#BLUEBELL || i transcend the madness beyond all premonition
shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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—☆ Just letting you all know I’m changing my queue up for a couple of days which is why it’s been quiet.   Now I’ve officially had all my paperwork handed to me I’m going to let you in on something.   IRL I’m moving out of my parents and into my own apartment.   From Saturday 13th to Thursday the 18th I will be without internet and will therefore be mobile only for that time.   I should be back on the Thursday but with a friend coming over that weekend to help out I also wanna warn you I may not officially be around until Sunday 21st.   So if I’m quiet until then please feel free to nudge me again I will sporadically be checking my phone so I’m not unreachable but quieter than normal.  Because of this I’ve had to plan writing replies.   That’s when I tell you I’ve had to change things a little.  Instead of my usual plan I have instead focused on my banter replies with the intentions of queueing them to post twice a day.   So twice as many posts but they’re all shorter.   Normally I focus on quality over quantity and I apologise to those replies that should have come next but limited time has lead to me flipping things around. 
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
—☆ I have new carrds please let me know what you think. Info. Worlds. I will add all the bios to the world's one over time but at least all the overviews are there. Thoughts please??
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
—☆ I have 16 queued with 5 more banter posts to do. That should cover me for when I'm back and a little longer should anything go wrong.
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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 —☆ New mobile header. Wanted something that paid homage to how I write Harley and how I see her. Incorporating my thoughts into one image has always been difficult to me. Across the worlds her look changes drastically but instead of hiding away from this I tried to express it. The first column, Harleen in her doctor form (and criminal sanity), the next is a few costumes/media from her in her jester costume. Then her split-half red/black hair era followed by her blonde pigtails now. Now back to drafts !!   For those that haven’t spotted I’ve added a basic draft counter to my main theme and my owes list you have access to is always up-to date.
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
—☆ I've officially been writing Harley for five years as of today / tomorrow/June 20th...wow...
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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PRIVATE   &&   NOVELLA.  Harleen Quinzel   /   Harley Quinn with many worlds to explore.   Released from Arkham by Bluebell   ( she/they   &&   21+ ).   Putting the   ❛ QUINN ❜   in  ❛ INSANE ❜   since June 2017.
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carrd.   google doc.   many worlds to explore.   owes list.   last updated: july 31st 2022
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
—☆ if you've posted a meme recently then I've probably sent you one or two. Don't feel like you have to respond to them all I just wanted to reach out to people I'm not currently writing with. If you don't want to respond to any that's cool and if you'd rather I send something different just let me know. Just thought I'd reach out. I may do a few more later when tumblr let's me send asks again as I hit my limit.
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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—☆ this is a mobile post but I need to take a step back. Real life is crazy and it's not fair on you guys to throw it all on the dash. But what I will say is that my anxiety is riding at an all time high and forcing replies out of myself isn't healthy for me or not enjoyable for anyone to read either. I have planned a few days away anyway so I'm hoping that will give me the mental reset I need.
So with that in mind I have opted to go on hiatus early. I WILL NOT BE POSTING ON TUMBLR FROM TODAY UNTIL ABOUT FEBRUARY 24TH BUT COULD BE AS LATE AS THE 27TH. I need this break and after the 24th I do jump straight back into work (and the dentist *shudders*) so it may not be until the 27th.
Love you all,
Bluebell xox
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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—☆ Being real one second I just want to say that the last few days have been pretty rough on me, today even moreso. I’m not okay but things will be back here soon due to needing the distraction. I know there’s threads that have been waiting on me for months for which I’m sorry for and I will be doing my best to knock out as many as I can. I just wanna say thank you for your patience with me recently   ( and not so recently as my slowness is nothing new )   and thanks for still sticking around. ~Bluebell xx
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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—☆ To help get muse back I completed a 6 day challenge based on the idea of Christmas after work most days instead of writing on here. To be honest I'm struggling a lot with my anxiety right now and I can't get muse for threads. Whether it's because of how long I take to respond, or just because of my existence I have felt like I'm just annoying people and I'm sorry if I have been. As there's six tasks to post I'm going to try and set them up so they post between Christmas and New Year with the intentions of starting replies again in the new year. A little something for everyone to enjoy, whilst not pressuring others for replies and a little Christmas spirit for the dash. Posts will run between 26th and the 31st.
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
—☆ my brains on self-destruct mode so I will fight it with positivity. Send me a message with the url of someone you want me to compliment and I'll post a thing ♡♡
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
—☆ imagine your whole city flooding in the middle of your doctorate so instead of conducting research and landing her internship at the asylum Harleen becomes immediate at home care. Fast tracked to provide support to the people, the community of Gotham. No official PhD but she still called herself doctor as it was everything but official which is frustrating. The world sucks, has become frightening and now the big scary bat has taken a few steps closer to home. Instead of just wandering in the night he was there claiming the save the city but if it wasn't for him their beloved city wouldn't have been in ruins. But she strives to carry on, to help in a real way, but the Bat is stealing the limelight. After all he ruined the city. A city that may not have heard of the Joker to his full capacity but is far more aware of the Dark Knight. Someone who goes around enciting fear, enacting vengeance, someine who has caused so much damage. That can really be forgiven?? That's crazy right??
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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—☆ Heyo !!   I’ve been busy tonight so coming atcha with a slightly formal update   ( formal because I edited it haha ).   I will probably dive back into drafts tonight but I gotta couple of things queued.   I’ve put time and effort into updating my docs.   My friends list got an overhaul with people I still follow and still liked that post.   I have also added Batman and Harley Quinn ,   and Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker bios to my many worlds to explore doc.   I haven’t quite sorted the playlist for Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker but I’m focusing on editing bios I have but haven’t released so like you actually get those.   I have updated the friends list on my theme but the pop up bios on there need a huge overhaul and so I’m adding that to next week’s to-do list instead. So yay for a couple of bios !! 
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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—☆   I’m closing my askbox, temporarily for a couple reasons.   One because someone doesn’t know how to deal with a nice thing and don’t seem to get me ,   I can’t be everyone’s friend SURE but someone wants to make it know how much they hate me.   Two is that I seem to enjoy running a limit where I borderline overwhelm myself.   I know next week I’ll be unable to do the targets that I’ve set myself.   In the next two weeks I’ll be work 80+ hours when my contract across both weeks is 16.  Granted I normally do double that (32) usually but not  five times my stated contract.   Yes it’s an emergency at work ,   my manager and assistant manager are away so it’s been left to me and one other keyholder.   So I have no idea how active I’ll be if at all.   I know for some these hours are normal but I’m not used to them and apologise in advance for lack of activity over these next two weeks.   Currently pushing all I can now to finish this week and get ahead on writing replies so there’s something to be released but we’ll just see what gets done.
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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—☆  NEW BACKGROUND TIME !! Instead of overcrowding it I simply went for Harley’s three main looks. I moved the sidebar and links and added a little explanation after Many Worlds to Explore emphasising that aspect; from batman the animated to infinite frontier. This for me means that my worlds span Harley’s introduction to present day. I have 90+% of all of Harley’s incarnations (and DC continuities generally) covered  and intend to make that as close to 100% as I can. Although I’ve less on show I will be making an effort to clean up and release (or re-release in some cases) bios that I have. Hope you’ll be along for the ride !! 
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 2 years
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—☆   When it comes to a first interaction I typically always ask people what they want, how familiar they are with Harley Quinn. This is because there is so much content and so many different angles to her character. I love to explore all of them but I gurantee you won’t know them all yourself unless you’re this obsessive. 
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For example; I have 98 verses across 51 worlds (with more set to come) and this can be roughly broken down to:
♢ ~38 different backstories ♢ ~50 different looks ♢ 4 main comic canon times that have been broken ♢ several aus - canon and own created ♢ 5 different pets ♢ 3 different ideas on her parental figures ♢ either 4 brothers (1 younger and a set of very young twins) or 1 older sister or just the 1 brother or have her an only child ♢ 3 different moral alignments ♢ an assortment of weapons ♢ different dynamics with key characters such as Joker and Batman
So I’m not saying it to be harsh. I’m doing this to help you and what you want from Harley because there’s a lot to give you I just wanna know what you want from me because without that direction Harley does not know what she’s doing because there’s too much noise. Not of lot of these ideas fully mesh together which is why I seprate them with the worlds and the verses.
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