advanced Visual Docking Guidance System (A-VDGS)
Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL)
Surface Movement Guidance
Runway Improvement and Apron Management
Digital and Radar Video Surveillance
Access Roads
Perimeter Security
Car Rental
Mass Transit
Airport City
Global Smart Airport Applications Analysis
Core Applications
Business Applications
Content Management
Business Intelligence
Next-Generation Web
Noise Abatement
Fee Management
Performance Management
Gate Management
Global Smart Airport Services Analysis
Smart Transport and Parking Services
Smart Retail, Hospitality, and Entertainment Services
Smart Workplace Service
Smart Airport Processes
Smart Business-to-Business Services
Real-time Travel Services
Intelligent Transport Services
Trip Concierge
Passenger-Specific Retail and Hospitality
Intelligent Advertising
Lean Retail Solutions
Telepresence Rooms
Equipment Telematics Solutions
Mobile Worker and Expert Locator
Location-Based Services
RFID Baggage Tagging
No-queue Check-in Solutions
Traffic and Facilities Management
Smart Supply-Chain and MRO Services
By Geography
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
South America
Rest of North America
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia Pacific
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Rest of South America
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Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMR’s experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather and analyze information.
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What Remains Hidden
                        I spent the least enjoyable portion of my week in a termination interview for an employee, with whom I had worked for a number of years.  The man had run afoul of our 10-point no fault attendance policy.  The employee, who is a friend, had scored an impressive array of points in all sorts of amazing circumstances within a relatively short period of time.  He was like the Michael Jordan of attendance infractions – raining in the points in one and two point weekly episodes.  His stories ranged from the incredible to the improbable, but as usual he and his union representative focused in on the couple of points that might be in doubt so that the man could remain an employee of our company.
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I encouraged both of them to pursue their grievance, because I respected the excellent work that the employee had done for us previous to his most recent run of total unreliability, poor workmanship and serial distraction.  My friend, an ex-con and recovering addict, had been a great talisman for human potential and second chances until his struggles in the last eight months.  
But really, I explained to them both, gaining my friend an extra couple of weeks of employment really seemed like a lot of bother and paperwork prior to his inevitable final flameout with the next one or two point incident.  I posited that the employee needed to fix whatever the root cause was that was making him the second most prolific scorer of attendance points in the history of our facility.  My friend’s visage flickered brighter momentarily and he blurted out, “You mean I should do something to resolve all this car trouble I’ve been having.”  
“No,” I replied, “that is probably not what you need to take care of.”  What was hidden remained concealed; my intervention failed.  We finished up the required paperwork and the transacted our final goodbyes.  After he left, I prayed to Pam to intercede for my friend at whatever level she has access. In the short term, his future looks pretty bleak.
My bereavement meeting with widows and widowers in the Hall at 6PM of Thursday was a much brighter chapter of my week.  The meeting doesn’t take long, but it is a good chance to review the ups and downs of my life with some other people who are walking similar paths.  This week we discussed how to get through the holidays, a uniquely challenging season for people in our circumstance.
In our discussion of family vendettas that sometimes occur at Thanksgiving, it struck me that hidden things can contribute to family friction as well.  Like rocks submerged in navigable waters, underlying and unspoken issues can ruin family harmony and destroy relationships.  One person described a death of a father that occurred two days before a family gathering several years ago.  A couple of siblings immediately engaged in an argument that has separated them for the several years since.  Was the father previously acting in a way that prevented the full exercise of an otherwise underlying bitterness in the family?  Were the siblings, like my daughter Abby and I did after Pam’s death, choosing to argue over some unimportant minutia as a distraction from their overwhelming grief.  The road to reconciliation is different depending on the underlying true cause of the disagreement, a cause that must be brought to light for resolution.
Unspoken issues and unconscious motivations are ubiquitous to the human condition.  I met two friends for lunch the other day, and in our discussion it became clear that both men were being shaped by the Holy Spirit in particular ways without an apparent root cause.  Through our conversation over several hours, more and more puzzle pieces were added to their stories so that a vague idea of what God was trying to accomplish became more discernable.  
The first man works for law enforcement in one of the most violent neighborhoods of our local area, yet he is walking ever closer to the Lord in his daily life.  While waiting for our other friend to arrive, he and I discussed a recent shooting that he had witnessed and how our reaction to the tragedy differed so greatly from the laughing perspective of a person who had uploaded video of the same incident onto YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvEKq5CeGJo&sns=em). (Violent content)  
My friend had been driven to pray the Hail Mary aloud during the ordeal.  By contrast, for the person filming the car-jacker dying in a hail of bullets, the incident was pure entertainment.  I have struggled with the purpose of why the Holy Spirit moved my friend to his quiet act of piety for several weeks, but in the course of our conversation it became apparent to me that my friend’s outlook on his whole career had been altered by being inspired to make a few simple prayers.  He has spent the ensuing time considering the plethora of poor corpses that he seen over the years and has begun to pray for their many souls.  Before the incident my friend had protected his sanity at work with a Kevlar vest of emotional detachment.  Now the policeman was allowing the plight of perpetrators and victims alike to touch him in a very human way. I expect that the Holy Spirit is preparing him for additional service to the community in a new role.  Instead of merely maintaining the simple peace of the community; his future will involve leading others to the profound peace of Christ.
My other friend arrived later and described the gravity like pull he feels in his life towards devotion to the Virgin Mary.  Although, he was Catholic as a young child, his family made a few years long foray into the Protestant faith.  He returned only in recent years carrying much of the same anti-Marian baggage that I also lugged around for thirty or so years.  Lately, my friend has been feeling irresistible urges to pray to Mary for a very specific thing that have been subsequently granted in dramatic fashion. He has also received a free copy of Tim Staples’ new book, Behold Your Mother, under unusual circumstances. Through seeming coincidence, he was likewise put into a situation regarding the visit of the Fatima statue to IHM that removed his visceral dread of praying to Mary and Jesus through painted or sculpted representations of them.  
None of these dominos that appeared to be buffeting my friend towards a vocation in the Blue Army made sense to me. Why was my friend such a high value target for conversion to devotion to Our Lady?  Finally, he confided in us that as a young child he had been awed by a beautiful Christmas card of Mary holding Jesus.  He subsequently, cut Mary out, pasted her up above his bed and prayed to Her nightly. By appearances Mary is not making a new claim to a convert; she is exercising a latent consecration that has lain dormant for decades.  My friend has always had an underlying Marian devotion and he is going through a process of rediscovering the childlike faith that he had once possessed - a faith of simplicity that is the sweetest oblation to Our Lord.
In my case, forever the observer, my subterranean tensions remained hidden at our lunch.  I spent the weekend pondering the lingering questions about my own vocation.  In A Grief Observed, C.S. Lewis draws a simile between being a widower and having a leg amputated.  I guess I have reached the emotional state he described as functional hobbling.  I now know that I can effectively hop through my work day – no matter how full of dysfunction.  What remains uncertain is whether I can stumble along effectively as I resume my duties as a parent of a nine-year old girl or whether I can go a step further and emotionally juggle answering God’s call to seek ordination as a deacon.  To be effective in either role, there seems to be a necessity for a prerequisite joyfulness and hope that I seem to be lacking.  Still my current inclination is to step over the gunwales and into the waves and try to walk towards Jesus in hopes that I find something in His eyes to replace my inner storm with serenity.
Finally, I had another experience with hidden issues over the weekend.  Scrolling through people’s personal errata on Facebook, I happened across a video link that promised hope for divorced people.  Because I am so emotion starved, the video, called Rejoice,  (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdxLwqGsRkQ) seemed to exercise a gravitational pull at my heartstrings.  The attraction disconcerted me as the scourge of divorce is as irrelevant to my current personal situation as is a couples nights out.  I felt compelled to watch the film even to the point of ignoring the timewasting Facebook game that has obsessed me for a week.  I even rebooted when it froze and accessed it through several different links until I was able to watch the whole thing.  In the end, I was reduced to strange tears as the video left me with an impression of hopefulness for the hero and heroine.  This romantic rock submerged in my sub-conscious surprises me whenever I run afoul of it, but it used to make Pam smile whenever she could conn me into watching the Notebook or something similar.  I will have to be more careful in my social media scrolling in the future.
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omgsampada · 4 years
The North America Smart Airports Market size is expected to reach USD 7.74 billion by 2026 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report “North America Smart Airport Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report By Technology Type (Security Systems, Communication Systems, Passenger, Cargo & Baggage Ground Handling Control, Air/Ground Traffic Control, Endpoint Devices) Component Type (Hardware, Software, Services); By Application Type (Aeronautical Operations, Non-Aeronautical Operations), By Location Type (Landside, Airside, Terminal Side); By Regions, Segments & Forecast, 2020 – 2026” gives a detailed insight into current market dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth.
Passengers usually face problems in airport regarding long queues, waiting lines, security check-ins, less real-time information, flight delays, less space in airport, lack of proper customer service, improper baggage handling, lost baggage complaints and lack of facilities for overcoming all these problems airports across the globe are heading towards smart airport for providing better and seamless personalized experience to passengers. Growing demand of automated and self-service processes and growing demand of real time information in airport is driving North America smart airport market.
Smart airport security system technology is driving the market as various airports are implementing new innovative smart components such as, flight booking management, automatic check-in, way finding services to automated security checks and border control. The substantial growth prospects of the smart airport market can be attributed to the efforts undertaken by airports across the globe to enhance their business processes and provide optimized services. Airport operators are investing heavily on IT and digital technology for enhancing customer experience. Furthermore, smart airport landside location is adopting digital technologies such as, transport synchronization, real-time flight information, advanced booking and intelligent passenger steering for enhancing passenger experiences and other features. Moreover, Airside is upgrading in various domain such as, In-wallet scanning, geolocation of vehicles and coordination of vehicles with real time information of landing aircrafts. Modernization of old airports, introduction of new airports, development in commercial aviation, and increasing focus on green initiatives are the key growth drivers expected to boost market for smart airports in North America.
Request for sample copy of this report @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/north-america-smart-airport-market/request-for-sample
Cyber security threats are the major concern which may bother passengers in sharing their details with the smart airport system. Also, unauthorized usage of the system poses a threat to the airport administration IT solutions, central reservation systems, and passenger name records. It also includes unauthorized modification of software and hardware or any IT and communication system. Physical attacks in the form of vandalism, sabotage and explosives on airport assets can result in losses to the stakeholders and assets. Furthermore, human error is also one of the biggest threat which is caused by network administrators. Configuration errors can negatively impact security or operations in the form of cancelled flights, and system down time. Similarly end users, such as, airport employees can make errors by filling wrong passenger information.
The North American smart airports market was dominated by the US in 2018, however Canada is expected to witness faster growth during the forecast period. As US has the busiest airports, and the flying volume is increasing at a substantial rate each year, many airports here are in need of better ways to process the flyers. Implementation of robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning is currently in trend in the US aviation industry. In Miami international airport, beacons technology is used for sending message and guiding location to passenger through navigation. The technology is helping airport in determining where passengers are congregating, and it further enhances in indoor mapping and sending relevant information to customers.
According to Architectural Record published in 2019, over 50 airports in the US are collectively projected to account for up to $70 billion in construction projects in the next three years. These projected not only focuses on renovation and modification, but also aims to refurbish, manufacture, install and operate the ITT systems. Furthermore, Canadian airports observed a 6.3% increase in overall traffic and a 9.8% increase in international footfall in 2017. This increasing passenger inflow has generated a greater need towards advanced technologies and thus is driving the growth of smart airports market in this region. Companies such as
The key players in the market include Amadeus IT Group S.A., Cisco Systems, Inc., Honeywell International Inc., International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, QinetiQ Group Plc, Sabre Corporation, Siemens AG, Rockwell Collins Inc., Thales Group, and T Systems International GmbH among others.
Polaris Market research has segmented the North America Smart Airport market report on the basis of technology, component, application, location and countries
North America Smart Airports Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
Security Systems
Communication Systems
Passenger, Cargo & Baggage Handling Control
Alerts & Cyber Security
E-Fence and Ground Surveillance Radar
Behavioral Analytics
Wireless Airports
Smartphones for Communication
Near Field Communication
Social Media
Interactive Advance Passenger Information
RFID Baggage Reconciliation System
E-Passport Gates
Air/Ground Traffic Control
Endpoint Devices
Automated Control of Operations
Digital Navigation
Surveillance Radar
Other Devices
Airport Management Software
Digital Signage
North America Smart Airports Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
North America Smart Airports Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
Aeronautical Operations
Non-Aeronautical Operations
North America Smart Airports Location Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
Terminal Side
North America Smart Airports Country Level Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
North America
Request for Discount on This Report @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/north-america-smart-airport-market/request-for-discount-pricing
About Polaris Market Research
Polaris Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. The company specializes in providing exceptional market intelligence and in-depth business research services for our clientele spread across different enterprises. We at Polaris are obliged to serve our diverse customer base present across the industries of healthcare, technology, semi-conductors and chemicals among various other industries present around the world.
Contact us
Polaris Market Research
Phone: 1-646-568-9980
Web: www.polarismarketresearch.com
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deafeningmusicfury · 4 years
North America Smart Airport Market Size Key Manufacturers, Development Trends and Competitive Analysis
The North America Smart Airports Market size is expected to reach USD 7.74 billion by 2026 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report “North America Smart Airport Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report By Technology Type (Security Systems, Communication Systems, Passenger, Cargo & Baggage Ground Handling Control, Air/Ground Traffic Control, Endpoint Devices) Component Type (Hardware, Software, Services); By Application Type (Aeronautical Operations, Non-Aeronautical Operations), By Location Type (Landside, Airside, Terminal Side); By Regions, Segments & Forecast, 2020 – 2026” gives a detailed insight into current market dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth.
Passengers usually face problems in airport regarding long queues, waiting lines, security check-ins, less real-time information, flight delays, less space in airport, lack of proper customer service, improper baggage handling, lost baggage complaints and lack of facilities for overcoming all these problems airports across the globe are heading towards smart airport for providing better and seamless personalized experience to passengers. Growing demand of automated and self-service processes and growing demand of real time information in airport is driving North America smart airport market.
Request for a sample copy of this research report @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/north-america-smart-airport-market/request-for-sample
Smart airport security system technology is driving the market as various airports are implementing new innovative smart components such as, flight booking management, automatic check-in, way finding services to automated security checks and border control. The substantial growth prospects of the smart airport market can be attributed to the efforts undertaken by airports across the globe to enhance their business processes and provide optimized services. Airport operators are investing heavily on IT and digital technology for enhancing customer experience. Furthermore, smart airport landside location is adopting digital technologies such as, transport synchronization, real-time flight information, advanced booking and intelligent passenger steering for enhancing passenger experiences and other features. Moreover, Airside is upgrading in various domain such as, In-wallet scanning, geolocation of vehicles and coordination of vehicles with real time information of landing aircrafts. Modernization of old airports, introduction of new airports, development in commercial aviation, and increasing focus on green initiatives are the key growth drivers expected to boost market for smart airports in North America.
Cyber security threats are the major concern which may bother passengers in sharing their details with the smart airport system. Also, unauthorized usage of the system poses a threat to the airport administration IT solutions, central reservation systems, and passenger name records. It also includes unauthorized modification of software and hardware or any IT and communication system. Physical attacks in the form of vandalism, sabotage and explosives on airport assets can result in losses to the stakeholders and assets. Furthermore, human error is also one of the biggest threat which is caused by network administrators. Configuration errors can negatively impact security or operations in the form of cancelled flights, and system down time. Similarly end users, such as, airport employees can make errors by filling wrong passenger information.
The North American smart airports market was dominated by the US in 2018, however Canada is expected to witness faster growth during the forecast period. As US has the busiest airports, and the flying volume is increasing at a substantial rate each year, many airports here are in need of better ways to process the flyers. Implementation of robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning is currently in trend in the US aviation industry. In Miami international airport, beacons technology is used for sending message and guiding location to passenger through navigation. The technology is helping airport in determining where passengers are congregating, and it further enhances in indoor mapping and sending relevant information to customers.
According to Architectural Record published in 2019, over 50 airports in the US are collectively projected to account for up to $70 billion in construction projects in the next three years. These projected not only focuses on renovation and modification, but also aims to refurbish, manufacture, install and operate the ITT systems. Furthermore, Canadian airports observed a 6.3% increase in overall traffic and a 9.8% increase in international footfall in 2017. This increasing passenger inflow has generated a greater need towards advanced technologies and thus is driving the growth of smart airports market in this region. Companies such as
The key players in the market include Amadeus IT Group S.A., Cisco Systems, Inc., Honeywell International Inc., International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, QinetiQ Group Plc, Sabre Corporation, Siemens AG, Rockwell Collins Inc., Thales Group, and T Systems International GmbH among others.
 Complete Summary with TOC Available @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/north-america-smart-airport-market
 Polaris Market research has segmented the North America Smart Airport market report on the basis of technology, component, application, location and countries
North America Smart Airports Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
 Alerts & Cyber Security
 E-Fence and Ground Surveillance Radar
 Behavioral Analytics
 Wireless Airports
 Smartphones for Communication
 Near Field Communication
 Social Media
 Interactive Advance Passenger Information
 RFID Baggage Reconciliation System
 E-Passport Gates
 Automated Control of Operations
 Digital Navigation
 Surveillance Radar
 Other Devices
 Airport Management Software
 Digital Signage
North America Smart Airports Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
North America Smart Airports Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
Aeronautical Operations
Non-Aeronautical Operations
North America Smart Airports Location Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
Terminal Side
North America Smart Airports Country Level Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
 Purchase This Report @:  https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/checkouts/6491
 About Polaris Market Research
Polaris Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. The company specializes in providing exceptional market intelligence and in-depth business research services for our clientele spread across different enterprises.
Contact Us:
Polaris Market Research
Phone: 1–646–568–9980
Web: www.polarismarketresearch.com
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travelling-bird · 1 year
Along with Swiss design and Indian aesthetics, Noida airport will have a world-class passenger processing system. Click here to know more.
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deafeningmusicfury · 4 years
North America Smart Airport Market Current Trends and Challenges Analysis By 2026
The North America Smart Airports Market size is expected to reach USD 7.74 billion by 2026 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report “North America Smart Airport Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report By Technology Type (Security Systems, Communication Systems, Passenger, Cargo & Baggage Ground Handling Control, Air/Ground Traffic Control, Endpoint Devices) Component Type (Hardware, Software, Services); By Application Type (Aeronautical Operations, Non-Aeronautical Operations), By Location Type (Landside, Airside, Terminal Side); By Regions, Segments & Forecast, 2020 – 2026” gives a detailed insight into current market dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth.
Passengers usually face problems in airport regarding long queues, waiting lines, security check-ins, less real-time information, flight delays, less space in airport, lack of proper customer service, improper baggage handling, lost baggage complaints and lack of facilities for overcoming all these problems airports across the globe are heading towards smart airport for providing better and seamless personalized experience to passengers. Growing demand of automated and self-service processes and growing demand of real time information in airport is driving North America smart airport market.
Request for a sample copy of this research report @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/north-america-smart-airport-market/request-for-sample
Smart airport security system technology is driving the market as various airports are implementing new innovative smart components such as, flight booking management, automatic check-in, way finding services to automated security checks and border control. The substantial growth prospects of the smart airport market can be attributed to the efforts undertaken by airports across the globe to enhance their business processes and provide optimized services. Airport operators are investing heavily on IT and digital technology for enhancing customer experience. Furthermore, smart airport landside location is adopting digital technologies such as, transport synchronization, real-time flight information, advanced booking and intelligent passenger steering for enhancing passenger experiences and other features. Moreover, Airside is upgrading in various domain such as, In-wallet scanning, geolocation of vehicles and coordination of vehicles with real time information of landing aircrafts. Modernization of old airports, introduction of new airports, development in commercial aviation, and increasing focus on green initiatives are the key growth drivers expected to boost market for smart airports in North America.
Cyber security threats are the major concern which may bother passengers in sharing their details with the smart airport system. Also, unauthorized usage of the system poses a threat to the airport administration IT solutions, central reservation systems, and passenger name records. It also includes unauthorized modification of software and hardware or any IT and communication system. Physical attacks in the form of vandalism, sabotage and explosives on airport assets can result in losses to the stakeholders and assets. Furthermore, human error is also one of the biggest threat which is caused by network administrators. Configuration errors can negatively impact security or operations in the form of cancelled flights, and system down time. Similarly end users, such as, airport employees can make errors by filling wrong passenger information.
The North American smart airports market was dominated by the US in 2018, however Canada is expected to witness faster growth during the forecast period. As US has the busiest airports, and the flying volume is increasing at a substantial rate each year, many airports here are in need of better ways to process the flyers. Implementation of robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning is currently in trend in the US aviation industry. In Miami international airport, beacons technology is used for sending message and guiding location to passenger through navigation. The technology is helping airport in determining where passengers are congregating, and it further enhances in indoor mapping and sending relevant information to customers.
According to Architectural Record published in 2019, over 50 airports in the US are collectively projected to account for up to $70 billion in construction projects in the next three years. These projected not only focuses on renovation and modification, but also aims to refurbish, manufacture, install and operate the ITT systems. Furthermore, Canadian airports observed a 6.3% increase in overall traffic and a 9.8% increase in international footfall in 2017. This increasing passenger inflow has generated a greater need towards advanced technologies and thus is driving the growth of smart airports market in this region. Companies such as
The key players in the market include Amadeus IT Group S.A., Cisco Systems, Inc., Honeywell International Inc., International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, QinetiQ Group Plc, Sabre Corporation, Siemens AG, Rockwell Collins Inc., Thales Group, and T Systems International GmbH among others.
 Complete Summary with TOC Available @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/north-america-smart-airport-market
 Polaris Market research has segmented the North America Smart Airport market report on the basis of technology, component, application, location and countries
North America Smart Airports Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
 Alerts & Cyber Security
 E-Fence and Ground Surveillance Radar
 Behavioral Analytics
 Wireless Airports
 Smartphones for Communication
 Near Field Communication
 Social Media
 Interactive Advance Passenger Information
 RFID Baggage Reconciliation System
 E-Passport Gates
 Automated Control of Operations
 Digital Navigation
 Surveillance Radar
 Other Devices
 Airport Management Software
 Digital Signage
North America Smart Airports Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
North America Smart Airports Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
Aeronautical Operations
Non-Aeronautical Operations
North America Smart Airports Location Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
Terminal Side
North America Smart Airports Country Level Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2026)
 Purchase This Report @:  https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/checkouts/6491
 About Polaris Market Research
Polaris Market Research is a global market research and consulting company. The company specializes in providing exceptional market intelligence and in-depth business research services for our clientele spread across different enterprises.
Contact Us:
Polaris Market Research
Phone: 1–646–568–9980
Web: www.polarismarketresearch.com
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