#BP ep9
sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
The Saregeant's Daughter - Chapter 24 Madeline
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Chicago Med S4 EP9: Death Do Us Part and S4 EP 10: All The Lonely People
"Got a John Doe. GCS 3, intubated in the field" she said.
"Going to Baghdad," I said rushing towards the EMT.
"Okay, BP 90/60, heart rate 140s sats 99% "
"Took three bullets–one to the head, two to the torso. Looks like some kind of targeted hit" he said.
"Trigger the MTP," I said as we pulled into the room, "All right, on my count, we get him over"
"Roll him," I said lifting his coat to see his back, "Got one through and through. Don't see a second exit wound. Back"
I put on my stethoscope and checked his lungs, "Bilateral breath sound. Let's get a fast scan for his chest and belly" I said removing my stethoscope.
"And the headshot?"
"Wound is tangential. Looks like he caught a break" I said grabbing a wand for the fast scan, "There's a lot of fluid around his heart. Same in the belly. I got to open him up, page Dr.Rhodes now, tell him to prep the hybrid OR"
I stood outside the OR looking through the door as Conner was doing the surgery and then Ava rushed into the room all dressed. A hand tapped me on my shoulder, I jumped and turned and saw Jay standing in front of me.
"Jay!" I said wrapping my hands around his neck.
"Hey," he said kissing my lips, "I can't talk much today I'm looking for Dr.Rhodes, do you happen to know where he is?"
"Yeah, right in there," I said pointing behind me.
"Thanks," he said. I pressed the mic and nodded at Jay to talk, "Dr.Rhodes, is your patient stable at the moment? I need to speak to you"
"He is but now's not a good time, Jay," He said.
"This really can't wait"
"I'll be done in an hour. We can talk then"
"Now, Connor. Right Now" Jay said.
"I will be over there," I said and kissed his lips then walked away from him.
"Natalie it's okay, Will should be here soon," I said holding her hands.
Maggie rushed towards us, "Nataile, Will is outside" she said.
Natalie picked up her dress and rushed outside, me and Maggie looked at each other and followed her outside.
Natalie and Will were hugging and Jay was standing next to the women, I walked down the steps toward Jay.
"Babe, what's going on?" I asked him.
"I can't tell you much but Will is being taken into protective custody," he said.
"B-B-but Will can't miss his wedding, can't you stop it or take him after they become husband and wife" I mumbled looking at him and then at Will and Nataile as they cried in each other's arms.
"Sorry, I can't do much this is the feds case," he said.
"Dr.Halstead, we gotta go" the female agent yelled out.
"I'm sorry babe, I will see you at home later," he said kissing my lips and walking towards the car
Me and Goodwin walked into the ED to see a man yelling and April holding her arm.
"Dr.Choi, I need you in Baghdad now," Maggie said.
"What about April?"
"I got her," I said holding April's arm and walking her toward a room.
I used a cotton pad to clean up the wound, "I'm so sorry, April" I said looking up at her, "It's terrifying to be shot at. I still can't believe you were hit"
"I'm fine, really. Will you sign me off to go back to work?" she said.
"Really?" Monique said.
"I don't even need stitches. I...I'd feel better"
"Okay," I said nodding my head, "Just take it easy. All right?"
I took off my gloves and left the room.
"Dr. Sanchez, you're going to six," Maggie said.
"Page OB," I said putting on gloves.
"On it," She said.
"She can't have this baby right now. You have to stop it" He said as walked towards treatment six.
"She has a pre-existing aneurysm"
"If she pushes, it could kill her"
I grabbed her arm and Monique her other arm, "All right, help me get her onto the bed." I said as got her onto the bed," Why wasn't the aneurysm treated earlier?" I asked her husband.
"It's small," she said moaning out in pain.
"She not supposed to be in labor right now."
"We have a C-section scheduled, but not for two more months," he said as I checked her eyes with a flashlight.
"Heart rate 97. BP 128/73" Monique said.
"It's okay breath"
"Let's start a magnesium drip, embolus 4 grams," I said putting on my stethoscope, "And 12.5 milligrams of betamethasone IM, and 100 milligrams of indomethacin PO. Ivy, we need to give you this pill, okay? It's gonna help stop your contractions." I said checking her heart.
"OB said that they'll be down as soon as they can," Maggie said.
"Okay," I mumbled.
"Okay, hold on. You're okay. You're doing great. Just breath"
I grabbed the gel and placed it on her stomach as he moaned and screamed.
"Don't push, don't push. No, no, no, no!
She screamed out before she fell back, "Dr.Sanchez, no pulse" Maggie said placing her finger on Ivy's neck.
"Bag her," I said and started doing chest compressions.
"Still no pulse," Maggie said.
I started doing chest compressions again.
"Take over compressions," I said and grabbed my pen to check her eyes.
"What's happening?"
"Her pupils are fixed and dilated," I said looking at Maggie, "I'm so sorry, but her aneurysm must have ruptured," I said looking at her husband.
"No, but she's still–she's still–"
"I'm sorry. Your wife is gone. But we need to get the baby out. It still has a chance. Okay" I said looking at her husband, "We got four minutes."
"Start the four-minute clock" Maggie yelled.
"Where is OB?"
"Can't wait. I need to do the C-section myself" I said.
"Angel, take over compressions," Maggie said, "Diana, get OB here right now"
"Sir, please get out. So we get this baby out"
"Please, Please, Please save my baby"
"Get me a scalpel," I said.
Maggie closed the curtain and moved the small cart towards the bed, "Scalpel" she said handing it to me and placing a sheet on the belly.
I cut a line done her belly and blood started to pour out. I pushed my hand inside her belly and pulled out the baby, "Suction" I said as I grabbed the scissors to cut the umbilical cord, "She's cyanotic"
"She is ready to transfer," Maggie said.
I followed Maggie to the bed grabbed the mask and placed it on the baby's face.
"Angel?, Sats at 78"
"She is still unresponsive. I might need to intubate" I said giving Monique the mask.
"Hold on. Sats at 88 and climbing. Heart rate at 160"
"She's coming around," Monique said.
"Call Neonatology. Have them come meet us in the NICU" I said removing my gloves.
"I'm on it"
"Keep stimulating. I want this baby alert and moving" and walked out of the room to the husband.
He sighs, "Tell me"
"You have a baby girl. We were able to get her out in time, but she does need to go up to the NICU. If you would like to spend some time with your wife...Monique can take you up when you're ready" I said and brought my hand to his arm, "I'm so sorry for your loss"
"Despite the intubation, she's still not oxygenating"
"I'm hearing a grade 3 systolic ejection murmur," I said removing a stethoscope from my ears.
"EKG shows left ventricular hypertrophy," the doctor said, "Samantha, transducer"
She placed the wand on the baby's belly and we looked at the screen.
"Tricuspid atresia," I said.
"And an atrial septal defect," she said removing the wand, "Do you want to tell the father, or should I?"
"I will," I said and walked out of the room.
I walked towards him and took a seat next to him as he stared ahead.
"We never should have tried to have kids," he said turning to look at me, "But Ivy wanted a baby so badly. And now she's gone."
"I'm so sorry. There is something I need to discuss with you. We've examined your little girl–"
"Sophie. We were gonna name her Sophie"
"There's a problem with Sophie's heart. It's missing its tricuspid valve. Normally the valve opens and closes like a door. But Sophie's door is closed. So when she's a little bigger, she will need surgery. But in the meantime, she needs an operation called a pulmonary artery band. It's urgent"
"Urgent" he mumbled.
"Do we have your consent?" I asked him.
"Yes. Thank you"
"Yeah," I said placing my hand on his arm.
"Doctor Sanchez, please save my little girl"
"Sophie did well. She'll need to stay here for a couple more weeks and then you can take her home. Until she's big enough to tolerate the surgery" I said.
"She's so little," he said.
"Yeah, but she's gonna be fine," I said and walked out of the room he followed behind, "Is there anyone you like for us to call for you? Family? Friends?"
"My wife's family, I....I still have to tell them"
"Do they live close by? Can they come to be with you?" I asked.
"No, we just moved to Chicago."
"Is there anyone local who can help you with the arrangements?"
"No. I know hardly anyone here"
"I'll get you some information. Okay?"
"Thank you"
I walked out with Jay following behind me.
"Jay, give me a minute," I said and walked towards Mr.Davis.
"Mr.Davis?" I said touching his arm and standing in front of him, "Here is some funeral home information. They'll handle everything" I said handing him the paper.
"Thank you"
"There's really no reason for you to stay here tonight. Why don't you go home? Try and get some sleep"
"I don't wanna go home"
"I will get better, I promise you," I said.
He started to cry into my shoulder as I ran my hand down his back. Jay stared at me as I stared back at him.
I lay in bed staring at the cell as Jay slept soundly on my chest with his arm warped around me, I kept thinking back to Mr.Davis and his daughter Sophie knowing she would grow up with her mother and Mr.Davis raising their daughter alone.
A tear slid down my cheek I quickly wiped it away but more came out, I covered my mouth to stop the gasp from leaving my lips.
"Babe" Jay whispered.
"Jay, i-it-it's okay go back to bed," I said shaking my head.
He got up and turned to turn on the table lamp and faced me again.
"Madeline, what's wrong babe?" he said cupping my head in his hands.
"I just thinking back to Mr.Davis who lost his wife while she gave birth and it made me think what if-if-if one day I get a call saying you're dead–"
"You don't ever have to worry about that okay, I will always come home to you," He said kissing my lips.
"Promise?" I said
"I promise my love," he said, "Now let's get sleep"
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orange1896 · 1 year
4030000146 SEAL RING SDLG
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4030000146 SEAL RING SDLG
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4110000561276 软管20411-16-04TZ/20441-16-04TZXFC687-04X2 14405596 ENHANCE PLATE 6410007314 发动机总成 29070001091 左前挡泥瓦 4110002443033 销 14405319 蓄电池充电器 FZ0000098 公务出差审批单 29020014621 P-螺栓GB5782-M16*80EpZn-8.8 Mail:[email protected] 6212001730 板 14734513 原色纸盒 4120006350001 B876F挖掘装载机2000h保养包(B076FY2234A26E0) 22766694 4110001755030 通气软管JY100-1014003 6392900771 塞规 26310006671 后照灯倒车灯开关CJKB2XJJB-HZDDCD 6215000362 后车架线束 9200001129 左支架 28290006361 齿轮T611 2203 B631000110 仪表台线束 4110000565271 标准斗2.0×1790 29120030721 下叉 29030031461 密封垫 6410003629 NIPPLE 6290000112 中量型货架W3940*D600*H2500MM 6224000390 挖机驾驶室流水线装配自检、互检记录质记126号 4110000042098 Decal 6900018033 HINGE; ARTIC FRONT PLATE MACHINED; G930> 29220023281 板 29380015201 固定偏心块 29010075771 左前侧门总成 4120004488016 选档摇臂 29170132561 水散热器(933) Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 LG-52-8226-013 支架I 6410007537 管夹 29240008191 驾驶室总成 29170021251 车制滚筒¢32 3.0-12轴 总长:170mm 4110000179038 弹簧21961-40446 4110000499076 主密封圈F2C147800 14400122 中冷进气钢管 4110003980002 销 946471 FRAME_WA RH SIDE 29110011761 板 4110003796015 抽屉锁 6420002010 管夹 29050024711 喷油器铜套6105QA-1003019A 6241000082 后铰接架 4110001475062 接头RED08/12LOMDCF FP828889/829333 停用-连杆衬套8N1849 4130001424 拧紧机主板 订货号:4230300390 2060900047 爬梯 26030002351 BLOCK F612600060314 EP9喷油泵调速器总成 29360027031 计时器(HP7-22A AC110/220V) F1030219 槽钢 6231000169 隔套 1690300058 螺栓E0020635 E675H F10303021 蓄电池固定总成 6900021424 软管20491-30-16TZ/20411-36-16TZ*FC686-16*2 LG2830000461 支架 L955F 26370001221 车门定位锁开启把手 11224226 箱体 LG936 4110001922006 支架 4190000706015 上模 Ф50 28809035931 轴承 22312CAW33? 6399005691 盘 29290029371 顶护板QSD-350-401 4120006268018 VECU FOR LG6150 L8287410 固定座 4110001009015 喷油嘴座组件1G544-5300-3 FJTF-225LC-7 破碎器轴套(50-75) 6210000383 中冷进气管 4030000374 刀片 1070-64640 6212000125 2017年挖掘机商务政策 4110000081060 翼箱焊合 26220000932 吸油胶管 6410007542 齿轮室盖板D30-1002033D 4120005336006 呆板手rGB4389-27-30 29270016471 右支承板 4120003628 彩色纸箱330*330*85 16040263 LG665ET3阶段斗源空调模块(增加件) 29350008471 底板LGB160-1826 29330003721 加强板 28010011622 Side door without spong 29250027271 盘 26120008972 泵轴 4110003424 继电器固定板 6410005215 前车架JF953 29240013391 垫板 4110000846176 液压油滤 6618000264 启动机3T 29141000121 环保信息标签 26370009742 右侧围 29150008671 驾驶室防护板 29330092771 辅助材料(11.5/76/34/30/23/166) 9511-12038 4110001100060 胶管F481CACE080804-900 14664308 弯板 6410002461 井下946油缸总成 F81N6-13010F-CJ 散热器总成L958H-WP7(T4/180) 4120002281237 汽缸垫3283570 6220000693 压力开关YK-NPT1/8-2.5MPa-K↑ 4110004186098 轴承51209 14400780 螺钉-内六角凹端紧定401700241 4090000338 进气胶管 4190000473 引导轮总成 4110001005416 停用-支架 916.3.1 4043005615 LG958L轮式装载机-5812215Q29 29130024041 HOSE_LGB161-014140 4120002525 货叉 ZL40F.6.9 4110000127006 夹装器具 4110000186057 销YD070221 7300001201 LG918轮式装载机 7300001280 PIPE 4110000560246 环保信息标签 4190001586 动臂油缸HSGF-160*90*747-1378-经适件 F61M9-40013 橡胶电缆3*2.5+1 1690100311 橡胶管夹 930.8.2.1 29370012801 挡圈GB896-6-65Mn E6911223A36 空调总成 4030001046 液压油箱总成 26170028481 PLATE (L=34, W=12.5) 4043016246 停用-气缸盖螺栓-C04CL-5B9603 14404243 大客户奖牌 14569923 M22快插插头-QRC-FF-10-M-15L-BP-W3 4120009000027 管夹 4110000970021 台架线束 4120004251 板 F4110000496002 LG968(V)大理石叉(叉齿长1600,叉宽2192) 4120002763102 LG918 OEM M7-2934002393 右中围板 29350009641 散热器总成L953-W(统型) 29330101862 盘 26261007021 精镗刀头L148D-22-0902 F641000627 过渡管 L956HEV 4120008573003 灯罩 4120009887 左连接箱 6430001274 LG979集中润滑系统 4043015837 胶管 29250023261 下部钢管 2090700004 皮带 6900020655 羽绒服集团LOGO-男3XL(190#) 14880587 电瓶线A70*2450 4110000988058 普通钢锯 4110000727012 燃油粗滤器座 MT86H 4120007375009 停用-销轴 4130002019 停用-衬垫129900-13251 14409304 钢管 29170077611 六角螺钉 6244000021 驾驶室总成 29050034873 电瓶箱下板 14405639 水散热器LG968N-3 4110004069009 迷你主机 天虹风尚 4120001969033 右支架 4180000265 转向器总成 4041003241 环规 4110015194179 力车内外胎 朝阳26*2.5 6212001698 SIDE PLATE 26330011751 开口垫片LGB338-2*19*105*0.5 969514 左箱支撑 4120016736 接头 29340017311 软管LGB128-005043 29090000051 集中控制盒标识 4110000415075 橡胶管夹 29050033453 边框 11220914 销 5F4899(3/8-16×139. 4011000907 后平衡铁 4130002911004 LOGO-315 26290010551 密封件包Z331-07 6900020348 吊钩 29340014301 第三连接口 4110002580009 筋板 2030900029 停用-机油泵垫片614070055 3301214JA9 停用-标准斗3.5×3016(耐磨板) 4110015767160 发动机电气总成 4110001991 变速泵进油钢管 4120006184 三联阀替换模块 11222154 两联电磁阀 28360001491 制动钳总成ZL15 4110000785 板 9100001169 板 4190003367 PLATE 4120009015004 耳塞 3M1270 26020005231 LFT18 叉装机传动轴总成 29330063151 摩擦片铜 6303000264 发动机总成 11444323 软管20491-26-10TZ/20411-26-10TZ×FC686-10×3 26020004241 排气门1G852-13122 LG2823002085 2 视频转接线3000 6212001618 轴承 GB283-32208 29090015991 爪式联轴器 14404583 夹板 383992 CONNECTOR HOUSING 6410005885 钢管 4110000217030 泵轴 29030031831 汽化器组件20679438 69525 密封圈KY D36*24*9 L0560W3115G29A0 水箱组件 6390400164 VECU_E6205F(H) 29170013551 胶管 3214621013-30 斜筋板 L955 4011000474 轴承 6209 4871208 平衡铁 26171004581 转向缸后销轴 11214165 销轴LGB301-60*98*190-1000G-不调质 6410005850 燃油箱总成 6900020009 行车制动总成 4110003022117 板 4130003433 密封7114-12121 4110000560332 法兰螺钉 26331016011 板 29010024681 胶管F471TCCACF121206-1200-SG600 ZJ27120115111 齿轮泵JHP3125 11213963 隔板 16040376 标志与标识 2060700016 电源适配器PE3-00 26141013261 隔热海绵 11218570 后壳总成00300BH-AY 29340024471 冷却软管 F21E6-40030F-YC 左接头壳 14512782 29010069551 台灯 A64-4110001597 活塞 11213826 风口 26320003931 左桥板 26130012861 一档行星架滚齿工装 26310007013 链锁 29010047701 转向器胶管 29290031091 减速机RVD125/63-300 YEJ-1.5 B5 变位机用 29290008782 左门锁扣 4110001755061 EC60驾驶室装配总成 29250001152 电机制动轮ZD1 31/4 3KW 26170021931 法兰螺栓01774-51035 11222482 护板 6410004816 进气管垫片D04-131-30+D 4120017202 盖板 14402511 风扇支架多楔带轮总成D04297070 4110015198302 后车架线束 4110000186702 油底壳分总成13053874 FD6114-7 减压器 4041000043 头灯 29120012181 软管LGB173-006190 6303010129 电瓶线LGB340-50*2050P1L10L10-1L1 29260101921 前下玻璃 11219928 非公路自卸车 6303900478 液压油箱 4041016193 侧翻斗 14570477 ECU 3601115-2171/A-BF6M1013-22T3R2171 4110000556074 后车架线束 FKC19668 半圆锉03940 2810000817101 挖掘机油缸防护套7 4090000008 喷水壶总成 29291014602 水阀块 3030900077 止推垫圈4644308265 4043000035 隔板 29010061991 O型圈 MT86 4110015568 杜派拧紧扳手 IWT-120S4 6212001238 驾驶室总成 29020009881 轴套LGB302-60*45A3 6410007629 ATTACHMENT LG9150000196 停用-垫片 11006712 密封胶条 4110000997240 花形旋具头 世达59348 T40 26260013901 压力表(径向,表头Φ100,接头M18*1.5) 0-2.5MPa 1.6级 26180002811 液压油散管左 29360014492 螺栓HB0999 E205HC4488A06A3 动臂LL4300Q 4110000028 软管LGB334-13*550E 4110004276255 齿箱总成 4120006337002 水箱 6900017784 进气弯管垫片 26350007841 套管 Mail:[email protected] 6242000054 发动机补水管 F61EE-01310F 953N宣传画 3110800241 T-NIPPLE 7300001060 行星轮 Planetary gear 订货号: 4220 1767 81 29120020411 中国好司机餐劵 11210906 座114250-53130 LG26290008221B 停用-支架 L955F 29030035692 滚轴轴承4661.273.005 6900018386 停用-加油口盖 26020008441 底管M 6264000245 上盖板总成 2289697 29170071021 主阀回转联钢管(主阀下端) 29260048401 支架 4180000257 下铰接板 14402210 4120002117012 垫圈W020900016 29370018971 硬管 ZJ2715010904 护板 29370009191 停用-弹簧垫圈Q40310 01177981 28210003721 机罩防护总成 4043016727 接头 28230001061 PLATE 4120004930013 惰轮1023005-A12 14402084 停用-油杯M10×1(GB1152-89) 26180006571 按钮 29370009201 信息录入与失效件管理标准 信息录入与失效件管理标准 c 4110000054112 胶管F462CACE101005-340-FS340 4120002303001 斗齿刀板组件 6231000352 956N、968N后车架自检记录质记96-2号 29290053591 水散热器总成LY-LG953L-2D 12748466 变速箱总成 11210909 发动机线束 4110001654218 阀块215A0101DWG/10 MS40 26360009484 气门杆密封套612630040167 MT86H FZ0001321 侧卸斗2.3*3016 4120016843 O型圈 4110002081060 COVER_RH AIR CLENAER 3214542775 支架总成 21906004561 3层彩色纸盒65*65*90 26341016961 上推力杆车架座(上座) 29160008561 涨紧弹簧总成 4120008911 PLATE_WA TRIM MTG 29111000771 支架 6900019848 交流接触器 11216775 L956FH轮式装载机 29370020641 驾驶室2825000565(ZP4) 29070016811 连接座82 513 610 29010042971 发动机大小水堵3T 11213325 海绵 26331030712 螺栓M12*50-8.8LG6135E 29030039511 平衡铁1950 6220001477 机罩前框架总成 77364342 蓄能器支架 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 4014000512 后车架标识包 29310013491 ENGINE ASSEMBLY 14720818 28230020262 垫圈32*75*8 E6335F 7200002678 接头GE28LMEDOMD71 4120007449 REAR FRAME 29170089741 电磁阀 L036HY4114A23A0 胶管F481CACA080804-1050 FX114-552065F 2013款春秋工作服裤子Y4 14628852 11210939 太阳轮 26130014012 转向器出油钢管B 6420001791 软管LGB163012203 FJQ123 LG953超高动臂模块(非统型) 29290043811 筋板 29050034451 油管 29220020111 变速箱总成BX50-02 6410006753 主泵盖板(金色) 2912003468101 前壳总成02000FFH-AY 4120002606033 蒸发器壳体组件GKZ33-5.0W1-20 28030007961 400服务热线标识 29140021301 输出法兰 6217000055 缸筒总成24A148630 LG936L 26180021511 弯板 MT86D 29070009201 销轴LGB301-95*133*250G-45 F81N6-13010F 变矩器至散热器胶管 F132323 漆 6233000141 停用-LG953装载机-5307114AA9 29120024701 驾驶室线束 29170155161 碱性除锈剂(中和) F31E6-50131F 辅助联右钢管 17004395 软管LGB149-104180 26150001961 发动机总成C6121ZG19 26270002632 VRT200变速箱总成 29120029041 加大斗2.1×2440(快换) J4120002368001 尿素箱传感器1000925884 F11215248 筋板 F410011 引导销 6270000237 ∮45.88环规 6900021676 前车架线束 6242000150 消声器尾管 6410005461 O形圈201706 29090008171 耳板 6900019771 螺堵03.02.03.00023 29330076611 溢水硬管 6410003095 工作装置 60113099 28010011371 后铰接架 F31Y1-32670 螺纹塞规M33*1.5 1660600034 安装板 MT86 29260016561 内六角螺丝 29010021911 轴用钢丝挡圈611600060083 14402544 停用-LG953N液压油箱总成(实验) 29120034691 O型圈19.5X3.5 4120004039007 轴套LGB302-85*95B3 4110003377064 耳轴C82DL-7N9026+A 26341008281 散热器总成LG6235E-WP H1-2915001053 密封垫片22138770 4110001321156 启动马达线 26090003391 齿轮 11210466 ZL50F 26180007191 驾驶室总成 29170030471 弹垫圈04512-50050 6410000906 胶管F481CACF080805-700 PBD05N1-149 FLTBHL30 PIN 28809023231 SEALING RING 6619000118 中间支承 6214000176 管夹 4110001551 岩石斗2.7×3093(侧刃) 29030043811 水泵总成1307050-K01-A002 LG2917008560 1 蒸压管 26430001071 法兰 4110000589023 支架 4120002731014 铲斗BG300 26330011041 至铲斗缸小腔钢管 F11217130F 套件A28479F 2070900309 前灯架板 29180010761 变速箱支座 26320004931 接杆100mm-1/2 29180014892 金属调解脚 BJ-80-12-100 2607000133201 丝堵 11214980 左后侧板 14511974 液压油回油过滤器滤芯SFC5810AE 4045000066 东空气扳机MI-4000 4110003284 三通管 6900015001 接头GE22L11/16UNOMDA3C 29270021431 LEFT SIDE PLATE 28320003813 铲斗BG190 29270018701 底板 29330051401 转向器BZZ8-1182 14404024 铁木结合箱 28220000121 右侧板 4110004276071 后侧板 4110000186168 胶管 11212321 右下挡板总成 26270001211 LG948L传动轴总成 28230023111 板 F11217422G 梅花扳手46205 4120017497 软管LGB165-012160 4110001089021 侧齿(左) 29170025481 塔式平衡器 EW ?1.5-3kg 4041001121 非公路自卸车 6303000493 安装座支板 26110003701 皮带17-450 11212386 板,厚6 6221000092 L989F 轮胎式装载机 29260025921 侧盖板组件GKZ33-5.0F8-30 4110015916029 AUXILIARY MATERIAL(18/76/45/20/34/22/138 4110001903031 黄油阀-尖 29330061741 除垢剂(锅炉) Read the full article
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It's the first time I've fallen for someone,
Without caring about his family, assets or background
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