tridatubalitours · 1 year
Eat Pray Love was a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery.
Italy, India And Bali Was A Journey Around The World By Julia Robert (Elizabeth Gilbert) That Becomes A Quest For Self-Discovery.
1. She discovers the true pleasure of nourishment by eating in Italy.
Enjoying best of the best pastas and gelato for four months and a new Swedish friend introduces her to a private Italian tutor, and they celebrate Thanksgiving together.
2. Liz heads to an ashram where she experiences the power of prayer in India. 
In addition to mass prayer sessions, honoring their guru, she's assigned the chore of scrubbing floors. greeting and orienting new arrivals.
3. Feeling more centered, Liz moves on to Bali, Indonesia. 
She reintroduces herself to Ketut. He gives her various tasks. While Liz is cycling she is run off the road, so is sent to Wayan in the village to help cure a bad gash in her leg. 
Deciding her time there is over, Liz gets prepared to leave and stops to say farewell to Ketut. He encourages her to embrace and, not run from love. She acknowledges his advice and runs to the dock after Felipe where she confesses her feelings to him. Finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love comes to her. 
If You Like So Many Others Where You Found Yourself Lost, Confused, And Searching For What You Wanted In Life Like Julia Robert. Do Yourself A Favor By Embarking On Unforgettable True Love Journey In Bali With Its Nature, Cultural And Spirituality By Simply Join Tridatu Bali Tours.
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