#Bleading Realms: Dragon Blessed: Crown of Dragons
Crown of Dragons (Dragon Blessed 1)
Book 1 in the Bleeding Realms Dragon Blessed series
Hazel sees dead people, creepy 😳 okay just their spirits, but she can’t really communicate with them, at least not yet. I’m assuming that she will find a way down the road.
WAIT! Dean knows who she is? That she can see spirits? And believes she’s encroaching on his turf?
Now a girl she just met is dead. Hmmm…
Khali, is basically a prisoner/trophy. She is Dragon Blessed, I believe that means she has all four elements, she is to be married to the next King, which will be chosen by the current king it sounds like. The eldest was accused of kissing her which is grounds for exile and if he returns, death. Harsh and weird.
Bram wants to know what really happened because Khali had a crush on the brother and the brother did not have feelings for her. 🤔🤔🤔 
They know about the mortal realm, not supposed to read about it. You know what that means?! Someone is going to travel from one realm to the other at some point.
One of the princes, Owen, is her friend, but mom wants her to pick Silas, but she doesn’t really get a choice now does she.
Khali is not “allowed” to shift into a dragon, but she does on occasion anyway
Silas, Owen’s twin, Bram is the youngest, oldest exiled is DEAN ASHTON, HE’S IN THE MORTAL REALM WITH HAZEL!  Did he go there on purpose? Does that mean that Hazel isn’t supposed to be in the mortal realm?
Soooo, it almost sounds like Dean is there on purpose and there are people who know he’s there, or that’s where he got exiled to. Why would they want to spy on him though? It also definitely sounds like Hazel might either be from the other realm or has genes from an ancestor who was from the other realm.
NOOOOOOOO Owen can’t be dead!!!! 😭😭😭 That is sooooo unfair.🤬 To be honest, I was going to give Silas the benefit of the doubt to end up being a good guy for Khali, but nope. He’s definitely first in line for the chopping block. Dick!
And Hazel is working in the Chakra store instead of the coffee place, this is going to be so much better for her. I’m loving Harmony.
Seriously? Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I hate her mother. I hate the King. I like where Khali’s mind is going though. If she can get another family on the throne that would be better, but her family is at risk if she tries that. It also sounds like the rest of their realm is being taken over, so how is there another family? Do they all live in the one city, Drakenon???
LOL of COURSE her first reading is non other than Dean. 🤣 No come back. Wow she goes to apologize and he still doesn’t believe that she has no idea what he’s talking about. WTF?! a dragon?! Wait is that Owen? If Owen found her then she really is linked to their realm some how. That’s gotta be what has Dean so angry with her, but why?
That was in poor taste, announcing their engagement after the funeral for Owen. Yay dad! 🥳 Wait what? 😱 Shit. Awwww her poor dad. 🥺💔
It is Owen isn’t it? Oh sure, now he cares to ask her questions. See this is why I think he knows more about what’s going on, and I think he is either there on purpose or maybe he got sent there to keep him from revealing something. What’s in the forest? Where’s he going? Why doesn’t he trust Harmony?
Oh so her dad was some kind of spy and got hexed because of it, but not before discovering that Khali is going to die. Awesome. Silas is more of an ass than I gave him credit for. I fucking hate double standards. I think if  she’s the prize then she should be the ruler. Maybe that will happen.
Of course Dean is sitting next to her now. Definite “Is this where you kill me?” vibes 😅😅😅 He wants her help but he won’t give her information in return. Why is it dangerous for him to tell her things that it seems like she’s supposed to already know? If she’s supposed to already know them then what’s the harm in telling her?
Go Khali! Damn, blocked. Oh Bram is so smart. I think everyone is underestimating him. Everytime they’re alone I keep thinking he’s going to reveal that he does have magic, but hasn’t happened yet. Wait if he suspects her father was visiting Dean maybe Harmony hexed him. I bet that’s it. Are Khali and Bram going to go to the human realm and bring Dean and Hazel back with them? 🤔🤔
Hazel is followed by a man, she exits the alley and sees the dragon spirit on the roof. It swoops down the alley, Dean appears and asks if saw dragon and where it went, she points and he takes off. WTF was that all about?
Khali and Bram travel to the Jewel forest and then rest, Khali almost bites it after a voice like Owens lures her away, she realizes trees feed off of blood. There’s something wrong with her magic. At least that’s what it seems like and i’m wondering if it has to do with the prologue. Now that I think about it, I’m thinking whoever took her blood, the spell is supposed to kill her and end the dragon blessed forever. :(
Hazel ends up doing a reading for the mother of a girl who went missing 2 years ago, happy and at peace, won’t say what happened just shares a happy memory, mother thanks her says be careful, darkness in this town. This was such a nice scene until she mentioned the darkness in town.
Hazel breaks into Dean’s house to find answers 🤣🤣 but obviously he has an invisible alarm and catches her. He finally agrees to talk, yay!
Khali and Bram make it to the Fae land, meet Terek who knows who they are 👀 👀 👀
Dean shows Hazel he’s a dragon and she doesn’t run, he tells her he’s not supposed to be there but has made himself comfortable and thought she was there to take him back. 🥺
Tagalong Terek takes Bram and Khali to a clearing where it sounds like the  flowers influence Khali and Bram to kiss? Not gonna lie, I kind of expected them to kiss at some point, because I feel like she’s going to end up with Bram in the end.
Hazel takes off her necklace to do a reading for Dean and Katherine spirit decides to just bombard her with what happened to her. Dean puts necklace back on her 🥰, she didn’t see dragon, Dean takes her home. She did see a man with solid black eyes. Hazel tells Macy and Cora about her gift but leaves out the dragon part and Dean, they believe her. Yay!
Occultist captures Bram to get to Khali, awesome.
Khali looking for Bram, Silas shows up, demands she come home, she says no and flies away, south to go to human realm on her own to find Dean 🥳
Hazel date with Landon, goes well, keeps thinking of Dean though 🤣, park at lake, she is creeped out because of what happened to Katherine and Landon kisses her, then basically attacks her, she sees his black eyes, necklace ripped off, sees spirit, figures out it’s controlling Landon, didn’t know that was possible 😱😱😱
Khali reaches the lake and feels for the magic, follows it, water creature will help but owe her a debt, Khali agrees, follow to bottom of lake and when she comes back up she’s in the human realm. Yay 🥳🥳🥳
Possessed Landon tries to kill Hazel but dragon spirit distracts other spirit and she gets away, then dragon loses and spirit takes over Landon again, he searches for her, she tries to contact detective but Landon finds her, takes to lake and going to start a ritual. Is this part of the Occultists thing that has to do with Khali?
Please tell me it’s Hazel that Khali is hearing scream. It is Hazel! Yay!! Khali kills Landon 😭 Khali fights the reaper, Dean shows up 🥳🥳 and they kill it together, felt her dragon come through, cops show up, Khali tells him evil hurt Hazel and she killed it, Dean had to run away
In the hospital Khali tells Hazel what happened. Dean comes in, Khali explains she was pulled to Hazel, had to save her and couldn’t leave her, literally. Find out Hazel and Khali have same exact birthday, 12/16. Khali thinks Hazel has spirit element and that they are connected through a spell, and they have 2 months to break it and save Khali’s family. 😅😅😅😬
This was so good. I can’t wait to read the other two books and find out more about this spell. If they’re all going to go to the other realm. If they’re going to save Bram. If Hazel and Dean will end up together. If Khali and Bram will end up together. If Khali will change everything and rule alone. What will Hazel’s spirit element grow into.
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