#Blue galaxian solarian
freewisconsin · 2 years
Blue galaxian solarian
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Trees begin to grow frost, and the ground becomes crunchy. No further!Ī dwarf strides calmly and quietly through the forest, softly and slowly, a chill creeps into the air. Bit the dragonborn stands firm and begins to grow in size, and in muscle until he stands 3 times the height of knight and horse, terrifying and wreathed in fire, his sword the size of a medium sized tree. "You'll not go any further knight!" he shouts in defiance, as the death knight just laughs, advancing slowly. Soon the whole town would be sick.Ī dragonborn stands between a death knight and his village, a sword of burning light clamped in his scaly fist.
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Soon the patrons of the tavern fall dead or stumble out of the tavern as if drunk, even if they hadn't touched alchohol. Slowly poisoning them with the radiation pouring from his skin. He sits in the corner letting his presence sicken those closest to him. The dragon falls dead, and the gnome snickers over its corpse.Ī greasy looking elf slips into the bar, giving off an offensive odor, like rotten eggs. Along with its hamstrings, its wings, and its belly. In a bright flash of light, the gnome appears behind the beast, and it tries to bellow, but its throat has been cut. Standing still in the middle of enemy lines, he whispers two soft words: "black hole." and all around him becomes a swirling black mass, pulling all towards him, the sheer pressure of it crushing his enemies.Ī gnome wielding a dagger forged from starlight zips around the body of a fully grown dragon, just barley being grazed by the dragons claws and teeth. For every wound he takes, a man dies, for for every step he takes, a woman falls. Solar WarriorsĪ human in swirling black armor Wades into the midst of the enemy ranks slashing left and right with his greataxe forged from stars. in the end, only 5 disciplines remain of what was once the proud Solarian military.
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but, those in power always seek more, which led to war between the orders. Thousands of years passed, and when the first solarian, who's name is lost to history, took on 13 diciples: each of which he taught one of the arts of solaria, and after only one hundred years, the students took on more students, and soon the solarians were the primarchal military force in all the planes. Using this power, he created a sanctuary for the Solarians at the very edge of a collapsing black hole called Nénar Ost, or solar fortress where he might observe the wonders of the universe in peace and tranquility. he learned to manifest weapons and armor made of purest starlight and solid darkness, and infuse them with energy from the heavenly bodies residing in the sky. He noted their their movements and behaviours, lives, deaths, and even after. Long ago when magic was still new, the first solarian studied the stars, divining what he could from them.
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pride-color-schemes · 7 years
Galactian Alignments
Galactian alignments are terms for nonbinary people to express their alignment or affiliation with binary genders, without erasing their nonbinary status or reducing them to “basically ____”. Alignment is not indicative of what someone’s gender “really” is, their agab, or whether their gender has masculine or feminine qualities.
Coining history and overview:
The three root terms are solarian (male/man-aligned), lunarian (female/woman-aligned), and stellarian (unaligned). These were coined in August-September 2016 in a discord server by multiple tumblr users including @moonbian, and the resulting post is here. The three terms were combined to form solstellarian (stellarian and solarian), stellunarian (stellarian and lunarian), sollunarian (solarian and lunarian), and solstellunarian (all three). Distinct words were then coined as synonyms for the combination words: novarian (solstellarian), nebularian (stellunarian), eclipsian (sollunarian), and galaxian (solstellunarian). At some point all these terms started being called galactian alignments. Singularian was then coined for people who reject the alignment system completely, and by definition cannot be combined with any galactian alignment.
Terms and flags:
Stellarian: unaligned or rejecting binary alignment
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[Image description: Five horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: light green, darker green, yellow, black, gray. In the center of the flag is a five-point star surrounded by three smaller stars]
Full size [Here]
Solarian: male/man-aligned
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[Image description: Five horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: light orange, darker orange, yellow, black, gray. In the center of the flag is a sun icon consisting of a circle with eight rays]
Full size [Here]
Lunarian: female/fem/woman-aligned
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[Image description: Five horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: light purple, darker purple, yellow, black, gray. In the center of the flag is an unfilled crescent moon]
Full size [Here]
Designed by: @temp-nb-blog
Color meanings:
Two shades of color in the top two stripes: the varying levels in which people can be/experience being that alignment
Yellow: the nonbinary nature of those represented by this flag
Black: everyone that has no gender
Gray: the varying degrees in which people can experience gender
Novarian/solstellarian: either simultaneously unaligned/rejecting binary alignment and male/man-aligned, or sometimes one or the other or both
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[Image description: Five horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: bright yellow, yellowish green, yellow, black, gray. In the center of the flag is a sun icon consisting of a circle with eight rays, with a five-point star surrounded by three smaller stars inside the circle]
Full size [Here]
Nebularian/stellunarian: either simultaneously unaligned/rejecting binary alignment and female/woman-aligned, or sometimes one or the other or both
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[Image description: Five horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: pale bluish purple, purplish blue, yellow, black, gray. In the center of the flag is an unfilled crescent moon, with a five-point star surrounded by three smaller stars in the hollow of the crescent]
Full size [Here]
Eclipsian/sollunarian: either simultaneously male/man-aligned and female/woman-aligned, or sometimes one or the other or both
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[Image description: Five horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: pink, dark pink, yellow, black, gray. In the center of the flag is a sun icon consisting of a circle with eight rays, with the circle forming the outside of a crescent moon]
Full size [Here]
Galaxian/solstellunarian: either simultaneously unaligned/rejecting binary alignment, male/man-aligned, and female/woman-aligned, or varying between the three
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[Image description: Five horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: pale pink, pinkish brown, yellow, black, gray. In the center of the flag is a sun icon consisting of a circle with eight rays, with the circle forming the outside of a crescent moon, and a five-point star surrounded by three smaller stars in the other section of the circle]
Full size [Here]
Designed by: @temp-nb-blog
Color meanings:
Two shades of color in the top two stripes: the varying levels in which people can be/experience being that alignment. The colors are a midpoint between those of the flags for the alignments being combined
Yellow: the nonbinary nature of those represented by this flag
Black: everyone that has no gender
Gray: the varying degrees in which people can experience gender
Singularian: rejecting any and all ties to binary genders without exception. Not really one of the galactian alignments and cannot be combined with any of the galactian alignments
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[Image description: Five horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: black, dark purple, dark pink, orange, dark yellow. In the center is a black circle that overlaps the purple and orange stripes]
Full size [Here]
Designed by: Honorary Mod Loki
Color meanings:
Black: being without gender
Pink: xenogenders
Purple: genders that include male/female
Orange: genders that are neither male nor female
Yellow: being without reference to the binary
Black circle: a black hole where no gender alignment exists
Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
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