#BATIM Saudade AU Character Art
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“We’ll get through this Sammy!”
Hey guys! Here’s another new picture, this time it’s Wally! It’s been so long since I drew him, I might’ve changed his design a little bit, I made his hair messier (Survivors don’t really have time to brush their hair) and added freckles. I thought he’d look cute with them! I hope the picture looks nice, I tried to make it good. For a bit of explaination, when Sammy makes an appearance in the story, Wally is never far behind. They’re best friends even if Sammy doesn’t want to admit it! Anyway I hope you guys like it! 😄
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bornoffireandwisdom · 4 years
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Zombie!Grant just standing around. Probably wandering.
Hey guys. I’m not doing so good right now.. The reason is kind of a long story, but I don’t want to bother you guys with it.
Anyway. Sorry I’ve been so slow at posting again. Here’s a work-in-progress drawing of Zombie!Grant. I just thought maybe posting something, even if is just a drawing might help. I don’t know. Sorry if it looks bad so far. I hope you guys like it despite any problems.
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Zombie!Grant just vibing, and maybe trying to break into a survivor’s house-
Hey guys! Sorry again for my lack of productivity.. (and sorry if I sound weird right now, I’m really tired 😅) I’m trying to write but I’ve been having a lot of trouble focusing these past few weeks. Like I’ve been unable to focus on anything other than video games. I love my video games, but being so unproductive is really frustrating me. Especially since I’ve had a lot of new ideas for the Zombie Apocalypse AU that I think are really cool!
Here’s two drawings of Zombie!Grant I’ve been meaning to show you guys! The top one is from months ago but I finally managed to finish colouring last night. The second one is more recent but still took a bit to finish. I hope that you guys like them! But it’s okay if you don’t! I thought I should post two drawings to try and make up for being so slow with new posts lately.. I know it’s not much but I hope it’s good. Sorry that the picture quality is so bad though, it’s hard to take good pictures on my phone. 😅😅
I hope you guys like these drawings! I’m sorry if they’re too dark though. 😅😅
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“We will survive.”
I’ve been having a lot of fun with these little sketches!! Here’s Wally again! Even the apocalypse can’t get him down! He really is the best person to have around when you’re sad, he always looks on the bright side! That’s another reason why Sammy would be crushed if something happened to his best-buddy!
Hey guys!! I’m so happy right now because it’s finally snowing!! I’m literally so happy I could cry!! 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Anyway I hope you guys like this drawing!! 😄😄
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Hey guys, sorry I’ve been taking so long to write and draw again but here’s a picture of Grant in my BATIM Zombie Apocalypse AU probably minutes before turning. Sorry if it’s not very good or if it’s kind of too scary! I just wanted to try something a little different when drawing last night. I hope you guys like it. I worked really hard on it. 😅
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Hey guys. I’ve been trying to draw more lately. I’m kind of messing around with sketches I think. I just want to try something a little different I hope that’s okay. Anyway here’s crazy Joey, in all his crazy glory lol. Maybe he’s excited for Christmas? Lol
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Sammy boi- (I need to get more creative with names lol)
Hey guys! Here’s another little drawing. This time it’s of Sammy, though it’s probably hard to tell. Sorry about that guys. I’ve been meaning to draw him and the other characters more. I was going to write something here about what Sammy is going to be doing when he’s introduced in the story, but I’m very tired and I’m not sure how to explain. Sorry. I hope you guys like the picture though!
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Big Oof- (I’m too tired to give it a non-silly title. 😆😅)
Hey guys! I’m trying to see if I can post one thing a day. I don’t really know if it matters what the post is, I just think I should get into the habit of posting more I think it might help me a bit. Anyway here’s a sad Shawn. I think this is most-likely him while Grant is turning and being unable to help him, or after he Grant turned and is just in shock and sadness. Sorry if it isn’t great! Still trying things out. I like to think of these drawings as kind of little test drawings so I think it’s okay. I hope you guys like it.
(Also I’m highly certain that I only got 1 hour of sleep last night so I’m sorry if I’m making zero sense. Super tired. 😅😅)
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Are you sure it’s a good idea to hide that bite, Grant? What if you turn when Shawn’s defenseless? You might infect him too
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Grant: “I-I’m not infected.. I’m n-not going to hurt S-Shawn.. it won’t happen. I-It’s not going to happen..”
Grant is still kind of in the denial phase, it’s hard to accept that you’ve only got a few hours left to live after all, and that you could end up attacking friends and family. 😆😅
Sorry about the poor picture quality by the way and sorry if the answer isn’t good! I hate how they look shiny when I crop it. My phone has the worst camera. 😭😭
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bornoffireandwisdom · 4 years
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Hey guys! Sorry again for taking so long to draw and write. I know I apologize for this a lot but I mean it every time I promise.
Here’s some drawings I did for fun for my BATIM Saudade Apocalypse AU. The first is of a very hungry Zombie!Grant. The second is Zombie!Grant being confused because he had no idea what Shawn is saying lol. And the last one is of Shawn being extremely uncomfortable and grossed out because he got zombie blood on his face. Poor guy. 😆😆
Sorry if the pictures are very blurry or just straight-up poor quality. I had a hard time taking pictures and none of them were coming out right, so this is the best I could do. I hope you like them. Sorry again. 😅
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bornoffireandwisdom · 4 years
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“Back from my supply run. Ran into some trouble, don’t worry Bertrum. My hammer made a pretty good weapon.”
Hey guys! I finally finished drawing Lacie for Apocalypse Spinoff AU! In this picture she’s staying in a basement or cellar with Bertrum (sorry I don’t know how to draw him yet so I couldn’t put him in the picture) they turned the place into a kind of permanent hideout since it’s pretty secure. Lacie also came back from a supply run to grab things for Bertrum, and ran into a few zombies on the way home.
Lacie has an eyepatch in the spinoff AU because before they found the basement/shelter they had been camping for a bit since Lacie figured that the zombies wouldn’t head that far and stay where more human flesh is available, unfortunately a few other survivors had the same idea and came across their camp and tried to steal their supplies. Bertrum was fine but Lacie got hurt. One of the thieves threw a rock at her and it got her eye. Ouch! (Sorry Lacie!)
Anyway sorry I took so long to draw this and sorry if it’s blurry and not very good. I tried my best. To be honest I’m kind of proud of the background. I know it’s not great, but I think it’s a big improvement from what I usually do. Sorry if that’s silly!
I’ll try to get back to writing as quick as I can! I know I say that a lot but I really do mean it. With the self-quarantine thing going on I think I have a lot of time to try and write again, so I’ll try really hard this time!
I hope you guys like this drawing despite any problems there might be. I tried my best! 😅
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bornoffireandwisdom · 4 years
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“Let’sa go!” -Plumber!Shawn. 🍄🍄🍃🍃
Hey guys. Sorry I haven’t been posting in awhile again.. I’ve just been having a really hard time focusing. I’ve been going through a bit of a hard time, and my depression is getting bad again. I really do want to be productive though, and I really want to finish the rest of the amazing prompts you guys sent me for the Zombie Apocalype Spin-off AU. As well as finish the second chapter of its main story Epidemic.
So here’s a little joke picture I did of Shawn. It was when I was trying to figure out his design for my main AU Saudade, and for the apocalypse spinoff. Instead I made him look like Mario and Luigi. I hope that this picture can make you guys smile, and once again I’m sorry for taking so long to do things.
I’ll try my best to try and get them done.. I’m sorry that I keep apologizing for my lack of activity. I just feel like you guys deserve an apology..
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bornoffireandwisdom · 5 years
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Here’s a picture of Zombie!Norman for my new BATIM Saudade Apocalypse AU. I wanted him and Wendy to be in the new Spinoff AU, so here’s his design for when he gets infected.
In the Spinoff AU, Norman gets bitten and infected while trying to protect his little sister Wendy during the outbreak. He ends up having to leave her with a group of survivors, hoping they’d keep her safe. Norman didn’t want to leave her, but he felt that he had no other choice. Not wanting to end up attacking her when he turns.
His clothing is a little inspired (as well as the name of this picture) by The Hunter from Left 4 Dead. I’ve never played that game, and I don’t know much about it. But I thought the game and the zombies in it looked interesting, and it kind of inspired me when making Zombie!Norman. Sorry if that’s stupid. 😅
Also I’m sorry for the blurriness, and I’m sorry if the picture is bad. I’m sorry if it’s too scary as well because of the blood.. I promise I’ll delete it later if it upset anyone. I don’t want to bother anyone.
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bornoffireandwisdom · 4 years
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-Dead ahead, and Rising.
Here’s Survivor!Shawn! In this picture Shawn is alone because Grant had been bitten and he had no choose but to leave him. He’s in an alley, hiding behind a wall from the undead that are prowling the area. He’s very tired and emotionally worn-out since leaving Grant behind. Covered in zombie blood (which I accidentally forgot to make darker because in the Spinoff AU zombie blood is very dark 😅) abs has a cut on his cheek, luckily not from a zombie. He was just running and accidentally ran into a tree-branch which cut him. 😆
This is the first time I’ve drawn Shawn in Shawn for my AUs. In my main AU he should look the same, except with old-fashioned clothes. In this his clothes are more modern because this spinoff takes place in the present day. Shawn is also supposed to have some stubble, but I have no idea how to draw that. Sorry about that! 😅 (I also just remembed that I forgot to draw his backpack. Whoops! 😅😅)
The hand on the right-side of the picture belongs to Grant. His hand is shaking and covered in his blood from when he was attacked and infected, still fresh. His veins visible and black (sorry if I added too many! I’m still learning how to draw those! 😅) The glowing eyes in the background are supposed to be the eyes of the undead watching him rise. 👻👻👻👻👻
Sorry if this picture isn’t good, blurry, or too scary! I’m sorry if the background isn’t good either. I tried my best. Also sorry if I added too much blood! I really hope you guys like this picture despite the problems it may have! And I understand if this picture bothers you guys. Blood is scary. 😅😅
If you guys want me to take it down later because if that I completely understand! Sorry again if it’s too dark and scary. 😅😅
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bornoffireandwisdom · 5 years
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-Snow Zombie
Hey guys! I’m sorry again for taking so long to draw and write.. I still really want to go ahead with that Apocalypse Spinoff idea I had for my BATIM Saudade AU! So here’s a picture of Zombie/Searcher!Grant for the Apocalypse Spinoff! 😄
Grant has a little bit of a different design in the Apocalypse Spinoff. Since it’s in the present time I tried to make the clothes look a bit more modern. I gave him a blue jacket. I don’t know why but I decided to make the background Wintery. I just love snow. Sorry if the clothes don’t look nice though. 😅
Also sorry if the drawing doesn’t look very nice, and I’m sorry if the picture is blurry! I tried my best. I really hope you guys like this picture despite any problems it may have. 😅😅
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bornoffireandwisdom · 5 years
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I’m safe in the light-
Y̸̡o̶͜͠͠ù́͜͢҉’̴̷̧̛͜ŕ͢͝é̢͘͏͘ ̛͢͠͞n̸̵͝͝ǫ̵̀͢t̸̢́͟ ̴̢͢s̷͜͢͝͝a̴͏̢͟f̢́͘͞͏e̸͘͢͞ ̨́͟͟͞i̵̧͝ń̵҉̵͡ ̶̢͟͢͠t͞h́͜͡é̵͜͟ ̷̷҉̧l̴̕͟͞i̵͞g̸̕͟h̵̀͡t̸̵̨.̷͘͝-Joey Drew.
Hey guys! I thought it would be fun to draw Searcher!Grant again because of the story I made about him a couple days ago! 😄
I like to think that Searcher!Grant in my BATIM Saudade AU likes to hide lanterns or other hand-held light sources around because it gives him a sense of security. He feels safe in the light, so in moments of lucidity he grabs one of his light sources and hides somewhere he liked to go to before he got infected. Although most Searchers in my AU naturally prefer to be in dark places because it’s better for ambushing intruders. Sorry if this idea sounds stupid though, I’m tired so I’m not sure if I thought it through well. 😅
Anyway, sorry if this drawing is stupid, poorly done, or just bad in general. I’m also sorry if it looks blurry. It was hard for me to take a good picture of it. I hope you guys like this picture despite any problems it may have. 😅
Also I’m sorry if this picture is too dark or scary! If it bothers you guys, I promise I’ll delete it. I don’t want to bother anyone. 😅
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