hoard-of-plushes · 5 months
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SEGA Prize Hamtaro "Ready for winter" plush set (2022)
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yukalyn · 3 years
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しっかり保湿して最高の肌コンディションに導いてくれる化粧水。 #ビジューモイスチャーローション を使ってみました♬ こちらには、様々な美容効果のあるシャルドネ発酵エキスを配合。 さらに3種のコラーゲン、2種のヒアルロン酸、セラミドを配合で保湿に加え肌のバリア機能を高めてくれる効果にも期待ができます。 柔らかなとろみのあるテクスチャーで、伸びも肌馴染みも良く浸透力のスピードも抜群。 滑らかに伸びていき、スっと即座に肌の奥底へ入り込んでくれる感覚です。 浸透後のお肌は、もっちりとした触り心地。 潤いはもちろん、肌に栄養がしっかりと入り込んでくれた感じ? で、ハリもUPしたような感触になっています。 シャルドネ発酵エキスには皮膚弾力改善イコール、ハリやシワ改善。 保湿や角質除去など様々な効果があるみたいなので。 さらに肌の透明感に働きかけてくれるようプラセンタも配合されていたりするんだけど、ビジューのプラセンタは動物性ではなく植物性のプラセンタを配合。 その他、肌荒れ防止成分、毛穴引き締め成分も配合されているそうです。 潤いやハリUPのみならず毛穴ケアや美白効果にも期待を抱けそうですね✨ 無香料、無着色、無鉱物油、アルコールフリーと… どんな人にも使っていただけるよう低刺激成分で出来ているので。 肌のバリア機能を高めてくれる効果などなども併せて、乾燥肌や敏感肌の方に特にオススメの化粧水です。 気になった方は、ビジューさんの公式アカウント(→ @bejoubemo )をチェックしてみてね! 公式オンラインショップ、BASEアプリでも購入可能です😊 #bejou #ビジュースキンケア #ハリケア化粧品 #基礎化粧品 #beauty #cosmetics #skincare #美容 #スキンケア #コスメ #美肌 #美白 #シャルドネ発酵エキス #ヒアルロン酸 #セラミド #肌バリア #プラセンタ #植物性プラセンタ #無添加 #乾燥 #乾燥ケア #アンチエイジング #エイジングケア #コエタス #instagood #instalife #instajapan https://www.instagram.com/p/CG9fSQQA-yd/?igshid=1vbwprm1fc7hu
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lost-acara · 7 years
herder-of-gnorbus replied to your post “I was pound surfing to avoid studying chemistry + came across a...”
omg its probably another spelling for Bijou, which means Jewel in french! my dog's name is Bijou :D
oh my gosh!!!! that’s so cute!!!!!! Jewel the puppy <3 <3 I decided that my final dream for him will be morphing him into a Maraquan Gelert, which is quite a jewel of a pupper if I do say so myself
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hamhamwonderland · 4 years
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animal hamster japan Japanese cartoon gif anime bejou hamtaro // pink transparent my edit 39 notes 39 notes Jan 27th, 2020 Open in app Facebook Tweet Reddit Mail Embed Permalink hamhamwonderland liked this vulpixoxo reblogged this from houndoom kk-chama reblogged this from cattreats kk-chama liked t... https://ift.tt/36AoENO
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fionaapplerocks · 5 years
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Zelda Hallman This sweet little girl arrived today. Her name is Bejou and she traveled here with her mom, LaRoux and Fiona’s brother Bran from St Landry’s Parish Animal Control. It was a long three days but the puppies spent the afternoon getting checked out by the vet and then headed to a puppy spa day to wash out the dirt from the road and all the bad dreams of the life they had before. Please check out @carerescuela for information on adopting these puppies or any others they have available at www.CareRescueLA.org. Thank you Bran. 
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honestlytoomuch · 5 years
You are the most important person on this planet, and so am I. Remember that.
Bejou: Wooden Overcoats
I love this so much it made me cry. What an amazing little quote
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hvancouve · 6 years
https://t.co/EQj21YHOKj Free credit repair counseling in Bejou, Minnesota call (888) 502-1260 fix bad credit, free consumer report, remove bankruptcy, improve credit score, check your credit report online. Can Bad Credit be Deleted? Yes, it can. Despite the fervent proclamation…
https://t.co/EQj21YHOKj Free credit repair counseling in Bejou, Minnesota call (888) 502-1260 fix bad credit, free consumer report, remove bankruptcy, improve credit score, check your credit report online. Can Bad Credit be Deleted? Yes, it can. Despite the fervent proclamation…
— Credit Repair Texas (@lduque5) November 25, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/lduque5 November 25, 2017 at 12:06PM via Credit Repair
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99-livros-e-a-chuva · 3 years
Era um quarto de motel barato. Marie transou loucamente com Carlos. Ele suou e agora estava ali largado trocando carinhos e beijos com ela. Os dois largados na cama, a câmera fotográfica, a garrafa de rum e dois copos sobre a mesa e uma música do Belchior de fundo. Marie o bejou demoradamente e sorrindo passou a mão em seu pau e se levantou. Tomou banho, se perfumou, tentando tirar o cheiro de sabonete de motel, e saiu sem prometer uma outra noite com ele.
Carlos se levantou e viu quando Marie saía em seu Peugout. Ele então suspirou e se sentou na cadeira. Se serviu de uma generosa dose de rum, abriu seu caderno e pegou a caneta.
Era uma noite de sábado. Depois de uma foda, ele estava sozinho com a garrafa de rum pela metade. Sentiu um pouco de medo, mas logo passou.
Ele tinha o rum para beber, quanto a solidão, escrever era uma atividade solitária...se sentiu seguro naquele quarto de motel numa noite de sábado e Belchior cantando "o passado era uma roupa que não lhe cabe mais..."
Wesley R. Curumim
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hoard-of-plushes · 4 years
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Hamtaro Hugcot hugging cable gashapon figures (2020)
(Don’t reblog if you’re a NSFW or kink blog)
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neilfrance · 4 years
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MS Linda & Bejou https://www.instagram.com/p/CE609RlHe7E/?igshid=16y92piky8g9y
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caicodequeiroz · 4 years
Bejou Muito ? 😱 #ficaadica ...... da top que até ganhou crachá 😛 Clarissa Girao ganhou cracha da Globo. Nao vou por hastags pra ver se deixam o video ficar no meu feed. To amando fazer espero que vcs se divirtam . Toda terça depois do BBB @lucianapaesviva @cqempresariamento10 h
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