askbeannuts · 2 months
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[Cassandra's fine. Yep. Promise.]
From the Beginning (of Part 2)
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askbeannuts · 4 days
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Tau: "Don't freak out yet, there's a catch: she's a Water Clan member."
Bak: "... (You're @#$%^&* kidding me...)"
Tau: "Ya still there Bak? There's still a little bit more-"
Bak: "Y-yeah, just... your timing is terrifying, man... alright... if that's the case, then I guess the Outcasts are with her?"
Tau: "Yep! We all met up with that odd guy that works for the ex-Council too, so I'm guessin' they're all goin' into the city to find a real good change of outfit and all that."
Bak: "Ok, great, but apparently there's a Water Clan presence-"
Tau: "Already takin' care o' that! I got my crew flying all over the place. Spotted 'em heading for Cypress not too long ago, no idea why, but there's nobody in the city that should be a problem."
Bak: "Alright. Let me take care of this Council nonsense and I'll meet you all... where exactly?"
Tau: "They're headin' for a pretty fancy shop in the "old town" area... y'know, the one that also deals with Guild uniform repairs?"
Bak: "Pau's dad's place...? (Pau's going to be there... oh boy...)"
Tau: "Yep!"
Bak: "(This better not go south...) I'll meet them there once I'm done with the Council."
Tau: "Gotcha, Tau, out!"
[Oh hell... ANOTHER ONE-]
[[Some random things that came to mind at 1am that I wanna ramble about [Read-more'd it because I'm wordy...]:
This is like four huge separate plot points merged together for the sake of brevity: (Gil, Ayanna and Pau joining up with Fennel; Bak's talk with Bertrand; Coda telling Bak about Larry's side story; AND the Outcasts getting involved in some way).
If it feels... off in any way... that's likely why, I am sorry!
Next, the back thing going on with the "cameo gallery" in the background isn't some snide "carrying the team" joke, there's context there and after I abandoned the special ask event for Council Marta that involved the ex-Council Blastoise and her guardian Dewott, I'm debating on how to actually... present that... more to come... eventually;;
A thing to show how many OCs I have laying around:
This Panpour, Fennel, Bill, Venn and Saline were once protagonists in their own right, in their own story, and much of the orb tech, the dungeons that are "one floor" and way dungeon doors function-to some degree-are recycled concepts from their story-knowing me I probably tossed this fact into the tags at some point or something...
Kerri, Odell and Kayla share this trait too, this trio were protagonists in their own story, the only concept I sniped from it was something that'll be explored in @askextraparainspector whenever I get back over there... it's been on my mind lately, so...]]
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askbeannuts · 5 days
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[Oh. Well, it does make sense they'd know SOMETHING... buuut-]
In reference to
Also In reference to
One more reference
Sorry, I was wrong, one more...
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askbeannuts · 8 months
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["Side: Dios" Also... convenient...]
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askbeannuts · 7 months
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askbeannuts · 2 months
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[Oh! Oh, something positive. Oh no, no, nope, stop the press-]
From the Beginning (of Part 2)
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askbeannuts · 7 days
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[The totally real prophecy has been fulfilled? The three "main characters" of their respective Guilds finally unite? I mean, in terms of each of them having what amounts to an evil organization and/or strange group stalking them... that's "main character" material, I think? I'm writing these quips at midnight, I apologize.]
In reference to
[Pau's right btw....]
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askbeannuts · 8 months
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[The first of at least... two-at the time of this posting-flashbacks! I'm sure everything will be totally fin-Warnings for a future part containing blood and general violence and attempted un-life-ing. I am serious.]
[Hachi, Hanna and Flack have been added to the Xerneas Guild!]
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askbeannuts · 8 months
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[Fun fact: The thing the Scorbunny is talking about was one of the scenarios I scrapped when it came to how Part 1 ended. Quasar also got a tiny redesign!]
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askbeannuts · 7 months
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askbeannuts · 7 months
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Definitely not related
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askbeannuts · 7 months
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askbeannuts · 7 months
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[Something's wrong.]
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askbeannuts · 7 months
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askbeannuts · 8 months
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askbeannuts · 8 months
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