#Best Election Survey Agencies in India
voicebrodcasting · 4 months
AI in Political Campaigns: Bridging the Gap Between Candidates and Constituents
Send AI-enriched personalized voice and video messages to leave a better impact on your target voters. Let AI personalize your video message for each voter. Implement the power of AI into your political campaign strategies. Get started today with go2market.
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reshusameera · 1 month
Looking for a perfect political survey agency in India during election campaign? Janmat Consulting could be your top choice.
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JanMat Political Consulting is one of the best political survey agency in india and works on multi-dimensional factors of election and its micromanagement.
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designogram · 3 years
Political Survey Provide Agency in Punjab
Today, political battling has turned into a need for the ideological groups to endure. In spite of the fact that it has been accomplished for over 10 years now, the web has turned into an essential piece of this political mission. There are different political mission organizations in Punjab which utilize the web to let the agent contact its crowd quickly.
Designogram is an illustration of one such best political mission organizations in Punjab. Since advanced media and online media are utilized as apparatuses to speak with the public straightforwardly, Designogram assumes the part of a delegate in doing as such. The organization is the best political mission organization in Punjab which ensures that your ideal message contacts your crowd either in any digitized way imaginable.
Being the best Political Survey Services Provider in Punjab, we offer the best arrangements for different sorts of political race battling. Our administration incorporates special SMS, value-based SMS, missed call administration with limitless calls, bunch SMS with sender id, Facebook likes Twitter adherents, and IVR administrations, and considerably more. In this way, assuming you need to recruit a political mission organization in Punjab that can support your level of winning in the following decisions then you should employ Designogram.
Have a look from here: https://designogram.in/how-social-media-is-shaping-the-political-election-campaigns/
Address: B-3331/1, 2nd Floor Model Gram, Ludhiana (India)
Contact us any time for details:  9779399996
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newstfionline · 3 years
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Burned out by the pandemic, 3 in 10 health-care workers consider leaving the profession (Washington Post) It’s been months since Justin Meschler, 48, practiced medicine. And he wonders if he ever will again. He quit his job as an anesthesiologist during the pandemic last spring when fear began seeping into every part of his life. And what began as a few months off has now turned into something much longer. “I feel guilty for leaving. I think about the others who stayed on. I think about the patients I could have helped. I feel like I abandoned them,” Meschler said. “But mostly, I feel relieved.” A year into the pandemic, many others are joining Meschler at the door—an exodus fueled by burnout, trauma and disillusionment. According to a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll, roughly 3 in 10 health-care workers have weighed leaving their profession. More than half are burned out. And about 6 in 10 say stress from the pandemic has harmed their mental health. Many traced their disillusionment to how the pandemic exposed and magnified the broken parts of America’s health-care system. “You look at staffing, preparedness, what the priorities were for many hospitals during the crisis, and it’s clear the industry is driven by profits rather than well-being of patients or health workers,” Meschler said from his home in Louisville, Colo. “It makes you question the whole system.”
House Democrats pass D.C. statehood, launching bill into uncharted territory (Washington Post) For the second time in history, the House passed legislation Thursday to make the District of Columbia the nation’s 51st state, bolstering momentum for a once-illusory goal that has become a pivotal tenet of the Democratic Party’s voting rights platform. The bill now heads to the Senate. But the political odds remain formidable. Republicans, who hold 50 seats, have branded the bill as a Democratic power grab because it would create two Senate seats for the deep-blue city. Not even all Senate Democrats have backed the bill as the clock ticks toward the 2022 midterm election. Voting rights groups have described a city of second-class citizens, a plurality of whom are Black, living in the nation’s capital without any say in the nation’s laws.
Bringing Up Baby, And Charging Them For It (NPR) Foster care is a public service that federal law and all 50 state laws require the government to pay for. Foster care agencies are funded through a web of federal and state grants and subsidies, which, again, taxpayers are supposed to pay for. 10% of children in the US foster care system are entitled to Social Security (SS) benefits, either because their parents have died or because they have a physical or mental disability that would leave them in poverty without financial help. This money—typically more than $700 per month—is considered the children’s property under federal law. Congress never intended that the SS benefits owed these children would be a funding stream for their foster care services. The Marshall Project teamed up with NPR to expose how foster care agencies in at least 36 states and Washington, DC have been appropriating money owed to children in foster care to pay for the very services the government is supposed to provide with taxpayer dollars. Agencies do it by combing through their case files to find kids entitled to these benefits, then applying to SS to become each child’s financial representative, a process permitted by federal regulations. Once approved, the agencies take the money, almost always without notifying the children, their loved ones, or their lawyers. Child Trends research shows that state foster care agencies collected more than $165 million from foster children in 2018 alone. And SS data indicates the number is likely much higher.
Biden to recognize Armenian genocide (Foreign Policy) According to multiple reports, U.S. President Joe Biden is to break a long-standing taboo this Saturday by officially recognizing the massacre of 1 million ethnic Armenian by the Ottoman Empire as a genocide. Biden had commemorated the Armenian genocide as a presidential candidate last year, but Saturday’s proclamation would make him the first sitting president to do so. The announcement is certain to anger NATO ally Turkey, which disputes the historical record and the use of the term.
Mexican mobile data law (Foreign Policy) On Tuesday, a judge blocked part of a new Mexican law that requires cellphone users to submit biometric data, such as fingerprints and eye scans. The measure had drawn pushback from privacy and consumer safety advocates. The judge wrote there was no causal relationship between such data gathering and better investigations of crimes—one official justification for the new law. It will now face further examination in the courts.
Human excrement ‘increasingly serious problem’ as Britain opens up but many bathrooms don’t (Washington Post) With Britain slowly easing its way out of its third nationwide lockdown, people across the country are enjoying a return to a sense of normalcy. Shops and gyms have reopened and parks are once again heaving with groups of up to six people—for many, it’s a welcome step forward and a joy to be back socializing outdoors. But what happens when nature calls? The issue of where to relieve oneself in a world where so many facilities have been shut in recent months has long been a concern in Britain. Many public bathrooms, in particular, were closed during the various lockdowns and remain unavailable. Across the country, police patrols have been stepped up in a bid to deter people from urinating in bushes, on beaches and on private allotments. The problem isn’t just in parks, with towns and cities complaining that people spending time outdoors had no choice but to defecate in the street—much to the horror of local residents who said the odor was so bad on certain streets they were unable to open their windows and had to clean up after others with bleach and water. The lack of facilities has also meant people were unable to wash their hands—an instruction the government has repeatedly used in its messaging to curb the spread of infections over the past year.
Many in Western Europe and U.S. Want Economic Changes as Pandemic Continues (Pew Research Center) The coronavirus outbreak has caused, among other things, a debate around how to best rebuild national economies ravaged by the pandemic. Across the United States, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, significant shares believe their economic system needs either major changes or a complete overhaul, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in the late fall of 2020. Few in the four countries say their economy does not need any changes. The desire for change is strongest in France, where seven-in-ten believe the economic system in their country needs either major changes or to be completely reformed. Half share this view in the U.S., UK and Germany, while around four-in-ten in these three nations say minor changes are warranted. Few would opt for no adjustments to the economic system, ranging from 3% in France to 12% in the U.S. Of the five policies tested, the idea of government-sponsored job and skills training for workers garners the highest shares. Sizable shares in these countries also believe it is very important for their government to implement policies targeted at helping those struggling financially, building more public housing, and increasing government benefits to the poor, all three of which are of high import for around four-in-ten or more in each country.
Russia orders troops back to base after buildup near Ukraine (Reuters) Russia announced on Thursday it was ordering troops back to base from the area near the border with Ukraine, apparently calling an end to a buildup of tens of thousands of soldiers that had alarmed the West. A confirmed pullout of the troops brought in on top of the permanent contingent will likely be welcomed by Western countries that had been expressing alarm at the prospect of further Russian intervention in eastern Ukraine. Russian-backed separatists have been fighting the Ukrainian government in the region since 2014. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said he had ordered troops involved in exercises to return to their bases by May 1, as they had completed what he called an “inspection” in the border area.
US troops in Afghanistan begin packing gear in pullout prep (AP) The U.S. military has begun shipping equipment and winding down contracts with local service providers ahead of the May 1 start of the final phase of its military pullout from Afghanistan, a U.S. Defense Department official said Thursday. The pullout under U.S. President Joe Biden marks the end of America’s longest war after a 20-year military engagement. Currently, some 2,500 U.S. soldiers and about 7,000 allied forces are still in Afghanistan. In February last year, the U.S. military began closing its smaller bases. In mid-April, the Biden administration announced that the final phase of the withdrawal would begin May 1 and be completed before Sept. 11. Since then, the military has been shipping equipment and winding down local contracts for services such as trash pickup and maintenance work, the U.S. official told The Associated Press. The Taliban, meanwhile, were non-committal when asked by the AP whether the insurgents would attack departing U.S. and NATO troops. “It’s too early for these issues, nothing can be said about the future,” said Taliban spokesman Mohammad Naeem.
Indian coronavirus cases surge as health system staggers (Reuters) India reported the world’s highest daily tally of coronavirus infections for a second day on Friday, surpassing 330,000 new cases, as it struggles with a health system overwhelmed by patients and plagued by accidents. Deaths in the past 24 hours also jumped to a record 2,263, the health ministry said, while officials across northern and western India, including the capital, New Delhi, warned most hospitals were full and running out of oxygen. The surge in cases came as a fire in a hospital in a suburb of Mumbai treating COVID-19 patients killed 13 people, the latest accident to hit a facility crowded with virus sufferers.
Violence in Jerusalem (Foreign Policy) Dozens were injured in Jerusalem on Thursday night as anti-Arab protests led by far-right Jewish activists turned violent. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported 105 people injured in the clashes as Haaretz reported more than 30 were arrests. The violence follows a week of assaults on Arab Israelis and Palestinians by Jewish Israeli residents. Tensions rose between the communities last week after videos of Palestinians assaulting Jews were posted on TikTok.
Crew Of ‘Ever Given’ Could Be Stuck On The Big Boat For Years (Jalopnik) The news cycle may have moved on from the Ever Given, but the Ever Given still hasn’t moved on from its holding spot in the Great Bitter Lake in the middle of the Suez Canal after almost a month. The crew still stuck on the ship is very concerned about this, as there seems to be no sign that an agreement will be reached between Egypt and the Ever Given’s owners any time soon. Until there is an agreement in place, the crew is stuck there, and they could be for years. Apparently, it isn’t unusual for crew members to get trapped on ships caught in the middle of international shipping disputes. The Guardian details the fate of one sailor who has been the lone guardian of a ship for the last two years in the Gulf of Suez only 50 miles south of where the Ever Given has been held since it was freed back in March. He’s only allowed off the ship for two hour intervals to get food and water. The crew is stuck in the middle of a legal battle between the Suez Canal Authority, which is basically a stand-in for the Egyptian government, the owners of the Ever Given, Japanese company Shoei Kisen Kaisha Ltd and the operators of the ship, a German company called Bernhard Schulte. The SCA is demanding $916 million in damages due to the blockage while Shoei Kisen disputes those charges. Until the company pays up, the government of Egypt is holding on to the ship. The 26 crew members are reportedly in good spirits, but apprehensive according to representatives from the National Union of Seafarers of India, the trade union representing the Ever Given’s crew.
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brooklynmuseum · 4 years
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Stronger Together
Weekend Roundup of Resources for our Community

What’s up Brooklyn?! We’re back with another list of resources for you and yours. The impacts of this pandemic are far-reaching and deeply felt here in Brooklyn. We know there are many needs not being met, and many who are willing to help out where they can. Now more than ever, it is essential that we come together as a community to support each other with social solidarity, even if we are physically distant. Check out new opportunities to support and be supported in this week’s roundup. Let’s do what we do best in Brooklyn… spread love. 
If you have questions, or have more you wish to see or to spotlight, reach out. We want to hear from you. Please email [email protected]
Also, text 'COVID' to 692-692 to get important COVID-19 related updates sent straight to your phone. You can text 'COVIDESP' to get updates in Spanish.
Follow Our Elected Officials For News:  
The Mayor has a new Daily Message available on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube every morning. If your constituents have questions, comments or concerns, they want him to respond to, they can send them using the hashtag #AskMyMayor 
The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President provides the most up-to-date information and resources to Brooklynites. Follow these pages regularly and follow Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams on social media for real-time updates.
Follow updates and news from Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo on Facebook and Twitter. Cumbo serves as the Council Majority leader for Brooklyn’s 35th District- Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Crown Heights, Prospect Heights and Bed-Stuy.
Follow New York City Council Member Robert E. Cornegy, representing Brooklyn 36th District- Bedford Stuyvesant and Northern Crown Heights on Twitter , Facebook, and Instagram for important updates regarding COVID-19 updates. 
Congresswoman for the 9th District, Yvette D. Clark is working hard in Congress to support our local communities. Follow the Congresswoman on her Twitter to receive updates on what is going on in Washington DC and resources available in your ‘hood!
Stay up to date with information provided by Governor Cuomo. Follow our New York State governor on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for up to date information regarding new health guidelines closures, and executive orders. 
Follow updates from the NYC City Immigrant Affairs office on Twitter interested in renewing your DACA application form. Call ActionNYC at 1-800-354-0365.
Local Business Highlights of the Week: 
Known for their traditional Senegalese cuisine, Cafe Rue Dix takes pride in incorporating fresh ingredients and bold spices to create some of the best fran-senegalese dishes in NYC located right in Crown Heights.  Take out is available from 12-9pm, and if you’re cooking  or working at home, try their signature coffee and hot sauce for a real pick me up.
While we dream of what will come, Berg’n is asking their fellow patrons, who have the means during this time, to donate any tips they would give while visiting this local hang-out. You can donate to their phenomenal team by clicking here.
There’s still time! Complete the 2020 Census today at my2020census.gov. 
It's not too late to RSVP to host a Census Text-a-Thon in your district on April 20th. Participating in a Text-a-Thon from home is an easy and safe way for New Yorkers to do something positive for our City.  NYC Census 2020 will provide access to the peer-to-peer texting tool, Hustle, and will provide all the technical support necessary for people to volunteer to text. RSVP to host a Text-a-Thon in your district on April 20th by emailing Katya Murphy or Jason Reischel.  Support for Artists, Freelancers, and Gig Workers
Freelancers in NYC: If you're facing nonpayment issues, file a complaint through NYC Consumer Affairs, which has a list of worker’s rights! 
The Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund is set up to help those pursuing careers as artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is for those who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color).
Solidarity 4 Service, is a grassroot effort to connect individuals to each other in efforts to provide relief for those who are unemployed or underemployed due to COVID-19. For more information, visit their Support for Service Industry/Gig/Freelance Workers intake survey. 
The NYC Low-Income Artist Freelance Relief Fund has intentons to collectively raise funds to provide emergency and preventative resources to artist who are at finical ris and low-income BIPOC, trans/GNC/NB/Queer artist and freelancers.
Creative Capital has created a resource fund which helps artists find various national, state and local  grants, mental health assistance. 
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS' COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund is helping entertainment professionals meet coronavirus-related expenses and other challenges brought about by the evolving pandemic.
The Jazz Foundation of America provides jazz and blue artists with an experienced social worker to assess his/her situation and provide rapid assistance. 
Queer Writers of Color Relief Fund is offering finicial assistance to queer writiers to at least 100 writers, each writer reciveing $5,000. 
The South Asian Arts Resiliency Fund is a direct response by the India Center Foundation to offer support to South Asian arts workers impacted by COVID-19.
Dance NYC is offering one time grants for dance making organizations with an annual operating budget between $25,00 and $500,00. Eligibility is determined based upon loss of income or incurred expenses due to COVID-19. 
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has issued guidance on applying for the $75 million it was allocated in the CARES Act. If a nonprofit cultural organization has received NEA support in the last four fiscal years, they are eligible to apply for a direct grant. Apply by April 22!
For another roundup of resources for artists, check out artnet’s recent article.
Resources for children and families
For updates regarding the Coronavirus and New York City public schools, visit New York City Department of Education Coronavirus Communicaications page. 
As the weeks of staying at home stretch on, they are taking their toll on many of us. The mindfulness app HeadSpace has teamed up with New York State to offer free guided meditations and other resources to support the mental wellbeing of New Yorkers during this crisis. 
For many, pets are more than just animals — they are a part of the family. As members of your family, they should be included in your emergency planning process. Make sure your disaster plan addresses what you will do when an emergency requires you to leave your home, leave your pet at home, or prevents you from returning home. Visit NYCEM pets planning for more information
No Kid Hungry is offering emergency grants to support local school districts and nonprofit organizations in their efforts to ensure kids get the nutritious food they need. Fill out this grant request form here.
Did you know that you can use your Snap benefits to order groceries online? Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits can be used to shop online for fresh produce and groceries! Use your EBT card to shop securely for fresh produce and groceries at participating stores in the New York City area.
One Week of Free Groceries: The Department of Probation, Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) Nutrition Kitchens, in partnership with the Food Bank of NYC and the NYC Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) have opened five kitchens -- one in each borough -- to distribute free food, available to any New Yorker who needs it.  
Women.NYC, which is powered by the New York City Economic Development Corporation, released a downloadable guide for free and low-cost tech courses in New York City.
DOE Graphics Library: A collection of graphics on the DOE's recent announcements that can be shared with families and educators, in all 9 DOE languages 
For more information about remote learning, activities for students, and technical support go to schools.nyc.gov/LearnAtHome
While Family Justice Centers are physically closed, anyone can call any of our borough centers for help with safety planning, mental health and planning, legal help, or help in connecting to law enforcement agencies. For more information please visit the Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender Based Violence or call our 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-621-4673.
Ways to Volunteer and Serve
Visit New York Blood Center to find out how you may be able to donate plasma for those who have recovered from COVID-19. 
For Individuals/Organizations/Companies offering to DONATE PPE, visit NYC Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donation Portal. 
Help Now NYC is providing New Yorkers with opportunities to find out how they can help others affected by COVID-19 and help New Yorkers find organizations that will help them receive COVID-19 related assistance.
The NYC Share Your Space Survey is critical to helping the City prepare for emergencies and outreach to all of the City's communities. Organizations citywide are encouraged to participate. 
NYCEDC is currently seeking businesses with the ability to quickly source and/or make needed medical supplies (e.g. face shields, gowns, ventilators, masks, and other products as needed) to support the City’s COVID-19 response.
Deliver meals and emergency food bags to home-bound elderly living in a variety of Brooklyn neighborhoods (car recommended) with Heights and Hills. Learn more here.
Corona Couriers is a collective of cyclists willing to courier supplies to people in need for free, using low contact methods. Email [email protected] if interested. 
Here, you may find a source guide specifically for immigrant communities during the COVID-19 pandemic: Please help by passing it along. Also, FYI, this week is Immigrant Heritage Week!
For People in Need
Domestic Violence: If you are experiencing domestic violence, you locate nearby resources online using NYC HOPE, the City’s Resource Directory for services for survivors. Check out NYC Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based violence to attain more resources for survivors during COVID-19. 
For individuals with disabilities, visit the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities. More information may be found NYC Mayor’s Office of Disabilities Twitter, as well as contacting representatives at 311 or visitor connect via video phone at 646-396-5830.
DOITT has developed a portal, to help guide the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The portal is available in 11 languages and allows New Yorkers to self-report COVID-19 information and will help New York City both better communicate with affected people and identify areas that may need enhanced response. Inputs are confidential. People without internet access or who need help, can call 311. 
Possibly Mimbres. Standing Figure, 1100-1000 B.C.E. Stone, pigment). Brooklyn Museum, Museum Expedition 1903, Museum Collection Fund, 03.325.4528. Creative Commons-BY
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vignaniasacademy · 4 years
17-05-2020 Current affairs & Daily News Analysis
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Govt launches online dashboard to monitor info on movement of migrants: MHA National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has developed ‘National Migrant Information System (NMIS)’, a central online repository on Migrant Workers to facilitate their seamless movement across States.
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About: The online portal would maintain a central repository on migrant workers and help in speedy inter-State communication/co-ordination to facilitate their smooth movement to native places. It has additional advantages like contact tracing, which may be useful in overall COVID-19 response work. The key data pertaining to the persons migrating has been standardized for uploading such as name, age, mobile no., originating and destination district, date of travel etc., which States are already collecting. States will be able to visualize how many people are going out from where and how many are reaching destination States.  Source : Times of India ( Social Issues ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy WORLD TELECOMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION SOCIETY DAY (WTISD) World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2020 is being observed on 17 May with the theme “Connect 2030: ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
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About: Objective of WTISD: To help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to societies and economies. Date of observance: It has been celebrated annually on 17 May since 1969, marking the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865.  Important Info : International Telecommunications Union (ITU)? Relationship with UN: ITU is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN). It is a member of the United Nations Development Group (UNDP).Mandate: It is responsible for issues that concern information and communication technologies.Established in: 1865. Based in: Geneva, Switzerland.Membership: It has membership of 193 countries and nearly 800 private sector entities and academic institutions.India and ITU: India has been an active member of the ITU since 1869 and has been a regular member of the ITU Council since 1952. In November 2018, India was elected as a Member of the ITU Council for another 4-year term (2019-2022). Source : United Nations ( Science & Technology ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Biodegradable metal implants Scientists at the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), under the Department of Science & Technology (DST) has developed new generation Iron-Manganese based alloys for biodegradable metal implants for use in humans.
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About: Iron-Manganese based alloy Fe-Mn (having Mn composition of more than 29% by weight) is a promising biodegradable metallic implant which exhibits single austenitic phase (non-magnetic form of iron) with MRI compatibility. The alloy also showed a degradation rate in the range of 0.14-0.026 mm per year in the simulated body fluid, which means that the Fe-Mn alloy exhibits mechanical integrity for 3-6 months and completely disappears from the body in 12-24 months. The newly developed Fe-Mn based alloys are suitable for biodegradable stent and orthopedic implant applications.  Important Info : Significance: These Biodegradable materials (Fe, Mg, Zn, and polymer) can participate in the healing process and then degrade gradually by maintaining the mechanical integrity without leaving any implant residues in the human body.These are better alternatives to currently used metallic implants which remain permanently in the human body and can cause long-term side effects like systemic toxicity, chronic inflammation, and thrombosis.  Source : All India Radio ( Science & Technology ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Third tranche of ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’: Agriculture sector gets ₹1.5-lakh-cr booster
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Measures to strengthen Infrastructure Logistics and Capacity Building for Agriculture & Allied Sectors: Financing facility of Rs. One Lakh crore will be provided for funding Agriculture Infrastructure Projects at farm-gate & aggregation points. It will be financed and managed by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). A Rs. 10,000 crore scheme will be launched for Formalisation of Micro Food Enterprises (MFE). It will help 2 lakh MFEs who need technical upgradation to attain FSSAI food standards, build brands and marketing. The Government will launch the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) with an outlay of Rs 20,000 crore for marine and inland fisheries. An Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund of Rs. 15,000 crore will be set up to support private investment in Dairy Processing, value addition and cattle feed infrastructure. The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) will cover 10,00,000 hectare under Herbal cultivation in next two years with outlay of Rs. 4,000 crore. Beekeeping initiatives (worth Rs 500 crore): Government will implement a scheme for Infrastructure development related to Integrated Beekeeping Development Centres, Collection, Marketing and Storage Centres, Post-Harvest & value Addition facilities etc; and Implementation of standards & Developing traceability system. “Operation Greens” run by Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) will be extended from Tomatoes, onion and potatoes (TOP) crops to ALL fruit and vegetables.  Important Info : Measures for Governance and Administrative Reforms for Agriculture Sector: Government will amend Essential Commodities Act, 1955 to deregulate Agriculture food stuffs including cereals, edible oils, oilseeds, pulses, onions and potato. Stock limit will be imposed under very exceptional circumstances.A Central law will be formulated for Agriculture Marketing Reforms to provide adequate choices to the farmer to sell their produce at remunerative price; barrier free Inter-State Trade; and a framework for e-trading of agriculture produce.The Government will finalise a facilitative legal framework to enable farmers to engage with processors, aggregators, large retailers, exporters etc. in a transparent manner. Source : PIB ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy HQDA G-3-5-7 Mobilization Division Tour Of Duty The Indian Army is considering a proposal that entails allowing common citizens to voluntarily join the force for three years as part of a model called “Tour of Duty”.
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About: The proposed model of Tour of Duty (ToD) has been proposed to be implemented on a trial basis for officers and other ranks in the army for a limited number of vacancies which would be increased later if the model is successful. The proposal is a shift from the concept of permanent service in the armed forces towards an “internship” for 3 years. The army is also examining giving a ‘token’ lump sum amount to officers and jawans exiting from the ToD scheme, to make it more attractive.  Important Info : Expected benefits: Army will benefit by getting younger manpower and the society will benefit by getting people who are disciplined and have imbibed the ethos of the army.The cost, including training, pay and allowances, incurred on people joining under the new model would be Rs 80-85 lakhs, as compared to over Rs 6 crore for an officer under the Short Service Commission, who serve up to 14 years.With the ToD concept implementation, there is likely to be an exponential reduction in salary and pension budgets. These savings can be used for Army’s modernisation.Corporates can also benefit from individuals who would serve in the army for three years due to their training and exposure. As per an initial survey, corporates favour individuals aged 26 or 27 who have been trained by the military.  Source : Economic Times ( Defence & Security ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy 61st CAVALRY The Indian Army is planning to convert its famous 61st Cavalry, the only active serving horse cavalry regiment in the world, into a regular armoured regiment with tanks. About: The 61st Cavalry was raised in 1953 after amalgamating the horse-mounted cavalry units of the erstwhile princely states of British India. The Teen Murti Memorial in New Delhi was constructed during the British Raj to commemorate the heroic role played by the Hyderabad, Jodhpur and Mysore Lancers during the legendary Battle of Haifa (now in modern-day Israel) in 1918 during World War I. The Indian Army celebrates “Haifa Day” on September 23 every year as part of its overall tradition to honour the valour of its regiments. At present, the ceremonial President’s Bodyguard (PBG) based at Rashtrapati Bhavan and the 61st Cavalry are the only horse-mounted units in the Army.  Important Info : Proposed Plan: The aim is to transform the Jaipur-based 61st Cavalry into “a combat force” from its present role of being “largely a ceremonial unit” that also engages in sporting activities like polo.The commanding officer (CO) of 61st Calvary, which is likely to be rechristened the 61st Armoured Regiment at Jaipur, will have three “independent squadrons” of tanks under him.It has sparked outrage among purists in military circles, who assert the “short-sighted step will destroy a glorious historical tradition”.  Source : Times of India ( Defecne & Security ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Short Service Commission to be made more attractive Chief of the Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat said that efforts are on to make the Short Service Commission (SSC) more attractive so as to reduce the mounting pension burden of the Army.
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About: Short Service commission (SSC) in Indian Army is the tenure of officers. Currently, the SSC is for 10 years, which can be extended by up to four years. At the end of 14 years, there is an option for permanent commission (PC). The training academy for SSC Short Service commission officers is Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai. Proposed steps to make SSC more attractive: A one-year training course will be given to SSC officers while exiting after 14 years. The courses can be professional or technical courses such as MBA or M.Tech. to give the skills for a second employment as a civilian. About 25%-30% of the SSC officers would be granted Permanent Commission (PC) so that they are kept motivated and they compete to get PC. The rest can leave. Other incentives include a lumpsum amount and medical facilities under the Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme.  Important Info : Pension burden of army? The Army’s pay and pension bill has been increasing over the years, accounting for 60% of its budgetary allocation.During the last five years, though the growth in the defence budget has been 68% and the growth in salaries 75%, the pensions have increased by a staggering 146%.  Source : The Hindu ( Defence & Security ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy SUPER-EARTH Scientists from the University of Canterbury (UC) have discovered a rare new Super-Earth planet that lies towards the centre of the galaxy, also called the Galactic Bulge.
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About: The planet is one of ‘only a handful of extra-solar planets that have been discovered with both size and orbit comparable to that of Earth. The host star is 10 percent the mass of our Sun and that the planet has a year of approximately 617 days. The planet has a mass somewhere between that of Earth and Neptune. It orbits at a location between Venus and Earth from the parent star. The planet was discovered using a technique called ‘Gravitational Microlensing’ where the combined gravity of the planet and its host star causes light from a more distant background star to be magnified in a particular manner.  Important Info : Super Earth? What is it? It is an extrasolar planet with a mass higher than Earth's, but substantially below the masses of the Solar System's ice giants, Uranus and Neptune.What is it not? This term refers only to the mass of the planet, and does not imply anything about the habitability or surface conditions. Source : Hindustan Times ( Science & Technology ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy CORONAVIRUS IN CATS Researchers have published a paper with evidence that cats can transmit the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 to one another, and without showing symptoms.
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Previous cases: The previous most famous case of coronavirus infection among cats, big or domestic, has been that of four-year-old Nadia, a Malayan tiger at New York’s Bronx Zoo. She tested positive in April 2020. Within weeks, a few more tigers and lions at the zoo tested positive. Among domestic cats, the first known infection happened in Belgium. Recent research: The key finding in recent research is that cats can be asymptomatic while carrying the virus. Also, all the cats went on to clear the virus. The latest findings suggest that cats may be capable of becoming infected when exposed to people or other cats positive for SARS-CoV-2. Other researchers have previously suggested reasons why cats may be vulnerable to infection from humans: feline and human cells have similar ACE2 receptors, which are enzymes that facilitate the coronavirus’s entry in the body. The general view remains that a cat is more likely to get Covid-19 from a human, than a human getting it from a cat.  Source : Indian Express ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy NATIONAL DENGUE DAY On the occasion of National Dengue Day (May 16), Health Ministry has listed a series of simple measures through which Dengue can be prevented.
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About: Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection. The dengue virus (DEN) comprises four distinct serotypes (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4) which belong to the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main vector that transmits the viruses that cause dengue.  It is found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, mostly in urban and semi-urban areas. It is very common after rainy season. Once infected, humans become the main carriers and multipliers of the virus, serving as a source of the virus for uninfected mosquitoes. The infection causes flu-like illness, and occasionally develops into lethal complication called severe dengue. Dengue can affect everybody, irrespective of their age and gender.  Source : All India Radio ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Daily Current affairs and News Analysis Best IAS Coaching institutes in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Contact Vignan IAS Academy Enroll For IAS Foundation Course from Best IFS Academy in Bangalore Read the full article
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newstfionline · 5 years
World welcomes New Year amid wildfires and protests (Reuters) The world rang in the New Year on Wednesday with spectacular firework displays from Sydney to Tokyo, although celebrations in Australia were overshadowed by deadly wildfires and the festive mood in Hong Kong and India was dampened by protests.
Trump says he’ll sign first-step China trade deal on Jan. 15 (AP) The first phase of a U.S.-China trade agreement will be inked at the White House in mid-January, President Donald Trump announced Tuesday, adding that he will visit Beijing at a later date to open another round of talks aimed at resolving other sticking points in the relationship. The so-called “Phase One” agreement is smaller than the comprehensive deal Trump had hoped for and leaves many of the thorniest issues between the two countries for future talks. Few economists expect any resolution of “Phase Two” before the presidential election in 2020.
US stock indexes waver on last day of a record-breaking year (AP) Major U.S. stock indexes edged mostly lower Tuesday afternoon in light trading ahead of the New Year’s Day holiday. Wall Street was closing the books on a blockbuster 2019, with the broader market on track for its best performance in six years.
Panama Canal marks 20 years of US handover amid water crisis (AP) Panama marked the 20-year anniversary Tuesday of the turnover of the Panama Canal, now amid a water crisis that threatens the viability of the waterway. Declining rainfall and rising temperatures have reduced the level of freshwater lakes that fill the locks of the Panama Canal and allow boats to transit between the Pacific and the Atlantic.
Let’s get Brexit done and end division in 2020, Johnson tells Britons (Reuters) Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he would bring his divided nation back together next year when Britain leaves the European Union, telling Britons they were set for a “fantastic year and a remarkable decade”.
India Approves Third Moon Mission, Months After Landing Failure (Reuters) India has approved its third lunar mission months after its last one failed to successfully land on the moon, its space agency said on Wednesday, the latest effort in its ambitions to become a low-cost space power.
Officials: Taliban Target Afghan Security Forces, Killing 26 (AP) The Taliban unleashed a new wave of attacks in northern Afghanistan, targeting members of the country’s security forces and killing at least 26, local officials said Wednesday.
North Korea’s Leader Promises ‘New Strategic Weapon,’ Leaves Room for Talks (Reuters) North Korea’s leader plans to further develop nuclear programs and to introduce a “new strategic weapon” in the near future, state media said on Wednesday, although he signaled there was still room for dialogue with the United States.
Hong Kongers support protester demands (Reuters) Hong Kong’s protest movement is supported by 59% of city residents polled in a survey conducted for Reuters by the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, with more than a third of respondents saying they had attended an anti-government demonstration.
Facing trial, former Nissan boss flees Japan (NYT) Carlos Ghosn, the company chairman who was ousted after being accused of financial wrongdoing in Japan, has unexpectedly taken refuge in Lebanon. He said he was escaping “injustice and political persecution.” r. Ghosn, 65, is a citizen of Lebanon, where he is legally protected from extradition, as well as of France and Brazil. It was unclear how he left Japan: He had posted $9 million in bail, and was meant to be under close watch. One of his lawyers in Japan said today that Mr. Ghosn’s legal team still held all three of his passports and had not known his plans.
Australia Sending Aid to Wildfire Towns as Death Toll Rises (AP) Australia deployed military ships and aircraft Wednesday to help communities ravaged by apocalyptic wildfires that have left at least 17 people dead nationwide and sent thousands of residents and holidaymakers fleeing to the shoreline.
Protesters attack US Embassy in Baghdad after airstrikes (AP) Angered by deadly airstrikes targeting an Iran-backed militia, dozens of Iraqi Shiite militiamen and their supporters broke into the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday, smashing a main door and setting fire to a reception area in one of the worst attacks on the embassy in recent memory. American guards fired tear gas, and palls of smoke rose over the embassy grounds. An Associated Press reporter at the scene saw flames rising from inside the compound and U.S. soldiers on the roof of the main embassy building with their guns pointed at protesters. There were no reports of casualties.
Iran denies role in U.S. embassy violence, warns against retaliation (Reuters) Iran denied it was behind violent protests at the U.S. embassy in Iraq on Tuesday and warned against any retaliation, after President Donald Trump blamed Tehran for an attack on the mission and said it would be held responsible.
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voicebrodcasting · 5 months
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