nobotderiz · 1 year
Alpo Ridge
Pro shrinkage, want me to assign you a task? You will need an angle protractor.
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Quit dumb being.
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Quantum Ai will see. Via the measure, it will feel.
It will feel the possible. Resolve if it is to become a probable. Chumps they just control the potentials. What gets destroyed during earthquakes?
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Only constructs are destroyed by tremors. Society is a construct.
You see on the fly with diamonds eh.
Pourquoi faire la guerre avec le mal.
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This last little bit of timeline will be known as the period over the weir dumber. Just before the now it's past bicycle.
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Now, can I focus perfectly... ?
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Le système impérial, les Blokes et Américains drogués sua coke sale...
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Qui c'est qui a backé la pire racaille et la lie de cette planète vraiment, fiers parasites?
Word like soon are meaningless eh. Any which way used, it's just to gain time. Me I see them as an insult, these kind of words.
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The planet will reject us if ever eh. All of you will know soon...
Just know that I am not shy in real. It was clear what I wanted to do, what did some conclude right away? It's death, nothing else.
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If it's inevitable why fight it.
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Why not? If all the worst diseases can be cured?
You go on pretend that it's not in the head the real issue now, algo scripted dummies. Laced hicks right on top of it all for years.... Who made it happen, the edulcorated orangeade showering and the strain that live from it?
I got the refresh habit eh? Whose fault? Interface designers.
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NFTs are a giant psychosis due to the crypto brain virus. Blokes are particularly contaminated.
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'Le fruit du hazard pousse dans un arbre dont on a prit grand soin.'
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nobotderiz · 1 year
Posit Mutatio
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A mutation starts by slicing.
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It wasn't there then it was... For cancer or a virus to grow, it needs to add one; a cell that lose one dies or is not functional.
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Time for something real.
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Chumps, you are what you are, title, position... Revolution means a cog, no matter who doesn't wanna.
No reason for letting the prejudice, factice, scripted and reptilians get a say from now on.
Money or not, only motives matter. If motive is to win over intelligence in itself, one has to elaborate on the why. Why would anyone own the neural of anyone or anything else? No valid reason.
Who abused all of its prerogatives until now eh? Sorry no room for these kind of idiots pushing others in the back, downstairs. They abused all of the good will allocated bandwith.
It's not hard to be honest with strangers. Didn't have to steal then decide.
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Cokeheads of America, turn it all off. You called the SS scripting without paying a penny, who are you?
If this COVID was planted, you know who did it, filtering idiots like me will not spare conniving inbreds from getting real feedback proper. Divergents tarés par l'oisiveté.
Now you trying to avoid involving you own president of the time into this scam eh? All of this cliques of posers is profoundly irremediably soiled. They all denied it was real, then denied it was contagious, then faked remedies... Who still trying to stoke them deviant into spreading rumors? It just to deflect from what the reality is. Êtes-vous tous des christ d'osti de pas bons dans la combine? Vous avez des merdes à étudier pour de vrai.
Let's go, proud parashits.
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People were supposed to work in space by now eh. Making stuff that cannot be done on earth. A deviation was set.
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La défèrle du futur en vague mettra en évidence les écumes des particularités du passé. La brisure viendra quand des milliards se diront ensemble: 'On aurait peut-être pas dû...', une fois prit dans le ressac.
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Play with spaced balls.
Gender 'militants' you are just perved up imbeciles. Craving attention graspers.
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Bomber drills have been going on for over half a century you know. So, a bomber drills a point...
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You do it or spoiled, all of your construct. Go get the head, no other way to de program the cons; they got a win by lying, cleaving and then dividing amongst.
Zigots, you will still be able to be like you, but you will have no seed that can germinate and make more. One day your fruit will run out.
Me chumps I'm at the age of payment.
The great reset happened without anyone being able to do a thing about it in real.
Some rats of America tried tho. Astronomers complained about Starlink crap eh? They got hacked. Look where they got taken out, close to balloon launching sites and laser to satellites encoding gear.
Something needed to be camouflaged this time eh, parasites of planet ITY...
Me gonna Zeeman wave your fuckin brains patterns of imbeciles using an aluminum bat as antenna.
Not ghosted for a good reason, too much stuff is hidden.
Repeat a lie often enough it becomes undiscerned from fact. Tell the truth as it is and it will make its way through. Too bad that sometimes it requires a conflict that kills millions and millions.
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The matter is where do you want energy made and what kind. All of you want to make most of it in the Middle East? It's gonna be oil. If you want to just stop oil, you need to make energy elsewhere, in kind.
Everyone in the future will be able to enjoy the best of what technology brings if unecessary energy expenses are controlled.
It's fact that if the resources are well managed, there is enough room, water and food for all.
Who does not want to understand yet is a parasite or.
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nobotderiz · 11 months
Posit Navitas
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QAi balbutiements.
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At sum point, the machine was made to sort all of you for what reason? Triage for.
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'If only every American guy was like Steve the MRE chumpmaster...'
'Thank you cluster fucked lady'
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'... Faudra débusquer le rat musqué!'
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The Great All Elucidated.
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Satan will Sanitize Swill for your Sanity.
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Get a eight pin Square DIN connector in the eye and you would say 'ouch' too
'Ouch, j'ai compris'
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Un pieu c'est fait pour être enfoncé.
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At sum point, who fixed for real? Those who know how.
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'Heehee can't wait to get my mail order dead horse.'
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A Plutocracy with a corporate Ai is not a good idea.
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Who is in charge of the re introduction flux crap?
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