#Breaking apart.'I rly need to go back there.otherwise he gonna hav take out for dinner but..Thanks for sharing it w/ me.I rly means alot''
mcdannowave · 4 years
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That smile...The way it forms those crinkles there...
Danny is a lucky man.
#h50 10x17#alex o'loughlin#alex smile#happy smile#hawaii five 0#steve mcgarrett#look at that pretty handsome F- gorgeous face? that scruff there too even tho i know y'll saw it bc we aint blind#and that open shirt..god this man is tempting me..i swear he is.he teases everyone.just to rile up his blond husband#Danny can't complain.he loves Steve's smile..but like he really /really/ love them.after all that Steve been through.those smiles warm him#[Steve went to the kitchen.opening the fridge for a beer.Danny was there by the stove.cooking their dinner as usual.One of Steve's fav soup]#He closed the door and didn't open the beer.eyes fixed on the blond.He couldn't stop himself from smiling.''What u thinking there babe?''#The blond said w/o looking.joyful smile on his face too now.''Nothing'.Danny turned.''That didnt look like nothing.Can u share?''#'It's silly.''No it's not.It made u smile.Babe.So by any means it's /not/ silly''Danny came closer.hands on the SEAL hips now.looking up#He put his beer on the counter.'Its just that.Seeing u there.making that specific recipe.I-.I remembered..'Steve stopped.''Remember what?'#'I remmeber cooking it..just for me.yrs ago.I would always make it from time to time.And eat alone.But now?U're there.Cooking it and..''#He started to trail off.smiling happening on his face just by the thought.''It's just so surreal sometimes u know?That we got each other''#Danny kept looking at him.knowing he has more to say.''Im just-- thank you.for being there for me.Danno.I just love u so much''#Steve's time to pu his hands on Danny now.He didn't thought the talking would get emotional.But his heart just ached for Danny#'I love you too babe'.Danny smile just lighted the entire room.Steve was sure of it.The urge to kiss him was there.So he did it#Breaking apart.'I rly need to go back there.otherwise he gonna hav take out for dinner but..Thanks for sharing it w/ me.I rly means alot''#''No Danno.thank /you/ for being there in the first place.I'll never get tired of making new memories w/ you''#He kissed Danny again bf letting him go.grabbing his beer.He suddenly felt so wonderful.His chest filled w/ joy and love#Knowing that the man he cares and love is right there.and they plan to spend the rest of their lives together.#headcanon tags#mcdanno#mine
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