panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
YOOO PRETZ! 37, 40, and 45 for the worldbuilding ask game!! (on a side note, does your lanterns world have a name?)
HEY BLU!!! Thanks for asking!
Starting with the question if my world has another name, yes. Kind of? It's still Earth but it can also be called Adamina, which was the name of an old Goddess who gave her body away so life could exist.
Stories tell that she found the vast universe to be too lonely with only her and some other Gods - and she also didn't find confort in their own particular dimension. Being so sad about it all, she curled up into a ball and went into a deep sleep; after many years her body changed so much it became the planet Earth - and it's core is her heart, still beating.
If your question was not about the planet in fact, then I don't know- between me and my best friend, we call the whole universe as Fantasia :]
Now, onto the questions:
37. Is there an afterlife in your story's universe?
The short answer to this is yes, but the longer version is... complicated? There are actually multiple afterlifes, each with their own use. There are four that are most important:
Limbo: in this world, the souls of dead people end up on Limbo when a very rare type of peculiar, dedicated to the art of death, cleans up the body and soul in a ritual. They are called Mordeshor and it is partly inspired in a book i've read, but can't quite remember the name.
Mordeshor people receive the bodies of the dead to clean them and send their soul to the Station. There, a demi-god called Pennydarren will load their souls into a train and take them to the Limbo, which is the place souls can finally rest (mostly, bad souls are forced into eternal labor for the God who oversees it all; this bit was inspired in Hadestown)
Void: the void is the empty, a blackness where unfortunate kinds can be lost and never found. They can see the train traversing it, but can never interact or be seen by anyone besides Athena, who uses the Limbo to traverse space with portals; it's a shortcut.
It is very rare for a soul to be stuck there, but when it does it's very panful. Their bodies slowly wither away and theirsanity goes too after too long stuck in the place; the void is the fine veil between death and life. It's where Mordeshors came from and what makes normal people unable to see the dead.
Library of Souls: this was inspired in the MPHFPC series, where a similar place exists. It's where the souls of old and powerful gods, wizards, titans and peculiars go to rest, apart from the Limbo. There, their powers can await until they need to be passed down to another person.
Ghosts: finally, the ghosts. Those who turn into ghosts are people that can't be cleaned by Mordeshors for whatever reason. They are very common during wars and tend to get stuck with people, making company. Since they are dead, only Mordeshors and Gods connected with the dead can see them normaly - unless a ritual is done so more people can see them.
My characters do have a lot of ghosts who won't make any appearances in Lanterns. They are the ghosts of the men killed on combat during war, who stuck around with Sam, Dean and Pangey.
Ghost normally can't interact with the world of living, unless they are taken by fits of rage. Then, they can hurt live people, normally stealing their skin to try and be a live pedson again - but their perceptions of life are strange and they can't convince anyone. When that happens, a Mordeshor can send them to the Limbo.
40. How safe or unsafe is the place your characters live in? And what makes it this way?
It's not safe for magical people, in general. Normaly the non-magical have no problems, but those who do have it... well...
They live in secrecy for fear of both the no-majs (yes, it's the term from Fantastic Beasts) and the creatures that hunt them for their magic.
Besides that, there are always the creatures, which can actually be any magical crature who is Not Friendly(TM), such as unicorns, dragons, sirens, kute-kutes, demons, sea beasts and whatever. Some are really small, others are insanely huge, it all depends on locations.
That is why most magical people live in groups, really far from no-majs, or straight up live in a time-hole or time-loop, who are created by the Ymbrynes (bird women, this idea is taken from MPHFPC) exactly for them to live in safely.
45. Is there a pop culture, what is considered "cool"? If there's no pop culture, what are some traditions that your characters follow that have been inherited from ancestors or the culture they were raised in?
The actual pop culture doesn't differ from or Earth's, (mostly because of my lazy ass), so that is kind of the same? I mean, what wouldbe considered really fucking cool is getting moving tattoos or having strange magical pets, but that is only for the magical people - no-majs are just like people from earth. What would you version of this world be doing? Mine eouldbe on her phine all the time KAKAKA
But for the culture, there are religious indeed religious practices that are a big part of day to day life.
They believe that carrying symbols for the gods grant protection and luck, there are statues and small temples where people can go all over the world, do their rituals.
Each god has it's own set of prayers, symbols, rituals and whatever; some are done only un special occasion, such as death, birth, marriage or birthdays. Many people, when of age, choose only one of the many Gods to follow above the others - it all comes down to preference.
Would you like to be more in touch with nature? Do you work with the ocean or the water? Or a connection with beauty? The sun? Justice? Are you a soldier or someone with power? One to seek knowledge or to help others?
Choosing a God is an incredibly important thing to do for everyone. On the day of the 15th birthday, a celebration is held into a Temple of Hydra so the child can choose who they may follow - and if they change their mind later, it also can be done.
The religion is a big part of the life of the people who live in Fantasia, so it's of extremely importance in their culture as well.
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