mollyravioli · 4 years
✨Brass daddy✨
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dezzymalfoy · 3 years
The Descendant Part 3: The Letter
Harry slowly gets up, grabbing his glasses which he has placed next to the picture of his parents.
His only possession of them,
His parents on the left, his mum holding him while his father has his arms around them both. On the right, a similar family with a little girl, mother holding her and father wrapped around them both.
Harry looks to the back of the cardstock, and reads the words he reads oh so often,
"Her name in (Y/n) Ravenclaw"
The Raven haired boy slowly gets up and begins making breakfast for everyone, then goes to collect the post,
Grabbing all the post from the bottom of the door frame, scanning through and surprised to see something for him,
"Mr. H Potter
The Cupboard Under The Stairs,
4, Privet Drive,
Little Whinging,
As he gave his uncle the rest of the mail, he kept his letter and began to open it,
"Father! Harry has mail!" Dudley yells as he snatches the letter out of Harry's hand and taking it to his father,
"Give it back! That's mine!" Harry yelled at Vernon,
Vernon laughed, "Who would be writing to you?" He questioned, looking at the writing on the front, then the wax seal on the back to see four quadrants, a lion, a snake, a badger, and an eagle with an H in the middle. Looking at Petunia,
"Off to your rooms both of you, boys." Vernon says,
"But dad-" Dudley started
"NO! To your rooms!"
Harry was curious as to what that letter was, and why it brought such a reaction from his uncle.
Harry woke up the next day and yet again did his daily routine, made breakfast, served it, picked up the post,
And yet again. There's another letter.
The same exact one.
Vernon noticed there was yet another letter and threw it in the fire place.
As Harry was doing his chores, he happened to look outside and see a load of owls in the mailboxes, houses, trees, house number signs, everywhere. Harry thought this was strange, but thought nothing of it, over all.
This happened for days, the letters would come in, and soon they were the only things the Dursley's were getting though their drop box, five, ten at a time!
Every single one went into the fireplace.
Harry woke up today in a slightly sour mood, it was Sunday.
He walks into the kitchen and began breakfast, his uncle Vernon was quite chipper today, and he knew exactly why.
"Good day, Sunday, any idea why Dudley?" Vernon asks his son, to which he shakes his head
"Its because there's no post on Sunday's" Harry said gloomily,
"Right you are Harry! No post on Sunday. Not one blasted lett-"
The house had begun to shake. The fireplace roared, Petunia took Dudley into her arms to protect him.
All of a sudden, the fireplace shot out hundreds of the letters, Harry immediately going to get one of them, jumping onto one of the chairs in the living room, trying to grab one of the letters falling from above him, letters stacking up on the floor of the living room, and just as Harry almost had one in his hands, Vernon grabs the back of his shirt and drags him out to the car,
"Daddys gone mad hasn't he?" Dudley asks his mum, to which she nods.
They drove for hours on end, then rode the boat in the storm, out to a dingy cottage in the middle of nowhere,
"They'll never find us out here, never!" Vernon exclaims as they pile into the small house. Vernon and Petunia going to the room up the stairs, Dudley taking the moldy, moth eaten couch, leaving Harry with the dusty old floor and another moldy blanket.
Harry was unable to fall asleep, so, he drew a birthday cake with 11 candles and happy birthday Harry into the middle,
As soon as Dudley's watch started beeping midnight, Harry looked at the cake on the dirt covered floor,
"Happy Birthday Harry", blowing out the "candles"
As soon as Harry had blown out the last of the candles, there was banging on the door, and someone had knocked it down, Harry smartly hid beside the fireplace, out of view of the door.
Peaking around the corner, Harry saw a large figure in the middle if the doorway.
As the figure walks in, Harry heard his aunt and uncle rush down the stairs,
"Sorry 'bout tha'" said the large -man, as Harry knows now- as he proceeds to pick up the door, surprising everyone.
The fire lights up the faces of everyone in the room,
"Get out! You're trespassing on private property!" Vernon points a double barrel shotgun at the man, to which the large man bends the shotgun,
"Dry up Dursley, you great prune!"
The man looks towards Dudley,
"'arry! Been lookin' for ya! Of 'ourse you're a bi' more rou'ded since tha last 'ime I saw ya! Espec'ally there in tha 'iddle"
Harry then decided to walk out from his hiding spot,
"H-He's not Harry, I am.", making the large man turn towards him,
"Well o' course ya are! I'm Hagrid, Game'eeper at 'ogwarts, (Y/n)'s back ou'side waitin on us in tha boa'"
"Hogwarts?" Harry's curious as to what that is, and if this (y/n) is the same one from his picture.
"Well ye', where'd ya t'ink yer 'arents learnt it all? Which 'eminds me, I go' this for ya. Rec'on I may of sa' on it, made it me'self, 'ords an all, with some 'elp from (Y/n)" Hagrid hands Harry a box and a letter, the same one from the fireplaces and the post back at home.
Harry opened the box to see a bright pink cake with green icing with the words, "happee birthday haree", making Harry smile then frown, setting the cake down
"My parents?"
"Yer 'arents were wizards, 'arry, and yer one too, af'er a bit'o trainin o'course"
"I-I'm not a wizard, I'm just Harry."
"Well, just 'arry, 'as anythin ever happened, tha' ya can't explain? When ya 'ere mad or u'set?"
Harry thinks back to the zoo, to the glass and the snake, Dudley falling into the water of the enclosure, and everything makes sense,
Harry finally decides to open the letter Hagrid had given him earlier,
Dear Mr Potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall , Deputy Headmistress
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
First-year students will require: 1.Three sets of plain work robes (black) 2.One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear 3.One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) 4.One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings) Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Harry looked up from his letter as his uncle had yelled,
"We swore to put a stop to all this rubbish when we agreed to take him in!" Vernon argued,
"You knew? You knew all this time and you never bothered to tell me?" Harry was enraged that they had never told him of his wizard genes
"Oh! Of course we knew! With my perfect sister being what she was! I was the only one in the family who saw her for what she was! A freak! I knew you would be just like her. Then she had to go run off with that Potter and get herself blown up!" Petunia ranted,
"Blown up?! You told me my parents had died in a car crash!" Harry was enraged, they had lied to him! About his own parents, no less.
"Car 'rash killed 'ily and James 'otter! Cold'wap!" Hagrid yelled at the Dursley's,
"Enough! We're not paying for him to go to some school and get taught by some crack pot old fool!" Vernon yelled back
Hagrid points his pink umbrella at him, "never insul' Albus 'umbledore in fron' o' me!", then looking at Dudley, who was chowing down on Harry's birthday cake, pointing his umbrella at him and sending sparks, then making a pig tail form on his bum.
Hagrid walked out of the house as the Dursley's were freaking out about the tail that now rests on Dudley,
"Comin 'arry?" Harry smiled and runs out of the house, following Hagrid out to the boat, seeing a small girl laid down in the middle, sleeping.
"Ah, poor 'irl, must've fallen 'sleep, 'arry, tha is (y/n)"
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