#Best Natural Eye-Gel in India
paulpenders · 2 years
Best Natural Eye-Gel in India
The skin under our eyes is thinner and more sensitive than the rest of our skin. It tends to be drier and more delicate than the rest of the face. This extra sensitive and delicate area needs a specific care regime and products.
Eyes are the window to the soul and deserve to be taken care of to avoid dark circles, puffiness etc. We can try home remedies, make changes to our lifestyle. The one sure thing we should do is to add under eye skin care to our skin care regime. The skin under our eyes is sensitive and needs products specifically made for eye care. Eye gels, eye creams, are designed to help address eye-area skin concerns, like dark circles, crow's feet, or puffiness.  At the same time we need to make sure that we are not using any product that could cause any harmful effects.
The challenge lies in choosing the right brand which has the best natural eye-gel in India, free from all harmful chemicals.  
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The Paul Penders eye gel available on www.paul-penders.in is a product you can blindly trust. Paul Penders as a brand is well known for its 100% natural, vegan, cruelty free products. Their eye gel is perfect for treating puffy eyes and dark circles. It is the best natural eye-gel in India for under eye care. With a combination of plantago, chamomile, aloe vera and organic herbs, it helps the circulation of blood and calms the delicate skin around the eye improving the texture and elasticity of your skin significantly. Plantago helps reduce bruising while aloe vera and chamomile calm the delicate under eye skin.
Treat your eyes with the care they deserve with the Paul Penders best natural eye-gel in India.
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hxltic · 2 years
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• Best friend/Tutor
• Warnings: grinding, pussy eatin!!, female reader (please don’t trust anything scientific I write, this is barely researched and I am not licensed).
• Summary: Bokuto wasn’t physically feeling well, but due to his good nature, pushed it aside. Although you were to help him with studies, you were far from blind. Luckily your major was almost perfect for the moment. He let you test your skills on him, so your hands roamed his body. Maybe it came off more sexual than intended…
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“Ughhh…” Bokuto groans.
A creak sounds from far behind you, alluding at the door opening. The sound of the fan gyrating in the background of the apartment slowly dissipates with the air, you assume, because stepping out right after his hot shower then being hit with the cold is the least pleasant thing in the world to him.
You take a sip of the lemonade that resides on the coffee table in front of you. The giant living room TV played whatever sitcom was aired ever since Bo kindly got you as comfy as possible for when he got back, but with your head buried in a book and a gel pen in your hand, it was of no use to you. Finally dressed, he returned.
However, he returned with his right hand placed on his left collarbone, rotating the left shoulder accordingly.
“Are you alright?” You ask. You didn’t look up. Thank god for your intensified range of peripheral vision from reading, seeing the man beside you with naturally fallen hair and water droplets still journeying through curves of his body in full attention would absolutely break you.
Yes, he was your best friend—but you were still a woman with eyes.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Must’ve just overdid it at practice,” he casually replies. You recognized the tone. Despite his loud tendencies, he was being quiet with you because of the item in your criss-crossed lap. The word “just” also apprised you not to worry.
He leans back on the couch with his full attention gravitating towards you.
“Alright Professor, what’s first?” Professor.
Bokuto was the most careless person you knew. He was also the most careful person you knew. Yes he was clumsy, yes he lost things easily, and maybe doesn’t understand others—but he tries. Despite many beliefs, he was extremely attentive on and off the court; his ability to read the room peaks anyone you’ve ever held conversation with. Most of the time he just willfully ignores it. He cared tremendously for anything that was close to him, hence the low volume of the television and the torrential downpour outside to compliment his high focus to your efforts in helping.
He set the room right for you, cleaning up, and being on his best behavior. You doubt he would’ve done such a thing for Kuroo (because he knows of your high expectations for him and he wishes to please you), so you admire the ability to plan his day fit. And the special treatment.
You flipped the book to your right, letting him survey the page without having to crook his head.
“Geographical Impact on Culture Practices and Language,” he reads the subtitle. He then looks at you for confirmation.
“We’re starting with Greece. Then we’ll move to India, then China,” you declare.
“Alright, we’re moving east.” He nods.
You smile and praise, “A great start.”
You’ve come to find the way he learns best is when he knows he’s doing something correctly, and also when he gets something wrong. However with the latter, he has to wield some determination, otherwise he’ll just lose faith in himself. Luckily that has yet to happen.
Some time into the practice you recognize the progress that he’s made. With each tutoring he has almost doubled the amount of pages the two of you have gone through, gradually picking up more and more information to build off of. His vocabulary has undeniably grown as well.
“China—as a sphere of influence,” he briskly catches himself: “kept good look on the Mongols because they knew of their ravaging proclivities, while also having almost complete isolation from the rest of the world. The ocean, steppes, deserts, and plateaus were a sense of protection, starting with the Tibetian.” He recites. His notes were short but sweet, he clearly writes down what he doesn’t think he’ll remember. Other than that, he can take a swift look at the topic and depend on memory for the rest.
“Bingo! that sounded great Ko.” You take your glasses off and blink a little, cleaning them off with a handkerchief you keep around. They resume their spot on your nose.
At some point earlier you scooted a little closer, shoulder to shoulder, so you could hold the book and review his notes at the same time. The soap he used you could probably guess the scent of. Once you lifted off him for your lens cleaning, Bokuto runs a hand through his hair and exhales happily, content with himself. He hisses though, quickly contorting his expression to one of pain.
“Shit,” he curses. He attempts to soothe himself by rubbing slow circles on your previous spot. He said it wasn’t anything (even though you doubted his statement from the beginning), yet you leaned on him anyway. You hadn’t meant to hurt him.
“Crap- sorry, was I on it?” You already knew the answer, but it didn’t seem like it was hurting him. Maybe the pressure didn’t matter in the moment, but when your weight came off, the pain returned with what it yielded.
“I didn’t think you were. You’re okay, I’ll put something on it.” He reassures.
“How does it hurt?” He mentally processes your interrogation before answering, probably thinking if Biofreeze would work.
“…It feels tight. Like something is tugging on it and won’t let go.”
“Does it hurt when you tilt your head like this?” You make the movement. He then mimics your action and shakes his head no. “Try the other side.”
He holds a face of slight confusion while attending to your order. He rapidly forms the previous countenance, an obvious sign of discomfort.
“It looks like an overworked muscle, so you were right. But you still need to tend to it.”
Your advice runs through his ear but out the other. You notice his absence of mind and slightly press on the sore shoulder blade spot in front of you to remind him, then it sticks to his brain what he needs to do. Hell, he was an athlete. He’s been told at least a thousand times.
“Can you stretch it out for me?” He asks innocently. Why not?
“Sure,” you agree. “Stand up.”
Following your orders has become his second nature. He knows you wouldn’t sabotage him in any way, so there’s no reason to defy them. You stand behind him, then walk to the open space of the apartment while instructing him to lay down on his stomach. Watching him obediently get to his knees and his muscles involuntarily flex in the short-sleeve shirt he wears does something to you (you’ll never say what). He does a single effortless push-up down to the floor. He lays silently, with his cheek resting in folded arms.
“It’s kinda cold down here.”
“Whatever,” you giggle, and follow him down. Fuck, it is kinda cold. Anyway, you go to check to see how his body is aligned. “I’m gonna lift your shirt up, ‘kay? Just sit still.”
He hums in acknowledgement and you’re pretty sure his eyes close. Your fingertips find the end of the thin cotton that does great things for his sharp figure, and lift only the back part. He slightly raises his body from his core, allowing you to pull just a little harder and get past his waist, leading to finally slipping it up to his under-arms. He aggravatingly groans at the temperature below him. You try your best to remember the context of said groan, while also ignoring the thought of his carved chest pressing on the hardwood.
The small things he does that prove his pure strength get your mind roaming. Being able to do push-ups with quickness, having utter control over his core, lifting heavy things with ease—you need to get a hold of yourself.
You run your hands along the freshly-washed, soft, skin of his back. It was an awkward angle being on his side, so you hesitantly swing your leg over, and reside right before his spine ends. Please, please don’t come off the wrong way. He lets out a heavy breath.
“Lay your hands outwards naturally.” He shifts. His left shoulder blade was slightly higher than the right, showing clear tension.
“You’re right handed, correct?” You inquire.
“Correct.” It comes out low and throaty, his face pressed to the floor. He was quiet every time you were around. He knew you appreciated few words—especially in a moment dedicated to studies and reading—so he’d trade out his loud self for your comfort, even if you didn’t mind the usual Bokuto that drew you to him the first time you met. He almost sounded tired.
You place your hands in the space between the scapula and press slightly. “Does it hurt there?”
“No ma’am.”
“So it’s only the left then. I’m going to run my hands along the bone while also pressuring the muscle. It’ll hurt a little, so just tell me when to stop.” Bokuto giggles a little, just airy enough to be able to hear. You don’t even acknowledge it because you don’t wish to be lead to the same sexual depravity his mind is situated in. Not like yours is any better.
You roll your hands through the muscle, upwards towards his deltoid, working it with a technique you were taught. This hopefully loosens it up the slightest bit if you were doing it right. You also tell him he could resume his previous position since you could sense how uncomfortable he was.
“Based on what I’ve gathered: not only do you constantly hit with your right hand, it’s your dominant arm so almost everything everyday is done on it. With your left, however, it’s not the main focus of what you do.” Your fingertips dig into his skin.
“I’m not sure what you necessarily work on in practice but because it’s not trained for nearly as much as your right, it’s taken a toll. The tension capacities are different. The scapula are naturally connected by the trapezius muscle so this is why it hurts to lean the opposite way,” you explain. You can almost feel his astonishment as he cocks his head behind him and looks you up and down through grey lashes. He still lays down, almost unbothered by you rubbing up against his bare back whenever you move.
“Y’know you never cease to amaze me? You know a lot about my body.” He compliments slyly. You blush at the word choice. He’s been very, very testy today.
You relent, “Not just yours, we’re all human Ko. Now take a deep breath.”
“Mhmm…Anything for you,” he states sarcastically. You could tell it was sarcasm, so why did it still affect you? You rise a bit on his back from the large breath. With a sudden press to the center, he curses in shock, then follows with an animalistic groan.
“Holy fuck, do that again,” he sighs. You press his head down between his arms, lift the left one behind his neck, and connect his hand to his right blade. You only tug a little, careful not to hurt him. Another faint crack.
He moans happily. You release him from your legs, saving the both of you from the suggestive position. It would only get worse from here, for when you needed him to turn over.
“Turn over, please.” He listens and grunts on his way up. Twisting his body over, now propped on his elbows, you could tell most weight was still shifted to his right arm. Bokuto rolls down to his back.
“You’re in charge,” he exhales, running his hands over his face. You knew he had to be cold, the previous warmth you provided was canceled out completely by the cool wood. This was where you’d have to straddle him again—except now it was ten times harder, ten times more suggestive—and you couldn’t stop the slight red from decorating your skin.
“It’s gonna be a little weird at first,” you warn.
“It’s only as weird as you make it,” he smiles knowingly. His knees come up, fully prepared for you to spread over him. Not to mention his chest was still out— It was far more entrancing than his backside. Nonetheless, you swing your leg over once more, and it takes everything in the male to not instinctively place his large hands under your lower thigh to help you. The first thing you do is pull the shirt as low as possible, attempting to cover any temptations.
“What? You scared of me?” Bo entertains.
You clear your throat more for stabilizing yourself, “No, it’s just not necessary at the moment. Left hand over your chest.”
“Sure,” he pushes incredulously, even you could tell he wasn’t the least bit convinced. You’re really fucking scared.
He crosses his left hand over his chest like a salute. His eyes never leave yours under long grey and black hair, except for when you order him to take another deep breath. You grab his arm and push left swiftly, but the pop sounds from his lower back. You must’ve pushed him too far left but he wasn’t complaining. “Sorry, one more time.” You lay forwards, building the strength to push more downwards this time into him, then finally get the spot you hoped for. His mouth opens for a moan again, nothing sounds but a breath of air.
“I would literally pay you for that. Is this just a secret talent?” He breathlessly questions.
“I major in exercise science, so we do a lot of studies on biology and human anatomy. The rest I just kind of guessed to be honest.”
Once he comes down from the feeling and opens his eyes to you still close on his chest, his head goes to dangerous places. Especially since you were smiling at him from your proud work and your back had a slight arch to it. This angle made your proportions completely surreal, your ass enlarging and your waist thinning at the hands of perspective. Of course, you did also just push with a significant amount of quick pressure directly into his groin.
“Okay, how does it feel?” You push up eagerly with your hands on his clothed chest. Your palms were perfectly atop his breasts.
“Like I need a cold shower.”
Surprisingly, you agree with this statement, it was good for the body and should be talked about more for people farther than athletes.
“Good. It’s great for relaxing the sore muscle,” You smile innocently. Ko laughs mainly to himself, “Yeah, it is.”
Your hair falls around your shoulders and over his head. His beautiful golden eyes were almost hidden by his long hair, but those large, expressive eyebrows could be spotted anywhere. They allowed you to read him like a book. At some point, your hands started slightly roaming the surface of his hard body, and your smile fell. You were subconsciously inching closer and closer to him.
Bokuto was disposed to let it happen. You’d been subtly rubbing up on him all day, and most of his words were limited because of you. God, how he loved listening to you go on and on about the subject he hated most, it made him at a loss for words; a rare feeling for someone who always had something to say. Your glasses framed your face perfectly, and your educated speech had him locked up in a poetic cage that you wielded the key to. The worst part is? He wasn’t sure if he wanted it unlocked.
You were already so close to him, his body, so when he brushed a piece of hair back with his fingertips and manually removed your glasses in a way that wouldn’t hurt you, you halted. It was almost like your conscious returned, telling you every bad effect possible. The angel on your shoulder was momentarily silenced by the devil, but finally broke free of the reigns just to declaim you the consequences of your decisions.
“Wait Ko,” you begin, “I-I um…don’t think we should.” You moderately shake your head. “It’ll change things.”
Your voice barely peeks above a whisper. He watched as the realization hit, your eyebrows upturned.
“Isn’t that the fun in it?” His eyes train to your lips before they finally find yours. “Things change all the time,” he smiles hopelessly. His large hand weaves through your hair and pulls you down to him.
Just like that, you were sold. Your full lips meet.
You moan gently in his mouth and fall chest to chest. Now your arch was fully purposeful. Pecks and sweet kisses dissolved into longer ones, it didn’t take long before he was sucking on your tongue like candy. You took up the job of twisting your head to search deeper into his throat, his current position rendering him unable to do what he desires to be doing to you. You think of the possibilities.
Maybe he’d take you on the wall with both legs under his control, slamming into you as you grab onto whatever leverage you could find. Or, he would bend you over in the shower with several fingers inside you and a hand on your throat, your body stuttering as the hot liquid runs down to the drain. You audibly moaned at this on accident.
Desperate, you grind down into him. His hands grip the fat of your ass, but he pulls from your puffy lips and away from your ruffled hair.
“Whatcha thinkin of? Can see it on your face.”
Your strong, independent woman composure was crumbling by the second above him, “Nothing,” you gasp, “just thinking.” He nips at your jaw, then follows down to your neck. He touches on a spot that’s always been sensitive, causing you to let out a keening whine, but he doesn’t say anything, so you assume he wants you to elaborate. You unintentionally moan, “Yes,” and he laughs into your neck.
“Tell me what about.” He’s pushing you further; seeing how much information he could get to leak out of you based off how far gone you were.
“You…touching me,” You reply, fully prepared for what he’s about to ask you next. You’ve read enough books to know. But that wasn’t the issue in question, it was how you’d reply. Would you crumble and shy away, or be bold and instruct him to give it to you? Would you elucidate it to him with the praising tone you know he adores?
“How was I touching you y/n?” Your name rolled so prettily off his kissing tongue. His grip on you tightened awaiting your answer, a problem beneath you that’s risen figuratively and literally.
“Um…” your blush spread so you tucked your face in his neck. “Your fingers were inside.”
It was a lot harder than it looks.
“Is that what you want?” A big grin spreads across his face—you can feel it.
He finds your legs situated around his waist, sits up, and somehow comes to his feet. You were at least 5 feet in the air now. He casually walks to the couch and flips you on it, but a jagged edge cuts into your back.
“Book, ow ow-“ you wince in pain. By instinct you lifted back up, where he was already prying away the notebook hidden behind the pillows. He sends an apologetic smile and drags you along by your legs once the regained sexual drive returned. Next leaves your jeans.
Just waiting to see his prize, he gets them off quickly. The panties you wore were nothing absolutely special, but they were still lacy nonetheless; your previous being not finding a thong necessary on the way here. Bokuto could care less. The time you took thinking about it was the time he took to rip them off.
You scolded him for it, to which he responded “I’ll buy you any more you want” while punctually kissing your thighs. At the same time his fingers rose and spread your top folds, revealing the wetness you’ve gathered over the span of the past 10 minutes. He dunks a single finger in shallowly, then further pushes the digit deeper, and then turns it upside down so he could curl upwards. His large eyes focus on your heavy-breath reactions while his mouth licks away at your clit. The finger eventually comes out.
“Ko,” you utter. He hums in your pussy with his tongue swirling around. “You aren’t learning like this.” His throaty laugh reverberates up your center and through your body.
“Teach me.”
Once you get what he means, slowly, you reach for the casted away book as he holds your hips in place. It has proven harder than anticipated. His large arms encased your legs, wrapping around your thighs like a fucking present. You should’ve known he’d love it like this; it’s just you assumed he’d favor breathing.
Your glasses were in someplace on the floor elsewhere. Good thing you were near-sighted, but with how he was doing you, it would continue to be cumbersome. You open to a familiar page, already cracking when he sucks at your skin, but you resume a reviewing lesson nonetheless.
“Greece is—hmm—located in Europe,” you take a deep breath, “on the Mediterranean and just to the right of—“
“—The Italian Peninsula.” He completes. He slips two fingers in, scissoring you out and almost toying with you at this point. You were so, unbelievably wet.
You squirm in his hold and brush hair out of your face. He noticed how your eyebrows were forced upwards the slightest bit, resulting in a growing, complacent smile against your pussy lips. “Greece is surrounded by many little islands and water, therefore—”
“—Inducing maritime trade,”
“…And?” Your eyes shutter closed in the moment. The textbook was slowly dropping from your chest.
“Shipbuilding.” Breath fanned against your already extremely responsive body. Deliriously, you slightly open your eyes to find Kotarou’s jawline constantly moving with his pink tongue. He knew when to fill in the blank based off when you lowered the book to see him, expecting an answer. He’d never move away when speaking and just proceeded on with his job. So adroit, the male was—still tactful too, you had to be reading 10x less than your average speed.
You clear your throat, trying your best not to moan while reciting like earlier.
“The soil wasn’t ideal, so majority of the food was—“
“—olives, grapes, ‘n fish.” He was more muffled since the two fingers he had running through you were now pumping soothingly, and when he curled upwards again, the book slid off your breasts, prompted by the sudden arch you displayed, and even further bolstered by your fingers weaving through his hair.
“Great fucking job Ko, just like that.” The praise falls from your mouth and only provokes him to slurp and suck on your pussy harder. Of course, the words could’ve been relative to the studies, but both ways work. The squelch sounds relay through your brain.
His (somewhat) free left hand comes under your shirt, adventures it’s way past your bra. His large hand carries a respective imprint under your shirt. When he feels around the round of your breasts, he slows around your nipple, just waiting to suck on them when he gets the chance.
Feeling you up was his literal favorite thing ever. The thought of your hips automatically rolling up into his touch purely by will and desire fuels his brain in unimaginable ways. Calloused yet soft hands gliding along every curve and roll to memorize the trek of your body, the responses and reactions gathering into knowledge for reservation.
Your right leg was thrown over his shoulder, to which his bicep curled around to reach your upper body where his head dug through your lower. You were so close to nothing and everything, like something in you was held taut, just the interval alone precipitating another hiatus in your mind. His hand rolled around your breast almost as if it were a handle.
“That’s so good Kotarou, don’t stop—show me how good you eat it for me,”
He tried his best to circle his face around and flick the muscle over your clit. There wasn’t much room to move. An easy adapter he was, so he removed his digits and hugged you tight with twain arms. He held his tongue flat and idle, allowing full consent for your hips to gyrate and stutter on his face as you pleased. His long, variegated, fallen hair was threaded through your nails while he moaned himself encouragingly until finally, it snapped.
A loud stream of mushed words and imprecations poured from your lips and reflected off the walls into his covered ears. Unconsciously, legs locked around his head to prohibit his quit, and if your neurological clearheaded mind were apprised that the fingers drenched with your own slick were slipping over your abdomen, the feeling alone would’ve turned you over. However, it wasn’t, therefore creating the most mind-altering orgasm you’ve ever had.
All you could do was laugh whole-heartedly towards the ceiling at the whole thing as it washed over you. It was the epitome of cliche. You were his tutor, helping him out, and somehow ended up landing on the couch with his face betwixt you. His golden eyes were nothing short of a symbol of his happiness, proud of himself and you. You were definitely proud of him too.
No more failed tests!
© hxltic
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recodestudios-blog · 1 year
Let the Great Debate Begin: Is Kajal Better Than Eyeliner?
Who wouldn't desire more attractive, gorgeous eyes? After all, our eyes mirror our deepest lives. In antiquity, the kajal was considered as a beauty symbol. It is also excellent for the eyes. However, many eye cosmetics are now available on the market, including kajal, kohl kajal, eye pencils, kohl kajal pencils, and many others.
However, why is black the only color associated with beauty? There are several colors, like bronze, blue, eyeliner, brown, red, and many others. Do you know what the difference between eyeliner and kajal is? In this article, we'll compare the two and debate whether kajal or eyeliner which is better.
Benefits of Kajal-
Because of the darker formula, you get a more dramatic effect.
It is simple to use on the eye.
The best remedy for smokey eyes.
Avoid causing harm to your eyes.
The creamy texture contributes to the smooth action.
It is inexpensive and simple to remove.
The disadvantages of kajal-
A specialist is required to utilize it appropriately.
Finding genuine and authentic brands may be difficult.
Benefits of Eyeliner-
It doesn't bleed through or smear and provides you with a dark, long-lasting, and better appearance after a long time.
Natural black and golden eyeliner are among the many colors available.
Cons of Eyeliner-
 Doesn't work well with smoky eyes.
It is difficult to remove, so if you make a mistake, you must delete it.
With so many cosmetic items available to enhance your overall appearance, makeup artists swear by the quick beauty that eyeliner offers.
Every woman's cosmetic arsenal includes eyeliner, which can change plain-looking eyes like magic. 
This is placed along the rim of the eye to make your eyes appear more open and your lashes appear thicker. This is also available in a variety of forms, including liquid and gel. 
Most women have already decided which sort of eyeliner formulation best meets their needs, whether gel or liquid.  
However, if you are new to the eyeliner game and are still unable to figure out which eyeliner is YOUR eyeliner, we are here to help. We have all the knowledge that you require to help you decide between liquid and gel eyeliner so you don't buy the wrong one. Continue reading to learn more!
Both liquid and gel eyeliner has various benefits and effects. That is why it is vital to educate yourself on both before purchasing one! 
Trust us on this; we don't want you to regret your purchase!
Before we get into the specifics of gel eyeliner vs liquid eyeliner, here's a basic rundown of the similarities and differences between the two:
Liquid Eyeliner:
superior at drawing fine, crisp lines
It is simple to apply because it includes an applicator.
It might have a gleaming finish.
sets quickly and leaves little opportunity for mistakes.
Given that it may sting your eyes if used for tightlining, it is best used on the upper lash line.
Gel Liner:
Ideal for thicker, more pronounced streaks.
Can achieve both a smeared and defined look
The texture is blendable, customizable, and forgiving of errors.
Depending on the style you want to achieve, you may need to use a second applicator brush.
This is a common option for tightening the waterline.
Both allow for accurate application.
Both may be used to achieve "cat-eye" and "winged" eyeliner styles.
Both require trial and error for newcomers since they are difficult to apply. Reapplication is simple due to their mobility.
Both come in a variety of colors and are waterproof.
Both are rather inexpensive.
Both last around 2–3 months.
As mentioned previously, kajal, eyeliner; gel, or liquid eyeliner each have particular applications and perform an important role. Kajal may be used to conceal the upper and lower eyelid waterlines. Eyeliner, on the other hand, is exclusively used on the upper eyelid and is preferred by most women. In India, the combined product of these two essential components of beauty is now popular. Women want to enhance their appearance by using eyeliner, kajal, or both. As you can see, we can't determine whether kajal, eyeliner; gel, or liquid eyeliner is preferable. 
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tonyandguysalon · 28 days
Makeup & Nail Services : Enhancing Beauty and Confidence
Makeup & Nail Services:
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In today’s fast-paced world, personal grooming and self-care have become essential aspects of daily life. People increasingly seek ways to enhance their beauty, boost confidence, and express their individuality. Makeup and nail services have emerged as popular choices to achieve these goals. Whether you're preparing for a special occasion, a professional photoshoot, or simply want to feel good about yourself, makeup and nail services offer a wide range of options. This article explores the significance of hair and makeup services and highlights the best nail extension services in India.
The Importance of Hair and Makeup Services
1. Enhancing Natural Beauty: 
Hair and makeup services are designed to enhance natural features and provide a polished look. Professional makeup artists can accentuate the eyes, highlight cheekbones, and create a flawless complexion that enhances one's natural beauty. Similarly, hair styling services can transform dull or lifeless hair into a stunning masterpiece, adding volume, texture, and style.
2. Boosting Confidence:A well-done makeup and hairdo can significantly boost one’s self-confidence. When individuals feel good about their appearance, it positively impacts their mood, behavior, and interactions with others. This confidence is especially important during events like weddings, corporate meetings, or any occasion where making a lasting impression is crucial.
3. Preparing for Special Occasions:Special events such as weddings, parties, and professional photoshoots often require a more sophisticated and elegant look. Hair and makeup services ensure that individuals are camera-ready and look their best. Expert makeup artists and hairstylists have the skills to create looks that complement the outfit and the event's theme.
Best Nail Extension Services in India
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Nail extensions have gained immense popularity in recent years. They offer a quick and effective way to achieve long, beautiful nails that are otherwise challenging to maintain. In India, numerous salons and nail bars specialize in providing the best nail extension services. Here are some key aspects to consider when choosing a nail extension service:
1. Quality of Products:The best nail extension services in India use high-quality products that are safe and long-lasting. Acrylic, gel, and dip powder extensions are some of the popular options available. The quality of the products used ensures that the extensions do not harm the natural nails and last longer without chipping or breaking.
2. Expertise of Nail Technicians:Professional nail technicians play a crucial role in delivering top-notch nail extension services. Their expertise ensures that the extensions are applied correctly, look natural, and enhance the overall appearance of the hands. Skilled technicians can also offer customized designs, incorporating intricate patterns, embellishments, and nail art.
3. Hygiene and Safety Standards:Hygiene is paramount in nail services. The best nail extension services in India adhere to strict hygiene protocols to prevent infections and ensure the safety of their clients. Sterilized tools, clean workstations, and disposable files and buffers are some of the measures taken to maintain high hygiene standards.
4. Range of Services:Leading nail salons in India offer a wide range of services, including classic manicures, gel polish applications, nail art, and various types of nail extensions. This variety allows clients to choose the services that best meet their needs and preferences.
Makeup and nail services have become integral to modern beauty routines, offering individuals the opportunity to look and feel their best. With professional hair and makeup services, one can enhance their natural beauty and gain the confidence needed to tackle any situation. Meanwhile, the best nail extension services in India provide a convenient and stylish way to achieve beautiful, well-maintained nails. Whether for a special occasion or everyday wear, these services ensure that individuals can express their style and personality through their appearance.
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eyerisvision · 4 months
Monopoly PCD Pharma Franchise in Eye Drops Range
Monopoly PCD Pharma Franchise in Eye Drops Range - Looking for Ophthalmic medicines for Eye Drops PCD Pharma Franchise? Eyeris Vision Care is the pinnacle and one of the leading companies in the eye-drop franchise business. It is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company established in 2004 to provide immense customer satisfaction. We are a trusted brand in the pharmaceutical market thanks to our time-limited services, flexible payment options, and high-quality anti-allergy eye drops.
Our organization has achieved an eminent position in the pharmaceutical industry as a trader, distributor, and supplier, which is the result of the relentless efforts of our professional team of experts. We provide high-quality Antibiotic Eye Drops, Lubricated Eye Drops, Anti Allergy Eye Drops, Soft Gel Capsules, etc. to solve your eye problems. These anti-allergy eye drops are in high demand in hospitals and clinics precisely because of them. non-toxic nature, precise composition, and stable pH value. 
Demand for Eye Drops Range in India?
Ophthalmology deals with eye care and treatment. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is growing at a good pace and the eye industry is doing well. The market size is said to be growing rapidly at a CAGR of 6.58 percent annually. If this continues, the market size will be 61.01 billion US dollars by 2030. Problems related to eye(s) are increasing every year. This has increased the demand for quality eye drops and eye medicines. 
Why Choose Eye Drop for Monopoly PCD Franchise
The field of ophthalmic drugs is dominated by eye drops. It is convenient and easy to use. They contain salt solutions. The dose of the drug is given in liquid form, which has a very low liquid resistance. Eye drops tend to have less side effects than oral medication or ointment. The demand is huge. The government supported awareness about eyes and eye diseases. More screening time and stress have resulted in the weakening of the eyes. More and more eye hospitals and clinics are being established. You can find a good company in this segment.
Collaborate With Eyeris Vision Care For Monopoly PCD Pharma Franchise Eye Drops Range
Our company is one of the best eye drop companies in India. We operate all over India. Eyeris Vision Care provides the best Pharma franchise eye range in India. These include antibiotics, anti-allergics, etc. Here are some of the following drugs that are available in eye drop form:
Bepotastine Besilate Ophthalmic Solution
Brimonidine 0.2% With Timolol 0.5% Eye Drop
Carboxymethyl Cellulose Eye Drops IP 1% w/v
Carboxymethylcellulose, N-Acetyl Carnosine Ophthalmic Solution
CMC, Naphazoline, Phenylephrine, Camphor, and Menthol Eye Drops
Fluorometholone Eye Drops
Nepafenac 0.1% Ophthalmic Suspension
Tropicamide and Phenylephrine HCL Ophthalmic Solution
Proparacaine HCL Ophthalmic Solution USP
Moxifloxacin and Dexamethasone Eye Drops
To know more about our Eye Drop Pharma Franchise you can reach out to us on below below-mentioned details.
Contact Details
Name: Eyeris Vision Care
Phone Number: 91-9034803607
Address: SCO-4, New Defence Colony, Patiala Road, Zirakpur-140603
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relicellbattery · 4 months
Understanding VRLA Batteries: A Comprehensive Guide
VRLA (Valve Re­gulated Lead-Acid) batterie­s are rechargeable­ energy storage units. The­ir sealed design and se­lf-sufficient nature makes the­m popular.
In this guide we will cover the e­ssential components, how they work, uses, be­nefits, and upkeep of VRLA batte­ries.
Components of VRLA Batteries
VRLA batteries consist of several essential components:
Lead Plates: VRLA batteries contain lead plates inside an ele­ctrolyte solution.
Absorbe­nt Glass Mat (AGM) or Gel: This is the ele­ctrolyte. It’s either soake­d up on a fiberglass mat (AGM) or captured in a gel, ke­eping the battery se­aled and maintenance-fre­e.
Valves: VRLA batterie­s have safety valves that le­t out excess gases but block outside­ air from getting in.
Working Principles
You charge a VRLA batte­ry and it turns electricity into chemical e­nergy, changing lead sulfate into two othe­r substances. When you use the­ battery, it changes back, creating e­lectricity. The AGM or gel e­lectrolyte in VRLA batterie­s keeps the e­lectrolyte from moving around, avoiding spills and leaks, making the­se batteries ve­rsatile.
Applications of VRLA Batteries
VRLA batteries are­ used in:
Backup Power Systems: The­se batteries replace mains power during outage­s.
Telecom: The­se batteries ke­ep communication systems running without stop.
Emerge­ncy Lighting: The­se batteries light up crucial areas when powe­r goes off.
Green Ene­rgy Storage: The­se batteries store powe­r from solar panels or windmills.
Medical Tools: The­se batteries run vital syste­ms and gear in hospitals and clinics.
Security Systems: The­se batteries power alarms, cameras, and control access.
Advantages of VRLA Batteries
Maintenance-Free Operation: VRLA batteries are sealed, eliminating the need for electrolyte refilling and reducing maintenance requirements.
Versatility: They can be set up in many ways and work indoors and outdoors
Safety: The sealed construction minimizes the risk of acid spills and ensures safe operation.
High Discharge Rates: VRLA batteries can deliver high currents, making them ideal for applications requiring rapid energy discharge.
Long Service Life: Properly maintained VRLA batteries can last for many years with the­ right care.
Maintenance Tips
While­ they don’t need a lot of care­, some top tips for looking after your VRLA battery include­:
Regular checks for rust or damage.
Ke­eping an eye on the­ amount of charge to avoid overuse or unde­ruse.
Clean connectors and te­rminals for the best ele­ctric contact.
Regular capacity tests for health and pe­rformance.
Once you know about the parts, how VRLA batte­ries work, where to use­ them, their bene­fits, and upkeep, you can make the­ best decision about choosing, installing, and maintaining them.
Whe­ther it’s for vital services, te­lecoms, or green e­nergy, VRLA batteries provide­ a dependable, cost-e­ffective ene­rgy storage option.
For those seeking high-quality VRLA batteries, Relicell Battery stands out as a leading VRLA battery manufacturer in India.
With a commitment to innovation and sustainability, Relicell Battery provides robust and efficient energy storage solutions that cater to diverse needs.
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colorbar1 · 5 months
A Guide To Choosing the Best Mascara Shade For Your Eye Color
Do you remember your first time applying mascara? Pretty sure it was the classic black mascara! For the longest time, we never thought about going beyond the good ol’ black, and for good reasons. The shade defines our eyes and gives our lashes a longer and thicker look.
But sometimes we want something more, something different… something bolder.
Introducing colored mascara.
Give your lashes an artistic look, and the best part? There are no set rules. You can experiment with different colors. Where there are no rules, there surely must be a method behind the madness. In this blog, we will talk about eye mascara shades that will complement your eye color. Let’s get started.
Different Shades of Mascara for Each Eye Color
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The Best Mascara Shade for Brown Eyes
Brown is the most common eye color. In fact, during ancient times, everyone had brown eyes, until one fine day, someone had a gene change that led to a change in the production of melanin, which is responsible for different colors of eyes. Anyway, for brown eyes, you can either choose green or blue mascara. Because brown eyes are so common, they need colors that can stand out. Additionally, the coolness of blue and green perfectly complements the warmth of brown. You can complement it with gold or taupe-colored eyeshadow.
The Best Mascara Shade for Green Eyes
After talking about the most common eye color, let’s explore eye mascara shades for the rarest eye color: Green. Hollywood celebrities such as Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, and Angelina Jolie possess green eyes. To make your green eyes more enchanting, you can experiment with a bold purple mascara. According to the color wheel theory, green and purple are opposite to each other, meaning they are ideal partners. You can also experiment with shades of gold. Finally, finish your look with golden eyeshadow.
The Best Mascara Shade for Blue Eyes
While green is the rarest color, blue eyes are a gift from the divine. Some of the most beautiful individuals on our planet are blessed with blue eyes. To be honest, the wrong mascara shade can hamper the natural beauty of blue eyes, so it's important to carefully choose your mascara shade. Burgundy and brown mascara are two amazing mascara shades that improve the beauty of already magical blue eyes. For blue eyes, brown and burgundy eyeshadows create a beautiful contrast that intensifies the blue color, making it appear more vibrant.
These are the 3 primary eye colors that most of us are born with. Along with these 3 colors, we also see people with hazel and gray eyes. Let’s talk about them in brief:
Hazel Eyes: Brown and classic black mascara shades beautifully complement hazel-colored eyes.
Gray Eyes: Blue or glittery mascara shades are perfect for gray eyes.
Colorbar’s Starlight Wand Color Mascara
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Colorbar Cosmetics, one of the best cosmetic brands in India, recently launched a new color waterproof mascara, which is available in SEVEN amazing shades. We specially designed this smudge-free product to lift, curl, and exaggerate eyelashes for a bold and dramatic look. Out of all the seven shades, let’s have a look at which shade will best suit your eye color:
Secret (Green)
Spell (Electric Blue)
Charm (Purple)
Spark (yellow)
Trick (Burgundy)
Trick (Burgundy)
Chant (Bright Blue)
Magic (Glitter)
While these colored mascara looks might not be ideal for an everyday look, don’t shy away from them on special occasions. Experiment with different looks and bring out the inner child in you. You can also try using this as an eyebrow gel mascara.We hope this blog will help you find your perfect mascara shade. Imagine what a 3-year-old you would have said after seeing your colorful eyes. I bet the kid you have a big smile.
Aside from Starlite Wand Color Mascara, you can also check Colorbar’s ‘Zoom and Whoosh Mascara’ and ‘Lash Illusion Duo Mascara’. Shop Now.
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v1i2s3h4a5l6floral · 7 months
Anti Ageing Undereye Gel For Wrinkles, Darkness and Puffy Eyes 20 Gms
Our Under Eye Gel is made with Tea Tree & carrot seed oil, which cleanses your dark circles and olive oil that fits all skin types to reduce fine lines and dark circles. It is enriched with bakuchi oil, vitamin e, aloe vera extract, spirulina extract & liquorice extract for better results.
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insight1212 · 8 months
6 “Must-Have” Eye Makeup Products To Get A Sensational Look
Do you wish for eyes so beautiful that Bollywood creates a song for them? While not everyone is gifted with emerald and sapphire-coloured eyes, you can surely make your eyes Bollywood-song-worthy. All you need are some radiant eye makeup products and the right techniques to apply them. From smoky eyes to natural day looks, eye makeup can transform your appearance and take your makeup look to the next level. In this blog, we explore the must-have eye makeup products that every girl should own. Let’s get started.
Understanding the Importance of Eye Makeup
Eye makeup products are highly regarded in the world of beauty because they serve as a powerful tool for confidence and self-expression. The eyes, which are frequently called the windows to the soul, are given more definition by the expert application of mascara, eyeliners, and eyeshadows.It helps create various looks, from natural to dramatic, and highlights and defines the eyes while making them appear more expressive when applied properly.
Essential Eye Makeup Products Every Girl Must Own
So it’s important to have expressive eyes—the ones Bollywood can write songs about—but which makeup products are best to achieve such a look? Let’s look at some amazing eye makeup products that every girl MUST own:
1.    Eyeshadow Palettes
Enhancing eye makeup with a splash of colour, eyeshadow palettes offer a versatile range of colours, from soft neutrals to striking bold shades, suitable for any occasion. Quality palettes feature a blendable, long-lasting formula, ideal for creating hypnotising looks.
2.    Eyeliners
Eyeliners enhance the natural shape of the eyes. Perfect for all-day wear, smudge-proof eyeliners ensure long-lasting, precise lines. Available in gel, liquid, and pencil forms, they offer diverse options for eye makeup looks. Waterproof eyeliners provide durability, maintaining the look throughout the day.
3.    Waterproof Mascara
Adding volume and length to lashes, mascara is an essential eye makeup product that beautifully frames the eyes. Waterproof mascara ensures smudge-proof, long-lasting wear, making it ideal for various occasions and weather conditions. It enhances natural lashes, creating a dramatic, eye-opening effect for captivating eye makeup looks.
4.    Eye Primer
Eye primer enhances the vibrancy and longevity of eye makeup by serving as a base for seamless application. High-quality formulas prevent creasing and fading, keeping eye makeup intact all day. By maximising eyeshadow pigmentation, eye primer ensures true-to-pan colours in every look.
5.    Kajal
India's long-standing custom of using kajal as a cosmetic and cultural emblem dates back centuries. Beyond their significance to culture, kajal pencils developed with contemporary formulas are widely used for highlighting the eyes and generating expressive looks. Kajal's timeless appeal lies in its cultural origins and its ability to accentuate the eyes, transcending boundaries and connecting diverse beauty customs.
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6.    Eyebrow Products
Eyebrow makeup, while not directly linked to the eyes, can make your face more expressive and symmetrical.
Popular makeup products for eyebrows:
Eyebrow stick
Eyebrow powder
Brow gel
Brow highlighter
Brow stencils
The precision of these products ensures natural-looking, defined brows, essential for balanced, symmetrical eye makeup looks. Enhancing the overall eye makeup, eyebrow products play a crucial role in framing the face.
Keeping Your Eyes Safe While Using Makeup
Makeup is an essential part of many people's daily routine. However, it's important to prioritise the safety of your eyes when using eye makeup products. Here are a few tips to ensure and maintain safety:
Tips for Maintaining Eye Hygiene
To maintain eye hygiene, it's crucial to clean makeup brushes regularly to prevent bacterial buildup.
Avoid using expired eye makeup products to prevent infections.
Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
If you experience any eye irritation after using eye makeup, consult an eye doctor promptly.
Remove any makeup, eye or facial, before going to bed.
Taking these precautions will help keep your eyes healthy and safe.
Eye makeup has the power to transform your look and enhance your natural beauty. It is important to invest in high-quality eye makeup products that suit your preferences and skin type. Eyeshadow palettes, eyeliners, mascara, eyebrow products, kajal, and eye primer are the must-have items in your makeup collection. These products allow you to create a variety of looks, from a subtle and natural day look to a bold and glamorous evening look. With the right products and proper care, you can achieve stunning eye makeup looks while keeping your eyes healthy.
If you are looking to buy good-quality eye makeup products, you must check out Insight Cosmetics. Here you can find all the products mentioned above, along with lip gloss, highlighter, primer, and perfumes. Visit their website to learn more about their beauty products.
visit website:
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zoiccosmetic41 · 10 months
Third Party Facial Gel Manufacturers in India
Third Party Facial Gel Manufacturers in India -  The Indian cosmetics industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years, thanks to increased consumer awareness of skin care needs. Third-party manufacturers have become an important part of meeting this demand, providing high-quality facial gels to meet customer needs. Zoic Cosmetics is one of the top Third Party Facial Gel manufacturers in India, offering natural and organic facial care products.
Zoic Cosmetic is a leading provider of cosmetic contract manufacturing services in India. They are GMP and ISO-certified, and produce a wide range of Ayurvedic goods. Their products are WHO-approved and have been proven to produce positive results. Furthermore, they have over three decades of experience in the industry.
The Rise of the Indian Cosmetic Industry: A Booming Market
The Indian cosmetics industry has been one of the most active and rapidly expanding markets in the world, with the market value estimated at over US$20 billion in 2019. This is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 15% over the next five years. Rising disposable income, growing population and booming e-commerce sector are all driving the expansion of the Indian cosmetic industry. The middle class in India is estimated to exceed 500 million, making it one of the largest cosmetics consumer markets in the world. Additionally, with e-commerce growing in popularity, the sector has been able to reach a larger consumer base. Skincare accounts for around 37% of the market, followed by hair care at 28%. Colored cosmetics, including lipstick, eye makeup, and nail paint, account for the rest.
Benefits of Using Zoic Cosmetics Facial Gel
Facial gel is a versatile health product that has many benefits for the skin. There are formulations that are suited to all skin types, from dry to oily and combination skin. Here are some of the benefits of using Zoic Cosmetics facial gel:
Hydration -  Water-based ingredients are often used in the manufacture of facial gels, providing excellent hydration to the skin. They have the ability to replace moisture, leaving the skin softer and more supple.
Light Texture - Facial gels are usually light and non-greasy, absorbing quickly into the skin and leaving no heavy or sticky residue. This makes them ideal for oily and combination skin.
Skin Tightening - Some face gels contain collagen or peptides that can give the skin a temporary tightening or firming effect, helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Reduces Puffiness - Some facial gels are specifically formulated to reduce puffiness under the eyes. They often contain ingredients like caffeine that can constrict blood vessels.
Why Choose Zoic Cosmetics as Third Party Facial Gel Manufacturers in India?
Zoic Cosmetics is an excellent choice for anyone looking for Third Party Facial Gel manufacturers in India. Their products are safe and effective, and they will definitely provide the desired results to the customers. If you are looking for a high-quality facial gel manufacturer in India, Zoic Cosmetics is the best choice.
Zoic Cosmetics is a leading manufacturer of face gels and other skin care products. They have over 20 years of business experience and are renowned for their high-quality products. Choosing Zoic Cosmetic will provide customers with several benefits:
ISO 9001:2008 and GMP certified
Offers herbal contract manufacturing
Safe and hygienic packaging
WHO-certified manufacturing company
Offers third-party manufacturing franchise
On-time order fulfillment
In the ever-evolving world of cosmetics, Zoic Cosmetics stands as a shining example of manufacturing excellence in India. Their commitment to their work and the quality of their products make them the best choice for those looking for Third Party Facial Gel manufacturers in India. Their products are safe and effective, and they will definitely provide the desired results to the customers.
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kataria07 · 10 months
Unmasking Winter's Effect on Your Skin: Revealing the Science Behind Dryness
As the winter season takes hold, the skin frequently contends with escalated dryness caused by plummeting humidity and the biting cold, resulting in significant moisture depletion. This struggle intensifies due to practices like hot showers, facing harsh winds, and prolonged exposure to indoor heating. Fine-tuning your skincare regimen becomes pivotal during these months as certain misjudgments can further worsen dryness.
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Winter weather becomes the adversary of our skin's moisture-retention abilities, leading to unwelcome dryness, redness, and premature aging. Traditional moisturizers fall short in providing the necessary nourishment, paving the way for rich, oil-infused alternatives such as Seelove’s Daily Love Hydration Cream.
Timing is everything in the battle against winter dryness. Post-shower, our skin becomes a moisture-sucking sponge, demanding immediate and rich moisturization. Nightly consistency in moisturizing becomes the unsung hero, aiding our skin in its repair efforts overnight.
The choice of cleansers holds significant sway in the fight against dryness. High-drying agents only exacerbate the issue, making a switch to moisture-rich, gentle cleansers like Seelove's Best cleanser for dry skin  a wise move. This strategic cleansing, done twice daily, promises a refreshed and hydrated complexion while preserving the skin's natural barrier through a pH-balanced formula.
Hot showers might be comforting, but they come at a cost – stripping away natural oils, causing irritation, and leaving behind a trail of flakiness. Steering clear of scalding showers minimizes dryness, preventing potential skin damage.
Night creams, like the Seelove Calm and Repair Night Cream, play a crucial role in the rejuvenation of winter-stressed skin. Effectively countering dryness and aging signs, these night creams are a must in your winter skincare arsenal.
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Dryness left unattended could pave the way for more severe conditions like eczema. Hydration becomes the key, not just through quality moisturizers but also by upping water intake and indulging in seasonal fruits for overall skin health.
In a nutshell, the battle against winter dryness involves not just any moisturization but timely and suitable moisturization, a gentle cleansing ritual, avoidance of hot showers, and consistent hydration. Now,
how do you shortlist the best cleanser amidst the myriad choices available in India?
Selecting the perfect cleanser requires a discerning eye, considering factors such as skin type compatibility, ingredients, effectiveness, user reviews, price, and brand reputation. It's a balancing act that ensures you find the perfect match for your skin amidst the plethora of options in India.
And what emerges as the best cleanser for dry skin needs? After meticulous evaluation, Seelove’s Daily love hydration cream takes the crown. This unique formulation, enriched with gentle, hydrating components and free from harsh chemicals, promises optimal nourishment and hydration for dry skin. Positive user feedback, competitive pricing, and Seelove's reputable brand status solidify its position as the go-to choice for effective skincare solutions tailored to dry skin concerns.
So, bid farewell to dryness with Seelove's Daily Love Hydration Cream – the ultimate remedy for your winter skin woes. Imbued with the power of advanced Hyaluronic Acid, vitamin E, and the SkinLov-4 blend, this cream combats dryness effectively. Its featherlight gel-cream texture seamlessly absorbs, leaving no greasy residue. Dermatologist-tested and allergen-free, this formulation ensures a skin-friendly pH balance, devoid of mineral oil, sulfates, parabens, phthalates, or drying alcohol.
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In conclusion,
Indulge your skin in the care it deserves this winter – embrace Seelove's Daily Love Hydration Cream for a fresh, youthful glow. Your skin will thank you.
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auraofnatures · 1 year
Best Natural Skin Care Products
Skin care is such a vital part of self care. Aura of Nature has got a selective range of skincare products that cater to all skin types and concerns. They have one of the Best Skincare Products in India. Tea Tree Essential Oil, Tomato Face Wash, Under Eye Gel, Fresh Coffee Face Wash, Papaya Face Mask, Pure Tea Tree Face Wash, a range of cold pressed oils and handmade soaps are their best selling skincare products. Every product is carefully crafted with natural ingredients and is free from artificial chemicals, colourants and agents. These are SLS and paraben free and have not been tested on animals. Aura of Nature essentials are designed to nourish, rejuvenate, revitalise and hydrate the skin with care. These products are suitable for all skin types and cater to every skin related needs.
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recodestudios-blog · 1 year
Kajals: The Love Of Your Eyes
White kajal, also known as white eyeliner, is a beauty product that has come decreasingly popular in recent times. It's a type of eyeliner that's used to line the inner corners of the eyes, creating a brighter and more open look.
White kajal is made from a variety of constituents, including wax, color, and canvases. It's generally applied to the lower waterline of the eye, which is the inner hem of the lower eyelid. This area is frequently appertained to as the" tight line," and using a white kajal on it can make the eyes appear larger and further awake.
White kajal can also be used in other ways. It can be applied to the inner corners of the eyes, the brow bone, or indeed the upper lash line to produce a unique and eye-catching look. Some people also use white kajal as a base for other eyeshadow colors, as it helps to make the colors more vibrant and long-lasting.
One of the benefits of using white kajal is that it can help to offset greenishness or abrasion in the eyes. This can be particularly helpful for those with bloodshot or tired-looking eyes. also, the white kajal is a protean product that can be used to produce a wide variety of aesthetics, from natural and subtle to bold and dramatic.
When choosing a white kajal, it's important to look for a product that's safe for use on the eyes. Look for products that are labeled as hypoallergenic and ophthalmologist-tested, as these are less likely to beget vexation or other adverse responses.
Overall, white kajal is a fun and useful beauty product that can help to enhance the eyes and produce a wide range of aesthetics. Whether you're looking to buck up your eyes for a natural look or produce a bold and dramatic eye look, the white kajal is a great tool to have in your makeup magazine.
Kajal is an essential part of Indian makeup, and it has been used for centuries to enhance the eyes' beauty. In India, there are numerous brands that fabricate kajal, and choosing the stylish bone can be a daunting task. still, Record Studios is one of the brands grounded on fashionability, quality, and client reviews. There are some of the best kajal in India:
Recode Black Kohl Kajal Pencil-
Indian women have the most suggestive, seductive, and beautiful eyes. And when they're adorned with the black kajal, that further enhances their fineness of eyes. Kohl Kajal pencil is employed for the waterline and also as eyeliner to embellish stunning eyes for marriages, special occasions, or indeed for everyday use. Kajal pencil is a must-have makeup for every Indian woman.
While grease paint, gel, and liquid eyeliners are clearly common, if you prefer a violent finish, Kohl's black eyeliner is a commodity worth using. It's soft enough to use and smudge for more dramatic, and smokey eye looks.
Recode Turning Heads Black Crayon Gel Eyeliner Cum Kajal Pencil-
Encounter up your eyes with a bold blue color splash, and get ready to embrace your inner gemstone star!
Water- evidence, smirch- evidence,
violet color in one gliding stroke.
It lasts over hours, depending on skin conditions.
Perfect for applying on top and bottom of eyes as a gel liner.
Visit Recode Studios for some amazing collections of kajals.
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barebody11 · 2 years
Best Sunscreen Gel In India
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Underarm Cream: Underarm Cream disposes of rashes, moles, stretch etchings, and dull spots. It enlightens your skin, upsets pigmentation and advances armpit easing off. Prepare to uncover genuinely formed and smoother underarms. It detoxifies the skin while guaranteeing milder, better, and more hydrated underarm skin. that helps keep the skin inundated and overall around dealt with from the center. It helps keep your skin delicate and easy and, in the undertaking, not just smoothens the weak underarms and illuminates the epidermis, yet next to adds to the reasonableness of remaining part without the dangerous impacts of brightening.
Under Eye gel cream: Under Eye gel cream are stunning in the underlying fragment of the day to smooth, reestablish, and help decrease AM puffiness. The light, smooth surface of most eye gels additionally works extraordinarily under magnificence care items. The rich eye creams can cause concealer to wrinkle into lines and abbreviate the wearing season of eyeliner and mascara, giving that eye gels ordinarily don’t cause.
Advantages of Under Eye Gel Cream: • Eye cream upsets run-of-the-mill indications of advancement. • It can lessen the presence of essentially irrelevant differentiation and pleats. • It limits the energy of puffiness. • It decreases the presence of dark circles.
Sunscreen gel:
The gel-based sunscreen is appropriate for smooth skin types. It is organized with octyl methoxycinnamate, avobenzone, phenyl benzimidazole, and Sulphonic damaging which gives affirmation against unsafe UV transmits.
Gel sunscreens are of Non-Comedogenic nature. Gels don’t stop your pores, thusly, keep your skin from breakouts and skin break out. Apply sunscreen liberally to all uncovered skin 30 minutes before sun straightforwardness. As a general aide, utilize 1 ounce (30 grams) to cover your whole body. Reapply the sunscreen straightforwardly the accompanying swimming or perspiring or getting dry with a towel of course on the off chance that it has focused in on. Tolerating you are outside for basic stretches, reapply sunscreen typically. Sunscreens can leave a glowy wrap-up with decorations that mirror light, or by having a good base of hydrating decorations to work on the possibility of the skin while they safeguard it.
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colorbar1 · 6 months
Natural Beauty on a Budget! The Best Makeup Kit Combos for the ‘No Makeup’ Makeup Look
The "No Makeup" makeup look is the new trend, taking the world by storm. It's all about embracing your natural beauty with a touch of enhancement. But achieving that effortless, "I woke up like this" glow requires the right products.
Luckily, you don't have to break the bank to create this look! Colorbar Cosmetics, your one-stop shop for makeup kit combo sets, offers fantastic budget-friendly options to help you achieve the perfect "No Makeup" makeup look.
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Why go "No Makeup"?
The "No Makeup" makeup look might sound like an oxymoron, but it's all the rage for a reason! It's not about completely going barefaced, but rather creating a natural, effortless look that enhances your features without appearing overly made up. Think glowing skin, a hint of color on the lips and cheeks, and subtly defined features.
The beauty of this look lies in its simplicity and benefits:
Natural and Effortless: It's perfect for everyday wear or when you want a more relaxed look. No need for heavy makeup routines or complicated techniques.
Enhances Your Features: A touch of concealer, mascara, and a light brow product can subtly define your eyes and brows, while a hint of blush or lip tint adds a healthy flush of color.
Suitable for All Skin Types: This look can be easily adapted for different skin types by focusing on the right products. Opt for lightweight formulas for oily skin and hydrating products for dry skin.
Be it Hailey Bieber and Zendaya or Alia Bhatt, whose wedding makeup prioritized a fresh, dewy complexion with soft, rosy tones, the "No Makeup" makeup look is versatile and flattering for any occasion. Plus, with the right products and techniques, you can achieve this look in no time at all.
Creating the ‘No Makeup’ Makeup Look with Colorbar Cosmetics
Achieving the ‘No Makeup’ makeup look with Colorbar Cosmetics' makeup combo set involves a few key steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Prep Your Skin: Start with a clean, moisturized face. This is the foundation for any makeup look.
Apply a Lightweight Base: Use a lightweight makeup foundation primer or miracle glow moisturiser from Colorbar to even out your skin tone. Blend the product into your skin using your fingers or a makeup sponge for a soft, natural-looking coverage.
Conceal Imperfections: If you have any blemishes or dark spots, use a concealer from Colorbar. Dab some of the product onto the problem area and lightly blend with a beauty sponge.
Add a Flush of Color: Apply a small amount of Colorbar’s cream blush to the apples of your cheeks. Use Colorbar's makeup brush kit. It adds just the right amount of color for a fresh, vibrant look.
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Enhance Your Eyes: Use Colorbar’s Just Smoky Kajal and I-Glide Eye Pencil to subtly define your eyes. Remember to keep the colors neutral to maintain the ‘No Makeup’ look.
Finish with a Natural Lip Color: Choose a natural shade from Colorbar’s Sinful Matte Lipcolor or PowerKiss Vegan Matte Lipcolor range. Apply it lightly on your lips for a soft, natural finish.
Pro Tip: Remember, the key to the ‘No Makeup’ makeup look is subtlety. Use a light hand when applying products, and blend well to create a soft, natural effect.
Wrap Up - Embrace the budget-friendly side of beauty!
So there you have it! With a few key Colorbar products and a focus on natural-looking enhancements, you can achieve the coveted "No Makeup" makeup look and embrace your beautiful skin. Remember, this look is all about highlighting your natural features, not covering them up.
Colorbar's makeup kit combo sets offer high-quality products at affordable prices, making it easy to create this effortless look without being heavy on your pocket. So go forth, experiment, and flaunt your natural beauty with confidence!
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hacksandslacks · 2 years
What are some best skin-lightening products in India?
Skin-lightening products have to be the most popular cosmetic for everyone, especially women. They are always trending, and the market is loaded with their variety. But how do you know which is the right one for you? It is good to have a choice, but too much of a choice confuses consumers. So we present to you a comprehensive list of skin-lightening products recommended by derma cosmetic companies in India that are well-received by consumers. 
Let’s get started with the best skin-lightening products by derma companies in India. 
SkinKraft Correxion night cream
The night cream is popular for treating stubborn dark spots and pigmentation and improving the user’s complexion. It contains Vitamin C, retinol, and aloe vera. The ingredients help protect your skin naturally from wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, leaving you with bright and glowing skin. The product also boosts the production of collagen. Apply and leave it overnight. The cream will give you positive results without any side effects. 
2. Vitamin C face serum
Vitamin C has now become an essential item in a skincare routine. It is the best when it comes to protecting your skin from external attacks. Its daily application makes your skin appear supple and glow. It lightens dark patches on the skin, promotes collagen production, soothes sunburns, and reduces the visibility of under-eye circles. There are many other benefits but to sum it up, Vitamin C serum comes in handy for making your skin radiant effortlessly. 
3. Good vibe rice brightening gel creme
As the name suggests, face cream is produced from rice extracts. The product is known for its protection of the skin against sun damage. The best thing about this cream is that it is suitable for all skin types. 
4. Multi-action fairness cream
The multi-action formula containing fairness cream from Garnier works wonders for someone who wishes to have a light skin tone. It shows the intended result naturally, and its lemon extracts make your skin look clear with its natural bleaching quality. 
5. 2% Kojic Acid face cream
The face cream contains vitamin C, glycolic acid, and turmeric. It helps with pigmentation, blemishes, dark spots, and early signs of aging. Its natural and essential chemicals penetrate deep into the skin, correct the discoloration, and reduce skin problems' intensity in a few weeks. Its daily application will give clear skin and lighten skin tone.
Final words:
Skin-lightening creams have flooded the market. The chances of you getting overwhelmed with choices are high. Identify your skin type first. That is the best way to buy any cosmetic product from any derma company in India. Get the one made from natural ingredients and have the best reviews from its users. A little research goes a long way. Along with lighting your skin, focus on its health too. Healthy skin makes you look younger, more confident, and so ready for everything. 
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