#Ban Ryu Rang imagines
angelsvoice1love · 3 years
In the Moonlight (pt 2)
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You stood at the door of the Hwarang house, scared of not knowing what happened.
All the guys, except Han Sung went to the King on the other side to create piece and still nothing was heard of them. The only friend besides A-ro you had was Han Sung, and you adored him more than anything in the world.
He was like the brother you never had, the brother you've always wanted.
Finally one of the Hwarang men yelled they have returned causing you to drop everything you were busy with, as you made your way to the entrance of the building.
Once you saw all of the men alive, a smile crept onto your face as you felt relieved.
Soo Ho: Y/n. Soo Ho yelled, as he ran over to you.
You ran over to all of them, not just Soo Ho. But he got a different message, once you were close enough he grabbed you and pulled you to his chest.
Soo Ho: I'm so glad to see you. He whispered, into your hair as he hugged you tightly.
Y/n: I was so worried. You replied, as you wrapped your arms around him.
Ban Ryu: Y/n, you might want to check Soo Ho's wound. I did my best to close it up, but we still need to make sure everything is fine.
Y/n: You got hurt? Where? You asked frantically, as you searched him up and down.
Soo Ho: My arm, but I'm fine...really I am.
Y/n: Go wait in the pidiatrician room, I'll be in there soon.
Soo Ho: But-
Y/n: Please, just do it. I...i need to say hi to everyone. You, replied as you looked at the others.
Soo Ho nodded his head, as he walked off. Turning to find Sun Woo with facial wounds, you ran into his arms hugging close as you could.
Sun Woo: I'm fine, y/n...promise. He laughed, as he patted your back.
A-ro: We are all fine promise. I took care of them. She said, with a bright smile.
Ban Ryu: Don't you care about us? Ban Ryu, questioned with a raised brow.
Y/n: Of course I do...i just want to hug everyone. I missed you guys so much...and you worried me.
Ji Dwi: Sorry, that wasn't our intention. Ji Dwi, said, as he walked into view.
You didn't say anything, as you stood there for a second completely shocked. There he was, the man you truly loved and wanted to make a life with. He hadn't had a scratch on him, his facial features were perfect like always. A smile crept onto your face, as you ran over to him almost knocking him down to the floor as you inculfed him in a hug.
Tears started running down your face, as you burried your face in his chest. You held in those tears for so long, you held them in for Ji Dwi, Soo Ho, Sun Woo, Ban Ryu, Yeo Wool and A-ro. But none of them made you worry like Ji Dwi did.
Yes, Soo Ho was your boyfriend but that didn't make any change.
You felt Ji Dwi's arms wrap around you as he pulled you even closer, he brushed his hand down your hair as he soothed you while calming you down.
Ji Dwi always had this effect on you, he always knew what to do or say to make everything okay. He was, and has always been your best friend.
Pulling away, you looked into his eyes, his soft brown eyes as he smiled while cupping your cheeks as he brushed away the tears.
Ji Dwi: It's okay.
Y/n: Don't ever leave me like that again, p...please.
Ji Dwi: I won't...i promise. He replied, as he hugged you again.
Little did you know, Soo Ho saw the entire thing. He knew you and Ji Dwi were best friends, but he didn't know that there was something more. You were his girlfriend, did that mean anything?
To him it meant the world, but to you? Did it mean anything to you? Or were you just using him, to get to Ji Dwi?
Shaking his head, Soo Ho turned to go back to the pediatrician room where he'd be waiting for you.
He sat down, thinking as a million different thoughts ran through his head. As you entered the room, he straightened himself up and smiled as you approached him with some warm water.
Y/n: Soo Ho, could you please take off your shirt? I...i need to clean it.
Soo Ho nodded, as he took off the shirt. The wound was clear to see, and it looked like it hurt a lot. Swallowing you took some medicine and applied it to the wound, causing Soo Ho to grunt of the pain.
Y/n: Sorry. Are you okay? You questioned, as you wrapped up his wound.
Soo Ho: Yes. I'll be fine. He answered quick, as he smiled at you.
Y/n: I was so worried about you. You smiled, as you traced his jaw with your hand.
Soo Ho: All I thought about while in that prison, was if I'd ever be able to see your beautiful face again. Seeing you again, was the thing that kept me saine. You kept me alive.
Y/n: I kept you alive? How?
Soo Ho: By waiting for me. He replied, as he took your hands in his.
Soo Ho leaned in, ever so slowly as he brushed some loose hair from your face. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead, then he kissed each cheek, moving to your nose where he gave you a small peck on it and from there kissed your lips.
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Soo Ho: I care deeply for, y/n. Please, forgive me for being negligent with my life and the others.
Y/n: Soo Ho...i have nothing to forgive. If you are back safe and the others are too, that's all that matters to me. I couldn't want anything more.
Soo Ho: Really? So, we're fine?
Y/n: We're fine. We've barely dated Soo Ho, I believe it's all good still.
Soo Ho: So, we're still in the lovey dovey, enchanted with one another stage?
Y/n: Yes. I believe we are. You replied, as you placed your hand on his cheek.
Soo Ho: I want nothing more than to be here with you. But...
Y/n: But what?
Soo Ho: I can't help thinking...that your heart is not in this. He said, letting gobofbyour hands.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Soo Ho: Y/n...do you in love Ji Dwi? He asked, as he looked into your y/e/c eyes.
Y/n: What? Why are you asking me that?
Soo Ho: I saw how you acted towards him, when we arrived back. It was different...you acted more scared of loosing him then you were for me-
Y/n: Soo Ho-
Soo Ho: Y/n...i don't want to be the second choice. I want to be the first choice, the one that you choose because you love me not for other reasons. I can't be the one that's chosen because it the simple and easy way out. Soo Ho said, as he got up. I won't do it y/n.
Y/n: Wait, Soo Ho...please-
Soo Ho: Y/n, I think we should break up-
Y/n: No...please Soo Ho. You begged, as you grabbed onto his hand. I don't want tot loose you.
Soo Ho: Y/n, do you know what you want? I believe you care for me, and Ji Dwi but you need to take time to think who you want to be with. You can't have us both, or be unhappy with the choice you make. Please, take this time apart to make your decision. I'll be waiting for your answer.
Soo Ho said, as he kissed your forehead. Taking in your scent, a single tear left his eyes as he walked out of the pediatrician room and off to his room where he could rest.
As he left, you stood there dump founded. Completely confused, as to what just happened. You thought that you and Soo Ho were strong, but to your dismay it wasn't what you expected. Yes, you knew he was right about the situation, and you needed to make the right decision but the queen wasn't fond of the idea of the prince soon to be king wanted to choose his own bride.
Ji Dwi already confessed his love to you, so if you chose him you knew he'd still feel the same way about you...right?
Soo Ho, gave you the option to choose again which might not be the best choice for him to have made but he did it to make you happy. You knew that you had to make a decision, the right one, even if it took forever to make it.
One week later
You sat outside by the river, when the guys arrived to wash their clothes. Once Soo Ho saw you, he swirved away and headed into another direction.
Ji Dwi saw this, and came over taking a seat next to you.
Ji Dwi: Trouble in paradise?
Y/n: Sort of. He broke up with me.
Ji Dwi: He what? Why would he do that?
Y/n: To be entirely honest...Ji Dwi...i have feelings for you too.
Ji Dwi: I-
Y/n: Soo Ho knows, I have feelings for you and that's why he left me. Yes it's true, I have feelings for you but j also have for Soo Ho...i need to choose one of you t...thats what he said. But when I do, I need to choose the right one, the one that I'll be happy with for the rest of my life. I want a one love, forever love.
Ji Dwi: Whichever one you choose, I know it'll be the right choice for you y/n. No matter what, or whom you choose I'll still be here...I'll still be your best friend. He said, as he hugged you before getting up and leaving you to think.
Who were you going to choose? Yes, you could have a happy life with Soo Ho, and Ji Dwi but each of them held complications.
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join-hwarang · 8 years
Flirting (Hwarang Reactions)
Summary of Request: Hwarang member reacting to another hwarang flirting on their s/o.
H/B/N (hwarang boy name of choice) Gifs are not mine, credit to owners
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Moo Myung (Sun Woo):
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Moo Myung would be walking with no expression on his face towards you and H/B/N. He’d seem cool on the outside, but on the inside he was ragging with jealousy.
He’d wrap an arm around your shoulder an look at H/B/N and ask him, “are you alright?”
H/B/N would nod his head in confusion. “Well you won’t be alright if you don’t start leaving about right now,” Moo Myung would say bluntly.
H/B/N would start to walk away nervously giving one last glance, then completely walking out of both of your guys’s sight. “You didn’t need to scare him,” you’d scold Moo Myung while turning facing him. He’d grunt and just start walking the opposite way H/B/N went with you in his arms.
Sam Maek:
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Sam Maek would be on his way to see you, when he saw both of you and H/B/N talking, well more like H/B/N flirting and you awkwardly looking for a way out of the conversation.
He’d come up to you guys say nothing, just pick you up and toss you over his shoulder. “What are you doing?” you ask trying to make him put you down.
“Well right now enjoying this amazing view,” would be his response.
“Hey!” He’d chuckle and set you back down on the ground once you guys are in private. He wouldn’t let you say anything else because both of you guys would be to busy sharing a kiss.
Soo Ho:
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Soo Ho would stare at you two for a while coming up with an idea, he’d cut into the conversation wrapping his arms behind you. “Y/N,” he’d drag out your name with the voice of a little kid.
“Yes Soo Ho?” you’d send H/B/N a sorry glance. “When are we going home, I wanna have some fun” he’d whine, but then sending you a wink.
Your cheeks would heat up, a tint of red appearing. H/B/N would cough awkwardly, Soo Ho would look up and grin, “Oh! H/B/N didn’t see you there, but anyways Y/N, ready to go?”
You tried getting mad at him, but who could stay mad at him.
Ban Ryu:
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(Ignore his tear or don’t... my heart)
To say he was displeased would be an understatement, he’d want to just go up and start beating the crap out of H/B/N. But, he didn’t instead he watched and waited for it all to end.
Once H/B/N would leave, he’d walk up to you and hold you in his arms tightly. Both of you wouldn’t say anything, you’d know why he was acting this way and just let him hold you.
“I love you, don’t forget that,” you’d mumble to him kissing his cheek. He’d hum in response and a small red tint would appear on his face.
Han Sung:
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Han Sung would be very pouty about it, he doesn’t like the idea of you talking to another guy that isn’t him or family. You’d be coming home to seeing him on your bed with a frown on his face.
“Han Sung what’s wrong?” you’d sit next to him on the bed, but he’d just move away from you. “Do you love me Y/N?” he’d ask staring at the wall.
“Of course I do Han Sung, why would you ask that?” “I saw you with H/B/N earlier today and I just got a bit jealous.”
You giggled and hugged him tightly, “I’d never choose H/B/N over you Han Sung, I love you so much.”
He’d smile using this as an advantage, “You love me? Prove it.”
(I’ll leave the next parts to your guys’s imagination)
Yeo Wool:
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He’d smirk and laugh, “who does he think he is, Y/N will never leave me for him,” he’d think. Which is sadly true. He’d watch as you reject H/B/N and awkwardly make your way towards him.
“Hello beautiful,” he’d say while grabbing a hold of your hand and kissing it. “Yeo Wool, did you just-”
He’d cut you off short with a kiss and smile, “I know you will never leave for that fool, besides I’m way more attractive than him.”
“Yeo Wool!” “You know it’s true love.”
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If I missed anyone please please tell me or if you have a suggestion on someone else I should add.
Disclaimer: I will be using some scenes from the series, but they will not be following the plot of the actual episode unless requested so. Also, I apologize for any mistakes when using some parts of the episodes if the translation is correct.
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ferociouspompom · 8 years
Hwarang OS: Always
Fury rose within him like a red tide.
A breath. And another.
But still the words rang in his ears. “You should have done it right. Then I would not have had to step in. Do you not agree?”
There was violence in his motions as he left the room at the Okta, pausing at the door to breathe deeply.
But it would not come. Not when Kang Sung was but a symptom of a much larger cancer in his life. Not when his future hung on the whim of Master Young Shil. Defiance would cost him, and his father, dearly.
He took long strides, desperate to create distance between himself and those he called his friends, the atmosphere of the Okta suddenly stifling and wrong.
When had Hwarang House become comforting?
When had it become home?
A hand wrapped around his wrist. Ban Ryu jerked his arm, lips curled into a snarl as a sharp warning formed on his tongue, but he stilled when he registered Miss Soo Yeon as she stumbled. Anger ebbed away as he took in her large eyes and earnest gaze. He looked away from her, regretting his momentary ferocity even as his pulse quickened anew.
“Come here for a minute.”
She looked pretty and delicate in soft pink, a bottle clutched in her free hand as she gestured behind herself.
That curious lightness, a weightlessness that only she inspired, overtook his body as she led him away, her hand slipping from his wrist to wrap around his fingers. The room was abandoned. Miss Soo Yeon turned to face him, her lips curved into a smile and a blush painted on her cheeks.  Looking away, half afraid she would read what was surely in his eyes, Ban Ryu noted that their hands were still linked. He coughed pointedly.
A tremble went through her as she looked down, hastily untwining them and taking a small step back as if introducing propriety between them. The loss of her fingers against his caused a tightness in his chest.
He worried that she expected him to say something in the short silence that followed. He had not yet said a word to her, not when she had accosted him in public, not when she had slapped him, not when she had soothed the mark with her own hand. He preferred to listen, to revel in the cadence of her sweet voice and the sparkle in her eyes.
“Thank you,” she began, her smile widening into a grin, “The performance last night was nice too.”
She seemed to bounce with eagerness.
I will watch your dance from the front row. Do not stress and good luck with your performance. I shall always cheer you on.
What had started as her apology for their first meeting – and an assurance that she would explain it all to her brother – had turned into a collection of letters he carried within his clothing. He read and reread them in every private moment, imagining her expressive features as she spoke the words to him. He had studied her brushstrokes, seeing the slight tremble in her fingers when she had promised to always cheer him on.
So much promise held in a single word.
In the darkest hours of the night he had wondered at his dedication to the performance – a performance for the Queen no matter what anyone else said. But now pride swelled inside him at her praise.
Ban Ryu blinked, giving her a slight nod to acknowledge her words. It seemed to bolster her.
She held out the bottle in offering, explaining, “This is rare liquor. Please take it.”
His breath caught in his lungs as he considered her gift.
Was it an indication of how little she knew him – he usually did not imbibe alcohol – or an indication of how well she could read him – that she recognized he would need it to numb himself from the approaching storm?
And in that moment of silence, as he considered the best way to accept her gift, he heard footsteps thundering down the hall. The door burst open, and Soo Ho flew through them like a force of nature.
The punch was so unexpected that he was flat on the ground before he registered the pain. The rage that had briefly abated came back in full force. He needed to hit something and Soo Ho had just presented himself as a willing target.
Miss Soo Yeon’s gasp brought him back to his senses, and a coolness chased the wrath from his limbs as he realized that he could not hit her brother, not when she stood in the same room. So he lay there, muscles tensed, jaw clenched, as Soo Ho raged incoherently and punched him again. And again.
There was a sudden crash accompanied by the tinkle of broken glass. Ban Ryu’s eyes found Miss Soo Yeon’s as her brother slumped into him, unconscious.
In a daze, he watched her roll Soo Ho off him before taking his hand. She helped him up, her hands brushing over his back and arm and sending electricity shooting through his body. She released his hand only to clasp the other, as if she did not wish to break contact.
Her mouth was twisted in distaste as she stepped over the prone form of her brother, pulling him behind her.
And in that moment, he knew he would follow wherever she led.
This was my first Hwarang piece :D I’m very happy with how it turned out!!
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bob2btrue · 8 years
Troublesome feelings
Hwarang, Soo Ho rang x Ji-Soo
If he could, he probably wished he had never witnessed Silla’s queen and her impeccable beauty, because the pain and longing in his heart for her presence stirred his whole being. He was already a loyal subject to the royals, to his kingdom, and the attraction he felt for the queen wouldn’t change this, so why does it hurt so bad at night when he lays alone in bed?
Soo Ho woke up to his blanket being yanked from his hold, resulting to an abrupt wake up. He brings his hands up to his face, groaning in annoyance. He hated being waken when he had dreams about the queen… what? Soo Ho felt his face heat up at the thought, he was lucky there where nothing more than interactions in those dreams, or he fears he’d have to get jailed at the crime of other lude thoughts.
At breakfast Soo Ho sat at his usual spot with his roommates. As always, there was a slight bickering between the hwarang participants at the table. He grinned at a nice comeback from Sun Moon at something his long lived rival Ban Ryu said, making the guy tense in irrittion.
But it didn’t take long before the bickering became white noise in the background as his mind wondered to the beautiful complexion of his queen. The memory from their first interaction displayed on his mind as he remembered queen Ji-Soo sitting on her gama, an aura of superiority and confidence oozed from her presence, and the two times he actually shared eye contact with her, he felt goosebumps form at the sheer thought. She may be double his age, but Soo Ho had never experienced such feelings before. Sure he had fooled around with some a lot of girls, but never had he been so genuinely love stricken by someone before. It was such a bizarre feeling, yet he couldn’t help the tug at his heartstrings whenever his mind stumbled over the thought of her.
Sadly, Soo Ho knew very well that these feelings he felt were unrequited.
The day went on as usual, hard training and a few meetings with Sun Moon’s sister for tending of new injuries. He couldn’t help noticing some vibes between the siblings relationship, and the jealous aura from Ji Dwi whenever Sun Moon and his sister interacted.
Soo Ho smiled to himself as he went to wash up after today’s training and undoing. It was only when he got a whiff of a sweet smell that he stopped in his tracks. Only had he ever been presence to this fragrance once in his life, and he knew that the queen must have come to talk to Wi Hwa.
Nevertheless, Soo Ho knew his rank, and was not worthy to talk to the queen, so he continued on his path to the washhouse.
The rest of the group came soon after. Joining the hwarang started out rocky, but as time went, friendship took place, even with the likes of Ban Ryu.
After the wash up Soo Ho told the others he’d forgotten something at the training hall.
Only minutes on his way, Soo Hi finds himself in front of the one thing that had been weighing on his mind since the king’s birthday parade. He felt his heart rate increase tenfold. However much he wanted to see her, he knew better than to search for her, but not in his wildest imagination would Soo Ho have thought he’d stumble upon the queen for the second time in a row.
Their eyes locked for a split second, and Soo Ho felt like time slowed down around them. This was not good, he should really just try and forget these butterflies in his stomach and move on, but why would faith play with him like that, putting the source of his problems right in front of him once again.
“Mr. Soo Ho.”
The queen’s servan said, snapping Soo Ho out from his trance. He clumsily bowed down.
“Y-Your highness.”
He dared a glance up to see the face he had fallen for. She stood there, with such grace that he wished he could just stop time and forever admire the picture in front of him.
To be in her late thirties, the queen still held a youthful face, her hair auburn with ornaments decorating it elegantly, the dark silks of her hambog contrasted nicely to her pale complexion. To say the least, he admired Silla’s current queen’s beauty.
A boldness washed over him, and with a charming smile Soo Ho straightened up.
“Can I assist in escorting the queen safely out from the hwarang training-camp?”
The queen’s bodyguard was about to decline the offer, however, the queen silenced him with her hand. A kind smile formed on her cherry lips.
“Thank you, that would be wonderful.”
An inner voice screamed inside Soo Ho’s mind. Did that really work?
He quickly came back to his senses as he maneuvered a hand for the queen to fallow, which she did, her loyal subjects a shadow at her side.
“So tell me Soo Ho, what is your opinion of hwarang so far.”
His lips quirked up at the memories he had gained so far as a hwarang. His eyes stared out into the distance as he spoke fondly over his experiences and how hwarang has made him stronger, and forming strong bonds with new people.
The queen looked over at the boy, a content feeling erasing some of the many worries currently plaiting her mind. The stable where her horse resided in was nearing them as each words fell from Soo Ho’s perfect lips.
“That is good to hear.”
She brings her attention to the path again, taking notice of the son of one of loyal council members looking at her. Queen Ji-Soo stops in her tracks, waiting as her servant goes to fetch their horses.
“Thank you Soo Ho for keeping me company, it is good to know there are such people as you in the hwarang.”
She gave him a grateful smile, in which the boy bowed.
“The pleasure is all mine, to please the queen, I should thank you for allowing me to be in your presence.”
Soo Ho tried to keep his cool, to see the queen smile yet again was something he was not prepared for.
The servant came back with the horses, helping Queen Ji-Soo up.
The queen quickly said her goodbyes to the boy, and then they left, leaving Soo Ho staring longingly into the emptiness as they disappeared from sight.  
He arrived at his room soon after. Exhaustion physically and mentally took its toll on Soo Ho, and he soon fell asleep.
A/N: I’m too deep in on this ship, liker where are all the supporters of this ship??? And if you know of a place where they have some hwarang fanfics, please give me a note :D
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