mickgaydolenz · 2 years
this ask was going to be something different. but i just discovered something incredible, and this is way better than me exposing the fact Mike had a bad childhood (we all already know this lmao big whoop; everyone say thank you to his Psyche trine Ascendent for that).
ive been doing my best in understanding the asteroids that im not super familiar with — just the important ones everyone uses because there is a gigantic list of asteroids within the astro database which would be wickedly impossible to cover them all. sometimes you just gotta keep it simple.
anyways, ive been reading up on Pholus; Pholus is an asteroid represented by major impacts and life changes. so of course i started digging around charts to see what i could uncover with this. Mike has his Pholus in his 11th house, so major changes in connections and social groups. keep this in mind.
now, what i’ve learned about the Vertex, other than it’s in Mike’s 7th house, and that it represents fate and fate-like meetings, is that aspects to it pretty much give a tell-all on what’s fated for someone. the problem here with this is that Vertex is represented by fate…something we have a grand total of zilch control over. even if you could see what’s fated via the Vertex, how long could one avoid fate until it happens? can fate even be possibly avoided altogether? can fate be logically measured and determined? it’s a very philosophical thing to think about, but now is not the time to break that down.
Mike’s Pholus trines his Vertex. trines can be good overall but don’t be fooled by that. a trine just simply means an easy flow of energies between two placements — regardless of if it’s good or bad for the person. among other things, major changes in his life were one of those things destined to happen for Mike and it affected the connections he had and groups he was a part of. one of my sources said “a fated and deepfelt meeting between two people; being together changes them fundamentally and life for good” which, i mean *tucks hair back* we don’t need much context clues to what all that refers to, but it’s actually not what im getting at.
you see, there’s something missing from the picture. and i bet you guessed it’s the degrees.
ive checked on 19° Capricorn for Pholus, and it’s generally denotes the fact that he’s incredibly steadfast and courageous and will often stand alone in combating forces opposing him. good for him or sorry that happened idk. not too important here.
the real kicker here is the 22° Virgo Vertex. in the 7th house.
“susceptible to deception and flattery” “in danger of scandal” “excess of sexual drive or energy”
and to wrap it all nice in an insufferable bow:
“leadership capacity, but often refuses to become involved with others”
BONUS: his Pholus opposes his Lilith and im not even gonna explain all of it because it’s basically gearing towards infidelity. he had some sort of sexual awakening and got 2 horny oh nooo :((
i…….i……i…….i’m literally speechless. like my brain right now is just the sound of one long scream against a black hole. kaLE WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!
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stalkerkyoko · 2 years
usopp telling lies
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lying is one thing but stealing Luffy’s credit brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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grasscrown · 2 years
wtfffff they've put a spring novice in stroke instead of me. brooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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