bonefall · 1 year
lol I sent the forstar ask, I meant to type DOESTAR but autocorrect wasn't on my side apparently
I'm still messing around with my ThunderClan family tree fix, but one thing I'm HARD decided on is that Speckletail is part of her family. Her name refers to the speckling on a fawn.
Doestar is now the daughter of Deerdapple and Thrushtalon, her siblings are Deerpaw and Stagleap. Stagleap and Harepounce have one child so far, Speckletail, but I'm still looking to shuffle.
(One-eye is not her sister anymore. One-eye is a lot older than Speckletail, almost 20 when Speckle's like 14. Meemaw is an ANCIENT cat.)
I like Doestar's description of "creamy ruff" so much that I'm making it her family's thing. It's a patchy, irregular mane of spikes like that of a wet red deer.
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BUT ANYWAY. BB!Doestar's not a sweetie. She continued the Crusades after Oakstar lost his last life to them, in his honor. Doestar ruled from the mid-Crusade Era to the early Campaign Era, leaving Pinestar in charge when she lost her final life to starvation.
Pinestar rules for a long, long time. He really doesn't like warfare and tries to avoid it when possible, but still taking care to not violate the Right of Challenge and prevent his cats from fighting. He really likes creative stunts like the Adderfang/Mudfur battle, though that particular idea backfired.
And that's Doestar! A crusader who appointed a much more peaceful leader after her.
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Title: Goosefeather’s Curse
Arc: Novella
Type: illustration
Country: Russia
Artist: Leonid Nasyrov
Characters: Goosefeather, Doestar, Cloudberry
Source: https://warriors-cats.fandom.com/ru/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8
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bonefall · 1 year
im waiting for you to finalize the heatherharebreeze kits so i can make a drabble ab breeze and him learning to take care of his kits
I'll do WindClan next, I'm getting closer to finishing ThunderClan's. I want to redraw it a couple times to try and make it look less messy
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bonefall · 1 year
Golfy is literally one of my favorite cats of all time and I adore the way you’ve characterized her!! Any fun tidbits to share? I want to know more about the woman
There's a sketch of her floating around if you want to go on a treasure hunt! I don't have time to look for it right now (I am currently in the trunk of a clown car), but I've actually drawn a beta of her design and her big mane
Also note: BB!Goldenflower is part of the Doekin line. Speckletail's perception of herself and her family is tied strongly to being Doestar's niece. This association dies out with Thornclaw in BB!OotS as he's the last one to strongly value this legacy.
Golfy's mane is so poofy, unmanageabley poofy. She keeps it braided
Lionheart just surrendered to entrophy on that one lmao. "Dirt happens."
It's my little way of trying to show the difference between the siblings.
They're both proud and honorable, but Lionheart is more calm and patient. He's a Que Sera Sera kind of guy.
Goldenflower is more fond of the expression, "Fortune favors the prepared."
Note to self: Clanmewnize these expressions. Que Sera Sera is notably quite RiverClannish... Golfy's phrase is definitely from early ThunderClan
Not to get too distracted but I recently got this FANTASTIC idea for how to close out Book 3 of BB!DOTC on a bittersweet note, involving The First Boarhunt and Clear Sky being delightfully devious as always. Maybe it would be cool to put that phrase there... anyway.
She had three siblings total, Lionheart, Mistleclaw, and Snowkit. It's really difficult being the last one; family was extremely important to her.
Mistleclaw wasn't even a year out of apprenticeship; you're really considered an ADULT adult after being on your own for a year. Losing her was like losing a sibling who's college-aged. That was to the plague, before Firestar's arrival.
Smallear was openly the father of all four of them, but Goldenflower hesitates to call him Ba. Him and Speckletail had a really toxic on-again off-again thing.
Smallear was closest to Mistleclaw, who coincidentally looked the most like him. Goldenflower is like... "yeah thats what i expected of him, that fish-eared loser"
She's biased in favor of her mother though. Lionheart was more chill with Smallear; not CLOSE but, neutral-positive.
It wasn't entirely Smallear's fault that the relationship kept falling apart though, to be clear. I use toxic in this use very much on purpose, it wasn't abuse, they really cannot get along.
So when Goldenflower eventually picked a mate, she REALLY just wanted a stable lifepartner that would not be like that.
I would describe her relationship with Tigerclaw more in the terms of an "arrangement." Fishing for romantic information from her is VERY funny because she just like. Doesn't "get" romance.
Brambleclaw: "Mom... what did you... like about dad?"
"He was large, we were both very large. And he was a responsible warrior, respected and ambitious. Well... at the time we believed that. And he spoke with great confidence. He had a way of making you feel like you were both safe and powerful by his side."
It will not even click for her that most people don't open the answer to "why did you love x" with "he was tall like me"
She wanted kits and a partner. She doesn't regret the relationship, she regrets what he made her believe.
On Tigerclaw's end, it was mutual. They both liked each other as trusted Clanmates. He was attracted to her and reciprocated when she proposed a mateship, but I don't think he ever really got over Spottedleaf romantically.
Plus, getting into this family was a smart political move. Having Speckletail's approval was VERY useful.
I might stick Goldenflower as Head of Hunting through TNP to early Po3, until she trains a successor, since there's no rush. I have an allegiance list floating around but I can't remember off the top of my head if she's where she should be
She's actually super disappointed in Tawnypelt for her choice. I don't think they ever reconcile this, they're both too proud
So she's kinda iffy on that alliance with ShadowClan. Not to the point of spite, but she does easily believe stereotypes about them.
"A bunch of holdouts of TigerClan and duplicitous fiends over there."
Both Golfy and Tawnp miss each other a lot, but again. Neither one is going to apologize to the other or say the other was even slightly correct.
And Golfy wouldn't accept it if Tawnp even did. She made her choice. They're in different Clans now. She chose her father, who killed Swiftpaw and Lionheart.
And for that, Golfy will not forgive her.
If they ended up in a battle, neither would hold back. They both know this.
I'm really fond of her. She really is Speckletail's daughter and the whole family has a special flavor of pain and pride.
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bonefall · 1 year
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[ID: Speckletail from WC. She is a light golden tabby with a fluffy 'cravat' mane and brown stripes. She also has brown flecks.]
Since she's been coming up a lot! The problematic bulldozer conqueror herself. The only apprentice to survive the Great Hunger, inheritor of Doestar's legacy, and girl with the coolest death in BB
Clanmew Name: Poeswash Tiny spots pattern (Poes) + Tail (Swash)
Alignment: ThunderClan, born and raised
Relationships: Parents - Stagleap & Mossheart Aunt - Doestar Mentor - Pinestar Apprentices - Halftail, Mousefur Children - Lionheart, Goldenflower, Mistleclaw, Snowkit Grandchildren - Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, Thornclaw, Brightheart, Swiftpaw, Lynxkit, Bramblestar, Tawnypelt Father-of-her-children (derogatory) - Smallear
A serious, relentless molly who pushes herself to the limits of her abilities, and one of ThunderClan's strongest warriors when she was in her prime. Always says what's on her mind, even if you didn't want to hear it, and would rather 'beg forgiveness' rather than ask permission.
She may be aggressive and critical, but it's easy to understand where it came from. Speckletail has has a rough life-- between losing family to starvation, her murderous son-in-law, and a hawk, she has a hard time catching a break.
Ideologically, she is an excellent example of a Hard Traditionalist. She believes strongly in the values of Clan Culture at the time of TPB, like purity, loyalty, and strength, and is one of Firepaw's 'lesser' antagonists well into his warriorhood.
After her death, Speckletail is invoked as a Patron of Disaster. When storms ravage territory, or when fire tears through the forest, she is prayed to for protection, and to forestall the destruction long enough for you to make an escape.
Jumbled trivia below the cut!
The 'creamy ruff' that Doestar has is a trait that follows down to Speckletail, and at least one of the Frostfour will end up getting it.
The 'boots' and spots are from her mother, Mossheart.
Speckletail is very religious. She prays to StarClan regularly, and would often consult the Clerics with things she'd perceived as signs. She doesn't have visions, but is still quite pious.
Featherwhisker was always so good at assuring her that her nightmares weren't signs... she misses him immensely. Though she got along just fine with Spottedleaf.
She was Pineheart's first apprentice, and just as he began training her, the Great Hunger began. It was a barren summer, and a frigid winter.
None of her siblings survived. None of the other apprentices, either. She even lost her father, Stagleap. A lot of cats died.
But Pineheart kept her alive, and taught her how to be resourceful.
To her dying day, Speckletail was 'thrifty...' and would yell at cats who she saw wasting food.
In general, she could be quite negative. She had a bad habit of imagining the worst case scenario and sticking to it.
But it also made her very brave. Her worst fear is the thought of missing her chance to save someone-- death has no power over her.
In spite of her critical and harsh personality, she was VERY close with all of her family. She regularly braided Goldenflower's mane for her, and spent lots of time with her grandchildren.
She was especially happy when Goldenflower chose Tigerclaw as a mate, she was always fond of the boy.
So, she was particularly shocked when his crimes came to light. Especially that he'd been working with ShadowClan, and they assassinated Lionheart for him.
Snowkit's death devastated her, when he pushed Tawnykit out of the way as the hawk bore down on them. In her prime, she could have made that leap, she'd killed large prey like hawks before... but she couldn't. She was too old, and the strength had left her body.
She didn't like the Elder's Den very much, and felt restless. She felt powerless all over again.
And speaking of elders, Smallear is the father of her kittens but they had a very volatile relationship. They're too much alike, and were constantly getting into fights and breaking off.
He was not involved with any of their three litters. Speckletail pointedly raised them alone, but it was known that Smallear was the father.
But this also meant she mourned them alone, when Mistleclaw died of plague, Lionheart was assassinated, and when she had no body of Snowkit's to bury.
She was finally at peace with it all, in the final days. Seeing her grandchildren become fine warriors, getting to watch her great-grandchild Whitepaw grow up.
But then the destruction of the forest began with a twoleg monster veering off the Thunderpath, rolling over the trees.
As the camp was evacuating in a panic, she called Thornclaw to her, and ran towards the danger.
She wouldn't let humans and their pets take more family from her... aaaand allowed some guy probably named Matthew to file the WILDEST workman's comp case in history.
While Speckletail just thought she was attacking another predator, little did she know she was making the news and setting off a cascade of events that would lead to a team of researchers getting funding. A miracle.
But the Clan cats don't know this... all they know is that when they pulled Speckletail out of the wreckage, her fur was shiny with the blood of the monster.
It was too noxious to clean off of her remains, so they buried her with a rainbow in her fur.
Speckletail immediately became popular across the Clans for this story, becoming a patron in record time.
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