#Before anyone says “but I don't ship it!” I don't care and boo fucking hoo... also my blog -- touch some grass
mortal-kombat-1 · 8 months
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analtbeast · 1 year
For reference this is what I'm talking about: X
Wow Birdsong continues to get worse and worse huh? I got the feeling that Talk was an aggressive asshole from the original callout so I'm not surprised that they wouldn't give a shit about racism. (Being "ignorant" and not experiencing much racism yourself doesn't mean it's ok to ignore racism ffs. Especially antisemitism like wtf???)
But Birdsong continues to lie out of their ass. Oh you were feeling disgusted with yourself for drawing rape and incest and other illegal art? GOOD. But I don't think that's true. You literally were joking about an adult uncle raping his minor nephew days before getting rid of Toffee. I don't know what's worse, you "pretending" to be into it while being too much of a coward to stand up for what's right, or you being into it and now lying to everyone now about being better. At least Toffee has the decency to be open about their illegal ships.
Toffee may be a proshipper but even I feel bad for them here. Imagine being lied to about your friend being open and honest to you just to find out that they were lying this whole time because "boo hoo i was scared you might commit suicide". Excuse me??? I've had friends who were off and on again suicidal but I'd never just hide shit from them because of it, much less blame them for me hiding shit?? That's on you Birdsong for being a slimy, pathological liar.
And it's nice to have solid proof of this group being antisemitic. Like they were obviously stalkers. Deplatform proshippers all you want but going after a minor and every single friend they have? That's fucked. If you go around attacking the same person for years you have a problem. Birdsong should have known that. But now we even have screens from Talk themselves that these people were bigots. And Birdsong knew about this?? And it took TWO times of them being bigots to leave the nazis? Wtf is wrong with you?
Keep Birdsong away from minors, keep them away from any POC especially Jewish people and keep them away from autistic people too considering the shit their sister said and how they see autism as an "excuse" rather than something they dismissed and demonized someone for.
Birdsong lured a vulnerable, mentally unstable person in with kindness and then stabbed them in the back by working with their abusers. They used someone almost 10 years younger than them for their weird fetishes and as free labor and then tossed them aside. And then falsely accused them of horrible things and called them out on them for things they both drew, pretending to be a good person and a victim. Anyone who is their friend is at risk of being another victim. Anyone who gets close to them is likely to be lied to and cast aside for their own goals or for their partner. Honestly I even think Talk should get away from them since they clearly lied about their art and about Toffee. Talk seems genuinely remorseful now that they know the truth, and the fact that they don't care that Birdsong hid the full story from them is alarming. The weird attachment these two have where they excuse each other's horrible actions but also are okay with hiding so many things from each other is disturbing.
Of course, they were never going to come clean about this if their victim didn't speak up. Sure they're all "I'm so sorry I'm just the worst" now that they've been caught. You ruined someone's life and you didn't care until it affected you? How horrible can you get? And even after being so so sorry, they didn't say anything on their blog about it. Only remorseful enough to talk in private so you can silence your victim while never having to take a blow to your reputation? You snake. They were too nice to you and yet they feel bad for being "blunt". They were just telling the truth and you couldn't take the heat. How does it feel to be accused of awful things Birdsong? Except they have proof and your own admission to support them, you had nothing but lies to support you.
I'm disgusted that they still get over 100 notes on their comic pages. That's over a 100 people that are supporting a liar, freak, and a bigot apologist. How many people support them financially? How many close friends do they have? How can anyone look at their blatant lies and betrayal and think "hmmm I want to continue supporting this person"? I really hope that people just don't know. Because this is just another thing making me lose faith in people among many MANY other things.
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sour-n-salty-citrus · 3 years
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(Sorry for blacking out the name, but i didn't want to risk giving the person in question more negative attention!)
Ughhhh i know the feeling anon. Most shippers seemed to have migrated to Twitter (I've met some lovely shippers on Discord, but it seems they pretty much all use Twitter RIP), it was a lot better for people back here before the p0rn ban. Now tumblr seems to be infested with ants... gonna need bug spray 😷 🐜🐜🐜
And WHAT?? People are reporting that person? They're literally so cool and nice! Ugh, people need to get a fucking life istg.
And I wish antis good luck (no i dont) trying to report them, they've done literally nothing wrong. Sorry, but I think the tumblr staff probably care more about the real images of (general TW for upsetting stuff) gore, se/f harm and suibait antis send and use to intentionally trigger and upset proshippers than.... you know.... pixels on a screen making up fictional fucking characters. And before anyone complains "oh but the children!!!1!1" their blog is marked as containing sensitive content- if you're old enough to have any reading comprehension at all, you can guess that it might upset you!
If you're younger than 18, you can't access it without lying about your age (that's on you). And if you're older, then you're old enough to deal with seeing things you don't like. If it's literally impossible for you, then hey- I'm sure your device has a power off button. Maybe try using it!
And I'd also like to say- if you think shipping two fictional characters is anywhere near on the same level as creation and distribution of actual C/SEM, get the fuck out of here. Stop actively helping out predators and abusers with your bullshit, and stop fucking wasting people's time trying to track down and remove actual harmful content because boo hoo you saw a fictional ship you don't like.
Grow up.
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I'm going to be perfectly honest with you, I think you're in the wrong for saying fiction doesn't affect reality, and before you say some random snarky response, please listen for a second.
By writing fanfiction involving fictional children in relationships with adults, or by drawing abusive relationships or by creating content of incest, you are providing tools for abusers to use to groom victims and children. You say you have trauma involving this kind of thing, and yet you are normalizing this sort of behavior so it will spill over and harm real people. A part of me believes you do not really care about other people, and are just as disgusting and awful as the people who hurt you, because you are supporting their behavior and providing them content to hurt more people. And a part of me is sorry for you.
It is none of my business when someone creates content that doesn't actively promote harmful ideals and hurt real people.
That is a valid statement.
But it becomes unacceptable and downright disgusting when people like you go "oooh I have trauma boo hoo I'm going to write an adult and child having intercourse and then publish it so actual real life pedophiles can find it and use it to groom children uwuwuwuw"
Fuck you for acting like your disgusting perverted ideals aren't harming people. Fuck you for acting like you're high and mighty when what you create is hurting real people. Fuck you for not tagging your content appropriately and fuck you for being a shit stain on our society. Pedophilia is not normal, incest is not normal, and abuse is not normal. It should never be presented as such, and should never be publicly promoted as such.
Sincerely, an ex pro shipper.
wow, ok lmao
im curious who was so awful to you that youre an ex proshipper? i dont tend to see people going from someone who is against harassment to someone who is very much For harassment
i do appreciate that you clearly took your time to write this ask in a (mostly, up until the end) respectful way, so i want to try to respond in kind:
1. "you are providing tools for groomers to use"
groomers will use literally anything to groom. they will use books, movies, food, and yes, perfectly "healthy, unproblematic" ships/fiction.
i am not providing tools for shit. i am creating content that i like, for others who like it, and that is IT. i do not create things with the intent that anyone will use it to harm others. allow me to use this to segue into my next rebuttal:
2. "you don't care about other people, and are just as awful and disgusting as as the people who hurt you"
and here's where i'm going to lose my shit a little.
how fucking dare you? i care an awful lot about others, but that doesn't even matter as much as your next claim; that i'm just as awful as the people who hurt me?
how the fuck can you sit there and genuinely believe that? please show me where i have EVER told anyone to kill themselves, that i hope they die, that i want to run them over with a truck, that i think they enjoyed their abuse, that their family members wish they were dead, that their DEAD FUCKING GRANDMOTHER, WHO HAD JUST PASSED AWAY, WOULD BE GLAD THEYRE DEAD.
show me where i EVER fucking said ANY OF THAT. FUCKING SHOW ME.
3. "fuck you for not tagging your content appropriately"
but. i do tag my content appropriately? if i've ever missed a tag, i apologize, please tell me the post so i can go back and tag it. i always make sure that i am tagging what needs to be tagged, because to me, that is the most important thing that needs to be done when you are creating content such as what i create. so again, if i have forgotten a tag or you think i need a new tag, please tell me. i would be more than happy to oblige. (although no, i will not be tagging ships that aren't pedophilic as 'pedophilia'.)
4. "pedophilia is not normal, incest is not normal, abuse is not normal. it should never be presented as such, and should never be publicly promoted as such."
i agree 100%! however, i have never claimed those things as being normal, nor have i ever presented them or promoted them as such?
you're confusing what fictional scenarios and tropes i enjoy with me supporting and encouraging those things irl. they are completely separate, so i'm unsure what your problem there is.
5. (your general statements about my content hurting real people)
that's not how that works lmao
if someone is uncomfortable by and hates me/my content? cool, that's fine and understandable. please block me and avoid my content and curate your internet experience. that is why i tag my content, so people who don't like it can avoid it.
if someone sees my content, decides on their own that because i draw incest or whatever, that i automatically support irl incest, and they have a freakout over it and decide to harass me? not my fucking problem. if they sincerely believe that fiction is reality, then whatever happens after that is their personal problem.
i do my part. i tag my shit. i warn for my shit. that is as far as my end of the street goes. it is their responsibility to go to their end of the street and take action to ensure they don't see my content.
i don't have control over people's reactions or feelings about my content. but i do have control over taking the necessary steps to limit their exposure and make it easy for them to block my things. and i have consistently done that.
whatever the purpose of your message was, whether it was just to cause me distress, or whether you actually sent this in good faith, i just hope you can take some of this to heart and understand that i have done my part.
have a good evening anon, and i hope you can work past whatevers troubling you.
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