#Baby Towels Online in Ireland
cotton-planet · 2 months
Cotton Planet Your Destination for Wooden Toys Online in Ireland
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Cotton Planet offers an enchanting selection of wooden toys online in Ireland. Our eco-friendly and sustainably crafted toys ignite creativity and imagination in children. From classic building blocks to whimsical playsets, each piece is designed for durability and endless fun. Discover the joy of natural play with Cotton Planet. Explore the collection at https://cottonplanet.ie
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kimisbeautyshop · 1 year
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dreamteamspace · 4 years
MCYT subway au Part 3 because I’m a sucker for attention and the 2 ppl who made part 1 and 2 noticed me
Holiday Shift
- Everybody who works on the holiday gets double. Those that can’t work have to put their name on a list. Lowest entries and those that don’t enter need to work the shift. It’s Phil’s idea don’t ask
- George is the first to put his name there but Sapnap skribbles it out and makes sure everybody else gets their name in first. It’s his punishment for leaving Dream and him alone for rush hour when Karl was sick. Dream wasn’t all that mad but Sapnap Will Not let that shit slide
- Tommy gladly takes the oppertunity to not have to spend the entire day awkwardly hugging relatives and being told to keep their elbows off the table. Convinces Tubbo to join them, supposedly for the Money
- Dream: “So Karl did you put your name on the list yet?” Karl: “What list??”
- Shift staffing: George, Tubbo, Tommy and Karl
- George becomes the reluctant babysitter of what feels like three kids
- “Karl stop WASTING the bread we NEED THAT.”
- Tommy is told to go pull what they need for monday out of the freezer. Tubbo offers to come with him and holds his hand the entire time. They’re best friends your honor. Tommy promises Tubbo to make it up to him
- George does about 60% of the work on a four person shift. Swears to murder Sapnap on sight. Probably slaps a pastry in his face later
Promotion pt. 4: Taking Over
- Tommy begs Techno to join in support of Wilbur. Techno reluctantly agrees because he can’t really say no to Tommy and because he doesn’t really want to become manager anyway (too much paperwork and he’s fixating on the origins of vedgetables) 
- Tommy now adds #WilburForManager to his pogway stickers. Wilbur is also reluctantly Growing Soft in face of Tommy’s undying support
- Nobody knows why, but Quackity has the unspoken ability to make Schlatt give him sick leave or remove him from shift?? All Quackity has to do is point to his phone and give Schlatt a smug Look.
- Ppl are suspicious but really Quackity just has a video of Schlatt kissing a baby kitten in the face and talking to it in a high pitched soft voice
- Wilbur needs to visit extended family and leaves for 2 weeks. The day before he leaves is surprisingly light-hearted and Wilbur admits that Schlatt isn’t the worst manager imaginable. He lets them waste things sometimes and has yet to give anybody a cut for not showing up to a shift
- Dream can’t openly go against Schlatt, silently wishing he’d just put the milk in The Right Spot before his shift. But no. It never is. It’s always somewhere else. Always.
- Schlatt continues to place things in slightly different places than they belong and following his whim more than the rules. One time he didn’t order the dark chocolate cakes they sell because “Who likes those anyway”
- Phil is there more often to make sure Wilbur’s work is covered. The war continues to rage in stolen glares and misplaced ingredients.
- Bad and Skeppy are slowly genuinely growing concerned, watching the whole thing go down like a movie.
Promotion pt. 5: Adopted On Sight
- Schlatt tells Tubbo he’s doing great One Time because he literally saved Schlatt’s ass from being fired for the whole cakes thing by biking it to the nearest store that sells them and getting some
- Tubbo will now follow Schlatt around to ask him how he’s doing, if he did everything right, if he needs any help, how his morning went so far
- Schlatt does Not Know how to handle Tubbo and suddenly wishes for Wilbur to just Come Back and Take His Kid. Tubbo wishes him a good morning and good night every single day. How is he supposed to keep up his tough old man appearance like this
- Tommy is still on Wilbur’s side and purposefully makes Schlatt’s life just a little more difficult. Small pranks. Stickers on the cakes, wasting them. Writing #TommySupremacy on the sandwhich wraps with markers while nobody is looking. Taking 4 chairs to the back to stack them on top of eachother and stand on them to reach the ceiling. Being the teenager he is.
- Tubbo think it’s funny and that’s the main thing keeping him going really
- Schlatt confronts Tommy but with no results. He turns to Phil to ask him what to do and Phil is like, you don’t do anything. That’s just Tommy for you. Usually Wilbur keeps him occupied with the Dreamon hunting and now he has too much free time
- Quackity is using the blackmail more and more. Does he even work here anymore? When was the last time anybody saw him apart from looting the expired sodas? He’s the only one who can order avocados on a spanish site online that don’t cost their weight in gold
- But as it tends to be with good friends, Schlatt knows the amount of blackmail he has is enough to fill everybody’s need for drama here for the rest of the year. Also he can’t say no to Quackity
- Fundy recieves yet another apology card from Wilbur from Ireland, a whole postcard with a picture attached and a little doodle of a fox. He finally caves and forgives him, now refusing to do Schlatt’s work anymore.
- Dream is Popping Off. Nobody can stop him from working once he starts. He’s 2 months ahead on Literally Everything. Somebody help him
Promotion pt. 6: The Finale I promise
- Wilbur returns! Schlatt is THIS close to throwing in the towel
- Tubbo says he wants another sleepover, wanting to de-escalate the whole manager war. Tommy has to stay true to his promise in the freezer and they convince Wilbur together. Techno was on board before they even asked
- Unbeknowedst to them, the Dream Team + Karl wanted to stay in that night as well to sabotage Schlatt
- Both groups stare at eachother in confusion at first
-They combine their resources to figure out a way to sabotage Schlatt. Dream is growing increasingly quiet and unsure while Tommy stares at The Adults with dissapointment. Tubbo tries to get a word in about how Schlatt isn’t That Bad but they all yell over him. “The milk, Tubbo! Why can’t he put the milk back like a normal person!”
- Eventually Tommy pulls out his bravery and tells everyone to Shut Up
- Everyone stares at eachother
-Tommy: “How come you guys yelling over bullying somebody out of their work sounds less mature than when my literal nephews are screaming at eachother over 10 year old pokemon cards??“
- The adults stare at eachother even harder
- Dream shyly clears his throat. “From an outsider perspective, you know, uh, I should probably be fired for plotting against a fellow manager-“
- Wilbur finally finds his tongue. “Maybe this wasn’t the most... mature idea.”
- Everybody carefully agrees to apologize to schlatt and never speak of this again. Tommy has unknowingly gotten a lot more pranking rights
- They spend the rest of the night organizing the storage, hunting Dreamon, Dream telling them about that one time he ate a living frog, and taking turns playing some free racing game on Karl’s switch
- Lots of laughter, return to their shifts the next day
- They wait for Schlatt to come in to work and pull him to the back. Only Bad and Skeppy are already allowed inside while they keep the doors locked for anybody else
- Dream issues a formal apology to him and tells him everything, and Wilbur jockingly mentions they were really close to pouring food coloring into his rubber gloves as they try to laugh it off
- Schlatt stares at them
- “You know what? I quit. I don’t want to be the manager anymore. I feel like the dad of lord knows how many kids. Phil is some kind of angel. Wilbur please adopt Tubbo and Tommy again, as long as our store isn’t on fire I’m never going to complain about them ever again. Dream you might wanna phone Quackity.”
- After a good, short era of peace within the establishment, the Drama Bois are getting bored and latching onto new things
- The bets on whether Skeppy and Bad are a couple or not are getting ever higher, especially as they’ve started letting them behind the counter. They figured out pretty quickly that they’re officially not together, but that just makes the betting all the more exciting. Do they like eachother? Are they hiding it? Are they just really good friends? Are they THAT oblivious or just really good at covering it up??
- Bad especially becomes good friends with Dream, George and Sapnap, and yet they’re all just as split as everyone else on whether he likes Skeppy or not
- Bad pretends to be but is in fact not oblivious to this at all
- Dream especially will often tell them they’re being VERY close to eachother or how cute they are next to eachother, revelling in teasing his friend, especially as Bad will sometimes start to get flustered while Skeppy manages to somehow stay 100% cool
- One day when a middle aged white woman is extremely unhappy with her order she starts talking down on George about being uneducated, and too clumsy for being useful at all, and how they should fire him. George asks her if he should just get the manager and she gladly agrees, only for Dream to swoop out of a back room, a good head taller than her, and sternly tell her if she can’t treat employees like human beings then he will ban her from the establishment immedietly. The woman stutters, takes her order and leaves, cursing something as she goes.
- Bad and Skeppy were sitting at a table nearby quietly the entire time, and Bad has this a-little-too-wide smile on his face.
- Dream murmurs something about having to go, but the seeds are planted. The idea has bloomed. Bad is ready to get his teasing revenge.
- Just as they’re closing, George puts away the milk that Dream left on the counter, telling Dream that he’s putting it away. Bad: “Wow George, that’s so thoughtful of you!” George: “???”
- Dream, softly telling George he can go home earlier and he’ll take the rest of the shift so George can catch up on sleep: “It’s okay, just go. I’ve got this.”
- Bad, just as George left, slurping his milkshake innocently while Wilbur and Sapnap are in earshot: “Awww, Dream! That was SO nice of you!”
- Dream, knowing exactly what this is for: “I’m just... nice to my friends!“
- Bad: “Really?! How many times do you let Sapnap go home earlier?” Sapnap: “You let George go earlier AGAIN?” Wilbur, having waited his entire life for someone to finally notice this: “George is getting so much favored treatment, Dream. But you’re really just good friends, right?“
- If looks could kill they’d all be dead at that point. Especially Bad, who continues slurping his milkshake as the chaos unfolds and Dream knows there’s no escape
@labbyyyyy @karlljacobs
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nothingeverlost · 4 years
Donut (Penny for Your Thoughts verse, Rumbelle)
@halfwayinlight I thought I would have this up for Christmas.  Sorry it’s a tad late.
It’s a quarantine Christmas vacation
“I’ll see you after the new year.”  David gave her a hug before he left the office, catching the elevator with Graham and Emma.  They were all headed for his house, where Emma would pick up her son.
“Give Mary Margaret and Neal my love, and tell her that when she gets tired of you there’s always an empty room above our garage,” she teased.  Though it was a joke she would miss him.  They’d been sharing Archie’s apartment for months now, and though they both longed for their families it had been an interesting bonding experience, bringing them even closer.
Belle only lingered a few minutes extra in the office, leaving a few surprises in Ariel’s desk for her to find.  While the rest of the team was taking the month of December off, to spend time with their quarantined families, Ariel had volunteered to liaise with the team temporarily taking their place.  Belle was pretty certain the decision had been at least influenced by the agent in charge of the team, Eric del Mar.  The first time they’d met in the cafeteria Ariel had been so flustered she’d accidentally stolen a fork.  She still kept it in her desk, jokingly calling it her lucky dinglehopper.
With one last look around to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything - a month was a long time to be away from work - Belle headed for the elevator and punched the button to take her up to the lobby.  Her bags were in the back of the car; it was the first time since September she’d been home.  Not being there for Thanksgiving had been hard, but knowing she would get the whole month for Christmas had made up for it.
Archie’s car was in the carport, leaving her spot in the garage free.  Belle hoped he’d only moved out of her space recently; it was silly not to use it when she was gone, not that Archie would be driving much.  The sound of the garage door meant she couldn’t hope to surprise anyone, but it didn’t matter when the door opened and Claire raced out to greet her.
“Mommy.”  She was barely out of the car when her daughter jumped the last few feet, certain that she would be caught.  Belle scooped her up, hugging her tight.  She needed a million hours of cuddles to make up for missed time.  “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, baby.”  
“You can’t go in the kitchen ‘cause it’s a surprise, but papa said that if you’re hungry I should show you the cuter board in the living room.  Uncle Archie let me help with the crackers and the grapes but not with the cheese ‘cause the knife is sharp.”  When she put Claire down her daughter still stayed close.
“I think papa probably said it was a charcuterie board, but I like yours better.”  She had to guess that it was Archie’s influence more than Gabe’s, unless he had somehow discovered pinterest and been way more bored then he let on.  “Where is your papa sweetheart?”
“He had to take Donut outside so she could go potty.”
“I don’t think I understand.”  She tried to puzzle out what Claire might mean about taking a donut outside.  None of her toys, to Belle’s knowledge, were named donut.
“You will.”  Bay chuckled as he came out of the kitchen, a towel tucked into his pants.  He probably hadn’t grown at all in the past couple of months, she just wasn’t used to thinking of him as being that tall.  When he hugged her her head fit neatly under his chin.  “Welcome home.”
“I’m so glad to see you sweetheart.  Thank you for all the videos, they brighten my day.”  Bay had introduced the whole family to Tiktok, setting everyone up with private accounts.  The rest of the team now had accounts, and shared videos, but Bay and Henry were responsible for most of the sharing.  She was grateful for the multiple one minute videos she saw each day, and often rewatched, though Claire’s fascination with the fireplace had given her more than one moment of concern.
“Of course the damn dog would decide it needed to go out the moment you arrive home.”  The back door slammed, letting in a cold breeze, her husband, and a dog.  It was an odd looking thing that could only be classified as a mutt, with a reddish brown head that looked vaguely like a retriever and a body in gray and white that looked like it should belong to another dog entirely.
“Donut?” she guessed.  Her attention only lingered on the dog for a moment.  She was much more interested in the man crossing the room towards her.  Almost three month since she’d been able to touch Gabe was almost criminal in her opinion.  Someone should be arrested
“I can think of some names that would be more appropriate for the mutt but your daughter insisted.”  She couldn’t answer, not with Gabe’s lips on hers and his hands at her waist.  God she’d missed the taste of him.  And the feel.  And the smell.
“They’re kissing already,” she could hear Claire whisper loudly.  “Do they have to take a really big breath like when you some swimming under water?”
“Something like that,” she could hear Bay reply with a chuckle.
“Hugs are better,” her daughter declared.  Belle had to laugh at that, when the kiss ended.  
“I like hugs too, sweetheart.”  Gabe was wearing one of the sweaters they had picked up on their trip to Ireland last year, and the wool was soft against her skin.  She wouldn’t mind standing just where she was for a while.
“Especially when less clothing is involved,” Gabe whispered in her ear.  Bell elbowed him lightly in the ribs.  That wasn’t fair; it would be hours before they could have that kind of alone time.  
“So is anyone going to tell me about this new addition to the family?”  No one had mentioned a dog on any of their calls, which were at least once a day.
“She was sleeping in Claire’s playhouse a few weeks ago.  We made calls but no one seemed to be looking for her.  The vet gave her a clean bill of health and a little snip snip so it looks like we are pet owners now.”  Gabe groused, but couldn’t hide a smile when he looked down at his daughter gently petting the dog and whispering confidences in her ear.  “She certainly is more comfortable sleeping on Claire’s bed.”
“I thought we should call her Goldilocks since she was in someone else’s house.  Archie voted on Snow White for the same reason.  But the short one had the final say so she’s Donut.”  Bay shrugged.  “I’m going to go check on things.”
“Things?” Belle asked as he headed for the kitchen, where she wasn’t allowed to go according to Claire.  She assumed that he was helping with dinner; Archie had mentioned something about cooking lessons with Bay which was good, since Archie knew more about cooking than Gabe by quite a bit.
“Dinner, obviously, but I promised not to spoil the surprise by sharing the menu.”  He tugged her towards the sofas, where the ‘cuter’ board was laid out on the coffee table along with an open bottle of Bordeaux.  Belle sat on the sofa next to him but turned so her legs were across his lap.
“So you decided that a six year old, a college sophomore, and a full time roommate with his six computers wasn’t interesting enough, you added a dog to the mix?”  She and Gabe were both relieved that Bay’s college was still doing online classes, and Archie being around made sense both for Archie not being alone and for help around the house, but it was a full house especially when both kids were home schooling, Archie was working from home and Gabe was working on a new book.  
“It was snowing.”  Gabe was full of bluster, but Belle knew that he’d been thinking about getting a dog anyway.  In fact she was a little surprised it had taken so long, except that they had talked about waiting until Claire was old enough to have some of the responsibility.  Gabe loved on every dog they saw at a crime scene.  “She’s gentle with Claire.”
“You’re a marshmallow, Gabe Gold.”  She kissed him on the cheek.  “I am confused by the name, though.”
“It’s your fault, actually.  You know how she loves stories about when you were pregnant, and how much you loved eclairs.”
“I always love eclairs, I just loved them a little more then.”  And Gabe, bless him, had indulged her with early morning drives to the bakery, late night drives to the grocery store, and at least a few times special flavors overnighted from out of state bakeries.
“Most people would call it an obsession, sweetheart.”  There were no eclairs on the charcuterie board, of course, but he did hand her a cracker topped with brie and raspberry habanero jelly.  “You know how she likes to say that she is mommy’s favorite eclair.”
“She is my favorite.”  It had been a joke at first, calling her baby a little eclair.  She and Gabe had spent months debating baby names; sadly between the two of them there were many names that reminded them of cases they had worked and people they did not want sharing a name with their baby.  It was a nurse who had misheard eclair and thought she was saying Claire, and the name had worked.  She and Gabe both loved it.
“Claire reasoned that her favorite treat from the bakery is jelly donuts.  Like mother, like daughter.”
“You can’t fault her logic.”  Belle laughed, even more amused now that she understood the name.  “I’ve heard worse names for a dog.”
“Bay says dinner in five.”  Claire appeared a moment later, dog at her side.  Belle scooped her up, holding her on her lap.  It didn’t get much better than holding her little girl while cuddling with her husband.  
“Good, because I’m very hungry.”
“I’m very hungry too, and Uncle Archie made…”  Belle quickly put a finger to her daughter’s lips.
“Let’s let Bay and Archie have their secret for a little longer.  They wanted dinner to be a surprise, remember?”  
“I forgotted.  I won’t say anything, okay?  Papa says secrets are good sometimes like when Bay says something is a secret or when there’s presents under the tree.  But sometimes secrets make you feel bad in your tummy and then you have to tell mommy or papa.”  Claire nodded her head wisely, explaining back what had been explained to her.
“Papa’s right, sweetheart.  You should always tell mommy of papa if someone wants you to keep a bad secret.”  She hated thinking about anyone like that near her daughter, but she and Gabe knew too much about the kind of people that manipulated children.  They’d talked a lot about how to keep their kids safe.  “But this is a very good secret. Bay and Archie are making yummy food.  And we know it must be yummy because they’re not letting your papa in the kitchen at all.”
“Hey, I can cook,” Gabe protested, though not with much vigor.
“You cook more than you did when I first met you, though that’s not saying a lot considering I think you spent at least five years using nothing more than the microwave and coffee pot.”  While no one would call him a gourmet he could pull together a meal.  Spaghetti was still his most often made dinner.  Grilled cheese and tomato soup were a close second.
“That might be true but you could still spend tonight on the sofa if you don’t watch yourself.”
“That anxious to spend the night alone again?”  She raised an eyebrow, teasing him back.
“Never again, if I had my way.”  They kissed again, over their daughter’s head, only stopping when Archie coughed politely.
“Dinner’s ready.”  Claire wiggled down first. Belle was slower, but when she stood she gave Archie a hug and a kiss on the cheek.  
“We have so much to catch up on, Arch.  We’re going to eat so much popcorn.”  
“My tivo is full of things to marathon.”  Their online marathon dates hadn’t been the same, and David had no appreciation for corny sci fi.  “It’s been killing me not to watch Star Trek Lower Decks until you got here.”  
“I can’t wait.”  She followed Archie to the dining room, Claire holding her hand and Gabe right behind her.  Bay was waiting next to the table which had been laid out in all the best china.  In the center of the table was a platter of turkey meat.  There was cranberry sauce and corn souffle and mashed potatoes, gravy and rolls, candied yams and green beans.  It was a full Thanksgiving feast.  “Oh!”
“We didn’t want you to miss Thanksgiving.  Facetime Thanksgiving isn’t really the same.”  Bay’s apron was covered in a million questionable stains, but Belle didn’t give a thought to her clothes before hugging him.
“I didn’t tell, Bay.  Not even a little bit,” Claire proudly exclaimed.  Bay picked her up.  
“Of course you didn’t, Plum.”  Bay set her on her chair.  Next to her on the ground was a dog bed and a large bone.  “Before eating remember that this is only possible because Archie taught me so if anything’s wrong it’s his fault.”
“It’s going to be perfect.”  Belle say down between Gabe and Claire, holding both of their hands.  “I am so thankful for all of you.  My family.”
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samanthaa-leanne · 4 years
*Whispers* Do them all! (If you're okay with it)
3 Fears: Spiders, snakes, and death.
3 things I love: Moon, pizza, animals.
2 turns on: Anime boys and more anime boys.
2 turns off: Non anime boys and uhh non anime boys.
My best friend: oof I have a lot. Theres my HS bff Krista, as well as @handsoffmyfriends @shinsou-lovin-hours-anon @yeet-these-hoez @taepoppin & @asadgwen
Sexual orientation: Bisexual.
How tall am I: 5′5 5′6 ish.
What do I miss right now: Getting 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Favourite color: Blue.
Do I have a crush: On about a million anime boys.
Favourite place: Beach.
What am I listening to right now: I’m watching Criminal Minds 
Shoe size: Don’t make fun of me but 10.5/11. I have big feet.
Eye color: Blue.
Hair color: Brown with blonde highlights.
Meaning behind my URL: It’s my first name with an additional A and my middle name
Favourite song: At the moment? Brand New Vision by Point North
Favourite band: Way too many to count. 
How I feel right now: Happy
Someone I love: All of you
My current relationship status: Married
My relationship with my parents: Ehh okay..
Favourite season: Summer/Fall
Tattoos and piercing i have: My ears used to be pierced and I have a matching tattoo with my dad
Tattoos and piercing i want: I have an anime sleeve planned, a moon phase tattoo, and a few song lyric tattoos. 
The reasons I joined Tumblr: I honestly don’t remember
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: No :(
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: Yes.
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: Like 20 minutes
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: Nope
Where am I right now?: My house
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?” The louder the better
Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Nope. I own my own house
Am I excited for anything?: I have a trip to japan planned for October
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: My brother Alex is honestly one of the best people in my life.
How often do I wear a fake smile?: 8 hours a day M-F while I’m at work
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Tom Holland or Johnny Depp or Jim Carrey. Honestly so many people
What do I think about most?: Haikyuu and BNHA
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind
What was the last lie I told?: That I don’t smoke pot lol
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: I prefer to text
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Yes and yes
Do I believe in magic?: Yes
Do I believe in luck?: Yes
What’s the weather like right now?: Its 92 degrees rn
What was the last book I’ve read?: I’m re-reading the House of Night series by P.C and Kristin Cast
Do I have any nicknames?: A lot. Sam, Sami, Sam I Am, Sammy Sosa, Bubbles
Do I spend money or save it?:  A little of both
Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: No :(
Favourite animal?: Penguins and Flamingos
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Sleeping
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Falling Like The Stars by Cole Norton
What is my favorite word?: Any cuss word. Probably fuck 
My top 5 blogs on tumblr: @myherowritings @handsoffmyfriends @akaashichigo @burnedbyshoto @gallickingun and so many more
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: What’s up bitches
Do I have any relatives in jail?: Nope
What is my current desktop picture?: My Karasuno babies
Had sex? Yes
Bought condoms? Yes
Gotten pregnant? Nope
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Maybe? I don’t remember
Had job?: Yes
Smoked weed? Yes
Smoked cigarettes? No
Drank alcohol? Yes
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? No 
Been overweight? Yes
Been underweight? No 
Gotten my heart broken? Yes
Been to prom? No
Been in airplane? Yes
Learned another language? Kinda? I did 4 years of German in HS but I don’t remember most of it.
Wore make up? Yes
Dyed my hair? Yes
Had a surgery? Does oral surgery count? I had my  wisdom teeth taken out
Met someone famous? No
Stalked someone on a social network? Maybe...
Been fishing? Yes
Been rejected by a crush? Yes
What do I want for birthday? Anything anime related tbh or maybe another tattoo
Do I like my handwriting? Ew no
Where do I want to live when older? North Carolina or somewhere where there’s no snow
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? No
What I’m really bad at: Drawing
What my greatest achievments are: My SMAU’s
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: My dad called me a cunt one time 
What I’d do if I won in a lottery: Pay off my house and my car and buy my mom the house she deserves.
What do I like about myself: My eyes
My closest Tumblr friend: @handsoffmyfriends
Any question you’d like? I really like the swings
Are you outgoing or shy? A little bit of both
What kind of people are you attracted to? Anime boys
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?: Yes
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?: My brother
What does the most recent text that you sent say? lol ok
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Me Against Myself by Wage War, Remembering Sunday by All Time Low, The Langdon House by Issues, Brand New Vision by Point North, Favorite Place by All Time Low.
Do you like it when people play with your hair?: AHHH YES
Do you think there is life on other planets?:  For sure
Do you like bubble baths? Yes
Do you like your neighbors? Yes
Where would you like to travel? Japan, Ireland, UK, Italy.
Favorite part of your daily routine? Leaving work lol
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My stomach
What do you do when you wake up? Go pee
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Nope
Do you ever want to get married? I’m already married
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Sorta.
Would you rather live without TV or music? Neither
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes
What are your favorite stores to shop in? Target
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depending on what they do
Do you smile at strangers? Sometimes
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?: Nope
Ever wished you were someone else?: Sometimes
Favourite makeup brand?: I don’t use makeup
Last thing you ate?: Pizza
Ever won a competition? For what? Nope
Ever been in love? Yes
Facebook or Twitter? Twitter
Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? Yes, Criminal Minds
What colour are your towels? Multicolored
Favourite ice cream flavour? Cookie n Cream
First person you talked to today? My husband
Last person you talked to today? My husband
Name a person you hate? I don’t hate anybody
Name a person you love? Everyone of you
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Probably lol
Do you tan a lot? Not anymore
Have any pets? 2 dogs and a kitty cat
Do you type fast? Yes
Do you regret anything from your past?: Ohh boy yes
Ever broken someone’s heart?: Probably @handsoffmyfriends with all my angst
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?: Yes
Is cheating ever okay? No
Do you believe in true love? Yes
What your zodiac sign? Virgo
Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) “Beautiufl, see the cloud, the cloud appear. Beautiful, see the rain,  the rain draw near.”
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Diaper Cakes To Europe
Diaper Cakes: The Best Gift for Babies 
It is safe to say that you know about Diaper Cakes? One of your companions is going to conceive an offspring, and your gathering chose to have an infant shower for her. What can be the best yet exceptional blessing you can provide for your companion? What could be an extraordinary present for the infant and the prospective mom? Possibly you can give her blessings as dresses or onesies, and you can likewise consider giving child sorts of stuff like gloves, infant socks. Additionally child caps, pacifier, shoes, infant garments, and clatters. You can likewise furnish child bottles alongside recipe milk. Beside these sorts of stuff, you can likewise consider giving a cake which is made in diapers. 
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What are Diaper Cakes? 
A diaper cake is a one of a kind and alluring sort of blessing to another or hoping to-be mother. It is comprised of a lot of diapers which are expected to the approaching minimal one. This diaper cake can likewise have other child sorts of stuff like infant bottles, tuckers, infant socks. Additionally pacifiers, toys, and other infant things. 
In case you're searching for a blessing to an eager mother, Diaper Cakes are the best alternative. Do you realize that infants can devour 10 to 12 diapers inside the day? It is to be sure down to earth for you and the mother to-be to have this sort of blessing since it is particularly required. You can consider causing a to do it-without anyone's help diaper cake or purchase in an online store. 
How to make Diaper Cakes? 
In case you're aesthetically enough to make a diaper cake, well it's vastly improved however, you can purchase Diaper Cakes on confided in online stores with a great deal of complimentary gifts. Furthermore, you can guarantee that it is made properly. The creation of a diaper cake is simple yet point by point. Here are the materials required; 
A lot of diapers, roughly 70-80 pieces 
Yarn (you can likewise utilize elastic groups or strings) 
Elastic groups 
1 ½ inch strip (you can choose the shading, yet a large portion of the producers rely upon the sex of the child) 
1-inch lace 
Three cake skillet (must distinctive in size) 
A child toy 
Child Shampoo 
Child Wash 
Twisting Ribbon 
Round cardboard cake compartment 
Here's the technique in making Diaper Cakes; 
In the first place, you have to set 38 diapers in the base level of the cake. You can put the child cleanser or wash in the focal point of the biggest dish. Presently, roll the diaper beginning at the abdomen part and secure it with an elastic band or string. Keep in mind not to make it excessively tight, and it can harm the diaper. 
In the wake of rolling the diapers, place them around the child cleanser or infant wash. On the off chance that you think that its hard to mastermind, you can utilize an utilized paper towel holder. In the wake of organizing the diapers around the child cleanser, secure the orchestrated diapers with yarns. In case you're stressed over the nearness of strings, don't stress you'll be covering it after the system. In the wake of verifying the moved diaper, it's a great opportunity to expel the dish, and the base layer is finished. 
Rehash the strategy in the center layer; this time you have to utilize 22 diapers. For the top layer, you just need 14 diapers. Try not to verify it excessively tight with the goal that you can focus it over the subsequent layer. On the top layer, you can include little stuff toys or whatever infant things you believe is appropriate. You can cover the obvious elastic groups by putting strips and twisting strips at the tops. Ensure that the diapers won't be torn or separated when you spread the elastic groups or string. It can influence the development of diaper cake essentially. You can pick whatever structure or sorts of stuff you need to put. Sky's the farthest point, and it's up to you on how you enliven your diaper cake. 
Send Nappy Cakes to Europe 
You can likewise consider putting other child's connected stuff to make the cake wonderful and one of a kind. You can put gloves, infant socks, kiddie aprons and pacifiers as extra plan. It knows about makes of Diaper Cakes that they use strips as indicated by sex. On the off chance that the approaching kid is a kid, they for the most part utilize blue or sky blue strips. On the off chance that it's a young lady, they utilize pink or red. You can likewise include a child puppet or stuff toy. 
On the off chance that in the event that you can't make it, you can look through the web and locate a confided in vender who can offer Diaper Cakes. You can check the Walwater Gifts infant blessings inventory. You can check their site and their accessible structures. 
Why have Diaper Cakes turned out to be famous these days? 
Beside it's a handy sort of blessing, Diaper Cakes are alluring and remarkable. It's additionally a helpful kind of blessing particularly with the infant when the person is conceived. Aside from giving the child stuff as a characteristic blessing, through Diaper Cakes, you can express your inventiveness or exertion in fulfilling the eager mother. Rather than giving a conventional cake to the pregnant mother, you can utilize this sort of blessing which is increasingly helpful and appealing. 
Diaper Cakes are a down to earth and fun kind of child blessing. They are extraordinary for medical clinic visits, infant showers, and work festivity. All materials and things utilized inside the Diaper Cakes are demonstrated valuable and ornamental to the approaching child and furthermore to the glad guardians. It can likewise be utilized in sexual orientation uncover. 
Locate the best diaper cake for the prospective mama 
In case you're wanting to give a diaper cake to your companion or relative that is soon to conceive an offspring, you can make it or purchase on driving stores and online shops. You just need to ensure that all diapers are new and safe to utilize. Beside the diapers, you have to guarantee that the infant cleanser and child wash are not lapsed and hypoallergenic. 
There are stores particularly online blessing provider that acknowledge specially crafted Diaper Cakes. You can demand explicit structures and different endowments you can incorporate inside your diaper cake. You can likewise request that they put a basic message of "Goodluck" or "Have a protected conveyance." 
Conveyance of our Diaper Cakes to Europe 
We convey our endowments and blessing bushels wherever from communities to significant urban areas to 26 European Countries. Walwater Gifts conveys blessing crates to Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Scenic Star Wars Bathroom Decor
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Shop for star wars bathroom decor online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Buy Star Wars Bathroom Set, Shower Curtain, Hooks, Bath Rug, Bath Towel, and Bath Tub Mat (Navy Star Wars Block): Bathroom Accessory Sets – Amazon.com . Buy Star Wars Saga Vader Shaped Bath Rug: Towels – Amazon.com ✓ FREE . It looks fantastic and matches my Star Wars themed bathroom perfectly! Disney Pixar STAR WARS 3-PC Towel Set, 100% Cotton Bath Towel 25″ x 50″, Hand Towel 16″ x 25″, and Fingertip Towel 11″ x 18″. Sold & Shipped by . Free Shipping. Buy Star Wars Bathroom Set, Shower Curtain, Hooks, Bath Towel, Bath Rug, and Wastebasket at Walmart.com. Free 2-day shipping on qualified orders over $35. Buy Star Wars Bath Rug at Walmart.com. Oxygenics Disney Star Wars Darth Vader Handheld Adjustable Shower Head (2 Pack) . 3D Light FX Star Wars Boba Fett 3D Mini-Sized Deco LED Wall Light. 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Star Wars Toilet Sign Art Print -WC Luke Leia Poster Book Art Dorm Room Print. Bathroom Designing Ideas: Star Wars Bathroom Decor – Talan would love this (: Star. Star Wars BathroomStar Wars DecorStar Wars RoomStar Wars . Bathroom Designing Ideas: Star Wars Bathroom Decor – Talan would love this (: Star Wars Shower Tile – for my future dream home when all the “boys” have . Darth Vader print, Darth on the toilet, Star Wars art, Toilet decor, Geek art, Funny . Star Wars BATHROOM Wall Art Star Wars Decor PRINT SET Pick 4: Yoda . Jun 25, 2011 – We showed you some cool ideas for designing a kids bathroom but I couldn’t pass by . Star Wars Tiles For Kids Bathroom . 15 Eye-Catchy Shower Tile Accent Walls · 15 Non-Boring Black And White Bathroom Decor Ideas . Jun 26, 2012 – It was an adjunct to his completely Portal-themed bedroom! 6-8. Tetris. The idea of converting pixel design to bathroom tiles makes a Tetris shower stall . 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Choose from a wide range of Bathroom Accessories at Amazon.in. . 2.3 out of 5 stars 55 . Its a wow product.i have a huge dressing table but my room gets hot . Online shopping for Bathroom Accessory Sets from a great selection at Home & Kitchen Store. . Nayasa 3 Piece Plastic Bathroom Bucket, Mug and Stool Set, Black · Nayasa 3 Piece Plastic . Hot new releases 3.7 out of 5 stars 112 . Six Piece Star Wars Soft Terry Cotton Bathroom Washcloths 6-set: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home. Star Wars 11550 Toothbrush Holder Darth Vader suction cups lose your flippers to suction, dip it easy for about ten minutes in hot water (about 80°C/175°F). Don’t’ miss this new low price for star wars bathroom set with 2 bath towels 1 hand towel 6 washcloths toothbrush . hot sale 6Pcs/set Bathroom Accessory Bin Soap Dish Dispenser Tumbler Toothbrush Holder Set Bathroom . at Amazon. Leading online retailer of bath vanities in Canada. Free Shipping on your bathroom vanity. 30 Day return policy for all bathroom vanities. . Abigail 60″, Naos, Bright White Bathroom Vanity with 3cm Bianco Carrara Marble Top, Double Sink. See more ideas about Bathroom basin, Bathroom vanities and Sink tops. . “Light and bright bathroom with large vanity with dual basins. a delight. palette by Sunshine Coast Home Design, located in Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada.”. Jun 8, 2018 – wall bathroom cabinets brilliant wall hung bathroom cabinet vanities add with mounted plan 4 bathroom wall cabinets canada. bathroom wall . Find All Bathroom Vanities at Wayfair. Enjoy Free Shipping & browse our great selection of Bathroom Vanities, Vanity Tops, Vessel Sinks and more! Results 1 – 15 of 131 – A beautiful bathroom begins with a beautiful vanity. Shop homehardware.ca for a full selection of vanities and storage & medicine cabinets . Wellness in your own bathroom with high quality bathroom furniture by Duravit. . cabinet frames that form the edges of the furniture, mirrors, and mirror cabinets. A wide range of bathroom vanities can be found in online stores these days, which . Decorative or arched feet bread skirts can be brilliant features, and can help your . Related Keywords: bathroom vanities canada, bathroom vanities blinds, . Products 1 – 48 of 3706 – We stock a variety of bathroom sinks to suit your decor including: porcelain sinks, glass sinks, stainless steel & more from top brands. Nov 28, 2018 – 5. Location: Toronto, Canada Features: An elegant timber cabinet repurposed as a vanity makes a charming addition to this compact bathroom. Bathroom Furniture is a necessary part of your bathroom and helps to turn the room into a place where you can get things done and store vital items. Whether . Bathroom Takeaway Reviews. Find out what genuine customers have said about bathroomtakeaway.co.uk. Real reviews from real people. BATHROOM TAKEAWAY LIMITED – Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return . Possible tiles for a bathroom, porch or extension – Devon Stone Grey Feature Floor Tile – Devon Stone – Vintage & Patterned – Tiles. Bathroom Takeaway. . Mirror, Wall hung toilet and glorious freestanding bath to go in their lovely modern suite. . Buy Bathrooms Online Cheap Bathrooms . Bathroom Takeaway . Results 1 – 48 of 183 – This glorious bath combines contemporary design with traditional . Bathroom Takeaway – Baths, Toilets, Bathroom Suites, Bathroom . Win vouchers to spend at Bathroom Takeaway worth up to £800! Win a 2 night stay for up to 6 guests at the glorious Temple of Diana at Weston Park. Filmed on location at Saddlers Wells for EMG in glorious slow motion. Footage also taken from . Bathroom . Jan 26, 2018 – But it’s more than that – there’s a social camaraderie in a kebab shop in the early hours that is particularly glorious. Us repressed Brits suddenly . Bathroom item? Find the answer to the crossword clue Bathroom item. 2 answers to this clue. Answers for bathroom-item crossword clue. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. Crossword Solver – Crossword Clues, synonyms, anagrams and definition of bathroom item. Household Items Crossword Puzzle worksheet – Free ESL printable . Months – crossword English Games, English Fun, English Activities, English Resources, English Bathroom Crossword Puzzle ESL Vocabulary Worksheet English Test, . May 7, 2018 – The 5/7/18 crossword was constructed by Lila Cherry. . *Floater in a luxurious bath : SOAP BUBBLE (giving “bar soap”) an electric-type shock, known as hitting one’s “funny bone” or “crazy bone”. . Almanac item : FACT 2. Sep 25, 2018 – Please find below all Happening during the day crossword clue and solutions. . Debit organised for bathroom item crossword clue. Jun 29, 2018 – 0629-18 NY Times Crossword Answers 29 Jun 2018, Friday The bidet bathroom fixture was so called because one straddles it like a . Amulets are items worn to ward off disease or to protect against harmful magical spells. . in 1889 largely due to lobbying by the Republican Party, which enjoyed a lot of . Found 80148 8-letter words for Scrabble, Words With Friends, WordHub, and Crosswords. Browse this comprehensive list of eight-letter words to find your best . Buy How to Master The Times Crossword: The Times Cryptic Crossword . Power, Garden & Hand Tools Kitchen & Bathroom Fixtures Trade Customers who viewed this item also viewed all you need to know about the enjoyable cerebral pastime of crossword-solving and how to decipher the most intricate of clues. Bella Bathrooms offers a wide range of bathroom and kitchen products: baths, toilets, basins, taps and other bathroom accessories. View our products here! Clearance Bathroom Furniture. If bathstore value wasn’t already impressive enough, take a look at some of the items in our clearance sale. You can get fantastic . Huge range: Vanity Units, Bathroom cabinets, freestanding & wall-hung. . Clearance Bathroom Furniture . This white corner cabinet is brilliant, it’s the same shape as our new corner sink and underneath cupboard thus complimenting our . Duravit has worked with designer Christian Werner to design a furniture series that represents airiness, freshness and joie de vivre in today’s bathroom. Wellness in your own bathroom with high quality bathroom furniture by Duravit. Whirlpools, sauna, sinks, bathtubs & more for modern luxury bathrooms. Britton Bathrooms Vanity Set. 900 x 450mm Aqua Cabinet with Basin in White Gloss; Crosswater Design Chrome Basin Mixer & Click Clack Waste; 900 x . Shop Wayfair for Bathroom Furniture Sale to match every style and budget. . December Clearance . The Leblanc 17.7″ W x 32.68″ H Cabinet by Brilliant features MDF wood composite construction that ensures years of reliable use. Buy great products from our Bathroom Furniture & Cabinets Category online at Wickes.co.uk. We supply trade quality DIY and home improvement products at . Shop our selection of Clearance, Bathroom Vanities in the Bath Department at The Home . D Double Bath Vanity in Bright White with Marble Top in Grey/White. Take a look at these attractive latest bathroom wall, floor tiles design ideas which have managed to win hearts despite being small. These bathroom tiles designs . Bring a true splash of luxury and beauty to your bathroom by using breathtaking glass mosaic tiles to create an accent feature wall. Creating an accent wall can . Jul 24, 2018 – Take a look inside 33 bathrooms that prove tile to be the coolest . wall tiles provide a modern accent, reflecting all of the beautiful colors in the . Nov 27, 2018- Here is a collection of our favorite bathroom tile inspirations and . Beautiful Bathroom Mirror Ideas For a Small Bathroom, gorgeous bathroom . Designer Bathroom Concepts for designer bathrooms, bathroom suites, bathroom furniture, showers, taps, baths, shower enclosures, bathroom cabinets . The innovatively daring matte black finish to this solid brass countertop tap creates a redefined concept of beauty. So why not complete your bathroom with this . Turn your shower into a design highlight in your bathroom. Ranging from modern twists on classics to natural imagery and tile patterns through to graphic . Innoplus combines exceptional user-friendliness with beautiful design results. . Compusoft GB Ltd. . M Mode: a concept design in just 3 minutes (magnet board); Wizards simplify certain work . Special articles for the design of obstacle-free bathrooms; Complete product ranges from all major tile manufacturers; Extensive . Viega introduce the beauty of minimalist design and the very latest bathroom . to blend harmoniously with your bathroom concept, they feature refined detailing and elegant finishes. completely recessed and flush with your bathroom tiles. #StarWarsBathroomDecorWalmart #StarWarsBathroomAccessoriesAmazon #BathroomDecoratingIdeas #BathroomAccessoriesBv #StarWarsBathroomTheme
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/scenic-star-wars-bathroom-decor
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myauralove-blog · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Baby Liam
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing if I know you, shy if i feel intimidated or you’re new to me
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? mjum, sister, brothers
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I’d say so, unless I feel super threatened by you I’m the nicest person everrrrrr
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? ummm no
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Legit assholes and that pretty much sums it up. nah intelligent, witty, funny, confident but not cocky, articulate, class clowns
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I’d rather not
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? JD, JW.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nah. Ask me anything.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Megan
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? Cant wait to see you.
12. What are your 6 favorite songs right now? Unforgettable - French Montana
Thunder - Imagine Dragons
XO Tour Lif3 - Lil Uzi Vert
I like me better - Lauv
There for you - Martin Garrix
Know no better - Major Lazer, Travis Scott, Camilla Cabello
13. Do you like it when people play with your? You better be reaaaal gentle bro
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yes, just not for myself
15. What good thing happened this month? Rekindled a friendship with Hayley, Lots of fun with Griff & Vato, Lots of drunk fun with Megan, had sex watching the july 1st fireworks hahahahhaahahah
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Ya.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? hahah ew
19. Do you like bubble baths? So much
20. Do you like your neighbors? The ones across me, yes. Other people around - no. Fuck them.
21. What are you bad habits? Trusting too easily, revealing too much, spending money, eating junk
22. Where would you like to travel? Italy, France, Southeast Asia, Scotland, England, Ireland
23. Do you have trust issues? Yessssss, but I trust too easily too.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? eating, laying in bed at the end of the day
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? boobs that arent there, stomach that is fat, nose, googly eyes, teeth
26. What do you do when you wake up? Go back to sleep lollll, get anxiety, want to smash my alarm, stretch
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Tanner
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Megan, sister, mum, zane
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Joel lolll why’d ya cheat then
30. Do you ever want to get married? Maybe.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? hardly. can never decide if I want it long or short so i just keep cutting it ? 32. Which celebrities would you have sex with? Ashton Kutcher and Ansel Elgort omg
33. Spell your name without vowels - scrltt jwl vn
34. Do you play sports? What sports? ew no
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? Thats hard neither
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? All the time
37. What do you say during awkward silences? The wrong thing 99% of the time
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Finds my quirks endearing, intelligent, witty, funny, sexy, loves my body, loves my humour, is interested in what I have to say, is interested in my life, basically they have to be obsessed with me
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Online - PLT, Peppermayo, Boohoo
40. What do you want to do after high school? im 24 lol take me back to when i was actually facing this question
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? im so sensitive and emotional so yes. but if theyve had 2 second chances then no
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m hurt, trying to read your mind or off my head
43. Do you smile at strangers? If they look like a kind stranger
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? fuck that ill stay on dry land thanks
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Alarms, anxiety
46. What are you paranoid about? Being played, laughed at or talked about behind my back
47. Have you ever been high? Ya
48. Have you ever been drunk? is that even a question
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? um yes
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Blue
51. Ever wished you were someone else? KYLIE JENNER UH YEA
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? eyes, pasty skin, boobs, my stupid anxious mind, my stupid big heart
53. Favourite makeup brand? BYS, Maybelline
54. Favourite store? Kmart for sure
55. Favourite vlogs? Shani Grimmond, Michael Finch, Skye Wheatley, Tammy Hembrow
56. Favourite colour? Green, tan and pink
57. Favourite food? Pizza, Pasta
58. Last thing you ate? Mars Bar Icecream
59. First thing you ate this morning? Banana and honey toast
60. Ever won a competition? For what? Haha like never. Raffles, Jellybean in a jar guessing,
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? In school suspension. Cant even remember what for. Plenty of detentions
62. Been arrested? For what? Yeeea. Punching a cop. Didnt go on my record though so all good lol
63. Ever been in love? Twice.
64. Tell us the story of your first proper kiss? hahahaha year 6. Was 11. Being forced at a park by his sister, me standing on a skateboard because he was so freakishly tall for an 11 year old and legit missed his mouth the first time
65. Are you hungry right now? I’m full af but always
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? No. wtf i have 1 follower on this account
67. Facebook or Twitter? FB.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr.
69. Are you watching tv right now? No. Listening to music
70. Names of your friends? Megan, Ebony, Vato (Tony), Griffo (Tyrone), Yoshi
71. Craving something? What? I dont know... Him
72. What colour are your towels? All Sorts
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? lol no
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 2 that ive had since i was a baby that sit on my top cupboard shelf
75. Favourite animal? Dogs, Seals, Elephants
76. What colour is your underwear? Pink.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Choc
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Mint Choco
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? White
80. What colour pants? Pj Pants
81. Favourite tv show? Of all time - Riverdale, Friends, catfish, crazy ex gf
At the moment - The middle, modern fam, ex on the beach,  yummy mummies ahahah
82. Favourite movie? Best of me, The choice, life as a house
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls!
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean Girls.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Gretchen
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Nemo duh
87. First person you talked to today? Dad
88. Last person you talked to today? Dad
89. Name a person you hate? The bitch whoever my ex is sleeping with
90. Name a person you love? My ex, my family, my dog, all 50 of my babies at work
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Nah?
92. In a fight with someone? No.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? A WHOLE LOT.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? too many
95. Last movie you watched? Shark Tale
96. Favourite actress? Rachel Mcadams, Cameron Diaz, Isla Fischer, Katherine Hiegel, Amy Smart 
97. Favourite actor? Leo, Ashton Kutcher, Owen Wilson, Paul Rudd, Steve Carrell
98. Do you tan a lot? Noooo
99. Have any pets? Oaks
100. How are you feeling? Tired, Blank, Distracted, On edge
101. Do you type fast? yes
102. Do you regret anything from your past? hahahhha yuh.
103. Can you spell well? Very well.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? LJ (LM)
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yes
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? maybe?
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes
108. What should you be doing? Nothing.
109. Is something irritating you right now? That its almost tomorrow, my hairs faded, he doesnt give a fuck about me
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yesyesyesyes
111. Do you have trust issues? I answered this already.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? On the phone to my mum
113. What was your childhood nickname? Scar, Bubble
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes.
115. Do you play the Wii? When I go to Eb’s
116. Are you listening to music right now? Yes. Currently Playing not going home - DVBBS
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Yes.Homemade
118. Do you like Chinese food? OMG. YES.
119. Favourite book? You - Caroline Kepnes
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Yes and no
121. Are you mean? No.
122. Is cheating ever okay? No. No No NOOOOOOOOO
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? NO lol
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? hmmm starting not to
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes.
126. Are you currently bored? Kinda.
127. What makes you happy?
Kenji, My fam, Alcohol, Food, Music, Tv, Holidays, Money, New clothes
128. Would you change your name? Nah.
129. What your zodiac sign?
Aries, what yours?
130. Do you like subway? yum yes
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? He did and now he doesnt and treats me like im nothing
132. Who’s the last person you had a laugh with? Griffo, Hayley, Powelly and Ziggy
133. Favourite lyrics? So I will run Until my feet don't touch the ground And as the waves carry me out Keep listening She'll never make a sound
134. Can you count to one million? No wtf ive got time but not that much time
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? sickies for work?
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed,open when im home alone
137. How tall are you? 5 something
138. Curly or Straight hair? Straight.
139. Brunette or Blonde? Brunette.
140. Summer or Winter? Both, can never decide
141. Night or Day? Night.
142. Favourite month? March or December
143. Are you a vegetarian? No.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk.
145. Tea or Coffee? Both
146. Was today a good day? It was okay.....
147. Mars or Snickers? Mars atm
148. What’s your favourite quote? Anything by Beau Taplin
149. Do you believe in ghosts? YES.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? No that’s too far, but I’m reading gone girl atm
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babygiftsltd · 7 years
Essentials of a christening ceremony
When it comes to Christianity, there is no match to the joys of a christening and baptism ceremony. Christening ceremony is the ceremony where the child is given a name. It involves the induction of the baby into the Christian community. It is a joyous ceremony where the parents hold a pleasant ceremony followed by a lavish party for the honoured guests. There are several things to be kept in mind when it comes to the christening. If you are new parents, it all can be a tad bit confusing, but you are not to be blamed. There are several areas that can go wrong. However, we have got you covered. Here are some essentials you should keep in mind before the baptism or christening ceremony and yes, it involves the christening candles in Ireland.
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• Christening Candles: When it comes to christening ceremonies, christening candles are essential ones. Generally, 3 candles are provided by the godparents. The godparents need to carry a well-decorated large christening candle to the altar. Along with the godparents' candle, smaller candles are carried by children circling the front. Traditionally, the christening candle includes ribbon and tulles. In case you are looking for christening candles in Ireland, you can get some of the best candles online.
• Towels and Soap: The process of christening involves dunking the child in the font. The towel and soap are needed to keep the child dry and clean. There will be oil and water involved in the ceremony. So, the clothes of the godparents also run the chance of getting spoiled. The towels and soap will help clean whenever needed.
• Cross and Chain: No baptism or christening is complete without the use of cross and chains. It is one of the essential things to carry to a ceremony. Traditionally, the cross and chain are gold or white gold in nature. These ornaments are put onto the child at the altar by a godparent. This process happens when after the ceremony is completed. Apart from the cross and chain, the child will also need baptismal outfit consisting of an outfit, shoes and socks.
These are 3 essentials of a christening ceremony. New parents and first-time godparents might get confused about the entire ceremonial process. However, with a little help from us and the church, things will go around smoothly. The christening might look like a complicated ceremony, but it is quite simple when you have the basics right. Godparents and parents can order amazing christening candles in Ireland easily. Generally, there is same day delivery available which will make things quicker.
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cotton-planet · 3 months
Sensory toys and their importance in the development of young children
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Childhood development is impacted by numerous factors. Sensory toys, in recent times, emerged as important tools that facilitate the growth as well as the development of young individuals. Sensory toys are designed in a way such that they can stimulate the senses of a child. These are quite beneficial for young individuals; they can play an important role in not just entertainment, but can also be quite significant in improving cognitive, emotional, and physical development. Sometimes, children who suffer from sensory processing disorders and developmental challenges can greatly benefit from sensory toys. It allows them to navigate the world around them more comfortably.
In the early years, with rapid brain development, sensory experiences can play an important role in shaping neural pathways. When children engage in games and activities with the help of sensory toys, they develop their fine and gross motor skills. This can significantly improve their focus as well as attention. It allows them to learn how to manage their emotions in a better way. In recent times, parents have increasingly learned the significance of sensory toys and how integrating them into the daily routine can lead to much improvement in a child's overall development and well-being.
Enhancing motor skills
It is one of the primary benefits associated with sensory toys. These toys can effectively improve both fine and gross motor skills in young children. It implies that it improves the coordination of small muscles in the hands and fingers, which are important when it comes to writing, handling objects, or more. Sensory toys could include various things and can help the young ones strengthen their hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Gross motor stands in reference to the coordination of large muscle groups. These Sensory Toys Online in Ireland provide young people with an opportunity to develop their balance, coordination and overall spatial awareness. Many of these also help them improve their strength and stability. This supports their overall growth and engagement in the world.
Emotional regulation
Emotional regulation is another key area where sensory toys significantly impact young ones. Sensory toys can provide a calm and therapeutic effect on children. They offer a sense of familiarity, comfort, and security. These help the children self-soothe and manage overwhelming emotions by providing them with tactile input. Overstimulated and anxious children benefit from having sensory toys. They can help reduce their anxiety and improve focus, allowing them to return to a calm state.
Sensory toys happen to be important when it comes to the development of a child. There are various benefits that can help them be happier, healthier, more well-rounded and prepared to face the complexities of the world. If you are on the lookout for sensory toys in Ireland, opt for Cotton Planet. They have an extensive collection of toys. Tailored for kids of all ages. All of their products happen to be eco-friendly and made with durability and quality in mind. These are often handmade and make use of natural materials. These make the products into valuable gifts. One can also avail Hair Accessories Online in Ireland from Cotton Planet.
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cotton-planet · 4 months
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Cotton Planet offers a fantastic range of wooden toys online in Ireland. Their collection features safe, durable, and eco-friendly toys that inspire creativity and learning. Perfect for children of all ages, Cotton Planet’s wooden toys are a great choice for quality, sustainability, and endless fun. For more information please visit our website https://cottonplanet.ie/
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cotton-planet · 5 months
Get Endless Joy in Ireland with Rag Dolls & Soft Toys from Cotton Planet.
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Ragdolls are classics; they have been children's favorite playmates for decades. These cozy and soft toys give kids more than simply hours of entertainment; they also give them protection, comfort, and company while they explore the world. Cotton Planet is aware of the significance these cherished toys have in a child's life. They offer a carefully chosen selection of plush toys and rag dolls online in Ireland that are sure to make any home happy and imaginative.
Every youngster can find their ideal match because of their dedication to providing a wide variety of rag dolls, whether it's a cute fairy, a cuddly animal, or a traditional rag doll with a contemporary twist. When you purchase a toy from Cotton Planet, you're giving your child access to endless hours of creative play and priceless memories.
Discover Cotton Planet's Diverse World of Rag Dolls 
Cotton Planet offers a wide range of Rag Dolls online in Ireland, all expertly made to captivate children's hearts and minds. Ragdolls range in price from up to €45, and there is a selection of 17 distinct products to fit every taste and budget. 
Cotton Planet's rag dolls come in a wide range of styles, from classic patterns that harken back to simpler times to fresh takes that are enhanced with modern flair. They have everything your child might want, whether their fantasies involve tea parties with a vintage-inspired doll or adventures with a charming fairy friend. 
The fine craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail are two of Cotton Planet's rag doll collection's distinguishing features. Premium materials are used in the meticulous handcrafting of each doll to guarantee its longevity. These dolls, with their soft, huggable bodies and beautifully embroidered features, are made to survive playtime's rigors without sacrificing their endearing charm. 
Additionally, Cotton Planet offers a range of styles and aesthetics to accommodate various preferences because they recognize that every child is unique. There's a doll with a little flair and personality or a soft, cuddly buddy for your child—their wide selection guarantees that there's something for everyone. 
Additionally, Cotton Planet guarantees that quality and affordability will go hand in hand, with pricing starting at €45. Knowing that they are spending money on a high-quality toy that will keep their child entertained and company for hours on end without breaking the bank gives parents peace of mind. Their line of rag dolls is evidence of their commitment to offering top-notch toys that stimulate children's imaginations, encourage creativity, and make them happy. The options are unlimited, with 17 fun goods to check out, enabling kids to go on many adventures with their new rag doll companion by their side.
Effortless Online Purchasing with Cotton Planet 
Thanks to its user-friendly online store, Cotton Planet offers hassle-free and fun shopping for rag dolls and soft toys. They make shopping easy and convenient, whether you're a busy parent hoping to surprise your child with a new companion or a gift-giver looking for the ideal present. 
Visit Cotton Planet's website from the comfort of your home to start your shopping adventure. Their user-friendly layout is made to offer a smooth surfing experience, making it simple to browse through their vast selection of soft toys and rag dolls. Each product, which ranges from traditional rag dolls to imaginative fairy friends, comes with thorough descriptions and eye-catching pictures that help you understand exactly what to expect. 
Once you've chosen the ideal rag doll for your child or loved one, it's simple to add it to your cart. Cotton Planet guarantees the protection of your personal information during the entire transaction process by providing safe payment methods. They accept payments made with a credit card, debit card, or other approved payment method. 
Cotton Planet's committed staff works nonstop to guarantee that your order will be handled quickly and effectively once you complete your purchase. Thanks to quick and dependable delivery methods, your selected ragdoll should be at your door in no time, ready to delight and surprise its new owner. Additionally, they provide prompt customer service to handle any queries or issues you might have because they recognize the value of happy customers. Their helpful staff is always available to assist you with product selection, order tracking, and post-purchase questions. 
Summing Up 
Purchasing rag dolls and soft toys online in Ireland at Cotton Planet is a hassle-free and pleasurable process from beginning to end. Thanks to its responsive website, safe payment methods, quick shipping, and committed customer service, Cotton Planet ensures that your entire buying experience goes above and beyond your expectations. Why then wait? With Cotton Planet, you may discover the wonders of rag dolls online in Ireland and fulfill your child's fantasies.
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cotton-planet · 5 months
Cotton Planet: Personalized & Christening Blankets in Ireland: Your Haven for Personalized & Heartfelt Gifts!
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Cotton Planet is aware of the happiness and excitement that accompanies the arrival of a new little person. They launched their online store to offer parents, grandparents, and other loved ones a carefully chosen assortment of premium goods that are appropriate for any occasion, all while being inspired by the wonder of children. Personalized baptism blankets stand out among their goods as classic and treasured presents that represent warmth, love, and blessings.
The Allure of Customized Blankets: A personalized blanket has an unquestionably unique quality. Not only is it a piece of cloth, but it also represents love and thoughtfulness. A personalized blanket provides a special touch to any occasion, whether you're celebrating a milestone birthday or welcoming a new baby into the family. Explore a variety of Personalised Blankets online in Ireland at Cotton Planet, including plush knit throws and soft, snuggly fleece blankets that are just begging to be personalized with a name, birth date, or sentimental message of your choosing. 
Stitching Memories with Christening Blankets: A child's christening is a momentous occasion, and what better way to mark the day than with a stunning christening blanket? These soft blankets serve as keepsakes that can be cherished for many years to come and offer warmth and comfort. With their exquisite lace, stunning needlework, and delicate embellishments, Cotton Planet's christening blankets are the ideal choice for religious ceremonies such as dedications and baptisms. Get your Christening Blankets online in Ireland from your trusted partners.
Why Choose Cotton Planet: As a reputable and trustworthy online store for discriminating consumers, Cotton Planet stands out when it comes to customized and christening blankets in Ireland. They stand out from the competition due to their dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and client happiness. Every blanket is expertly made using the best materials and meticulous attention to detail, guaranteeing that every purchase will be a treasured memento that will be appreciated for many years. It has never been simpler or more convenient to shop for the ideal blanket, thanks to their user-friendly website and safe payment methods.
The Gift of Warmth and Love: A customized or christening blanket from Cotton Planet is the ideal gift, whether you're commemorating a happy occasion or just want to let someone know you care. It's more than simply a present; it's an act of warmth and love that will be treasured for years to come. Their selection includes sophisticated christening shawls and cute baby blankets to suit every taste and price range. Additionally, you can be sure that your present will arrive in time for the big day thanks to their prompt and dependable shipping.
Embracing Tradition with Modern Ease: From the comfort of your home, you can purchase christening and personalized blankets at Cotton Planet, which effortlessly combines tradition with modern ease. It's simple to select the ideal blanket for any event with their user-friendly website's amazing images, quick navigation, and comprehensive product descriptions. You may personalize your selected blanket, add it to your cart, and have it delivered right to your door with only a few clicks. It's the ideal choice for considerate gift-givers, working parents, and anybody who appreciates ease and quality. Enjoy the pleasure of shopping with Cotton Planet today!
Summing Up
Certain items are always in vogue in a world where trends come and go. Personalized or christened blankets are classic presents that capture the warmth, love, and blessings of family and friends. Since Cotton Planet recognizes the value of these valued customs, they are committed to offering their clients the best online assortment of blankets available in Ireland. Therefore, you can rely on Cotton Planet to assist you in finding the ideal blanket to commemorate any occasion, whether you're celebrating a milestone or a new arrival.
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cotton-planet · 7 months
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Looking for authentic Spanish dolls in Ireland? Look no further than Cotton Planet. Our online store offers a charming collection of handcrafted Spanish dolls, perfect for collectors or as unique gifts. Each doll exudes traditional Spanish craftsmanship and culture, adding a touch of flair to any collection or playtime. For more information please visit our website https://cottonplanet.ie/collections/spanish-dolls
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Scenic Star Wars Bathroom Decor
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Shop for star wars bathroom decor online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Buy Star Wars Bathroom Set, Shower Curtain, Hooks, Bath Rug, Bath Towel, and Bath Tub Mat (Navy Star Wars Block): Bathroom Accessory Sets – Amazon.com . Buy Star Wars Saga Vader Shaped Bath Rug: Towels – Amazon.com ✓ FREE . It looks fantastic and matches my Star Wars themed bathroom perfectly! Disney Pixar STAR WARS 3-PC Towel Set, 100% Cotton Bath Towel 25″ x 50″, Hand Towel 16″ x 25″, and Fingertip Towel 11″ x 18″. Sold & Shipped by . Free Shipping. Buy Star Wars Bathroom Set, Shower Curtain, Hooks, Bath Towel, Bath Rug, and Wastebasket at Walmart.com. Free 2-day shipping on qualified orders over $35. Buy Star Wars Bath Rug at Walmart.com. Oxygenics Disney Star Wars Darth Vader Handheld Adjustable Shower Head (2 Pack) . 3D Light FX Star Wars Boba Fett 3D Mini-Sized Deco LED Wall Light. 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Well, now it’s up to you to decide on what Star Wars bathroom accessories you will . Disney Pixar STAR WARS 3-PC Towel Set, 100% Cotton Bath Towel 25″ x 50″, Hand Towel 16″ x 25″, and Fingertip Towel 11″ x 18″. Sold & Shipped by . Products 1 – 48 of 383 – Star Wars Episode 7 Reversible Comforter Set · 3030 Reviews. Clearance! Free Shipping on Orders Over $49. Choose Options Products 1 – 24 of 322 – Need Star Wars toys? Get Star Wars gifts, Star Wars bedding, Star Wars home décor and stuff for the Star Wars fanatic at . Darth Vader print, Darth on the toilet, Star Wars art, Toilet decor, Geek art, Funny . Star Wars BATHROOM Wall Art Star Wars Decor PRINT SET Pick 4: Yoda . Death Star – Star Wars – Vinyl Record Wall Clock – Room wall decor Art Gift Idea Modern Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New . Star Wars. Find great deals on Star Wars Bathroom at Kohl’s today! . 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Real reviews from real people. BATHROOM TAKEAWAY LIMITED – Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return . Possible tiles for a bathroom, porch or extension – Devon Stone Grey Feature Floor Tile – Devon Stone – Vintage & Patterned – Tiles. Bathroom Takeaway. . Mirror, Wall hung toilet and glorious freestanding bath to go in their lovely modern suite. . Buy Bathrooms Online Cheap Bathrooms . Bathroom Takeaway . Results 1 – 48 of 183 – This glorious bath combines contemporary design with traditional . Bathroom Takeaway – Baths, Toilets, Bathroom Suites, Bathroom . Win vouchers to spend at Bathroom Takeaway worth up to £800! Win a 2 night stay for up to 6 guests at the glorious Temple of Diana at Weston Park. Filmed on location at Saddlers Wells for EMG in glorious slow motion. Footage also taken from . Bathroom . Jan 26, 2018 – But it’s more than that – there’s a social camaraderie in a kebab shop in the early hours that is particularly glorious. Us repressed Brits suddenly . Bathroom item? Find the answer to the crossword clue Bathroom item. 2 answers to this clue. Answers for bathroom-item crossword clue. Search for crossword clues found in the Daily Celebrity, NY Times, Daily Mirror, Telegraph and major publications. Crossword Solver – Crossword Clues, synonyms, anagrams and definition of bathroom item. Household Items Crossword Puzzle worksheet – Free ESL printable . Months – crossword English Games, English Fun, English Activities, English Resources, English Bathroom Crossword Puzzle ESL Vocabulary Worksheet English Test, . May 7, 2018 – The 5/7/18 crossword was constructed by Lila Cherry. . *Floater in a luxurious bath : SOAP BUBBLE (giving “bar soap”) an electric-type shock, known as hitting one’s “funny bone” or “crazy bone”. . Almanac item : FACT 2. Sep 25, 2018 – Please find below all Happening during the day crossword clue and solutions. . Debit organised for bathroom item crossword clue. Jun 29, 2018 – 0629-18 NY Times Crossword Answers 29 Jun 2018, Friday The bidet bathroom fixture was so called because one straddles it like a . Amulets are items worn to ward off disease or to protect against harmful magical spells. . in 1889 largely due to lobbying by the Republican Party, which enjoyed a lot of . Found 80148 8-letter words for Scrabble, Words With Friends, WordHub, and Crosswords. Browse this comprehensive list of eight-letter words to find your best . Buy How to Master The Times Crossword: The Times Cryptic Crossword . Power, Garden & Hand Tools Kitchen & Bathroom Fixtures Trade Customers who viewed this item also viewed all you need to know about the enjoyable cerebral pastime of crossword-solving and how to decipher the most intricate of clues. Bella Bathrooms offers a wide range of bathroom and kitchen products: baths, toilets, basins, taps and other bathroom accessories. View our products here! Clearance Bathroom Furniture. If bathstore value wasn’t already impressive enough, take a look at some of the items in our clearance sale. You can get fantastic . Huge range: Vanity Units, Bathroom cabinets, freestanding & wall-hung. . Clearance Bathroom Furniture . This white corner cabinet is brilliant, it’s the same shape as our new corner sink and underneath cupboard thus complimenting our . Duravit has worked with designer Christian Werner to design a furniture series that represents airiness, freshness and joie de vivre in today’s bathroom. Wellness in your own bathroom with high quality bathroom furniture by Duravit. Whirlpools, sauna, sinks, bathtubs & more for modern luxury bathrooms. Britton Bathrooms Vanity Set. 900 x 450mm Aqua Cabinet with Basin in White Gloss; Crosswater Design Chrome Basin Mixer & Click Clack Waste; 900 x . Shop Wayfair for Bathroom Furniture Sale to match every style and budget. . December Clearance . The Leblanc 17.7″ W x 32.68″ H Cabinet by Brilliant features MDF wood composite construction that ensures years of reliable use. Buy great products from our Bathroom Furniture & Cabinets Category online at Wickes.co.uk. We supply trade quality DIY and home improvement products at . Shop our selection of Clearance, Bathroom Vanities in the Bath Department at The Home . D Double Bath Vanity in Bright White with Marble Top in Grey/White. Take a look at these attractive latest bathroom wall, floor tiles design ideas which have managed to win hearts despite being small. These bathroom tiles designs . Bring a true splash of luxury and beauty to your bathroom by using breathtaking glass mosaic tiles to create an accent feature wall. Creating an accent wall can . Jul 24, 2018 – Take a look inside 33 bathrooms that prove tile to be the coolest . wall tiles provide a modern accent, reflecting all of the beautiful colors in the . Nov 27, 2018- Here is a collection of our favorite bathroom tile inspirations and . Beautiful Bathroom Mirror Ideas For a Small Bathroom, gorgeous bathroom . Designer Bathroom Concepts for designer bathrooms, bathroom suites, bathroom furniture, showers, taps, baths, shower enclosures, bathroom cabinets . The innovatively daring matte black finish to this solid brass countertop tap creates a redefined concept of beauty. So why not complete your bathroom with this . Turn your shower into a design highlight in your bathroom. Ranging from modern twists on classics to natural imagery and tile patterns through to graphic . Innoplus combines exceptional user-friendliness with beautiful design results. . Compusoft GB Ltd. . 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