#BTS from natalie abrams on twitter
vesperscas · 1 year
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....what the fuck
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lizacstuff · 8 years
I'm a recent fan of Supergirl and I love Kara & Mon-El! I follow a few people involved with the show on twitter and oh my god, anytime someone posts pics or other bts stuff about those two, you just see haters commenting how they miss s1 kara etc and they sound EXACTLY like a certain group in the OUAT fandom, it's insane. They must be the same people lol. Apparently Mon-El is the worst person evah according to them lol. I guess these kinds of people exist in all fandoms.
If it feels like the same old story and shippers, that’s because it is. Many SQ have migrated over to ship Super/corp (Lena x Kara.)  And, yes, they use the same destructive behavior and tired old arguments.
It’s funny because Lena Luthor has only been in like 6 episodes, but that ship started at DEFCON 5 when it comes to bad behavior, entitlement and misdirected rage. You’d think it would be in it’s infancy.. but it’s not.  All the transplants brought their anger over past ships and their knowledge of how to create as much noise and discord as possible to the party right out of the gate.
I actually feel sorry for any Super corp shippers who were just trying to enjoy their fanon in peace.  Cause the BAs have invaded and have already given them a terrible reputation.  There will be no reclaiming it.  Plus, it’s clear, as evidenced by Jeremy Jordan taking a break after the disgusting attacks from those shippers that the cast is not going to play the game and we’ll probably see them retreat from social media even more. Sad for everyone, but that also means the cast and writers know the score and they won’t get the time of day from anyone associated with the show.
One thing I thought was interesting this week was Natalie Abrams from Entertainment Weekly’s reddit Q&A.  She use to pander and bait the SQ and was very negative about Hook (to the point of being unprofessional) until about a year and a half ago and I think she realized it was putting her access to the show in jeopardy.  However, at her Q&A several antis tried to bait her and to get her to agree that Mon-El was ruining the show, but she was not having it. She kept repeating that she likes the storyline, is interested to see Mon-El’s growth and is glad to see Kara happy. They did not like that, but it’s proof that it’s not 5 years ago, the SQ have made sure the TV entertainment press fully understand what’s happening.
And what’s happening is BUTTHURT SHIPPER SYNDROME. That is what the vast majority of the hate towards Mon-El and Karamel is about.  Shippers who want Kara to be with their fav, but she’s not, she’s with Mon-El and they can’t handle it so they act badly. Very badly. They often lose their dignity and a little bit of their minds. Now, not one of them will admit it. NO... they throw around every buzzword, and fauxcial justice argument they can muster, they claim they are fighting real world oppression... But we all know the truth.  They didn’t get their way and they’re throwing a tantrum.  
Case closed. 
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