bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
In The Dead of Night
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King!Oikawa x assassin!prisoner!reader
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Warnings: sub-ish Oikawa, bondage, blue balls, tyrant!Bokuto is back, fingering, possessiveness (from Oikawa and Bokuto), betrayal, war is coming
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“All the guests have left, Your Majesty,”
“Fantastic. Especially Bokuto?”
“Yes,” Iwaizumi agrees, nodding his head and leaving with a wave of Oikawa’s fingers. It’s time to go back to you, who is probably asleep. The discussion that took place was mostly boring, continued talks from Ushijima and Bokuto about marrying to expand territory or gain a political advantage. Quite boring in Oikawa’s opinion, seeing as he wasn’t going to budge on his decision to marry a commoner. Well, a commoner to most. A sadistic smile appeared on his face as he walked the corridor to his quarters, finding entertainment in how Bokuto seemed to get so irrationally angry for just a simple loving marriage, even needing to be hushed by his own queen. It was almost sad, seeing Bokuto be so obsessed with you and you having chosen a different side.
The smile fell from his lips when he remembers how three of his guards had been knocked out. He decided to keep it quiet until everyone left, leaving Iwaizumi to look to the cause or problem while he checked on you. You, who happened to leave and then three of his guards were knocked out. While Oikawa was positive you wouldn’t do such a thing, Iwaizumi and Hanamaki were much more.. worried about you.
“You can’t just readily trust her! She was a prisoner less than a week ago!” Hanamaki had shouted, sword ready to be drawn as he paced in the throne room. “Queen to be or not, she is still a threat,”
“Makki, I understand,” he had said, eyes void of emotion. “But I trust her. That is final. After all, King Bokuto left to use the restroom shortly after her departure, wouldn’t he be the most likely threat?”
“Sir, with all due respect, King Bokuto may be an idiot at best but he is no fool. The action is suspicious and he wouldn’t dare do such a thing,” Iwaizumi words backed up Hanamaki’s. But Oikawa refused to budge.
“Ask the guards. I’m sure [Y/N] is completely innocent. She’s been in crystal chains for almost three months, I doubt she’d do something so dangerous while knowing the consequences,” Oikawa finally had said, getting both men to quiet down. Iwaizumi and Hanamaki understood the assignment and went to work on who exactly knocked out the guards. Asking around, questioning King Bokuto’s whereabouts, even if they had every reason to believe it was your doing.
Oikawa sighed at the memory, rolling his shoulders back as he looked forward to undressing. The layers of clothing were lightweight but couldn’t keep it from getting heavier as the day dragged on. With the moon high in the night sky, Oikawa could only hope to undress and sleep before he has to put them on again. Entering the room, he noticed your figure asleep on the bed, dressed in a silk nightgown he had recently requested for you.
“Dear, are you awake?” He whispered, waiting for any movement or acknowledgement. When he received none, he quietly shut the door to get into his own nightly clothes.
When he crawled into bed with you, that’s when you stirred awake, rolling over to see who enters the bed. “Oikawa?”
“Who else? This is my bed,” he laughs, watching as you sleepily made an acknowledgement and rolled over. “How you feeling?”
“Better. Nauseous a bit still, but nothing like when I left. I’m sorry for leaving so early,” you say, Oikawa deciding your words hold truth to their weight. He’s gentle, placing his hand on your arm and rubbing it.
“Nonsense. That tyrant was eyeing you ever since you walked in. No need to apologize when he made you uncomfortable in your own home,” he said, leaning over to give your temple a kiss. “Not to mention, he’s gotten too comfortable in my home.”
“The guards, huh?” You offhandedly mention. “I was wondering where they were when he followed me into the garden,” you roll over when you finish speaking, looking up to Oikawa. He has a bit of a smile on his face, fondly looking at you. “What?”
“I can’t wait to say ‘I told you so’ to Iwa-chan and Makki. What did Bokuto need from you?” Oikawa’s smile then drops, his hand moving from your shoulder to your chin, making you look at him. “What did he do to you?”
“Asked me what I was doing. Told me he can still grant me freedom. I told him to leave me alone and I was fine here in Seijoh. When I threatened to call for help, he told me there weren’t any witnesses. He left after I mentioned the dinner, then I came back here and bathed, then fell asleep.” You decided to not mention the bit about still ‘on your mission’ bit you told Bokuto. It was a lie when spoken to Bokuto, but you wonder if perhaps it wasn’t. After all, there were no witnesses.
Oikawa smiles again, though it’s a bit more sad. Then he kisses you, a short kiss that shows a large amount of affection. “That’s my girl. I’m sure if you screamed loud enough, Mattsun would’ve heard you. He was roaming the corridors outside the banquet room,”
“Wish I’d have known that. But, I am trained to kill. I could at least beat Bokuto long enough to flee. After all, I’ve.. had experience fighting him in the past,”
“Yes, you mentioned how you came to be at Fukurōdani. Fighting a powerful warrior that ended in your defeat and then you were bound to his rule,” Oikawa hummed in thought, remembering your words. You nodded and agreed, rolling back over. Giving enough information for context, but not all. Oikawa had a vision of you that Bokuto didn’t. Had he known precisely what happened—
“Oikawa, what are you doing?” You say, voice no longer quiet and groggy. Oikawa’s hands had slipped under your nightgown, cold fingers trailing up your sides. “Are you not satisfied with simply sleeping next to me?”
“Not quite. After all, you may not have mentioned it outright but Bokuto put his hands on you, didn’t he?” His hand tightened its grip on your hip. “He thinks he’s still entitled to what is mine. I want to remind you that your place is beside me,”
“How—“ you whispered, gasping as Oikawa’s hand slithered between your legs, fingers rubbing your folds over the panties.
“I’ll remind your body of my touch, replacing his. While doing so, I’ll get your mind off of that fool and onto me, sounds like a good deal, no?” He whispers, fingers moving past the barrier and diving between your folds. You bite your lip as on hand scrunches the bedsheets and the other grabs Oikawa’s arm, not pulling him away not encouraging him. “You’ll need a reminder of just which king is beside you,”
“Oikawa, please,” you breathed out, unsure just what you’re asking for. Oikawa seems to take it one way, adjusting his fingers to rub at the special spot inside you instead of teasing brushes. You hiss at the feeling, legs tightening around his hand as he does. “There’s no need to te-tease,” you gasp out, nails digging into his arm.
“Are you sure about that? Are you still thinking of another while my wedding band is on your finger? Thinking of another man while my fingers are inside of you?”
“No! I’m not, I promise!” You shout, covering your mouth when your back arches to muffle a moan. Limp in Oikawa’s arms, you feel his fingers finally remove themselves from you, coated in your essence that leaves strings between his fingers. Rubbing his fingers together, he presses them against your lips as you easily part them for him, no thought behind the action.
“Good girl,” is all he says, abruptly taking his fingers out of your mouth only to rub them along your lips, then sucking on his own fingers. Your eyes never strayed from his fingers when he took them away from you and only when he took them in his mouth did your eyes trail up to his. “I’ve a need to devour more of you,”
Before he’s able to crawl on top of you, you roll on him and straddle him, pressing a finger to his lips. With one orgasm under your belt, you’re fully awake and willing to take charge. “How about you let me please you this time? After all,” you smirk, leaning back as you slip the nightgown off, “I’m yours as much as you’re mine. You’ve marked your claim on my body, but I haven’t done the same. Not quite fair, is it?” With a tilt of your head, you let his eyes roam over your body. You’re not referring to touches and throes of pleasure, but the marks on your body that haven’t left. The hickeys on your neck, the bruises on your hips, the lashes on your skin that have simmered down, each mark that’s arose once you were under his control.
As his hands went to touch you, your hands covered them and guided them where you wanted his touch. Over your breasts, along the expanse of your stomach, around to your sides and hips, you let him roam but never for too long. “What do you want to mark me with? Besides your teeth, of course,”
“I want you bound by my will,” you grin, quickly grabbing his wrists and pinning his arms to the headboard. Expecting him to deny your request or even lash out in anger, but instead he smiles as he simply looks at you. “Do you.. Are you okay with that?”
“I’ll take any lashing from you if it means you’re thinking about me and only me,” Oikawa says, eyes looking to the belt he took off. Understanding what his eye movement meant, you get off of him to grab the belt and tie him up. With a bit of force, you’re able to securely tie him up. With a show of effort, Oikawa proves he can’t leave the bindings. “Have your way with me,”
“As you wish, Your Majesty,” you smirk, dragging your nails down his chest. A hiss comes from behind gritted teeth, but the red streaks show up on his skin. With your hands moving down to his pants, undoing them, your lips attack his neck and leave love bites along the expanse of it, using your teeth to pull on his skin while he moans. Open mouthed kisses adorn his collarbone, ending your kissing spree with a dark hickey when your hands finish undoing his pants. You decide to tease him a bit as he did you, hand pumping his cock before only one finger even graces his erection.
“Don’t tease me so—“
“Oh? Only you can tease? Is that what I’m hearing? Darling, that’s now how it works now that I’m in charge,” you croon, licking the tip of his cock to see his reaction. “I dish out damage equal to the amount you gave me. I need to know you’re only thinking about me, after all,” you repeat back his words, seeing him flush as they leave your lips.
“All I ever think about is you,” he breathes out, his teasing tone no more as you wrap your lips around him, gently sucking as your tongue laps at his slit. “All I can think about is you and our future together. I don’t want anything else,” he finishes, closing his eyes as you bring him closer to an orgasm. Guilt builds up in your stomach, until you’re releasing his cock from your mouth and giving his tip a kiss. “[Y/N]?”
“There isn’t a future with me, Oikawa. It’s not a future you’d want. I’m meant to deceive and destroy, not love,” you somberly say, getting off the bed. Oikawa doesn’t say anything, stunned as you get off of him. When you go to dress, he finally starts to try and say something, but you cut him off. “I’m sorry. But I’m not qualified to be a queen of anything, especially not your queen.”
“Wait, no, you don’t—“ Oikawa begins, attempting to get up but he’s held back by the bindings. When he tries to get out of it, he struggles.
“I have to go, so please move on. Make up a story. Tell everyone I died, I fell, I betrayed you, I don’t care. Just let them know I won’t be around anymore,” you say, adding the finishing touches. Taking a black cape to cover the stolen clothes, you take one more look at Oikawa. “I want to believe I love you as you say you love me, but I’m not meant to do so.”
With those parting words, you’re leaving Oikawa as he sits on his bed, struggling to get free from the bindings. When you’re completely out of his sight out the window, he finally loosens the belt to free his wrists, getting from his bed. When he can’t find you in the night, he quickly tucks himself back into his pants as he goes to exit the bedroom, finding Iwaizumi patrolling the halls.
“Oikawa, what’s wrong?” He says, on high alert. Oikawa just looks at him before saying the words he was dreading.
“She’s left. Find her.”
With each member of the guard searching and on alert for someone similar to your attire and build, they ended empty-handed as the moon illuminated the streets better. The darkness the clouds gave off was easy to help you leave, the guards at the bridge and gateway not receiving a word of your departure until you had passed. When they told of your departure, Iwaizumi had to tell Oikawa, knowing the guard could not go looking outside of the jurisdiction.
You were tired and feeling sick with each step closer and closer to Nekoma. You’d have to stop there for the night, most likely, until you noticed a group of wanderers in the forest. Sighing, you debated your options. Unable to successfully knock out the man standing guard at the camp with your bare strength, you picked up a heavy rock and knocked him out with that. With him on the ground, you turned from the body, deciding to not bother checking if you accidentally killed him or not. Using a knife you found nearby, and taking a sword, you freed a horse and quietly calmed it down.
On horseback, the ride to Fukurōdani is easily done. A day on foot through the dark forest, but you’re climbing the rocky mountain path within hours of leaving Aoba Johsai. Sane people don’t dare going through the forest, but a bloody sword has done its job in keeping you alive. After all, you know the forest better than most, knowing the pathways that have been treaded by people long since dead and which animals you can encounter.
The moon is still in the night sky when you come to gate of the kingdom, sighing to yourself as the bridge is lowered. Guards come to greet you, but recognize you almost immediately once the hood has been removed. They take the stolen horse as you’re left alone to make your way to the castle.
Where Aoba Johsai was painted greens and blues, chirping birds and a brilliantly blue sky, Fukurōdani was almost the exact opposite. Against the night sky, the rocky scenery added grey gloom to the kingdom with hints of white and black strewn about. Crows and owls were common sights, cawing and looming over businesses and watching you walk through the empty streets. Cobblestone was harsh against your bare feet, you cursing yourself for not taking Oikawa’s shoes, despite the fact they’d be much too large. Bruised and exhausted, you finally make it to the doors of the castle, the guards saluting you as one guides you to where Bokuto is.
The halls are darker, the moonlight shining on the black marble flooring as you pass by golden curtains and decor. Up stairs and past so many areas, you’re in front of Bokuto’s bedchambers, opening the doors to see him sitting on his bed as if he was waiting for you. “Hello, songbird,”
“My lord,” you say, bowing, “I have returned,”
“And I assume good news-“
“I’m back for good. But that’s all the good news I can give. Oikawa lives and I fear he will be willing to fight for my return. I understand any consequences of my actions,” you continue, only standing up right when you finish. Bokuto seems to be in thought, serious in his demeanor before nodding.
“I’m sure you have more details to tell me. But how about we discuss that after you’re cleaned up and dressed in something more comfortable? After all, you are still wearing clothes from a filthy foreign kingdom. I’ll even help you out,” he says, standing from the bed. You say nothing, instead letting him guide you to the bathroom. A luxurious bathroom which suits the moonlit night rather than the setting sun of Oikawa’s bathroom. With Bokuto’s hand on your waist, eagerly diving under your clothes to take them off, you wonder if you should have left.
Oikawa paces in front of his throne, aware of the position you’re in now. Not only are you back beside Bokuto, but you’re definitely a threat to the kingdom. Hanamaki and Iwaizumi are rightfully angry, but Oikawa tells them to relax. With a declaration of war on Fukurōdani, Oikawa needs an ace up his sleeve. With you back in Bokuto’s clutches, he’s almost glad he didn’t tell you everything about his venture into the dark forest.
When the doors open, Oikawa looks up and smiles, stopping his pacing. “Glad you could finally join us.”
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100 notes · View notes
bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
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Day 8 of Matsuhana week: Yakuza
Summary: Left with his father’s debts, Hanamaki decides to not pay back the dangerous Yakuza boss until he’s on his knees before the man himself.
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Warnings: mafia/yakuza business, threatening letters (not into much detail), minor character death (by cancer), tranquilizer gun, kidnapping, age gap, fingering, Virgin!Hanamaki, bit of corruption kink, lube, no condom, creampie
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“Why does he have so much junk?” He groans, looking through another box. “Who’d have known the old man had so much stuff to hide?”
Hanamaki was digging through his ill father’s belongings. His mother was currently at the hospital while the nurses caught her up on the situation, but it wasn’t looking good. The cancer had spread to his brain, signaling his end was near. His mother, however, decided to dig into their limited money supply to see if it could be fixed, leaving them with same amount of money before his father got that new job about 10 years ago. So, Hanamaki thought he could sell some items to get extra cash.
Oh, he wasn’t planning on sharing it.
His mother had taken plenty of money he could have used for college, as well as moving out. Even now, she refused to see that her husband was a lost cause and keep the money to use on her son, but no. She’ll get all the life insurance money, as well, so it’s not like she’s in desperate need of cash. Hanamaki, on the other hand, could barely eat and make ends meet when he worked at a nearby pizza restaurant. The answer, and his reasonings, were clear.
Digging through a box he found under the bed, Hanamaki’s face changes drastically as he opens the box to find money. Wads of paper bills that could set him up for the next year, honestly. However, as he takes the money, he finds a note underneath it. Curious as ever, he decides to read it.
“50,000 yen for the Boss” is all it reads, making him tilt his head. However, more digging through the box makes him realize his dad was not just hoarding money, but rather keeping the money and giving it to this.. Boss guy. A part of Hanamaki told him it was bad news, but the other part of him needed money.
Pocketing the cash and grabbing any antiques, he left the room and never looked back.
Three days later, a proper ceremony was in place for Hanamaki’s father, who finally succumbed to the cancer eating him and left behind a widow and a son. Hanamaki’s mother was incessant on a proper burial, despite the money necessary for it. Condolence money would be given, but that money was hardly enough for someone to have a proper ceremony. Hanamaki may have spent most of his time picking bones and putting them in the urn, but he wasn’t going with his mother and uncle to the family grave, instead going back to his car.
A cheap, old car that needed a lot of money to be back into good working order, but Hanamaki liked how reliable it was. It may creak and sigh and he can’t go too fast, but he’s always to work on time and never wastes money sprucing it up. Getting to the car, however, Hanamaki saw something under his wiper. A note, most likely.
“Who-“ he sputtered, looking around the empty parking lot. He wasn’t parked illegally, nor was he in a special spot, so he wonders who left it. Reading it made him wish he didn’t.
“To the young Hanamaki Takahiro, in the wake of your father’s passing, you are to take on full responsibility and pay back his accumulated debt. Sincerely, Seijoh Family.”
Hanamaki was no idiot. He may have been able to forget about the notes and letters and the money, but he couldn’t as his eyes ran over the inked words. The Seijoh Family was a yakuza family that was well known for helping those down on their luck, as long as you could pay them back when your luck turned around. It suddenly made sense.
The lack of money and his always empty stomach, the fighting between his parents, all of it suddenly changed within a couple of days with a new promotion. Hanamaki went from eating small quantities to large ones, his house went from a small one to a nice and big one. Everything got better, but then everything got worse. It was more of a middle ground, honestly, but he could feel it slipping. His father had gotten everything he wanted and then suddenly, he needed to pay back the money he was loaned. And now, with his cremated remains in an urn, Hanamaki would be taking up his father’s debts.
Although the message scares Hanamaki, he can’t afford to let it control him. He has to go back to work and prepare for college classes soon. He can’t be worried about some creepy guy planning to kill him because he’s struggling. Even as he tells himself that, the next couple of days has him putting tips into a jar in his kitchen, sliding it under the sink and out of his sight. The money he took from his father was 10x what he makes in a week, making him worried that he’ll never be able to pay back the sum of debt.
With the dread of something bad about to happen, Hanamaki decides to push the thought away, hoping a gooey cheeseburger and soda can take the feeling away. With his dinner, a movie will be enough to take his mind off of everything. As soon as he sits down, though, he gets a wiggling doorknob. Hoping it’s someone trying to get into the wrong apartment, he waits for it to stop. When it does, he relaxes once more, only to then fly out of his seat when two people walk through the door.
They’re big, despite Hanamaki having some muscle on him. Big and dressed in dark clothing, wearing protective layers on their face so he can’t get a proper look at them. He’s quick enough to try to get away, hopping over the couch to reach the balcony when one of the guys shoots him with something. Face planting on the floor in front of the window, the last thing Hanamaki sees is the guy pull out a cell phone.
When Hanamaki comes to, the first thing he notices is the hushed whispers and he’s draped over something — or someone. His arms feel like jelly, but his eyes slowly open to reveal a corridor, dimly lit as the same two guys, he thinks, walking behind him. He’s momentarily startled awake by them, but he realizes he soon has other worries when he notices he’s entered a big room, the door shutting loudly behind him.
“Is this the one?”
“Yes sir,” one of them answers. Hanamaki is then placed down on his knees in front of the other person in the room. A glance is all Hanamaki is blessed with before his head is shoved down, almost into the floor by the guy behind him. “Head down,” he sternly says.
“Now, now. We mustn’t hurt him too badly. How else will I get my money back?” The man says, the chair underneath him creaking as he leans forward. With his head no longer forced down, Hanamaki takes another chance to look up at the man before him. Clad in black slacks and sleek shoes, Hanamaki has an easy time figuring out just who’s in front of him. The ironed white shirt had a few buttons loose, sleeves rolled to his elbows, showing enough muscles to know force was a valid option. The man himself had a smirk that made it seem as though he was playing a game with Hanamaki, further proved when his hand grabbed Hanamaki’s chin and let him get a better look. “You’re quite young, aren’t you? College age, perhaps?”
“How did-“ Hanamaki sputters, only to stop when his smirk drops. “Sir?”
“Matsukawa Issei. I’m sure you’re aware of your father’s debts, which are now your responsibility. However, I can’t see how I’d benefit from someone struggling to make ends meet. I may be cruel, but I’m also fair. If you can’t work and live comfortably, I can’t get all my money back. Do you see my dilemma?”
“You could, I don’t know, let me go?” Hanamaki suggests, raising an eyebrow. He mentally takes a point when Matsukawa’s lips tilt into a smile.
“You’re funny, but I can’t do that,” he sighs, smile dropping. His eyes then turn to the goons in the room. “Get out. I’ll discuss things in private,” he orders, each subordinate leaving. Once gone, he sighs once more as he moves over to his desk, pressing a button as shades cover the windows and the room is pitched into darkness. When the desk lamp and floor lamp near the couch turn on, Hanamaki finally gets a better look at the room.
Despite being shoved to his knees before Matsukawa as if he was placed on a throne, the room looks similar to a study. With Matsukawa leaning against a dark mahogany desk, large and almost empty aside from an old looking phone and a control board, the only thing left in the room are pictures on the wall and the spacious couch. The pillows looked so comfortable and much more expensive than the cheap couch he owns. Once Hanamaki had finished looking around, he straightened his back a bit more and looked at Matsukawa, wondering just what was going to happen.
“What’s next, then? You can’t kill me because then you don’t get money, but you also can’t just let me go because I can’t pay you back like my old man did, so we’re in limbo,” he breaks the silence first, eyes scanning Matsukawa for any instance of movement.
“You’ll still be paying me back, of course. I can’t lend you any money because of your father’s debts, sadly. Although, I’m sure you’d not want to be in his same shoes. You know what, I like you, so I’ll give you some options,” he begins walking closer to Hanamaki, making adrenaline kick in. He may not seem threatening, but he has an entire building full of people at his fingertips. As he circles Hanamaki, he continues talking. “Option one, you pay me back at your leisure. I’ll even help you a bit, of course making you pay back more, but you’re not on a time limit like everyone else. Option two, I take the money I can from you and your mother, who currently sits on your father’s life insurance money, and leave you with just enough to scrape by. Option three,” he stops, kneeling in front of a currently exhausted Hanamaki, taking his chin between his fingers until they’re eye to eye, “you let me blow off some steam and your debt will be down 10 times it’s original amount. So you don’t have to do the math, that means instead of roughly 50 million yen, you’ll be paying only 5 million. It’s quite a lot, I’ll admit, but it’s much better than what you have to pay.”
“What’s.. what does blowing off steam count as, exactly? Letting you hit me every time you get angry or something?”
“No, as in you let me use your body as I see fit. I could hit you, but I have other ideas in mind,” he says, smiling as Hanamaki’s face darkens when the gears start moving. “You can decline, of course, but that’s a lot of money. Not to mention, you’re still gonna have to pay rent and buy groceries, you may die before paying off the debt. Like I said—“
“I’ll do it,” Hanamaki interjects, relaxing his shoulders but still sitting up straight. “Despite the cliché of me paying with my body, it’s really not the worst thing in the world. I’d prefer it over you hitting me, as well,”
“The deal has been made and that means from this moment on, you and your body will belong to me,” Matsukawa says, then moves behind Hanamaki. “I’ve the perfect spot for you to lie, as well,” he practically purrs in Hanamaki’s ear, nudging him up and forward. To the desk.
“Kinda expected the couch, but it’s better than the floor,” Hanamaki chuckles, only to then gasp as cool metal slides against his skin. It’s a knife, he’s sure of it, but as soon as it’s there, it’s gone again and his bound wrists are free. Completely focused on his surroundings, Hanamaki forgot about his bound wrists until suddenly they were no longer forced behind his back. Once free, Matsukawa spins him around traps him against the desk, his hand once more cupping his chin.
“You’re a cute one. Ever kissed someone?”
“When I was 10. Some girl was dared to kiss me, but not recently,” Hanamaki breathlessly whispers, eyes drawn to Matsukawa’s lips when they’re so close. Feeling his breath ghost over his lips has him wishing for things to move a bit faster, but Matsukawa won’t give him that satisfaction.
“Some dare to kiss you hardly counts. I meant a real one,” he says in response, but doesn’t encourage a reply when his lips press against Hanamaki’s, tilting his head as his hand moves to the back of Hanamaki’s head while his other hand slips beneath the cardigan and oversized t-shirt, feeling warm skin. With his lips melding against Hanamaki’s, he finds his fingers running through pink strands as the other slips into jeans and further down, making Hanamaki tense. A swipe over the bottom lip with his tongue and Matsukawa pulls away, licking away the small strand of saliva keeping them tethered. “Like that?”
Although Matsukawa was referring to his previous sentence, Hanamaki shakily sighed as he nodded, “I did,” making Matsukawa chuckle a bit. Removing his hand from Hanamaki’s hair and jeans, Matsukawa places him on the desk. “Pretty empty for a big desk. You usually take people’s virginities on desks?” Hanamaki jokes, hoping to lighten the heavy mood, obviously unfamiliar with such serious situations.
“Virginities?” Matsukawa asks, his hands stopping at Hanamaki’s thighs before squeezing as he smiles. “I’ve never gotten the opportunity to take someone’s virginity, actually. Only taken those who thought sleeping with me would save their skin. It didn’t, but that was because it was always their idea. You, on the other hand,” he says, hands once more moving to slide under Hanamaki’s t-shirt, “are in a one of a kind situation. I’ll make sure to treat you kindly.”
“Um, small request, if I may,” Hanamaki says, hands moving from Matsukawa’s shoulders to his hands, stopping them from sliding off his clothes. “Can I keep on my shirt? I don’t feel quite comfortable being so.. vulnerable. I understand if—“
“Granted,” Matsukawa cuts him off, hands still sliding against his skin but not aiming to strip him of his clothes. After all, the main focus isn’t making Hanamaki uncomfortable but rather to send him through throes of pleasure. Hands move down, curling around the hem of his jeans as Matsukawa presses his lips to Hanamaki’s jaw and neck, making the younger man sigh in bliss. When his pants are taken off, Hanamaki flushes as Matsukawa’s fingers then gently pry off his boxers. The simple act of sliding them down his legs is made more sensual as Matsukawa kisses down his body, only to stop at his hard cock. “Excited, are we?”
“Well, you’re very good at this,” he quips back, turning his head. Instead of huffing and puffing, Hanamaki soon finds himself biting his finger when Matsukawa’s tongue slides against his cock. “I didn’t think—“
“I’m quite familiar when it comes to pleasure. Sit back and relax,” Matsukawa says, wrapping his lips around Hanamaki’s cock before putting it all in his mouth. The ease of which he takes all of Hanamaki doesn’t go unnoticed, but he’s not bothered by it as much while his hands massage the meat on Hanamaki’s thighs. Hanamaki is more bothered by it, seeing as he lets out soft moans while his teeth bite on one hand and his other curls into Matsukawa’s hair. Whines come from him as his back arches, feeling Matsukawa’s tongue lap at the side of his cock, only to then take him all back into his mouth.
While Hanamaki is busy moaning and trying to not finish so quickly, Matsukawa digs into his drawer and takes out a large bottle of lube. Its top is easy to remove without needing to see, Matsukawa slipping a couple of fingers into the cool liquid before rubbing those fingers against Hanamaki’s puckered hole. The cool sensation has Hanamaki gasping, hand moving from his mouth to grasp at the edge of the desk while his other tightens it’s hold on Matsukawa’s hair. With some more lube applied, Matsukawa slides in one of his fingers while his tongue swirls around Hanamaki’s tip. The sensations all together has Hanamaki seeing stars, a sweet mewl as he finally finishes, right into Matsukawa’s mouth.
Through his pants, Hanamaki manages to give a small apology to Matsukawa, who wipes some excess cum off his lips before licking it, locking eyes with Hanamaki as he does. He also doesn’t stop fingering Hanamaki, moving his finger in and out of him while he continues to whine from the sensations. Taking his finger out, Matsukawa applies some more lube to his fingers and pushes in two at the same time, soon adding three while Hanamaki gasps and moans, hands latching onto Matsukawa’s covered shoulders.
Once Matsukawa has deemed him ready enough, Hanamaki feels his fingers leaving while he craves more. Wiping off his fingers with a nearby handkerchief, Matsukawa then finally unbuttons his shirt and tosses it to the side, letting Hanamaki see all the muscles underneath. Despite not seeming very strong, Matsukawa had plenty of defined muscles that flexed as he stripped himself of his shirt, as well as moving to unbuckle his belt and unzip himself. Hanamaki couldn’t wait to feel those muscles under his own fingertips.
Once free of his boxers, Matsukawa applies a generous amount of lube to his cock while Hanamaki practically trembles with excitement. The sheer size of Matsukawa makes him wonder if it’ll actually fit, seeing as three fingers can’t compare to the size, but he’s always been up for a challenge. As Matsukawa lines himself up, he takes Hanamaki’s chin in his fingers one last time. “I want you to look at me while I corrupt you. Can you do that for me, Hiro?”
With such an affectionate name, Hanamaki is blushing while nodding his head, completely transfixed on Matsukawa as he slides his cock in. It’s painful, the lube only helping to ease the pain a bit and Hanamaki screws his eyes shut for a moment, only to reopen them as the grip on his chin gets tighter. “I said eyes on me,” Matsukawa practically growled, eyes darkened as he focused his eyes on him once more. Hanamaki doesn’t dare break the eye contact again, even as he desperately wants to throw his head back or roll his eyes back when Matsukawa finally bottoms out. Stretched beyond his limits, Hanamaki is finally able to lay back on the desk when Matsukawa gives him a kiss, short and sweet, letting his face go afterwards. “How do you feel?”
“Full,” Hanamaki honestly says, moving his hips a bit as he softly mewls, “very full.”
“Good enough for me,” Matsukawa says, rearing his hips back before slamming into Hanamaki. He practically yelps from the force of Matsukawa’s thrust, his ass jiggling from the impact. His reaction pleases Matsukawa who simply keeps up the force behind each thrusts, hands planted on either side of Hanamaki as he looks down at the man, enjoying each facial expression that comes across his face. Hanamaki reaches up to grab Matsukawa, bringing him closer as his blunt nails dig into his defined back. Matsukawa groans at the feeling of Hanamaki trying to mark him up, pressing his lips to his neck while his hips never stutter. One of his hands move down to lift up Hanamaki’s leg, holding his leg in the crook of his elbow as it dangles behind him. The adjusted position has him hitting deeper inside and rubbing against Hanamaki’s prostate with each thrust. Sucking a hickey onto his skin, Matsukawa feels Hanamaki tremble under him as warm liquid coats the front of his chest.
Matsukawa slows down his thrusts while Hanamaki finishes his second orgasm, cock bouncing as it gushes out the last bit of cum. Hanamaki looks exhausted, but Matsukawa isn’t quite done. Removing himself has Hanamaki confused, only for a moment, before he’s picking him up and swiftly placing him in his lap, back on his cock. “You’re still so fucking hard,” Hanamaki whines, feeling Matsukawa’s cock rubbing against his prostate again.
“Well, I’ve been told I have quite the stamina. I’ll let you take a break once I’ve had my own release, how about that?” Matsukawa says, although his silky words are mixed with soft pants, using up some of his energy to fuck. Matsukawa spreads Hanamaki’s legs, his hands trailing up thick thighs until he’s able to get a good grip, having Hanamaki bounce on his lap. Hanamaki tries to help, positioning his hands on the arms of the chair to stabilize himself, but soon finds his arms are too weak to hold up even half of his weight. Matsukawa does all the work while Hanamaki brushes his fingers through his hair, almost encouraging Matsukawa’s lips to press against the other side of his neck, adorning the skin with kisses and hickeys.
When Matsukawa’s thrusts start to get weak, he stops moving Hanamaki and groans, getting up from the chair without disconnecting him and Hanamaki. Bending Hanamaki over the desk, they’re both finishing together as Matsukawa rubs Hanamaki’s hardened cock with his hand. Hanamaki moans as he feels Matsukawa fill him up with his seed, only to give an open-mouthed moan when he feels him leave, his winking hole gushing with seed spent.
Hanamaki sees Matsukawa zip himself up and put on his shirt, thinking he’ll have to clean himself up. However, he’s pleasantly surprised when Matsukawa’s hand is gently pushed against his back while a warm and wet towel is cleaning up his mess. “I think I was a bit too harsh on you, sorry,” Matsukawa finally says, breaking the silence as he finishes cleaning up everything. Hanamaki doesn’t respond very well, his mind too hazy and body too numb to really process what’s going on. “Hanamaki, hello?” Is the last thing he hears before he shuts his eyes for the rest of the night.
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Cotton Candy Colors
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Day 7 for Matsuhana week: Friends to Lovers
Summary: Sure that Matsukawa doesn’t feel the same way for him, Hanamaki takes to the internet to live out his dirty fantasies.
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Warnings: m. masturbation, anal sex, lube, getting caught, fantasized relationship, sex toys [dildo], mirror sex, risk of getting caught, fingering, back shots, aftercare, wingman Iwaizumi
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Hanamaki felt it was much too hot.
The summers were bearable, but he felt like sweat was sticking to his skin like a second layer, hair plastered to his neck and forehead. He wished he had trimmed it after graduation instead of deciding to let it grow out. The university had started and Hanamaki was pleasantly surprised to find Matsukawa and Iwaizumi in one of his classes, making studying easier for him. However, that also meant whenever he looked over at Matsukawa he could just stare at him all day, completely ignoring the lecture. It often took Iwaizumi harshly nudging his arm before he could actually break out of the trance.
Hanamaki was, despite his attempts to deny it, in love with his best friend. Not only was he in love with his best friend, but he had these occasional fantasies of Matsukawa, all involving Hanamaki finally getting railed. These thoughts were orchestrated so carefully and thoughtfully, Hanamaki often had to take a shower once it was over. Like now, for instance, as he undressed himself to get under the running water. It was probably going to wake up his little sister and mom, but he needed to wash the stickiness off of his body and maybe use the solitude to relax in his own thoughts.
The cool tile on his back was harsh against the hot water, but he could care less as he let his hands wander as his mind did the same, images of his best friend flickering in his mind. It was such a jarring conclusion, finding him head over heels, but he ended up having to face the facts after the first wet fantasy that left his sheets soaked and his pants wet. Hanamaki has been sleeping in only boxers since that conclusion, often finding himself sweating at night.
With the daydream of Matsukawa bending him over a desk, the mere thought of being dominated coming to a close as Hanamaki covers his mouth, hand pumping himself through an orgasm. Personally, he has never had the pleasure of knowing what it’d feel like to have someone of Matsukawa’s size inside him, but he’s seen how big the guy is thanks to skinny dipping dares and conjoined showers in high school. He’s big and Hanamaki is desperate to know what it feels like.
Once he’s dried and dressed, he goes back into his room and immediately opens his laptop. Thoughts from the shower are wonderful — giving him his best ideas especially after an orgasm. The website he chooses is one he’s visited many times before, but never bought anything from. After all, he’s never been so desperate to spend money he’s worked for on something so lustful. Yet here he is, taking out his card as he inputs the number to buy the best thing he’s thought of in a year.
It took a week to get there, but it wouldn’t be used until Saturday. On Saturdays, his mom took his sister to her tennis games. He didn’t attend because he usually worked on his homework with Iwaizumi and Matsukawa. This time, however, he was going to spend it all alone. Sending a message to the group chat, telling his friends he was sick, then turning off his phone, and he was ready. With nobody coming into the house for the next five hours, at least, he opened his most recent purchase.
An extra large size for an extra charge, it was as beautiful as he knew it’d be. A big pastel pink and blue dildo, complete with cotton candy flavored lube was pulled from the inconspicuous box. The website let him choose a ‘base’ for the dildo, letting him decide on the Minotaur base. It was huge, wide, and definitely mouthwatering. Hanamaki hadn’t gotten a dildo before, but he’s used household objects as dildos before, so he thought he’d be okay.
He knew what he needed to do first, however, and that was to prep himself. Using the lube, he positioned himself in front of his floor length mirror, watching as his hand moved between his legs to his hole. Drenched with the sweet smelling lube, he swirled his finger around the opening, biting his lip as he pushed it inside of him. It was always a bit painful in the beginning, but the pain soon subsided as he pushed his finger further in. Taking it out, he put more lube on more fingers, easing each one inside of him until he could take three of them at the same time, pants mixed with soft moans leaving his lips.
When he felt he was ready, Hanamaki finally lubed up the dildo, applying a generous amount to it before even trying to get it near his entrance. His cock was hard and desperate for attention, but he was ignoring it in favor of feeling his walls stretch beyond their limits. With nothing holding him back, he quickly lined himself up with the dildo, pushing it inside of him as he threw his head back, stopping after an inch. It was big and heavy, making it feel as though it was in his stomach. He’d probably have rug burn on his lower back, the course material digging into his skin in an uncomfortable way, but he wanted to watch himself as he eased each inch. The dildo was a pain, as he knew it’d be, but he was also desperate enough to enjoy the pain.
Halfway in, he finally stopped pushing it in. It was big and painful, so he decided halfway in was decent enough. Shallow thrusts began, his moans much louder this time as his eyes landed on his body in the mirror, especially the way precum dripped from his own cock onto his abdomen, starting to make a mess just as he finally got started on deeper, harsher thrusts that had drool spilling from his lips.
Hanamaki’s lost in his own mind, his fantasy of Matsukawa bending him over a desk and fucking him more tangible than it has ever been. So lost in his own mind, so loud with no one to hear him, he doesn’t know he has an audience.
Iwaizumi and Matsukawa immediately changed their plans when Hanamaki told them he wasn’t feeling good. He may be sick, but his grades and classes didn’t stop because of that, so Iwaizumi thought it’d be a good idea to still go over to help him, even if they just share notes and even do Hanamaki’s homework, pretty much. Matsukawa was more concerned about his friend and wonders what could make him so sick suddenly. After all, Hanamaki was perfectly fine when they talked on the phone last night, he even seemed more energetic than normal.
Arriving to the empty house, Matsukawa and Iwaizumi noticed the lack of presence in general. Usually, when Hanamaki would get sick, or when he was alone at all, he’d use the empty house to sit on the couch and watch old cartoons. They heard noises from upstairs, so Matsukawa figured that Hanamaki would be up there. “I’ll go check on him,” Matsukawa said, letting Iwaizumi set everything down on the kitchen table. He’d set up the homework station and Matsukawa would get Hanamaki, that was the plan.
If Matsukawa knew what he’d find when he reached Hanamaki’s bedroom, he’d have told Iwaizumi to not come. He’d have gone alone, if he was brave enough. He may have probably just imagined it and stayed at home, stuck in his own mind. But he didn’t know what he’d find and standing in the crack of the door, eyes focused on the mirror, he was almost glad to have been oblivious until this moment.
On the floor, flushed and moaning, was Hanamaki, his best friend, currently speared a giant cotton candy colored dildo. It had a big bulb at the end of it, yet Hanamaki’s ass never graced even close as he only took in half of it. With one hand steadying himself, Matsukawa could see his other hand wrapped around his cock, squeezing in increments as cum seeped from the tip, dribbling down. Matsukawa knew he should back away, but how could he? Not only could he see how blissed out Hanamaki was, hearing moans and a soft name being called out, but he could also see the toy enter and exit Hanamaki perfectly, how it completely stretched him out. If he could be so brave, he’d either fish out his own cock or join Hanamaki, but Matsukawa was not known for his bravery. He was never one to take the initiative.
“M-Ma—“ Hanamaki moaned out, eyes shut as he moved his hips faster, hand abandoning his cock to add more stability. “Matsu— Issei, fuck, I—,” he mewled, eyes rolling back as cum splashed against his rug and flooring, hips stuttering as he rode out his orgasm. With that one name, Hanamaki had sealed his fate. The hardest orgasm he had ever had, he had to recover from the haze clouding his mind as he looked back into the mirror, seeing how much he had taken and how flushed his body was. As his eyes trailed up to his face, he jumped as he noticed someone behind him.
Preventing him from saying a word, Matsukawa leaned down and pushed Hanamaki onto the floor, covering his mouth. “Shh, Iwaizumi’s downstairs,” he says, leaning close enough to Hanamaki that he can feel his breath ghosting over his cheek. “Don’t want him to interrupt us, do we?” A firm shake of the head has Matsukawa smiling, one hand still on Hanamaki’s mouth as the other one trails down his body. Words may be muffled and incomprehensible, but the moans Hanamaki let out were sweet to his ears, as his fingertips cascade down until he’s wrapping his hand around Hanamaki’s cock, hardened from the situation he’s been put into. Hanamaki leans further down, the dildo popping out his ass and forgotten on the floor as Matsukawa’s hand leaves his cock and moves to the loose hole, eagerly sucking in three of his fingers.
Hanamaki uses his own hand to take Matsukawa’s off of his mouth, flushed face as he moans out, “please, Issei, just fuck me.”
“Not quite yet. After all, I have to make sure it’s not painful for you,” he practically coos, pressing soft kisses to Hanamaki’s back as his long fingers continue to rub his walls in all the right ways. The concern Matsukawa has for him has Hanamaki holding onto the edge of the rug while he finds himself hurling towards another orgasm, one so soon after his first one.
While Hanamaki comes down from his high, Matsukawa spots the lube, close enough to him that he stays curled around Hanamaki’s body. The unzipping of pants bring Hanamaki back to the present, looking into the mirror as he sees Matsukawa apply lube to his own cock, hard and beading with precum. Giving a couple of pumps to his cock, he looks at Hanamaki in the mirror, into his eyes as he places both arms around him. “Do you want this?”
“Matsukawa Issei, I have wanted this since high school. Fuck yeah I want this,” Hanamaki huffs, almost offended Matsukawa would think he didn’t want this. As soon as the words leave his mouth, Matsukawa lines himself up and pushes in, getting Hanamaki to let out a delicious moan as he does. Matsukawa doesn’t stop until he’s bottomed out, Hanamaki practically drooling a puddle on the floor as he once more gets spread out.
Matsukawa sighs dreamily, immediately giving an experimental thrust as Hanamaki makes fists with his hands, eyes screwed shut as he hides his face. Without missing a beat, Matsukawa soon has his hand around Hanamaki’s chin, forcing him to at least face the mirror. “Don’t hide from me, Hiro,” he says, gently, as if Hanamaki would break if he was too loud. “You’re beautiful. Look at you,” he whispers, mouth close to his ear. Hanamaki peaks at the image in front of him, face turning a deep red as he actually sees him for the first time.
He’s seen his body in the mirror, of course he has. This is different. His whole body shines with a layer of sweat and is flushed from his ears to his neck, his knuckles white from how hard he clenches his hand. Matsukawa’s hand keeps his face still as his face sports a smirk Hanamaki’s only seen right before they would prank victims together, a gentleness in his eyes that has his legs turning to jelly in the moment. Down lower, Hanamaki can see the way his cock bounces with the force behind Matsukawa’s thrusts, the slapping of skin almost unnoticed as he focuses on how good it feels. He knows he’ll be sore when they’re done, he knows his legs will burn and ache, but he also knows he’s finally achieved what he’s so desperately craved for so long. Maybe feelings weren’t verbally confessed, maybe those words he expected to tell his friend were never said, but both of them understood where each other stood on the topic.
With each thrust bringing Matsukawa closer to his own end, Hanamaki finds his third orgasm of the day coming hard and fast. When Matsukawa finally letting his face go, only to push him down into the floor while his hands place themselves on either side of his head, Hanamaki can only scream and cling to the edges of the rug as his toes curl. Matsukawa goes hard and fast, using his newfound stability to brutally push into Hanamaki until he’s pulling out, warm cum splattering against Hanamaki’s back and his rug underneath him. A small squeeze on Hanamaki’s cock has him spurting out his final orgasm, a strangled moan as he takes one last look at himself in the mirror, focusing on how happy Matsukawa seems as he finishes his own high.
With the high dissipating, Matsukawa is quick to get up and rush to the bathroom. Hanamaki feels the warm cloth on his skin and he hears Matsukawa talking, but his mind is too cloudy to understand anything so quickly. “Hiro, you listening?”
“..’M sorry, what?” He finally says, blinking up at Matsukawa, pants finally zipped up. The soft bedsheets under him tell him he’s back on his bed, not quite sure when he moved.
“I asked if you wanted a bath,” Matsukawa smiles down at Hanamaki as he says it, pushing the long-ish bangs out of Hanamaki’s face. “I’d ask about a shower, but yours legs are kind of shaky,”
“They’re..” he begins, but sighs and just accepts it. “No, I’ll bathe later. Too tired,” he sighs again, a hand coming up to stop Matsukawa from brushing his long fingers through his hair. “Hope you washed those fingers,”
A chuckle, a beautiful sound to Hanamaki’s ears. “Don’t worry, I did. Just thought I wanted to see your face a bit better,” Matsukawa smiles down at him once more, a loving smile. “I don’t know about the long bangs,”
“Neither do I,” Hanamaki agreed, then dropped his hand. “Are you staying?” He finally asks, eyes full of worry. Worry his friend saw it as more a fling than anything.
“I—“ Matsukawa starts, then clears his throat. “Do you.. want me to stay?” He quietly asks, as if he was afraid of rejection. When Hanamaki smiled at him, he knew he didn’t have to worry about that. All he had to do was climb in next to him and all his worries would disappear.
Downstairs, a note is left for Hanamaki and Matsukawa in Iwaizumi’s writing. It simply states, “Have fun,” in hastily written kanji, as if he had somewhere to go. Iwaizumi had the knowledge to know what those sounds from the end of the hall were, he didn’t need to finish the walk to figure things out. He also wasn’t one to ruin something good, leaving the lovebirds to themselves.
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Hinata + Overstimulation
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Warnings: mention of toys/vibrators, public sex, edging, orgasm denial, aftercare mention, gender neutral
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> A constant thing with Hinata is he doesn’t know when to stop. Whether it’s practice or even when he’s spending his time with you, he doesn’t really set a limit for himself. This is fine when you’re around and can limit him, but for sex? No, he pretty much goes unrestrained.
> it’s not on purpose! It’s just you can’t really speak very clearly and the pleasure feels so good that sometimes you don’t even want him to stop, just to continue what he’s doing. He constantly overstimulates you in bed and often, when you’re not.
> He enjoys making you edge as well, forcing you to keep a vibrator inside all day until he can give you a proper orgasm. Even then, you’re squirming and crying because it’s so much pleasure at once. Sometimes, he even puts a vibrator on you while he fucks you, making sure you’re being stimulated from all angles.
> Although he’s not a fan of it, he does often deny you an orgasm if he’s feeling a bit jealous or possessive. Watching you try to hold it in just because he said so really gets his blood pumping. In the end, you end up having an orgasm without his permission and he issues his favorite past time.
> Of course, he’s not cruel. He’ll stop if you give him a clear indication of displeasure or if you pass out. More often than not, he ends up stopping because you’re so overwhelmed that you collapse in his arms.
> Now, he purposefully overstimulates you. However, he will also overstimulate himself on purpose. He gets lost in the feeling of being inside of you that he just ends up whining and begging out your name as he fills you up or finishes on top of you for the nth time in a row. His flushed face and the way he whimpers is similar to how you get when he overstimulates you, but in the end you both collapse and sleep peacefully.
> He’s usually big on aftercare. Sometimes, he’ll fall asleep without doing so, especially if you’re asleep, but he tries to at least clean up his cum from your body.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Poly Relationship with Iwaizumi and Oikawa
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-> You managed to bag the captain and ace of Seijoh’s volleyball club. Congratulations. How did you do it? You happened to have caught Iwaizumi’s attention, as he’s in your class, and Oikawa has to know what his best friend saw in you! Next thing he knows, he’s crushing on you, too!
-> Both boys confess to you and you accept both of them, not being able to chose just one. I mean, regardless of who you choose, they’re a package deal so you get both. This begins a beautiful relationship between the three of you.
-> They’re competitive! Oikawa is always trying to get your approval and praise while Iwaizumi tells him to quit it, but he’s really no better, always flexing off his muscles or showing off his spikes. You always give them the praise, they deserve it! Oikawa beautifully manages his team while Iwaizumi flawlessly manages to smash through middle blockers and together they work in tandem flawlessly.
-> You’re always at their games, cheering in the crowd. The Oikawa fangirls aren’t very appreciative of it, since you’ve bagged their crush, but Oikawa knows that you cheering them on brings out the best in the entire team. The entire team loves you, always making sure you’re comfortable and becoming your friends. If you’re not in the crowd, Iwaizumi convinced you to become their manager.
-> After high school is the hard part. Oikawa has plans to go to Argentina, while Iwaizumi plans to go to America. Your plans are to stay in Japan, so the choice emerges: stay together or break it off? The boys are adamant about staying together, willing to make it work. You, of course, are with them and you stick with them. Whether you go to America/Argentina is up to you, but you’re all still together.
-> On rare occasions, you guys will meet up all together, going on a little tour to sightsee, no matter if it’s the first or 20th time in that country, there’s always something new to see. Whenever you guys meet up, the days are full of laughter and playful teasing while the nights are full of romance and breathless whispers.
-> Your sex life is definitely not lacking. With two very generous giving boyfriends, you’re always satisfied. Their favorite game to play is who can make you overstimulated the most, often working you until you’re practically brain dead or literally have fainted. Then is when they’ll stop.
-> Oikawa is a fan is sensual love making, preferring to slowly prepare you for him. Gentle kisses, kitten licks, and small nips to your skin before he even touches your cunt. Rolling his hips to make sure you feel him nice and deep. When him and Iwaizumi take you together, he can up the pace, but if he’s alone with you? It’s gonna be taking all damn night. You’re satisfied, but damn does he like to take his time.
-> Iwaizumi likes it rough and hard. He isn’t much for sensual and slow, he’s there to make you squirt and scream, twitching legs from multiple orgasms. He makes sure you’re prepared for him, but he usually does that by lowering his voice, the subtle growls having your panties soaking within seconds. He also makes sure you’ve orgasmed at least twice, from either his fingers or mouth, before he even sinks into your cunt, wanting you properly slicked up for him.
-> They worked in tandem on the court and they work in tandem in the bedroom. Iwaizmi’s pace is no longer hard and fast, rough and leaving you struggling to catch your breath. Oikawa is no longer slowly sensual, relishing in each moan you produce, leaving you feeling surrounded by warmth and breathless all at once. You’re breathless, of course, but Iwaizumi is slower than usual, making sure to grind his hips so you feel every inch. Oikawa is rougher, pulling your hair and hitting it hard and deep.
-> Oikawa loves the hair pulling. He loves when his hair is tugged on, your nails digging into his scalp as your back arches from pleasure, him only seeing your breasts arch into the air from between your legs. He also loves tugging on your hair, pulling your head back so he can give you a kiss or admire the way you’re falling apart for him. The keen whine you let out always has him picking up his pace.
-> Iwaizumi accepts the daddy kink, likes choking, basic things we already know. Another thing he likes is waking up the next morning and seeing what he’s done to you. He likes to mark his territory, biting into your skin and sucking until there’s a mark showing up. He also likes spanking, so his handprint will probably be on your ass by the next morning. He shows possessiveness to both you and Oikawa, so he likes to remind you two who’s the top alpha. You two have no complaints.
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458 notes · View notes
bokutoslittlebird · 2 years
I didn’t think it needed to be said, but I’ll loudly let you people know (not my lovely followers, but the people who like to hide in the shadows and steal my work):
DO NOT REPOST MY WORK. For the love of whatever you believe in, stop stealing my work.
Second time I’ve had someone repost my work on Wattpad, I have ways to find out you stole it. Be respectful.
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bokutoslittlebird · 2 years
I’m still alive don’t worry but I’m still on a hiatus for now. Just a small update but II just wanted you guys to know I was still kicking and getting on every now and then to check notifications/clear them.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Hinata Shōyō + Size kink
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-> How can he, you ask, when he is small? Bruh he’s taller than me, therefore he gets a size kink. I will die with this opinion. No criticism.
-> The Little Boy™️ is no longer, now he’s taller, broader, and by god is he all around bigger. He’s good at bringing people into his social circle, you being no different. It’s almost scary how seamlessly you fit into his life. But becoming his girl means you gotta handle the monster that is Hinata Shōyō.
-> He’s got a whole lot of stamina, ready to run himself into the ground before he stops. You end up having to pay the price for that, finding yourself overstimulated more often than not. He’s just a bit excited, just a bit. But one thing he didn’t realize until you is he loves that he’s so much bigger than you. He’s been small all his life, but you’re so much smaller than him.
-> It doesn’t really settle in until he has your legs pushed up to your chest, your hands behind your knees to keep them pinned. The force of his thrusts amplify the stretch of him being so big, splitting your tiny cunt open. Your cries are of pain and pleasure, babbles of “you’re so big” and “harder!” has his hips moving even faster than before. He’s practically bouncing off of you from the force behind his thrusts, but he’s desperate to stay inside you.
-> You’re squeezing and screaming, putting a hand down to your stomach where you can feel him in you. He’s trying to go as deep as he can, so he’s trying to go harder. He wants you to be completely filled with his cum, you so full as the white cream oozes out of your abused cunt. He always goes for another round after that, wanting all of his seed inside you.
-> Handjobs? Blowjobs? Oh my god he could cum just from focusing on the size difference. Your tiny hand wrapped around his thick cock, your small whimpers as you pump it. Fingers can’t even touch, he’s so big. But when you put him in your mouth? You struggle to take even half of him, whining when you have to stop because the stretch is too much. Your hands have to rub and pump the parts that won’t fit, but he always makes sure he’s deep in your throat before he blows his load, wanting you to swallow it all. Swiping his thumb over your lips to gather any excess, shoving the digit in your mouth and you obediently sucking on it.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Matsukawa General Dating Headcanons (fluff)
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A birthday special for one of my favorites from Seijoh! 🎉🎉
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> He's an absolute dork and he deserves the world. Hanamaki is his platonic other half, so you gotta deal with both of them. Does this mean letting them crash at your place without your parents knowing because they went on a convenience store run at 2 am and couldn't find their way back home? Yes.
> The team loves you simply because they're happy for Matsukawa, even if Oikawa's butthurt that Matsukawa got a partner before he did. Always at his games, cheering him on, hyping him up. The entire team loves you, but is also jealous because you're mainly cheering for Matsukawa.
> I feel like he really enjoys the outdoors, so you guys have outdoor dates! In the beginning, it was cute café dates and just hanging out at the park or going to a museum, but now you guys go on picnics and have late-night dates where you stargaze. Hanamaki and Oikawa probably joined you guys on your dates by disguising themselves as a couple just to see if Matsukawa is actually happy with you.
> Amusement park dates! He loves going to an amusement park and riding some classic rides, gorging himself on greasy food. His favorite are the chili loaded fries, but he also likes going to carnivals for food. The Ferris Wheel and walking around getting cheap and greasy food just gives him so much joy - because he spends time with you.
> A great cuddler! His body temperature runs warm, not too hot but comfortable enough, so he's great to curl up into and watch a movie, talk, or just sleep. Whenever he wants to watch a movie, you usually end up falling asleep on his chest and wrapped in his arms and a blanket.
> Speaking of movies, I feel like he watches B and C rated movies from around the world. He enjoys laughing at how horrible they are. Some of them aren't that bad, but usually he watches them because they're bad. He also doesn't mind watching whatever movies you like... as long as they're not horror. He can handle some, but not really intense and realistic horror.
> After Highschool, he probably brings up that he wants to work in a funeral home and at first you’re like “what” but support him because you love him. When he does finally work in a funeral home, it’s like “okay why did you choose this what is the point”
> My friend came up with this idea but him and Hanamaki decide to get the wackiest jobs to try and outdo each other, which makes you laugh because it just screams them. Hanamaki “in between jobs” and Matsukawa “funeral home employee” is totally their brand.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
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-> A meanie. Big, fat meanie.
-> You're disgusting and filthy and he doesn't like you. And no, it's not because he thinks you're hot when you wear nothing but a shirt and short shorts, thinking it's safe because you're at home with family.
-> He's the pride and joy of your family, so you congratulate him and cheer him on at games with your dad and step-mom, fully supporting him.
-> Watching you bounce up and down when he scores a point makes him feel sick, thinking you're so disgusting that you can infect him from over 10 feet away.
-> His teammates are also hyped up by your cheering, you infecting them with your positivity. It makes him sick.
-> It isn't until he can barely handle being in the same room as you, feeling gross as you walk in front of him in shorts and sit down. You're at the opposite end of the couch, but it's still too close.
-> Especially when your shorts look like panties, they're so small. He wonders what your skin would look like tainted with his love-bites and bruises.
-> He takes a cold shower immediately after that thought passes his mind, realizing why you disgust him. You're attractive and it's making him feel filthy. You're teasing him all the time.
-> Well, if you're going to tease him, then he's going to play your game. Brushing his hand against your ass, accidentally groping you, anything to let you know that he's noticed you.
-> Eventually, you stop wearing shorts around him. Sweatpants are the normal in the house, baggy sweaters or old t-shirts. He doesn't like that. You started this game and now you're going to tap out? Pathetic.
-> When your parents are at work and you're both home, he sneaks into your room to confront you about your teasing actions and how you're acting all different now that he's playing along.
-> Your parents aren't home so your screams and moans are all for him as his presence envelops you inside and out. You may have been disgusting and repulsive to him before, but now you were clean and he felt better. He didn't feel sick anymore.
-> You never tell anyone, knowing they wouldn't believe you. He was your precious, studious older brother, after all. Who would think he climbs in your bed every night to clean your insides?
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
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-> I had to make two different sets of hcs depending because there is a difference.
-> The difference is so striking it's a wonder how he's the same person.
-> But a little step sister has been tainted before he knew her. A little sister on the other hand has been clean her whole life because they grew up together.
-> He makes sure you're as meticulous over germs as he is, even if you slack on some bits. Always washing your hands, sanitizing things, wearing your mask, wiping down counters. You make him so happy, making sure things are clean.
-> He doesn't mind going into your room, since it's as clean as his. His room is also available for you, knowing you're as clean as him.
-> He also steals some of your clothes, making sure they're clean and seeing that if they're in the dirty bin, they're still clean in his eyes. Sometimes he even pockets some clothes you left scattered on your floor.
-> His favorite is a pair of pink cotton panties, freshly in the laundry bin when you took a shower. It's hidden deep in his desk.
-> Speaking of showers, you're expected to take one whenever you get home from school or hanging out with friends. Sometimes, Omi-nii convinces you to take a shower with him, helping you clean every single inch of your body and making sure your cunny is nice and clean. He promises there are no other intentions behind it, just him wanting to be a good brother.
-> He may linger while helping you scrub, enjoying the plushness of your body, but you don't think anything of it. After all, he's your brother! Sweet and caring, that's all!
-> Now on the topic of friends - he hates them. Your friends are always so disgusting, partying on Fridays and Saturdays and lacking in the hygiene department. You get a boyfriend and bring him over one day, making sure your brother knows beforehand and instructing your boyfriend to wash his hands and not touch anything.
-> Sakusa is pissed, knowing your room has been tainted by some trash. He gets even more pissed when he hears your giggles and the squeaking of the bed. He doesn't want it to escalate any further, so he forces you to keep your door open and constantly checks up on you two, making sure that filth hasn't touched his pure baby sister.
-> Once the boy is gone, you're forced to wash your bedsheets by Sakusa. He also has to make sure that you're still clean and that the trash hasn't tainted your clean skin.
-> You know your brother's looking out for you, that's all! Even when he strips you naked and spreads your legs - he just wants to make sure you're not hurt or tainted by his standards!
-> Once your squeals and mewls get to be too much for Sakusa's cock, it throbbing in his sweats, he strips himself and makes sure to paint your walls white. He's cleaning them, he says. You need to always be clean. You don't want nii-chan to stop paying attention to you, do you? Let him do this.
-> The stretch of him inside you is so much, you cry and scream at the tight fit, but that lets him know he's your first and your only. He shushes you, making sure your virgin self is molded to fit his cock perfectly. You're still pure by his standards and you always will be, just let him plug you up.
-> You're not allowed boyfriends after that, keeping your friends to a minimum as you don't really need anybody else, not when nii-chan can take care of you so well!
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
General Dating Headcanons with Tendō Satori
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-> Starting off angsty, Tendō honestly thought you were making fun of him or pulling a prank on him, so he declined your confession almost immediately, laughing and waving goodbye. You were so heartbroken, crying that night until you finally fell asleep.
-> The next day, however, when in the locker room, Semi mentioned that there was a girl in his class that was asking about him and wondered if she talked to him. Tendō, is course, said it was another prank, but Semi told him that the girl really did like him, she wasn’t pulling a prank. His heart broke after hearing that, knowing he probably broke your heart.
-> After finding you and accepting your confession, you two started dating. It was a rough start, but you two moved past it. Even on the first date, he refused to do anything he wanted to do, it was all about you! Definitely bought you ice cream and a stuffed animal. Definitely gave you lots of hugs.
-> Dates after that are just downright hilarious. He’s always joking, making you laugh, telling you stories of volleyball with his team. You two smear ice cream on each other’s faces, go into a store and goof off. The store owner actually had to tell you two to leave because he was making you laugh so loudly, his giggling not helping.
-> His team! The Shiratorizawa Volleyball Club is not very in touch with their emotions, but they all love Tendō. He’s their best middle blocker and Ushijima’s best friend, so they are trailing behind you two. Maybe it’s just one or two, but it can also be the entire team. You caught Semi watching you once and he just gave you a thumbs up before ducking behind a bush. Tendō saw Ushijima at the park, pretending to read a manga as he watched you two.
-> He loves giving you hugs!! He’s so tall and lanky, he can literally envelops you into a hug with his body. He also always has an excuse as to why he hugged you. It’s either “you looked so huggable I couldn’t resist!” or “I just wanted to remind myself you’re aaaalllllll mine!”
-> More angst, sorry. He still has insecurities from his past, having people call him strange, or ugly, or weird. When he got older, the added girls asking him out as a prank started, which is why he turned you down. Of course, he has you now, but that doesn’t mean the horrible things stop. You’ve held him for at least an hour in your first month together, rubbing his back and giving him loving words as he cries about why people are so mean. He always is back to his bubbly self the next day, but you know the truth.
-> You stick with him through everything, eventually graduating together and moving into an apartment together, it’s a classic love story. He’s going to a nearby college for his chocolatier training and you’re going to a nearby college/working nearby, so it works out.
-> Alright, here it is. The Kinky King™️ has arisen. The first time y’all do it together, it isn’t bad. It’s so sweet and gentle and he kinda cries because wow you’re not his first but you are his first, in a way. He’s had a few flings, but they were usually with some high girls and it was a quick fuck, just something to do. This is the first time he’s actually having actual sex.
-> Anyways this guy has gotten the okay from you after the first time and now you’re in trouble. He is bringing everything to the table. He mentions briefly that he wouldn’t mind showing the world who you belong to and the moment you say “why don’t you?” you’re pressed up against the window with your tits smushed against the pane while he rails you. You mention you don’t think being tied up is bad? He has ropes, silk, handcuffs, baby you name it, he has it, ready to use.
-> Really enjoys sticking his fingers in your mouth or in your cunt. He just gets shivers as you roll your tongue over his digits, swirling the muscles around them. Having his fingers coated in your saliva and then licking it? Very sexy and it always has you clenching around nothing. His fingers are also long so he can reach deep inside of you from almost any position; under the table, sitting in front of him, bent over for him, you name it.
-> Your life with him sure isn’t what you expected, with 2:00 am shopping trips to a convenience store and staying up until 7:00 in the morning watching anime. Would you trade him for anything? Not even for the world, not when he can make you feel better with only a hug and a few kind words, and you wouldn’t even think about it when he deserves all of your unconditional love.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Pervert Takeda Ittetsu
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warnings: third year!reader, noncon, blackmail
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-> A classic scenario. You catch the eye of your teacher simply because you’re so smart, yet beautiful. There’s really nobody that can compare to you, honestly. Takeda-Sensei is just one of your many victims, essentially. He knows other students often stop and stare.
-> What he doesn’t — well, didn’t, know was that you were a slut. He accidentally walked into you giving a fellow student a blowjob on the roof one day. He walked away, of course, you much too busy to notice his presence. Your partner also didn’t notice, so he was the only one who was embarrassed. The poor man, the next thing he knew his dreams, nightmares, and waking moments consisted of you... well, you and him. It started to affect his daily life, having to sit at his desk when he knew he’d have a boner.
-> That’s when he decided to do something. Well, if his body and mind wanted you, who was he to deny himself? There was, of course, the risk of his job, but you were a sweet girl. You wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt him, hm?
-> Your grades slip. You went from one of the top achievers in your class to one of the lowest achievers. It’s, really, quite embarrassing. You attempt to bring your grade up, but it does nothing. It’s only in Takeda-Sensei’s class, however. You want to ask him about it, but he scares you.
-> Oh, you mentioned your slight fear of your teacher to one of your close friends, but your worries were ignored. She just told you some basic things: No he’s not purposefully brushing against you, no he’s not purposefully feeling you up under your skirt, no he isn’t watching you walk home. You never mentioned it again.
-> You almost stayed home. You didn’t feel good, a gut instinct telling you to stay home. Instead of listening, you went to school. Your day was fine... until Takeda’s class. He requested to see you after school, needing to talk about your work ethic. It’s something you’d hear from any worried teacher, but those words were like an ice bucket being poured over you. It wasn’t something you could get out of.
-> After school, you meet Takeda at his office desk. There are only a few other teachers, a typical scene on a Friday afternoon. You are less anxious once you notice one of your other teachers, her waving to you in greeting. Takeda, however, doesn’t want you comfortable. “Let’s go into a room more private. I don’t want you to be embarrassed, after all,” his little laugh does nothing to easy the nervousness in your stomach.
-> He’s harmless, you tell yourself. When you two enter a room, he locks the door — something you don’t mention. He tells you that your grades are slipping and there’s no chance of you passing his class. The familiar phrase “I’ll do anything!” comes from you, crying and sobbing as you tell him you can’t fail. You tell him you’ll pay more attention, you’ll study an extra hour or two, etc., etc. You’re so busy crying, he smiles as you beg for your grades.
-> He’s in his chair, leaning back as he tells you he has something you can do. “An oral presentation, along with a hands-on demonstration of what you’ll do to raise your grades.” His words have you stop, not sure understanding what he means. Once you see the bulge in his trousers, you understand. You feel sick, but you have no other option, do you? There’s no evidence of him being a creep that you have, so your only option is to obey.
-> You’re still crying when you get on your knees, hands shaking. He gently guides you to his zipper and belt buckle, knowing you’re a bit shy. Once he’s actually out of his boxers, you hesitate. “I can’t,” You whimper out. You decide to risk your grades. He doesn’t take kindly to that.
-> He slaps you across the face, the pain stinging as your mouth opens to yell at him, but he then forces himself on your mouth. You’re gagging around him, tears spilling as drool pools on his pants. Before you can do anything, he grips your hair and lowly growls, “Try anything and you can say goodbye to all your high grades,”
-> You really have no other option, his hand in your hair setting a rhythm that had you gagging and drooling. It’s a horrible experience, but with the way he’s moaning and whining out for you, you have a feeling this won’t be the last experience you have with him.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Toxic!Bokuto Headcanons
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-> He's a touchy person so he's clingy. Overly clingy. He expects cuddles and attention from you all the time.
-> In the beginning of the relationship, he always pouted when you denied him affection for something else, but he let it slide. After a couple of weeks, though, he doesn't let it slide. He wants cuddles and he wants them now.
-> Constant affection to keep him happy. At least let him relax in your arms while you do something or even just letting him drape himself over you while doing homework. He needs to be touching you.
-> It's sweet and cute when he wants affection and cuddles in the beginning, puppy-dog eyes when he asks. You coo and giggle at him, opening your arms wide.
-> If you tell him you're busy and you'll cuddle with him later, he brings out the manipulation card. "You don't love me anymore, right? That's why you won't cuddle me, right? I knew I wasn't a priority to you,"
-> You can't ignore those words, saying you do love him and he meant so much to you, he was always your number one. He'll believe you and forgive you once he's pounded you into the mattress, with you drooling because he fucked you stupid.
-> Akaashi and Kuroo don't help his traits. They encourage it, although not intentionally. They only know Bokuto's story, but why would he lie about it? You're ignoring him for friends and telling him you don't want affection all the time. You knew what you were getting into when you said yes, so you're at fault.
-> Your friends hear your story, but you ignore their advice. "Leave him," they say, telling you he's no good and he's manipulative. You think about it and you only remember sweet and cuddly Bokuto, not an abusive boyfriend. You don’t want to leave him, you just wish you had more time for him!
-> You do wonder if you should break up with him sometimes. It haunts you at night, when you’re at work, whether you should confront him. You eventually do, he knows you’re hiding something from him. He tells you that your friends don’t want you two together, he would never do anything to hurt you! You drop your friends with no explanation the next day.
-> Any guy friends are non-existent. They were scared off in the beginning of your relationship with Bokuto. He's big, tall, and strong. His intimidating glare was enough of a warning, but an empty threat thrown in makes them back off and never look back.
-> And when you cry to him because you're lonely, you have no friends, everyone in the world is cruel, he holds you. His friends can see you, of course, but he's your only true friend right now.
-> You don't need any friends when he's buried in your cunt
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
Beach Trip with Gym 3 Trio (Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi)
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-> This group is Chaos™️ so like good luck and kudos, they’re all ridiculously sexy.
-> First off, beach day? Spending a weekend at the beach with them? Bro, who needs the ocean when you’re already soaking wet JK unless
-> Bokuto suggests the idea first. You’re all hanging out, as best friends do, when he mentions it. You’re looking at him like “the fuck?” While he ignores you, he continues. Why? Why not! Pretty girls in bikinis, showing off his skills in beach volleyball, impressing everyone, his reasons are endless.
-> You all agree, even though you’re hesitant. This sounds more like a boys trip than a best friends trip, but Akaashi assures you that he’ll be there so you’re included. Such a sweetheart.
-> The ride there is chaotic in itself. The old van Kuroo rented was old as dirt as it rattled and clunked. You were gripping Bokuto’s hand for dear life while he held you in his lap. The seats were disgusting and only one seat had a seatbelt, so you got Bokuto’s lap. He popped a boner and apologized, which was fine, but he kept talking about how every bump your ass would grind on his dick.
-> Akaashi controls the radio and eventually puts in earbuds and falls asleep lmao he went “peace”. Kuroo drives because he’s the most responsible. Bokuto cannot drive. Akaashi would probably kill them all if they annoyed him too much. He said he wouldn’t, but you three thought he would if given the chance.
-> Finally arrived! You can’t look Bokuto in the eye, but it’s fine! You’re driving back. Kuroo and Bokuto strip immediately, proudly displaying their muscles and abs. Kuroo is attempting to be slick and flirtatious, but Bokuto’s himbo energy entrances men and women alike. You and Akaashi have to pry Bokuto from strangers because he’s being crowded. He hasn’t even touched a volleyball yet.
-> Beach volleyball! Kuroo and Akaashi are on a team because Bokuto wants to show off his impressive skills to you. You don’t watch his games or practices, so you don’t know how far he’s come. Too bad he didn’t think about the sand beforehand. He slips and falls on his face when he tries to do a jump serve. Kuroo cackles hysterically and Akaashi runs over to check on Bokuto. He has a mini emo mode, but you quickly make him feel better by “accidentally” falling on your butt. Giggles and childish fights start on the sand until Akaashi clears his throat and asks if you guys want privacy.
-> Next match is Bokuto and Kuroo vs you and Akaashi. You’re shorter than them, but the fact that Bokuto and Kuroo can’t stop laughing for no reason and keep messing up, you don’t have to worry about reaching over the net. Akaashi gives you a sly smirk when he smashes the ball over the net, patting your cheek as you realize your eyes were wide. He’s very balanced on the sand for someone who’s never played on it before.
-> Kuroo and you vs Bokuto and Akaashi. It doesn’t go well. Your sets are kind of sloppy and so are your receives, your arms barely reaching over the net when you jump. Kuroo can basically do everything except set, so you’re forced to set for him. Akaashi aims for you first, forcing you to have to take a set from Kuroo. Bokuto is just downright terrifying now that he has the habit of playing on sand and he isn’t laughing. His jump serves are sloppy, but he can still hit the ball hard and fast. You’re too scared to receive it and he aims for you. Kuroo is basically on his own lol.
-> Playing in the water! Kuroo tried to take your swim bottoms off once you guys got out really far, but Akaashi just glared at him until his hand retreated. You had no clue what was about to happen, talking about marine life with Bokuto. They also made fun of your height I’m sorry but they’re giants. Water up to your chest and it just hit their hips kind of giants. You guys swim a bit, just laughing and joking around.
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This is just the set of headcanons with y’all being best friends.
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
✨Helpful Tags✨
BB.Chirps -> Me talking
BB.Kinky -> Nsfw content
BB.Dark -> Dark content (do be warned)
BB.Tweets -> Original things and thoughts.
BB.Requests -> Requests
BB.Floof -> Fluff
BB.Angst -> Angst
BB.Asks -> Asks
BB.Thirsts -> thirsts answered/received
BB.🐾 -> Omegaverse
Characters :
Searching a specific character will have Mr. [first name] in their tag [ Mr. Kōtarō, Mr. Keiji, Mr. Enji, etc. ]. Side note : some characters have two names [ ex. Osamu -> Mr. ‘Samu & Onigiri Man | Endeavor -> Mr. Enji & Endeavor sir ]
Smut/nsfw -> character.Spice [ Bokuto.Spice, Kuroo.Spice, etc. ]
Angst -> character.Angst
Fluff -> character.Floof
Headcanons -> character.hcs
Thirsts -> character.Thirst
Possible triggers :
tw.content [ tw.blood, tw.incest, etc. ]
If it contains something like perhaps food (maybe an ask I answer), then it will have cw.content [cw.food]. This applies to fics with content to easily find it such as a type of kink [cw.size kink] or [cw.breeding]
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