#sorry for the rant nonny
princessfbi · 4 months
The thing about people being weird about Lou’s dad is too real.
It’s SO uncomfortable. Like blah blah blah nepo babies WHATEVER! That doesn’t necessarily mean that those relationships are the best and the amount of times people have asked Lou in interviews what his dad thinks of his work? It makes me want to throw a chair. First of all: Who fucking cares? Second of all: Ask his dad yourself? Third: He’s not there to talk about his dad. He’s fucking working.
Lou himself has stated he sees his dad more as a coach than a dad. I try not to read into what’s posted on social media but like it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell they don’t have a good relationship.
This may be a hot button for me personally cus I also know what it’s like to have to lie through my teeth to people I interact with at work when they ask me how my dad is. Like what do you want me to say? Oh we don’t speak. KK BYE?!
Stop askinggggggg!
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satoruxx · 11 days
I just found between comfort and chaos and I AM OBSESSED in this most recent chapter I loved all the details but also am I delusional or was Toji jealous/protective when he met Nanami 😮 also this might be a stupid question but is the title based off of the lizzy mcalpine song?
HI NONNIE !!! welcome to our lil family pls enjoy your stay we have snacks every friday :33
i'm so happy you're enjoying wolf!toji so far !! and lmao you are NOT delusional he was getting unneccesarily grumpy about how friendly you and nanami are !! he is... a little slow though, so to him that's definitely not jealousy (it is) and obviosuly it has nothing to do with being territorial over you (it does). the worst part is toji knows very well that nanami is such a good person. the bear hybrid is so similar to you, unflinchingly kind and understanding—he knows it so well. so he doesn't want to feel so irritated when you and nanami trade smiles and when you praise the bear's personality. he doesn't want to...
but here is is, gritting his teeth and huffing to himself.
lol he's so stupid i love him, my lil grumpy wolf. once again i have rambled about wolf!toji bc i have no self control but yes long story short anon, he is jealous !!
ALSO no it's not a stupid question, it is absolutely from ceilings by lizzy mcalpine !! i adore the line "lovely to sit between comfort and chaos" and that's where i got the inspo from because... let's be so fr, toji is quite literally stuck between those two worlds !!
thank you for dropping by nonnie !! have a lovely day <333
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
it's been ages sai and you still haven't answered any of my questions?
✦゜ANSWERED: Despite only visiting Tumblr 2-3 times a week, I get over 10+ asks daily and almost 90 asks weekly.
60% are from people who actually take the time to read the pinned post and follow the rules (hence getting their asks answered), 20% are repeated/FAQ questions, 10% are anons asking for NSFW, 5% are people sending their reactions to my posts (I'd prefer if you left a reply on the post instead!! ;v; /nm), 3% are people mistaking me for other yan blogs, and 1% are rude anons trying to start fake drama in the indie yan VN community.
Please understand that it's only me who's managing this blog, and I can't get through everyone's questions most of the time — whether it's by repeating the same thing over and over again, searching for and linking posts where their question has already been answered, or simply because your ask got buried amongst the others.
If you'd like a better chance at me answering your questions; please, please, please read my pinned post and search this blog before you send in anything! I know it can be frustrating waiting aaaaaages for a response, but please be considerate of what I have to deal with on my end as well ;v; I don't want your question to sound lacklustre or boring, but I also don't want to repeat the same things I've said a million times and bore everyone else who's reading jggkddfkg
Also I know it's the bare minimum, but please be respectful of a person's boundaries as well. I've explicitly stated in my pinned post that I'm not comfortable writing about a lot of darker topics (sc, sh, major death, etc.), yet people still try to send in asks about it anyways T_T Please don't do that. /lh /nm
EDIT: Also!! I usually clear out my inbox every few weeks or so!! Constantly seeing "300+" in my inbox is rather daunting and I'd rather not have that kind of anxiety looming over me all da time ;w; So if I don't get to your question after a few weeks, just send it in again!
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beneathashadytree · 4 months
i love ur blog sm and how u characterize everyone! BUT i especially LOVE the way u write xavier! how he says something a lil freaky then gets a bit nervous that y/n might not react positively, but then immediately continues being the freak he is once she plays into it. he knows what he’s doing!! fully giving wolf in sheep’s clothing
and the emojis u make him use are so him!! keep up the great work ❤️❤️
Awww thank you!! I’m so happy to hear this. Xavier is pretty complicated to write for, considering how layered his personality is.
Someone else has already touched upon this subject, but his character is so complex because he’s still the exact same guy after all this time. He hasn’t been reincarnated, but in fact has been the one to witness MC get reincarnated over and over again. So yeah, he’s definitely gained a lot of character traits with all the centuries he’s been alive, and all the different environments he’s lived in!!
Still, I think at his core he’s just an incredibly earnest guy who’s in love with someone he desperately wants to save in every timeline. And that yearning sometimes just can’t be restrained, and he ends up being really forward—then he’s reminded of the fact that the MC doesn’t remember all the lifetimes they’ve shared, and that causes him to hesitate for a bit, awaiting their reciprocation of his feelings. Once he does get the green light to go ahead, he just doesn’t hold back after that!! I find it equal parts sad and charming, honestly.
It’s reassuring to know that you think that I’m able to portray that as best as I can. He’s very much like an onion, so I suppose I’ll keep trying to peel away his skin within every SMAU post!!💗💗💗💗
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littlerosetrove · 6 months
I think they're probably just picking up their ages with how they've aged/grownup during the writers strike, since the actors were aging during those years, so we should probably be assuming Eddie+Buck are ~32 now and Eddie+Shannon had Christopher at like 19...which kinda tracks, though I'd have thought they were a bit older (no way they were in highschool though, since Eddie talks about coming home from a military tour once the baby (Christopher) is born in a flashback and 17-year-olds can't be in the military).
I hope you don't mind me answering this Nonny. I don't think you will?? But yeah, based on your other message, I can see how the math can possibly work out, although it's still a bit mind-fucky for sure. 🤙
Oh, I probably worded my post you're referring to wrong, but I meant that at the youngest Shannon got pregnant at 17, but would've given birth to Chris at 18. I have zero knowledge of how long military tours last (I do know you have to be 18 to even join the military), but again going with the *gestures* timeline you've laid out, yeah at the oldest Shannon was 19 when she had Chris.
I know the fandom is rather split on the, as I view it, retcon of sorts to age Shannon and Eddie down. Some people accept it, some don't, and some are "eh whatever" about it. And while it was never confirmed in canon how old Eddie is (until 6B), idk, I felt like there was enough clues to infer that he was 2-3 years older than Buck. And yeah, how old Ryan is irl was a factor of this.
I'm mixed on season 6 saying Shannon and Eddie are the same age and are younger that what I, and many others, originally thought. Part of me just thinks "...ok I guess." Another part of me is just, "but why and for what?" Now you don't have to think this, nor anyone, but to me, it all feels like another way for the show to give more sympathy points to Shannon (and Eddie in his own way). The show and Eddie (which I get) often have rose tinted glasses on when it comes Shannon.
Idk what your feelings on Shannon are Nonny, but uh, I'm not a fan of her. Yes she's and interesting character, and she's not unsympathetic, but in the end I still will not like a woman who abandoned her kid (in great part because she's ableist, lbr), came back because Eddie reached out for Chris, and then wanted to leave again before dying.
Circling back to the age thing. I already figured Shannon was maybe 22 or 21 when she had Chris, which is already young. Then the show says, "no no she was 18/19, which is extra sad." <-- That's just how it comes across to me anyway, the show trying to garner more sympathy for the woman who abandoned her kid.
Um. This definitely went places, but thank you for the math assist Nonny.
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
Days late but i'm reading the Q&A and i cannot tell if this guy is just Taking The Piss it slowly going mad from adapting it or if he's actually semi-incompetent
I saw a post about it and lots of people were. super mad abt it especially since the adaptation made so many changes. i have no strong thoughts but i also do not think generally so I Have No Input. ultimately i don't even know how much creative control he has, or what "the original author approved of the changes" means.
i genuinely. from the q&a cannot tell if he is trying to take the piss or just does not know how to read. i'm trying to be neutral because I Know Nothing. but this is more like the political side of webcomic discussions and you're probably more the socio-economic side so
oh don't worry nonnie! i have plenty of strong thoughts about it for the both of us :))
i hesitate a lot to criticize anyone's artwork because i know how hard art can be. and i personally have no real experience adapting from one medium to another so i'm even more apprehensive of speaking about something i know very little of.
but oh boy did the q&a dash away all of my reservations.
forgive me for taking your ask as an excuse to rant about it but i wanna thoroughly dissect it (derogatory)
i cannot tell if this guy is just Taking The Piss it slowly going mad from adapting it or if he's actually semi-incompetent
i don't think he's taking the piss. i think he's being completely earnest about thinking he's doing a good job at adapting tged. i think he genuinely thinks he's cracked the code on how to make a good adaptation.
i think he's completely wrong
here's what i mean. this is his answer when asked what's the most important part to keep in mind when adapting something:
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now, this doesn't sound bad at first. i'll give him that, at first glance, this looks like pretty decent advice. when making something, especially a work of fiction, it's pretty tempting to guide yourself by a 'what will the audience like?' mentality. and it's not a bad thing to want your content to be engaging, that's half of the challenge of making anything made to consumed.
but to consider it the most important part of the creative process?? to create or adapt a story based on what it's 'entertaining' instead of what you're trying to convey to your audience??
especially when this is what you think is what you should be focusing on
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like. sir. is that really what you're worrying about. really.
that last panel is especially infuriating to me because. why does he care so much about making the episodes funny. why is that his most pressing concern. there are so many things that are way more important than the comedy, like character development, relationship building, plot foreshadowing, a million other things and instead he just. cares about whether the latest episode was funny or not.
tged is a fun novel, it has so many funny moments but if asked i would not say it was a comedy. and it certainly never seemed to make an effort to make sure all of its chapters were funny.
so why on god's green earth does he seem to believe the adaptation needs to be over all other things funny.
why was that the direction he decided to take.
and i for one i'm almost absolutely certain it was his decision to go that route.
especially because this was his answer at being asked if he felt any pressure regarding the characters or plot development.
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nunca quise madrear a alguien mas que a este pinche monillo
he does go on to say all the changes were approved by bk moon but like. god what a way to confirm that he didn't a single shit about the characters and plot beyond making something he personally found funny lmaooo
and then this!! this!!
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the way he's admitting that he's changing whatever he feels like because as long as he 'doesn't stray too far from the central storyline' it doesn't matter,,,, because he already knows the ending and so as long as he can check off some boxes regarding the plot it doesn't really matter what happens in between,,, i wanna wring his neck so bad,,,
i already ranted about it in the tags before but you can't take a story and assume that as long as you get from point A to point B the parts in between don't matter. that's not how it works.
the ending of a story is the culmination of all the emotional and narrative build up you've done through the entire length of your work. is all the character moments, relationship growth and plot development that you've carefully sown in your story coming together to finally deliver what you've build up.
yes, the ending is an absolute masterpiece. because it has en entire novel of build up before it. because it took its time to make the audience engage earnestly with its characters and its plot. because it didn't make fun of itself at every moment possible and instead took itself seriously when the narrative called for it.
because the novel was telling a story and it wanted us to be invested on it beyond a superficial 'haha funny man makes ugly faces' reaction.
and because lee hyunmin is too busy wondering if every chapter is as funny as possible he's not doing the work needed to make sure the ending delivers the absolute gut punch and emotional catharsis it does on the novel.
he thinks he can just fuck around his way through the plot and still reap the same rewards bk moon did with the novel.
and if he keeps going like this he's not gonna be able to.
but that's just my opinion of course <3
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emmcfrxst · 5 months
I think some people played rdr2 with their eyes closed because why are you saying that Arthur would be a player/cheater?? HIS WHOLE CHARACTER IS ABOUT LOYALTY?? LOYALTY TO DUTCH?? THE GANG?? He would definitely treat his lover like gold and silk…he would be so smitten.
Also why do some people think Arthur is an asshole to women? He literally supports womens suffrage which is not common in his timeline he lives by his own moral code, (in game the player decides truly how Arthur behaves however storyline wise he is very open minded compared to many men in that age
I’ve ranted about this the other day but it’s so incredibly alarming to see just how many young people fantasize about being victims of abuse— whether it’s sexual violence, domestic abuse or mistreatment of any kind— as if experiencing the trauma of it is some kind of cool, fresh fantasy. Dark fics have become so widespread in every fandom nowadays and it’s deeply concerning especially when the consumers brush it off as it being a “kink”, fantasizing about a real issue that plagues our society and thus partaking in the normalization of this kind of behavior. There’s just so many layers of ickiness to dark content creators and their audience who lust after real, life changing trauma and as someone who’s been a victim of both sexual assault and grooming it makes me feel both ill and absolutely enraged to see people play abuse off as a kink. Fantasizing about getting raped, getting tortured or getting mistreated by your significant other on is NOT normal under any circumstances and the people who find those acts appealing genuinely need to seek out therapy or talk to someone.
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itsjaywalkers · 3 months
does nothing happens name come from the wallows album? or is it just a coincidence that they’re both named that??
YES AND NO i've talked about this before bc well . i love to yap about nothing happens, and that includes the title but !! originally the name came from succession even tho the two are so different. in s4 during the elections episode roman says this thing about how they can do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences. he can put whoever he wants in power and 'nothing happens', to which shiv replies with 'things do happen, rome'. and it really stuck with me!! succession in general really stuck with me. so when i was workshopping titles for that series, this scene came to my mind all of a sudden and it just . clicked . the context is very different for obvious reasons but that's the kind of vibe i was going for when it comes to james and his character, especially in relation to regulus and their whole dynamic. james does all these things that are questionable and plain wrong for or bc of regulus and doesn't realise there are consequences to his actions until it's too late!!
in fact, in part 4 there's this one paragraph i really like in which james speaks about how it doesn't matter what life looks like at the moment, nothing changes between him and reg. which we all know is a fucking lie but he just . isn't Aware and it's sort of a reference to the title and this whole concept
but THEN when i was making the playlist for nothing happens i immediately added do not wait by wallows, bc it's one of the main songs for the story. and it made me miss the nothing happens album as a whole so i . listened to it again in full and somewhere along the way i realised it fit the fic really fucking well. the fact that they share a name just makes it even better imo
so technically it doesn't come from there but now it's become one of the reasons for the title i guess <3
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
i was so glad that i had woken for the practice sessions at 3.30 (here in the UK) bc waking up for the race wasn't so bad lol (i was awake an hour before with maddams to watch the sky sports stuff and getting so angry at damon hill and other presenters calling Yuki cute
Do any of the other drivers get called cute by presenters and such? (Not including us cool people who call all the drivers cute and babygirl) No, they only ever seem to call Yuki cute. Yuki is a grown ass man and a phenomenal driver, same as anybody else on the grid and he should be treated the same. It feels lowkey disrespectful and like they're infantilising him. Idk what do you guys think?
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Grand-mère is so lucky she's already dead because she would have caught these hands. Anyways I'm so excited for the family, I'm rooting for them to find their happiness - LGL
Yeah, LGL, grand-mère is a bit problematic, to say the least. I am not without sympathy for her, especially if you read a little of her backstory, and consider the difficulty she would have faced as an unwed, single mother disowned by her family in the late 1890s. I think what she said to Josephine is true: she believes that she is in a position of power and in some way is bequeathing that onto her daughter, “saving” her from a life of poverty and dashed dreams by teaching her to exploit the prejudices placed on them for financial gain.
Of course what she is also doing is not only coercing her daughter into an immensely harmful situation for her, but in turn placing those societal expectations onto her instead of encouraging her to fight against them. In essence, she is doing what many mothers/fathers have done, which is to transfer their trauma onto their children. Josephine is in some ways trying to break that cycle for Violette, who she views much like her own daughter.
This of course creates another dynamic between them, one of fierce support and even displaced hopes and dreams. Josephine sees Violette almost as an incarnation of what she could have been, and as the 30s (and even the 40s/50s 👀) develops, this comes in contact with the often bleak state of reality as well as Violette’s own goals, which may or may not fall in line with those Josephine has for her.
Needless to say, this is the foundation of a long, ongoing dynamic that will shape both their lives for decades 😉
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lobotomy-maybe-bestie · 6 months
I think the discord server idea is so fun and exciting! A little Locked Tomb reread book club!!!
yess that's exactly what i'm going for!! i'm also thinking abt like several ideas in terms of fun stuff you can do with a text i might do research for this but it's meant to be like. i think Optional Effort would be the name for it?? still working out the basics but in concept it's like you read at your own pace and then if you wanna do something else there's like little games/challenges/reading exercises/creative prompts. i'm contemplating basing it on actual like. bible reading methods (there's literally so many like "bible meditations" that are essentially just fun little reflective writing exercises all dolled up in fancy liturgical language) as like a parody yknow bc gideon is the jesus of tlt and stuff. but idk yet! this is literally an idea i had yesterday but i'm frigging Jazzed abt it
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Book ask! #3?
3 - What were your top 5 books of the year?
I have to try to not succumb to recency bias on this one but I did read some bangers at the end of the year. Anyway...
Obviously Translation State by Ann Leckie! Even without my all consuming love for the presger treaty extended universe its an excellent book. I've talked/reblogged at length about all the things I love about it - the new characters, the very gender of it all, the various family dynamics, the new bits of worldbuilding, Sphene....
Is it cheating to do a duology? I read The Heretic's Guide to Homecoming by Sienna Tristen this year after meaning to for quite a while and it rewired my brain minorly. It's like an adventure road trip story that's so quiet and thoughtful and nice. There's deep platonic intimacy, there's a thousands-year-old kind of immortal being who keeps changing its name and gender and appearance, there's stories, there's emotions...
A more recent book I finished is Lockjaw by Matteo L Cerilli which actually isn't out til June of 2024 but my friend wrote it so I requested an ARC from netgalley because June is very far away. It's a small town horror YA novel and you can read my relatively spoiler free review on storygraph. Highly recommend preordering.
I read or reread a lot of middle grade this year, and (another duology oops) I really loved Sal and Gabi Break the Universe and Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe by Carlos Hernandez. It was so fun! I've said this a few times thru the year but I'm glad the kids are having adventures! And the adventures in these books are unmatched. There's a lot of parallel universe shenanigans, there are robots, there's random middle school shenanigans, there's a canonically aromantic character... I was very well fed on these books.
Finally coming back to the end of the year, I read The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard which is another relatively lowkey book about people enjoying each others' company but also is somehow about bureaucracy and reforming the government. The main character is the most busy at all times and that really resonated with me when I was also the most busy all the time. It's a very long book but I was engrossed.
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hello, i saw your additions to @ correctproseka'@ HPD an headcanon
and i saw you mentioned have a psych hyperfixation
so would you mind rambling to me about hpd and what it entails as well as how it effects you
(you can say no! please say no if your not comfortable! and if you are comfortable sharing please dont share anything that would potentially put you in harms way. i wanna be able to understand hpd bc i really liked the headcanon and wanna incorporate it into a piece of writing but if sharing your experiences is uncomfy or would put you at risk then of course i understand and would be happy with just an explanation of what hpd is)
I definitely would! thx for asking!
hpd sucks fucking balls. it makes me feel so shitty when I don't get attention I need and it gets even worse when you're an introvert with social anxiety. hpd is an attention seeking disorder and it isn't fun to have. Sometimes I feel the need to sexualize myself cause I feel like the best attention is a sexual one even tho I have strict parents and I'm a minor. hpd has people called attention people/atps who you value attention the most from. pwhpd would do anything to get that atp's attention. When it comes to my atp, sometimes I even feel envy because she's so much better than me and I wish that I could be her, making me want more attention from her. hpd also gives me really shallow emotions so one tiny thing could set me off + I get excited too easily. Oh fuck forgot one of my least fav symptoms. the easily influenced. to get attention, you need people to agree with you. What better way to get that agreement than changing your opinion to match people? For example, when I see something that I'm like "oh that's cool!" and see people commenting on how much it sucks, I start hating it. Or whenever someone asks me what I want to do, I tell them I don't know even though I do know and want to do what they like more. Another of my least favorite symptoms I get is the amount of envy I feel. Whenever my friend gets more attention than me, I get so fucking pissed and I feel bad for getting pissed but god, if only that attention went to me not them..
yeah thars pretty much it. hoped my experience helped your understanding of hpd. everyone is different and doesn't experience symptoms the same.
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udunie · 1 year
So I know it’s been 5 years but do you think you’d ever continue writing Exit 27? 👉👈
Heyo, nonnie!
So, this is not directed at you at all, I swear, it's just something I feel like I need to get off my chest...
This is the third ask in the last week I got about updating something (one of them was a clearly marked, completely finished fic???)
I know I have a lot of WIPs, believe me, nobody knows it more than I do, what's more, I would hazard a guess that nobody is bothered more by my WIPs than I am.
Whenever I feel the smallest motivation to write and open a new document I'm already feeling incredibly guilty about not doing X or Y or Z instead, and it's just making everything so much harder.
In my darker moments I've considered just... fucking deleting every fic I have on AO3 that is not completed, so that I didn't have to look at them and be constantly reminded. (Heck, many times I thought about deleting my whole AO3 account and my tumblr and starting over just so I don't have an army of WIP skeletons in my closet... because sometimes I get asked about updating something in the comments of something else...)
There are a few reasons why a fic doesn't get updated; I'm stuck with the plot cause what I planned originally just isn't working and I don't know how to make it so, I lose inspiration either cause I feel like what I've written is shitty or cliche, and sometimes I just get tired of a story for some unknown reason or or or...
Please believe me when I tell you, no story is left unfinished because I forgot it existed, or I'm just being an asshole and withholding the rest of it just to spite you. If I could finish them, I would, I promise.
And I know that every time someone asks, it's with genuine good intention, because you like my stuff and it honestly should be a compliment, but it's still just making me feel more down about posting anything that isn't an old WIP that I'm not able to finish...
I don't know what the solution here is... But pretty much the only asks I get on tumblr about stuff I've written is asking for more and it's not helping.
I'm so sorry, dear nonnie, I swear this isn't about you, I know this is very much a me problem, I've just been thinking about this a lot recently.
So yeah. I don't know when/if Exit 27 will get updated. I would like to say it will be, but who the hell knows.
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yooniesim · 1 year
Hi Cece! I don't know where else to ask about this, but are people aware that Somik-Severinka completely stole another simmer's notes and then went and monetized all the custom recipe stuff? I thought it is about time to say something somewhere, because they've gone a long time now without giving any credit or thanks whatsoever. Thank u and I hope you have a good day!
Hey idk anything about this bestie, I don't really know the creator you're talking about very well. If you have proof of this I'd say try going to the original creator and seeing what they have to say about it, if they want to say something I'll gladly boost their voice on the subject but otherwise there isn't much I can offer. It's not my work/tou so it's more up to them to speak about if they find it necessary I suppose? If the original creator makes/made a post feel free to drop me the link and I'll reblog it though.
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Why do people bring their unnecessary input into ur posts like damn it's just a theory 😭 we're out here having fun and clowning hop off our dicks bro
gvskdjsksj they want to fuck us so bad it makes them look stupid
yeah i mean look. i tend not to interact with stuff i disagree/don't vibe with. cos 1) it's not that deep, 2) it doesn't effect my opinion of the books, and 3) it's really none of my business if strangers on the internet have dif opinions, so long as they're not harming anyone.
but sometimes i forget that that's not how most of the internet functions. so i'm always slightly jarred when people add their conflicting opinions on a post that does not explicitly ask for other opinions.
having said that, it's a totally fair misconception to have tbh, seeing as virtually all other social media seems to operate on a "discussion for discussion's sake" basis. for me though, my blog here on Tumblr will, for the most part, always operate under the rule of thumb: "this is my opinion and i'm not really looking to argue with people who disagree with me".
maybe in the past i've been more lenient about discussion on my theory/analysis posts. but especially recently, i don't have the time or energy to tolerate it (like a "i'm too old/broke for this" kinda vibe 🙈).
when people ask me things about TFOTA, i'm always answering under the implication that this is my opinion/interpretation/etc. of the text. even if i provide text-based evidence, i'm not trying to convince you of anything. i'm not saying my interpretation is fact. i'm saying "here's what i believe and here are my reasons for believing it".
if you agree, great! i'm so happy i could provide a way for you to connect more with a series that we all love.
if you don't agree, that's cool, too. you can keep it pushin. there is still space enough within the fandom for you to make your own posts featuring Your Interpretations, and have fun in that space with people who agree with you, rather than sit here poking holes in the fun that other people are trying to have.
that's the beauty of fiction.
everyone can and does have their own interpretation, and all of us can be right, simultaneously. you don't have to "prove people wrong" or tell people who have an opinion why you disagree with them for your opinion to be valid. because your opinion is intrinsically valid.
and chances are, you're not going to change anyone's mind.
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