#Blil and Frank
batfamfucker · 2 years
Episode Three things I loved:
Bill and Frank. Obviously.
Old gays in general. Two gay men who get to grow old together and die together happily (As happy as you can be in the apocalypse).
Secret basement below the basement.
Bill's bunker. It's awesome.
Bill being Autistic for his entire screen time. Tell me that man isn't neurodivergent. I love him.
The fact Bill and Frank died together and it was lovely and they were happy instead of Bill finding Frank hanging like in the game. I'm glad they got to go together peacefully.
The gay coding with their words. 'A man who knows which wine to put with rabbit' 'I know I don't seem like the type' 'No, you do.' He read that motherfucker. 'Who's the girl' 'There is no girl' 'I know'
The piano scene. The fucking song throughout the ep. And the end as Joel and Ellie drive away. The open window. The message within the lyrics.
The cute little town.
Them bickering and being a married couple.
The meme-ability of Bill. 'The government ARE Nazis!' And 'You WHAT?' I need them as meme templates thanks.
Honestly that whole scene 'They ARE' 'They are NOW but they weren't THEN'
Bill's fucking Illuminati stuff. The hilarity of him staying alive because of his conspiracy theories.
Bill being a fucking badass tbh. The minute FEDRA leaves, just breaking into everywherr. Seeing him set up that town, having a full blown plan, setting up traps and building a goddamn generator, relaxing as he lets his traps take care of infected, just enjoying his steak and laughing. Knowing he does that a lot 'Gets me everytime'. Man's was made for this. He slayed tbh. That whole scene was so satisfying.
I was scared Frank was gonna use Bill, and he did at first, but then seeing him genuinely begin to love and care for him. Refusing to let Bill die when he got shot even though Bill told him Joel could care of him, wanting to marry Bill on his last day.
Honestly Frank just being sassy and dragging Bill lmao. 'We need friends babe. Sweetheart please you just sit in the basement all the time. You need a social life other than me, and for my own sanity, I need one too. So I've made a friend over the radio and you can't do anything about it. Now get me my paint'.
Tess being an AllyTM. Her and Frank being besties whilst their paranoid husbands scowl at each other.
Joel unable to say the word 'partner' for Bill and Frank lmao. You just adopted a lesbian. Honey, you've got a big storm coming.
I was hoping Ellie would get to meet Bill and he would tell her about Frank (Before going into the ep, based on the game) so she would have a nice little internal 'I'm not the only gay in the world thank god' moment. But I didn't mind since the whole episode was amazing.
The strawberry scene.
Bill apologising for getting older quicker but then it's Frank that needs the help later. My heart.
Frank and his paintings and beautiques.
Frank knowing Bill poured the pills into the wine bottle so he'd die too.
The marriage scene. Them exchanging rings. Having the same last meal and wine they had for their first meal together. Sitting next to each rather than across the table. A shot of the hole that Frank fell into, where they met. Sobbing. I love them.
They are the definition of 'In sickness and in health, till death do us part' and it hurt but it was some beautifully.
Knowing any Homophobic Gamer BoysTM were ripping their hair out at this episode.
It ripped my heart out but the fucking skeletons. The baby blanket and transition to seeing that baby and the mother. Knowing what happens. Hearing a mother comfort her kids and seeing a old lady and a whole community of families and knowing what happens to them.
All the fuck the government stuff. It feels like all the fucked up shit they did is so realistic and would happen.
The letter for Joel. 'Keep Tess safe'. And the symbolism of knowing there's at least one person (Ellie) worth saving. Worth living for. My heart.
Also, though. 'Hehehehe'
Ellie reading 'hehehehe'
The casualness of human bodies in the apocalypse. Periods actually referenced in an apocalypse show! Joel tossing Ellie some deodorant! Him being prepared to take care of a teenage daughger again! Ellie telling him he needs to shower (Also their banter). Ellie stocking her bag with toilet paper.
Joel making a small gravestone for Tess out of rocks from the river. That hurt.
Dad Joel coming out more and more each episode.
The forest scene. Joel giving his jacket to Ellie to sleep in so she wouldn't be cold. Him making sure she eats even if he doesn't.
Ellie roasting Joel. Joel roasting Ellie. 'Shit at shooting or life in general' Joel's continous 'offended but mostly confused I just got dragged by a 14 year old' face.
The arcade machine.
The repeat of the 'Anything bad?' 'Just you' joke.
Ellie being lowkey a psychopath again? The basement scene and her seeming to enjoy killing the infected dude.
Ellie being upset he stashes the massive gun. Because same.
The plane scene. Ellie's excitement all episode. Every question she asks. That's my Ellie.
Joel's dark humour. 'So did they'.
History Lesson With Joel.
Flour Zombies Confirmed. It's no longer Plants Vs Zombies, it's Plant Zombies.
The way he said the date of the outbreak, the subtle pain, and you can tell it's engraved because of that reason, as well as Sarah's death, and his birthday. I can't wait until Ellie finds out it was his birthday. And/Or about Sarah.
Contractor (?) Joel dragging Bill about his fences and using his KnowledgeTM to bait him into trading. Him being right.
Ellie's first time in a car. 'It's a spaceship'
'Women's shirts'. Joel really is thinking of her and it's nice to see he's used to taking care of a teenage girl and how he goes back into that role with ease. Him getting used to that again, even if begrudgingly at first.
Everytime Joel tells Ellie off. Dad Mode Joel Activated.
The fucking seat belt scene. Joel telling her to put her seatbelt on. The parallel of him saying that to Ellie like he did with Sarah. Him leaning over her and Ellie being completely comfortable with him doing so. Her not knowing what a seatbelt is.
Joel trying to get Ellie not to play music but then not letting her turn it off when he realises it's a song/artist he likes.
Joel warming up in the final shot when he likes the music. Ellie hating it. It's giving Dad Who Listens To Smooth Radio Whilst You Die Inside. I know because I've been there.
No school scene. Not introducing the bloater so soon. I'm glad we're building to that. Makes it seem much more impactful.
Basically the entire episode.
All I 'didn't like' (/Joking) was that they didn't hide literally everything in that house in the secret basement below the basement so raiders won't find anything when they come, so it'd still be there if they ever need to go back there. But that's just because I wouldn't be able to deal with it if that were me. I'd be making sure no one finds that shit. It's mine, and I'd go back for it when possible. Maybe. At some point. Hopefully. Or live there myself if I wasn't in Joel and Ellie's situation. I also wanna see Joel swinging upside-down from a chain at some point.
Joking aside, this episode is great. The show continues to not only meet my expectations, but exceed them. I can't take the fact that there's only nine episodes this season because I don't want it to end and I hope season two isn't about the second game, but for the show's later seasons to be about the years and adventures Joel and Ellie have together after the events of the first game, if season one meets the end of the first game. Because I love them and need more of this.
I'm so excited to see where this show goes. It has the perfect balance of sticking to the source material yet also doing new stuff that also surprises people who have played the game. I adore it.
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