Worst Homestuck Character Competition
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This competition is not about "least transgender", vote for your least favorite! Canon gender is not a factor, and please don't call these characters cis.
The top three characters will proceed to the next round!
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kozzax · 7 months
Solluxander Captor is bigender and introduces himself differently to different groups of people. She asked biclopsdad for name suggestuons when she first realized she was having Gender Shit and onenhead said Sollux while the other said Xander. He kept both of them.
When he introduces himself as Sollux, he's a boy.
When she introduces herself as Xander, she's a girl.
These two groups aren't necessarily meant to interact with each other. People who know her as Xander don't need to know about Sollux, and vice versa. He's just Solluxander, and that works for him.
Roxy knows about all of this. I think Aradia probably does too, but she's been told not to bring it up to their friends because to the rest of the group Sollux is Sollux.
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afkaavalittlecow · 3 years
Okay, so. I'm not good in English, but I really wanna do my own HS fanfiction. So i did a comic. It's a first pages. Enjoy if you will 😌
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artbyifer · 3 years
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Haha, this turned out so anime looking.
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ardenttheories · 4 years
Even aside from the gender shit, the lusii suddenly being sapient enough to even understand troll speech, never mind gender and fatphobia, contradicts everything about how they were presented before. All I can think about regarding the skyhorse picking on Eridan for his clothing is the day I, aged eleven, walked into the living room in my new school uniform and the dog started backing up and growling because he didn't recognise me in a skirt.
Honestly, that is something that confuses me most with the whole thing. Karkat explains in the comic that the lusii are practically just dumb animals with enough instinct to care for the grubs until they’re old enough to be drafted into HIC’s army; none of them seem sapient enough - even including Feferi’s lusus - to form actual opinions. 
That’s the whole point of them becoming sprites. The trolls talk all the time in Act 5 about how excited they are - or how great it was - to actually be able to TALK to their lusii. So first of all, the fact that Vriska’s mom can suddenly talk into her mind in Pesterquest is completely off. But second of all, the idea that Biclopsdad is sapient enough to support Sollux’s transness while Seahorsedad exhibits transphobia goes directly against the entire relationship we see between these lusii and their charges in canon, and the excitement that came with finally being able to talk to them. 
Though honestly the idea that the lusii react to transitioning or gender presentation the way pets do if you wear a mask around them for the first time is fucking hilarious. I think that would’ve A) been funnier B) made more sense and C) just been a better option to do on the whole. 
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goldennautilus · 6 years
===> Fae: Break
Fae had lost a lot in his life.
The first major thing he had lost had been his lusus. When Biclopsdad had died, he hadn't had time to grieve before he was whisked away into a rebellion, diving into his work to help keep them all safe and hidden as well as he could. He had lost a lot during that time, friends and associates among other things, but none of it had hit him as hard as losing his lusus. Most of the people he lost he had only known for a short time.
Until he lost his best friend, his moirail, and his matesprit, all at once. He had watched his best friend and his matesprit die in front of him, and while he had no idea until later, he had been the one to kill his moirail. Maybe he hadn't been the one in control, but it was his own psionics that had turned her to ash, leaving nothing to say goodbye to. Even if he hadn't been the one in control, he would always hate himself for killing her, always hate himself for not being strong enough to save his best friend and his matesprit.
He didn't have time to grieve them either, and instead he was whisked away on a deal that he had had no say in. Of course, before the deal was made he was on death row and was treated as such. Not all of his scars had come from the helm. But of course, the deal was made and he was sent into a whole new kind of torture, his arms and legs amputated and his body set with ports for the helm. He was rigged up and sent through a whole knew kind of pain, the pain of his mind being ripped apart as his awareness spread through the helm. He lost a month of time, and when he finally came to, Nadire - Eridan at the time - had been there.
The Betrayed Helmsman had spat in his face and called him a coward. The grief he had been unable to feel had built up and turned to rage. He stole Eridan's name from him with the claim that he didn't deserve it, mockingly titling him "Prince." He cursed Prince with everything that he had, and cursed himself with the same twofold.
Prince left after a time, abandoning him to the prison he had sentenced him to. With nowhere to turn his rage, he turned it on himself after a time, attempting to tear himself from the rig as though he wouldn't be useless once he had. The helm's failsafes had put a stop to that rather quickly and Sollux Captor became a dark pit.
The next person he lost hadn't even been his, but her death had thrown him back to the death of another. An Aradia Nadire had befriended had died on the mission to save the Helmsman - his ancestor. Once again he had no time to grieve. When the mission was over, he felt he had no right to grieve. He had failed her. Even if he had felt he had the right, he had to worry about recovering from his injuries, helping Nadire recover from his, taking care of his grubs, helping to make sure that no one was able to hurt Nadire, Alternia's new emperor, or his reign in the brief period of recovery from the battle. Fae had never had time to grieve. There was always something to be done. Always someone else that needed the time more than he did.
So now that he actually had the time to grieve, he didn't know what to do. He had loved Nix - he still loved Nix - with everything he had. She had been his moirail and he adored her. She was brave, strong, kind, wonderful, and he would have brought down the moons for her. But now she was gone, leaving a hole in his pusher, leaving him feeling oh so empty, and he didn't know what to do. So he did nothing. He carried on as though everything was fine. Nadire was grieving too. Nadire had known her longer, so the loss would be hitting him harder. There were more people than just him who had lost her. He shared Nadire's pain for only a while, but that was all he allowed himself. Fae told himself that he was getting better, that he was moving on. He pushed down his emotions and worked through them. Eventually he didn't even feel like he was suffering anymore. He didn't feel much of anything, really. At least, that's what he told himself.
It had been over a week since Nix had passed. The feelings that he had been trying to push down had been slowly pushing back, and the pressure had slowly been building. The more okay he seemed on the outside, eating and showering on his own, the more tumultous he became on the inside. He fought harder against it. He was getting better. He was taking care of himself. But it wasn't just the loss of Nix. It was every time he hadn't been able to grieve. It was everything that had been ripped away from him. It was like the helm all over again, except the one trapping him wasn't the Empress or Nadire, it was himself
That was what had brought him here. Well, perhaps that wasn't an accurate statement.
It had started with an innocent enough conversation. The servants were still under orders to make sure he was eating regularly. He had been leaving his room when a young bronze had approached him with a platter. Fae had denied. "I already ate," he had told the bronze, attempting to wave him off. "And I'm about to leave." The bronze had continued to insist, claiming that orders from a fuchsia overruled his.
Anger slowly bubbled up as the conversation dragged on. This bronze thought that a fuchsia who held no true political power in this timeline overruled him, the kismesis of the fucking emperor. Perhaps on any other day this would have only been a nuisance, resolved with simplicity.
Instead it was very nearly a crime scene.
Fae wasn't sure what had finally tipped the scale. Maybe it was the bronze's cocky, condescending tone, or perhaps it was the way he pushed the platter at Fae, but the next thing either of them knew the platter was clanging to the floor and he had shoved the bronze against the wall, one fist gripping his shirt, the other pulled back and crackling with the same psionic energy that danced around brightly glowing eyes.
Fae isn't sure what brought him back either. Maybe it was the whimpered apologies, or the hands trying to uncurl his fingers from the shirt of his uniform. Face still twisted in a snarl but now tainted with confusion, the sparks died and Fae uncurled the fist that had been ready to strike. He stood there for a moment before dropping the bronze and fleeing.
The psion ran, darting straight out of the doors of the palace and heading for the gardens. He didn't actually make it that far before his lack of stamina caught up with him and he stopped, panting. He hunched over with his hands on his knees, catching his breath for a moment before he gave a furious shout and flung himself into the air with his psi, red and blue streaking behind him.
He didn't go too far before touching down, the palace still in sight. "God.... God DAMMIT!" He snarled and slashed the air with his claws, red and blue streaking in their wake as they crackled with his power. Upon the realization that fighting the air wasn't satisfying enough, his next victim would be a tree, torn apart by metal hands and psionics until they were nothing but ash.
He wanted to destroy, and by this point he had held himself back too long to continue doing so.
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if you have the time/patience to look over these troll kids, i would be so happy! ^ㅂ^ john captor, rose zahhak, jade makara, and dave serket! if dave serket makes you uncomfortable, you don't have to analyze him! (i also apologize if my english seems awkward, not my first language! ^^;)
Your English is just fine honey!
John Captor, raised on the lower cusp of middle class but not quite there, with crazy psii powers and a lusus that loves him, but is also something of a giant (heheh) handful. John would probably try to raise bees, realize that’s a LOT OF WORK, and just buy mind honey to feed biclopsdad from then on. Someone else can raise bees and sell honey he’s perfectly content being a patron of someone else’s hard work. Probably tries to get into coding but, predictably, still sucks at it despite being a troll now, bc that was never really a “yellowblood” trait as much as it was a “Sollux” trait. John and Karkat (if he exists in these?) pretending to be competent coders at each other while both of them just suck, respectively, is a hilarious idea btw. Probably tries to run a trolltube channel where he does speedruns through various games, but it devolves into Mcelroy-esque nonsense where he godmods everything (look at him, being a CODER, he’s so HARDCORE with his CODING) and proceeds to do the DUMBEST shit. A real comedian, that fella. Has NO IDEA how to fix things, the most you can get out of him is an awkward joke with a pat on the back and more frequently he just shuts down emotionally and stares at things as they go wrong, but he IS a very good listener, he’ll make you feel comfortable and listened to, he naturally mimics the posture of the people who’re distressed (like in canon) but just because he’s very very empathetic doesn’t mean he has ANY idea how to go about helping with that aside from listening and offering his shoulder to cry on. As Heir of Doom, he and Mituna share a classpect, which means Bad End: he becomes doomed and gets fucked over BIG time, Good End: he comes to terms with himself and his own way of experiencing the world and interacting with others, and embraces himself fully, the good and the bad, and doesn’t sweat the small stuff.
Rose Zahhak, raised on the underside of RIDICULOUSLY WEALTHY, where propriety is stressed heavily and she can have anything she wants, so long as she bows down to those “above” her, and her lusus cares deeply about her, but also kinda lets her get away with most things. Also, she’s freaky mutant strong and has piss poor control over it. She’s gonna have the trademark Zahhak frustration-anger-breakshit-further frustration-more anger- break more shit-get even MORE frustrated- anger cycle. The idea that society will give her anything- not because she’s earned it or because she deserves it- but because she was born into it, would initially be appealing, but she would be expected to subject herself to the whims of those colder than her, and she would, well, absolutely fucking hate that. Tear it all down, tear down all society, it’s broken beyond fixing, nothing good can be tweaked or edited into existence, burn burn burn it all. As Seer of Void, she’d at first be amazed that she’s not a Rage player, that would make more SENSE that’s what she’s ABOUT, but slowly, slowly it would start to make sense. A Seer of Void is one who can see potential, someone who can see what would rise from those ashes, someone who can take her anger and guide the world into SOMETHING out of the nothingness that she sees everywhere he looks, the nothingness that consumes her, the lack of value placed on every troll, on her friends, the senselessness of her society that doesn’t make any kind of REASONABLE decisions. She craves order, something sensible, which she never finds in the society she was raised in so once it’s down, she’s the one that guides them into building anew.
Jade Makara, then, is the one to bring it down. Raised alone at the oceanside, without even the benefit of a dog or chessfolk to chat with, I can imagine her frustration and short fuse that we see in canon would get even worse, clinging to her friends as her one remaining scrap of sanity in a society that doesn’t make sense. Jade & Rose moirallegiance is… good… two girls complaining about society, how it sucks, even though they’re the people who are supposed to be BENEFITING from it it’s still BULLSHIT! Why are so many people okay with this! Jade and Rose bounce off each other, frustrated and also Jade would probably feel kinda guilty about it all. Why is she “higher” than anybody else? It wouldn’t sit well with her, but also she’s ONE PERSON and society is a LARGE AND COMPLEX THING. Rose’s talk of tearing it all down, just burning it all to the ground and starting anew would sound… pretty fucking nice, actually, but while Rose would be more wont to just bitch about it, Jade is more a woman of action, and she doesn’t have a centaurmom patting her back and telling her to chill, she doesn’t really have any mom at all, since seagoatmom seems to have better things to do than take care of her child. Jade would want to somehow destroy society without killing everybody- that would be cruel, but how else would they start anew? The Game settles this issue for her, (un)luckily. As Witch of Rage, hers is the task to take her anger, her frustration, the injustices she feels buried deep in her soul, and use those to incite CHANGE. Working together with Rose, Jade will be the force to tear it all down, and Rose shall pry a path of righteousness out from the darkness. Idk how Jade would interact with the cult, tbh, I feel like she might enjoy the juggalo stuff while she’s little, but eventually grow away from it when the violence and hemoclassim starts to sit ill with her. She likes the clowns and mirth part, less the messiahs and murder bits.
Dave Serket (I don’t mind, it’s just Vr*ska/Aran*a/M*ndfang that I get VERY UNCOMFORTABLE about) is raised on the high edge of the middle class, with a piece of shit lusus that makes him kill. Dave would, too, he’s a people-pleaser, and we know from canon that his guardian is someone he wants to please VERY badly. Spiderdad is nasty and awful and abusive and forces Dave- who does not like death or danger or hurting others at all- to do dangerous things and hurt and kill others. Puts forth a coolkid exterior, acts unbothered by the atrocities Spiderdad forces him to commit, acts tough and untouchable and aloof but in reality he craves validation, someone to listen to him. He wants, desires, craves intimacy, but the idea of opening up to another person causes visceral, abject horror within him at the very thought. As Knight of Light, his job is to protect luck and knowledge, which he thinks is a STUPID role, wtf. Probably fucks right off his planet and goes and chills with John for a while, and they both come to terms with themselves together, going through their personal journeys side by side. John would be critical in Dave’s journey, someone empathetic, someone who listens but offers no judgement, someone who believes Dave and doesn’t just go “We’re trolls what do you expect.” He lets Dave spill his guts to him over and over and over again, and Dave is almost ravenously protective of John, who he considers himself incredibly lucky to have in his life. Rose and Jade, too, Dave would give anything for, in part because his childhood has conditioned him “if you love someone, sacrifice for them” but also in part because he’s just a really loving dude and he’d do anything for his friends because he adores them. 
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kozzax · 10 months
Solluxander, Sollux's full name, is actually a combination of two names. Sollux and Xander, both of them names that he uses on a regular basis. Both of them suggested by biclopsdad, when Solluxander asked him what other names he might have considered.
Different friend groups are introduced to her in different ways. Sollux introduces himself as a boy, and presents himself as a boy, and is the one that the trolls we follow know. Xander, though? Xander introduces herself as a girl. She's a girl. Her existence was largely erased when Alternia was, but Solluxander never forgot. Roxy knows her as Xander, I think. They know about Sollux, so it's not exactly what she wants from this split of two groups knowing him in different ways, but Roxy Gets it.
Solluxander is bigender and presents as one of the binary genders to different groups of people. I dunno where Im going with this I just think about it a lot.
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afkaavalittlecow · 3 years
Hi there.
If you read this comic and like it, react please, I feed by you reaction don't make me starve (눈‸눈)
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isa-ah · 11 years
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we're 2orry
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handpora · 12 years
biclopsdad replied to your post: Are you sassy?
sarah pls
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Worst Homestuck Character Competition
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This competition is not about "least transgender", vote for your least favorite! Canon is not a factor, and please don't call these characters cis. The top four characters will proceed to the next round!
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afkaavalittlecow · 3 years
It can look to fast and messy, but this is not even a story itself okay, it's a backstory :D so I don't wanna make a long "right" pages
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eternias · 12 years
@ tumblr user biclopsdad I have no clue yet but I'm tired of this one :cccc I'll post about it tomorrow and put it in my description so you'll have plenty warning
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