#BINUS University
beastcouture · 21 days
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ok this was in my drafts from months ago but since ive been getting frustrated w my uni again im gonna post the pic
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one day i will leave this place and never come back (<- daily affirmations)
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altrbody · 9 months
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The religious beliefs of the Dogon are enormously complex and knowledge of them varies greatly within Dogon society. Dogon religion is defined primarily through the worship of the ancestors and the spirits whom they encountered as they slowly migrated from their obscure ancestral homelands to the Bandiagara cliffs. They were called the Nommo.
The Nommo are ancestral spirits (sometimes referred to as deities) worshipped by the Dogon people of Mali. The word Nommos is derived from a Dogon word meaning "to make one drink." The Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures. Folk art depictions of the Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommos are also referred to as "Masters of the Water", "the Monitors", and "the Teachers". Nommo can be a proper name of an individual, or can refer to the group of spirits as a whole.
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Dogon mythology states that Nommo was the first living creature created by the sky god Amma. Shortly after his creation, Nommo underwent a transformation and multiplied into four pairs of twins. One of the twins rebelled against the universal order created by Amma. To restore order to his creation, Amma sacrificed another of the Nommo progeny, whose body was dismembered and scattered throughout the world. This dispersal of body parts is seen by the Dogon as the source for the proliferation of Binu shrines throughout the Dogons' traditional territory; wherever a body part fell, a shrine was erected.
The Nommo allegedly descended from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder. After arriving, the Nommos created a reservoir of water and subsequently dove into the water. The Dogon legends state that the Nommos required a watery environment in which to live. According to the myth related to Griaule and Dieterlen: "The Nommo divided his body among men to feed them; that is why it is also said that as the universe "had drunk of his body," the Nommo also made men drink. He gave all his life principles to human beings." The Nommo was crucified on a tree, but was resurrected and returned to his home world. Dogon legend has it that he will return in the future to revisit the Earth in a human form.
The Dogon are famous for their astronomical knowledge taught through oral tradition, dating back thousands of years, referencing the binary star Sirius. In the latter part of the 1940s, French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen - who had been working with the Dogon since 1931 - confirming this theory. Their astronomical information begs the question - How did the Dogon come by this knowledge? Their oral traditions say it was given to them by the Nommo.
As the story goes ... in the late 1930s, four Dogon priests shared their most important secret tradition with two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen after they had spent an apprenticeship of fifteen years living with the tribe. These were secret myths about the star Sirius, which is 8.6 light years from the Earth.
The Dogon priests said that Sirius had a companion star that was invisible to the human eye. They also stated that the star moved in a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it was small and incredibly heavy, and that it rotated on its axis.
Initially the anthropologists wrote it off publishing the information in an obscure anthropological journal, because they didn't appreciate the astronomical importance of the information.
What they didn't know was that since 1844, astronomers had suspected that Sirius A had a companion star. This was in part determined when it was observed that the path of the star wobbled.
In 1862 Alvan Clark discovered the second star making Sirius a binary star system (two stars).
In the 1920's it was determined that Sirius B, the companion of Sirius, was a white dwarf star. White dwarfs are small, dense stars that burn dimly. The pull of its gravity causes Sirius' wavy movement. Sirius B is smaller than planet Earth.
The Dogon name for Sirius B is Po Tolo. It means star - tolo and smallest seed - po. Seed refers to creation. In this case, perhaps human creation. By this name they describe the star's smallness. It is, they say, the smallest thing there is. They also claim that it is 'the heaviest star' and is white in color. The Dogon thus attribute to Sirius B its three principal properties as a white dwarf: small, heavy, white.
Source: https://www.crystalinks.com/dogon.html
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Binu University Planetary Binaural Studies Building.
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the-strange-world · 2 years
Ranking Solo Debut Songs 💟
I really regret not splitting this list up into 2 parts. It’s sooooo long
GGOMA - Taeho feat. Yegeun Choi
Baragi - Hyunjun Hur
Getaway - Nlve feat. JMSN
Running Through the Night - Seori
Door - Kwon Eun Bi
Binu - BIBI
Change - HyunA
From20 - from20
Cassette - DEMIAN
Benefits - Zior Park
Midnight Blue - B.I
Open Mind - WONHO
Eternal Summer - echan
Gravity - Ong Seong Wu
Love is Love - jiae
Neverland - Holland
Recipe - WOODZ & Flowsik
What Are You Up To - KANGDANIEL
Dumped Yesterday - Stella Jang
Fall in Love Again - ALEPH
Spring Breeze - Kim Jae Hwan
Lady - Yunbin
Some How - Ahn Ye Eun
24 Hours - SUNMI
Happy Trip - TAERYEONG
Hopeless Love - JAMIE
Play - Yuju
Lost Child - IU
Why Don’t You Know - CHUNG HA feat. Nucksal
RUN - Sorn
Coming Home - GSoul
Bomb - AleXa
Sunflower - Colde
Heaven’s Door - Eric Nam
Across the Universe - Yerin Baek
Bad Man - RAIN
my - youra
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INVESTASI TERBAIK, WA 0817-323-882 Jual Rumah 1 Lantai Mewah Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
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AMAN DAN NYAMAN, WA 0817-323-882 Jual Rumah 1 Lantai Mewah Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
Perumahan Permata Royal Garden Investasi Terbaik Karena Lokasi Strategis Dekat Gate Tol Pakis, Dekat Universitas Binus dan Dekat Bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang.
Fasilitas Premium: Jalan Lebar, One gate system dan Security 24 jam
WA CS 0817-323-882
Marketing Office: Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 – Kav.A1 MALANG.
Jual Rumah 1 Lantai Mewah Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
#JualRumah1LantaiMewahDekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
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INVESTASI TERBAIK, WA 0817-323-882 Jual Rumah Mewah Di Bawah 1 Milyar Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
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AMAN DAN NYAMAN, WA 0817-323-882 Jual Rumah Mewah Di Bawah 1 Milyar Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
Perumahan Permata Royal Garden Investasi Terbaik Karena Lokasi Strategis Dekat Gate Tol Pakis, Dekat Universitas Binus dan Dekat Bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang.
Fasilitas Premium: Jalan Lebar, One gate system dan Security 24 jam
WA CS 0817-323-882
Marketing Office: Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 – Kav.A1 MALANG.
Jual Rumah Mewah Di Bawah 1 Milyar Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
#JualRumahMewahDiBawah1MilyarDekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
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GRAND LAUNCHING 0821-4212-5500 Developer Jual Rumah Kost Malang Srimulyo
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0821-4212-5500 (GRAND LAUNCHING), Jual Rumah Kost Malang Srimulyo
Dapatkan PROMO HARI INI KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282142125500, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Srimulyo, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Dekat Bidan bu Titik Delima, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Dekat Universitas Katolik Widya Karya, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Dekat Universitas Kristen Cipta Wacana, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Dekat Universitas Merdeka Malang, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Dekat Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Dekat Universitas Widyagama Malang, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Dekat Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang, Jual Rumah Kost Malang Dekat BINUS University Malang
Temukan Hunian yang Ideal di Graha Agung Highland Malang? Apakah Anda sedang mencari hunian nyaman dan strategis di Kota Malang? Tomoland Malang - Graha Agung Highland Malang adalah pilihan yang sempurna! Terletak di Pusat Kota dengan akses mudah ke berbagai fasilitas, properti ini menawarkan kenyamanan dan peluang investasi yang menguntungkan.
Lokasi Strategis:
1 menit ke UIN - Universitas Islam Malang 3 Kedokteran: Dekat dengan kampus ternama
- 2 menit ke Pondok Ar-Rohmah
- 2 menit Pasar Tradisional Dau
- 3 menit ke Kampus UMM : Akses mudah untuk mahasiswa dan staf.
- 4 menit Rumah sakit UMM :
- 7 menit ke Mall Dinoyo : Belanja dan hiburan dalam satu tempat
- 7 menit ke Predator Funpark Batu
- 7 menit ke Jatimpark 3
- 9 menit ke Alun Alun Batu
Nilai Tambah Graha Agung Highland Malang, Graha Agung Sigura-Gura Malang, Graha Agung Highland, Graha Agung Dau Malang:
Terletak di Pusat Kota: Semua kebutuhan dalam jangkauan.
- Prospek Sewa Rumah Villa, Rumah Kost: Peluang passive income yang menjanjikan.
- Dekat Kampus dan Rumah Sakit: Lokasi strategis untuk mahasiswa dan profesional medis.
- Dekat dengan pusat hiburan di Jatimpark 3 Malang Jawa Timur
- Street Park dan Jogging Track: Untuk gaya hidup sehat dan aktif.
- Tempat Ibadah (Masjid): Fasilitas ibadah yang mudah diakses.
- Clubhouse Basket dan Gym Center: Fasilitas olahraga lengkap.
- Restoran Caf� dan Swimming Pool: Kenyamanan dan hiburan di tempat tinggal Anda.
- Lounge: Tempat bersantai dengan keluarga dan teman.
- Berdiri sejak 2009: Reputasi dan pengalaman lebih dari satu dekade.
Spesifikasi Properti Cluster Hidden Valley:
3 Kamar Tidur
- 2 Kamar Mandi
- Luas Bangunan: 54 m2
- Luas Tanah: 78 m2
Spesifikasi Properti Cluster Golden Land:
3 Kamar Tidur
- 2 Kamar Mandi
- Luas Bangunan: 60 m2
- Luas Tanah: 84 m2
Spesifikasi Properti Cluster Golden Land:
3 Kamar Tidur
- 2 Kamar Mandi
- Luas Bangunan: 90 m2
- Luas Tanah: 112 m2
Graha Agung Highland Malang adalah pilihan tepat bagi Anda yang menginginkan hunian Villa nyaman dan strategis di kota Malang. Dengan berbagai fasilitas dan lokasi yang mendukung, kehidupan Anda akan semakin mudah dan menyenangkan.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan penawaran spesial, hubungi kami di 0821-4212-5500 http://wa.me/6282142125500 atau kunjungi website kami di www.grahaagung.id.
Alamat Kantor:
Jl. Chili, Joyogrand Blok Graha Utama A01 NO.146,
Merjosari, Kec. Lowokwaru,
Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144
Pentingnya Anak Muda, Orang Tua, Pengusaha, Pegawai Negeri, PNS dan lainnya memiliki properti di usianya memberikan banyak manfaat dan peluang yang tidak bisa diabaikan.
Berikut beberapa alasan mengapa anak muda dan lainnya harus mulai mempertimbangkan investasi properti:
Investasi Jangka Panjang: Properti adalah salah satu investasi paling stabil dan cenderung meningkat nilainya dari waktu ke waktu.
2. Passive Income: Dengan menyewakan properti, Anda bisa mendapatkan passive income yang menguntungkan.
3. Kemandirian Finansial: Memiliki properti memberikan rasa aman dan kemandirian finansial, mengurangi ketergantungan pada orang lain.
4. Manfaat Pajak: Pemilik properti bisa mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan pajak yang bisa membantu dalam pengelolaan keuangan.
5. Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan: Memiliki rumah sendiri memberikan stabilitas dan kenyamanan hidup, serta meningkatkan kualitas hidup.
6. Aset Bernilai: Properti dapat menjadi aset berharga yang bisa diwariskan kepada generasi berikutnya. Kesimpulan: Investasi properti di usia muda adalah langkah bijak untuk mencapai kemandirian finansial dan kesejahteraan jangka panjang.
Di Graha Agung Highland Malang, kami menawarkan properti berkualitas yang cocok untuk investasi Anda. Hubungi Kami Sekarang! Customer Service: 0821-4212-5500
Website: www.grahaagung.id Hunian, Villa, Rumah Kost Graha Agung Highland Malang ideal untuk masa depan yang cerah dan stabil!
#JualRumahKostMalangSrimulyo, #JualRumahKostMalangDekatBidanbuTitikDelima, #JualRumahKostMalangDekatUniversitasKatolikWidyaKarya, #JualRumahKostMalangDekatUniversitasKristenCiptaWacana, #JualRumahKostMalangDekatUniversitasMerdekaMalang, #JualRumahKostMalangDekatUniversitasTribhuwanaTunggadewi, #JualRumahKostMalangDekatUniversitasWidyagamaMalang, #JualRumahKostMalangDekatUniversitasWisnuwardhanaMalang, #JualRumahKostMalangDekatBINUSUniversityMalang
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Capturing Humanity Through a Lens: Binu Bright's Journey
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In the fast-paced world of medicine, Binu Bright finds solace and inspiration in capturing the essence of streets and people worldwide through his lens. His journey as a photographer not only tells stories but also reflects the transformative power of photography on his perspective.
Discovering the Art of Photography
Binu's passion for photography was sparked by his father's old film camera, a timeless instrument that ignited his love for capturing moments frozen in time. From the bustling streets of urban landscapes to the serene beauty of rural life, his lens captures the diversity and richness of human experiences.
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The Fascination with Photography
What fascinates Binu the most about photography is its ability to encapsulate a fleeting moment—a single frame that preserves the essence of a place, a person, or an emotion. Each click of the shutter is a testament to the art of storytelling through visual narratives.
Memorable Experiences Behind the Camera
Every Photowalk for Binu is a journey filled with unforgettable moments. Whether it's connecting with strangers in distant lands or capturing the vibrant spirit of a bustling market, each photograph holds a story waiting to be told. These experiences not only enrich his portfolio but also deepen his understanding of cultures and communities.
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Impact and Perspective
Photography has profoundly impacted Binu's life and perspective. It has taught him to appreciate the beauty in everyday moments and to see the world through a more empathetic lens. Through his photographs, he seeks to highlight the humanity that connects us all, bridging gaps and fostering understanding across borders.
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Celebrating Diversity with Gyanvriksha Publications
Binu Bright's journey epitomizes the spirit of Gyanvriksha Publications, which celebrates diversity, cultural richness, and the universal language of photography. Through his lens, he invites readers to see the world from different perspectives and to embrace the stories that unite us as global citizens.
As Binu continues to explore and capture the world through his unique vision, his photography serves as a reminder of the beauty and resilience found in every corner of our planet.
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WA 0857-7217-5078 STIFIn Genetic Indonesia, Tes Sidik Jari STIFIn
Apa Itu Manfaat Tes Minat Bakat? Ini Dia Penjelasannya…
Banyak orang tua murid yang selalu bertanya-tanya saat anak nya mendapatkan tawaran Tes Minat Bakat saat menempuh pendidikan tingkat menengah. Biasanya, siswa disarankan untuk melakukan Tes Minat Bakat sebelum memilih peminatan di SMA maupun program studi (prodi) untuk kuliah. Sebenarnya apa itu Tes Minat Bakat? Apa saja manfaat melakukan Tes Minat Bakat? Dan apakah Tes Minat Bakat apa yang powerful?
Komisaris STIFIn Genetic Jamil Azzaini menjelaskan Tes Minat Bakat adalah tes yang powerful untuk membantu anak menemukan “karpet merah” untuk jalur suksesnya. Menurut dia, berdasarkan pengalamannya banyak orang tua yang kebingungan mengarahkan anaknya untuk Tes Minat Bakat.
“Karena saking bingung akhirnya semua anak diminta untuk ikut tes ini, tes itu. Ikut les, ikut kursus. Orang tua mengeluarkan banyak biaya, anak malah menjadi stres, karena boleh jadi les dan kursusnya itu tidak sesuai dengan potensinya, tidak sesuai dengan bakatnya,” kata Jamil dalam seminar “Temukan Potensi Diri Raih Sukses Mulia.” Seminar yang digelar pertengahan Februari 2024 ini dihadiri oleh 203 orang dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Dalam seminar itu ada empat pembicara utama, Jamil Azzaini (Inspirator Sukses Mulia), Atok R. Aryanto (CEO Kubik Leadership), Riski Candara K (Genetic Intelligent Expert), Adinda Aisha (Konselor Keluarga Bahagia)
Jamil Azzaini yang sudah menekuni STIFIn Genetic sejak 2009 mengajak orang tua untuk mengenalkan anak dengan tes STIFIn. Ini supaya orang tua tidak bingung, anak Anda tidak stres. Karena dengan Tes Minat Bakat ala STIFIn, maka orang tua jadi paham: belahan otak mana dari sang anak yang dominan, atau dengan kata lain mesin kecerdasan apa yang dominan. Dengan cara itu, orang tua bisa mengembangkan putra-putri kita sesuai dengan potensinya.
“Dan itu bisa Anda lakukan dengan Tes Minat Bakat di STIFIn Genetic,” kata Jamil. “Sehingga Orang tua tahu potensi anak, orang tua bisa mengembangkan anak dan insya Allah anak kita akan menjadi best of the best di bidangnya.”
Baca juga: Ini Penemu Tes Minat Bakat dari Indonesia
Tes STIFIn sendiri sudah dikenal luas sejak 2009. Konsep pengembangan SDM (sumber daya manusia) berbasis dengan STIFIn ditemukan Farid Poniman 2009. Sampai saat ini sudah lebih dari 580 ribu orang yang menggunakan metode ini. STIFIn sendiri memiliki 90 cabang di seluruh Indonesia dan di berbagai negara seperti di Singapura dan Malaysia. Metode STIFIn ini bisa digunakan untuk membantu tes minat bakat, tes kepribadian, memilih karir, memilih profesi.
Beberapa perusahaan besar dan lembaga yang telah memakai tes STIFIn di antara lain United Tractor, Sharp Indonesia, Holcim, Kementerian Pertanian, Kepolisian Daerah Jambi, LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia), Waroeng Steak, Kubik Leadership, Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah DKI Jakarta. Sejumlah sekolah dan lembaga pendidikan lainnya yang juga sudah menggunakannya antara lain Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga, Perbanas Institute, Binus University dan ratusan sekolah menengah lainnya.
Sejumlah tokoh nasional dan artis juga sudah melakukan tes STIFIn untuk dirinya dan keluarganya. “Saya recommended banget untuk melakukan tes STIFIn, khususnya untuk anak-anak kita,” kata Melly Goeslaw, artis dan penulis lagu. “Tes deh melalui STIFIn! Thank you STIFIn, Aku jadi tahu karakter anak-anak aku, dan bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dengan baik dengan mereka. Cocok dan pas banget buat anak-anak kita”
Sebelumnya Prof Dr. Kuswandi SU, M Phil., Apt juga memberikan testimoni serupa. “Tes ini sangat cocok, penjelasannya juga sangat praktis untuk saya. Menurut saya tes ini harus dilakukan kepada anak sedini mungkin. Agar kita sebagai orang tua bisa mengarahkan anak kita pada jalur pendidikan apa,” katanya
Tes Bakat Minat di STIfin Genetic. adalah tes dan analisa yang bisa menggambarkan kemampuan otak dominan anak, karakteristik minat serta kepribadian siswa terhadap suatu bidang atau jurusan tertentu. Tesnya hanya berlangsung 5 menit dan menggunakan tes sidik jari. Dengan tes ini kita jadi tahu potensi kepribadian kita, sehingga bisa disimpulkan Tes STIFIn Genetic sangat bermanfaat untuk Tes Minat Bakat, Tes Kepribadian, mengetahui Pola Parenting, Penjurusan Kuliah, Karir, Profesi dan untuk Kenali Bakat, Minat.(*) Alamat: Blok O №8, Jl. Puri Sriwedari, Harjamukti, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16966 No WA ADMIN : 0857-7217-5078 (admin Naufal) No WA ADMIN : 0857-7217-5078 (admin Naufal) No WA ADMIN : 0857-7217-5078 (admin Naufal)
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maudyleen · 10 months
Biography | Historical & Her Stories.
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Birth Name : Maudy Rosaleen (Barnett)
Nick Name : Mody, Momo
Born : Medan, 24 October 1989
Address : Kemang Village Apartment
Empire Tower 11th Floor
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No. 36
Kemang, Jakarta Selatan, DKI
Jakarta, Indonesia 12150
Religion : Confidential
Blood : O
Height : 1.65 m
Occupations : Design Interior
Early Life & Education.
When Rosaleen was born, she was so ill that her parents and doctors did not think that she would survive. Upon her recovery, Rosaleen's parents registered her birth on October 24, 1989 (instead of her actual birthdate, August 22, 1989)
Rosaleen's parents divorced when she was a young girl, after which she was raised by her mother. They moved from her birthplace in Medan to the Cengkareng District in Jakarta, where she trained as a singer in elementary school but quit when she was in the eighth grade.
Rosaleen considered herself shy and introverted, but when she attended State Senior High School 56 of Jakarta, she was described by her high school teacher as having a "cheerful character, she mixed well with her friends and was always in a bright mood". Maudy Rosaleen attended Binus University, where she majored in Design Interior.
Family — All NPC.
Dad : Frank Barnett
Mom : Margaretha Suzanne Sirumpaet
Sis : Maureen Dyvette (Barnett)
Bro : Martin Wyatt (Barnett)
Boyfriend : Yudistara Adiwarman
Use Krystal Jung as Face Claim.
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mewaruniversity · 11 months
#Mewar_University_In_Media:: Fresher’s Day is celebrated at Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan.
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Mewar University was buzzing with the joy of students till late on Monday night. The occasion was the fresher’s day celebration 'Aagaaz-2023'. The program began with Ganesh Vandana. After this, the students made the gathering colorful by presenting many colorful programs on the stage like Desi, Bollywood, and Hollywood. All dances from Kashmir’s Vaadis to Gujarati and Haryanvi, contemporary, hip-hop, and jazz were also seen on the stage. The Main attraction was the Ramp-Walk where students showcased their talent on the ramp in three rounds and won prizes. During this, the title of Miss Fresher from the Management Dept. was Aarohi and Mr. Fresher from BTech (CSE) was won by N. Dinesh. The Runners-up were Anamika and Songwing. In the program, BPA first-year student Lingam stunned everyone by making a live picture of Chancellor Dr. Ashok Kumar Gadiya sir, and got a lot of applause.
Hindustan Zinc Limited (CPP) head Mr. Binu Raphael, who was the chief guest at the event, said that students should be experts in every field. They must have technical knowledge along with social knowledge and knowledge about their duties; only then can achieve success in every field of life. Dr. Ashok Kumar Gadiya, Chancellor of Mewar University, said, "Small India lives in Mewar University". People of different nationalities live here. They have respect for each other. This is our culture and tradition. In addition to solo and group dance, traditional flute playing, Rajasthani dance, South Indian style dance, drama, skit, garba, Marathi, and Haryanvi dance won the hearts of the people present there. After the day-long various events, there was a DJ night in the evening, in which the artists of Desert Rock Band made not only the students but also the teachers dance to their songs till late at night. Mr. Abhishek Pipara, Ms. Harshita Chauhan, Mr. Aditya Pipara, Mr. Aadesh Surana, and Mr. Jatin Kaushal of the band sang one song after another to the tune of the music, and the students kept swaying. President of Mewar Education Society Mr. Govind Lal Gadiya, Members of the Board of Management Mr. R.K Gadiya, Mr. Arpit Maheshwari, OSD H. Widhani, Dr. Chitralekha Singh, and Director of Training & Placement Cell, Mr. Harish Gurnani were present on the occasion. Program Coordinator Dr. Sonia Singla and co-coordinators Dr. Gulzar Ahmed, Mr. Nirma Sharma, and Mr. Raj Singh, etc. were instrumental in making the program a success.
A huge thanks from Mewar University to all the supporters to made this event successful.🤩
#MewarUniversity #FreshersParty #Cuet #NewsUpdate #TopUniversityInRajasthan #FreshersDay #News #EducationUpdate #BestUniversityInRajasthan #DJNight #KnowledgeToWisdom #MusicalNight
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Madani IFF 2023 atau Madani International Film Festival diharapkan bisa menjadi panggung untuk memperkuat eksistensi perfilman Indonesia di kancah global. Pamong Budaya Perfilman Kemendikbudristek, Marlina Machfud, mengungkapkan pandangan ini dalam sebuah jumpa pers yang digelar di Jakarta, Rabu 27 September 2023. Dia menjelaskan Program-program seperti ini dirancang untuk mengokohkan ekosistem perfilman di Indonesia. "Dimana, memungkinkan kita untuk bersaing secara global. Ketika kita telah memperkuat basis nasional dan internal, kita akan memiliki rasa percaya diri yang kuat untuk bersaing di panggung internasional," paparnya. BACA JUGA: Film Pendek Berjudul Pulang Sabet Anugerah Festival Film Terbaik TVRI 2023 Marlina juga mengungkapkan alasan dukungan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan dan Ristek (Kemendikbudristek) terhadap festival film berskala internasional ini. Festival, yang secara khusus mengangkat berbagai aspek kehidupan Muslim di seluruh dunia. Menurutnya, Madani IFF adalah festival film yang istimewa karena selalu memberikan perhatian kepada film-film dari negara-negara yang sering luput dari sorotan internasional. "Hanya Madani IFF yang memperhatikan isu-isu penting, isu-isu kemanusiaan, dan fokus pada negara-negara yang benar-benar membutuhkan perhatian kita semua," katanya. BACA JUGA: Suluh Sumurup Art Festival Hadir di Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Apa Saja Yang Dipamerkan? Industri Film Lokal "Film-filmnya telah dikurasi dengan baik, unik, dan sangat menarik. Serta mengandung pesan-pesan penting, terutama seputar relaksasi beragama," jelas Marlina. Dengan pelaksanaan Madani IFF, Marlina percaya bahwa para sineas dan pelaku industri perfilman Indonesia akan memiliki lebih banyak jaringan. Utamanya, dalam skenario perfilman internasional, yang pada gilirannya akan memajukan industri film lokal. Sementara itu, Madani IFF 2023 akan berlangsung dari tanggal 7 hingga 12 Oktober 2023, dengan berbagai lokasi. Termasuk Madani Misbar yang akan digelar di area Teater Besar, Teater Asrul Sani. BACA JUGA: Manisnya Festival Cokelat di Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, Sayang Buat Dilewatkan Juga , diTeater Sjuman Djaya di Gedung Trisno Soemardjo, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Epicentrum XXI, Metropole XXI, dan Binus University Alam Sutera. Dengan tema "Buhul" yang mengartikan "simpul tali" yang kuat, festival ini mengangkat sejumlah isu eskalasi konflik. Seperti di Palestina, bencana besar di Turki dan Syria, krisis berbasis gender di Iran dan Afghanistan, serta berbagai isu penting lainnya. Madani IFF 2023 menjanjikan pengalaman sinematik yang mendalam dan bermakna bagi penontonnya. Event ini sendiri digagas oleh  oleh Mizan dan Pabrikultur serta didukung oleh Komite Film Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (DKJ). ***
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kbanews · 1 year
Binus Marmer
UNIVERSITAS beranak universitas. Itulah Binus University. Yang bulan September ini melahirkan satu universitas lagi: Satu University. Sekaligus dua kampus: di Bandung dan Pontianak. Tidak berhenti di dua. Tiap tahun akan dibuka kampus Satu University lain. Di kota yang berbeda. Di seluruh Indonesia. Binus University sendiri kini sudah berkembang menjadi 7 kampus: Kemanggisan, Senayan, Anggrek…
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INVESTASI TERBAIK, WA 0817-323-882 Jual Rumah Minimalis Modern Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
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AMAN DAN NYAMAN, WA 0817-323-882 Jual Rumah Minimalis Modern Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
Perumahan Permata Royal Garden Investasi Terbaik Karena Lokasi Strategis Dekat Gate Tol Pakis, Dekat Universitas Binus dan Dekat Bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang.
Fasilitas Premium: Jalan Lebar, One gate system dan Security 24 jam
WA CS 0817-323-882
Marketing Office: Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 – Kav.A1 MALANG.
Jual Rumah Minimalis Modern Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
#JualRumahMinimalisModernDekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
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INVESTASI TERBAIK, WA 0817-323-882 Jual Rumah Mewah Harga 1 Milyar Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
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AMAN DAN NYAMAN, WA 0817-323-882 Jual Rumah Mewah Harga 1 Milyar Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
Perumahan Permata Royal Garden Investasi Terbaik Karena Lokasi Strategis Dekat Gate Tol Pakis, Dekat Universitas Binus dan Dekat Bandara Abdul Rachman Saleh Malang.
Fasilitas Premium: Jalan Lebar, One gate system dan Security 24 jam
WA CS 0817-323-882
Marketing Office: Jl. Raya Ampeldento 1087 – Kav.A1 MALANG.
Jual Rumah Mewah Harga 1 Milyar Dekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
#JualRumahMewahHarga1MilyarDekat Wisnuwardhana University Malang
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