#Ben has some Vulpimancer mutations- roll with it.
a-beneficial-union · 5 months
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(I opted not to colour these, since the humid air is making my screen a little uncomfortable to draw against.)
I think I'm getting the hang of drawing Rook. Someone described him as “Furby” like and I find tue comparison delightful. Rook's armor helps to distort his silhouette into something more human-like, and as an adult he has taken to wearing specialized shoes to help offset the strain imposed by living and working in a human society, as his own is far less constant in its activities.
Tangentially, his has much less fat, since they don’t need immediate energy localized to the muscles. Their muscles are thinner as well, being made of different, more efficient materials than those of earth lifeforms. They are considerably tall and gangly, their evolution dependent on their singular food source (those amber fruits).
Humans, comparatively, are squishy, climby, clingy creatures built around pursuit predation and spontaneity. We have had many predators and are the predators of many more. Revonnahganders' only have competition with one other species and it is over their mutually sought food source.
Revonnahgander necks are about as long as their torsos and their arms reach as for as their knees. Humans have looong torsos housing many organs, several of which exist to control for and filter out toxins/bacteria. Revonnah has very few microbials, so there was much less of a need for such parts.
Humans are high energy, highly sociable, and incredibly verbal. Ben is an AuDHDer, so there's a hand in the scale, but there is still considerable difference between how Rook and Ben express and perceive.
Image description: Ben and Rook are standing next to each other in two images. Ben is only as tall as Rook's shoulder in each image. In the first, Ben has one arm looped around Rook's as he chats amicably. On the right, Ben is twining his tail around Rook's ankle and tapping his arm, saying something boisterous as Rook watches with a perturbed look on his face.
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