#Boku Unmei no Hito desu ep 9 explained
Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 8
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Whether Yamapi God is kind of a jerk
Whether Haruko’s father getting mad at Makoto is reasonable
Whether the underdog theory really works
The Rule(s):
Not really.
People generally do root for the underdog, but in this scenario, the theory isn’t linked well to the drama’s plot.
Jubiemon J: Unfortunately, I have to say that this episode was another lacklustre one. I sort of anticipated that it’d feel like a filler/boring episode and sadly, I turned out to be right.
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Co-worker forces Makoto out to ask for some love advice
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Boss voicing his opinion
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Haruko’s dad happens to come by the restaurant and then hears about Makoto’s gossip
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Makoto trying to explain things
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Too pissed so walks out . . . -0-‘
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Makoto’s ex love interest -> Beautiful woman’s ploy, gets caught again. 9 men were scammed 100 millions of yen.
Haruko’s father finds out that Makoto fell for this con artist woman and thought that she was the one. Then he gets super pissed at Makoto, so mad at him that he even fights with Haruko. Haruko and her father has this long period of no talking. Her father even throws out that water fountain and puts it in the backyard. Here we have this totally unreasonable fit of anger coming from Haruko’s father when he was the one that was totally rooting for Makoto to be with Haruko before. Ugh…
Yamapi God’s suggestion for Makoto to win over Haruko’s father again doesn’t make much sense to me. I even watched his explanation twice to see if I got anything wrong and did some research about a Japanese word he used. His theory is that an underdog aiming for his/her dream would lead to more success and seem more fabulous than the typical person realizing his/her dream.
Yamapi God gives an example of someone who strayed from the right path and then turned into the boss of some company or the hot, seemingly dumb girl would go to the best university in Japan, Tokyo University. Makoto would be like an underdog too and his striving to win over Haruko’s father’s respect would reap greater results. I just don’t think this theory is that profound or funny. In fact, Makoto goes off and practices how to play golf by himself because Haruko’s father likes golf and Mitsue was able to win over Haruko’s father respect by being on a golf poster and playing golf. (Somehow playing golf = a serious, honest person . . . right.)
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Mitsue talking about how Haruko’s dad used to hate her.
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The two of them listening to what Mitsue did to win over Haruko’s father’s trust
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“Well I was this model for this golf poster”
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  Mitsue being a cute golfer
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“Then her father thought I wasn’t that bad..” 
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Lol . . . Remember Mitsukuni’s poster? Chasing after Mitsue now? lol!
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Makoto trying to learn golf by himself . . . without taking any lessons . . .-0-‘ (doesn’t really work that way – I know from personal experience.)
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Golfing and golfing
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Troll Mitsukuni joins in on the fun and goes off being weird. lol.
Then the drama writers throw in this clear underdog. He’s one of the employees working at Haruko’s father’s workplace. He is trying to win some boxing tournament to prove to himself that he’s good enough. He’s definitely not fit compared to the other boxers, but he tries super hard. Still, he fails which is expected and Makoto steps in to try to convince the boxer’s coach to let the guy box. Haruko’s father overhears this conversation and then thinks Makoto is still a good guy. The issue I have with this whole segment . . . I think this drama has already overused the underdog theory in the first place; we always see Makoto working hard. In this case, I just am not really touched or don’t think the scenes of Makoto working hard are funny/interesting. Plus the random underdog co-worker story . . . felt weird and out of place. How does that have to do with Makoto being an underdog and winning over Haruko’s father?
The preview for the next episode wasn’t that interesting as well. There’s some mystery about Yamapi God. I get the feeling that he’s not actually a God. He’s probably Haruko and Makoto’s kid from the future. Maybe his parents are splitting up and he doesn’t want them to split up. Perhaps, he’s just Makoto or Haruko’s kid and the two actually never really got together, but Makoto/Haruko still loves the other.
I’m really disappointed in this drama. There was just so much potential . . . but things just dragged on. Sigh.
Issue 1: Whether Yamapi God is kind of a jerk
Jubiemon J: I actually think he has always been a jerk, but since he’s funny (and doesn’t hurt that he’s good looking), he can get away with his bad attitude. I immediately thought he was a jerk when Makoto asked if he should go ask Mitsukuni for advice. Then Yamapi God was like “nope” and then he said that Mitsukuni was useless now and an empty shell.
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Yamapi God: Mitch is useless, an empty shell.
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Mitsukuni getting all excited and then Yamapi God ….
One episode back, he was being all “bromance-like” with Mitsukuni. Remember how I said Mitsukuni was super annoying in the first few episodes when he was fighting for Haruko’s love? I honestly take that back when you see him being super genuine and friendly with both Yamapi God and Makoto. Whenever Makoto has needed help later, Mitsukuni helps him immediately. I felt so, so bad for Mitsukuni because he was so eager to have a 3 people golf game. Yamapi God agreed at first, but then as soon as Makoto said he wasn’t going, Yamapi God immediately rejected Mitsukuni’s offer in a harsh way. Poor Mitsukuni . . .
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Look at poor Mitch . . . being all sad when Yamapi God rejects him.. 😥 My little heart goes out to Mitch..
Issue 2: Whether Haruko’s father getting mad at Makoto is reasonable
Jubiemon J: No. I’ve said in the beginning how I thought Haruko’s father was getting mad for no reason. Makoto wasn’t even in the wrong. It’s not as if Makoto was dating the con artist girl AND Haruko. Makoto wasn’t even dating the con artist girl; he almost dated her. I think the fact that Makoto was deceived by the con artist girl just shows how “innocent” and “pure” he is. He’s pretty much the type that’ll believe in people’s words. I mean, in the start of this drama, Haruko’s dad was super supportive of the two of them and then in this episode, he did a whole 180 degree change. Ugh.
Besides this, I have to echo again how I think this whole madness was resolved was really weird too. The random underdog boxer and then the golfing? I just can’t push any deep theories out of this at all. And although I’ve said I liked how this drama plays on fate vs choice, I really thought sticking in the scene where Haruko’s father and Makoto was at the boxing match was just . . . a bit over. When Makoto said he knew what to do to win Haruko’s father back and then the scene went to Makoto going to to watch the tournament, I thought that meant that Makoto knew that Haruko’s father would be there. That’s why he went to support the underdog. To my surprise, Makoto acted super shocked that he saw Haruko’s father there…..-0-” Yeah . . . no.
Issue 3: Whether the underdog theory really works
Jubiemon J: I think we do like underdogs–seeing how a poor, weak guy gets his revenge over the evil boss, how a delinquent gets his/her act together or a small band becoming huge makes us root for them. However, I just don’t see how the underdog theory is particularly relevant to convince Haruko’s father to trust Makoto again. I don’t think Haruko’s father is seeing Makoto as some underdog and rooting for him. Just . . .doesn’t work.
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Haruko’s father asking Haruko to bring Makoto over for dinner
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Reconciliation dinner – Man . . . look at that yummy tempura!
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Nervous Makoto~
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-8 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 8 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 9
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the highlight of this drama has actually been Ichiro and Makoto’s relationship
Whether a couple going on a vacation is the ultimate test of their relationship
Whether the “message” was a good spin
The Rule(s):
It can be!
Jubiemon J: I was pleasantly surprised about this episode! I thought all was lost, but this episode reminded me why I enjoyed this drama in the first place. I really liked how the focus was actually more on Ichirō (who I used to call Yamapi God) and Makoto’s father-son relationship than Makoto and Haruko’s relationship. The twist about the message was great at the end too! There was no unnecessary drama that popped up, just plain, old good comedy and bromance. None of that forced, weird mission like from episode 8! Hooray! Now I’m hoping the finale will finish on a high note. I kind of want Haruko to meet Ichirō too. I would love to see her reaction to him. Hahaha!
Issue 1: Whether the highlight of this drama has actually been Ichiro and Makoto’s relationship 
Jubiemon J: The highlight of this drama is definitely the bromance. I can just watch them bicker all the time! This time, Ichirō tells Makoto that he has to succeed in sleeping with Haruko during their onsen trip in order to be able to make sure that he is born earlier. Ichirō also admits to Makoto that he is his son and the two of them engage in a hilarious conversation. The way that Ichirō confesses that he’s Makoto and Haruko’s son is cute and funny! Ichirō asks what would Makoto name his future kid as and Makoto says he doesn’t know. Off of the top of his head, Makoto just decides on “Ichirō” (一朗) because Makoto likes the famous baseball player, Suzuki Ichirō. Makoto also makes sure to emphasize that it’s not going to be the katakana form of spelling Ichirō – イチロー. That’s what the baseball player is often called.
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Ichirō buying baby clothes for Makoto and Haruko! Lol!
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Ichirō: What’d you name your kid?
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Ichirō: You sure that’s your final answer? Ichirō?
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Ichirō: I’m your son.
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Makoto going the heck?!
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Ichirō proving that he’s Makoto’s son with a driver’s license
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Mini-sized driver’s license (side note: Look at the precision! The year! The name! The address!)
  Because Makoto says he’ll name his kid, Ichirō, Ichirō gets all excited and announces that he is Makoto’s son. Makoto clearly is unconvinced and thinks Ichirō is joking. Ichirō is always sort of joking and playing around anyway. As a result, Ichirō shows Makoto his driver’s license. Lol! Makoto only seems to care that it’s super, super small compared to the current Japanese driver’s license. Makoto keeps prompting Ichirō to explain how he knows so much about the current world if he’s from the future. Ichirō says he has nothing to do all day so he just watches TV and cleans Makoto’s house with a vacuum. Makoto comments how that’s why the electricity bill is so high this month, but then still says he should thank Ichirō for cleaning. Lol!
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M: Even if you were my son, you shouldn’t have revealed your identity to me! Defies all the time travel rules!
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I: Can’t believe that’s what you care the most about!
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I: Huh? You never thought I was God?
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M: Just thought you were a weirdo that liked to call himself “God”!
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I: Then why’d you listen to me all this time?
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M: Because you knew stuff that normal people wouldn’t have known!
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I: Tell me how you felt after hearing that I’m your son!
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M: Honestly? Can’t believe the driver’s licenses in the future are soooo small! Lol!
Sidenote: Ichirō bitches at Makoto for calling him Ichirō. My first instinct was that this name is probably not that popular or kind of old school/antiquated (ie. Mary, John, Betty, William, Robert, George, Margaret etc – those are still nice names, but more popular in the 1920s). I did a bit of research and the 2016 popular baby names don’t include Ichirō (See here). The top boy names include Ren, Hiroto, Haruto, Minato. Notice how the kanji characters don’t include any of the ones from Ichirō. Then I looked at other websites (See here ; there was no Ichirō. Later, I found this, which shows that in the 1910s, Ichirō was a very popular name. It’s consistently in the top 10.
Another site also proves that Ichirō is more of a historically popular name. If you scroll down that website, it talks about how having 3 kanji characters was prevalent in the olden days and different variations of X-taro or Y-ichirō would arise. The article then suggests some appealing variations of those endings like Kouichirō or Ryuichirō. Given all this information, it makes sense that Ichirō would bitch at his father, Makoto, for half-assing in naming him and giving him a more-or-less plain name.
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Suggested variations of Y-ichiro like Ryuichirou)
Ichirō explains that a God told him to time travel to this era to make sure that Makoto and Haruko get married earlier and give birth to him earlier. Makoto gets annoyed because if he and Haruko would get married anyway, there was no need for Ichirō to show up. Ichirō says that Makoto would move at a snail’s pace and then Ichirō wouldn’t be able to finish his research in time to save the world. Makoto is still in denial that he’s his son and asks why Ichirō can teleport and disappear when guests show up. Ichirō says he invented this teleportation device. Lol!
Ichirō also describes what God looks like (old, bearded, long hair type) and Makoto believes him and says that’s what he thought God would be like. Ichirō teases and says no wonder they’re father-son. Ha! Makoto argues that if Ichirō is his son, he wouldn’t be so disrespectful towards Makoto and call him by his name “Makoto, Makoto”. Ichirō retorts that this won’t change after he’s born too. (Lol . . . Makoto the pushover . . . lol.) Makoto says that if he succeeds in the mission, Ichirō will have to call him “Dad” in a respectful way. Ichirō kind of ignores him. LOL!
I think I can probably watch Ichirō and Makoto banter all day. There’s probably more that the two said for that scene, but I can’t recall for now. They’re just hilarious! What I do remember is that Ichirō tells Makoto that he must drain out the onsen’s water to see the writing at the bottom of the pool. If he sees the writing, that’ll lead him to succeed in doing it with Haruko. We get trolled like Makoto because Makoto literally drains out the onsen water.
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Seeing the little dialogue on the bottom of this box!
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Female: Zutto watashi no “soba” ni ite ne. (Translation: Always stay by my side. ずっと私のそばにいて. Pun: Soba = type of noodles)
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Male: “sōsu”ne – (Translation: That’s right (informal). そうっすね/Sōssu ne. Pun: sōsu = sauce.))
Then we think that the writing is from the box that’s holding the soba (a type of noodle). There’s also a cute pun! (Look at the captions in the photos for an explanation of the pun.)
In reality, the writing is from Ichirō. Makoto finds the writing on his bathtub. (Leave it to him to write it in black PERMANENT MARKER.) It’s a cute, touching speech, pretty much saying how much he enjoyed spending time with Makoto and watching Makoto try so hard. (He starts the letter by calling Makoto as Makoto and not Dad. Lol!)
This makes me wonder whether Makoto and Ichirō never really had a chance to bond in the future. It’d be kind of touching, yet sad if Makoto actually passed away when Ichirō was really young. I think in a way, that’d make sense because that’d also explain why Ichirō would really want to come back to the past and would treat Makoto like a friend. Based on the previews, though, it doesn’t seem like that’s going to be the case. The preview indicates that Makoto will feel lost and confused after Ichirō ‘s departure. Makoto has lost his memories about Ichirō because Ichirō erases them, but Makoto will likely feel like something has been missing in his life. I get a feeling we’ll get a time lapse and we’ll see Ichirō again or Ichirō will pop by again to surprise Makoto in the past. Haha!
Issue 2: Whether a couple going on a vacation is the ultimate test of their relationship
Jubiemon J: I definitely think that whenever a couple goes on a vacation together (not just a day trip), they are put to a test. There’s a difference between dating someone and travelling with them. Living with someone for a few days or more can be a challenge. Like Makoto’s boss mentions, there’s the difference in sleeping habits (i.e. one person might like to sleep with a lamp on and the other wouldn’t). I agree with Ichirō saying that this is Makoto’s final test. Besides having the two become roommates, there isn’t much else to test their relationship on. (Look at them being all cute here.)
Luckily, Makoto and Haruko are very agreeable and share similar lifestyle habits. They had a smooth vacation! And the bed scene was hilarious!! The two of them had visions from their friends preaching at them. Lol!
  Issue 3: Whether the “message” was a good spin
Jubiemon J: I think the message was nicely done as a good-bye letter from Ichirō. I hadn’t expected him to say good-bye that way. Like I mentioned before, we would have expected the message to have ended with that cute little pun from the soba container. I really thought it was pretty sad when Ichirō just said goodbye casually and then Makoto was left scrubbing the bathtub while reading the letter! Kame does a great job expressing his sorrow.
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Crying Makoto . . . so sad!
Conclusion: Appeal Dismissed.
Rating: 4 = I’ll Give You A Cookie (What a relief. A bounce back from last ep’s horrific writing. Phew. Yamapi x Kame saved the day.)
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-9 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 9 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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