#Bcoz he thinks his uncle came back
anrisimps · 1 year
Krs whump
Krs's uncle who got recruited by the hunters was tasked with the job of keeping the anomaly (krs) under control so that he doesn't get in their way in the future as Cale and they rather want him to be subservient to them.  
This krs ran away from his uncle when he had had enough of his uncle and his abuse ( lies, he was just scared that he was going to die that day. His uncle came smelling of alcohol that day and the man being drunk never meant good for krs. The child flinched when the keys jingled outside of the door, trying to find the keyhole- no doubt fumbling bcoz he was drunk and then there was angry yelling and it terrified krs. He had an inkling that if he hadn't run away that day, he wouldn't be here drinking with his hyungs)  and was living his best life with his team. The monsters still attacked everyone and the world was thrown into chaos but he was the happiest he had ever been. 
One night, there was a knock on his door. Usually krs wasn't one to open the door at night but he was used to cjs coming at his house at the oddest time and he ended up opening the door on autopilot, still half asleep.  His hand froze on the doorknob when he found him standing in front of his door instead of cjs. His heart seemed to drop to his stomach and all he could do was stare blankly, hiding his trembling hand behind himself while his uncle stared down maliciously at him. 
For a split second he contemplated running back inside, to call his team leader nim, cjs or anyone really- anyone who could save him from this monster but his legs refused to move. It was as if his muscles had been locked into place and all he could do was stand there like a lamb ready to be slaughtered. 
He was quick. It didn't take long for deft fingers to clench around his neck. He crowded krs against the wall, whispering how fragile his neck looked, how easy it would be to snap it in two, how funny it would be to see krs choking to death. He seemed extremely amused with the way krs trembled yet his face remained as expressionless as ever.
That brought a strange, hungry gleam in his uncle's eyes and he realized he had managed to doom himself yet again. He was barely given any time to process anything when his uncle lugged him out of the door, leaving it open for anyone to raid his house or just too unbothered to close it. Krs doesn't know how he didnt realize his uncle awakened. He was sure that the man had died in the cataclysm. 
"Are you saddened to find your uncle alive, Rok Soo-yah?" fingers grabbed his face harshly, forcing him to face the older man. He remained quiet. He knew all too well that the man didn't like him talking. 
"Answer me. Answer your uncle Rok Soo- yah" His hair was being pulled after that but krs felt too dazed to register the pain slowly spreading all over his scalp. 
"You have grown too cocky after being left alone for so long. Clearly you need to be reminded of your place-"
Krs stopped listening. He knew he was fucked. He could see the moonlight glinting off the knife his uncle had hidden in the car. If he dared to anger the man any further, he might end up getting stabbed. Will he finally be dead for good? Would his hyungs mourn him if he died? Would anyone care? 
After all, why should anyone care for an emotionless bastard like him? It didn't matter if he lived or died. He didn't have any useful abilities either except his slightly sharper memory. Their company won't waste their precious resources in trying to rescue him. Perhaps, in another life, if he hadn't been so useless, would he have been rescued? 
That was the last thought krs had before he was knocked out and thrown into the basement of an abandoned house.
Water continuously dripped from the roof. The pipeline seemed to be broken. The sound was driving him insane but that was also the only thing keeping his sanity in check. Without it, there was nothing to distract him from his injuries and the dull ache in his muscles. Everything had turned numb. This was a lot better than the deafening silence he had grown used to for the past few days? weeks?- at the very least. 
Ah, look at him being hypocritical now. How often did he tell cjs to shut up because he was noisy? Why did he crave this silence back then? 
Krs coughed out a large chunk of blood. His chest heaved up and down as he struggled to breathe, each movement sending sharp bouts of pain across his body. One of his ribs seemed to be broken too. Countless other bruises throbbed but he couldn't feel anything except a dull ache- his body too numb, too broken to register the pain. Has he always been like this? He couldn't seem to remember how he dealt with the aftermath of his uncle's drinking habit. 
Few weeks ago, he wouldn't have even remembered his uncle but after spending all this time in the basement with him had refreshed his memories. When he was being tortured, he chose to retreat into his mind, far away from the monster who called himself his uncle but after some days, that became useless too. Memories from his childhood, starring his uncle plagued his mind and he found no respite. It had become a cycle. 
His uncle would come and play with him. 
Krs would retreat within the recesses of his mind. 
His uncle would continue to torture both his body and mind and then leave him to stew in his nightmares. 
He would get a few scraps of food so that he doesn't die so easily.
Later, the entire night was spent toeing the line between consciousness and unconsciousness. 
And then repeat. 
This had become his life ever since his uncle kidnapped him. He didn't know what the man did with his body when he wasn't mentally present here but it seemed his unresponsiveness had particularly angered the man last night. The whip marks down his back smarted as he tried to shift, to relieve some pressure of his broken legs but that just ended up opening other wounds. 
His memory was blurry but he remembered his uncle promising something "special" for the next time and the thought turned his heart to stone. What more could he possibly do? What hadn't he already done to krs? Krs felt that the man would be disappointed again tomorrow for krs was already broken, there was nothing more to break anymore and his uncle was on a failed mission if he wanted to get a response out of him. 
With that thought, he drifted off to a restless sleep.
Contrary to his beliefs, his uncle didn't bring anything special to torture him with. Krs had barely glanced at him for a moment before quickly putting his head down- unwilling to gaze at the revolting man. He was sure he could take it. No new instruments meant he would use the old ones and krs was dearly familiar with them already. What could possibly go wrong? 
"Did you ever think how I got my hands on you?" his uncle asked lightly, as if they were taking a walk in the park. 
"Do you wonder why no one came for you?"
"Oh? You already seem to know how worthless you are. Interesting"
Krs flinched at the response and lifted up his head to glare at the man and promptly froze. Wha- what was this?
Lsh's face smiled condescendingly down at him. 
"My, this expression looks good on you, nephew" 
Krs's pupil shook as he stared at the man in front of him. Hyung? His hyung was here? Why was he smiling like that? Why wasn't he rescuing krs? Did he want to hurt him too? 
The man smiled again and krs flinched. It wasn't his hyung. It couldn't be his hyung. He had never seen such a disgusting expression on his hyung's face and knew it wasn't him. And he still sounded like his despicable uncle. 
His uncle frowned when krs's eyes cleared up and he clicked his tongue in annoyance. 
"Tsk, I forgot about the voice." 
And surely, the next time he spoke, it sounded exactly the same as his hyung.  
Krs's mind grew chaotic as his hyung's husky voice washed over him. He trembled when the man came close and caressed his cheek- the same way like he always had. The only difference was that krs wasn't usually tied up and bleeding from 10 different places while lsh stared at him in equal parts fascination and disgust. 
Horror crept up his spine and ice flooded his veins when he realized his uncle's schemes. He was unable to tear his gaze away as the repulsive man wearing his hyung's face came closer and closer, whispering about how he was going to ruin krs, how he would have krs begging for death soon, how dare krs live when he ruined so many lives just by existing. 
Krs would have ignored him, as usual, but he couldnt ignore his hyung. He couldnt ignore the warm voice which would usually be laced with exasperation as his hyung tried to scold him and cjs for their latest shenanigans. He could hardly take his eyes off hyung. 
The eyes which used to look at him with so much love, so much adoration held so much contempt, disgust for him that it shocked him into stillness. He wasnt used to those warm, gentle eyes gazing at him like that. He wasnt used to his hyung gazing at him like that.
Krs wondered how could a person feel so different when they had the same face. Everything was same, yet so different. Lsh's usually reliable figure and gentle demeanour didnt feel safe or reassuring at all today. With every step he took, krs felt a closer to death. 
With a icy chill, krs realized that he isnt going to come out unscathed or alive when his hyung uncle was done with him today. 
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