daz4i · 9 months
sat down to write all ages in my au, at different points of the story. now, that was very stupid of me. because. that was a lot of math. and so. i worked my brain too much and now it's awake. and I've got an alarm set for less than 5 hours from now. wish me luck
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aisakalegacy · 5 years
Generation 1 - Chapter 13: Life Goes On For The Living
They held Skeet’s funerals shortly thereafter. The buried him in the land, near the river he liked so much in his youth. The whole Bayless family was there: Chase, Tay, and his wife Zo. Adora had aged up quietly the night of the funeral, but everyone was too sad to celebrate her birthday.
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Taiga dressed her in mourning wear, even though Adora was too young to understand what was going on. She didn’t understand her father was dead, and she would just happily giggle, not getting why everyone looked so sad. 
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Even though she was one now, she still had baby hair. She looked a lot like her father. She had brown hair, and dark blue eyes.
Tay and Taiga were the most affected by the tragedy. After the ceremony, they spent a lot of times mourning on his grave, ignoring the snow that stormed around them and the bitterly cold.
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Taiga was very pregnant at this point, and she was not sure she would be able to cope with three kids on her own. She expressed her concerns out loud, and Tay took her in his arms, allowing her to cry on his shoulder.
“I’ll try to help you out as much as I can. You’re family now, I won’t let you guys down.”
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And he did. From that day, he came over a lot to help her with the kids. When Taiga went into labor, he was there to help!
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Taiga gave birth to a little boy she named Steve. He was born a loner just like his older sister, and he loved the outdoor. It was 1837 - he would make a perfect Romantic, she thought.
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She put him on a crib right next to his sister. Things went better than she expected. Ami was old enough to do everything Taiga couldn’t do in the house because she still needed to tend her garden in order to feed her three children, and Tay was always there to care for the babies. He even taught Adora to walk!
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Tay looked a lot like Skeet, only the hair were different, and when Adora started to talk, she would call him “Father”. Tay would laugh and say that he was not her father but her half-brother, but Adora would just look at him, confused, and he would not insist.
When Tay was not around, Ami would take care of her little brother and sister - with the help of her imaginary friend Pal of course!
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She had changed her mind about the Bayless family. Her father was, and would always be to her a despicable and traitorous coward, but her half-sister turned up to be a very decent woman, and her half-brother had proven to be someone you could count on.
With all of her family members helping her, Taiga even managed to save some free time for her, and she would practice her martial arts’ skills on the garden. She found out it had a very relaxing effect on her, she would always be calmer afterwards. Since she was starting to be good at it, she dreamt of taking part in a competition, but she needed to travel to China in order to do this, and she didn’t want to put so much money on hobbies - she remembered too well what it was to be poor, and she hadn’t put enough money aside for this.
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Steve aged up in the middle of spring, under the benevolent eyes of Tay. Taiga had thrown a little party for him
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Steve looked like both of his parents. He had the same ears and dark blue eyes as his father, but his face was his mother’s. He had black hair, and, just as Ami’s blond hair, no one knew who it was coming from.
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Adora and Steve were only eleven months apart, so they were just like twins!
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Tay had bought a puppet to Steve for his birthday, and he would spent his whole time playing with it. Adora had no toys and she was envious...
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Pal wasn’t fond of hearing baby crying all day long, so he would often get pissed off and take it out on Ami. They wouldn’t stop fighting because he was jealous she would spend so much time caring for her siblings instead of him. It was a crime of lese-majesty! To punish her, he turned back into a puppet and refused to talk to Ami for a while. Adora found him, and started to play with him. Ami was hurt, but she decided not to give him too much power over her and ignore him. She was too old for imaginary friends anyway...
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It was almost Adora’s birthday. Neither Chase nor Tay were available, so Taiga decided they would spend a nice day together at the art gallery, and then eat the home-made cake that Ami had baked. But when they got home from their walk, Adora couldn’t wait for the cake and aged up right on the perron! Taiga was a little pissed-off because it didn’t go as she had planned.
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Adora really hated the art gallery. She decided she couldn’t stand art, and she swore she’d never step inside of this kind of place anymore.
She was not as cute as her sister, but at least she had hair at last! She looked more than her father than ever. She had finally understood that Tay was not her father, and with that realization came the fact that she started to miss Skeet.
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She had indeed been the favorite child of Skeet - he was not there during Ami’s childhood, and he was already dead when Steve was born. One night, she had a dream - or was it real? She dreamt that her father was here, sat on her bed, read a bedtime story to her, but she felt asleep before she could hear the end.
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The next morning, she jumped off her bed, took the same book her father had been reading in her dream from the bookshelf, and started to read it. She knew those words, it was the same story! But how could that be? She had never read that book before... Whatever the truth of the matter, this event gave her a love for books and everyday, when she came back from school, she would read something different.
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As for Ami, now that Adora was a child a could take care of herself, she finally had time for horse riding. She even started to take part in beginner races, and as you can tell by all her trophies, she was good at it!
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She rode so much she even got in trouble for it. Ami still had a curfew: she was supposed to be home for supper. One evening, she lost track of time and got home after the curfew...
“You can’t do this, Ami! What if something happened to you? Don’t you know that I was worried? I’m sorry, but you’re grounded. I don’t want you to ride that horse anymore until I tell you otherwise. You need to learn, Ami. You’re almost eighteen, you need to learn to behave like an adult. You won’t be able to freely ride across the swamps all your life. I want you more in the house, and less with the horses. Listen, I wanted to wait before I tell you this... But I’m trying to figure out who, between you and your sister, will be the most suitable heiress. If you want to be the heiress, you need to act more responsible.”
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Ami got really thoughtful, her mother’s words echoing in her head. The heiress. Someone, between her and her sister, would need to carry on her mother’s legacy. The other one will need to leave the family house and live her own life. Ami never really thought about what she wanted to do when she was older. What did she like? She loved horses. Maybe she could be a horsewoman. She had already won all those races, and she was pretty good at it. And with the money she would won, she could open a sanctuary for stray horses. But being the head of a legacy would also mean she would need to get married and have children of her own... She didn’t know anyone except from her family, and for now, she was not interested in getting married at all.
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Even though she preferred horses, she was pretty good with kids. She was great at taking care of her siblings. As for Adora, even though she was lazy and preferred to read and stay inside, she was indeed friendly and people liked her. She was quite a sociable kid, and surely she would have no trouble finding a husband to continue the family line.
The day before her birthday, she was taking care of Steve while Adora was playing on the perron when her mother came to them.
“Girls, I have news. I’m past forty, I’m growing old and I won’t live forever. 
- You’re not old, Mother! protested Adora.
- You’re cute. Listen. I think I have decided who will be my heiress. Remember that the one I won’t choose will always be part of this family: it just means she will be more free than the heiress. Whatever happens, please don’t be disappointed. I’ll make an announcement tomorrow. I want to invite the family.
- But I don’t want a birthday party, said Ami.
- The party won’t be for your birthday, but for the announcement.
- Alright then, she sighed.
- And Ami? You’re not grounded anymore. You can go to your horse.
- Thank you, Mother!”
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Ami didn’t sleep well that night. She felt anxious about her mother decision, and she didn’t even know if she wanted to be the heiress or not! Whatever happened, her life will be definitely changed.
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