#BNHA ageregressio
jaseyspace · 5 years
Adventures with little Class 1-A (long)
(trigger warning does involve suicide attempt,bullying, mentions of selfharm and such nature if this bothers you then please don't read any further) Midoriya's pov: I was walking through the halls of yuuie, while hearing constant chatter and clanking. Looking up to see Shinsou being pushed against the lockers by his usual bullies. It angered Midoriya to see the other not fight back and just take what was coming to him. There'd been times he'd caught Shinsou shaking during class because of his anxiety. From the distance he could see that the bully was holding something over his head with a levitation quirk. Continuously shoving shinsou against the wall of lockers, the bully's lackeys used taunting words Midoriya had heard from them all to often. Midoriya's dom side was beginning to come on, he was a daddy dom, he had a little and a boyfriend. Todoroki was the said boyfriend and little, but both boys grew feelings for Shinsou, in a way they were more platonic than sexual. Still it angered the green haired daddy, having Todoroki as a little opened him up to a different world. Knowing that the little had problems with anxiety and abuse from his 'father'. Midoriya had at many times used his daddy side to help Todoroki through those tough panic attacks. This was no different except for the anger that rose, it wasn't enough to full activate his quirk at full charge but he did glow with all for one. Approaching the group Izuku used his stern daddy voice and said. "Get away from him.now!" The bully looks down to see his challenger and laughed "Or what, you gonna bite my ankles shortie?" Shoving the bully forcefully he growled "I said get away from him didn't I?" A sneer plastered on his face as he looked at the other on the ground who had a slightly taken a back look. "What, did you not hear me? This is why you open your ears and pay attention." Midoriya faked a step forward and the bullies flinched, inactivating his quirk the bullies scattered. The thing fell from the sky and in front of him, it was a journal, that said 'little space journal'. Picking it up he turned to see a frightened Hitoshi Shinsou holding himself tightly against the lockers. "this is yours right?" Midoriya asked holding it out to him, Shinsou gave a nervous nod but slowly took it back. The greenette could see that he was shaking harshly obvious having a panic session, frowning he sighed and said. "I know what you are...and its okay...they have no right to bully you no matter the reason." Shinsou's teary eyes looked up from his hunched state, Midoriya began to talk as if he was talking to Todoroki. "You're safe little guy, I promise, I wont let them hurt you any more. Its okay to be little, its okay to be you." "th-they s-...they say I is bad" Midoriya could tell Shinsou was slowly slipping into little space, he understood what he said. "is it because of your quirk?" Shinsou gave a small nod, Midoriya frowned and replied with a heavy heart. "Your quirk doesn't determine who you are, you decide who you are not your quirk...There are gonna be dummies out there who are gonna tell you different but just know that, I think your quirk is great." Shinsou's breath was still fast but he was a little less jittery, Midoriya then decided to do breathing exercise. "alright take slow deep breaths in with me ready?" Shinsou agreed and followed Midoriya in his breathing exercise that seemed to help after a bit. When Shinsou had calmed down Midoriya got out a tissue from his book bag travel sized back of tissues. Handing it to Shinsou who gently blew his nose and shoved it into his pocket to throw away later he smiled. Glad that his classmate was better, and he'd gotten his belonging back. "Well why don't we head to class, don't want to be too late now do we?" Shinsou only nodded not ready to talk as he was battling between his little space and big space. As the days went on the bullying didn't exactly stop, but Shinsou just stopped reacting. He didn't flinch when he was grabbed and shoved around, he didn't utter a word when he was spoken so cruelly of by his peers. He didn't say anything when he was castes to the side and abandoned, when no one would talk to him out of fear of him using his quirk on them. He didn't argue when others would tell him that his dreams of being a hero would never come true. That he was weak, useless, stupid, and could only be good for a villain's apprentice but. It was still eating at him alive, he was eating less, crying himself to sleep at night, forcing himself to take the pain, and was in little space less. He thought that being a little was his weakness, no one will want a weakling in their life. He would force himself out of little space and would 'punish himself' if he dared to slip even if it only for a bit. The purple haired teen was slowly self-destructing again, and he didn't know what to do anymore. He wished he'd had a caregiver who would cuddle him and remind him of his goals, and that he was worth it, and other positive things. Shinsou felt as if he'd had no one to comfort him, no one to make him feel better, no one to kiss his painful scars better, no one to hold him and let him cry on their should. No one to love him. Shinsou had been hurting himself, starving himself, over training, and over studying weren't the only things he did. He would also bite himself, cut, scratch, or hit himself. Today was one of those days were he didn't want to even get out of bed, but he had to hide that from his dads and sister. He had to hide all of the pain from every one, Hizashi, Aizawa, Erie everyone. He didn't wanna burden anyone else so he kept his mouth shut, it seemed to put people at ease when he didn't speak. Getting out of bed, Hitoshi quickly got ready put on new bandages over his fresh wounds he'd given himself during the night and getting dressed. Going down to get breakfast he was greeted by his parents and little sister who were happily chatting in the kitchen. "Here Toshi eat your breakfast before we go." Aizawa says handing his son his breakfast, Hitoshi takes it and takes a few bites which convince his parents that he's eating. Though he planned on not eating the rest, he didn't deserve his parent's kindness, he didn't deserve to eat. Before he left for school he kissed Erie on the forehead thinking 'she deserves a better brother'. At school he didn't bother to fend off the bullies he didn't even stop he just kept walking as they circled him. He'd take the beating at his locker, then head into the bathroom to spew up the food he forced himself to eat. When he walked into the bathroom he didn't see Midoriya or Todoroki when he burst in and shoved his fingers down his throat to force up the half digested food. Crashing to his knees in front of the toilet he gagged up what he made himself eat to please his parents. Both boys could hear the purple haired teen vomiting from outside of the stall. Midoriya felt bad for him but when he opened the unlocked stall what he saw made him sick to his own stomach. When Shinsou couldn't puke any more he sat shaking, crying and tearing off the bandages with his teeth, gnawing at his still scarred or raw skin. Midoriya whispered to Todoroki to get a teacher while he would try to help Shinsou. Midoriya knelt down and rubbed his back and began to gently hush him. Shinsou held himself tightly and began to shake fight Midoriya's gentle hold. "Shh its gonna be alright, just take deep breathes, no one's gonna hurt you any more." Midoriya used his soft daddy voice holding Shinsou to his chest, he then gasped when he hear loud grunt. Looking over Hitoshi's shoulder he panicked, seeing that he'd completely chomped down on his hand. Blood was streaming from his injuries. "j-just let m-me do this M-Midoriya, I deserve it." He cried but the caregiver wasn't gonna take 'no' for an answer, he force-ably took Shinsou's hand out of his mouth and grabbed wads and wads of paper towel to help with the bleeding. "I wont let you hurt yourself just as I wont let anyone else hurt you. Do you understand little one?" His last words were serious but caring, Midoriya didn't mean to trigger Shinsou's little space but it happened. Shinsou made a little whimper before having a complete melt down, crying into Midoriya's chest his breathing was still fast but he was making incoherent words. Midoriya had to keep applying pressure and more paper to the wounds. 'god where's Todoroki with a teacher?' The green haired teen thought as he did his best to keep calm, thankfully his prayers were answered. Todoroki came in dragging Vlad King behind him, the teacher asked what was going on and Midoriya gave him the explanation. Vlad knelt down and asked Midoriya to hand over Shinsou, with the request being followed Midoriya stood up not realizing his hand and uniform shirt was covered in blood. "I'll need you to come with me Midoriya-" Noticing the blood stains Vlad knew he needed to get him to recovery girl, Vlad looks to Todoroki. "Can you get Aizawa and Present Mic, take them to Recovery girl please." Todoroki nods and quickly leaves as does Vlad and Midoriya. As they hurried thoughts raced through Midoriya's mind, they weren't pleasant ones int he slightest. 'is he gonna be okay?' 'that was a lot of blood' 'why would he do this?' 'I didn't even get a chance to tell him that I love him' 'I wish I could've helped him more!' When they arrived at Recovery girl's office, Izuku knocked on the door and was soon given the 'come in'. Frowning upon seeing only Izuku she sighed and said. "what did you do now Midoriya?" Midoriya twiddled his thumbs saying "its not me this time," Vlad soon walks in holding a limp lifeless Shinsou in his arms. "Oh my god!" Recovery girl gasped with a look of shock "its Shinsou who needs your help. Me and Todoroki found him trying to hurt himself in the bathroom." Vlad lays the boy on a cot and Recovery girl takes off his uniform removing him of its bloody stains. Seeing all of the damage from the outside a look of horror came when she heard Izuku. "H-he did this to himself?" Izuku nods having a hunch on why, the hunch was very strong, and a very correct one. "is someone getting Mr Aizawa or Present Mic?" Speak of the devil and they'll come a knocking, and that's exactly what happened. Both adults had appeared, Todoroki left them be, waiting for Izuku with both of their book bags, saying he'd meet him in class. Walking into the room both parents had a look of complete shock and hurt, Aizawa was good at hiding his emotions from Hizashi. Hizashi on the other hand was trying his hardest to stay strong as he laid his eyes upon Shinsou. "wh-...What ha-happened to him? T-Todoroki said he and Midoriya found him in the bathroom puking." Hizashi asked, Shota looked to Izuku who spoke looking them in the eyes. "We found Shinsou trying to force himself to vomit, I though maybe he was sick but. Soon when I opened the stall I see him getting and then ripping off the bandages and biting at himself. He had a lot of scars and bite marks. I tried to stop him but next thing I knew in the midst of screaming he bit himself hard" Recovery checks out the self inflicted injury on Shinsou's hand. Shota gently wrapped an arm around his partner rubbing his back softly to comfort him, still holding onto his tough face. Izuku soon finished his explanation, mentioning the bullying he'd witnessed. Aizawa's tough expression hid the hurt, the fear, the nervousness, and the guilt. "I-I'll leave you guys alone so you can be with Shinsou" Midoriya says but it stopped by Recovery girl, she hands him a fresh uniform for him to change out of. "thank you" He says before leaving to change, and eventually go to class. Ready to keep this whole situation under wraps and take it to his grave, him and Todoroki made a silent promise not to speak of it to anyone else. Sitting in their home room class for what felt like forever with solemn looks on their faces Iida noticed and brought it to Ururaka's attention. "Hey you guys okay?" She ask quietly, Midoriya and Todoroki fixed themselves and nodded Todoroki faked a yawn, while Midoriya pretended to have a head ache. "y-yeah just have a head ache, little Todo had a nightmare last night and kept me up on the phone all night. But it was worth it, he felt better after we talked it out. Though he's most likely still a bit sleepy, aren't you Todo?" Todoroki nods and nuzzled into his boyfriend's shoulder earning a sweet smile from his friends. "Oh well that's good to hear that's all it is, you had us worried for a minute." Ururaka spoke with a bright smile, Iida made his robotic arm movements as he agreed. Suddenly Mr Aizawa came back with a neutral face, he sat as his desk quietly. Staring blankly at his class, he'd shortly received a text from Hizashi, saying just end class. "Cl..Class is canceled for the day" The students returned a silent blank stare at their teacher so gave off a different aura than he looked. Only Midoriya and Todoroki knew what this was, and in a way they were experiencing their own feelings. When two minutes went by the class had began to empty out and pack up to leave. Shota Aizawa sat there all alone, feeling alone, feeling like how Shinsou felt. Feeling like how Hizashi felt when he found the raven haired male drowning in the bathtub with an empty bottle of ipecac and vomit all over the toilet. He began to lose himself in the depths of his mind pulling him down, down, down. 'I'm an awful parent' 'this is his second time' 'Why didn't I notice this sooner' 'He's hurting because of me' 'I'm a horrible excuse of a mentor and parent if my own child tried to kill himself again.' Slamming his hands on the desk then burying his face into his hands letting go of the tears. The thing was he didn't know he was crying, he didn't know how much he'd balled up since he'd seen Shinsou. 'What's gonna happen, is he gonna be mad at me for not helping him sooner!? Is he gonna quit, is he gonna hate me and Hizashi? How am I gonna tell Eri this time?...She's such an understanding child, so is Shinsou, they both deal with so much.-' Interrupted from his thoughts by a knock on his classroom door, looking up to see the teachers along with Hizashi they all had a look of pity. "sh-Shota, y-you're crying love." Hizashi tries to pull up a sweet smile as he watched his husband wipe away his tears wordlessly. "Eraser...we're sorry this happened to you guys" They all bowed Shota sighed and thanked them, Vlad then speaks. "Recovery girl told me to tell you that Shinsou is able to go home when you're able to take him." Both males nod at the information, Hizashi agreed to go out and get Eri from preschool. That left Shota to go and get Shinsou, slowly getting from his chair he ventured out to Recovery girl's office once more. Walking inside seeing the sleeping boy he tries his best to enter quietly as to not disturb him. When he's close, he looked down to see multiple scars scattered across his body it almost made him sick. Gingerly laying a hand on the pale scarred shoulder, tracing the scars seemed to make the teen stir. Aizawa stopped noticing his gesture had made the other move, it didn't take long for Shinsou to wake up. "hm?" He hummed groggily trying to sit up but, his body felt heavy and weak. "shh just lay down Shinsou, you've been through a lot" He whispered gently pushing him onto his back. Shinsou frowned when looking seeing Aizawa but his eyes were more red than usual. As if he'd been crying, and Shinsou knew why, he'd been caught! "I'm going to take you home alright" Aizawa says offered a hand his son's bandaged one to hold onto. Shinsou nods and slowly sits up taking Aizawa's hand, standing with his help. Shinsou had soon made it to the car and sat in the passenger seat. Sitting in a silent car ride with Hitoshi curled up in the seat with thought swarming his head. It seemed that Aizawa's mind was being swarmed too! "H-...Hitoshi" Shota tries to break the painful silence but doesn't know how to. "I-I'm sorry you're hurting on the inside, I really am." Shinsou could hear the sincerity in Shota's voice, hearing how much it hurt to say it. Knowing no parent should have to see the sight of their child covered in blood and scars because of how awful they feel. Knowing that no parent should hear that they're kid tried to kill themselves, or that they're being bullied. Shinsou began to shake trying to hold back tears as his anxiety began to come back. 'were they mad at him?' 'would Aizawa dump him back to the foster system?' 'would Eri be afraid of me?' Aizawa looked to see his son was starting the breath rather quickly and tears started to fall. Thank god they were in the neighborhood, it really hurt Shota to see his son shut down. When they pulled into the drive way Shota parked the car and got out, going to the other side Watching Shinsou slowly get out. Feeling weak on his feet he hand to lean on Shota for support, they soon walked into the house together. Taking off their shoes Shota guides Shinsou to the couch and sat him down, setting his book bag on the floor next to them. Shinsou is starting to shake harder, Shota gently hugs the boy holding him to his chest allowing the other the release he needed. "Go on Hitoshi, get it all out. I know you want to, I know you need to." His soft loving voice says as he rubbed Hitoshi's back, earning a choked sob from his shaking body. Crying from all of pain he'd bottled up for so long, crying all of tears he'd held back. Crying into Shota's shoulder, the shoulder he needed for so long, he didn't care who but he needed someone to let him cry it out. "There you go, that's it...come on Toshi" His sobs weren't loud they weren't earth shattering, they weren't silent, they were just sobs. Soothing circles rubbing into his back to help him, Shota didn't say much except words of encouragement. It wasn't long that Hizashi came home with Eri, walking into the house he announced that they were home. Walking into the living room Hizashi sees Shota comforting Hitoshi on the couch and asked if Eri could give them a few minutes. Being the sweet understanding child that Eri was she nods and scurries off to her room to go and play with the cats. Joining the two on the couch Hizashi talks in a more gentler voice like Shota. "Hey there kiddo, how ya doing?" Shinsou didn't answer he just continued to cry, making the blonde frown he looked to Shota. "Its gonna be okay bud, we're here for you whenever you're ready to talk." Finally Shinsou managed to get out a soft "I-I'm..s-sorry" It really killed the two heroes to hear how broken their son was. Shinsou cried for a little while long until he was ready to talk. "H-Hitohi, can you tell me why you did this to yourself?" Shota asked referring to the cuts and bite marks all over him, Shinsou sighed and explained why. "I-it was a punishment, I punished myself when I did something wrong, or didn't meet up to expectations. I felt like I didn't deserve the things that I have, being in the heroes course, having you guys as parents and Eri as my little sister." "oh Hitoshi of course you deserve this, you deserve so many things you don't even know." Hizashi replies "Besides it doesn't help that I still get bullied because of my quirk" Hizashi and Shota frowned, they thought they'd passed that hill already but, I guess not. "They're still bullying you? Why don't you fight back?" Hizashi asked "I don't want to cause trouble, and give them another reason to call me a villain." Aizawa nods understanding how Shinsou felt about his quirk, what he didn't expect was for Eri to come out with a cute card and words that would make Shinsou feel better. "Hitoshi" She gently tugs on his pants for his attention, looking down to see the ivory haired girl with a card in her hand. She offers it to him, thankfully taking it he opens it. Its a picture of Eri and him hugging, it seemed to crack a smile from the depressed boy. "I like your quirk though, its really cool." "Can you tell Shinsou why you like his quirk Eri?" Shota asked, the other parent knew what he was trying to do. Sometimes kids know how to help better than other adults do, being that they are able to better connect to the same energy. "Its really cool,he can control people and make them do silly things is really cool!" Even though Eri didn't exactly know what Shinsou could do with his quirk she wasn't that far off with her description. It seemed to make the other's heart feel warm again, giving her a soft smile. Eri noticed the bandages and asked him why he had them. Even though Eri had been through her own bouts of depression its not easy to explain to such a small child. Both parents didn't know how to answer Eri's question with out making anyone feel bad but Hitoshi seemed to know how. "Well Eri I don't feel good, I've been feeling very sad a lot and sometimes when you get too sad you tend to hurt yourself...Its not something you should do, its not good for you but. I thought that if I hurt myself then I'd feel better...but it didn't make me feel better it made me feel worse." Eri frowned and did something very sweet and something that made them all smile. Taking Hitoshi's bandaged arm she kissed it softly, like how some parents do for their younger children when they scrape their knee or get a cut. Hitoshi couldn't help but cry at how sweet his sister was and how close he was from hurting her by killing himself. "that help Hitoshi?" "yes Eri that made me feel so much better" He says hugged his little sister who happily hugged him back. Hitoshi gave a soft tired yawn and snuggled into Shota's chest like Eri would when she was tired. Surprised by their older son's sudden gesture they then hear him say "sleepy" in a small child like voice. They figured he was just tired and needed so they just let it slide, letting the teen drag himself to bed. Telling him not to lock the door as he entered his own bedroom to change into his PJs. When the teen had left the living room Aizawa thought to check Shinsou's bag just in case he had blades in there. As he searched he found two of them and then a small purple journal that had a few stickers that spelled out 'little space Journal'. Curiosity said to look inside, the other side said that's most likely a diary and you shouldn't read someone's diary. Still he was curious maybe Hizashi knows what this is? "hey Hizashi do you know what it is?" Showing the blonde the journal Hizashi furrowed his brows "I found this in Shinsou's bag" "Well open it maybe its just a diary, maybe it'll help figure out what we can do to help him more." So with that Aizawa opens the journal and looks through the first page. "What's it say shota?" "Its says 'little space to me: a head space that allows me to relax and cope with emotional pain and be myself. Def of little space: allows me to mentally feel younger than I already am' There's more it says 'about little me. name: Hitoshi Shinsou, big age: teen, Little age: 2-5, likes: to play with legos, watch little kid movies, take naps, play with the cats, and eat jello. Dislikes: mean people, loud people, & yucky tasting things.' hm so it seems to be a lifestyle thing that he enjoys, it allows him to act like a small child around Eri's age." Aizawa says while reading a few pages, he soon gets to a page that says 'Things I want as a little' "hm? Pacifier, a stuffie, a caregiver who doesn't mind my depressed self.' and other things that you give toddlers." "sounds kinda cute" Hizashi smiles "Well if it makes him happy then why not let him do what he needs to do. Whether that's acting like a toddler or crying on one of us for an hour n a half. As long as he doesn't go back to hurting himself that's all that matters." The next day was the weekend and Shinsou was walking with his parents over to the Todoroki house. It hadn't taken long to find their place seeing as Endeavor was a hero and heroes tended to talk about home. Reaching the house Shinsou rang the door bell, waiting a little but Fuyumi Todoroki answered the door. "Ahh hello" "Hi I'm Hitoshi Shinsou and these are my parents" Fuyumi recognized the two other pro heroes they recognized her, sometimes pro heroes would have family get together parties. "Hello Fuyumi is Todoroki home?"  Eraser head asked noticing his son was anxious "uh yes he's training with father I'll go get him, please come in." she smiles allowing the three inside of the house settling them in the living room she excused herself to get Todoroki. Of course hearing that Todorki's teachers were here and wanted to speak to him Enji had to join in, so they followed Fuyumi back. Todoroki smiled when he saw Shinsou seeing the bandages he was glad to see him a live and okay. "Hello Mr Aizawa and Mr Yamada, hi Shinsou.-" "So Eraser head what brings you Present mic and...him hear?" Of course Enji knew none of Todoroki's classmates by name only by the nicknames such as 'All might's brat' you could guess who that is. "Well first off this is our son Shinsou, second Shinsou you said you wanted to tell Todoroki something?" Shinsou was shy and Enji's intimidating aura wasn't helping the situation he then stuttered out. "th-thank you...f-for s-saving m-me" Enji raised a confused proud looking down at his son who cracked a smile from his usual blank face. "Well I'm glad you're okay, Midoriya has been very nervous about you." "I'm just so glad Hitoshi has at least someone who cares, I thought the bullying was over if he switched classes." Aizawa smiles gently rubbing Shinsou's back, folding his arms the largest of the heroes in the room then breaks his own silence. "Any one mind explaining what you are all talking about?" "uh Hitoshi do you feel like explaining what happened? you don't have to go into detail." Hizashi asked he could tell that Endeavor was very hard to talk in front of even as an adult. "I..I tried to end myself, Todoroki and Midoriya found me in the bathroom, if neither of them had went and did what they did I would've tried harder to kill myself. Even if I didn't succeed I would've kept trying." Looking down at his son he was a little surprised but then smirked "Well Aizawa I guess my son will definitely be a hero if he's already saving lives. Good thing he's got me as a father and mentor." Enji says ruffling Shoto's hair roughly making the other flinch a little. Aizawa and Hizashi could tell their loving father son relationship was fake but, they knew that Todoroki didn't really have anyone. Well except for Midoriya all of class 1-A knew that 'tododeku' was a thing, and Todoroki was basically another son to Mama Midoriya. "Hey Sh-Shinsou does Midoriya know you're okay?" "uh well we were headed there" "ah okay" The three of them stand up and Enji offers to lead them out which they all smile at and gratefully take it. (we're all gonna pretend Inko doesn't exactly know she's dating the number one hero) Approaching the Midoriya house hold Shinsou knew that Midoriya was the one who got all of the blood on his hands, and saved him the time before that. Knocking on the door Shinsou is soon greeted by a brightly smiling Inko Midoriya. "hello oh you must be Shinsou, and hi Mr Aizawa and Mr Yamada." "Inko dear who's that?" Asked Toshinori who was in the living room with Midoriya, only a few of the teacher have seen the Toshinori side of him the more human side of him. "Izuku's teachers Mr Aizawa and Mr Yamada" Hearing it was them his sighed in relief and smiles coming to the door hearing her invite the three inside. "Izuku can you come here please?" Inko called out, which prompts for the green haired teen to come into the living room. "h-hi Midoriya" Shinso says shyly Izuku smiles seeing the other, as they sat on the couch Shinsou fidgeted with his fingers. "Go on Shinsou, take your time." Aizawa encouraged, as Shinsou tried to make words tears began to form. He realized he was sitting in front of the person who'd saved his life, saved him from trying to kill himself. He knew that if he didn't succeed the first time he would've tried it again. "Oh Shinsou~" Midoriya cooed feeling himself slipping a little into caregiver space, he approached the other and opened his arms for a hug. Shinsou embraced the other and cried into his chest, the room was quiet aside from the soft crying. "Th-thank you M-Midoriya for s-saving me, I-I'm sorry I tried to kill myself." Hearing that Inko and Toshinori both had a look of shock, not judgement but shock. Still since they knew that Midoriya was dating Todoroki it wasn't the first time this has happened. "Don't worry about it Shinsou, I'm just glad I found you in time and that you're okay." Wiping his tears the violet haired boy sniffled and smiled "If you need someone to talk to you've got me alright." "Ahem." Came from Eraser head who caught Midoriya's attention "yes thank you so much Midoriya" Inko looked to her son and hugged him proudly but then Shinsou "I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, all Izuku said when he came was that someone had attempted to hurt themselves and he did what he could to help." (and that is how ToddoShinsodeku happened)
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