#Boak Bollocks ​Labour Leader | Keir Starmer
xtruss · 5 months
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The Muslim Vote has issued Keir Starmer with 18 demands in order to win back support lost due to the Labour leader's stance on “The Terrorist, Fascist, Apartheid, War Criminal, Illegally Occupier of Palestine and The Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐖 🐗 Isra-hell's War on Gaza.” The Muslim campaign group's demands are below:
1. Apologise for your comments green-lighting a genocide and for not backing the ceasefire in October/November 2023
2. Sanctions on companies operating in Occupied Territories. Sanctions on Illegal Settlers
3. Recognise Palestine as a state
4. Travel ban on all Fascist Isra-helli Politicians that prosecuted this war and support the Illegal Occupation
5. End military ties with Isra-hell
6. Issue guidance that Muslims are allowed to pray at school
7. Implement findings of people's review of Prevent - not Shawcross
8. Remove the extremism definition that [Michael] Gove introduced
9. Commit to full implementation of Royal Charter re media regulation
10. Adopt the APPG definition of Islamophobia
11. Commit to a review of public sector equality duty
12. Increase council and public health funding for the
10 per cent most deprived areas in the country to finally address systemic and chronic health inequities as detailed in the Marmot Review and revisited by the Health Foundation 10 years later
13. Deliver alternative student finance
14. Ensure Sharia-compliant pensions are available at every workplace, so the one-third of Muslims without a pension get one
15. Ensure insurance quotes don't cost more for someone called "Muhammad"
16. Commit 7 per cent of the local government pension scheme/public sector pensions to ethical and Islamic funds
17. Oppose Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) bill. Kick it out of law
18. Remove the Archaic "Spiritual Influence" Offence from Statute
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xtruss · 8 months
Forever Palestine 🇵🇸: Poll Shows Lobour Haemorrhaging Muslim Support Over Gaza War Stance
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Bloody British Bastard, Boak Bollocks and Senile Oaf Keir Starmer
A new poll suggests the Labour is haemorrhaging support from British Muslims due to the party's handling of Israel's attack on Palestine.
The Labour Muslim Network conducted the new poll with Survation on the political views of British Muslims.
The survey finds that only 43% of British Muslims said they would vote Labour if there were a general election tomorrow — a staggering fall from the 86% that said they voted for Labour in the 2019 general election.
"The results send a clear message: Muslims have lost trust in the Labour Party because of their support for genocide," said the Labour Muslim Network on X, formerly Twitter.
The poll of 682 Muslims across Great Britain found 10% favouring the Green Party (a 9% increase since 2019) and 6% supporting the Liberal Democrats (up 5%) and the Conservatives (down 4%), while 23% remain undecided.
If the undecided voters are included Labour's share of the total British Muslim vote stands at 60% — still a considerable drop compared to previous levels.
A staggering 70% said the position of British political leaders on the Israel-Palestine conflict will be "very important."
It is reflected in the support for the party's leader. When asked whether they felt favourably or unfavourably towards Keir Starmer, most (29%) opted for "strongly unfavourable", an increase of 16% compared to the last poll in 2021.
Labour's stance on the Palestinian cause has bitterly disappointed its Muslim supporters. Especially when compared to Conservatives like David Cameron. Cameron has called for a sustainable ceasefire and even suggested the British government considers recognising Palestinian statehood.
In October, Starmer sparked controversy during an LBC interview where he seemed to say that Israel had the right to withhold power and water from Gaza. A position he was forced to hastily reverse on a few days later.
Starmer also faced rebellion when 10 frontbenchers resigned, and 46 other Labour MPs defied him by backing a parliamentary motion calling for a Gaza ceasefire. Labour MPs were advised not to vote for the truce.
Labour at "Crisis Point" with British Muslims
"For decades the Muslim community has been amongst the most loyal Labour supporters anywhere in the United Kingdom. The findings of this new opinion poll shows a startling collapse of this electoral and communal relationship." said the Labour Muslim Network in a statement.
"This is a crisis point for the future of the relationship between the British Muslim community and the Labour Party.
"These findings come in the context of over 100 days of Israel's continuous assault on Gaza. Over 25,000 Palestinians have been killed, more than 10,000 of whom are children, and the Labour Party's response has been unacceptable and deeply offensive to Muslims across Britain. Muslim voters have been watching and are now sending a clear message - they will not support any political party that does not fervently oppose the crimes committed against the people of Gaza.
"The Labour leadership must change paths now or risk losing the support of the Muslim community for a generation."
British Muslims' identification with Labour as their natural choice has fallen by 23 percentage points, from 72% in 2021 to 49% this year. Meanwhile, the Labour Party's net favourability is 21%, down 21 percentage points.
Although things seem bad for Labour and Starmer, it's worse for the Tories and Rishi Sunak.
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Only 9% of British Muslims identify with the Tories, with net favourability down 11 percentage points to -50%. Sunak's net favourability score is -58 %.
The strength of the Muslim feeling against Labour could be felt in a key upcoming by-election in Rochdale. The February 29th vote follows the passing of veteran Labour MP Tony Lloyd, with many Labour MPs fearing a backlash in this previously safe seat.
Former Labour MP George Galloway is standing in Rochdale. Galloway famously ousted Labour in Bethnal Green and Bow in 2005, after capitalising on public outrage over the Iraq war.
Labour's relationship with its Muslim supporters began to sour after Starmer became leader, with accusations that the party isn't taking Islamophobia seriously.
Two years ago, the Forde report made some damning claims about Labour's failure to tackle Islamophobia and racism within the party. One of the issues it highlighted was claims that Labour is undermining Islamophobia and anti-black racism by operating a "hierarchy of racism."
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