#Bane Dee Cabrera
darkmasterofcupcakes · 9 months
Fenton: Say "Papa". Baby Bane: Mama. Fenton: No. "Papa" Bane: Mama. Fenton: No, Bane, not Mama right now. *Points at himself* "Papa." Bane: ....Puta! Puta! Puta! Puta! Fenton: ...I'm going to tell myself that's not directed at me, and make sure I talk to M'ma about watching certain telenovellas when she's babysitting.
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When Fenton and Gandra were first thinking about having another baby, they actually talked to Bane - who was about seven at the time - about it, because obviously getting a new sibling would be a huge change for him and they didn’t want to basically force it onto him if he was totally against it.
When they told him they were thinking about having another baby, literally the first thing this child did was take out his phone, call up his Abuela, and just go “Mom and Dad want to have another baby and I know what that means and I don’t want to be anywhere near where I know that’s happening. Can I stay with you for a bit?” And a slightly baffled and amused (and maybe just a bit mortified) Fenton and Gandra just watch as their seven-year-old finishes up the conversation and hangs up before heading towards his room and going, “Abuela’s going to pick me up in the morning. Please don’t do anything until I’m gone.”
(M’ma was of course thrilled at the idea of having Bane spend some time with her - she gets to spend time with her first, and so far only, grandchild, and might also basically get a second grandchild as a result of the alone time Fenton and Gandra are able to have with the house to themselves).
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The way that Eggman basically just accidental made an AI child to be his daughter is more or less how my oldest Fendra kid, Bane, ends up with a kid of his own.
He made an AI, the AI developed and formed a sort of virtual body, and started actually interacting with him. At first he was just kind of confused as to why this virtual child was calling him “Father”, but before the month was done he was carrying around a photo of the kid and whenever someone gave any sort of prompt he’d pull it out and just go, “She’s only a month old and already hacking into government systems like a pro. I’ve never been more proud of anything in my life.”
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Bane once got kidnapped by the Beagle Boys. Gizmoduck showed up at the Junkyard, expecting a fight, only to find Ma Beagle just standing there ready to hand over an unimpressed-looking six-year-old. She told him to “take the brat” and that he already made five of her boys cry.
Fenton didn’t know if anything had ever been more awkward than the moment he felt the need to apologize to the mother of the people who kidnapped his son. Bane just dryly commented that three of the “boys” were older than his father. 
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Bane: Is she really crying like that just because a guy broke up with her? How dramatic can you get?
Fenton: You do remember that you almost ran away from home because I told you to turn off your game and go to bed?
Bane: ....No, I don't remember that at all.
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Fenton and Gandra were relieved when Bane stopped crying whenever he heard or saw someone being stupid. Until they learned what he decided to do instead. Thankfully most people who had the toddler point them out had no idea what “puta” meant, and assumed it was just baby talk. 
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Drake: Fenton? Did your kid just flip me off?
Fenton: What? No. He's not even a year old. He doesn't understand the concept of 'flipping the bird'
Bane: *Looks Fenton dead in the eye, and flips him off*
Fenton: ...See? He doesn't know what he's doing...all all..
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In one of my chat posts, I revealed that my oldest Fendra kid, Bane, sleep talks (note, me and some other Fendra fans have decided it’s a family trait and Fenton sleep talks, too), but what I didn’t reveal there....is that he also has said some random things when he was awake. Usually when he’s sleep-deprived, and particularly between the ages of three and four, when he was in that transition period of starting to refuse to take naps and only sleeping at night. And, well, let’s just say Fenton and Gandra hear their toddler say a lot of interesting things.
Here’s a small sampling of a few of the most notable things Bane has said as a tired preschooler:
“I’m gonna marry the DeLorean!” 
“Cannibalism is legal on Jupiter”
“Gimme five pumpernickel. I wanna pumper-quarter”
“Banana cream sprinklers are invading”
“I’m the king of banisters!”
“Unicycle hockey butt!”
“Uncle Doctor’s house is the closet”
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Huey: So, Bane, just out of curiosity, who's your favorite triplet?
Bane: My favorite? That would be Louie, but you're a close second. Third is Phooey, and Dewey comes after him.
Huey: You...do know Phooey isn't real, don't you?
Bane: *Staring directly at Dewey* Yes. I know.
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You didn't specify an OC, or even a fandom that the OC would be from, which is part of the prompt. So I'm just going to pick a random OC.
Bane Dee-Cabrera: While he's incredibly gifted when it comes to things like math from a very young age, his spelling actually isn't as great as you might expect. He gets better as he gets older, but especially when he's young, he just tends to spell out everything phonetically.
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Both of my Fendra kids are very smart, but only one of them has an interest in science, and that’s Vivi. Actually, I’ve joked that while Fenton and Gandra have interests in both science and technology, their kids basically split the difference.
Bane has some interest and plenty of talent when it comes to technology, though his main interest and skills are in regards to things like programming and hacking. Mostly, he’s interested in video games, both playing and making them.
Vivi, meanwhile, is technically a biologist...but more specifically, she has an interest in trying to essentially cause “safe” mutations that will actually cause permanent changes, but not any negative effects. Why? Pretty much because she wanted to figure out a way to give herself super powers. 
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Both of my Fendra kids are apsec, with Bane just being flat out sex-repulsed asexual, while Vivi is either demisexual or gray-ace, with the exact label often switching.
Outside of that, Bane is gay, and Vivi is bi, and possibly nobinary, though she doesn’t fully know how to label herself, outside of admitting she does still prefer using she/her pronouns for the most part. 
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As briefly mentioned in one of my chat posts, my Fendra fankids have a cousin (from Gandra’s side of the family), named Layla, who is a lesbian. 
She’s also literally almost exactly the same age as Bane, because they are not only the same age, but they actually hatched on the same day. Considering she’s a lesbian and he’s gay, they joke that they’re the ultimate mlm and wlw soliditarity - sharing DNA and a birthday. 
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Vivi: I don't need you to protect me, you know.
Bane: So, guess you're done giving me the silent treatment now?
Vivi: Don't make me regret it.
Bane: Sorry. But, what's your point?
Vivi: My point is that I'm not a baby anymore. You don't need to look after me anymore.
Bane: And here I thought you were smarter than that.
Vivi: What's that supposed to mean?
Bane: You seriously think that you getting older means you ever stop being my little sister?
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Bane Dee-Cabrera is multilingual at a very young age, knowing words in English, Spanish, Japanese, Scots Gaelic, Morse Code, and Klingon by the time he’s three. Which would probably be better if most of the stuff he knew in languages besides English weren’t curse words. 
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Tommy Jenkins: When I die, I want my best friend to be the one to give the speech at my funeral.
Bane: Why are you looking at me? I'm your best friend?
Tommy: Of course.
Bane: No, I'm not.
Tommy: We're close.
Bane: I mean....I know you. I know which one you are.
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