#Best Dermatologist Doctor in Dubai
healthbayaesthetics · 10 months
HealthBay Aesthetics in Dubai is renowned for offering some of the best dermatology services and Skin Cancer Screening Clinic Dubai. With a commitment to excellence in healthcare
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Selecting the best dermatologist in Dubai can be a game-changer for your skin health. Discover top tips to make the right choice. Find a reputable Skin clinic with state-of-the-art facilities and ensure they offer personalized treatment plans.
With these tips, you can confidently choose a dermatologist who meets your needs!
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prodermapoly · 6 days
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tech-blog987 · 2 years
Vitiligo and reasons — Radiance Speciality Skin Clinic
What is Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is a sickness wherein the pores and skin loses pigment because of the devastation of pigment cells, that are known as melanocytes. Areas of the pores and skin end up white. The maximum not unusualplace webweb sites of pigment loss are frame folds(which includes the groin or armpits), round frame openings, and uncovered regions just like the face or hands. Vitiligo is not unusualplace, with 0.5–1% of the overall populace affected. Its frequency is better in human beings with thyroid situations and a few different metabolic diseases, however maximum human beings who’ve vitiligo are in appropriate fitness and go through no signs and symptoms apart from regions of pigment loss.
What reasons Vitiligo?
Medical researchers aren’t absolutely certain what reasons vitiligo, even though it is referred to now that a aggregate of genetic(your frame make-up), immunologic(your frame`s cappotential to assault overseas materials), and environmental elements are concerned in maximum cases. This approach that sure human beings are predisposed(have a extra tendency) to develop vitiligo upon publicity to the proper trigger(which includes stress, illness, or injury).
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wholeworldworld · 20 days
Improve Your Health and Appearance at ARWA Medical Center in Dubai
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In this blog post, we will explore some of the services offered by each department to help you understand how ARWA Medical Center can improve your health and well-being.
Dermatology in Dubai Dermatology is the branch of medicine that deals with the skin, hair, and nails. Cosmetic dermatology is a field of dermatology that focuses on improving the appearance of the skin. ARWA Medical Center offers a variety of cosmetic dermatology procedures, including:Cosmetic Fillers in Dubai
Chemical peels: Chemical peels use a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of skin. This can improve the appearance of wrinkles, acne scars, uneven skin tone, and sun damage. Laser treatments: Laser treatments use concentrated light to target specific areas of the skin. They can be used to remove wrinkles, acne scars, unwanted hair, and tattoos. Anti-wrinkle and filler injections: Anti-wrinkle injections relax the muscles that cause wrinkles. Fillers can be used to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars. Thread lifts: Thread lifts use tiny threads to lift and tighten the skin. These are just a few of the many cosmetic dermatology procedures offered by ARWA Medical Center. If you are considering a cosmetic dermatology procedure, it is important to consult with a board-certified dermatologist to discuss your options and determine if a procedure is right for you.
best dental clinic in Dubai
Unfortunately, I was not able to access the information on the specific best dental clinic in Dubai offered by ARWA Medical Center. However, most dental practices offer a variety of services, including:
Cleanings and checkups: Regular cleanings and checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health. Fillings: Fillings are used to repair cavities. Extractions: Extractions are performed to remove teeth that are too damaged to be saved. Root canals: Root canals are performed to treat infected teeth. Dentures and implants: Dentures and implants are used to replace missing teeth. If you are looking for a dentist in Dubai, ARWA Medical Center may be a good option.
Best Gynecologist in Dubai Gynecology is the branch of medicine that deals with the female reproductive system. ARWA Medical Center offers a variety of gynecological services, including:
Consultation and diagnosis of gynecological conditions, such as PCOS, infertility, family planning, menstrual disorders, pelvic pain, uterine fibroids, and stress urinary incontinence. It is important to note that the website I found did not discuss treatment options for any of these conditions. If you are experiencing any gynecological problems, it is important to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and discuss treatment options.
Plastic Surgery in Dubai Plastic surgery is a type of surgery that can be used to improve the appearance or function of the body. ARWA Medical Center offers a variety of cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery procedures, including:
Breast augmentation, lift, and reduction
Face lifts
Rhinoplasty (nose job)
Neck lifts
If you are considering plastic surgery, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and determine if a procedure is right for you.
ARWA Medical Center is a comprehensive medical center that offers a wide range of services to improve your health and well-being. If you are looking for a dermatologist, dentist, gynecologist, or plastic surgeon in Dubai, ARWA Medical Center may be a good option for you.
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checkcashing247 · 23 days
Dandruff Dilemma: Can Those Flakes Cause Hair Loss?
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If you're suffering from hair loss, it's only natural to be a little more concerned about your scalp, especially if you're also seeing little white flakes of dandruff falling from your head. You may be wondering whether dandruff and hair loss are related. Read this article to find out if there is a link between the two.
Can dandruff cause hair loss?
Dandruff is a dry, itchy scale that develops on the scalp. It is a symptom, not a specific diagnosis.
Many factors can cause dandruff, including dry skin, diet, stress and certain shampoos and hair products.
Dandruff itself does not cause hair loss. However, severe dandruff can cause a person to scratch their scalp so hard that they injure it.
Repeated inflammation of the hair follicles can cause damage and scarring, slowing or stopping hair growth. Hair can then be weakened or thinned. Twisting hair, aggressive brushing or scratching the scalp can aggravate this type of hair loss.
What are the possible causes of dandruff and hair loss?
Dandruff can be caused by any condition that leads to desquamation of the skin or abnormally rapid shedding of the outer layer of skin. If left untreated, these conditions can also damage the scalp and cause hair loss.
The following conditions can cause both dandruff and hair loss:
Fungal infections: Tinea capitis, or ringworm, can cause intense itching on the scalp. Some people also notice dry scales or blisters, and hair may fall out in clumps.
Psoriasis of the scalp: Psoriasis is a type of autoimmune disease that can affect the scalp, causing scaly, itchy patches to appear.
Decalcifying folliculitis: This rare inflammatory condition destroys hair follicles. It also causes red, itchy patches to appear on the scalp.
Seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis can affect any part of the body. It usually affects the scalp, where it can cause an itchy red or grayish rash and oily patches.
Any condition that causes itching or burning of the scalp can lead to hair loss when a person scratches their scalp or twists their hair. Children, in particular, may react to scalp pain by pulling their hair.
How can dandruff hair loss be prevented?
Preventing hair loss due to dandruff involves eliminating itching as much as possible. This will reduce your urge to scratch and protect your hair follicles from further damage.
1- Get a diagnosis
Dandruff can be caused by a number of factors, from hair-washing habits to underlying skin conditions. If you're not sure what's causing your dandruff, make an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist.
He or she can examine your scalp to determine whether your dandruff is simply due to washing your hair too often or too little. He or she can also look for signs of an underlying problem, such as :
Dry skin.
This results in small flakes that are not usually accompanied by redness or inflammation.
Seborrheic dermatitis.
Seborrheic dermatitis. This condition causes a skin rash that is often red, scaly and oily. The resulting scales may be white or yellow.
Malassezia is a fungus found on most people's scalps. However, it can sometimes
irritate the scalp and cause the growth of additional skin cells. When these cells
skin cells die, this can cause dandruff.
Contact dermatitis.
Sensitivity to certain ingredients in products such as shampoo or dye that you use on your hair or scalp can cause redness.
Once you've discovered the underlying cause of your dandruff, you'll be able to treat it more effectively.
2- Use a medicated shampoo
If you haven't already, try using a hair dandruff shampoo designed to combat dandruff. Look for products containing one of the following ingredients:
zinc pyrithione
salicylic acid
selenium sulfide
Look for anti-dandruff shampoos containing these ingredients.
In cases of mild dandruff, the use of a medicated shampoo may only be necessary for a few weeks.
If you have light-colored hair, it's best to avoid selenium sulfide, which can cause discoloration.
3- Moisturize
Whatever the underlying cause of your dandruff, it's important to moisturize your scalp with conditioner. This is particularly important when using medicated shampoos, especially those containing salicylic acid. These shampoos can become drying when used regularly.
For added benefit, try massaging your scalp with coconut oil, then rinsing. As well as being moisturizing, coconut oil has antifungal properties. Its antifungal activity is similar to that of ketoconazole, an ingredient commonly used in anti-dandruff shampoos.
Avoid using oils on your scalp if you think you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis. The addition of oil can sometimes aggravate this condition.
4- Avoid irritating hair products
Hair dyes and other hair products often contain ingredients that can irritate sensitive skin. This can lead to contact dermatitis. Preservatives and fragrances are common causes of contact dermatitis on the scalp.
Here are just a few examples of potentially irritating ingredients found in hair products:
natural or artificial fragrances
Some people use products for years before noticing any reaction. Even if you've been using the same hair care products without a problem, consider changing your routine if you notice dandruff.
5- Manage stress
Although stress is not the direct cause of dandruff, it can weaken your immune system over time. This can make your scalp more susceptible to the naturally occurring malassezia fungus.
Try to manage your stress by practicing relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation. Simply walking around the block or breathing in a controlled manner for a minute or two can help.
6- Get some sun
Although ultraviolet rays cause premature aging and increase the risk of skin cancer, a little sun can be beneficial for dandruff. If you're going out, make sure you apply sunscreen for your face and body.
Things to remember
Dandruff does not immediately lead to hair loss. However, constant scratching of the scalp can damage hair follicles and lead to some hair loss. This phenomenon is not permanent and should disappear once you've found the cause of your dandruff. If you don't yet know the cause, your doctor or dermatologist can help.
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orisdentalcenter · 28 days
Skin Tightening Treatment in Dubai at Oris Dental Center
Oris Dental Center in Dubai offers exceptional skin tightening treatments, ensuring top-notch care in your pursuit of beauty. With our advanced technology and specialized professionals, we deliver superior results that cater to your unique needs.
Why Choose Oris for Skin Tightening Treatment in Dubai?
At Oris Dental Center, we prioritize your aesthetic goals and overall well-being. Our state-of-the-art laser skin tightening services are designed to help you achieve a firmer, more youthful complexion. We blend the latest technology with personalized treatment plans, ensuring that you receive the best care possible. Our comprehensive approach to skin tightening treatments includes a variety of options tailored to meet your specific needs, all under the expert guidance of our renowned dermatologist, Rima Jenhani.
Types of Skin Tightening Treatments at Oris
1. Laser Skin Tightening Treatment
   Experience the cutting-edge of skin rejuvenation with our laser skin tightening treatments. This non-invasive procedure uses advanced laser technology to stimulate collagen production, resulting in tighter, smoother skin. Ideal for reducing wrinkles and fine lines, laser skin tightening offers visible results with minimal downtime.
2. Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Treatment
   For those seeking a non-invasive approach, our non-surgical skin tightening treatments are perfect. These treatments utilize radiofrequency or ultrasound energy to heat the deeper layers of the skin, promoting collagen production and tightening the skin without the need for surgery. It's a quick, effective solution with no recovery time required.
3. Surgical Skin Tightening Treatment
   For more dramatic results, our surgical skin tightening options are available. These procedures are performed by our skilled professionals and are designed to remove excess skin and tighten underlying tissues for a more youthful appearance. This option is ideal for those seeking significant improvements in skin laxity.
Meet the Best Dermatologist in Dubai
At Oris Dental Center, your skin is in the expert hands of Rima Jenhani, known as the best skin doctor in Dubai. With over nine years of experience in dermatology and cosmetology, Ms. Jenhani is a trusted specialist in various treatments, including skin tightening, HydraFacial, acne scar removal, and pigmentation treatment. Her dedication to her craft and her ability to deliver outstanding results make her the top choice for anyone seeking quality skincare in Dubai.
Skin Tightening Treatment in Dubai
Embark on a rejuvenating journey with our skin tightening treatments at Oris Dental Center. Unveil the secret to a firmer, more youthful complexion with the latest laser skin tightening technology. Our personalized treatments are designed to tighten your skin, enhance your natural glow, and boost your confidence. Experience premium care and radiant transformations in the heart of Dubai.
Welcome to the epitome of skin revitalization at Oris Dental Center, where we blend science and beauty to deliver unparalleled results. Rediscover your youthful appearance with the leading skin tightening treatment in Dubai.
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alabrahclinic · 4 months
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Hair Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment in Dubai with Al Abrah Clinic.
Benefits of Hair PRP Treatment:
- Reduce Hair Loss - Stimulates Hair Follicles - Strengthen Existing Hair - Improves Hair Texture
AL ABRAH CLINIC” provides best Dermatologist and Aesthetic Doctors Team in Dubai UAE, along with latest technology to provide our patients expert opinion.
Contact: 050 672 0131 / 04 226 3299
🔗Visit: https://lnkd.in/dEMfMye3
📍Al Ras: 101, Sheikha Latifa bldg, opposite Al Ras Metro Station, Deira Dubai, UAE
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allocationassist1 · 8 months
Calling all breast surgeons, dermatologists, and urologists! We have the job opportunities you've been looking for in Dubai and UAE. Our team at Allocation Assist specializes in connecting highly-trained doctors with the best hospitals in the area. Visit our website now!
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articleverse · 10 months
Dubai's Finest: How to Choose the Best Dermatologist for Your Skin
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In the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where glamour and sophistication converge, taking care of your skin is paramount. Whether you're battling persistent skin issues or simply aiming to enhance your natural radiance, finding the right dermatologist is crucial. With myriad options available, this guide serves as your compass to navigate the choices and select the best dermatologist for your skin in Dubai.
1. Assess Your Needs Before embarking on your search, take a moment to assess your specific skin needs. Are you dealing with acne, aging, or a particular medical condition? Identifying your concerns will help you narrow down dermatologists who specialize in the areas you need assistance with.
2. Research Credentials Look for dermatologists with strong educational backgrounds and relevant certifications. Check if they are board-certified and hold memberships in reputable dermatological associations. This ensures that you are considering professionals who are well-qualified and up-to-date with the latest advancements in their field.
3. Seek Recommendations Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who have sought dermatological care in Dubai. Their personal experiences and recommendations can offer valuable insights and help you create a shortlist of potential dermatologists to consider.
4. Read Reviews and Testimonials Online reviews, and testimonials from previous patients can provide a glimpse into the experiences others have had with specific dermatologists. Take note of both positive and negative feedback to gain a well-rounded perspective.
5. Check Their Specialization Dermatology is a diverse medical, surgical, cosmetic, and pediatric field. Look for a dermatologist whose specialization aligns with your needs. For instance, seek dermatologists with expertise if you're interested in cosmetic procedures.
6. Evaluate Communication Effective communication is crucial in medical care. During your initial consultation, pay attention to how the dermatologist listens to your concerns, explains potential treatments, and answers your questions. A dermatologist who values clear communication and understands your goals will likely provide more personalized care.
7. Consider Technology and Facilities The best dermatologists often invest in advanced technology and maintain well-equipped facilities. Cutting-edge tools and modern facilities can enhance the quality and effectiveness of treatments, ensuring you receive the best possible care.
8. Verify Accessibility Consider the location of the dermatologist's clinic. Is it conveniently located for you? Also, check their availability for appointments and how easy it is to schedule consultations or follow-up visits.
9. Look for Before-and-After Photos Many dermatologists showcase before-and-after photos of their patients' transformations on their websites or clinics. Reviewing these images gives you a realistic expectation of the results you achieve under their care.
10. Trust Your Instincts Ultimately, trust your instincts. A good rapport with your dermatologist is essential for a successful doctor-patient relationship. Feeling comfortable and confident in their expertise is a positive sign that you're on the right track.
Choosing the best dermatologist for your skin in Dubai requires careful consideration and research. Your skin is a reflection of your overall health and well-being, so investing time and effort into finding the right dermatologist is a decision that can have a lasting impact on your skin's health and appearance.
Dubai boasts a vibrant and competitive dermatological landscape, with experts catering to diverse skin concerns. By following these steps and trusting your judgment, you can confidently embark on a journey toward healthier, more radiant skin under the guidance of the best dermatologist for your skin in Dubai.
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findbeautytreatments · 10 months
Experience full VIP treatments at Lucia Clinic Dubai
Welcome to Lucia Clinic - one of the best dermatology and aesthetic centers in Dubai.
Lucia Clinic is a home of a team of experienced and caring skin experts and doctors who will look after your skin with the most advanced treatments. They have years of experience in treating a wide variety of skin issues like acne, rosacea, eczema, and others. They are also experts in anti-aging procedures and will take years off your face with state-of-the-art and rejuvenating procedures.
Beyond skincare, Lucia Clinic Dubai offers you different body-contouring treatments that are non-invasive and safe. Some of these latest procedures were first introduced at Lucia Clinic. The clients love these effective and risk-free body-sculpting procedures because they require no downtime and bring wonderful results.
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Also, if you are interested in laser hair removal, you can get the best treatments at Lucia Clinic. After a couple of sessions, your skin will be silky smooth and you will finally get rid of unwanted body hair - from head to toe.
What singles Lucia Clinic out, is that its team creates bespoke treatment plans for each and every client. This shows the highest level of patient care. Lucia Clinic’s dermatologists and doctors carefully discuss your skin or body issues and recommend the best procedure that will fulfill your aesthetic goals. Your customized treatment addresses plan only your concerns. This guarantees that the results will exceed your expectations.
Plus, Lucia Clinic’s dermatologists can advise you on how to treat your skin properly and take your skincare routine to a whole new level. Or you can talk to Lucia Clinic’s doctors about the best ways of keeping a proper diet and starting a fitness regime - once you reach your aesthetic goals with body-contouring treatments, it’s important to keep the results.
Visit Lucia Clinic in Dubai and schedule your consultation.
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Best Gynecomastia Surgery Center In Dubai?
The best Gynecomastia Surgery in Dubai is offered by HealthBay Aesthetics. You can get the body form you want with the assistance of highly skilled and experienced surgeons. The most recent methods and tools are used by the surgeons to guarantee a safe and successful procedure. We take great satisfaction in offering the best possible care and comfort to our patients at HealthBay. We works hard to give the patients the finest outcomes and levels of satisfaction. Your desired body form and a sense of self-assurance and happiness are top priorities for the skilled team.
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athenaderma · 1 year
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Best dermatologist in dubai
Welcome to Athena Dermatology Clinic. We believe that meaningful beauty is more than a one-size-fits-all approach.
State-of-the-art equipment, combined with our team of doctors specialising in both clinical and aesthetic dermatology, provides superior results through our patient-centric approach.
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prodermapoly · 6 days
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tech-blog987 · 2 years
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aestheticscc · 1 year
things to consider before Best dermatologist in dubai
The type of treatment plan they offer is another important factor that you need to consider before choosing your dermatologist in Dubai. Some doctors may offer only one type of treatment while others may offer more than one kind of treatment options like laser surgery, chemical peels etc… So make sure that they offer all types of treatments so that you can choose according to your requirement and budget range too! https://www.aestheticscc.com/services/dermatology/
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