#BUT for pokemon. that means it'd be more fitting for him to be a girl considering starters only have a 12.5% chance of being female
hychlorions · 8 months
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finally..... my klapollo pokemon are in my hands
also mikeko's base stats bc i thought it'd be ultra funny if she could kill klavier when she hits him with the darkest lariat
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lumibye · 9 months
hii charm i wanted to ask , what was sycamaris first date ? 🤔 how did it come abt , who asked, how did it go ? im soo interested , and i hope uve had a wonderful weekend ! - @catake
hehe hi clara ! hope your weekend's been lovely as alwayss and i hope your finals went just as well !! i'm sure they did but sending my heart and wishes anyways ofc ofc
( ♡ ) ty honestly sm for encouraging me to talk abt them bc it's all in my drafts but i'm just . . soso shy ( if you could believe it ehe ; ) so it really means a lot to me ! i'm v grateful i get to speak my silly nonsense eek >_< their first date was . . it was a ' date ' but it wasn't ? this is prob a good time to explain why they're ' working together ' ig for context purposes ! ( i'll prob compile this all into a post at some point actually )
( long post again bc my filter is broken ehe ; )
although he has a lot of information on mega evolution in regards to battle , he doesn’t have a lot in the way of contests 
pokemon aren’t affected by any external factors like attacks or status conditions when performing , but they’re still expending a good amount of  energy with the use of moves
so , as someone that’s very invested in the subject , his research and the bond between pokemon and trainer - this information would be valuable to compare and contrast with his current findings
he doesn’t really know anybody in the contest scene? there’s serena, of course, but she’s also currently undertaking the gym challenge and being one of his pupils it doesn’t feel right to stick this kid with even more work considering she’s a dex holder  so mariannes his best bet , even though they're only acquainted at the time they share a mutual acquaintance in serena at least . it's mutually beneficial in a sense , if marianne can't use mega then she's going to be at a disadvantage in the contest circuit ( i hc that contests are similar to ORAS in kalos hehe ) her ' job ' would be to monitor the behavioural changes in her pokemon after rehearsals and performances as well as their general health and wellbeing . there'd be weekly or biweekly ' check ups ' at the lab for more thorough analysis but these ' reports ' are more casual to fit both their schedules also , it's a good excuse to go out for him to go out for coffee considering he's so busy . but they're not dates , don't be silly . . . ( /hj he doesn't intend it to be . . but . . ) anway ! to actually answer your question now ( i'm soso sorry i can talk for aages they live in my head rent free 24/7 ; ) once he proposes this to her at the lab ( it's like on a weekend so nobody's there ) and gives her a list of pokemon that can mega she notices the only one that can is benched because of her accident in the unova circuit reasons and she goes ' umm , i don't really have any on this list at the moment ' and augustine is kind of stumped because this meeting is now way shorter than he expected it to be so he goes ' oh , that's ok . . well let's go out for coffee instead ' ( not those exact words ofc ) because
a.) she's not super familiar with lumiose and having a kind of ' guide ' might be helpful
b.) atp he knows she's a bit of a reserved person and the few times they've met he hasn't seen her with any friends so that's mildly concerning
c.) if they're eventually going to work together he should know her a bit better and
d.) she's piqued his curiosity honestly marianne's very bad at saying no especially on the spot so as nervous as this makes her she agrees , for similar reasons too . this person's offering her an advantage in her career so it'd be rude to say no , wouldn't it ? so they go to soleil ( because taking a shy girl to your best friends cafe on your first outing seems like a really bad idea ) and he offers to pay and she protests and there's that cliche back and forth about who's going to pay that makes the barista a bit ticked off ( people pleasers , the both of them ) and it takes her a bit to open up but he's genuinely enthused when it comes to learning about people . so eventually she does crack a little bit , especially when the topic of coffee comes up . she used to be a barista in castelia and coffee is his passion so that's their jumping off point . after that they both surprise each other with just how similar they are ! they talk about their thoughts on self expression ( he asks about her career ) and just how important it is and their energy just gels . they end up almost gushing to each other about their thoughts and beliefs , which is something she hasn't done in ages since she's been alone for quite a while so it makes her so so happy . he didn't expect this to come out of someone like her and she didn't expect someone primarily invested in research to share her beliefs and ideas . afterwards she feels bad that she's talked primarily about herself but still . . . it feels good and honestly ? that's kind of exactly what he was hoping for and he's pretty happy himself . they both are ig , more than they'd thought they would ! she definitely goes home and screams into a pillow about how embarrasing she was tho ehhehehe
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leggerefiore · 2 years
So there a hat called Square Cap Elefish in Scarlet/Violet that has a design based off eelektross. What if s/o saw it while on the internet and thought they should get one for Emmet-
perfect timing, anon. i was just pondering a scenario to write for em
debated buying it for inka but decided she's more of a beanie girl (it'd still fit her though)
cw: fluff
It had caught your eye as you were scrolling endlessly through your social media. A group of Paldean people just doing things and their pokemon out with them. It was not their foreign pokemon that caught your attention, however. (Though, you would admit, the samba peacock poses were something you were a bit envious of.) It was the hat on one of their heads. A square cap with a certain familiar pokemon's pattern on it. That certain familiar pokemon happened to be sprawled across your lap at the moment, too, in fact. Rubbing your hand affectionately on the slimy skin of the creature who gave an electric hum through his body, you immediately set out to find that cap.
It would be a perfect gift for Emmet.
You grinned as you saw sneaked into the station. A gift for him would be best given after all his battles for the day were finished, and he was whining about the actual managerial duties he had to do. Sitting on the office couch, you felt certain you had managed to avoid every Depot Agent save for the one in the office area, who you knew would comply with your plan. The cute box sat in your lap with carefully tied white ribbon on its lid.
Pleading with Emmet's Galvantula for some silk, she agreed and gave you some, which you quickly fashioned into a ribbon. You shuddered when something seemed to try to squirm its way into your sleeve. Moving your arm away to a point where you could peer at it, four blue eyes stared at you innocently. A stowaway. The Joltik was plucked away and placed on your shoulder. If there was one thing that was inescapable while living with Emmet, it was his Joltiks. They were literally everywhere.
Outside the door, you heard quick, paced strides heading your way. It was quiet, save for a polite greeting shared by them and the Depot Agent. It was either another agent or your boyfriend, as Ingo tended to hold people hostage in conversation for a moment. The door handled turned and a white-coated man entered with a certain Galvantula clinging to his waist. You barely held back a giggle.
“Hello, Emmet,” you said with as much monotony as you could manage. He actually jumped for a moment before turning over to you. His eyes relaxed, and his smile shifted from its momentary tenseness to its normal playfulness.
“Darling! Verrrry mean,” he teased you before walking over, “Hmm? What's that?” His attention lied on the present in your lap. You held it out to him, and he quickly acted to take it. It was held close to him as he worked to undo the ribbon. When he finally did that, he popped the lid off and looked inside. He hummed curiously at the sight before placing the box down. His white cap was taken from his head.
Placed on his head, now in its place was the Elefish cap. “Mmm, not very work appropriate,” he noted. You would agree that the more casual hat certainly did not mix with his business formal attire. It did suit his face, however. “I could wear it later. Yep! During our dates,” he nodded to himself. You smiled.
“Do you like it then?” you asked him with a tilt of your head. He nodded at you this time and grinned brightly. A specific aged pokeball on his belt was removed, and the creature inside was tossed out. Eeelektross floated just above the ground and looked around. Emmet's hand immediately went to pet his beloved starter.
“Heehee, we're matching again after all these years,” he giggled and pointed to his hat. The eel stared at him before wrapping its body around his leg. Galvantula hissed at the creature and scuttled away from Emmet. Ah. The girls were fighting. Eelektross's arms went around Emmet's torso. He smiled down at his beloved eel. “Aww! I don't think you have been this clingy in a while,” he cooed.
You had to admit he looked adorable with his starter that he had known for so many years cuddling him and the matching hat on his head.
Emmet's head looked up at you as grinned at you. “Thank you, honey,” his voice was soft as it usually was, “You made Eelmmet verrrry happy.”
“Oh, Emmy, it was no problem –” you were going to express your feelings when something hit you like a tonne of bricks, “E-Eelmmet?”
“His name is Eelmmet.”
“Emmet, sweetheart, baby, please be joking.”
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wardeningo · 11 months
sooo obsessed w those pmd designs ,,, what’s their story?? If they have one :000
I'm not sure if you mean the story in the au or just about the characters but I'll share what I have so far under the cut! As well as some doodles to go along with it :]c
But! Essentially there is trouble somewhere sometime in the universe, in a place where there's not any humans around, only pokemon. Arceus decides this is a task for the lost girls (grave, wanda, and radix) but... not in their current forms. The three wake up in an unusual place in unusual bodies. Their memories intact but a little foggy.
For the overall story of the au, it's all still pretty vague!
To clarify I've never played a pmd game (though i want to), its my husband that knows stuff about it
I think it'd be awesome to have ultra beasts be the disruption they need to fix, but again everythings vague.
As for the characters! I'll start with Grave.
Grave is the original trainer sent by arceus to Hisui. That was when she was 27, and she's in her 40s now. When she first awakes she finds herself very curious on how she's a cyndaquil, yet bares traits of a hisuian typhlosion. She also finds herself very disappointed at the fact that she's a grown adult and still is first staged evolution (and still the shortest out of the group) She does like the fact that her friends can carry her though!
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And dw, she does eventually evolve into a just as strange typhlosion!
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And she is able to give her friends lots of rides in return! (and be the tallest finally) (also that typhlosion is not to canon size but thats okay)
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Onto Wanda! After being saved by Grave countless times and spending time with her, they went from being besties to sweethearts! While she's a little ditzy at times, she's super resilient and has a good heart. Although she'd rather stay at town and make sure peoples okay rather than facing off against wild pokemon or braving the elements to bring aid to those in need like Grave and Radix does, she's willing to lend a hand when needed! She was shocked to find herself chosen to be on this quest with the other two, but she ends up being a good calming optimist to the group, and protecting them fiercely with her new claws.
Grave was just surprised she wasn't turned into a spinda hehe
And finally is Radix, who belongs to @smiledjpg, who can tell you more about him.
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Radix has already once before found himself in a strange new world, unsure of what to do or even who/what he is. Only a sense of vague instructions. When he first landed in Hisui, he was on his own for a long time, he eventually met Wanda (having saved her hehe) and then Grave. They become friends, and after time lovers (that's right babey pokemon polycule).
He's glad that this time he has friends with him as he braves the unknown. He... he can't quite figure out how to sign with his little audino hands. Luckily it's not as painful for him to speak, but he's still pretty nonverbal.
They eventually met other audinos, who recoil on instinct seeing Radix. After all he's like nothing theyve ever seen. They warm up to him but it still stings, as it feels like no matter where he goes, he's never going to fit in.
I have talked... way too long and it's 3 am so I'll wait to post this in the morning hehe
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farshores · 2 years
i have assignments but hey CVF pokemon teams (abilities added) bcus why not. These are kinda focused on my personal opinion + some suggestions i saw in my CVF trainer post. It's just folks who's teams i can think up of rn, sorry if i missed your fave 😔
Tinkaton (Own Tempo) / Dubwool (Fluffy) / Appletun (Thick Fat)
Mabosstiff (Guard Dog) / Talonflame (Flame Body) / Bastiodon (Sturdy)
Was going to go with a full steel team but then some1 suggested Dubwool & Appletun and I ended up going for a somewhat more mixed one. Was debating between Stoutland or Mabosstiff for the dog mon cus this man will get a dog mon. Mabo won lol - Would have a team of 6 imo
Cubone (Lightning Rod) / Comfey (Triage)
Nidorino (Poison Point) / Rowlet (Overgrow)
Just a team of four for her rn! Though she'd build up her team as she grows. Cubone because.... :) you know. Comfey & Rowlet due to her interests in flowers/flower crowns and archery respectively, and nidorino cus he has lil tusks & hey it'd be neat if this was a mon Marlok got her.
Alcremie (Sweet Veil) / Tropius (Harvest) / Tatsugiri (Commander)
Greedent (Cheek Pouch) / Veluza (Sharpness) / Scovillain (Moody) OR Slowking (Regenerator)
I mean....How could I not give him a mostly food-based team. Added an optional Psychic type for variety tho.
Hisuian Samurott (Sharpness) / Falinks (Defiant)
Ceruledge (Flash Fire) / Corviknight (Unnerve)
idk the thought process here other than "okay what are soldier like pokemon." No full team, these 4 are the ones that stuck around.
Hatterene (Anticipation) / Purugly (Own Tempo) / Squawkabilly - Green (Guts)
Krokorok (Moxie) / Basculin-Red Stripe (Reckless) / Steenee (Oblivious)
I call this the Mean Girls team bcus Lucifer is a mean little fucker (loving) and I feel like this sorta of build fits his vibes
Yanmega (Tinted Lens) / Volcarona (Swarm) / Scolipede (Speed Boost)
Galvantula (Unnerve) / Ariados (Sniper) / Spidops (Insomnia)
First monotype team because come on....dude's 100% a bug type trainer. Couldn't think of the final 3 of his full team so I went with spider-themed pokemon LOL
Bonsly (Rattled) / Togetic (Super Luck) / Galarian Yamask (Wander Spirit)
Only 3 mons, tbh I don't see him having a full team! Let alone a fully evolved one lol. Bonsly was from a suggestion and the other two were again just vibes.
Sawsbuck (Serene Grace) / Torterra (Overgrow)
Gible (Rough Skin) / Octillery (Sniper)
Sawsbuck and Torterra are prob obvious, I feel like Auri would be a Gible stan, and hey a water pokemon is always handy in case of fires *quickly exits the stage*
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