#Baby Kaïs
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Shoot ! Goal to the future is back
Avec la coupe du monde de football 2022 et maintenant la victoire du Japon sur la Mannschaft lors du premier match de la phase de poule ce 23 novembre, Blue Lock est largement sur le devant de la scène. A ce titre, le maillot "origami" bleu est issu de la couverture de Blue Lock. Un joli clin d'œil. Autant dire qu'au coup de sifflet final c'était l'emballement sur les réseaux sociaux.
Plus discret, mais pas moins inintéressant est l'anime Shoot! Goal to the future qui est actuellement diffusé sur la plateforme Crunchyroll.
Synopsis officiel (source Crunchyroll) : "Atsushi Kamiya est l’ancien capitaine du lycée de Kakegawa, mais il est surtout connu à travers le monde comme le capitaine d'une grande équipe italienne de football. Hideto Tsuji est quant à lui un simple élève de ce lycée et il ne semble pas prêter attention à son équipe de foot aujourd’hui affaiblie. De leur rencontre va naître une nouvelle légende…"
Pour les plus âgé, il s'agit bien d'un reboot de Shoot! De Tsukasa Ôshima qui était paru dans le Shônen Magazine durant les années 1990. Pour l'anecdote, l'auteur a également un autre manga sur le thème du ballon rond : Attack (seinen).
L'anime fut diffusé entre 1993 et 1994
L'histoire a donc lieu 25 ans après la première série car Hideto Tsuji rêve d'intégrer le club de son idole, Atsushi. Un peu à la manière de Cobra Kaï, on garde les mêmes et on fait une suite en intégrant la génération suivante.
Studio : EMT2
Réalisation : Noriyuki Nakamura (Baby Steps)
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magicbabymama · 6 years
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Sun is back ♡
Finally ! Yes, finally ! The warm weather finally arrived and I can tell you we’ve been enjoying it. I think I can only handle winter and cold weather for a short time, it can be so depressing sometimes.
With the sun’s arrival, we decided to refresh some rooms decoration and we even made a big cleanup in the garden. We’re lucky to have found a house with a large garden and a pool, two years ago. Except it’s quite restrictive, especially when it comes to maintenance and I can tell you that I’m definitely not a great gardener, hahaha ! We actually hired an outdoor maintenance company to do it for us and I'm really happy with the job they accomplished, because my garden and pool are finally ready for summer. Plus, my little ones can finally play outside without me being scared that they will fall into the nettles. They love it, which is fun because now little Kaïs follows his brother and sisters in the trouble. We finally took out all the tricycles from the garage and eat strawberry pies outside !
How wonderful is it ?
Next week, we will welcome Jackson’s parents at home for two weeks and I can tell you we’re all excited. They moved last month and unfortunately it’s more than two hours away. We haven’t seen them since they moved, so the kids are really happy to have nana and papa around for two whole weeks. I'm really excited too but it’s because I know that I will not have to worry anymore about my mom duties. Hahaha ! Just kidding ! But I know they will want to enjoy their grandchildren and I’m certainly not against it.
Also, they’re staying for two weeks because Jackson and I we will make a quick trip to Aspen, in Colorado. Since my Valentine’s day surprise trip got cancelled, we decided to book for four days a Fasching Haus apartment, just the two of us, without any little ones around needing attention and I know it will be good for us. Parenting isn’t difficult, but it takes time and sometimes it’s necessary to take time for yourself. So I really plan to sleep in, breakfasts in bed, the hot tub, the heated pool, shopping and I’m sure my amazing husband, will find the way to surprise me again.
The posts on the blog are not very frequent, but I am much more active on my different social network pages. If you want to, you can follow me just here :
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Until next time, with love...
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magicbabymama · 7 years
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My present for them ♡
On monday I had the chance to spend the day alone with two of my favorite boys. Lohan’s preschool called early in the morning to ask if we could keep him at home because his teacher was absent for the day and my mother could not babysit him and Kaïs because she had an important appointment. I decided to cancel all my appointments of the day to stay with them and it felt so good so spend my time playing with my boys but also alone with Lohan while his baby brother was taking a nap !
Even if I always try to give them as much attention as they need, to each of them, this made me realize that I don’t spend enough time alone with each of my children... Especially with Lohan, my oldest, my first born. My adorable little man will be three years old in a few weeks and I suddenly realized how fast he grew up... how fast our family grew up. Not long time ago he was the little person that changed my whole world, he changed our whole lives. He taught me what wild, unlimited, uncontrollable and unconditional love feels like because he turned me into a mom... into his « mommy » ! He’s no longer a only child because two little sisters and a baby brother have joined our family but these feelings haven’t changed. My heart just swelled with love for these four little persons that I love more than anything in this whole world.
For them, I wrote my first children's book, their book since it tells their own adventures. Totally inspired by our bed time stories.  A moment that is close to my heart and they love it, they never or almost never go to bed without their bed story ! This book has been an incredible adventure that started this summer and tells the adventures of two little boys Lohan and Kaïs but also two little princesses Aëlys and Iris.
The timing was tight and the workload was huge but we finally set the release date to be : November 25, 2017, on Lohan’s birthday day. It will be available online but also in bookstores. I hope this book will also be part of your little ones bookcases. ♡
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On another note that I would like to add to this post: My littlest bear turned 10 months old yesterday, on November 7th. He amaze us every single day, especially now that he can stand by himself, holding our hands or hunging on the furniture. It's totally crazy, because he's the youngest of the house and I know that soon enough he will be taking his first steps and runing around with his siblings. Just like his brother and sisters, my little baby is growing up. What comforts me right now is to still have those precious moments when he nurses, he suddenly becomes my small little baby again and I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything in the world. ♡
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magicbabymama · 7 years
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Sweet news ♡
It's been a few months since the last time I posted on my blog but our daily life with three toddlers and a baby is quite hectic. Since my last post, some things happened and I'm here to tell you all of this !
First of all, in early september, Jackson and I came back to work and of course, the little ones went back to daycare. Lohan started preschool, it feels so weird but my sweet little boy is turning 3 next month !  Can you believe it ? His adaption time went very well, I think that the fact that his daycare little friends are in the class kind of made it easier. His teacher is really nice and he loves going to school almost every morning, of course just like any children he has his own moments some days and refuses to go to school in the morning but it never lasts and he’s always happy to go. My little guy doesn’t have time to be bored since they do a lot of different activities everyday but also visit outdoor places sometimes. They recently went to the farm and Lohan love animals ! At almost three years old, he can count up to ten and can write his name too. Our little boy is growing up too fast ♡
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My two little dolls or should I say « storms » ? Haha, no, just joking even if they spend their time arguing or fighting ! Their daddy call them drama queens...  They are doing really well and are huge. It's crazy how they have grown in these last two months... Both of them are now potty trained night and day and they love to do everything on their own (that’s mostly Aëlys because Iris has her « baby » days sometimes), from washing themselves to eat by themselves. It’s so sweet but it kind of breaks my little heart who wants to keep them little forever. I guess it's not easy to let your babies grow up, especially as time seems to fly...
Thankfully I have my little baby, who is not so little anymore but they all will forever be my babies. He will be 10 months old in a few days, which is totally crazy. In less than 3 months he will be 1 and I can’t realize it. He's doing well too even if his little teeth are bothering him and I think that's what has been disturbing his sleep lately. He doesn’t even complain but somedays he wakes up really early when he’s used to sleep until 8am.
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After christmas holidays we planned to make him start daycare. He will go to the same one as his sisters actually go. It will be easier for us since I will start working full time. Until holidays, we will do as we are actually doing, aka, my mom babysits him when I have apointments or if I work for long periods, otherwise he stays with me.  A new step for all of us, but I hope that everything goes well ♡ 
Finally, to end this post, Halloween is coming soon. Halloween wasn’t part of our traditions but we decided to celebrate it this year because Lohan and the girls just started  to understand things and I’m sure they will have fun. We took the kids to pick some pumpkins last weekend at the Pumpkin Patch to decorate our house and garden. I planned with some mamas at the kids school and we agreed about getting them dressed up in costumes and going trick-or-treatingon Halloween day.
For some reason, I think we'll all have fun ! See you soon...
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magicbabymama · 7 years
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Mama’s Birthday Day ♡
First of all, thank you so much to all my family, friends and every single person that took a few minutes of their day to wish me a happy birthday. Yes, yes, yes ! Yesterday I turned 26 and our baby Kaïs celebrated his 4th month of life too ! ♡
So we celebrated our day around a BBQ with our friends in late afternoon, and I definitely had a wonderful day with everyone. It wasn’t really planned, because Jackson and I planned to go for a getaway during a few days for birthday but I have a couple of important professional appointments this week, so we had to cancel it… for now. Yes, I started working again a few weeks ago as an Interior Designer and I’m really loving it even if I definitely hate to leave my babies all day ugh #MamaStruggles
I was spoiled all day by my loves and it started early in the morning. Jackson prepared and brought me breakfast in bed even if it quickly turned into a family breakfast when the little ones woke up. Nothing better than to start the day with cuddles and kisses from my little munchkins ! ♡ 
We went to the restaurant for lunch with our parents, the kids, Jackson’s brother, his girlfriend, as we do every year. We had a great time with all of them and even if they spent their time teasing me and joking because last year on my birthday day we announced to our family that I was pregnant again. Of course, there is no baby on the way, just to make it clear. We headed to home around 3pm because it was naptime for the little ones and we still had so many things to prepare before our friends come.
My mom baked all the desserts, because she’s the best at it anyway and of course everything was delicious. We also prepared appetizers, salads and cooked potatoes to be eaten with the meat and of course, wine and beer… I feel you coming, yes I’m breastfeeding and no I haven’t had any alcohol, only water and juice hehe ! Our friends and family stayed until late at night and we had so much fun and the kids were so happy to see their little friends. Baby Kaïs was pampered all the time and he wasn’t even bothered. He is such a nice baby… so we were not even surprised, even if he quickly turned into a clingy little boo when it was time to eat and sleep. Lohan, Aëlys and Iris played until late with Thomas, Florance, Grey and all their little squad. The twins fell asleep really quickly, as usual, but Lohan was way too excited and didn’t fell asleep until around 11:30pm ! This is what we get after letting them eat too much sugar in a day.. Hahaha !
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Today none of us went to work, we had some rest at home after the busy day we had yesterday. Just enjoying some time together with our little babies before going back to work tomorrow ! I want to say thank you to my lovely friends (Mona, Liv, Kelly, Ophelia…) and family for coming yesterday and for the lovely day I had, also thank you so much for the presents, I’m going to repeat myself but you didn’t had to - rolleyes -. I love you’ll so much ♡
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magicbabymama · 7 years
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Happy Easter ♡
First of all, I wish you all a very happy Easter to you and your families filled with love, peace, and much happiness ♡
We’ve been back home from France for a week already, and we definitely enjoyed this little family getaway and our whole family loved it so much ! The highlight of our trip was definitely Disneyland and the kids went totally crazy, mostly Lohan, when they met Mickey and his little friends. Surprisingly, he knew them all and wasn’t even scared when they approached us, they cuddled him and he was just so so happy. The girls were a little frightened and shy, they’re still pretty young by all the giant characters but we still managed to get a few pictures of them ! We plan to return in a few years when the kids are older enough to remember, especially our baby Kaïs that spent a good part of the days napping in our arms or in the stroller !
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Talking about my littlest man, he turned 3 months old a few days ago. Who believes it ?! Because I don’t ! He still has the same rhythm as a newborn, he loves to sleep and he looooves to be on the boob. It makes me nervously laugh when I read on those websites that my 3 months old baby should start waking up less at night and eating less frequently during the day… I’m just like « It’s all lies », because night time, if we can call it night time, are almost nonexistent here and my nipples cry every time he wakes up to eat so… Yeah that’s why I’m starting to believe when everyone says each baby is different, because yes, yes, yes, they definitely are !
Well okay, that was the worst side of being parents of a newborn, because otherwise he’s just such a smiling and happy baby when he’s awake and honestly he’s just so so adorable. It’s such a blessing to have this little person in our lives, yes, the first months are usually complicated for everyone, but otherwise it’s just so much love. It melts my heart to see his brother and sisters trying to take care of him, trying to hug and kiss him when he cries because they think he’s sad. It melts my heart and I’m just so happy to be their mom ♡
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Today it’s his first Easter. My mother planned an Easter lunch with the whole family aka my parents, Jackson’s parents, his brother, my grandparents, his grandmother. A lot of people ! It was so good to see everyone again. The kids went to egg hunting, it was the first time for Aëlys and Iris since last year they were too young to do it. We all had so much fun. We came back home with our bellies full and our arms filled with chocolate eggs but above all our heart filled with love after this day spent with our close family. ♡
I hope you all had a sweet Easter day with your families. I hope you enjoyed my new post and our recent pictures. I know some of them are already a few weeks old but since I’m not as active as I was before it’s really hard to select a couple of them to post!
Well, I’m doing my best but if you want to follow our family updates in real time, I invite you to follow me on my different social network pages :
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magicbabymama · 7 years
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Paris, here we go… ♡
Hey everyone. It’s been a few weeks already but I finally managed to get some time to get a new post ready. Things are doing better, so I believe I’ll be more active on my blog ! Everything goes smoothly at home, we’re so ready for the last week of daycare and work (for daddy). Next week we all have a week off, it’s easter holidays and we are all so excited about it ! Indeed, we will be traveling to Paris next weekend ! How exciting it is ? More specifically to Disneyland, we will stay on there the first two days and then we will be visiting the capital the remaining days of our stay !
It’s not the first trip that we do with Lohan and the girls (we went to Greece last summer), but for our little Bear it is ! I’m kind of scared, to be honest, I was so excited but today it sounds just… It’s the first time we will be traveling with a newborn, away from home, and especially away from the routine we’ve had with him in the last three months. I’m not going to lie, because these last months have been totally crazy (I know I repeat myself in every post but it’s the truth, having a baby is amazing, but it changes your life as well) and we only found our balance with three toddlers under three and a newborn a couple of weeks ago. Our days are punctuated by the same routine, they are pretty similar and it helps a lot everyday, but honestly, today, I realized that just the fact of getting out of my « nest » freaks me out ! Kaïs isn’t even a difficult baby at all, it’s just me… I guess !
I started writing my « packing lists » last night, and we bought all we needed for the trip today. Clothes, diapers, food and milk for the kids, products for bath and diaper change… Well, everything ! I’m trying to stay organized as much as I can. It’s probably the reason for my anxiety, because packing for a newborn isn’t the same thing as packing for a toddler, like at all ! They need so many things, so many clothes… I’ve tried to estimate the number of diapers that he will need for a week and it’s just crazy… The three small packs of diapers that we bought today already takes half of the place in a suitcase ! As his father says, he’s the smallest here but manages to take up more space than you, me, his brother and sisters together. It’s definitely crazy !
Talking about my sweet cheeks, he’s doing so well and is growing so fast. I can’t even believe he will be 3 months old in a couple of weeks. Now, he spends his days smiling to everyone and it’s the most adorable thing in the world. He loves to eat ! Yeah ! This child would spend hours nursing if he could but he also loves to sleep. Sometimes he’s sleeping so well that he « forgets » to wake up to nurse, at some point that my breasts flow by themselves… For some reason it mostly happens in the morning because he still wakes up a few times during the night.
Lohan and the girls are doing well too, growing too fast and getting smarter every day. I’ve done some pictures with Aëlys and Iris last week. They’re 18 months old, that’s it, next step will be when they will turn two… Time flies ! 
They definitely love to play outside and now with the nice weather that we’re having, it’s easier to take them to the park and they have fun. They don’t really realize where we’re going next week, maybe Lohan understand more than the twins but it’s really hard to explain how close it is… I’m sure they will love it, Lohan is totally obsessed with Mickey Mouse anyway, so it can’t be otherwise.
I’ll try to post something before our trip if I have some time to get a new post ready. See you soon ♡
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magicbabymama · 7 years
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Working Mama ♡
Here we go, February is gone and March arrived ! Spring is almost there, and hopefully the good weather too. I still can’t believe our little baby boy will be two months old in a few days. Time flies… Honestly, I just want to make it stop because he’s growing so fast. My love ♡
Here, everyone is doing really well, even if… Lohan and I went through a cold last week. It wasn’t serious at all, but it was just really exhausting because Lohan would struggle to sleep in his own bed and would end up spending the night with us. My little munchkin is really restless while he sleeps, so he just spends a good part of the night kicking us. Well it wasn’t a very fun moment for anyone, but he is feeling much better now and everything is back to the normal now. He’s such a little adventurer and recently won a bruise on his forehead. He fell from his bed a few days ago… and I swear, I almost had a heart attack when I heard him screaming…  He’s so stubborn, never listening ! Wondering how my little heart will handle it… ♡
Also, daddy had to travel for work for the first time since the birth, earlier last month. It was the very first time I stayed alone with our little ones and honestly… It was just insane… but I did it ! I was so relieved when Jackson got back home though, haha ! A big thank you to my mother and Jackson’s mother that helped a lot with the kids and the house during this whole week. 
When he got back from his trip, we celebrated our Valentine’s Day a bit later than usual, since he wasn’t around on February 14th, and he spoiled me. I told him I didn’t wanted anything, but still surprised me with beautiful roses and a bracelet set with diamonds. He’s so… ugh… Perfect ? It’s such a blessing to have this man in my life… Of course, we had such a good time together and honestly it felt so good to have some time alone with him without the kids around… This is definitely something that we will try to do often ! 
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Aëlys and Iris turned 18 months old last month ! How crazy it is ?! As I mentioned in my last post, they started sleeping in their new beds and it went very well. Surprisingly, their sleep pattern got back to the normal and they love when it’s bed time now. Exactly like their big brother, they’re so proud of themselves. Next step will be potty training, but we will just wait for summer as we did for Lohan. They’re growing so fast, my little princesses… ♡
On another note, I start working again soon ! I promised to explain what were my new professional projects so here we go… On my last month of pregnancy with Kaïs, I got contacted by someone from a small decoration company. She visited my blog and really enjoyed my work in terms of decoration and contacted me. I was just really shocked, because it’s not really exceptional. We end up meeting and she offered a job in her company… I really enjoy decoration, I literally spend my free time shopping or looking on Pinterest for new ideas, and also helping my friends with their little ones nurseries, but honestly I never though about making it my job… Mostly now, with a new baby and breastfeeding going on, I don’t want to have to leave him now. I promised to think about it and it took me some time to finally take the decision to accept her offer. I’ll only start in a few weeks but I’m so excited about it. I am fully aware that it requires a certain organization and routine but I’m sure we can do it. It’s really important to me to be someone else than just a mother and a wife and I’m really happy that my man supports me in my decision. It’s actually a really small company founded by two young ladies and I’m very honored that they actually enjoy my work but also really happy that my blog contributed to it. I can’t wait to talk to you’ll more about it.
I hope you’ll enjoyed my new post and our recent pictures. I know I’m not as active as I was before, but it’s kind of an impossible mission to have some free time for myself now… It will eventually get better. Hope you all have a sweet day and thank you for reading me ♡
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magicbabymama · 7 years
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Kaïs, Outfit of the Day ♡
It’s been a long long time since I haven’t posted « Outfit of the day » posts right ? I decided to start doing it again, because it’s something I really enjoy reading in mums blogs. I actually ordered a few little things for baby and I’m just going to talk about them just below...
One of my recent purchases : his onesie ! Well I actually ordered some little clothes for Kaïs on an online little store called OliveandBear. I was kind of surprised when I got the package... Honestly I rarely order in those little stores because I’m really scared of the quality and let’s be honest... It’s also quite expensive and it’s only baby clothes. They actually wear this once or twice and soon they will be big for them. As I said I was actually surprised because they are made of cotton and they are quite warm and comfortable. Sometimes those cute onesies, plus warm pants and a little cardigan, it does some cute outfits !
Also, I ordered a few weeks ago those baby milestones cards, I’m sure you actually saw them around on Instagram. Of course, you can choose the theme you want, if it’s a girl, a boy, twins, pink, blue, neutral... You have so many choices, but I just decided to get the monochrome pack ! The pack has 62 cards with fun designs that go from birth and includes a lot of milestones like his first tooth, first bath, first christmas, first word, first steps but also monthly updates... I’m just so excited to use them to get nice pictures of my little Bear !
« Free Hugs Here » onesie by OliveandBear | Footie bottoms by Home Grown | Bear hat by Sketchboopixels
♡ Surprise ! If you use the code « MAGICMAMA20 » you can get a 20% discount if you order one of those onesies. Make your order here ♡
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magicbabymama · 7 years
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Life takes over  ♡
It’s been a while since I posted anything here, and yesterday someone said to me “you have to post more”. So today, I found some time to sit and give you all some news while my little monsters are napping.
Life is just totally crazy and not wanting to lie, I’m exhausted. Having a baby is wonderful, yes, but it’s also exhausting especially when you have 3 toddlers running around at 7am… and you’re there, awake since 5.30am because you had to feed the baby. Believe me, at such times you would like to return them from where they came from… Unfortunately after sale services don’t exist ! Hahaha ! Just kidding, I wouldn’t change them for the world ♡
Our little baby is doing really well and he turned a month old on tueday. It’s totally crazy because I just feel this month has gone so fast. He is such a quiet baby and basically only cries to eat or when something makes him feel uncomfortable. Last week he started being colicky. He was inconsolable and it was so frustrating for us to not to be able to help him. Thankfully we found some ways to relieve my poor little boo. Rubbing his belly, warm baths and breastfeeding really works here. 
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I’ve been sick lately… Runny nose, muscle aches, sore throat… It was a mess, I’m glad I feel so much better now. My three munchkins are doing really well too. They still love to go to daycare, and soon we’re thinking to apply 5 days a week.
Lohan is in the famous « terrible two » period. He can turn from an angel to a little demon in two seconds if he doesn’t get what he wants and immediately. Everyone tells me that this is just a period and that it is totally normal. It started a few months ago but got worse a few weeks after Kaïs birth. Seriously, how much time does it take ? #DesperateMom ♡
My little dolls… They’re both doing well too. Totally addicted to their new baby brother, they look like two little mamas ! It’s so adorable. If he’s crying, they run to check what’s wrong with him and try to give him his pacifier back. It’s so cute, they melt my heart everyday. We got them two babies dolls and they are so funny cuddling them and trying to redo everything we do with Kaïs. Their grandmother got them two small baby wraps to put their dolls in and it’s so sweet when they walk around with their dolls in. Smart girls ! ♡
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We started the baby nursery last week, even if he’s sleeping in our room for the moment. He will be sharing the room with his sisters for a little while because we have some moisture issues on the walls of their room, we need to get it fixed as soon as possible so we can get their room ready again…
As you can see they got their « big girls » beds, we have had some sleep issues with both of them for a few weeks now and my mother told me that it could be due to their cribs. I’m not 100% sure it will fix anything, and since they’re almost 18 months, we decided to get normal beds for them. They will sleep in it for the first time tonight… Hope everything will go well and that everything goes back to normal ! To be continued… Hahaha !
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*cough* uhhhh.... Kaï and I were actually discussing this earlier.... it's uhhhhhhhhhh...... I'll tell you what it is.
1. Freelancer
2. Damien
3. Asher
4. Sweetheart
5. Somewhat Avior
6. Somewhat Gavin
Oh sweet baby. I need you to focus on yourself first like at any point in your life. To put aside responsibility of the world for a moment to live your life as who you’ve always wanted to be there’s no shame in being childish and the idea that you aren’t doing enough is bullshit cause you already work so hard
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magicbabymama · 6 years
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Mommy review : Lillydoo Diapers
A couple of months ago, I was contacted by a diapers brand to test their new eco-friendly but also skin-friendly diapers. As a blogger I often get products to test, but I only talk to you about those that really worth it. When I got Lillydoo diapers trial box in my mailbox some day, I was absolutely not convinced but I still gave it a shot.
Being a mom of four little ones really close in age, we decided to use disposable diapers for our daily life comfort. Not gonna lie, I already spend so many hours doing laundry, so I’ll let you imagine if we would be using washable diapers… I’m pretty sure it would be a nightmare ! I am aware that it is best for our little ones because there are no harmful components, as we can find in disposable diapers, but sometimes we don’t really have the choice and this is our situation !
As for a lot of things lately and especially when it comes to food I try to pay attention to food compositions to give my family the healthiest diet possible. Likewise for the products I use on my children’s skin and lately my little one’s diapers. That’s why I decided to test Lillydoo diapers, since I decided to start looking to diapers with a clean composition for Kaïs.
What is Lillydoo ? It’s a German diapers brand that makes diapers, wipes and disposable changing mats without harmful components as endocrine disruptor, paraben… for the skin. In fact, their products are free of perfumes and lotions.Their diapers have pretty designs you can get them delivered to your house because there is a subscription system.
How does it work ? First, if you chose a subscription it will cost around $50/delivery and if you decide to get only individuals it costs $12/diapers pack. You pick the size corresponding to your baby’s weight (there’s 6 different sizes), then you chose one or three different designs (different designs are only available from size 3). Finally, set the first delivery date and shipping interval depending on how many times a day you change your little one’s diaper, because you’ll need more diapers with a newborn than with a toddler. You can also get a few packs of baby wipes at each delivery if you want to. If you’re not really sure and if you want to test them first, there’s the trial box pack that contains 10 diapers and a wipes pack, you only have to pay the shipping cost !
What do I think about the Lillydoo diapers ? I’m really happy to have been able to get “clean” diapers for my little man’s butt, plus, not going to lie their little designs are really sweetest and my favorite is definitely the little blowballs. Honestly, I wasn’t really convinced when I got the trial box pack. I wondered if the absorption would be enough and of course, if they would be as comfortable as the Huggies were for Kaïs…
We rarely have had overflows, it only happened once since we started using them and it was during the night. The subscription is really really useful, because, you don’t have to stress about your diapers stock. You don’t have to wake up and run with your baby to the closest supermarket because you’re running out of diapers ! Also, the website swap diapers packs for free if the diapers size get too small for your baby, which is really interesting since babies grow up so so fast !
Mommy Rating : ★★★★☆
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magicbabymama · 6 years
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Happiness ♡
Did you ever felt as if everything finally goes as you planned ? After these turbulent weeks, everything goes back as it was before, if not, better. If before I would enjoy the time we spent together, now I enjoy it even more because I’m lucky to have five amazing persons in my life . ♡
I know that some of you were worried about my last post, I got a few messages about it, and I’m really sorry but that summed up the situation in it’s current state. It was just very difficult for me to talk about it but I decided to look for some help, to help me move forward and that's what I'm doing today. We’re doing really well, we’re happy,  and all safety measures have been taken to protect our family. Jackson is finally back home too, because due to the situation, our marriage went through a rough period. This inevitably made us stronger together and I’m definitely lucky to have this amazing man by my side every day of my life...
We couldn’t celebrate Valentine's Day together since he was traveling for work but, even miles away from home, he made sure I was spoiled. I just love this man so much. Obviously, we caught up once he got back home. ♡
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Our little ones are doing amazingly well. It's crazy how fast they grow up, even my smallest angel. He’s turning 14 months in a couple of days, and took his first steps a few days ago, no one can’t stop him anymore.  He’s also definitely done with the boob since a couple of weeks already. It’s with a twinge of regret that I saw it coming since I was breastfeeding him since his birth and it was such special and comforting moments between me and my baby... but he’s growing and wants to test and do new things. I breastfed Kaïs for 13 months which was way more than I breastfed Lohan and the twins. For those who are curious about how it happened, I just let him decide, I just respected my baby needs which is the most important thing to do to be honest. First of all he started by reducing feedings, all by himself, or he would just simply refuse the boob. At one point, we just kept the morning and night feeding since he would refuse the other ones during the day, but they were more to comfort him to sleep than to actually feed him. It lasted a couple of weeks then he just decided his pacifier and comforting blanket were enough. That's how he’s been falling asleep for a few weeks, he can’t live without them, but if it makes him happy then I am too. He loves when I make him taste new food, he’s always curious about everything, so when we’re eating something we let him try !
We managed to get a place at daycare for Kaïs from September, since the girls are going to preschool. Of course we decided to keep the same daycare as Lohan and the girls went, I trust them because they have watched after my children and I never ever had any problems. For now, my mother stays with him while we’re working during the day. Some days, I can stay home with him because I’m able to work from home, but some days when I have appointments with customers or to track progress of the building sites, I can’t, so it was really necessary to find a solution.
Lohan and the girls are doing well, sometimes it’s really complicated to have four kids really close in age together in the same room. Here it’s usually around 7pm, after bath time, they are really excited and sometimes it's just unbearable. You can tell them anything you want to, they just don’t care, they keep jumping on the couch, or just screaming, well testing our limits as much as they can I think... Jackson usually takes over when it happens and it helps a lot, otherwise they would just drive me insane.
The girls are finally potty trained day AND night, which is a relief because we’ve been trying it for a few months already. Except, miss Iris is going throught that phase where she refuses to walk by herself outside. Yes yes ! She will just roll on the floor and tell you “no, I’m tired, carry me”... You can be angry, tell her she has to walk, explain to her but she will just not hear and cry, scream and force you to carry her. If any moms are having the same issues and found an actual solution to that, please, please, just shoot me a message. Apparently, it’s only with me since Jackson was so shocked when it happened last weekend, he was like “She’s never that bad when she’s with me”, glad to know babe, but...
Yeah ! As you can see our life isn’t perfect at all. Sorry, for this looooooong post, but it’s our last updates. I hope you and your families are all doing well, sweet kisses on your cheeks...
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magicbabymama · 6 years
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P R E G N A N C Y / M O M   T A G
I tried to find some questions about motherhood/pregnancy to know each other better.
1. At what age you get pregnant for the first time ?
I was 23, when I got pregnant with my first baby.
2. What were your two feelings when you come to know about your first pregnancy ?
Fear, because it was my first pregnancy, my first baby so I didn’t really knew anything about motherhood and surprised because it wasn’t really expected.
3. What was your feeling seeing your first newborn baby?
I was shocked and stunned, I think. I just had given birth to a
baby so I think it's more than understandable. I totally fell in love with him, of course. ♡
4. How many children do you have ? How old are them now ? I have four little ones. Lohan (3 and 1/2), the twins Aëlys & Iris (2 and 1/2) and my baby Kaïs who just turned one.
5. How does your boyfriend/husband react each time after knowing about pregnancy ?
Lohan’s pregnancy : He was surprised, because a baby wasn’t in our plans at the moment since we just moved together.
The twins pregnancy: He was shocked, it happened really fast after the birth of our first baby. When we found out they were two babies, i’ll let you imagine his face !
Kaïs pregnancy: Without any surprises, it wasn’t planned either ! So he didn’t take the new very well... I guess me either. He was really worried since we already had a toddler and twins, our appartment was really small but everything worked out.
6.  Who named your child/children ?
Both of us. I mean, picking a name to your children is something really important since they will carry it for the rest of their life but it’s also a pain in ass because the name you like, isn’t the one your husband likes. So when it came to pick our children’s names, both of us picked our favorite names and shared it with each other and our opinions.
7. What was the hardest thing while having a baby ? Taking care of a newborn who only cries to communicate ! If you’re a first time mom, it’s awful and stressfull, you don’t know what’s going on with your baby and you just don’t know what to do either.
8. Which child is mama’s baby ? All of them are, but mostly Kaïs because he’s still a baby.
9. Which child is daddy’s baby ?
Iris ! Definitely her, because she’s always around him cuddling, kissing and keeps saying she will marry her daddy and I can tell you he’s totally happy about it *rolleyes*
10. Did you marry the father of your children ? If yes, when ?
Yes I did ! On July 2016, almost two years ago.
11. Who among you and your boyfriend/husband dominates in deciding things for your children ?
Both of us. We totally agree with each other on the education we want for our children, so there’s no “domination” when it comes to decide things for them.
12. Tell three changes you felt between a married life and after becoming a mom ?
Three changes I felt about married life and becoming a mother ? I don’t know, there isn’t probably any changes except the ring on my finger and the fact that I have his last name. We lived already like a married couple, so. About becoming a mother, well... You can’t go out whenever you want without getting the diaper bag ready first.
13. What is the best thing about being a mother ? Loving them more than anything in the world. Don’t let it fool you, because being a mother is like a rollercoaster every single day haha.
14. Husband or children. Who is your first priority now ? All of them are my priority !
I tag any moms who want to do it ! Let’s go !
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magicbabymama · 6 years
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Happy birthday Lohan ♡
This post was supposed to be online before but here we go... Our wonderful little Lohan celebrated 3 years old, on last November 25th, 2017. I realize that I have absolutely no pictures of him from that day, except the pictures that I had the time to take before all his little friends arrived for the party !
I still can’t believe my sweet little boy is already three, time seems to fly, but when I look back at his pictures I realize how my first baby grew up this last year.
Talking about this last year, two events marked his third year of life...
First of all, he won a new baby brother, Kaïs, and once again he proved to us that he’s a wonderful big brother, certainly the best big brother in the world for his siblings. He looks so big and so mature when he tries to protect his little brother or when he learns something new to his little sisters, but at the same time, so small when he watches his favorite cartoons, on the couch, in his daddy's arms or when he jumps into my arms and tells me « I’m your baby ». He just doesn’t know, that he will always be my baby, always. ♡
Later in september, he started preschool. A big step for him, but I can tell you that he loves to go there every single day... He amaze us with all the new little things he learns and is proud to show to mommy and daddy. He even learned to write his own name. He even made a lot of new little friends, and we invited them all to his little birthday party.
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We all had such a nice day, family and friends. I didn’t really know which theme to pick for his birthday party, so I let him chose and without any hesitation he replied « Batman ! Batman, mama ! ». So, that’s what we did and he was so so happy ! Grandma baked his delicious Batman cake and I was helped by my one of my big friends when it comes to decoration, Pinterest. Everything was a delight for the little ones but also to the « big » persons, and as usual my mom did such a good job with the food, everything was just delicious. ♡
We invited Lohan’s little friends from preschool and a few friend’s children came too. My house was totally invaded by toddlers running everywhere and taking all our attention, that’s probably why I have no pictures of the party haha ! We all had such an amazing day ! Lohan got so many gifts, from friends and family, he was spoiled, but I can tell you that he loved the big ball pit we got for his birthday ! The four of them (yes yes even the baby, he loves sitting there for some reason haha) love to play on there !
That's how our big boy’s 3rd birthday party went ! In only two little days, we’re celebrating our baby bear 1st birthday, which I’m pretty sure is going to be amazing too. Hope you enjoy this post, thank you so much for following me... ♡
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