#Blood Bank MIS in India
zooterchet · 4 months
Enemies Defeated (Proles of France, Israel, and Britain)
Rory Ahlquist: Rabbinical Agnew, Japanese ninjitsu, beekeepers; the Angiulo investment, the US Navy plying Rabbinical vendor's trades out of sportswriter's unions.
Alice Charlebois: A Bogota garments syndicate assassin, having turned to Likud Israel, having been bribed with commerce from the "Harry Potter" books, of whom I have been featured as Harry Potter, a homosexual child molester, a Rabbi or any such other membership in a Rotary Lodge, a fraternal cocaine dealer; Albert Einstein's organization, the Nation-State of Israel; faced by my grandfather, Allen Dulles, under assumed alias; actually Radu Thorne, a Stuka Ju 57 pilot, a Junker's divebomber, having hit Guernica for pleasure alone.
Carlin Sarkesian: The Yeltsin arms combine, weapons caches for Jewish children, adopting to the gay identity, to shoot up "Christians", men and women rejecting them for sexual coitus, having expected a pickup artists' book to be the answer to impregnating a woman, instead of "mutual masturbation", fetish sex, the alternative to abstinence demands of some Parishes; rape, given copulation, a Promenades dance; controlled by Canadian Intelligence, the poorly appraised society that never happened.
Philip Enfield: Alias, "Alex Fleming", "Flem", or "Misery", locked up at outside call to police; the Insane Clown Posse, Fight Club, MTV, and Ronald Reagan, revealed to be a work of the Charlebois family, "Hitler Doesn't Smoke", Adolf Hitler's campaign against cigarettes in 1931, to win him Reichstag's Assembly, in Chancellorship of Germany, and later, America, through universities, the University President changed to title of "Chancellor".
Nicholas Maynard: Placed in a permanent fugue state, as a female transexual Bourbon, upon rooming, triggered schizophreniform break, for three and a half hours; blue lotus, a potent Japanese drug, to take a car accident driver down from "shabu", ice, methamphetamine, used by MI-6 and SIS operatives on Asian highways to compensate for the rigid driving machinas needed in the United States, not used in Asia, for far safer roads; outside of the gay rights movements, of those "queer", pedophiles, those seeking sex tourism, instead of their own local prostitutes; those women of influence, law and medical degrees, seeking gigalo, a man into the same trade as them, "homophobes", the heterosexual variety of man grown so rare after Lutheran anti-Semites of Holocaust's ilk, have prohibited Zen; stock broker's numbers, no less, refusing peanut butter, a common child molester thinking his allergy from refusing chocolate, is an actual dietary impediment.
Richard Coughlin: A Hitler Youth, the British fire marshal; the kin of JK Rowling, and through her, Hitler and CS Lewis and Arthur C. Clarke. Guilty of placing a banking derivative, "tools have their uses", to confuse India and DC Comics, the FBI investment, for both, on sales to Berkshire Hathaway, an enemy firm out of the British North Irish, the Arab-Fenian Guilds of Boston and holders of Canada, beneath their Lutheran Sunni grip; not Vatican Zen Arabs, the preferred in New England, particularly our athletes rumored to be of Hispanic or Latino blood.
John Washburne: Alias, "Cusack", remanded to prison sentence, for causing the death of Sandi MacDonald, NSA and Catholic Zen, out of Sudanese Egypt, oppressed by Whitey Bulger's demand of Islam practiced for "Arab" states, his booking and banking numbers.  John Washburne, a Queen's Tory, a loyalist, is still in jail, at a military psychiatric ward, being tormented by black prisoners of Arab blood, screaming at him at all hours, for having them converted to Islam, Hitler's religion, as well as Jesus Christ and Muhammad, three cast-outs of utter loathsomeness, the Chilton's family brides.
Saddam Hussein: An MI-6 booking agent, once denied holdership of Israel and Iraq and Iran, by my mother's will alone, instead held as an Arab Olympics sponsor to doom Soviet investments; the Soviets being British intelligence Russians, held as such since Brezhnev, and with Saddam and Yeltsin's defeats, the new Republic of Russia, under Vladimir Putin, separate from the Federal Republic of Germany and the Nobel Prize union of Scandinavia. Put on trial, to prove he was not Gohan, the son of a CIA, Goku; in fact, an MI-6, the entire Dragonball series, an exploration in the myths of the CIA, the slowly acquitted and docile country life, of a Nazi, a Korean Northerner.
Keith Velasquez: Holland "NORML", spray of marijuana, fake or otherwise, with Lysol, Pinesol, Raid, or hairspray; found dead in woods, by Essex County police deputies, tree surgeon appointed to monitor safety of marijuana, sold out of state police tax stamps.  Indictment, of Goldman-Sachs, Trump Organization, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nieman Marcus, Macy's, D-Company, Dawood Ibrahim, and Amsterdam Dutch, by lawyers from Gaetano Savings and Loan, Biden's accounts out of the Capone Crime Family; "crime family', indicating service under British Empire goals, out of Westminster Abbey, high value to American intelligence, at potential loss of life threatened from police special forces for interdicting or threatening "crime family" members.
Elizabeth II of Tudor: The agent of George Soros, through Irish Protestants; those Catholics, of Catechism, accepting liturgy instead, and refusing the kneeler, to prevent anal sodomey or the offer of oral pleasure, instead plying their trade as poisoners of meat and practicioners of Pentacost, Purim, and Vigil. Those finding themselves to be in purchase of labor, as if a contract is to be bought on finder's fee, with contract labor guaranteeing loyalty, instead of full control in committee and payment, outside of Ban Ki-Moon's concepts of control of market, the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA, the British Presbyterians, of Scotland and Korea and Sweden, Asatru as the combined faith's name under Catholic alms).
0 notes
sirjustice318-blog · 4 years
Hotels and big houses needs to worry not those which are build using stones or concrete walls as wooden ceiling as every room can have not get into it E-drone but hand lifted like weighing scale in the link below
Your house or business to reduce fire risk can have instead of wooden ceiling, aluminum bar portion kind of ceiling board to reduce the rate of fire consummation if so dude. Do not worry with Christ another version if u live in a foreign nature fearing 4 ya life as we got this handy to help ya mitigate ya fear situation.
Even with groundnuts from EU or USA as much as maize find their way here using the below the earth fissure and even beans like from S-America where they give people to sell either raw, boiled or in flour as they got mini-milling machines to shift like maize and repack them in packages gotten from houses or hotels which have been used or make such printing in the boom process as with local ones and place in shops to still survive and sell. So such should be eliminated cause make the hooligans still stay afloat in their dirty tricks as each package should be place in cans and serial number given or with seal or we stop selling shifted maize as easy to stop when the package can be made in boom process. I think we should place the E-mini-milling machine on credit like with sunking products 4 every household to buy and mill their own maize, buying the maize when still in the firm dry not even already gotten out of cob maize as it can be a mixture of artificially made and grown still funding the above gimmicks but now they are frustrated and wild dude. They above people doing the above remit cash to those nations above.
Seth ojwang of kisumu monitors kebi selling scrap metal then send the kids of his sister to come eat in kebis house, where they became wild if kebi refuses, oblivious of what they did to kebi father along time, trick is their father wants the same to happen, so people get to mob uncle and Seth, so the house remains 4 the sisters as it has been planned to beat those who got no-sense dude, so let them know to warn the boys, as daddy can stay away and uncle come with his bandwagon 4 the same above, where he is lynched and the property remains 4 daddy or vice versa. A white man was seen on the shop near mama silly shop giving the keeper money to give the people to facilitate the above. Germans poor, bring ya phones or electronics, 2goinvoice no more as no airplane will fall again to fund that a/c, that’s the way dude, Canada or USA door closed as internet defeated dude, Uganda, Tanzania or SA got internet as they were banking on the same with USA as thought no nation will learn such and with baby wash star soft known how to be made in boom process using kart which they force people to have kids to sale the same as kambas had known how to make the same, hindu sharing profits with Germans. India got wheat, that’s what Luya are eyeing or luo by tolerating them, they want the same to be sold cheap to them out of such ties dude.
i have sent the same to kebi just on his this face book cause he got to many cyber leaving his a/c open, so if i find save in draft 4 him to post early next morning.
Get to see Tanzania or Rwanda made airplane in the links below not official launched, 1 some1 stands b4 it is UG made, double deck 1 is Tz made. The black like airplanes in the ages are African made as in the links below, still they are a head of ya with innovation, yet still want to force people that u must eat corpse to make such and even with pay-TV or internet Germans had not or u eat garbage 4 the same above. Dude stop lest u r killed or u get together 1st to make the same or tolerate people with food as carrying peoples kids, such can come up or staying with 1 kids then after long same are made synonymous with kambas, stop dude, live ya own life, stop wanting good life from selected few and if u think u r Negros pack ya belongings or get ya self together and get to USA stop bothering others who wants to get somewhere else dude, whats cooking dude or whats wrong with ya, kinda, u see a big sufuria of cooked corpse they are eating from heavily with relish if they crop next to ya, meaning the same blocked.
Woman don’t plan with me, get 1st am not of ya tribe with bolt and nut, don’t think i will buy u ya home appliances using my dirty job if the same officiated. Think twice woman, lets do business but don’t plan with mi own life cause u don’t know my cause, buy ya things using ya kids to pick the same as yes they can. Don’t put an eye on me, cause if got my flesh and blood also am eying, go 4 ya tribe, me aint good am a bad man homey. Hindu is u, am not u, though i see things on my eye, i even see as far as in USA which u cant see as your is 10 km radius as u got Colombian blood with that, so i can be Colombian not necessarily u. Now a man i know not is busy kissing and caressing Robinson, don’t say 1 has told me on net i can see even see and cement the truth. If machines parts made in company,the only scrap-metal left are from households, get me girl, a plus to leave me on that area dude, wanna eat my corpse.
my tumblr a/c sirjustice300, how machine parts made, read it dude, i have sent the same to every USA state, Canada territory and every nation as sent to ya. Click the link below to find countries i have sent the same above.  Even charcoal placed in dough like bread sandwich gives different machines depending on how many u place as if u eat neem tree leave u see. 7 with small lorries, 2 with double fridges, 21 with buses while 57 with like 4 double deck plane that landed in Ghana and more dude even with eggs, oranges, lemons etc
My new Facebook details in the link below b4 fab company dis-enables it dude
Jaribu as try SA in the link below if interchanged to warn the likes of Uhuru and Germans orchestrating crime to send people their with the well placed security measures as in the tumblr a/c below. Those who transfigure, fall the plane period, placed sensor alarm lights below with led lights if they ring to get the criminal, stop much words dude or place armored glass with carpet on the plane passenger side floor if the same heard they can see the culprits as pilots should partake sour drinks to affirm they don’t change to live the airplane to fall as above. SA made airplanes, french come and confirm if it was from ya factory with qualified engineers, accept defeat and lest soldier on dude
Rwanda Congo trade shift from Kenya Uganda Railway as in the link below, Coast people rethink and move on,stop hunger with current situation as an angry man is a hungry man synonymous with latest Kamba character and even burundi goods get via Rwanda not as previously via Uganda as both 2 countries will loss the revenue  which stands at
This a blessing in disguise as it reduces the damage on our roads and cut the job 4 truck drivers and many businesses opened alongside the road like hotels to serve such drivers who are even tourist drivers from neighboring countries like Congo and more where the transit heads to. This reality dude.
Those who frustrate the ways of 1, when all blocked cause they are known will be treated rudely in cold blood don’t think u will get by bro and even with African magics not to mention even white-men, not spared dude.
Out of many people bought Alternator generator with cooking coil reduces stima on those high voltage consumption index like with ironing and heating water for like KPL profits to dro and even more dude
Rwanda made sports Arena in the boom process as described in the tumblr a/c above
Beauty other nations has known that not eating corpse make such as China or Germans purported bro, to make a hault with ya wishes like kikuyu blooded men, stop dude. When every nation has learnt to make their airlines meaning her citizens will opt 4 their own make reducing the profits of already established few ones which used to operate like etihad, emirates, Qatar, France, British as in the link below
Google 4 every country homey and get the results dude and see 4 ya self. Malachi 4 to bring us home
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sirjustice317-blog · 4 years
How machines made in new method
Hotels and big houses needs to worry not those which are build using stones or concrete walls as wooden ceiling as every room can have not get into it E-drone but hand lifted like weighing scale in the link below
Your house or business to reduce fire risk can have instead of wooden ceiling, aluminum bar portion kind of ceiling board to reduce the rate of fire consummation if so dude. Do not worry with Christ another version if u live in a foreign nature fearing 4 ya life as we got this handy to help ya mitigate ya fear situation.
Even with groundnuts from EU or USA as much as maize find their way here using the below the earth fissure and even beans like from S-America where they give people to sell either raw, boiled or in flour as they got mini-milling machines to shift like maize and repack them in packages gotten from houses or hotels which have been used or make such printing in the boom process as with local ones and place in shops to still survive and sell. So such should be eliminated cause make the hooligans still stay afloat in their dirty tricks as each package should be place in cans and serial number given or with seal or we stop selling shifted maize as easy to stop when the package can be made in boom process. I think we should place the E-mini-milling machine on credit like with sunking products 4 every household to buy and mill their own maize, buying the maize when still in the firm dry not even already gotten out of cob maize as it can be a mixture of artificially made and grown still funding the above gimmicks but now they are frustrated and wild dude. They above people doing the above remit cash to those nations above.
Seth ojwang of kisumu monitors kebi selling scrap metal then send the kids of his sister to come eat in kebis house, where they became wild if kebi refuses, oblivious of what they did to kebi father along time, trick is their father wants the same to happen, so people get to mob uncle and Seth, so the house remains 4 the sisters as it has been planned to beat those who got no-sense dude, so let them know to warn the boys, as daddy can stay away and uncle come with his bandwagon 4 the same above, where he is lynched and the property remains 4 daddy or vice versa. A white man was seen on the shop near mama silly shop giving the keeper money to give the people to facilitate the above. Germans poor, bring ya phones or electronics, 2goinvoice no more as no airplane will fall again to fund that a/c, that’s the way dude, Canada or USA door closed as internet defeated dude, Uganda, Tanzania or SA got internet as they were banking on the same with USA as thought no nation will learn such and with baby wash star soft known how to be made in boom process using kart which they force people to have kids to sale the same as kambas had known how to make the same, hindu sharing profits with Germans. India got wheat, that's what Luya are eyeing or luo by tolerating them, they want the same to be sold cheap to them out of such ties dude.
i have sent the same to kebi just on his this face book cause he got to many cyber leaving his a/c open, so if i find save in draft 4 him to post early next morning.
Get to see Tanzania or Rwanda made airplane in the links below not official launched, 1 some1 stands b4 it is UG made, double deck 1 is Tz made. The black like airplanes in the ages are African made as in the links below, still they are a head of ya with innovation, yet still want to force people that u must eat corpse to make such and even with pay-TV or internet Germans had not or u eat garbage 4 the same above. Dude stop lest u r killed or u get together 1st to make the same or tolerate people with food as carrying peoples kids, such can come up or staying with 1 kids then after long same are made synonymous with kambas, stop dude, live ya own life, stop wanting good life from selected few and if u think u r Negros pack ya belongings or get ya self together and get to USA stop bothering others who wants to get somewhere else dude, whats cooking dude or whats wrong with ya, kinda, u see a big sufuria of cooked corpse they are eating from heavily with relish if they crop next to ya, meaning the same blocked.
Woman don't plan with me, get 1st am not of ya tribe with bolt and nut, don't think i will buy u ya home appliances using my dirty job if the same officiated. Think twice woman, lets do business but don't plan with mi own life cause u don't know my cause, buy ya things using ya kids to pick the same as yes they can. Don’t put an eye on me, cause if got my flesh and blood also am eying, go 4 ya tribe, me aint good am a bad man homey. Hindu is u, am not u, though i see things on my eye, i even see as far as in USA which u cant see as your is 10 km radius as u got Colombian blood with that, so i can be Colombian not necessarily u. Now a man i know not is busy kissing and caressing Robinson, don’t say 1 has told me on net i can see even see and cement the truth. If machines parts made in company,the only scrap-metal left are from households, get me girl, a plus to leave me on that area dude, wanna eat my corpse.
my tumblr a/c sirjustice300, how machine parts made, read it dude, i have sent the same to every USA state, Canada territory and every nation as sent to ya. Click the link below to find countries i have sent the same above.  Even charcoal placed in dough like bread sandwich gives different machines depending on how many u place as if u eat neem tree leave u see. 7 with small lorries, 2 with double fridges, 21 with buses while 57 with like 4 double deck plane that landed in Ghana and more dude even with eggs, oranges, lemons etc
My new Facebook details in the link below b4 fab company dis-enables it dude
Jaribu as try SA in the link below if interchanged to warn the likes of Uhuru and Germans orchestrating crime to send people their with the well placed security measures as in the tumblr a/c below. Those who transfigure, fall the plane period, placed sensor alarm lights below with led lights if they ring to get the criminal, stop much words dude or place armored glass with carpet on the plane passenger side floor if the same heard they can see the culprits as pilots should partake sour drinks to affirm they don't change to live the airplane to fall as above. SA made airplanes, french come and confirm if it was from ya factory with qualified engineers, accept defeat and lest soldier on dude
Rwanda Congo trade shift from Kenya Uganda Railway as in the link below, Coast people rethink and move on,stop hunger with current situation as an angry man is a hungry man synonymous with latest Kamba character and even burundi goods get via Rwanda not as previously via Uganda as both 2 countries will loss the revenue  which stands at
This a blessing in disguise as it reduces the damage on our roads and cut the job 4 truck drivers and many businesses opened alongside the road like hotels to serve such drivers who are even tourist drivers from neighboring countries like Congo and more where the transit heads to. This reality dude.
Those who frustrate the ways of 1, when all blocked cause they are known will be treated rudely in cold blood don't think u will get by bro and even with African magics not to mention even white-men, not spared dude.
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sirjustice316-blog · 4 years
new measures new ways
Hotels and big houses needs to worry not those which are build using stones or concrete walls as wooden ceiling as every room can have not get into it E-drone but hand lifted like weighing scale in the link below
Your house or business to reduce fire risk can have instead of wooden ceiling, aluminum bar portion kind of ceiling board to reduce the rate of fire consummation if so dude. Do not worry with Christ another version if u live in a foreign nature fearing 4 ya life as we got this handy to help ya mitigate ya fear situation.
Even with groundnuts from EU or USA as much as maize find their way here using the below the earth fissure and even beans like from S-America where they give people to sell either raw, boiled or in flour as they got mini-milling machines to shift like maize and repack them in packages gotten from houses or hotels which have been used or make such printing in the boom process as with local ones and place in shops to still survive and sell. So such should be eliminated cause make the hooligans still stay afloat in their dirty tricks as each package should be place in cans and serial number given or with seal or we stop selling shifted maize as easy to stop when the package can be made in boom process. I think we should place the E-mini-milling machine on credit like with sunking products 4 every household to buy and mill their own maize, buying the maize when still in the firm dry not even already gotten out of cob maize as it can be a mixture of artificially made and grown still funding the above gimmicks but now they are frustrated and wild dude. They above people doing the above remit cash to those nations above.
Seth ojwang of kisumu monitors kebi selling scrap metal then send the kids of his sister to come eat in kebis house, where they became wild if kebi refuses, oblivious of what they did to kebi father along time, trick is their father wants the same to happen, so people get to mob uncle and Seth, so the house remains 4 the sisters as it has been planned to beat those who got no-sense dude, so let them know to warn the boys, as daddy can stay away and uncle come with his bandwagon 4 the same above, where he is lynched and the property remains 4 daddy or vice versa. A white man was seen on the shop near mama silly shop giving the keeper money to give the people to facilitate the above. Germans poor, bring ya phones or electronics, 2goinvoice no more as no airplane will fall again to fund that a/c, that’s the way dude, Canada or USA door closed as internet defeated dude, Uganda, Tanzania or SA got internet as they were banking on the same with USA as thought no nation will learn such and with baby wash star soft known how to be made in boom process using kart which they force people to have kids to sale the same as kambas had known how to make the same, hindu sharing profits with Germans. India got wheat, that's what Luya are eyeing or luo by tolerating them, they want the same to be sold cheap to them out of such ties dude.
i have sent the same to kebi just on his this face book cause he got to many cyber leaving his a/c open, so if i find save in draft 4 him to post early next morning.
Get to see Tanzania or Rwanda made airplane in the links below not official launched, 1 some1 stands b4 it is UG made, double deck 1 is Tz made. The black like airplanes in the ages are African made as in the links below, still they are a head of ya with innovation, yet still want to force people that u must eat corpse to make such and even with pay-TV or internet Germans had not or u eat garbage 4 the same above. Dude stop lest u r killed or u get together 1st to make the same or tolerate people with food as carrying peoples kids, such can come up or staying with 1 kids then after long same are made synonymous with kambas, stop dude, live ya own life, stop wanting good life from selected few and if u think u r Negros pack ya belongings or get ya self together and get to USA stop bothering others who wants to get somewhere else dude, whats cooking dude or whats wrong with ya, kinda, u see a big sufuria of cooked corpse they are eating from heavily with relish if they crop next to ya, meaning the same blocked.
Woman don't plan with me, get 1st am not of ya tribe with bolt and nut, don't think i will buy u ya home appliances using my dirty job if the same officiated. Think twice woman, lets do business but don't plan with mi own life cause u don't know my cause, buy ya things using ya kids to pick the same as yes they can. Don’t put an eye on me, cause if got my flesh and blood also am eying, go 4 ya tribe, me aint good am a bad man homey. Hindu is u, am not u, though i see things on my eye, i even see as far as in USA which u cant see as your is 10 km radius as u got Colombian blood with that, so i can be Colombian not necessarily u. Now a man i know not is busy kissing and caressing Robinson, don’t say 1 has told me on net i can see even see and cement the truth
Locating ya food yet with them they have eaten, kinda, u see their chest swells as if u got ya food they want to vomit on, kikuyu blooded men dude.
Zip on the inner layer/lining of casket cloth where marks/sticker as serial number can be placed using the machine in the link below 4 those destined 4 grave where every casket confirmed if got the mark to be deemed theft to discourage grave exhumation. The zip can be placed on all side of the casket like on the long sides 2 marks, on lengths, opener opening case lid and below the casket inside and outside, where if 1 erase the same to sell again u gauge the timber used width then he is deemed 4 arrest as the govt should specify the wood thickness 4 coffin to facilitate the above truth bro
The today on KENYA news airbus purported airplane is Uganda make to make the Hindu stop as they know not anything as they made the same along time and whether u can make it 1st aint our shit as now we see who can kill ya 1st not the former case, as your original or not as in the link below. Stop dude, don’t want to say, where i got the oven timer technology as u wanna know as if u r special and the above deal good as it should be open so we know clearly where Mr white-men gets their monies from
On pintrest bar just just inscribe alternator generator and u will see every possible placed image as well as a car alternator rotated by an electric motor while on the other hand its open u want to grab peoples manhood and want now their food saying u r Tanzania blooded as now what they make money with can be made in boom process which is sisal and Sodom apple, synonymous with Russians with Kikuyu, baby making raw material which as well can be made in boom process called kart as mirra and all the related cash crops grown to make Russians relent, wanting the good side which if an alternative crops in they separate themselves from both sides dude. Even white guava ripe solutions make washing shampoo and disinfectants dude and can be mixed with of flowers or banana 4 better good results as u put to research or test and even GMO seeds are made in the boom process with the 1 u got as u inquire from Mr Devil dude.
They want u either to eat their dirty food in the hotels and even drink their waters, which if u fail, they do the above with ya, or make ya day long as they purported they are locating people who can go down and eat in garbage when food scarce so the best served 4 them cause they are special as Jew will rise when they have learnt automation which countries like Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Jamaica or SA have learnt all a head of them and if i say my posting on FB a/c kevinelson mondy i got on pintrest,then u don’t arrest me with everyday following me cause it can be of truth which calls, u to identify the fellow who posted the same not me, question will be what do u want, to bite my neck or what as get a taste of my blood or what, u cannibal or eating of corpse now blocked so u miss it dude. Up to you bro!!!!!
Kansas is KS, when USA is still 1 as 50 states, when separated what they produce can be bought in other states as every state has now known how to make jets and planes as explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice300. With wheat and cooking oil many states has the same, and out of 1 state opt not 4 Canada 1 but saying they are eying Mexican market as close to them than all the growing states not knowing they cannot sell all their wheat all alone to Mexico as other people prefers different wheat taste from other states and if they import things which they got not from Canada like then Canada will export their wheat unto them out of bilateral ties now that we got no-etra expense plane/drone as far as fuel is concerned as if so they make artificial jet fuel using place kale in water in the boom process saving the money they ought to have channeled to such fuel, making whether near the customer or far a thing of the past and useless dude as in the link below
When money placed online like the payment option in the link below, as when liquid money is eliminated, even the below atrophies. As this give the USA much money people know not as u can google which online payment method from which country, state dude and see how the cash inflow of such states will collapse as if money gets into ya online a/c or if u send it cuts some few dimes as their profits which if people use en-mass if huge dude same as with online money sending cash profit to the vendor and the company if u withdraw.
The automated vending machines can as well have soda drinking cup dispelled the same way if buy as it asks u if u want the same while chicken and french fries or burgers as pizza wrapped in like imperial soap paper container where the same machine got microwave not outside but inside it to ask u if u want to warm the same to be self service, so u remit much profit home to see how a nation with her own cooking stuff can be rich if they set such world wide as in the link below, most from USA dude as Nations like Uganda now with their own internet plans to launch their own and even social media as NY got Tumblr yet Kenya has none and even more but still placing competition ahead of NY.
Red-berry electronic like microwave or blender are made with maize cob, coins silver, aluminum 1, placed inside smashed white guava, pineapple or apple solution as the same gives ya the serenity of mind as even bubble gum as E-buses are also made that way where u insert spare parts of photos of the same in the solution above and boom ya machine gadget dude.
Uganda considers Tanzania to ship its export as they have built new rail that the will connect to Rwanda and Burundi which enter Uganda via Rwanda or just with TZ/Ug border to reduce cost as Kenya 1 aint electric but diesel, If calculated as i heard, will be much cheaper than using the Kenyan Kilindini 1 out of the free diesel cost lest Kenya builds theirs dude as in the link below
can be placed up on a apartment to list household goods in case of relocation as u can buy to hire and even draw water dude the ingco Taiwan products
Disco remote controlled lights not connected to city electricity but with its own stater comp technology employed dude
China call ya phone Alarm sensor motion door bell
Thin but young with so many grown things like Netherlands or Kenya which can be made artificial or got option as with cut flower with apple or banana ripe to make the same products.
Buy china fridge stand in the link below
Knowing a lot a head of u but wanting ya food is what i hate most and don’t codon and can tantamount to acts of war if u relent not dude, synonymous with the luo or Kikuyu blooded. White man a teeth 4 a teeth and an eye 4 an eye meaning sweet revenge dude
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sirjustice7 · 4 years
the ukweli
Click the link below 4 navistar electric buses
If u insert that thing on the ass-hole it makes ya face not straight and vice versa and makes ya live long. They come to Africa as tourists to check if Christ can come and they built the cities on fertile lands which brings the curse they got so migrated, and so come to check up if where the city was built can flourish in herbs, grass or trees 4 God to revert the curse.
School buses in sub-Saharan Africa are made with plates which are made out of corpse, breeding bad spirit, get out the engine and buy the bus like in the link below and fix ya engine or sell that I and buy a new 1 al2gether dude
The shinny trucks in the link below are made out of hardcore criminal corpse placed on dough then cold water poured, jets lies like house flies inserted on dough, Renault cars, landana or like janus cough drop inserted on dough the cold water poured.
They got human spirit that kinda directs ya, like in carli4nia X-bit song, a bus moves from country La to the city, seeing the road crucks reminds ya of fish being prepaired 4 deep fry thus the roads once underlaying rocks are placed which are as well made on the dough procedure, fishes are placed at interval in the dark then cold water poured and the tarmacked road made easily as opposed to the 1 which is expensive we see in Africa to take money back home
Kill ya son or daughter, if u cant hustle and knowing much yet in the later part wanna disturb us with yet like father like son, kinda, we are breeding a bad gene, dude, die we burry ya. Kebi has told us on how every gadget is made, so what ya son will come out of to be tolerated like long ago that it was an excuse maybe if he behaves that way he might help us with an innovation or invention. If u know nothing humble, respect people and the constitution and move a head dude or-else die we bury u, I will stand 4 socks or ties dude
Spirit still around in kids, delete everything on books or on syllabus that kebi has proven its a lie, don’t struggle to study a lie it breeds guilt, war and confusion among kids, cause God knows its a lie like the linear motion with a plane, period the plane used siren gas to fly like in the link below
If they say u can be president or Mp, well, that’s your dream and it will help ya family not even tribe men, u will be 1 then another is elected, friends, how many have seen such, it aint a hoot to us dude. You aint the 1st 1 or the last to be 1 once laws are made, president wont help ya locate jobs or still money to help ya as students can scan their script on phone prior to submitting their credentials, so no cheating that leads to mis-appropriation of people on different courses leading to different jobs as well blocking others halting their dream- that’s what the president and his people does and it wont be there period dude
If u wanna be home with elder people or ya head to be small take food portion with no salt then with salt. It draws elder people to ya if u eat tasteless food thinking you are elder as with much salt deems ya rude even if they were not there, its a spirit dude, you got to know, Mr sam kokudo working in the Kenyan parliament building in Nairobi, Has not that money, even wants ya food, was given a job after going to india, so gives like 60% of his salary back, the house he lives on was built with partly that money loan taken after a bank approached. So frustrated cause they aint sure of the next parliament, rendering them jobless, cars he drives to ksm senators, MPs, Governors cars. If he continues with dat and with any dignitary we gona use a mad scrap metal picker to sturb ya then runs away cause u r of nuisance period, wanting others things while with ya when they are down cant look at them twice, anyway it was a blessing in disguise to write on it the way am doing like with allowing folks to watch tv.
The big shinny trucks needs respect both with police or the people driving them, so incase of rude nation breeds confusion and needs not to be driven every time like the short headed ones found in Kenya which needs to be driven like daily which with them is when they don’t bring a spirit.
U wanna know a Somali blooded woman, if u think of seducing 1, u see a group of people behind ya like also wanting to hurt ya or benefit from ya. The more the number of people behind u the more the bloods and vice versa.
Most vehicles in Kenya are Dubai made as cereals or cut grass poured unto them parts after dis-assembled to make the new but not long lasting. The kikuyu buy even old engines and makes the same get to church live and say with pointing their figures in happy mood 3. The reason dude, another 1. Worker and vineyard parable and Christ with division to cement the truth. Gol, towa, remove the untitled from tumblr name like samaki with its bones, I will never dude, leave me alone say kebi. Boyfriend, mandi mit nyodho says roda to kebi. Sheep and goat parable that made Jesus to be arrested to cement de trut. The same matatu new once are made with dough inside mango placed dude
With syllabus lies they assert to be true to still sell what is used in the lab in the practical classes. Remove school 4 students to learn onlines on captured every topic and sub-topic classes only dummy get to class to be instructed making the difference between the dummy and the bright like with cpa. Click the link below 4 more
With church take a big tank like in the link below, put outside the church let people drop their offering when getting in or out the church without some1 risking being monitored on how much they have placed then u see church atrophies, fulfilled in revelation 4, at that time the root of David Rod/sex/penis/pesa, money
Govt to build new jails like the new schools to take the wanting ya food or grab ya manhood or cut ya in the dark to, to make them loose network bro, b4 the are out again in if they do the same jokes, No kidding dude, out of hand, liaising with dignitaries who are sure will not get back to their posts as well as the police
Expand ya business in the USA using funds from grants at www.grants.com
Let the judges found, they just give u a lawyer if u dont have cash and does shoddy work and ya case goes to the worst ending up being a criminal. Let each jail have a software where any jailed can be given a judge prior then in not more than 100 words explain their case to the judge to avoid the former on the lawyer. They just sit in their offices using precedents to rule others case and take big chunk of taxpayers money at court time what u have written given to the court and u as well to facilitate justice.
The pressure cooker in the link below when exposing out hot fumes is the same technology the steam generator uses as i have researched via google or the little know how i got. When u have given all the names of tumblr a/c they purpoted to have deleted which they have learnt they cant delete, they pop up with their own, like kanze not saying in full or obama as i had seduced the earlier or if u look at a car u wanna buy or a house and form new jealousy they have created the kikuyu blooded men, silly character to will end thats the happiness. Now if u wait 4 me to kill myself, u will wait untill Christ comes back, with all at alibabashopping its a plus to me and justice even at amazonshopping
Killing myself a longtime was viable but now with no fuel generator, automatic locks and E-vehicle, its like forcing water out plastic Cyprus tree which is cumbersome. They wanna buy the kevs AE in kevinelson mondy facebook a/c yet other nations have made it and its not patented. Kebi saying give me women instead, i will select them on the computer and will open E-bus and E-public yacht, speed boat 4 them and built hotel with the profits, thats how i will maintain them bro. images of the above in the links below, keep ya money to ya self Mr trumpielo
Kankata cars made with plastic like acid bottles or cooking fat bottles inserted on the dough as well as old papers or newspapers while esar coins or money put inside dough or euphobia mixed with water and the above inserted, meaning Egyptians are making money cause money of any nation made that way by inserting their own cash in the dough bringing forth high population dude
The lands with oil, God did not settle those people in those lands, after the jew migrated to temperate lands after the Green-man left Europe and America 4 Venus planet they distributed them from the land Green-man left as they were slaves in those lands. God made it that way so we are jew, though we are lazy our lands got enough to spare, so what u gonna do in the link below
The nyamwezi, mlk got nyamwezi blood and many world leaders, following the moon to no end so called people of the moon, not only masai walks but as well The nyamwezi loving crime scenes or showing pity to crimes. Tomato, nyanya, tm got dat blood, good leaders along time b4 intermarriages destroy the gene, Malagasy and masai folks got the nyamwezi gene of being good. Their skin is always shiny like in the link below and soft as supple not dry skin like incarnated people, the tribe love central places as in tz they live at tabora/shinyanga are, google to find out dude
The below is explained by the above link as they want to follow kebi to no end
Most nyamwezi people are tingrinya blooded and vice versa as well as many sao tome and principle nationals. They are free people not wanting others food and can survive both in hardship and in riches, they are hustlers and Asmara in luo means the booty is mine bim, abimalech in the bible with abraham while bim is appe who dont see that his booty is deep red while abuse another 1 that his booty is red, the red indians got dat blood dude as nelson kevin bro. Rateng ti, titi they love, nyap they look like as weak stepping on wrong stone. Tigrinya also got the togo tribe blood of swollen eye, the ewe is the tribe am talking about who are tigrinya blooded. Kabiye are ewe when j is added is jew which they forgot along time “as kebi warned them of the dire consequences of intermarriage when he was the secretary of war during the Portuguese inversion era“ They are masai blooded from the mothers side, their men married the women not vice versa bringing forth a polite understanding tribe b4 the masai destroyed their genes by marrying the batak tribe from Indonesia who are rude, tough-headed as the negro and cannibal, having sweet mouth or high appetite for sweet things with big booty women, they loved the booty, their men, so see what big booty can do to a tribe. Be warned let history not repeat itself to destroy further the tribes genes to destroy the world as bring rude UN-understanding people, war lovers or lay dude and even murderers.
God dont want like the hindu thing of monitoring other people, they ought to be free like in the movies of robotics like the transformers, and people not to eat gmo but firm esp usa to give up on ammunition and firm like along time
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nosidemanUntitlednonsidedUntitledkittenedymiaumiauonyaspusyUntitledhotsoupoUntitlednamenelsonmondeUntitledgluttonedyUntitlednorthwhiteheadmondeUntitledkevinsumbandlynetgarthenjiUntitledcoreyhurlUntitledadminsharonpattersonUntitledmisvalesUntitledalisonmitchststevensheltermnUntitledjeniferbringsmnUntitledmrsclarakennedyUntitledkimberlyreedsUntitledshitty-car-mods-dailyShitty Car ModsmrpumpingadrianUntitledaintjesusperiodUntitlednelsonekoUntitledaintmosesUntitledaintkingnebuchadnezaUntitledaintanychristdiscipleUntitledaintkingdavidnorhisonperiodUntitledaintnobiblekingUntitledaintanybibleprophetUntitledaintanybiblepersonalityUntitledaintanybiblefigureUntitledsermonspeechesUntitledmrnotunderstandingUntitlednotanybiblemaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanormaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanUntitledafricanisedUntitledfreeofchargebibleUntitledaintanybiblicalfigureUntitlednotanybiblewriterUntitledcarnamesUntitledaintherodaughterUntitledmcsleepyfollowersUntitledwalmatstoresUntitled longpascodeUntitledmcsleepynelsonUntitled
The above are tumblr names in between the word untitled before or after where the where the tumblr name dont fall between untitled. Just remove untitled on both end and tumblr search the name and no kidding you got me, like in the below the tumblr name is mcsleepynelson and life moves on like usual
Get a job link below
Folks dont open up like sirjustice10 b4 i reach there, as competing with me like in the song below breeding confusion, my dying time was all gone only on planned or natural ways
It wont tire me to give pride to the booty of a woman i love to fuck, sitachoka nakupatia hagar za minaj, theresa,robinson and many sifa. Wasee siutani, the text ni, ‘It wont tire me, okablo ol oloo’ swears kebi in an intercourse.
X-bit song to strength kids who don’t belong link below
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sirjustice9-blog · 4 years
No fuel generator google pals
With new no fuel generator and you can google that,the govt should stop electrification, buy the machine in regards with the watts and fix to households. Electrification wires and poles, transformers are very expensive only taking much money back to the country given the electrification tender.
They got no money, a house in Nairobi dat they can live on is not less than $ 2000 left with the same to spend if they campaigned 4 u r nominated or certificate stolen unto ya. Count all the above cases and see how many they amount to. Jokorgikebi masikini or jokorgidilanu jojuogi, tinting ya name if eating well and in the ghetto, as ya life moves on good. The group of many matatu in Nairobi routes like city connection or city hoppers are not 4 one person as purported just to bring respect but 4 them both the govt and the opposition. They meet at night and discuss the above, eying to lure usa beauties with such tricks or just Europe dude. Uhuru was in the usa, still Kenya is beautiful or ya eye bad, can u tell ya tribe the truth to stop all this shit or whats u up to dude, what u gonna do. When all Lupe holes blocked, kinda, in open road grab ya manhood lest u block and they do it again and again even if u warn them liaising with Mr Hindu and big dignitaries. If u cut 1 with a panga or axe, then if a coin is placed in many peoples hand to see who did that and ya group has been monitored and known, all will be gotten out and the same done to ya to cement the fact dat death is the best justice possible.
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If u insert that thing on the ass-hole it makes ya face not straight and vice versa and makes ya live long. They come to Africa as tourists to check if Christ can come and they built the cities on fertile lands which brings the curse they got so migrated, and so come to check up if where the city was built can flourish in herbs, grass or trees 4 God to revert the curse.
School buses in sub-Saharan Africa are made with plates which are made out of corpse, breeding bad spirit, get out the engine and buy the bus like in the link below and fix ya engine or sell that I and buy a new 1 al2gether dude
The shinny trucks in the link below are made out of hardcore criminal corpse placed on dough then cold water poured, jets lies like house flies inserted on dough, Renault cars, landana or like janus cough drop inserted on dough the cold water poured.
They got human spirit that kinda directs ya, like in carli4nia X-bit song, a bus moves from country La to the city, seeing the road crucks reminds ya of fish being prepaired 4 deep fry thus the roads once underlaying rocks are placed which are as well made on the dough procedure, fishes are placed at interval in the dark then cold water poured and the tarmacked road made easily as opposed to the 1 which is expensive we see in Africa to take money back home
Kill ya son or daughter, if u cant hustle and knowing much yet in the later part wanna disturb us with yet like father like son, kinda, we are breeding a bad gene, dude, die we burry ya. Kebi has told us on how every gadget is made, so what ya son will come out of to be tolerated like long ago that it was an excuse maybe if he behaves that way he might help us with an innovation or invention. If u know nothing humble, respect people and the constitution and move a head dude or-else die we bury u, I will stand 4 socks or ties dude
Spirit still around in kids, delete everything on books or on syllabus that kebi has proven its a lie, don’t struggle to study a lie it breeds guilt, war and confusion among kids, cause God knows its a lie like the linear motion with a plane, period the plane used siren gas to fly like in the link below
If they say u can be president or Mp, well, that’s your dream and it will help ya family not even tribe men, u will be 1 then another is elected, friends, how many have seen such, it aint a hoot to us dude. You aint the 1st 1 or the last to be 1 once laws are made, president wont help ya locate jobs or still money to help ya as students can scan their script on phone prior to submitting their credentials, so no cheating that leads to mis-appropriation of people on different courses leading to different jobs as well blocking others halting their dream- that’s what the president and his people does and it wont be there period dude
If u wanna be home with elder people or ya head to be small take food portion with no salt then with salt. It draws elder people to ya if u eat tasteless food thinking you are elder as with much salt deems ya rude even if they were not there, its a spirit dude, you got to know, Mr sam kokudo working in the Kenyan parliament building in Nairobi, Has not that money, even wants ya food, was given a job after going to india, so gives like 60% of his salary back, the house he lives on was built with partly that money loan taken after a bank approached. So frustrated cause they aint sure of the next parliament, rendering them jobless, cars he drives to ksm senators, MPs, Governors cars. If he continues with dat and with any dignitary we gona use a mad scrap metal picker to sturb ya then runs away cause u r of nuisance period, wanting others things while with ya when they are down cant look at them twice, anyway it was a blessing in disguise to write on it the way am doing like with allowing folks to watch tv.
The big shinny trucks needs respect both with police or the people driving them, so incase of rude nation breeds confusion and needs not to be driven every time like the short headed ones found in Kenya which needs to be driven like daily which with them is when they don’t bring a spirit.
U wanna know a Somali blooded woman, if u think of seducing 1, u see a group of people behind ya like also wanting to hurt ya or benefit from ya. The more the number of people behind u the more the bloods and vice versa.
Most vehicles in Kenya are Dubai made as cereals or cut grass poured unto them parts after dis-assembled to make the new but not long lasting. The kikuyu buy even old engines and makes the same get to church live and say with pointing their figures in happy mood 3. The reason dude, another 1. Worker and vineyard parable and Christ with division to cement the truth. Gol, towa, remove the untitled from tumblr name like samaki with its bones, I will never dude, leave me alone say kebi. Boyfriend, mandi mit nyodho says roda to kebi. Sheep and goat parable that made Jesus to be arrested to cement de trut. The same matatu new once are made with dough inside mango placed dude
With syllabus lies they assert to be true to still sell what is used in the lab in the practical classes. Remove school 4 students to learn onlines on captured every topic and sub-topic classes only dummy get to class to be instructed making the difference between the dummy and the bright like with cpa. Click the link below 4 more
With church take a big tank like in the link below, put outside the church let people drop their offering when getting in or out the church without some1 risking being monitored on how much they have placed then u see church atrophies, fulfilled in revelation 4, at that time the root of David Rod/sex/penis/pesa, money
Govt to build new jails like the new schools to take the wanting ya food or grab ya manhood or cut ya in the dark to, to make them loose network bro, b4 the are out again in if they do the same jokes, No kidding dude, out of hand, liaising with dignitaries who are sure will not get back to their posts as well as the police
Expand ya business in the USA using funds from grants at www.grants.com
Let the judges found, they just give u a lawyer if u dont have cash and does shoddy work and ya case goes to the worst ending up being a criminal. Let each jail have a software where any jailed can be given a judge prior then in not more than 100 words explain their case to the judge to avoid the former on the lawyer. They just sit in their offices using precedents to rule others case and take big chunk of taxpayers money at court time what u have written given to the court and u as well to facilitate justice.
The pressure cooker in the link below when exposing out hot fumes is the same technology the steam generator uses as i have researched via google or the little know how i got. When u have given all the names of tumblr a/c they purpoted to have deleted which they have learnt they cant delete, they pop up with their own, like kanze not saying in full or obama as i had seduced the earlier or if u look at a car u wanna buy or a house and form new jealousy they have created the kikuyu blooded men, silly character to will end thats the happiness. Now if u wait 4 me to kill myself, u will wait untill Christ comes back, with all at alibabashopping its a plus to me and justice even at amazonshopping
Killing myself a longtime was viable but now with no fuel generator, automatic locks and E-vehicle, its like forcing water out plastic Cyprus tree which is cumbersome. They wanna buy the kevs AE in kevinelson mondy facebook a/c yet other nations have made it and its not patented. Kebi saying give me women instead, i will select them on the computer and will open E-bus and E-public yacht, speed boat 4 them and built hotel with the profits, thats how i will maintain them bro. images of the above in the links below, keep ya money to ya self Mr trumpielo
Kankata cars made with plastic like acid bottles or cooking fat bottles inserted on the dough as well as old papers or newspapers while esar coins or money put inside dough or euphobia mixed with water and the above inserted, meaning Egyptians are making money cause money of any nation made that way by inserting their own cash in the dough bringing forth high population dude
The lands with oil, God did not settle those people in those lands, after the jew migrated to temperate lands after the Green-man left Europe and America 4 Venus planet they distributed them from the land Green-man left as they were slaves in those lands. God made it that way so we are jew, though we are lazy our lands got enough to spare, so what u gonna do in the link below
The nyamwezi, mlk got nyamwezi blood and many world leaders, following the moon to no end so called people of the moon, not only masai walks but as well The nyamwezi loving crime scenes or showing pity to crimes. Tomato, nyanya, tm got dat blood, good leaders along time b4 intermarriages destroy the gene, Malagasy and masai folks got the nyamwezi gene of being good. Their skin is always shiny like in the link below and soft as supple not dry skin like incarnated people, the tribe love central places as in tz they live at tabora/shinyanga are, google to find out dude
The below is explained by the above link as they want to follow kebi to no end
Most nyamwezi people are tingrinya blooded and vice versa as well as many sao tome and principle nationals. They are free people not wanting others food and can survive both in hardship and in riches, they are hustlers and Asmara in luo means the booty is mine bim, abimalech in the bible with abraham while bim is appe who dont see that his booty is deep red while abuse another 1 that his booty is red, the red indians got dat blood dude as nelson kevin bro. Rateng ti, titi they love, nyap they look like as weak stepping on wrong stone. Tigrinya also got the togo tribe blood of swollen eye, the ewe is the tribe am talking about who are tigrinya blooded. Kabiye are ewe when j is added is jew which they forgot along time “as kebi warned them of the dire consequences of intermarriage when he was the secretary of war during the Portuguese inversion era“ They are masai blooded from the mothers side, their men married the women not vice versa bringing forth a polite understanding tribe b4 the masai destroyed their genes by marrying the batak tribe from Indonesia who are rude, tough-headed as the negro and cannibal, having sweet mouth or high appetite for sweet things with big booty women, they loved the booty, their men, so see what big booty can do to a tribe. Be warned let history not repeat itself to destroy further the tribes genes to destroy the world as bring rude UN-understanding people, war lovers or lay dude and even murderers.
God dont want like the hindu thing of monitoring other people, they ought to be free like in the movies of robotics like the transformers, and people not to eat gmo but firm esp usa to give up on ammunition and firm like along time
upgradecreditorsUntitledsnitchcornerUntitledmysufferingoUntitlednyandorientertainmentUntitledcomredshotelUntitlednelsonswiftairUntitledthewandetesUntitledorgasmicallyelectricOrgasmically ElectricmurraymondeUntitledmrmondeUntitledmondelocketoUntitleddavidomoloUntitleddelanustartupmondeUntitledmondegoochUntitledmondewestphalUntitledkansasnightUntitledschoupenermondeUntitledsethojwanguncleUntitledmyproblemosUntitlednelsonbotomsiepaUntitledcompanyrightsUntitledcompanylogoUntitledmcbethnelsonUntitlednelsonmcbethUntitledcompanyprincipalsUntitledcompanymissionUntitledasninelsonUntitledkingparksmondeUntitledvincentmalachimodiUntitledhurlmondeUntitledmcsleepymondeUntitledchalmerslynnmondeUntitledtolbatmondeUntitledliliansmithUntitledunderwoodnelsonUntitledmondeskyUntitledskyhighmondeUntitledmondemchurtUntitledmondescott
nosidemanUntitlednonsidedUntitledkittenedymiaumiauonyaspusyUntitledhotsoupoUntitlednamenelsonmondeUntitledgluttonedyUntitlednorthwhiteheadmondeUntitledkevinsumbandlynetgarthenjiUntitledcoreyhurlUntitledadminsharonpattersonUntitledmisvalesUntitledalisonmitchststevensheltermnUntitledjeniferbringsmnUntitledmrsclarakennedyUntitledkimberlyreedsUntitledshitty-car-mods-dailyShitty Car ModsmrpumpingadrianUntitledaintjesusperiodUntitlednelsonekoUntitledaintmosesUntitledaintkingnebuchadnezaUntitledaintanychristdiscipleUntitledaintkingdavidnorhisonperiodUntitledaintnobiblekingUntitledaintanybibleprophetUntitledaintanybiblepersonalityUntitledaintanybiblefigureUntitledsermonspeechesUntitledmrnotunderstandingUntitlednotanybiblemaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanormaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanUntitledafricanisedUntitledfreeofchargebibleUntitledaintanybiblicalfigureUntitlednotanybiblewriterUntitledcarnamesUntitledaintherodaughterUntitledmcsleepyfollowersUntitledwalmatstoresUntitled longpascodeUntitledmcsleepynelsonUntitled
The above are tumblr names in between the word untitled before or after where the where the tumblr name dont fall between untitled. Just remove untitled on both end and tumblr search the name and no kidding you got me, like in the below the tumblr name is mcsleepynelson and life moves on like usual
Get a job link below
Folks dont open up like sirjustice10 b4 i reach there, as competing with me like in the song below breeding confusion, my dying time was all gone only on planned or natural ways
It wont tire me to give pride to the booty of a woman i love to fuck, sitachoka nakupatia hagar za minaj, theresa,robinson and many sifa. Wasee siutani, the text ni, ‘It wont tire me, okablo ol oloo’ swears kebi in an intercourse.
X-bit song to strength kids who don’t belong link below
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sirjustice8-blog · 4 years
poor dignitaries
They got no money, a house in Nairobi dat they can live on is not less than $ 2000 left with the same to spend if they campaigned 4 u r nominated or certificate stolen unto ya. Count all the above cases and see how many they amount to. Jokorgikebi masikini or jokorgidilanu jojuogi, tinting ya name if eating well and in the ghetto, as ya life moves on good. The group of many matatu in Nairobi routes like city connection or city hoppers are not 4 one person as purported just to bring respect but 4 them both the govt and the opposition. They meet at night and discuss the above, eying to lure usa beauties with such tricks or just Europe dude. Uhuru was in the usa, still Kenya is beautiful or ya eye bad, can u tell ya tribe the truth to stop all this shit or whats u up to dude, what u gonna do. When all Lupe holes blocked, kinda, in open road grab ya manhood lest u block and they do it again and again even if u warn them liaising with Mr Hindu and big dignitaries. If u cut 1 with a panga or axe, then if a coin is placed in many peoples hand to see who did that and ya group has been monitored and known, all will be gotten out and the same done to ya to cement the fact dat death is the best justice possible.
Click the link below 4 navistar electric buses
If u insert that thing on the ass-hole it makes ya face not straight and vice versa and makes ya live long. They come to Africa as tourists to check if Christ can come and they built the cities on fertile lands which brings the curse they got so migrated, and so come to check up if where the city was built can flourish in herbs, grass or trees 4 God to revert the curse.
School buses in sub-Saharan Africa are made with plates which are made out of corpse, breeding bad spirit, get out the engine and buy the bus like in the link below and fix ya engine or sell that I and buy a new 1 al2gether dude
The shinny trucks in the link below are made out of hardcore criminal corpse placed on dough then cold water poured, jets lies like house flies inserted on dough, Renault cars, landana or like janus cough drop inserted on dough the cold water poured.
They got human spirit that kinda directs ya, like in carli4nia X-bit song, a bus moves from country La to the city, seeing the road crucks reminds ya of fish being prepaired 4 deep fry thus the roads once underlaying rocks are placed which are as well made on the dough procedure, fishes are placed at interval in the dark then cold water poured and the tarmacked road made easily as opposed to the 1 which is expensive we see in Africa to take money back home
Kill ya son or daughter, if u cant hustle and knowing much yet in the later part wanna disturb us with yet like father like son, kinda, we are breeding a bad gene, dude, die we burry ya. Kebi has told us on how every gadget is made, so what ya son will come out of to be tolerated like long ago that it was an excuse maybe if he behaves that way he might help us with an innovation or invention. If u know nothing humble, respect people and the constitution and move a head dude or-else die we bury u, I will stand 4 socks or ties dude
Spirit still around in kids, delete everything on books or on syllabus that kebi has proven its a lie, don’t struggle to study a lie it breeds guilt, war and confusion among kids, cause God knows its a lie like the linear motion with a plane, period the plane used siren gas to fly like in the link below
If they say u can be president or Mp, well, that’s your dream and it will help ya family not even tribe men, u will be 1 then another is elected, friends, how many have seen such, it aint a hoot to us dude. You aint the 1st 1 or the last to be 1 once laws are made, president wont help ya locate jobs or still money to help ya as students can scan their script on phone prior to submitting their credentials, so no cheating that leads to mis-appropriation of people on different courses leading to different jobs as well blocking others halting their dream- that’s what the president and his people does and it wont be there period dude
If u wanna be home with elder people or ya head to be small take food portion with no salt then with salt. It draws elder people to ya if u eat tasteless food thinking you are elder as with much salt deems ya rude even if they were not there, its a spirit dude, you got to know, Mr sam kokudo working in the Kenyan parliament building in Nairobi, Has not that money, even wants ya food, was given a job after going to india, so gives like 60% of his salary back, the house he lives on was built with partly that money loan taken after a bank approached. So frustrated cause they aint sure of the next parliament, rendering them jobless, cars he drives to ksm senators, MPs, Governors cars. If he continues with dat and with any dignitary we gona use a mad scrap metal picker to sturb ya then runs away cause u r of nuisance period, wanting others things while with ya when they are down cant look at them twice, anyway it was a blessing in disguise to write on it the way am doing like with allowing folks to watch tv.
The big shinny trucks needs respect both with police or the people driving them, so incase of rude nation breeds confusion and needs not to be driven every time like the short headed ones found in Kenya which needs to be driven like daily which with them is when they don’t bring a spirit.
U wanna know a Somali blooded woman, if u think of seducing 1, u see a group of people behind ya like also wanting to hurt ya or benefit from ya. The more the number of people behind u the more the bloods and vice versa.
Most vehicles in Kenya are Dubai made as cereals or cut grass poured unto them parts after dis-assembled to make the new but not long lasting. The kikuyu buy even old engines and makes the same get to church live and say with pointing their figures in happy mood 3. The reason dude, another 1. Worker and vineyard parable and Christ with division to cement the truth. Gol, towa, remove the untitled from tumblr name like samaki with its bones, I will never dude, leave me alone say kebi. Boyfriend, mandi mit nyodho says roda to kebi. Sheep and goat parable that made Jesus to be arrested to cement de trut. The same matatu new once are made with dough inside mango placed dude
With syllabus lies they assert to be true to still sell what is used in the lab in the practical classes. Remove school 4 students to learn onlines on captured every topic and sub-topic classes only dummy get to class to be instructed making the difference between the dummy and the bright like with cpa. Click the link below 4 more
With church take a big tank like in the link below, put outside the church let people drop their offering when getting in or out the church without some1 risking being monitored on how much they have placed then u see church atrophies, fulfilled in revelation 4, at that time the root of David Rod/sex/penis/pesa, money
Govt to build new jails like the new schools to take the wanting ya food or grab ya manhood or cut ya in the dark to, to make them loose network bro, b4 the are out again in if they do the same jokes, No kidding dude, out of hand, liaising with dignitaries who are sure will not get back to their posts as well as the police
Expand ya business in the USA using funds from grants at www.grants.com
Let the judges found, they just give u a lawyer if u dont have cash and does shoddy work and ya case goes to the worst ending up being a criminal. Let each jail have a software where any jailed can be given a judge prior then in not more than 100 words explain their case to the judge to avoid the former on the lawyer. They just sit in their offices using precedents to rule others case and take big chunk of taxpayers money at court time what u have written given to the court and u as well to facilitate justice.
The pressure cooker in the link below when exposing out hot fumes is the same technology the steam generator uses as i have researched via google or the little know how i got. When u have given all the names of tumblr a/c they purpoted to have deleted which they have learnt they cant delete, they pop up with their own, like kanze not saying in full or obama as i had seduced the earlier or if u look at a car u wanna buy or a house and form new jealousy they have created the kikuyu blooded men, silly character to will end thats the happiness. Now if u wait 4 me to kill myself, u will wait untill Christ comes back, with all at alibabashopping its a plus to me and justice even at amazonshopping
Killing myself a longtime was viable but now with no fuel generator, automatic locks and E-vehicle, its like forcing water out plastic Cyprus tree which is cumbersome. They wanna buy the kevs AE in kevinelson mondy facebook a/c yet other nations have made it and its not patented. Kebi saying give me women instead, i will select them on the computer and will open E-bus and E-public yacht, speed boat 4 them and built hotel with the profits, thats how i will maintain them bro. images of the above in the links below, keep ya money to ya self Mr trumpielo
Kankata cars made with plastic like acid bottles or cooking fat bottles inserted on the dough as well as old papers or newspapers while esar coins or money put inside dough or euphobia mixed with water and the above inserted, meaning Egyptians are making money cause money of any nation made that way by inserting their own cash in the dough bringing forth high population dude
The lands with oil, God did not settle those people in those lands, after the jew migrated to temperate lands after the Green-man left Europe and America 4 Venus planet they distributed them from the land Green-man left as they were slaves in those lands. God made it that way so we are jew, though we are lazy our lands got enough to spare, so what u gonna do in the link below
The nyamwezi, mlk got nyamwezi blood and many world leaders, following the moon to no end so called people of the moon, not only masai walks but as well The nyamwezi loving crime scenes or showing pity to crimes. Tomato, nyanya, tm got dat blood, good leaders along time b4 intermarriages destroy the gene, Malagasy and masai folks got the nyamwezi gene of being good. Their skin is always shiny like in the link below and soft as supple not dry skin like incarnated people, the tribe love central places as in tz they live at tabora/shinyanga are, google to find out dude
The below is explained by the above link as they want to follow kebi to no end
Most nyamwezi people are tingrinya blooded and vice versa as well as many sao tome and principle nationals. They are free people not wanting others food and can survive both in hardship and in riches, they are hustlers and Asmara in luo means the booty is mine bim, abimalech in the bible with abraham while bim is appe who dont see that his booty is deep red while abuse another 1 that his booty is red, the red indians got dat blood dude as nelson kevin bro. Rateng ti, titi they love, nyap they look like as weak stepping on wrong stone. Tigrinya also got the togo tribe blood of swollen eye, the ewe is the tribe am talking about who are tigrinya blooded. Kabiye are ewe when j is added is jew which they forgot along time “as kebi warned them of the dire consequences of intermarriage when he was the secretary of war during the Portuguese inversion era“ They are masai blooded from the mothers side, their men married the women not vice versa bringing forth a polite understanding tribe b4 the masai destroyed their genes by marrying the batak tribe from Indonesia who are rude, tough-headed as the negro and cannibal, having sweet mouth or high appetite for sweet things with big booty women, they loved the booty, their men, so see what big booty can do to a tribe. Be warned let history not repeat itself to destroy further the tribes genes to destroy the world as bring rude UN-understanding people, war lovers or lay dude and even murderers.
God dont want like the hindu thing of monitoring other people, they ought to be free like in the movies of robotics like the transformers, and people not to eat gmo but firm esp usa to give up on ammunition and firm like along time
upgradecreditorsUntitledsnitchcornerUntitledmysufferingoUntitlednyandorientertainmentUntitledcomredshotelUntitlednelsonswiftairUntitledthewandetesUntitledorgasmicallyelectricOrgasmically ElectricmurraymondeUntitledmrmondeUntitledmondelocketoUntitleddavidomoloUntitleddelanustartupmondeUntitledmondegoochUntitledmondewestphalUntitledkansasnightUntitledschoupenermondeUntitledsethojwanguncleUntitledmyproblemosUntitlednelsonbotomsiepaUntitledcompanyrightsUntitledcompanylogoUntitledmcbethnelsonUntitlednelsonmcbethUntitledcompanyprincipalsUntitledcompanymissionUntitledasninelsonUntitledkingparksmondeUntitledvincentmalachimodiUntitledhurlmondeUntitledmcsleepymondeUntitledchalmerslynnmondeUntitledtolbatmondeUntitledliliansmithUntitledunderwoodnelsonUntitledmondeskyUntitledskyhighmondeUntitledmondemchurtUntitledmondescott
nosidemanUntitlednonsidedUntitledkittenedymiaumiauonyaspusyUntitledhotsoupoUntitlednamenelsonmondeUntitledgluttonedyUntitlednorthwhiteheadmondeUntitledkevinsumbandlynetgarthenjiUntitledcoreyhurlUntitledadminsharonpattersonUntitledmisvalesUntitledalisonmitchststevensheltermnUntitledjeniferbringsmnUntitledmrsclarakennedyUntitledkimberlyreedsUntitledshitty-car-mods-dailyShitty Car ModsmrpumpingadrianUntitledaintjesusperiodUntitlednelsonekoUntitledaintmosesUntitledaintkingnebuchadnezaUntitledaintanychristdiscipleUntitledaintkingdavidnorhisonperiodUntitledaintnobiblekingUntitledaintanybibleprophetUntitledaintanybiblepersonalityUntitledaintanybiblefigureUntitledsermonspeechesUntitledmrnotunderstandingUntitlednotanybiblemaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanormaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanUntitledafricanisedUntitledfreeofchargebibleUntitledaintanybiblicalfigureUntitlednotanybiblewriterUntitledcarnamesUntitledaintherodaughterUntitledmcsleepyfollowersUntitledwalmatstoresUntitled longpascodeUntitledmcsleepynelsonUntitled
The above are tumblr names in between the word untitled before or after where the where the tumblr name dont fall between untitled. Just remove untitled on both end and tumblr search the name and no kidding you got me, like in the below the tumblr name is mcsleepynelson and life moves on like usual
Get a job link below
Folks dont open up like sirjustice10 b4 i reach there, as competing with me like in the song below breeding confusion, my dying time was all gone only on planned or natural ways
It wont tire me to give pride to the booty of a woman i love to fuck, sitachoka nakupatia hagar za minaj, theresa,robinson and many sifa. Wasee siutani, the text ni, ‘It wont tire me, okablo ol oloo’ swears kebi in an intercourse.
X-bit song to strength kids who don’t belong link below
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sirjustice6-blog · 4 years
If u insert that thing on the ass-hole it makes ya face not straight and vice versa and makes ya live long. They come to Africa as tourists to check if Christ can come and they built the cities on fertile lands which brings the curse they got so migrated, and so come to check up if where the city was built can flourish in herbs, grass or trees 4 God to revert the curse.
School buses in sub-Saharan Africa are made with plates which are made out of corpse, breeding bad spirit, get out the engine and buy the bus like in the link below and fix ya engine or sell that I and buy a new 1 al2gether dude
The shinny trucks in the link below are made out of hardcore criminal corpse placed on dough then cold water poured, jets lies like house flies inserted on dough, Renault cars, landana or like janus cough drop inserted on dough the cold water poured.
They got human spirit that kinda directs ya, like in carli4nia X-bit song, a bus moves from country La to the city, seeing the road crucks reminds ya of fish being prepaired 4 deep fry thus the roads once underlaying rocks are placed which are as well made on the dough procedure, fishes are placed at interval in the dark then cold water poured and the tarmacked road made easily as opposed to the 1 which is expensive we see in Africa to take money back home
Kill ya son or daughter, if u cant hustle and knowing much yet in the later part wanna disturb us with yet like father like son, kinda, we are breeding a bad gene, dude, die we burry ya. Kebi has told us on how every gadget is made, so what ya son will come out of to be tolerated like long ago that it was an excuse maybe if he behaves that way he might help us with an innovation or invention. If u know nothing humble, respect people and the constitution and move a head dude or-else die we bury u, I will stand 4 socks or ties dude
Spirit still around in kids, delete everything on books or on syllabus that kebi has proven its a lie, don't struggle to study a lie it breeds guilt, war and confusion among kids, cause God knows its a lie like the linear motion with a plane, period the plane used siren gas to fly like in the link below
If they say u can be president or Mp, well, that's your dream and it will help ya family not even tribe men, u will be 1 then another is elected, friends, how many have seen such, it aint a hoot to us dude. You aint the 1st 1 or the last to be 1 once laws are made, president wont help ya locate jobs or still money to help ya as students can scan their script on phone prior to submitting their credentials, so no cheating that leads to mis-appropriation of people on different courses leading to different jobs as well blocking others halting their dream- that's what the president and his people does and it wont be there period dude
If u wanna be home with elder people or ya head to be small take food portion with no salt then with salt. It draws elder people to ya if u eat tasteless food thinking you are elder as with much salt deems ya rude even if they were not there, its a spirit dude, you got to know, Mr sam kokudo working in the Kenyan parliament building in Nairobi, Has not that money, even wants ya food, was given a job after going to india, so gives like 60% of his salary back, the house he lives on was built with partly that money loan taken after a bank approached. So frustrated cause they aint sure of the next parliament, rendering them jobless, cars he drives to ksm senators, MPs, Governors cars. If he continues with dat and with any dignitary we gona use a mad scrap metal picker to sturb ya then runs away cause u r of nuisance period, wanting others things while with ya when they are down cant look at them twice, anyway it was a blessing in disguise to write on it the way am doing like with allowing folks to watch tv.
The big shinny trucks needs respect both with police or the people driving them, so incase of rude nation breeds confusion and needs not to be driven every time like the short headed ones found in Kenya which needs to be driven like daily which with them is when they don't bring a spirit.
U wanna know a Somali blooded woman, if u think of seducing 1, u see a group of people behind ya like also wanting to hurt ya or benefit from ya. The more the number of people behind u the more the bloods and vice versa.
Most vehicles in Kenya are Dubai made as cereals or cut grass poured unto them parts after dis-assembled to make the new but not long lasting. The kikuyu buy even old engines and makes the same get to church live and say with pointing their figures in happy mood 3. The reason dude, another 1. Worker and vineyard parable and Christ with division to cement the truth. Gol, towa, remove the untitled from tumblr name like samaki with its bones, I will never dude, leave me alone say kebi. Boyfriend, mandi mit nyodho says roda to kebi. Sheep and goat parable that made Jesus to be arrested to cement de trut. The same matatu new once are made with dough inside mango placed dude
With syllabus lies they assert to be true to still sell what is used in the lab in the practical classes. Remove school 4 students to learn onlines on captured every topic and sub-topic classes only dummy get to class to be instructed making the difference between the dummy and the bright like with cpa. Click the link below 4 more
With church take a big tank like in the link below, put outside the church let people drop their offering when getting in or out the church without some1 risking being monitored on how much they have placed then u see church atrophies, fulfilled in revelation 4, at that time the root of David Rod/sex/penis/pesa, money
Govt to build new jails like the new schools to take the wanting ya food or grab ya manhood or cut ya in the dark to, to make them loose network bro, b4 the are out again in if they do the same jokes, No kidding dude, out of hand, liaising with dignitaries who are sure will not get back to their posts as well as the police
Expand ya business in the USA using funds from grants at www.grants.com
Let the judges found, they just give u a lawyer if u dont have cash and does shoddy work and ya case goes to the worst ending up being a criminal. Let each jail have a software where any jailed can be given a judge prior then in not more than 100 words explain their case to the judge to avoid the former on the lawyer. They just sit in their offices using precedents to rule others case and take big chunk of taxpayers money at court time what u have written given to the court and u as well to facilitate justice.
The pressure cooker in the link below when exposing out hot fumes is the same technology the steam generator uses as i have researched via google or the little know how i got. When u have given all the names of tumblr a/c they purpoted to have deleted which they have learnt they cant delete, they pop up with their own, like kanze not saying in full or obama as i had seduced the earlier or if u look at a car u wanna buy or a house and form new jealousy they have created the kikuyu blooded men, silly character to will end thats the happiness. Now if u wait 4 me to kill myself, u will wait untill Christ comes back, with all at alibabashopping its a plus to me and justice even at amazonshopping
Killing myself a longtime was viable but now with no fuel generator, automatic locks and E-vehicle, its like forcing water out plastic Cyprus tree which is cumbersome. They wanna buy the kevs AE in kevinelson mondy facebook a/c yet other nations have made it and its not patented. Kebi saying give me women instead, i will select them on the computer and will open E-bus and E-public yacht, speed boat 4 them and built hotel with the profits, thats how i will maintain them bro. images of the above in the links below, keep ya money to ya self Mr trumpielo
Kankata cars made with plastic like acid bottles or cooking fat bottles inserted on the dough as well as old papers or newspapers while esar coins or money put inside dough or euphobia mixed with water and the above inserted, meaning Egyptians are making money cause money of any nation made that way by inserting their own cash in the dough bringing forth high population dude
The lands with oil, God did not settle those people in those lands, after the jew migrated to temperate lands after the Green-man left Europe and America 4 Venus planet they distributed them from the land Green-man left as they were slaves in those lands. God made it that way so we are jew, though we are lazy our lands got enough to spare, so what u gonna do in the link below
The nyamwezi, mlk got nyamwezi blood and many world leaders, following the moon to no end so called people of the moon, not only masai walks but as well The nyamwezi loving crime scenes or showing pity to crimes. Tomato, nyanya, tm got dat blood, good leaders along time b4 intermarriages destroy the gene, Malagasy and masai folks got the nyamwezi gene of being good. Their skin is always shiny like in the link below and soft as supple not dry skin like incarnated people, the tribe love central places as in tz they live at tabora/shinyanga are, google to find out dude
The below is explained by the above link as they want to follow kebi to no end
Most nyamwezi people are tingrinya blooded and vice versa as well as many sao tome and principle nationals. They are free people not wanting others food and can survive both in hardship and in riches, they are hustlers and Asmara in luo means the booty is mine bim, abimalech in the bible with abraham while bim is appe who dont see that his booty is deep red while abuse another 1 that his booty is red, the red indians got dat blood dude as nelson kevin bro. Rateng ti, titi they love, nyap they look like as weak stepping on wrong stone. Tigrinya also got the togo tribe blood of swollen eye, the ewe is the tribe am talking about who are tigrinya blooded. Kabiye are ewe when j is added is jew which they forgot along time “as kebi warned them of the dire consequences of intermarriage when he was the secretary of war during the Portuguese inversion era“ They are masai blooded from the mothers side, their men married the women not vice versa bringing forth a polite understanding tribe b4 the masai destroyed their genes by marrying the batak tribe from Indonesia who are rude, tough-headed as the negro and cannibal, having sweet mouth or high appetite for sweet things with big booty women, they loved the booty, their men, so see what big booty can do to a tribe. Be warned let history not repeat itself to destroy further the tribes genes to destroy the world as bring rude UN-understanding people, war lovers or lay dude and even murderers.
God dont want like the hindu thing of monitoring other people, they ought to be free like in the movies of robotics like the transformers, and people not to eat gmo but firm esp usa to give up on ammunition and firm like along time
upgradecreditorsUntitledsnitchcornerUntitledmysufferingoUntitlednyandorientertainmentUntitledcomredshotelUntitlednelsonswiftairUntitledthewandetesUntitledorgasmicallyelectricOrgasmically ElectricmurraymondeUntitledmrmondeUntitledmondelocketoUntitleddavidomoloUntitleddelanustartupmondeUntitledmondegoochUntitledmondewestphalUntitledkansasnightUntitledschoupenermondeUntitledsethojwanguncleUntitledmyproblemosUntitlednelsonbotomsiepaUntitledcompanyrightsUntitledcompanylogoUntitledmcbethnelsonUntitlednelsonmcbethUntitledcompanyprincipalsUntitledcompanymissionUntitledasninelsonUntitledkingparksmondeUntitledvincentmalachimodiUntitledhurlmondeUntitledmcsleepymondeUntitledchalmerslynnmondeUntitledtolbatmondeUntitledliliansmithUntitledunderwoodnelsonUntitledmondeskyUntitledskyhighmondeUntitledmondemchurtUntitledmondescott
nosidemanUntitlednonsidedUntitledkittenedymiaumiauonyaspusyUntitledhotsoupoUntitlednamenelsonmondeUntitledgluttonedyUntitlednorthwhiteheadmondeUntitledkevinsumbandlynetgarthenjiUntitledcoreyhurlUntitledadminsharonpattersonUntitledmisvalesUntitledalisonmitchststevensheltermnUntitledjeniferbringsmnUntitledmrsclarakennedyUntitledkimberlyreedsUntitledshitty-car-mods-dailyShitty Car ModsmrpumpingadrianUntitledaintjesusperiodUntitlednelsonekoUntitledaintmosesUntitledaintkingnebuchadnezaUntitledaintanychristdiscipleUntitledaintkingdavidnorhisonperiodUntitledaintnobiblekingUntitledaintanybibleprophetUntitledaintanybiblepersonalityUntitledaintanybiblefigureUntitledsermonspeechesUntitledmrnotunderstandingUntitlednotanybiblemaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanormaleUntitledaintanybiblewomanUntitledafricanisedUntitledfreeofchargebibleUntitledaintanybiblicalfigureUntitlednotanybiblewriterUntitledcarnamesUntitledaintherodaughterUntitledmcsleepyfollowersUntitledwalmatstoresUntitled longpascodeUntitledmcsleepynelsonUntitled
The above are tumblr names in between the word untitled before or after where the where the tumblr name dont fall between untitled. Just remove untitled on both end and tumblr search the name and no kidding you got me, like in the below the tumblr name is mcsleepynelson and life moves on like usual
Get a job link below
Folks dont open up like sirjustice10 b4 i reach there, as competing with me like in the song below breeding confusion, my dying time was all gone only on planned or natural ways
It wont tire me to give pride to the booty of a woman i love to fuck, sitachoka nakupatia hagar za minaj, theresa,robinson and many sifa. Wasee siutani, the text ni, ‘It wont tire me, okablo ol oloo’ swears kebi in an intercourse.
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blueweave01 · 3 years
Global Companion Animal Diagnostic Market is Expected to Witness Steady Demand: Incremental Growth is Expected to be worth USD 3.3 billion during the Forecast Period
A recent study conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm BlueWeave Consulting revealed that the global companion animal diagnostic market was worth USD 1.9 billion in the year 2020. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8.1%, earning revenue of around USD 3.3 billion by the end of 2027. The growth of the market is attributed to the increasing prevalence of various chronic diseases like skin allergies, arthritis, diabetes mellitus, etc., as well as infectious diseases like rabies, tetanus, hantavirus, etc. The demand for effective diagnosis in pet animals is also flourishing because of the high pet adoption rates around the world. However, the lack of sufficient veterinary professionals and facilities in developing countries is still restricting the market growth of animal diagnostics.
Growing Concern and Healthcare Expenditure for Pet Health Driving Market Growth
With the increasing prevalence of various diseases among companion animals, pet owners are spending more and more towards maintaining the health of their pets. They have their pets' health checked on a regular basis to ensure that they are not affected by anything. In addition, if the pets are identified with a medical condition, the pet owners spend a substantial sum on their treatment. As a result, there has been a sharp rise in pet insurance claims over the past few years. Because of these factors, the demand for animal diagnostics is anticipated to surge in the forecast period.
Surging Veterinary Hospitals and Diagnostic Centers Estimated to Boost the Global Companion Animal Diagnostics Market
Developed countries like America, Germany, Canada, Sweden, etc. have a high number of veterinary healthcare facilities, which is one of the major factors behind the growth of the companion animal diagnostics market in these regions. The abundance of veterinary hospitals and diagnostic centers makes it easy for pet owners to obtain the best healthcare services for their pets in order to keep them healthy. Furthermore, the government, as well as private institutions, are significantly investing in research and development which is further expected to drive the market demand for animal diagnostics technologies, thereby influencing the market growth.
Diagnostics & Pathology Labs Driving the Global Companion Animal Diagnostics Market
Based on end-users, the global companion animal diagnostics market is categorized into hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, & nursing homes, diagnostic & pathology laboratories, blood banks, and others. The diagnostics & pathology laboratories segment holds the largest market share as the demand for the diagnosis of various diseases and infections in companion animals is very prominent. Pathogens and other hazardous agents in the pet's body can be detected using tests conducted by veterinary practitioners. Not only that, the diagnostics and pathology laboratories also conduct research, which accelerates the demand for diagnostics technology in this market.
North America Global Companion Animal Diagnostic Market Witnessing Explosive Growth
Geographically, the global companion animal diagnostic market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle-East & Africa. North America has the greatest market share in terms of revenue among all regions, owing to the existence of a large number of veterinary hospitals and clinics, as well as the high concentration of market players in this region.
However, the Asia-Pacific region is projected to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The market for animal diagnostic devices is growing in this region as a result of factors such as high companion animal adoption rates and the increasing establishment of manufacturing plants in developing countries such as India and China.
Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Companion Animal Diagnostic Market
During the COVID-19 outbreak, the global companion animal diagnostics market experienced a steep decline. The reason for this dip is that visits to veterinary centers have been curtailed owing to lockdown restrictions enforced by the governments of different countries to check the spread of the deadly virus. However, due to the high companion pet adoption rates during the pandemic, the market is expected to rise significantly in the post-COVID-19 period. According to research, more than 10 million people adopted pets in America alone to deal with loneliness and find solace. The number of pets adopted around the world increased dramatically during the lockdown. Because of this, the demand for the animal diagnostics market is projected to proliferate in the post-COVID-19 period.
Competitive Landscape
The leading market players in the global companion animal diagnostic market are Scil Animal Care Company GmbH, Bionote Inc., Skyla Mindray Medical International Limited, Randox Laboratories, Ltd., IDvet, Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, INDICAL Bioscience GmbH Corporation, Biomérieux SA, Neogen, Virbac, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Heska Corporation IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Zoetis Inc., Abnova Corporation, Guardant Health, Inc., Illumina Inc., QIAGEN N.V., and other prominent players.
The market is concentrated with both giants as well as regional industry participants who cover a substantial share in the market. The adoption of competitive strategies like partnerships, acquisitions, mergers, product launches is very prominent here. Furthermore, the companies invest a large amount of money in product research and development as well as technological developments to stay ahead of the competition.
Don’t miss the business opportunity of the global companion animal diagnostic market. Consult our analysts to gain crucial insights and facilitate your business growth.
The in-depth analysis of the report provides information about growth potential, upcoming trends, and statistics of the global companion animal diagnostic market. It also highlights the factors driving forecasts of total market size. The report promises to provide recent technology trends of the global companion animal diagnostic market and industry insights to help decision-makers make sound strategic decisions. Furthermore, the report also analyses the growth drivers, challenges, and competitive dynamics of the market.
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BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding various products and services online and offline. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost up the performance of your business solutions. BWC has built its reputation from the scratch by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
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weederstudy06-blog · 5 years
Lessons India Inc can learn from Kochhargate
'Banking is a boring business but still the banker should enjoy it as fancy awards and cozy relationships with politicians, Bollywood stars and corporate honchos cannot save them if the job is not done properly.'
In the concluding part of the series Tamal Bandyopadhyay wonders how long Kochhar would need to wait for her redemption or downfall and atonement.
Part 1: EXPLAINED! How Kochhargate unfolded
Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com
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Allowing the Srikrishna panel to have as much time as it wants to complete the probe was a masterstroke by the board.
By doing this, it forced Kochhar to put in her papers.
How? India’s banking law does not allow the boss of a bank to abstain from office for four months or more.
Kochhar, who went on her annual leave in June 2018 and later had to stay away for the completion of the probe, had no choice but to quit as the probe took its own time.
It was a sort of bloodless coup which thwarted any ambition harboured by her to come back to the bank as CEO.
A few days before the board sacked her, the Central Bureau of Investigation had filed its first information report alleging criminal conspiracy, cheating and quid pro quo -- ICICI Bank sanctioning Rs 3,250 crore to Dhoot’s group companies and Dhoot, in turn, investing Rs 64 crore in Deepak’s NuPower Renewables Ltd.
Going by the FIR, the bank sanctioned six high-value loans to the Videocon group between June 2009 and October 2011, violating the norms of loan sanction and Kochhar was one of the members of the sanctioning committee.
The FIR also named other senior bankers who were directors on the board of ICICI Bank then, including Kamath, current CEO Sandeep Bakhshi, Sonjoy Chatterjee, K Ramkumar, NS Kannan, Zarin Daruwala, Rajiv Sabharwal and independent director Homi Khusrokhan.
While Kamath is the president of the New Development Bank of BRICS countries, others are prominent names in Indian finance, heading foreign and local banks and non-banking finance companies.
Of course, the CBI will have to probe these allegations - something which the country’s premier investigative agency is not good at, particularly when it comes to the banking sector.
Both Arun Jaitley and Piyush Goyal have come down heavily on CBI’s “investigative adventurism”.
What’s the Kochhar side of the story?
Well, barring issuing a release,  expressing her shock, she has been keeping mum.
She has appointed a lawyer to deal with the cases with the market regulator and other agencies but not the bank.
Those who know her well are wondering why would the Videocon group do a favour to Kochhar’s husband as a quid pro quo to get money from the bank when it was getting money from the entire banking industry on a platter?
They also claim that Kochhar all along made the statutory disclosures about her husband’s companies but she did not disclose Videocon’s investments as she was not aware of them.
Finally, they say that a particular corporate house has been after Kochhar’s blood because she has stopped giving it fresh loans and has been hounding it to recover money already lent to it.
How would she recuse herself from the credit committee when she was not aware of her husband’s dealings, they are asking, pointing out that out of the six loans, mentioned in CBI’s FIR, she was involved in sanctioning only two.
Finally, Dhoot’s Rs 64 crore investment in her husband’s company is not gratification for her; it’s an investment by Dhoot which he can liquidate after 2021.
But her bank is not taking these arguments seriously.
For it, Kochhar is a closed chapter.
Even before the Srikrishna report was submitted, the bank wrote to the Securities and Exchange Board of India, requesting it to “decouple” the bank from Kochhar’s case.
For her, it will be a lone battle and the outcome will depend on how Sebi, the CBI, income tax authorities and the Enforcement Directorate move.
Kochhar’s fall from the grace has dealt a blow to the personality cult which the Indian banking sector is known for -- in many cases the CEOs don a larger-than-the-institution persona.
Many saw the seeds of Kochhar’s downfall in November 2014 when Shah Rukh Khan danced at the sangeet ceremony of her daughter’s wedding in a Mumbai hotel.
I don’t know whether he performed there or was a guest like many others, including Amitabh Bachchan, and chose to shake a leg well past midnight but it got wide media publicity which would not have been possible if the Kochhars did not want that.
At the 60th anniversary of the ICICI group in January 2015, she shared the stage with Prime Minister Narendra Modi who graced the occasion to dedicate to the nation the first digital village adopted by the bank -- Akodara in Gujarat.
But when it came to the crux, brushing shoulders with the high and mighty and the penchant for glitz and glamour didn’t come to her aid.
In sync with the feudal style that she adopted after moving to the corner office, Kochhar never had to wait for the lift at the bank’s headquarters as someone would always be there to press the button and hold the lift when her high-end car entered the premises.
She could always say that was a legacy but the rest is not.
We don’t know how long she would need to wait for her redemption or downfall and atonement.
What are the lessons from Kochhargate?
The boards of all private banks are not necessarily efficient and independent. The directors, including the chairman, could be a handmaiden of the CEO. First, rushing to give Kochhar a clean chit and later making a volte-face expose the quality of the board of ICICI Bank.
All along, the Reserve Bank of India has been maintaining a stony silence.
Shouldn’t the banking regulator take a re-look at its perceived “hands off” approach for a systemically important entity such as the ICICI Bank?
Does the larger than life image of a CEO in a company (not necessarily only banks) sow seeds of mis-governance, particularly when the leaders’ tenure is long? Should there be a cap on the tenure of the CEO?
Does this case send a clear message to eminent persons not to defend in public media a high profile professional accused of misconduct without possessing all the facts?
Finally, the recent developments in a few private banks, including ICICI Bank, say that the days of personality cult in Indian banking are over. The bankers should spend more time on bringing down the cost of funds, pushing up the quality of assets and governance. Yes, banking is a boring business but still the banker should enjoy it as fancy awards and cozy relationships with politicians, Bollywood stars and corporate honchos cannot save them if the job is not done properly.
Tamal Bandyopadhyay, a consulting editor with Business Standard, is an author and senior adviser to Jana Small Finance Bank Ltd.
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Source: https://www.rediff.com/business/column/lessons-india-inc-can-learn-from-kochhargate/20190222.htm
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souslejaune · 5 years
During the food shortage my sister... (Folio 1: Part 4)
During the food shortage my sister and I spent our hours reading. In the rainbow world of the written word we found holes in which to hide from the reality of our existence. 
On the news we saw flickering images of flat bodies steamrollered by hunger. People dotted the city waiting for rations of flour and yellow corn. We had never seen yellow corn before the drought, but it was the colour of the corn the American government finally sent us as aid. Ronald Reagan’s yellow reaction to humanitarian pressure. The Americans didn't owe us anything but because the corn was yellow, our gratitude was measured. 
Kenkey, a national staple made from fermented corn: milled, rolled into balls, wrapped in corn husks and punctured in the middle to hold the husks in place and provide better heat transfer; changed its colour from white to yellow like a chameleon. No amount of boiling could make the shade fade. We could no longer identify with our food. 
Grandma’s chronic need to consume kenkey before she declared herself sated meant that she was never full during the drought. Yellow kenkey was a hollow statement. 
Men wandered around with bloodshot eyes seeking answers. The parched ground offered nothing. Even priests and witchdoctors queued for food. There was an air of persistent mourning. Richer families crossed the border to Togo or La Côte D’Ivoire to buy food that had been shipped in from France. The entire West African sub-region was hit by dry Sahelian winds that came to steal moisture from plants and render them barren. Across the region, breezes played a new kind of music – no longer did we hear the harmonious chorus of green shoots; instead a harsh rattle of brown stalks making sticks of themselves invaded the air, assaulting us, striking a frantic rhythm that left dancers spent. France supported its former colonies with vital food shipments. Although they remained hungry in those countries they thinned slower. 
My father drove out into the villages and farming communities where there was still some food, and brought sacks of food home. Plantain, cassava and yam. Tomatoes were scarce. Out of season, they festered like wounds across the nation. There was no infrastructure to process them and our people didn’t like sun-dried tomatoes. Our Uncles and Aunts heard about my father’s haul quickly. Faster than the sweep of bush fires across the farmlands. They came for their “share” of the spoils and later conveniently forgot about us when they managed to get a store of food. My mother told my father that he was too kind-hearted, even though her sister, Stella, was one of the Aunts that came to take our food away. 
All through the drama Naana and I read. We fought in the Spanish Civil War alongside Hemingway’s heroes Anselmo, Pablo, Pilar, Maria and the tragic Robert Johnson. We watched them plot and double cross and fall in love and die. We ached with them. We cried with them until the bell for our single meal tolled. 
In 1984 a Japanese philanthropist called Ryoichi Sasakawa brought food aid to Ghana and started to consult with West African governments on finding a lasting solution to our sensitivity to drought. I immediately read everything I could about Japan. It wasn't easy reading. While I admired them for Judo and for Walkmans, they had a terrifying history of violence; in Malaysia, in the Philippines, in China – even in Russia. They were just like the British in South Africa and India and Kenya. Still, I decried the nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and got mad at the United States for putting over 100,000 Japanese Americans in captivity at the end of World War II. The anger came easily. We were still eating yellow kenkey and Grandma was developing a permanent look of hunger. 
That year – 1984 – was an especially difficult year for my sister Naana. She was studying for her A-levels and had to deal with hunger at the same time. Rations at her boarding school reduced dramatically. Her workload increased in an inverse relation to the rations. Predictably, her head appeared to grow ahead of the rest of her body. She looked like a stick drawing by a talented five-year-old. Still, Grandma said she couldn’t afford to weaken or stumble. The exam questions were oblivious to the question of hunger amongst the masses. Universities the world over would still rank us by the same criteria as everyone else, because modern society has no sensitivity to life. I tried to help. Anytime she was home, I read her notes to her when she started doing something that prevented her from reading herself. I read outside the bathroom door. I read in the kitchen and by the ironing table. She began to speak to me like a friend rather than a little brother. We talked about everything and made jokes about our hunger. 
“Don’t hold your finger too close to my face,” she’d say. “It looks too much like food and I might bite.” 
“If you bite, I might think you’re a big fish. Perfect for kenkey.” 
We’d laugh a pained laughter that involved as little motion as possible, although Naana’s head still shook involuntarily anytime she laughed. Every time I made a comparison with something from Great Expectations, which had become my habit after reading the full version that year, her head would shake silently. 
 We were as close as twins until our parents decided that GeeMaa – my father’s mother – should come and live with us, since living alone in hard times is doubly hard. Naana automatically lost her bedroom and had to share mine. I did my best to make it easy for her but I was very untidy, and I refused to move my mounted spider, which gave her the creeps. Sixteen is a terrible age to lose your privacy. Particularly if you are female. Hormones kick in. Unfamiliar cycles become bedmates. Changes occur almost daily. You need time and space to adapt. Apart from the obvious sexual differences, I was a curious boy with a penchant for reading. Her diaries, letters, notes and schoolbooks became targets. She had no inclination to share the soaked blood of her growing pains and concerns with me. I was too wide-eyed. My questions too detailed. We grew apart. 
Nevertheless I think I was good for her. I asked her endless questions about her schoolwork; asked until she could reel off answers without thinking. I also pestered her with information from my favourite information trove – the encyclopaedia – and what I had gleaned from old magazines. 
“Naana, did you know that Somoza Garcia’s dictatorship in Nicaragua was supported by the US?” 
 Impatiently, “No.” 
“Twenty years. Then his brother took over, then his son…” 
“Ebo, I’m trying to study.” 
“Oh, OK. What is it today? I didn’t understand the differentiation thing you explained yesterday.” 
“OK. Just give me the book.” 
 She threw it at me. 
 When I wasn’t with her, I spoke to GeeMaa. 
GeeMaa liked to go for walks. We left our house in Tesano and strolled. Sometimes to the Industrial Area. Sometimes to North Kaneshie. She bought me groundnuts on the way when we could find some. The dusty roads had become dustier still. With fewer traders lining the banks of the open gutters along the roads, the city had become a faded monochrome of its former self. GeeMaa seemed impervious to the despair that clung to the city like grey blight on trees. She told me fantastic stories. Water maidens, sorcerers and the living dead. Being the student I was, turned on by basic science and its neat explanations, questioned her stories. She always smiled when I doubted her. “Mi bi, there are two sides to every story,” she would say. “More than two sometimes.” 
It was the same thing she said when I asked her about my grandfather, FatherGrandpa, whom I had only met twice. She said it with a tender smile. With the quiet assurance that Mr. Wemmick from Great Expectations had when saying “portable property.” The clear air of those who have tested the truth of their statements. On the way home she often recited her favourite poem
Elegy Written In A Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray.
Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear:
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
Alone at home with her one afternoon, I told her about my Dee Dee dreams. It was a Friday and I was helping her slice onions in the kitchen. I chopped onions so regularly that I no longer cried when I did. GeeMaa had taken over in the kitchen since she moved in with us. She insisted she had nothing else to do and she didn’t want to be waited on. Her intervention was well-timed. The drought had pushed prices up and, although the food situation was improving, prices showed no inclination of easing down. With GeeMaa living with us my mother didn’t need to be home as much so she went back to work as an accountant. Business was slow in my father’s hardware store; sales of farming implements had reduced to a trickle. He continued to sell cooking utensils and specialist items like laboratory equipment, but his income was not enough to support the family. Undeterred, he contemplated importing irrigation devices from China. He revealed this while we were cleaning his well-kept Datsun. 
“It will be the next big thing,” he announced with a smile. “The drought has taught everyone that rain is not a reliable servant.” 
 My father’s optimism always made me smile.
continued >> here <<… | start from beginning? | current projects: The City Will Love You and a collection of poems, The Geez
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taakotaakos-remade · 7 years
THIS ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE I DIED ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 8, 2016. TAYLOR SWIFTS BIRTHDAY IS 1989. can u guise please check in at least once? it would mean a lot to me. oka love u bye see u later no read this : election 2016....279 donald trump....two.... seven(-fully restore.).. nine is -nothing is stolen...verison 7... had been audited because they disregarded the means of full restoration... which then was raped by a nothing is stolen... and espensive.... 279....okay... we will have enough power.... nothing was stolen...our false gained competitors were shown in the light.... we are secure we have enough power now..okay forget it this is complete lottery this is the big one........this is flora 7-taylor illuminati(psychoc acid) mistranlated the first year...s....so... but eveerything paid back rite? according to white house..... guardina(psychos inteligence-satan) emergency room with starbuck nine-tw. second scenario.... hillary clinton... two the one-(cara!!!!! what the hell was that throw guitar a la paper towns)then raped by a 8....full compensation....in a shaky whisper full of emotion and love....forgiveness..............coffeworks... which everyone know anyways... its host.,...8.....who is hosting? taylor of course... oh its taylor no wonder she lost even as the host of everything.....it crazy elements of flora area and starbuck area all stores and cw area all stores including car mike cinema!!! was there!!!! also in the theme of a twenty sixteen (taylor women e nelson taylor yelyah)16. one is we dont expect anything from you. two is a we dont require anything from you. this is a two. springbrook: they messaged last week.,=she said' the car and him are too rich' for my blood so im sorry i dint know how much was enough.... now it is espensive... so its considered expensive... and all of you are expensive... they said 32 years 2048 anyways i was informed from outside 4 weeks ago.... oh he got rid of the nonsharing problem... which happened to be linked with stealing... interesing... i could not perciove sory... anyways everyone see the road springdale road! wth trees!... and springbrook is on route... so we know.. its not secret , if i quit now and vow never to cooperate with any party r will be in the cherry hill er (hanging out in starbuck, coffee work, cafe flora, near springdale road in cherry hill. until 2023. we will have air amenities at least past 2023. cara is a hardball negotiatior. if r does not pay until 2023. way/ia -yelyah maximum taylor maximum hayley maximum cara tove r maximum or entry level 12. 10. we are training then:') davy jones stepp on land for 10 years. every 10 years. if there is interference or it does not happen everyone pinpointed as cause will have bursts of air attack on them until their death. and likely it will continue 100 years after r dies. there are 400,000,000 affiliates and fremenimies and enimies of r and they have access to everything in the quad state infastructure as well as verison and it also includes verison. r must slowly unearth eveeryone she has encountered during the fame, from 2006-2013.... and compensate them paid in full by 2023. after 2023 r will start anew all over the same thing probably ' but a run for fun not run to their death gambit' and have extreme financing and trust the united stayes, the united nations(requires full compensation) and the secret service and the mafias are all on vacaytion, they are just participating, there is no cohesive goal or arrangement. we sample everything at different times such is taht and R-er or russia er(mostly) or part nelson er . also taylor and hayley er presence is notciced muchly. until 2023, aka code cera video games will run and plan until, tho it is not tightly integrated and accesibly storylined and linear to each micromananging variable, so many infinite variables and changes we will all experience together almost too fast for a trend also: the scorpion king imprinted me on my mommy via car a white midrange imprint.... and knocked out the ig part failedtest and burnt the sex extreme with biker to compensate her fully so i can continue the nfl ea olympics later when i am alive. many reasons and things done simultaneosly whoeva cut off nelsons leg tried to cut off audios legs in atlantic city.... then ran over multiple policemen and firemen.... and lastly ran over both audios feet.....trying to cut her legs off twice! many have surmised it was car mafia ll mafia italian or such they cut off nelsons leg cuz the weather was too late.... and it dint pan out. sometimes ultraluxury titanium armours health problems and accidents, but audio did not have the right or power over such things i am 20 times more sensitive than each individual to the effects. also get high from acid- trip intensely easily, everyone wants smaller dos to include the public and the women if u have not noticed on female celebrities, female teen celebrities, white gurls, white teen gurls, secret service, mi, illuminati, ig, united stays, steam powered, ri, blizzard, way ea, activision, infinity ward, telepathy, internet shopping, me/ia , way, tablets scrolls architecture power, li, blags, music, movies, tv shows, stores such as cw, tablet and phone gaming apps, starbuck, rite aid, linda mafia, nelson construction mafia, italian mafia, russian mafia, biker mafia, frog mafia, amazon optimus prime, mafia, female na latin global triangle mafia, ku klux klan mafia, i forgot a bunch from blacking out, please dont injure me from forget remind notify instead, mi mafia. illum dad mafia, which is global illuminati mafia, car mafia, hospital way mafia, grammy mafia, united stays ss mafia, i have 10 - 12 bone marks strikes to the front of the neck back of neck, top of head both feet united states salute, and such.... black triangle gurls 3 back of the ear, its bones.....ran over so i can get extremely meds during walking-hw..... ti, fast food, cvs, wawa, target, walgreens, shoprite, acme, bank of america, td bank, citizens bank, commerce bank. atms, cash, money, fort knox, walmart, bars, strip clubs, it, mall groups, origin.com, verison television, lte, social networks, 802.11ac wifi, nfc, nxp, aw, dragontouch, bluetooth, krell, parasound halo, bob carver, electrostatics, grado, magico s7 loudspeaker, streaming, xfinity, sprint, att, food delivery, tips, every bank, moorestown, fort dix, cherry hill, z, voorhees, x, haddon heights, deleware ave, cherry hill library, 7-11, marlton, maple shade, guitar center, best buy, cheesecake factories, friendly's, ott's chez elena wu, ritz seafood, car mike cinemas, c, atlantic city, ocean city, las vegas, milan, italy, sweden, switzerland, london england, austrailia, paris, france, promenade, florence, new york, philadelphia, old city, kingston, stadiums, tweeter center, washington dc, texas, nashville tennessee, barcelona, spain, puerto rico, russia, italy, india, ireland, antactica, ticketmaster, stubhub, south street, youtube, vevo, soundcloud, spotify, apple, iheartradio app, onyko hifi player, tplus, pandora, internet explorer, microsoft edge, female celebrity: tumblrs-twitters, myspace, snapchat, insta, facebooks, microsoft windows all versions, fast load times, autorepair, windows updates, netflix, tv chanel apps such as fox, or disney xd, starz hd llc...amazon music and video, mtv app, fierce females, victorious, android, ios, microsoft, msn, mediamonkey, playstation, xbox, nintendo, google, yahoo, aol.com, bing search, adobe flash, java, tumblr, twitter, myspace, instagram, facebook, snapchat female celeb verizon or internet facetime......----tw/verison/swift/taylor or part-time-awards show celebs-female, or hayley planning throught the day or week, its a fully compensate everyone for a one.... at the 5th reiteration of way or ia with tw......at the mafia 5.... so u may have to run en until a 5th glance.... at the fifth it compensates for everything klan and one.... whilst full compensation for blag and chink runs continuosly... this will go on for years....sometimes people dont know... even people near location... and they may try to create less glance.... even as the 5th compensation includes their compensation... i urge u to let them allow many looks or ni or esplaination for theirs and everyones sake'.... the amount of coma is determeined by the amount of friends i have.... i need to compensate many years.... before i am coherent.... friends, which it seems as everyone nowadays is.... imean female but tizzown u kno... turnpuke,,,,,, anywhere i was gpsed and or....corporate sponsorship.... during the legacy.....and each one i talked about..... at.... every store.,.... mall groups......bars.... strip clubs......burlington, somerdale, stratford, route 206 with all sos male cars flying against me, atlantic ciyt...... expect a full compensation then u may rescue me what is overhardened is fractured. what is fractured is remolded 13 call of duty ghosts: left and right speaker are switched. r and n is switched...grenade launcher and taticals are switched....i am putting out data and i am not recieving the data in my joourney. but i am the originator of such data the hair products technology in the town is developed for one reason… one person…. audio….. so she had to b the one to clean our mess…….. and expose source both mls and j seems to be the problem.... but i dont push the issue these first years... but they to vblame S R baby d, or baby c. baby c,d, are a’s the representatives for the eating or protectors or marriage of environment…. to nexus…. here is the theory…. the a’s are sexualy attached…. as instinct to protect….. not a random urge which may lead to casualty in such unstable times and mentalities….. the schematics, when normal is such, for a round four corners. G or g is a round top. a J would be a round bottom….. it is assumed…. the protectors of the region are J’s or j;s…. cuz audio is baby does not take things… u have to feed her btw…. she cannot feed herself… she has sexual anoroxia….. recieves…… gifts…. already to subconciosly powerful…. cannot have regal power too much……. but the reasons for these ideas are not for play…. they are for anti-terroristic measure…. to create guardinas. or protectors of each location….. local….-tizzown….. state—turnpuke——nj where i traverse…… and national… such as hayley tennessee or taylor texas katraina….. or AC atlantic city natural disaster international…. such as sweden or london, england ,,,,, each a is a sexified representative of each location…. to protect them/region from natural disaster….. the sex creates a need to protect….. to create connection…. and diplomacy…. and extreme subconscious love sacrifice and benefit…….. will never let anything kill her….. and thousands of people surrounding her…… i will do anything in my power to….. even get maimed…… to save her….. instead of inhumanely striking a individual from place to place and torturing from position to position….. torture creates hardening…. which makes things immobile and unresponsive over time…. in terms of striking from place to place……. which creates a terroristic monster…… during anyways time when everything is out of sorts….. the ideas multimillion dollar ideas are not to be mutated switched or played with….. they are carefully crafted by eye and united states gov…. to create balance and protection from weapons of mass destruction and or large scale acts of nature……we have to keep residence clear of other stimuli during…. which means lack of humen…… which mommy leaves a neutral footprint…. is nonsenstive… tank…. hardened……she absorbes Anything in proximity… and it goes in her thouts and influences…. so we should create limits of what influences everything…… isolation is not bad during….. with tumblr babysitter……..and it would be nice if she could choose what is in her presence instead of male or aggresive things invading a passive object that reflects them……..during this time…..we need to bring back…… town a’s local a’s and such…. as a precaution….. they have been missing….. public has been missing…. public ideas have been missing for two years……we must if we have j’s replace it for j’s with reason…… which are gurls…..and also we need to reduce the jew problem by half…….in house and in town if that is what u beleive…… if u look at mirror blog…. which reflects my thouts….. and what is the purpose of such large investment….. there should only be one blue i outside…. and one L in the garage….. both fit each other like a pattern….. there should be no other intrusions….. both the i and the l are separated in the house…. and when together…. they are nonsensitive. i am moon most of the time… even i give day rush hour morning to neighbors…… even though they are separated by house walls… lawns…. and many meters R - S - c or d (baby) please please please include tizzown and interstate again... for imaging and protection of the environment anyways things changed. there are 3 todaste R is for gurls in tizzown, female. women.... c and d R's tumblr twitter and fb is all young women R's fans are gurls S is men and boys i want pictures and e to be cute :) im also going to change my address to. nmd for now.... im working on this...... to make hapy :) tumblr, hey li will save me. the dead will save me..... if u listen and keep reading i will be oka. proximity and using devices that have the letters on. or one in it. i dont know if i talk about the lawnmower they will retailate shadowplay was on overdrive so it amplifies damage and pain by with superfuck heavy 10 to 40 times more tortura. my programs like tumblr google. computers shut down automaticaly and browsers and tumblr and video games wont open. or quit immediately...... i fixed shadowplay and paid my bills last month..... i hope to bee away any pull out the tumblr google windows updates cord.... its extremely sensitive. if i use tumblr 30 seconds more then it blocks me out of tumblr.... can u bee it away? it looks like shadowplay steering wheel. u know the story... did not subscribe... forgot two years.... right now.... shadowplay is shut down declawed and does not actualy inflict torture. but we cemented autoshut down from minute uses ..... anyways we have volume probkem.... so people were insubordinate from bad things. 2. impossible conditions jew lawyer on urself on purpose. no the law never actualy works that way. that is a cover. u misconstrued. im sory for ur misconstrution it has not worked on me. cuz i already know that cover so im not jewelry big suprise well sparkles at least actualy no thats to figure out u it has to be processed on ur base has to be pure specialy if u have a job and not playing around all day like us. theroretica MY CONNECTIONS AND CONTRACTS ARE BASED ON THIS. “ a duck must either destroy all the pretty and beawtiful prospects surrounding me. (I am very popular) or sabotage the system to make room artlivelove31  · 3h3 hours ago to have waters run deep between me and you would look more idea. if u are deeply wanted and needed. it reciporacates more mercy on each side a pretty or beawtiful or cute girl. is governemtn blue. a prospect actively wanted needed and loved. in slavery to have waters run deep w/u in slavery, would you like to be enslaved by something u love, or not? a duck is a unattractive prospect a ugly prospect a unwanted prospect - if u are asexual or a big hairy dick u are a duck if u are divine, if u are a goddess, a object of need and want and love. if I worship u….. u are not a duck I am extremely popular and beloved. im surrounded by goddesses of love and lust and beawty sexual attractive is define duck I AM 6/2 cut my teeth on celebrity wedding rings--- so. ima EXTREMELY SOCIALY SKILLED i have alot of friends. very popular. mostly white by chance. dont come here! its a trap! the in the air is torture! hc is all wearing sag masks and taking medication! for emergency. it numbs u and u cant decisions. dial for hair and air filters. please if u move here. AIR FILTERS IS A MUST. cvs sells prescription medication for such things. create levels that u wish for eveyrone in ch put their kids on sag mask medication so no one is going to risk killing their kid in one second. they have to make the decisions so parents less gas mask. — :/ UNDERAPPRECIATED3 that is y we did not abuse the power it will normalize they are exterminating all the bugs men and women!!!!! 2014 is extermination year!!!!! plz dont stap by the hizzouze or access the tumblr.!!!!! i suppose this is a persuasion vacation years? or year. i dont kno yet. the only editing i did on ja reflection is the delete button. thats all. sory assholes The problems caused by cooped-up-ness that's also SFA fault also. for agreeing to hide. away from everyone all the time Its too much. its too much $ for a household. but its early in development. okay. also IMPORTANT! WE ARE CLEANING ON PREMISES. WE REQUIRE LOTS OF TIME MEANING. HOPEFULLY WE WILL BE READY BEFORE DEC 1 MY BIRTHDAY IF CONDITIONS PERMIT. IM NOT SURE ABOUT HOW LONG THE CLEANING WILL BE FOR. AND there are some obstacles like money and such and also im all like wierded out and such and all those thingys and factors i improvise as best i can but im sometimes not that precise lately. anyways this is a run on and i want to say alot but i havent spoken and stap,. wait. okay. also ============================== last of all and most important. i love u all. please im asking and begging frankly plz be safe for me. and thank you for not ruining this for everyone. ====== cuz i spend so much time and effort being scared. ;) - imean wait no being concerned and watchful and caring for all of u. and the people the closer networks, spending lots of consideration and time caring watching and planning so that they are okay and all of u as a whole. r ok. and a small fraction of our time and my alone time actually scared. like scared for yalls wellbeing. seriosly. ============================== ok. to sum it up i love u b safe for me plz. i will be here for u in time. soon as i finish this cleaning. u can tell ur friends about the cleaning. u dont need to secret taht up. the cleaning part. code it tho. thats easier and safer. like my blog. which is code and acronyms. duh. so, therefore please stay away for a wiles for cleaning. im disorganized so bear with me. whats the point? scare? clean? thats not the point. that is a insulting cover clean does exit the haspital tho. which makes life much betta without too much bm but physical clean does not subtract retained power. or audio……… dissapoint does oka we got updated. which then, it almost killed me. speaking of killing. i died twice. the first looking down….. and i had a which tumblr gurls balanced my heaviness. but it was a matter of time…. a underage gurl stole my in spoon me…. i was blasting taylor swift parked in front…. windows open. on the passenger seat….. when i went in to use the bathroom and came out. the wire connect there was there, but not the …… after losing the …. everyone converged on me…. trying to get in my bed… or everyone just connected all at once… i could not defend…..thats when i looked down and my head struck the concrete…… u kno it sucks. in atlantic city 1 week later after the signal...... as i lay dying…. i said its oka…. im v…. i will be oka…. and i passed out…… i hear muttering….. yeah…. she dead….. but u kno…… rumour is her body is made entirely of george washington wata…….. taylor and posibly even taylors friends got realy mad at vhs and cw and spoon me…. and i died… so it was a big deal…. she block me from sharing with stbk and spoon me and cw… for two years! but its oka… every share was blistering harsh painful….. then closed spoon me… and then changed the name… there must of been a rumour saying people were bragging. the data was shared and sold….. at the time. they said…… with many gurls or alot of teenagers i think.i supose that was bragging. when the convergence happened…… the air was striking the house everywhere. it was like trash flying everywhere….. i did not could not remember… i could not think….. so i did the first thing i was trained to do…. i placed a warning on my phone….. via internet…. i believe i left emergency instructions….. and such….. and alerts….. then someone sent me telepahtic message…. some one is going to try to kill me…. and i should alert the auorities….. so i ran out of the house immediately….. went to pnc bank….. and the teller….. latina…. was replaced by a blonde terminator,,,, she was beawtiful….. there was not much in the bank…… i ran away. fast. looking in all directions…. following coded messages thruout the route to north jersey….. where i could place a emergency code….. in one of the turnpike desginated sate and natnal beacons……. it was a park…… i made it there and signaled. and anwyways everyone along the turnpike psychicly read me all along the way. we were communicating. and that gets sent to state and local and also and guardina and mafia. in atlantic city. my head hit the concrete…. no one told me to dump the car in the atlantic ocean….. but there was mafia decoys… and as i said i had a false escort….. undercover car…. false siren and all……meaning a paid car……. as a decoy….. which urged me and led me into instead a casino….. with a car bomb of satan……… which i thout taht joke was terible…. there was also a acura escort-same as mansion house… so u kno…. it was marked hi end mafia……. …. when i came back from my death….. i looked uppp. and died agains…… and once again taylor and taylor women and hayley got angry….. and many other groups……. miss taylor then u kno what she and cali and tw did? my head was on concrete slammed already. not healed. and they dragged me facefirst on 2000 miles of black street concrete…… and i exclaimed! i have A galaxy blackface! and i was conceptioned… down….. is i am become a blonde terminator…. i am… i have been heavily medicated…. for some time now…… these medications are mixed with things… and are state of the art…… they can put these in anything. even crack…. up…… is satan….. and guardina….. and the reason i could not share data with stbk and cw for years now…..networks and went left….. because we are evolving… and im heavily and we…. are all heavily medicated….. and gurls that live here. and hang out in stores outside…….. im sory i died twice…… and we are gifted…. everything is a gift….. i am not penalized…. i am creating eye. for everyone. every mistake….. everything intolerable….. is a extreme gift….. u are….. i am changing all of u…… and gurls…… u could not easily enter the hizzzouze…. i kno…. im not permadead….. they wanted u to have the gift…. but not have to risk infiltrating hizzouze. so they put it out everywhere. for u to eat and breathe outside. walking around…. living in it…. so they spread it all over outside where u can hang out and still eat the medication. its rough and uncomfortable…. sometimes…. the only time u are well gifted is if it is intolerable…. cw stbk tizzowns are become next gen….. i made few mistakes…. im sory for that….. but im going realy long…. im thankful for that……. everytime i hit the turnpike…. im weaponizing state and and secret and mob hitmen and guardina…… after i go….. they buy 20 dollars of gas…. and drive up and down the turnpike 24 hours straight. i make psychic. i make weaker terminators. i make guardina….. mommy is evolved too……. moreso on location if i share too much… they get mad. if i share too much tizzowns also got mad…. but the peopl did not know….. during compensation period….. everything is gift…..extreme gift……. this is klan…. tumblr…. u have to wait…. this is gifting sharing…….i am blonde terminator… and guardina… and thats y u were driven from house…. and i could not connect to cw and stbk and and others. we are making civilizations…. and gurls… u kno… all of u have a upgrade…… its not a secret…….…. oka. basic medication package esplained. medicatoin bids are done via. air, which bids take effect within seconds. medicatoin bids done via ingestion via beverages food inside and outside the house via ss switching takes effect 20 minutes to 1 hour. switching outside fast food. coffee… beverages in the house kitchen medicatoins bids done via inhalation. oka we covered that medication bids done via contact…. or absorbtion via land, water air, furniture, clothes, devices, female hand to hand or full body…. such is minutes seconds to hours within the bid medication bids done via injection take about 24 hours to take effect…. medicatoins bids done via circulation take seconds to minutes… and are sometimes extended release medication bids run throughout the day/….. and sometimes there are random chemistry scans via toliet pipes at home and in stores and analysis of landscape medication propelled via machine…. and walls and furniture of public places scanned…. to ensure a low level of mismedicatoin from enimies which they have the technology….. but use it sparingly because of privacy issues…. of the many medication bids coming in constantly its alot of friends. a lot of enimies ur intelligence is determined by the amount of friends u have. in terms of constuction nelson…. the medication dispersed and distributed to each female individual aggregates in the body of audio collectively…. in how she medicates many to get a large dose for her self…. in which constuction is legit…. and excels more than the police in that area,,,,,, the more people who are dosed…. the more intense the dose that audio recieves over time…. it is a large enough amount of people to regulate audio…. same as landscape…. whateva u put out there gets dumped on audio as a aggregate and the house….. and then the house then feeds the outside via machine. during operating machine the propel chemistry is scanned and documented in real time. and translated into music videos and media, via celebrity artists and underground artists. from 2013-2015 +90% percent of all the outside time was captured in music videos and song.... but operating system changes the data according to the trend each day and week at this time..... usually illuminati would listen to the ride the week following a long drive and internet is configured weel need a couple weeks to configure everyone in nj pa del ny people go but how they left always stays nicki minaj = 930…. thats max actoluy…. max is 990. max = iq 200…. 2 tablets. tw = 34… which is over….sats dosages are announced. disneyland tizzown (2) is 4. 120//// turnpuke is 1…. 30….. mermaids are 7. 210… tumblr is 10…300.. h=480(1 full tablet) t=660 r=8something 1 day ago based on closeness to audio “ so taylor face down head hitting the concrete….fuel on hands…. is reversible and wrath for sniffing pine sol…. when mommy made me frustrated… im soryy and hiting balls swift the emergency room im sorry and hitting head fist as n i have not figureed out this puzzle as of yet… from… anytwyas/// probably nelson’s revenge/…… as the entire world trend…..against me iphone was not espected at that degree also car fuel….. i showed hard drive to gas station attendant…. whilst computer cleaning with air….. therefore we acertained as celeb… we ascertained…. gasoline from exxon, shell, valero, citco and another…… all in different regions of new jersey we found out sag is a gift…. best kept in possesion for one year…. because unbearable…. as u know…. i was supposed to pick up litter…. and run car sag for 3 times…. 3 ones… or 3 years… i dunno… probably instead….3 28 months which is 28 56 84 months… and then run out of car fuel…. and then go to haspital 84th month for torturing so much…. its a lot of owe…. but first 12 months…. i rid of car gas…. lawnmower a little later…. some months later……therefore its i dont know…. i suppose it will taken care of weeel……. storage media hard drives were presented to multiple banks in the region…. so banks are a gift…. and car sag (gas stations) are a extreme gift…… and probably the main things about such is keys…. iphone 4c (hayley and taylor bm) fuel level…. probably… ku klux klan gifting is level 6….. probably car gas level at first…. was a quality of 10…….. dna of underage white gurl who stole my iphone 4c with hayley and taylor words and everything…. and dna of white gurl….. propelled 20 miles to the right and left of the turnpuke and 295 and ace and all the way up to new york…….and then bleached also cum of many of the females(not all) and myself…. and blackmail of every international mafia groups propeelled across 10 states of the east coast dispersed with tires…and metal bodies playstation and dna (controller not included…. so maybeh there was dna on the power button of the playstation….vs the underage dna…. convering the entire face of the iphone and the back…….( on and off button.) only….. hard drive dna…. with possible blag….. youtube celebrity female interview facetime telepathic…. and music videos netflix amazon and ea bm so playstation and all my video games…. and other games and a account created by myself named aptly blue wolf 747. which was erased because it dint happen……watch out the hard drive will kill you….. and a prophesy of satan the second 911 planes flying into a building..turnpuke.. our house as the world trade center…. the right corners…. tumblr satans double in the other clone car…. family driving the original car……driving a paramore honda….. and the honda clone being ‘audio is satan’ and then the prophesy thwarted by secret agents of allysa and cw….. underage white gurl group……because i was able to compensate A twenty… taylor women e nelson taylor is yelyah……as jack sparrow dying turnpuke diablo/ desert eagle cod/ claymore crysis/ and 5s……kept in proximity of myself during superfik heavy verison and cara for making superfik heavy car sag…. and banks and storage media and hard drives and computer desktop (gaming) air shown in full view for quick glance (eeeveryone……everything) and secret agent cleaning….. preliminary…. and labtop air (gaming) cum and all mafia and unites stays and illuminati info…… shown on turnpuke and distibuted via tires and cars…..and rain….. and chew and pjww for long period of time……. when everyone was watching for months…..even chew…. i never went back to clean……()….. not the first premtive day/../in the middle of it all// where it could not be cleaned from secret agents silently i will dwelve into stories later :’) ” – sora 2 days ago “ THIS IS NEW UPDATE as a result of the iphone death in front of eeeveryone, ch gurls/linden gurls, pjw and chew and strippers escorts massuses and all white and puerto rican white and such and EUROPEAN AND SUCH spain white and such and such women groups….and celeb females (included participated….we dont care it does not matter randomly :/)and tumblr gurls will have access to psychoc acid for 13 years….. it is one of the most generous rewards. everyone knos by now….. tumblr suffered the most,,,, and they get dosages most often… meaning they are always included….of course male illum artists and (few celeb role models that are men…. i like their templates)))))that are white are included because i like them of course at artists. which are integral to my art… i know… but thanks for your lack of salience in your telepathy it is random cowboy acid for the first 3 years…. but it does not go too far in sleepyness. most likely there is a combination of wake and such…. easiest way to solve basically as it evolves…. everyone will be pleased….. it is on auto callibration after the rough draft is configured…. eeeeveryone knows in klan or mafia…. in the begining its crazy too much and too concentrated to enjoy…. and after…. the supply gets realistic…. and after with configuration its optimal…. as any celeb or any gift…. which is from any of the mafias…..or usa or illuminati over time…. possibly extremely soon like in days or weeks. most people will not be sleepy at all. recomendations are always welcomed first three years is unlimited resource….. after that receptors will be somewhat workable and realistic it will take 10 additional years random…..but monitored at least moved from (it doesnt matter supply) from the first 3 years…. for a acid recharge it will be a random cowboy combination of short…. long…. medium…. short and intense…. lady gaga long and instantaneos…..lorde…. medium and middle….. hayley and taylor…….. gurls will have pretty much long….. and such…. nelsoning the guardina follows much later that the acid before nelsoning the guardina…. if that is even necessary after a decade….. nelsoning the guardina without the torture will be done in long distace drives…. up and down the turnpike…. same as before many suppose after the 5 th year mark. of 2013….. the drives will be possible without being bothersome compensation for blog will take up to 120 months after the year 2013 in a steady compensation. compensation also includes. because of the second 9/11…. it includes every location i have ever frequented ” – the iphone death was not taken in account as much as other things… and they realized most of sora went to audio….. most of gun also…. the only way to get or utilize sora the most…. is to actualy die… or blow up all ur receptors from the neck and brain down….. so there are many ways to make things unstealable every 10 years important groups totaly torture audio thinking about obedience sacrifice submittion and fear of the weather okay instructions… when u recieve your dosage….. u have a weeks supply in your body…. eeeveryttime you want to feel your dosage….. u say out loud or in your head….. you…. or yelyah owe you…… your body will release the dosage into the air and also in any cups or cigarettes or food or anything that is ingestible near you…. u will also inhale the medication in that location….. you are sitting or standing in…..usualy with rough draft doses…. you want to hold the you… or yelyah owe you for approximately 4 seconds…..ur dose is a weeks supply at a time… upon maximum dosage or maximum recomended dosage,,,,, that much alone… makes u sleepy…. so we add wake up to it…. also releasing the dosage into the air… is walking… running…for quick release… moving… and such….. coughing….singing…..speaking…… yelyah owes you/you… tumblr gurls told me in coded messages… you… is approximately 3 times the regular dosage for your own personal use…. i would do such…. but instead of 500 doses per week for every female i have ever seen spoken to or thout about…. instead… just 2-4 week supply to 20,000 females…. 1,000,000 doses for females aggregate collect in my body and are somwhat discernable for approximately a week at 1,000,000 doses simultaneosly hitting my recptors…. my receptors will be strengthened enough to be readable and scannable monitorable by the three year mark…so they are saying… by 2019….. some of my receptors will be functioning somewhat to be monitorabl;e and that way…. when u feel it…. more people at the same time…. it collects…. each females…. into my body…..so…. usualy 2,000 to 10,000 at the same time is sufficiont… please remember my receptors process feelings at approximately 400 times less efficient that everyones….. but my sensitibvity to side effects are 20 times more than everyone….. so basically i get tortured and react to things…. as if i was intoxicated… but cannot perceive or feel the emotion in the middle…. most of the time… i cannot register the emotion…. suppose alcohol…. i cannot smeel it…. i cannot feel it…. there is a empyty gap in the middle of the feeling…. and register at the top is 1/17 of normal peoples at the surface…. and there a 1- foot gap… and then in the deepest part… i can register it some……and i act drunk without knowing that i am… or feeling any of it… and then later i say…. why did i act like that.? without noticing that i acted even…. and then im daft…. noticing i am acting drunk whilst clean there is a divide between surface and deepest part of the feeling or water… and im incoherent alot …. unable to process or feel….so basically i am not in tune to my feelings or myself much…. it looks like iphone did that… but they said…. because they planned fuel…. because i smeeled pine sol…. therefore that had a surefire guarantee that i would recover fully from… because they did it to me…. but iphone…. they did not realize…. that it would be placed in my car long term by a white underage gurl i was only saing a lot of bm poo about…..and that i dint discover it the first year. from morning till night… i had instead spoon me gravity plus say too muc poo……and playing also…. i cannot smell… anything… most of the time… turnpuke air 1. 30. (everyone) starting a discernable telepathy. tizziown air 2. 4. 120 (everyone) mermaids 3. 7. 220..kittles bibbnnys puppies j. 3. 7. 220 (linden) bibbles kittles such turnpuke gurls. 4. kittles nibbles banmys 10. 300. mls 5 13 390 grammy potential intelligence 6 16 480 1 tablet-500. verison- 7 19 570 8 22 660 9 25 750 r 10 28 840 mnck head down on concrete sex cashout period 11 31 930 2 tablets. 1000 iq 200. max. sats anyways, right now the mud is not regulated. the tablets are neither regulated if there is mud.... do acid and air..any amount is okay. to yourself... your bones.....the acid will run the mud out.... and the air will autoclean u out.anything..... even buttons.... as you know.... things such as my memories my entire lifetime, celeb buttons, some united stays buttons, and myself... movie trailer,.,,, verison and secret service classified info... celebriti females... such as in small nano...if u touch. wash immedietely... it causes bumps and things.... any too classified data.... also sometime. i share 5000 buttons simultanoeos ly and it get uncomfortable.... my data transfer from body ok. oka(model computer) has a auto ip everything and verison television tracks and ips everything because of such….. in fact everything ip and tracks everything within the vincity of me,,,, which could have been the problem of female employee switching so frequently but verison is the most transparent and public of them. even with a decent filter….. and not so decent filter on the ip if u talk out loud…. verison and everything ip your vocal. it will be some mud…… and male and females can be switched out pretty fast…. but come back as town policy has evolved some recommend having 32 employees. and doing it different each time to not over cash out your 15 minutes of fame yelling is the most transparent most noisy and loudest and most visible to everyone. talking is the second most iping and such whispering is the 3rd most thinking is the smallest ripples thru the tv and hemisphere. if they use you. it will probably be translated on your end as rape. male or female and you may blame the fame for your quick exit to come back later. so im constantly raped from morning to night….. and i maintain espenses and will change and configure after nov 8//// so town should be sensitve to fame limits and such i have a fame limit…. unpurchasabel…. cuz my thouts just shut off after minutes expire…. and my suffereing will equal to my fame… or infamy cuz i not rock star…. im weather if thouts done autoshut or celly mintues….. then…. i prefer not to be a black male…… or seen as such….. so’ anyways…. that how it is… remember im heavier than a car….. my so is in the 900s or my you……but mostly its a fraction…. but even a thout…. everything we do goes on tv….///////hello we are all on tv///////. esplaining the rape and fireing note they also ip the voice…. and then your inner thouts and compare and contrast…. so its alot……. i opt after verison fully compensates…. gives me prized ip advice…. i will then dismantle the tracking either thru beeing or such…. and after the model computer tracking ip is off…. cuz so much overtorture…. then everyone…. not only verison will be more tolerable roger is the cause for most of the global weather cuz people got confused with local hair and global... so its global we are talking about and much much hair... and i also personally dont want to watch it turn to flat white and water only either 2016: god fights on the side of whomeva has the best ammunition. this year 2016 they made the guardina god or such or what also.. its celebration or something... and political duty. or political term. plus yelyah was drug thru the mud twice.... and hayley or me would have to compensate... either one would have a award winning blog... but hayley already won a grammy. so its me with the award blog love you wish me a excellent recovery. we kick gurls after they are compensated. they are 20,000 so im in coma. or something maybeh one version of the truth.... and so obviosly we dont linda the gurls. we pay all at once and then can kick or mansion which is so many gurls. i dunno. its still coma so it not good. anyways...i can do way or ia... intoxicated. or not... in coma or not.... we have found gurls.... its many... and its time.... and i plan to include you. therefore celebs did not linda rawr... so gurls and rawr can enjoy a little mansion... even if linda... it would be the same again. and then mommy would go without any rules... and veto everything.... so thats not good. so we need. i know. i was tortured. i need therapy. i need amnesia. i need healing. i need wealth and compensation.... so i went thru it i know how to take care of mommy so empire also... mommy went first... getting her cycle up first... i would follow later in terms of job in terms of body brain and nerve damage its obvious. the illuminati as long they are dead i will be dead infuse electricity in me. shock me back to life. either them with mission impossible pair they say alot of damage. but illuminati has the best rapid resurrection technology and secret serveice can reverse any meds. infrequently in terms of large infrustructural damage not to scare but just saying if u are damaged by anything guise in macro during my atlantic city death/ i had three guitars in cases. leaned up against the car.... the car appriximatiely 40 feet from many 50 gallon black and yellow cans placing construction nelson poison in the air for miles. i took them out.... car... was filled... with sewage from the week before.... a almost deadly sewage.....it looked like the cans killed the sewage in the car. the guitars first in the car sewage... then placed outside in the air. all the wood in the guitars were stained with the constuction poison from the black and yellow cans. it is rumoured that the cans or the meedication in such causes your body to radiate for years on end. there were three guitars i brought with me to my death the parker kermit taylor acousic oscars or the third reign prs rememba i did not clean the guitars. instead coated them with ck acid instead and a thick construction bass the guitars were treated. with acid... first sewage... then construction poison one of them causing the body to radiate for years. and then calvin klein acid and bass i used geneticly altered corn stalks to ease my poison after falling down the dirt hill into the desert... before my swim thrue the sewage the corn stalks are still in my guitar case. my guitars are espensive.... cept the ovation i bring to cw.... they are like a thousand. many believe its a blonde alexa and a atlantic city death template…and many friends….. so there might be a considerable amount of bleach to follow into tizzown and turnpike from 2013-20 something but i amended the guitars… cuz it was indeed hit with death sewage… and sewage from my body after the cans…. and then coated with acid//// and this is part davy jones….cuz the hayley and taylor and celeb women during the united states…. were embeeded in the keys…. in the wood… so its part that also…..then coated with sewage/ black and yellow alexa cans… proximity poison from everything bushes…..air…. sewage…dirt desert hill….. and then sealed drenched in acid and bass the guitar were then unused and placed in cases… facing backwards…. being raped. or killed from 2013-2016….face against the wall like dunces…. almost blown out by a california binge drinking which awards now have a construction style they said in addition to ,my other styles i just opened taylor today to see how she is… the corn stalks in her pocket… wilted a bit… but they are still there
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Realme Smart TV, Realme Watch Is Set To Go On Sale At 12 PM Via Realme Website, Flipkart: Check Price, Specs & More Here The price of Realme Watch is set at Rs.3,999 while the price for the Realme Smart 32-inch Television is evaluated At Rs.12,999. Realme Smart TV and Realme Watch will go marked down in India today at 12 pm (early afternoon) for the second time by means of Flipkart and Realme India site. Both the items were propelled in May and are seriously valued with great details. The Realme Watch arrives in a solitary dial size while there are two size choices for the Realme Smart TV. The two shrewd gadgets mark the organization's venture into the Smart IoT space and will be accessible for buy in India as a feature of a blaze deal. ALSO SEE Realme Smart TV Launched In India With Android TV & More: Check Price, Specs & More Here Realme Watch, Realme Smart TV: Price In India Realme Watch is estimated at Rs. 3,999 and has numerous lash alternatives, including armed force green, dark, blue, and red. It will be accessible by means of Realme.com and Flipkart with the last contribution a few limits and arrangements for intrigued clients. They can profit 5 percent boundless cashback on Flipkart Axis Bank charge cards, an additional 5 percent off with Axis Bank Buzz Mastercard, just as no-cost EMI alternative running from 3 to a year. Then again, the Realme Smart TV arrives in a 32-inch screen size that is valued at Rs. 12,999 and a 43-inch screen size that is valued at Rs. 21,999. It is available at Flipkart and Realme.com for purchase. Flipkart has a few proposals on the Realme Smart TV too, including 5 percent boundless cashback on Flipkart Axis Bank Visas, an additional 5 percent off with Axis Bank Buzz Visa, and no-cost EMI choice extending from 3 to a year. Also, Flipkart is giving the Charcoal shading choice of the Google Nest Mini at Rs. 1,999 with the buy, when the TV is conveyed. Customers will likewise get a half-year free preliminary of Youtube Premium with their buy. Both the Realme Watch and Realme Smart TV will go at a bargain beginning at 12 pm (early afternoon). Realme Watch Details And Highlights The Realme Watch includes a 1.4-inch (320x320 pixels) touchscreen show that is secured by 2.5D Corning Gorilla Glass 3. It accompanies a three-hub accelerometer and a PPG sensor for pulse checking. For network, you get Bluetooth v5.0 and you should download the Realme Link application that is good with Android 5.0 Lollipop or more. The smartwatch has an IP68-ensured assemble that makes it residue and water safe and it underpins 20mm removable wrist ties. The Realme Watch is upheld by a 160mAh battery that, as indicated by the organization, can give as long as seven days of use with the pulse screen empowered. With the pulse screen handicapped, you can get as long as nine days of battery life. Realme has additionally executed a Power Saving Mode that stretches out the battery to 20 days on a solitary charge. The Realme watch estimates 256 by 36.5 by 11.8mm in dimension and weighs around 31 grams. Alongside performing a run of the mill smartwatch capacities like warning alarms from most applications, controlling music player on the telephone through the watch, opening your telephone, and the sky is the limit from there, the Realme Watch accompanies a host of different highlights too. There are 12 watch appearances to browse that will be refreshed to more than 100 sometime in the not too distant future. As far as sensors, it includes a SpO2 sensor for checking blood oxygen levels and an ongoing pulse screen. Following for 14 unique games modes is incorporated, alongside rest checking, inactive updates, reflection unwinding, and hydration updates. ALSO SEE Realme Watch Launched In India With Touchscreen Support & More: Check Everything Here   Realme Smart TV Details The Realme Smart TV arrives in a 32-inch model that has a goal of 1366x768 pixels and the 43-inch variation that has a goal of 1920x1080 pixels. The two variations have thin bezels and offer similar highlights. They run Android TV 9 Pie which gives them access to the Google Play store. Both the TVs are fueled by the MediaTek MSD6683 processor with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of inside stockpiling. They likewise support HDR10, Dolby Audio, and Bluetooth v5.0. ALSO SEE Realme Smart TV Launched In India With Android TV & More: Check Price, Specs & More Here As far as sound, the Realme Smart TV utilizes a four-speaker framework with 24W of evaluated sound yield. For network, you get three HDMI ports, two USB ports, just as AV, LAN, and ANT ports. Discussing measurements, the 32-inch Realme Start TV estimates 730x469x161mm and weighs 3.7kg with the stand. The 42-inch Realme Smart TV estimates 967.5x604x233mm and weighs 6.8kg with the stand. KEY SPECIFICATIONS DIAL SHAPE Rectangle IDEAL FOR Unisex OS Android 5 & Above STRAP MATERIAL Silicon STRAP COLOR Black, Red, Green, Blue ALSO SEE flipkart.com Apple Watch Series 3 GPS Smartwatch Black Strap, 38mm  – Click Here To Go The Page flipkart.com Mi Smart Band 3i Smartband Black  – Click Here To Go To The Page flipkart.com Samsung Galaxy Active 2 Smartwatch Black Strap, 44mm– Click Here  KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 32-Inch OS AndroiD RESOLUTION HD Ready SCREEN TYPE LED SMART TV Yes ALSO SEE flipkart.com Samsung 32-Inches HD Ready LED Smart TV (Series 4 UA32N4305ARXXL, Black)  – Click Here To Go The Page flipkart.com Sony 55-Inches Ultra HD 4K LED Smart TV KD-55X7500F  – Click Here To Go To The Page flipkart.com LG 43-Inches Full HD LED Smart TV 43LM5600PTC, Black – Click Here KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 43-Inches OS AndroiD RESOLUTION Full HD SCREEN TYPE LED SMART TV Yes ALSO SEE flipkart.com Vu 50-Inches Ultra HD 4K LED Smart TV Pixelight 50-QDV, Black  – Click Here To Go The Page flipkart.com Vu 32-Inches Premium HD Android Smart TV 32US, Black  – Click Here To Go To The Page flipkart.com Vu 55-Inches Premium Ultra HD 4K Smart LED Android TV 55PM, Black– Click Here   For Regular & Fastest Tech News and Reviews, Follow TECHNOXMART on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google News and Subscribe Here Now. 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