#Bash Utonium-Jojo
acrobattack · 6 months
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throws fankids at you and runs
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The Professor Utonium/Samurai Jack/The Great Papyrus Theory
Professor Utonium's Skeleton Looks Like Papyrus, if you pause on the part in the Birthday Bash episode...and really look at Professor Utonium's skeleton, it does look a little like Papyrus.  
I mean there is that whole Professor Utonium and Samurai Jack looking a like, but it might just be the shape of their heads and maybe their noses.
but it might be possible that if you use a X-Ray on Samurai Jack, his skeleton would look a little like Papyrus as well.
okay I can't be the only one who notice that Professor Utonium's skeleton kind of looks a little like Papyrus, of course Undertale and Deltarune weren't "born" yet during when that episode came on.
and well it's good that the Powerpuff Girls are on DVD, just wish I could find a SVTFOE DVD of the whole seasons, and be able to finally get a USA version of Red Vs Blue Season 15 without it being in a bid only,
and I really doubt they are going to just restock it on Amazon anytime soon, and there is another way to watch that season, from Youtube to Rooster Teeth site.
you know it be interesting if Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup did mistake Papyrus for being the Professor, like taking one look at his skeleton and they might think Mojo Jojo had a hand in it.....but like if you put Papyrus in a Lab Coat, it could add to the cause of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup to mistake him for Professor.
maybe it would be just me who will think that Professor Utonium's Skeleton looks a little like Papyrus.
I mean there is that whole Sans and Steven Quartz Universe thing, why not a Professor Utonium and Papyrus....one of the differences being that it wouldn't be like with the whole Steven's full name having "Sans" hidden in it,
and I guess it is weird that I think that Professor Utonium's Skeleton looks a little like Sans's Brother, but for all we know, maybe Papyrus could be like the reincarnation of Professor Utonium.
or Papyrus could be Professor Utonium's descendant the same way Utonium can be Samurai Jack's descendant.
it might be really weird, but I couldn’t help but think that Professor Utonium’s skeleton looks a little like Papyrus when I watched that episode a few days ago.
and maybe some fans would think the same way if they pause at the part where the girls are using their X-Ray powers and it ends up showing Utonium’s skeleton.
if Utonium, Jack and Papyrus switched clothes....
Utonium should get Papyrus’s clothes,
Jack should get Utonium’s clothes
and Papyrus should get Samurai Jack’s clothes.
the memes that could happen with those three....O_O
and if those three were in the same room, and Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup never met Jack before...
it be funny if Bubbles spoke up by saying “I didn’t know we had three dads...?”
I think Bubbles might be the middle child, and Buttercup is the youngest.
even if how Bubbles acts she might be seen as the youngest, but I think she might be the middle child.
maybe I wouldn’t be the only one who notice that Utonium’s skeleton looks a little like Papyrus, or maybe I would be the only one who views it like that, and that’s fine if I might be the only who thinks that his skeleton looks like Papyrus.
but what if in theory, there is some connection between Papyrus and Utonium...?
well if Papyrus is mistaken by Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup for their Dad,
then that would give Sans a reason to come up with some Uncle Jokes.
 Utonium might not be able to get his daughters back if Mettaton wants to adopt them. XD
 but what if in Fanon, those three: Samurai Jack, Professor Utonium and Papyrus were connected...?
there is the whole fans believing there is a connection between Samurai Jack and Professor Utonium, so why not add Papyrus into the mix...?
Professor Utonium could be Papyrus’s Ancestor, like it turning out that Professor created a clone of himself, but it didn’t turn out how he wanted because of some unknown residue (Magic Residue) and Chemical X fell into the cloning machine and made his clone look like a skeleton.
so he threw the clone into mount ebott.
 I mean the Steven Universe’s Universe could take place in the same universe as the Rising Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & one of the DC Universes for all we know.
and if it did, in some timeline, Ivy and Harley would be like the adoptive mothers of a Baby Steven.
and with Steven being able to heal the Earth, from the Flora to Grass with just kisses....I think Ivy would want to adopt him in a heartbeat.
like if he started having those powers in a early age, and if both Ivy and Harley found him, and witness him giving a kiss to a flower that had been hurt...
I think Ivy would be holding him and saying “this is my baby now.”
or like calling “Dibs” and saying that he is her baby now.
and if one of Harley’s hyenas got killed by Batman, and Steven cries on them and they turn Pink and come back to life, that would even give Harley a reason to call dibs on him being her baby as well.
that would be a interesting Crossover AU.
same with a Crossover AU of there being a connection between Papyrus, Utonium and Jack....
canon or not, Utonium’s skeleton just looked a little like Papyrus to me.
and it’s fine that I am the only one who thinks that his skeleton looked like Papyrus....it might not be very much, but only just a little bit.
 plus the chances of other fans thinking or feeling the same way about the whole Utonium and Papyrus thing, are perhaps very small...
and it’s okay if it turns out only a few end up viewing them in a fanon way, of having some kind of connection.
it can be just a fun theory that might be very popular as most theories, and I’m fine if this weird theory and view that pop into my head about Papyrus and Utonium doesn’t end up becoming very famous or notice very much.
I mean I like the theory that there could be some connection between those three, but it’s okay if some only stick with just the whole Samurai Jack and Professor Utonium theory.                   
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls - “Twas the Fight Before Christmas”
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Written by: Lauren Faust, Craig Lewis
Storyboarded by: Lauren Faust, Greg Colton, Brian Larsen, Paul McEvoy
Music by: James L. Venable, Thomas Chase, Steve Rucker
Art Direction: Paul Stec
Animation Direction: Robert Alvarez, John McIntyre, Randy Myers
Seasons Beatings!
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Narrator: ‘Twas the City of Townsville, and all through the town
all the townsfolk are stirring, as snow is falling down
It's bitter and freezing in the dead of December,
But there's reason for joy, if you can remember.
For it's this time of year that our story unfolds,
When our hearts are the warmest, despite all the cold.
Yes, it is Christmas, just two days before,
And all through the town, none can wait anymore...
No doubt about it, this is a Christmas special. Not only is it snowing and freezing, the Narrator speaks entirely in rhyme. Fitting, as this plot is similar to a Dr. Seuss classic that took place during Christmas. Well, sort of.
The special starts two days before Christmas, as Townsville awaits that “one certain fat guy”. This is especially true for the kids at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. Ah, Pokey Oaks. Not only does the Narrator say it, we see the sign right there.
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Bubbles is singing Deck the Hells as she’s taping drawings of Santa on the bulletin board. Buttercup is gloating about her long Christmas list, the only readable word being “Gimme.” Got to love the subtle background jokes.
Not so subtle is a reference to the Red Ryder BB gun as made famous by A Christmas Story. This was long before A Christmas Story was mass-marketed to the point where they made an awful sequel to it more than a decade after the original. Hmm, sounds a bit familiar. No points for anyone who can guess the response to this, courtesy of Princess.
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Parodying so many movie posters that it’s hard to tell which one its referencing, Princess comes up to the Powerpuff Girls to tell them that, since Daddy gives her everything she wants anyway, she only has one thing on her list: to be a Powerpuff Girl. Duh, she’s naughty, and the Powerpuff Girls even give a list that is essentially a best of for the people who aren’t familiar with her:
She bought the city and legalized crime! (Bought and Scold)
She hired Mojo Jojo and tried to destroy the Powerpuff Girls! (Mo Job)
She gave the Powerpuff Girls a bomb for their birthday! (Birthday Bash)
She teamed up with three felons and went on a crime spree! (Meet The Beat-Alls)
She tricked their friend Robin into stealing, and then tattled on her! (Super Friends)
I believe this is the only episode that actually mentions Robin outside of Super Friends, actually. I can understand why: new characters being added late in the show is a great way to jump the shark. Still, such super friends! As Blossom walks away, she tells Princess to change her ways, or else she's getting coal in her stocking. For the record, even in the original, a walking Powerpuff Girl looks awkward.
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Princess completely scoffs at this idea that she’s spoiled and naughty, as she steps on Ms. Keane’s foot on her way out. She asks her driver if she’s naughty, and we get a whole skit. It could have been a short all to itself, it’s a classic.
The same scene happens with a servant and a nanny, and this episode’s biggest problem shows its head here. This special is 44 minutes long, four times the length of a normal Powerpuff Girls episode. Season 4′s problems with pacing in certain episodes due to their double-episode length are exacerbated here, as I feel a lot of scenes are here just to fill time. This is far from the worst example.
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After opening her closet to get more pillows, as her maid quickly decided not to say anything and leave the room at her "naughty or nice question", only to be completely covered in a mountain of coal apparently stored from previous Christmases. She uses the coal to put lines under her eyes, and she puts on an all black outfit. Princess is planning something big, the Narrator fears in rhyme. But first, we got to take a detour.
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Some people put up their decorations early, and some people put them up really late, and the Powerpuff Girls home is certainly in the latter, waiting until at least Christmas Eve Eve to finally put up all the decorations. Then again, when your kids can fly super fast, there’s no need to spend a whole day putting up everything.
Indeed, we see the Powerpuff Girls decorating in a super hero way, all in a race to see who gets to put the star on the top. Does this actually add to the plot? Not really, but it’s still a great scene to show off the more mundane ways the Powerpuff Girls use their powers. It is also a great way to have footage a promotional music video would use.
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The Professor is here to make this not-so-generic tree lighting day special by lighting up the tree. Unfortunately, he has a bit of trouble with the lights, as we see for the next minute. I can see what they could have taken out if they wanted to condense this into a regular episode. A 22 minute episode, but still.
Professor Utonium: I can make three girls out of seasoning, but I can’t get these lights to work!
Thanks, I needed this quote.
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We get a small tour of Townsville awaiting for the next day, which is used for contrast with future scenes, but is mostly just filler. Highlights include a shot of a My Little Pony parody being awaited by the Mayor, doubly funny considering one of the credited writers of this special, and Mojo Jojo trying to hang an ornament on a metal tree.
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Princess infiltrates Santa’s workshop in a way similar to a spy movie for the next three minutes. I will say, wearing all black was probably not a good idea in the bright and cheery Santa's workshop, but it works anyway. There's some creative imagery, being Santa's workshop and all, but I didn't remember too much about this scene. We're only waiting in suspense to learn the obvious that she couldn't realize.
She gets to Santa's private office, and is horrified to see the truth: all of the girls she hated are on the nice list, and she's on the naughty list. Actually, there's a lot more to it than that!
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See, Princess was so naughty, that she’s the only person on the naughty list. He didn’t even need to make a list; he just has the naughty sticky note. She was just that bad; everyone else is nice by comparison; even Mojo Jojo is going to get something for Christmas. Remember that when you got presents even though you totally stole from the cookie jar: Princess sinned for your sins.
That, and it’s pretty convenient for Princess’s plot.
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Using a magic pencil that can erase ink, she swaps the two headings. Hey, it is Santa Claus we're dealing with, he probably has an eraser with a blue part that actually does erase ink. Of course, Santa can’t possibly think that every person except for one kid was naughty, right?
At the Powerpuff home, we cut back to the Powerpuff Girls slowly going to sleep. Bubbles wakes up early because she heard sleigh bells, only to find the cookies not eaten, no presents, and a lump of coal in her stocking. Bubbles decides to investigate further.
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Bubbles flies around every house in the residential area of Townsville, looking at other people’s presents with her x-ray vision. She goes to one house, she goes to another house, and then another, and another, and another, and so on. Remember when I said "worst example"? I didn’t get out of my seat and yelled "okay, I get it already!" I only thought it loudly. Honest.
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At least there’s some payoff to this, as Blossom and Buttercup tell Bubbles that she must have gotten coal because she looked through other people’s presents. Buttercup tells her this again later on, leading to this great reaction from Bubbles. It’s just the way it’s animated; there’s no need for No Me Gusta. Well, there's a quarter for the "reboot jabs in original reviews" jar.
Rewinding a little bit, once they see that they got coal in their stockings, too, Blossom and Buttercup realize something is terribly wrong, too.
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The Powerpuff Girls, after changing into their normal outfits off-screen, yeah, that’s it, go up the chimney to find Princess. Princess is flying, and it’s not because they didn’t know she couldn’t. Since Princess is the only nice girl in the entire world, Santa decided to give her what she always wanted, and give everyone else coal.
She threatens to fly all the way to Santa Claus to tell him that those three jealous girls that always denied her is now going to destroy Santa’s workshop in retaliation for their much deserved coal. Why would he believe her? Because she’s the only nice child in the entire world, silly! As she starts flying off, the Powerpuff Girls chase after after her.
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There are boring ways to fill time, and there are good ways to fill time, and while the driver scene is close, there is no better way to fill time in the Powerpuff Girls than with an action sequence. They must have known this, too; almost an episode’s worth of time is spent with them racing towards the North Pole, them fighting, pulling each other’s hair, and much, much more.
There are so many highlights I can bring out of this, but I got to leave something out of the review or I'll be here forever. I should highlight one scene in particular, though: Blossom has ice breath, Bubbles has the ability to talk to animals, Buttercup can roll her tongue, what does Princess have?
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Crown-controlled telekinesis! Well, Bliss isn’t so special, is she? Alright, fine, enough with the reboot jabs; I'm running out of quarters to put in the jar. As she throws this giant ice ball, she ends up splitting this ball into three, shaping it into her face. A neat touch.
Princess: Cool it, girls!
Even Princess is good at the one-liners.
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In a speed more rapid than eagles, 8 minutes to get to the North Pole from somewhere in the US is rather impressive, they finally arrive at the North Pole. Yes, I timed it. They destroy everything in sight thanks to a hair tug caused fight. Princess ended up being right about the Powerpuff Girls destroying the workshop, as said earlier, though it was all her fault.
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We get to see ol' jolly Saint Nick himself, except he isn’t so jolly. He's sad that every kid in the entire world is bad except for one kid. Maybe he shouldn't have skipped over the whole "he sees you when you're sleeping" part in the beginning. Considering how Bubbles is demonized for doing so earlier in the episode, maybe they didn't want to point out the hypocrisy.
How did they get Santa to believe that Princess is wrong, and they are right? Simple: all Santa needed to hear was that they were the Powerpuff Girls. Knowing who they are, but not knowing what they looked like; what kind of Santa are you? He's still cool.
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Then again, Princess calling him "Santa Clod" probably helped with his next decision.
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Santa realizes that, no, he doesn’t have to follow a list to know who's naughty or nice when it's clear to him. He tears the sticky note up. Who's to think that the only person that learns a lesson in this special is Santa? I can't even think of a time where that has ever happened before.
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Well, there is one list that he will follow: the crew vanity Permanent Naughty List, as Santa noses Princess’s name on it. Maybe I should explain that: when he pokes his red nose, Christmas magic happens. I feel sorry for poor Bill and Ryan; Santa taught of them before thinking of that next guy.
Santa: Bum bum bum!
No, really, he says “bum bum bum” as the camera zooms into this face when he does this. Even with his utter lapse of judgment, I can still say this is one of my favorite portrayals of Santa Claus.
Another "bum bum bum" is that it's just too late; he's already done his journey. The fact that the workshop is in ruins doesn't help at all, but he doesn't hold it against the Powerpuff Girls. If only there were someone that can fly super fast.
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The Powerpuff Girls become Santa for a year, saving Christmas like all those characters in the 80's. We don't see them go all around the world, just through Townsville's residential area. We can just assume the rest of the whole world didn't wake up to coal in their stocking, as the Narrator does.
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We almost end on a joke with the Professor trying to wake the girls, but they're too tired having to do Santa's job in an inkling of the time it took Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, and et cetera. It could have ended with that, but that wouldn't have been as cheerful for a Christmas special, so they wake up and celebrate Christmas after all.
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The Narrator ends the show like how every Powerpuff Girls episode ends, in a more rhymey and Christmassy way. Just wanted to highlight that because I miss it so much. Maybe I should make some plans for the new year.
Does it still hold up?
Minus a few scenes that lasted a bit too long, it’s a great special from start to finish with lots of actions and some creative humor. There’s not a lot of Christmas specials that can claim that, especially the former.
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All I can say to end this review is...
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Marry Krismas, Ms Kene.
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fly-pow-bye · 7 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Bridezilla”
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Jaydeep Hasrajani, Leticia Abreu Silva
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Oh no, they say she’s got to go!
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The episode starts with the Powerpuff Girls opening an invitation for the Utonium Family. Not the Powerpuff Family, the Utonium Family. Even the people who wrote the invitations don't agree with what you think your last name is, Blossom. Maybe it's a retcon, and we never have to hear "Blossom Powerpuff" again. Wishful thinking.
I'm also glad to see the Bikini part of their name hasn’t been retconned by how often they call them “The Fashionistas”. Speaking of which, that jail sentence at the end of Monkey Love must have been pretty short lived; it's not even mentioned in this episode despite clearly being a sequel. Townsville's jail must have a revolving door, just like Gotham City's.
Blossom: BYOB. Bring your own...bananas?
One minute in, and we’re already far closer to "Monkey Love" than the actual Monkey Love.
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Blossom and Buttercup immediately think something is going on. Not because of anything in the letter, but because they’re villains. Bubbles, on the other hand, thinks it’s just going to be a normal wedding, and accuses Blossom of judging a villain by its cover. Blossom picks up a book that says “Always Evil: A Memoir”.
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Mojo Jojo shows up, smashing through a door for no reason other than to give Blossom and Buttercup a reason to not trust him. He calls for the Professor in a threatening way...to stay with him at a bachelor party! It even has a catchphrase: "Don't Lose The Mojo"! Yeah, he already did since his first appearance, and only got slightly better over time.
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After the Professor leaves with his former lab assistant turned evil chimp, Bianca Bikini shows up, also smashing through a window for no reason other than to give Blossom and Buttercup a reason to not trust her. A reason they won't even use.
Buttercup: Ugh, does anyone know how to use a door?
This could have been a better gag if the Powerpuff Girls were still bashing through walls. If they didn't want to make them hypocrites, they could even reference it as a reason why they don’t do it anymore. I would rather them break through walls, since even this reboot's theme song says they do, but an explanation would be better than nothing.
Bianca is here to tell the Puffs that if the wedding happens, Townsville will go "ta-ta". Blossom and Buttercup do question trusting her after all she did to them, even referencing the brainwashing in Fashion Forward, but they believe her anyway. Because VILLAINY! Bubbles is the voice of reason in this episode, Blossom and Buttercup don't even get unique roles.
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They go undercover as non-discriminate gal pals at Barbarus’s bachelorette party. They tell Barbarus that Reboot Jojo told them her butt smells. This completely backfires, as she takes it as a compliment, because apes. Bubbles and a group of people from previous episodes, such as the inept camera girl from Bubbles of the Opera and Zeitgeist from Road Trippin’, go aww over this moment.
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After that failure, they go undercover as non-discriminate guy pals at Reboot Jojo’s bachelor party.
Reboot Jojo: And his monologues would go on and on!
Must be talking about his more competent and funnier brother, Mojo Jojo. They try to do the same thing they did to Barbarus. I did mention the whole "two characters, one role" problem, but there is one subtle difference: while Buttercup was able to do the butt line on the spot, Blossom needs index cards to be mean. Good touch.
Blossom: Barbarus told you you're unfunny, unclassy, a weak villain...
Love it when Blossom does my work for me. Unfortunately, she also does a butt-related comparison, which makes him really happy. Bubbles and a group of people from previous episodes, such as the monster-for-hire from Princess Buttercup and the talking zebra from Tiara Trouble, go aww over this moment.
No, it's done, random voiceover guy. Where is the Narrator, anyway? At least this season is consistent with his non-appearances.
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Blossom and Buttercup go back to their drawing board, showing that they tried everything to stop this wedding. They tried fabricating lies, photoshopping jealousy by putting a picture of Barbarus's head on what looks like someone going on a date with Fuzzy Lumpkins, and anti-Barbarus campaigns that look suspiciously like anti-Obama stickers. I'll just let that unfortunate implication speak for itself.
Before we can think about that too hard, Bianca shows up to tell Blossom and Buttercup that they're going to do something evil at the wedding. Just from that, Blossom and Buttercup assume there's a bomb in the lasagna at the wedding. Bubbles tries to be the voice of reason, but Blossomcup trusts the person that tried to drown them in tye-dye and already left.
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And so the wedding begins to be ruined, starting off with Blossom and Buttercup beating up the bride and groom and asking where the bomb is. At least I can say they’re not being weak this time, as they easily trash the party. The same two people that were able to hold down Bubbles and Buttercup like they were weaklings in the last episode. I guess it just takes evil.
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Being the voice of reason in this, Bubbles tries her, but failing. One scene in particular has Blossom and Buttercup throwing out the cake to find the bomb. Bubbles desperately tries to catch the cake, and succeeds, but it gets hit by the Wedding Hippo. Bubbles questions the existence of a Wedding Hippo, and that’s all anyone is going to get. Random!
One thing I will say: they seem to do a far better job at making this a monkey wedding rather than a generic couple wedding. Not necessarily the villain part, but the ape part. This is shown when they eye laser the presents, and a bunch of bananas come out of them. At least it's something!
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Blossom and Buttercup declare that the day is saved, as the wedding is now in ruins. Reboot Jojo tells them that, no really, he just wanted to have a normal wedding. Possibly to defer blame, Blossom and Buttercup blurt out that Bianca told them all about their plans. Bianca gets angry, but Barbarus gets even angrier knowing that Bianca caused this misunderstanding to happen. Barbarus growls Bianca's face off. Literally.
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It was probably less freaky in the storyboard.
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This anger turns into outright rage, with Barbarus even hulking up slightly, and she starts chasing after Bianca and rampaging through the city. She picks up taco trucks. The Powerpuff Girls try their best to save Bianca. Because they're superheroes, they can't just kill people, right?
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We even get the classic “people carrying glass across the street gag“, where Bubbles smacks right into it. Bianca was easily able to break glass in the opening. Sad to see that aspect continuing from the last episode.
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The Powerpuff Girls struggle to keep Barbarus from ripping apart Bianca, showing her determination to “get” Bianca and showing the writers lack of determination to give any truth to the “girl power” tagline put on this show. Well, Barbarus is a woman, so I guess it would technically still be true.
The Powerpuff Girls aren’t just, but they also want to give her a chance to say sorry. They beg her to say sorry, but Bianca just tells them to stay out of this. The Powerpuff Girls decide to follow that advice, and let the dress go. Jeez, Reboot Puffs, I thought this was the lighter and softer reboot; they're actually going to let a giant angry gorilla maul Bianca to death.
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Nah, of course not. At the very last second, she finally says sorry. This immediately causes Barbarus to turn back to normal. It was a good thing the Powerpuff Girls knew this was going to happen! Bianca explains her motives: ever since Barbarus started dating Reboot Jojo, they haven't been together. This doesn't really fit with the last episode, which had Bianca join in on every date, but that's par for the course for this show.
They hug each other and make up, Bianca finally accepting Barbarus's love. This sisterly bonding is so sweet, that not only does Bubbles goes aww over it, Buttercup starts crying over it. I do like the line she says to cover it up, she's just allergic to sad things. A minor like. It’s almost like a drama version of the fistbump joke, but I don’t see it as bad. Maybe it’s because this it’s a very rare occurrence in this show.
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For the record, before they can say “I do”, they get into an argument and never actually get to it. It’s left open on whether or not this negates the wedding. There is one line I really like, coming from the hateable-in-this-episode Blossom of all people.
Blossom: Maybe this is why you shouldn't get engaged after two dates.
It's almost as if it was making fun of how sudden the relationship was. The episode ends with Jojo threatening to destroy the city, justifying Blossom and Buttercup's prejudice, and the Powerpuff Girls beating up Reboot Jojo in an off-screen fight. It seems like they can only show violence when it’s bad.
Does the title fit?
The bride rampages through the city, just like a certain giant monster.
How does it stack up?
I like how the Bianca plot was wrapped up. Even the Barbarus x Jojo relationship, which I didn't agree with, seemed to be played for humor more than the last episode. Sure, the ending seems like a way to reverse everything back to the status quo, but I didn't want to see it happen anyway.
I can see how people could hate this episode, and it's all on Blossom and Buttercup. While their cruelty isn't rewarded like in certain episodes of the original, it's not exactly punished either. Then again, Reboot Jojo is supposed to be their most notorious villain, and Barbarus isn't much better. I just didn't feel like it was as forced as this relationship was to me. Your mileage may vary.
I can see how people would hate this episode, but I found it alright. I would give this a high Neutral, but I've been giving those out like candy on Halloween lately for episodes worse than this one, so I'll be nice here.
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Next, the big one. I'll wait until the episode airs to tell you my plans for that one.
← Monkey Love ☆ Power of Four (Parts 1-2) →
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