#Breast Lifting Clinic in Gurgaon
moglirejuve · 2 months
Dr. Vipul Nanda: Eminent Plastic Surgeon and Master of Aesthetic Enhancement
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In the realm of cosmetic and plastic surgery, Dr. Vipul Nanda stands as a beacon of excellence, boasting over two decades of experience and an unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional patient care. Currently practicing at the prestigious Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon, Dr. Nanda's journey to becoming a leading cosmetic surgeon is a testament to his dedication, extensive education, and a profound passion for advancing the field of plastic surgery.
Prestigious Education and Rigorous Training
Dr. Nanda's educational background is rooted in prestigious institutions that have nurtured his exceptional skills and expertise. He holds a distinguished Master of Surgery (MS) degree from the esteemed All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), a hallmark of academic excellence. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Dr. Nanda further solidified his credentials by obtaining the prestigious Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) in the United Kingdom.
However, his quest for mastery did not stop there. Dr. Nanda went on to pursue a Master of Chirurgiae (M.Ch) in Plastic Surgery from the renowned Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), immersing himself in the intricacies and nuances of this highly specialized field. Seeking to push the boundaries of his expertise, he undertook advanced fellowships in cosmetic and plastic surgery at various esteemed institutions worldwide, honing his skills and staying at the forefront of the latest techniques and advancements.
Comprehensive Expertise in Aesthetic Enhancement
Dr. Vipul Nanda's vast clinical expertise encompasses a wide array of cosmetic surgeries, with a particular focus on facial and body procedures. His deft hands and artistic eye have transformed the lives of countless patients, helping them achieve their desired aesthetic goals with precision and artistry.
In the realm of facial surgeries, Dr. Nanda excels in procedures such as blepharoplasty (eyelid rejuvenation), chin lift, facelift, lip surgery, and the intricate art of rhinoplasty (nose reshaping). His ability to sculpt and refine facial features with meticulous attention to detail has earned him a reputation as a true master of facial aesthetics.
Dr. Nanda's expertise extends beyond the face, encompassing a comprehensive range of body and chest procedures. From breast augmentation and reduction to liposuction and tummy tucks, he masterfully combines surgical skill with an artist's eye, creating harmonious proportions and sculpting the body to perfection. His "Mommy Makeover" procedures have become particularly renowned, offering comprehensive post-pregnancy rejuvenation and restoration for women seeking to reclaim their pre-pregnancy figures.
Moreover, Dr. Nanda's commitment to comprehensive aesthetic care is evident in his expertise in hair restoration and anti-aging treatments. His innovative hair booster desk, hair transplant techniques, and mesotherapy solutions provide effective solutions for combating hair loss and promoting healthy hair growth. Additionally, his skillful administration of anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, and facial skin revitalization treatments have helped countless patients regain a youthful and radiant appearance.
Patient-Centric Approach and Ongoing Innovation
What truly sets Dr. Vipul Nanda apart is his unwavering dedication to patient satisfaction and well-being. He takes the time to understand each patient's unique goals, concerns, and expectations, tailoring his approach to deliver personalized and exceptional care. His warm and compassionate bedside manner fosters an environment of trust and confidence, enabling patients to embark on their transformative journeys with peace of mind.
Furthermore, Dr. Nanda's commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of technological advancements ensures that his patients receive the most cutting-edge treatments and techniques available. He actively participates in medical conferences, workshops, and research initiatives, continuously expanding his knowledge and refining his skills to deliver the highest standards of care.
With an illustrious career marked by numerous successful outcomes and a patient-centered approach, Dr. Vipul Nanda has solidified his reputation as a leading authority in cosmetic and plastic surgery. His unwavering commitment to excellence and his ability to transform lives through aesthetic enhancement have made him a sought-after expert in the field, inspiring confidence and trust in patients from across the globe.
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priyasharmasblog · 2 months
The Pros and Cons of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer
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Breast augmentation with fat transfer is a type of breast enlargement treatment. In this method, fat tissues taken from the candidate's other body parts are used to give full coverage to the breasts. Many women choose this method, whereas some use breast implants. Breast augmentation with fat transfer offers a wide range of benefits and few drawbacks. To learn about the pros and cons of the treatment, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a renowned surgeon for breast augmentation surgery in Gurgaon, guided us. Based on the insights, this blog delves into the pros and cons of breast augmentation/enlargement with fat transfer. 
Pros of Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer
Natural Results
The fat transfer makes boosted breasts feel more natural than silicone implants, which are stiffer and can be displaced. 
Brief Recovery
Breast augmentation with fat transfer requires less recovery. Swelling and bruising will fade after surgery. After 2 weeks, you can resume your daily routine, including light exercise, and rigorous exercise can be resumed after 4-6 weeks. 
Minimal Scarring
Since liposuction and fat injections are used in this method, the incisions are tiny. Therefore, leftover scars are small and hideable. This will give patients a natural look without dark scars or scar therapy.
Body Contour
Fat grafting lets the surgeon modify many body sections in one treatment by shifting fat. Liposuction removes fat from the stomach, thighs, arms, and face. By increasing the volume of the breasts, you may also flatten the tummy and define your curves, achieving body balance. This is important for patients who want to fix physical issues while saving money.
Permanent Results
This treatment yields long-lasting results since the fat integrates into the body and functions like other fat cells. This breast augmentation approach avoids rupturing, a common complication 10-15 years after breast implants, by not inserting a foreign substance.
Cons of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer
Fat Survival
About 30-50% of additional fat cells will die and be absorbed after surgery. This reduces immediate outcomes until the cells settle. The surgeon will try to account for this when injecting fat, but it depends on how much they can retrieve. Patients may contemplate a second fat injection if they have enough collected fat.
A little augmentation
Fat transfer uses only patient-extracted fat. Therefore, augmentation is limited by the patient's excess fat. Most women only increase one cup size for their initial surgery, which may be better for those seeking a larger alteration. You can repeat the technique to go up another cup size.
Lacks Sagging Correction
Several patients have sagging boobs due to aging. Fat transfer adds volume and reshapes the breasts, not tightening or eliminating extra skin. Combining a fat transfer with a breast lift may give you greater lift and a perkier appearance.
Compared to other breast enhancement methods, fat transfer breast augmentation has many advantages. Your surgeon can provide natural results with rapid treatment, recuperation time, and guaranteed longevity with fat grafting. This surgery is appropriate for those seeking mild breast enlargement and body balance. To consider breast augmentation with fat transfer, you can contact Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. She is a leading cosmetic plastic surgeon. Find her practicing at SB Aesthetics, a fully facilitated and the best cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon. Avail of the benefits now!
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curenishant · 4 months
Dr. Vipul Nanda - Plastic Surgeon in Gurgaon
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Dr. Vipul Nanda is a respected figure in the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery, boasting over two decades of experience and a commitment to delivering exceptional patient care. Currently practicing at Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon, Dr. Nanda's journey to becoming a leading cosmetic surgeon is marked by dedication, extensive education, and a passion for advancing the field of plastic surgery.
Education and Training:
Dr. Nanda's educational background includes a Master of Surgery (MS) degree from the esteemed All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). He furthered his expertise with a Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) in the UK and a Master of Chirurgiae (M.Ch) in Plastic Surgery from the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER). Seeking to enhance his skills, Dr. Nanda pursued advanced fellowships in cosmetic and plastic surgery across various renowned institutions worldwide.
Clinical Expertise:
Dr. Vipul Nanda possesses extensive expertise in a wide array of cosmetic surgeries, specializing in facial and body procedures. Here are some of the key areas where he excels:
Face Surgeries:
Blepharoplasty: Revitalizing the appearance of the eyelids to rejuvenate the eyes.
Chin Lift: Sculpting and refining the chin for a more defined profile.
Face Lift: Restoring youthful contours to the face by lifting and tightening sagging skin.
Lip Surgery: Enhancing or reshaping the lips to achieve desired aesthetics.
Rhinoplasty: Sculpting and reshaping the nose for improved appearance and function.
Body & Chest:
Breast Implant: Enhancing breast size and shape through implant placement.
Breast Lift: Restoring and reshaping sagging breasts for a more youthful appearance.
Breast Reduction: Reducing overly large breasts to improve comfort and proportion.
Gynaecomastia: Correcting enlarged male breasts to achieve a masculine chest contour.
Liposuction: Sculpting and contouring various body areas by removing excess fat deposits.
Mommy Makeover: Comprehensive post-pregnancy rejuvenation of the body with procedures like breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction.
Tummy Tuck: Removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen to create a firmer midsection.
Hair Treatment:
Hair Booster Desk: Providing advanced treatments to enhance hair growth and combat hair loss.
Hair Transplant: Restoring hair density and natural-looking hairlines through surgical transplantation.
Mesotherapy: Administering nutrient injections to nourish and stimulate hair growth.
Anti Wrinkle Injections: Smoothing wrinkles and fine lines using injectable neuromodulators.
Dermal Fillers: Restoring facial volume and fullness with targeted filler injections.
Facial Skin Revive: Employing innovative techniques to rejuvenate and refresh the skin's appearance.
Dr. Vipul Nanda's illustrious career and patient-centered approach have solidified his reputation as a leading authority in cosmetic and plastic surgery. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on patient satisfaction, he continues to transform lives, helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals and regain confidence in their appearance.
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dezireclinicindia · 5 years
Get natural looking breast with Breast implant
Breasts define the beauty of women. Smaller breasts always look out of proportion from the whole body. Moreover females whose breast size are smaller in size always feel conscious about their looks and you may have also seen a lot of females wearing padded bra so that their breast appear to be larger and fuller. Some females also go to gym and do heavy weight lifting exercises so that they can increase their breast size. The reasons for smaller breasts could be low level of estrogen and progesterone hormone, genetics, thyroid disorders, depression etc. Women with smaller breasts may be thinking they can get breast enhancement treatment. But don’t worry breast enhancement treatment is possible.
Breast enhancement treatment:
Breast enhancement treatment is known as breast augmentation surgery. This surgery is done for increasing the breast size, in this surgery implants are placed below the breast tissue or chest muscles. 
Breast enhancement treatment can only be done when the female is 18 years of age.  Breast augmentation surgery is a single day procedure and you can go back to your home on the same day after the procedure. Breast augmentation surgery is done under general anesthesia, for placing implant surgeon will make cut either in the fold of your breasts, under your arms or around your nipple. After that breast tissues are separated from the connective tissue of the chest so that a pocket can be made for inserting the implant. After inserting the implants the incisions are closed by non-incision method and bandage and dressing are applied for recovery. 
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Side effects for breast augmentation surgery:
After the surgery you may have temporary slight pain, redness, swelling, and bruises in your breast region. You will be given medicines for counteracting the effect of this surgery.  After 4 to 5 days of your breast augmentation surgery you can do your normal work but you have to avoid any physical work for a minimum of 2 weeks. 
The breast augmentation surgery cost varies from patient to patient. Breast augmentation surgery cost depends on the condition of the breasts, the type of implant which is to be placed qualification of the surgeon, location of the clinic.
If you are looking for breast augmentation surgery near you come to any branch of Dezire Clinic located in Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune, Bangalore and Ahmedabad. This clinic is headed by expert surgeon Dr. Prashant Yadav (M.S, M.CH) he is one such surgeon who is nationally famous & is Indian board-certified cosmetic & plastic surgeon. He will understand and review your expectations and evaluate your medical history before going for surgery and provide you best. For more information call us on +91 9222122122.
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lamidas1 · 3 years
Body augmentation, one can benefit from this advancement in medical science, not only to correct deformities, but enhance and improve one’s appearance that not only has a physical impact but uplifts the person psychologically too. Breast augmentation surgery is one such type of cosmetic procedures that can be performed nowadays. For breast augmentation appointments contact the breast lifting clinic in Gurgaon.
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la-midas · 3 years
Considerations for Breastfeeding After a Breast Lift
Function Loss is a possibility-
Breastfeeding after a breast lift is possible, however it may not be the same experience as breastfeeding before breast surgery. While most women may lactate to some extent, some function may be lost as a result of the surgery and the potential of severing a nerve or duct. You won’t know for sure until you try breastfeeding, but whether or not you have nipple feeling is a sign that you will be successful at nursing following breast lift.
Visit For Best Skin Clinic In Gurgaon.
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dramitgupta · 3 years
Dr Amit Gupta Plastic Surgeon Delhi , Gurgaon (India)
Dr. Amit Gupta our Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon is performing procedures in Gurgaon and Delhi for Hair transplant, Body Contouring, Breast enlargement, VASER, Breast reduction including short markless procedures, Face Lift, Nose procedure, Face Rejuvenation etc. He was awarded the Gold Medal during his training for his academic excellence. He was awarded the Lt. Governor’s Trophy for the Best All Round Medical Graduate in the year 1999, and Dr. KB Sharma Shield for Best Contributor to Corporate Life at College. Dr Amit Gupta has completed his training from MAMC, Delhi, and earned Fellowships in Cosmetic Procedures from Europe & Brazil.
Dr. Amit Gupta has a vast experience with VASER procedures in and has trained many other plastic surgeons. He has a large number of patients for VASER from US, UK, Canada, UAE, Australia, Russia, apart from India. He performs mega body contouring and whole body contouring procedures as well.
Divine Cosmetic Surgery which is headed by Dr. Amit Gupta has performed 5953 plus hair transplants on both men and women, using FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedures and Robotic Hair Transplant procedures in their practice in New Delhi and Gurgaon India.
Meet to Dr Amit Gupta Plastic Surgeon Delhi at Divine Cosmetic Surger. You will get best plastic surgery by Dr Amit Gupta delhi in affordable price. Visit clinic now –
For any query, please call us at – 981193474
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How to enhance your facial beauty with cosmetic surgery & procedures?
The present-day advanced cosmetology has gifted mankind with incredible possibilities of enhancing their beauty. Previously, compromising with the inferior beauty was the only option for most people.
However, with modern cosmetic surgery and diverse procedures, opting for the best Rhinoplasty in Gurugram, breast augmentation, cheek implant, ear surgery, butt implants, acne removal, PRP treatments and more are possible for enhancing the beauty of human body.
Find the best cosmetic surgery clinic in Gurgaon offering multiple cosmetic surgeries and procedures to enhance your physical beauty.
Let’s take a close look at some of the top services you can have at the best cosmetic clinic—
Mostly, people are not happy with the shape of their nose. Everyone loves having a sharp and pointy nose like the Germans. Opt for the best Rhinoplasty in Gurugram cosmetic surgery by an eminent cosmetic surgeon for shaping up your nose like the Greeks. Rhinoplasty is considered to be a highly-effective procedure. Through implanting, the nose can be made bigger or smaller by matching the facial contour.
Acne removal
If your sufferance from acne and pimple has left multiple pores and marks on your face, it’s high time to get it fixed by trying the effective Acne pimple removal in Gurugram. Make sure, you choose the best cosmetic surgeon offering quality guaranteed services.
PRP hair treatment
Thinning of hair can be restrained with prp hair treatment in Gurugram. With the cutting-edge medical treatments and cosmetology, regaining the previous wavy hair is possible.
Keep rooms open for laser hair treatment, permanent make-up, cheek, implant, facial lifting and other services to become more beautiful.
Source: http://www.drsumanscosmeticssurgery.com/how-to-enhance-your-facial-beauty-with-cosmetic-surgery-procedures/
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Top 10 liposuction surgeon in Delhi
The demand of liposuction is increasing very rapidly, this is mainly due to the fact that everyone is now wants to get perfect shape of their body. We see peoples working day and night in gyms, yoga, aerobics for getting a perfect figure. Some people want to get perfect figure because they want to go in acting career or modelling. But in some cases it happens that they are not able to get the result inspite of their efforts. Liposuction is the best option for all those people who wants to get perfect shape of their body which they have not got through diet, exercises or any other means.
What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure which reduces the localized deposition of fat by only through a minute incision which fades with time. Liposuction is very effective in changing contour of the body because it reduces the number of number of fat cells which are not evenly distributed. Liposuction may not always prevent weight loss or weight gain but it equally distributes weight.
If you are planning for liposuction then you must want to get it done by the best liposuction surgeon. If you are in or near Delhi then this list will be very much beneficial to you.
Some of the Top liposuction surgeon in Delhi are:
Dr. Lokesh Kumar- He is a Senior Consultant Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, India. He practices at BLK Super Speciality Hospital in Pusa Road, Delhi. Dr. Lokesh Kumar specializes in Cosmetic and Microvascular surgery. Dr. Lokesh Kumar has more than 26 years of experience. He is a qualified Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon at BLK Hospital in Delhi. Patients from entire Delhi, India and across the globe come to Dr. Lokesh Kumar with lots of hopes and the doctor ensures that the patients are satisfied with the treatments, with his experience and techniques he uses with his expertise in Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Shilpi Bhadani- She is a Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon in Gurgaon. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani practices at SB Aesthetics, sector 42, Gurugram. She is a reputed expert in plastic surgery with specilaization in aesthetic and cosmetic surgery of face and body. Over the years she has performed numerous successful liposuction and chest reshaping surgeries, body contouring, tummy tuck and face reshaping, facelift, scar revision etc.
Dr. Prashant Yadav- Dr Prashant Yadav is an Indian Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon as well as member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and Pune Association of Plastic Surgeons. Dr Prashant Yadav is dedicated to providing the highest quality cosmetic surgery in a friendly, private setting at an affordable price.  He has an experience of more than 10 years in this field and he is respected by his patients because of his excellent reputation and honesty.He is very thorough in his consultations and enjoys the one-on-one relationships he develops with his patients. He decision regarding cosmetic surgery. He is the Director of Dezire Clinic and his patients receive the highest standards of individually focused care. e is trained under the guidance of renowned body contouring surgeon Dr Alfredo Hoyos for VASER 4 D HI DEF liposuction .He has published various articles in international and national journals.
Dr. Prashant special interests include laser treatments, gynecomastia treatment, cosmetic surgery of the breast (including augmentation and breast lift), Rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty (tummy-tuck), VASER 4D HI DEF liposuction, cosmetic surgery of the face, autologous fat transfer, and body contouring surgery after massive weight loss.
Dr. Rohit Krishna- Dr. Rohit Krishna is a Plastic Surgeon in Vasant Kunj, Delhi and has an experience of 24 years in this field. He is a member of All India Association of Plastic Surgeons. Some of the services provided by the doctor are: Ear Reconstruction,Wrinkle Treatment,Thighplasty (Thigh Lift),Thread Lift and Dermatologic Surgery, Liposuction etc.
Dr. Tapeshwar Sehgal- Dr. Tapeshwar Sehgal is a plastic surgeon at new Delhi. He has the special interest is cosmetic surgeries after having operated on several cases of liposuction, all types of tummy tucking (abdominoplasty), breast enhancement & reduction surgeries, facial cosmetic surgeries, rhinoplasty, and gynecomastia correction.
Dr. Akshat Wahal- After receiving formal education from internationally renowned institutes AIIMS and Safdarjung, he has worked at high volume enters like Apollo Hospitals and gained extensive experience in difficult and challenging reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries especially in Liposuction, abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) and facial surgeries including face lifts and rhinoplasties.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh- Dr Pradeep Kumar Singh is well known Plastic and Cosmetic surgeon in DELHI NCR. His main interest includes cosmetic surgery, microvascular surgery, head and neck reconstruction, hair transplant and congenital anamolies like cleft lip & palate and hypospadias. He is vastly experienced in managing ortho-trauma cases and post cancer surgery defects and performed micro-vascular reconstructions including digital and limb replantation. He is specialized in Hair transplant, Liposuction, Breast enlargement , Breast reduction including short scar procedures, Face Lift, Nose surgery, Botox etc in Delhi NCR.
Dr. Ritesh Anand- Dr Ritesh Anand is a Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon at LA Midas the complete medical aesthetics and wellness centre at Main Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road near Guru Dronacharya Metro Station, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, and Haryana. Dr Ritesh Anand has special interest in Hair Transplant, Liposuction, Gynecomastia, Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery), Facelift, Rhinoplasty, Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction and Cosmetic procedures like Chemical Peeling, Facial Rejuvenation, Dermabrasion, Acne and Acne scar treatment.
Dr. Monisha Kapoor- She is the Director of the clinic and the Chief Operating Surgeon is a renowned & reputed plastic surgeon of International class with practical, genuine & extensive experience and expertise in this thrilling field. She is distinguished to be associated with the International Society of Aesthetic plastic surgery and has been an active member of the prestigious organization. She has got herself thoroughly trained from the masters across the world giving the latest and the best to her patients at costs half the international price.
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Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi
As being capital city of India, New Delhi offers more options to compare besides offering easy access not only for Indians but for the international medical tourists also. Today, when New Delhi has become the most preferred choice for having cosmetic surgery, centers here are competing to provide better facilities and medical technology. And, the real benefit of this healthy competition and ideal environment comes to the people; in turn, they get world class cosmetic surgery at most reasonable price.
Until few years back, India was considered lagging in medical technology; but today, entire scenario has changed. Indian doctors have international qualification and experience. Thousands of nationals of Asian and European countries have gone through successful cosmetic surgery in India. Most of these recommend New Delhi (India) as the best place for having cosmetic surgery. Besides the high level satisfaction, another reason for having cosmetic surgery in India is considerable price difference. If compared with UK, prices of most cosmetic surgical operations are about 30-40% low.
Face lift, hair restoration, dimple creation, butt augmentation and nose reshaping surgery have become very common. Breast Reduction, Mastopexy, Rhinoplasty, Lip Reduction, Vaser Liposuction, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and Brachioplasty like surgeries are also attracting the people of all age group and sex to improve their look. Few centers in New Delhi and surrounding territories like Max Hospital at Gurgaon, Indraprastha Apollo Clinic at Vasant Kunj and Jeewan Mala Hospital at Rohtak road etc are heading towards providing customized treatment. When you have so many options, selecting the best becomes really complicated.
The selected surgeon should perfectly understand your desires. Apart from surgeon's qualification and experience, references play helping role in selecting the right one. He/she should have expertise in performing similar type of operations. The success of cosmetic surgery is mainly written by the surgeon. Therefore, evaluate his/her confidence. Besides personal parameters of doctor, do evaluate the standard of facilities being offered. The selected medical center should be on the list of the insurance company that is going to reimburse the expenses.
Source: http://cosmeticsurgeryinncr.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-10.html
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ourblogpost-blog · 7 years
Cosmetic Surgery in India - Not just The top But the Cheapest As well
Individual look has become far more significant in modern life. People today of each sex and all ages have turn into extra conscious about their appear. The advancement in medical science has opened a lot of methods for them to transform their look within the preferred way. Many people make an effort to do it by classic time taking procedures like diet program, perform outs and lifestyle modifications. The overall results price of standard solutions is quite poor. That's why a lot more people in India too are opting cosmetic surgery. It's getting facilitated in practically all of the big towns of India but a lot of people prefer to possess it in Delhi. As getting capital city of India, New Delhi offers more selections to examine besides providing uncomplicated access not only for Indians but for the international health-related vacationers also. Now, when New Delhi has come to be essentially the most preferred decision for possessing cosmetic surgery, centers listed below are competing to provide far better facilities and health-related technologies. And, the genuine advantage of this healthier competitors and excellent environment comes for the people today; in turn, they get planet class cosmetic surgery at most affordable value. Till few years back, India was regarded as lagging in medical technology; but today, complete scenario has changed. Indian physicians have international qualification and experience. A large number of nationals of Asian and European countries have gone via successful cosmetic surgery in India. Most of these suggest New Delhi (India) because the best spot for having cosmetic surgery. Apart from the higher level satisfaction, a different purpose for having cosmetic surgery in India is considerable price difference. If compared with UK, prices of most cosmetic surgical operations are about 30-40% low. Face lift, hair restoration, dimple creation, butt augmentation and nose reshaping surgery have develop into quite prevalent. Breast Reduction, Mastopexy, Rhinoplasty, Lip Reduction, Vaser Liposuction, Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) and Brachioplasty like surgeries are also attracting the individuals of all age group and sex to enhance their appear. Handful of centers in New Delhi and surrounding territories like Max Hospital at Gurgaon, Indraprastha Apollo Clinic at Vasant Kunj and Jeewan Mala Hospital at Rohtak road and so on are heading towards providing customized therapy. Once you have a great number of possibilities, selecting the most effective becomes genuinely difficult. The chosen surgeon need to perfectly recognize your desires. Apart from surgeon's qualification and practical experience, references play assisting part in picking the ideal 1. He/she need to have knowledge in performing related variety of operations. The results of cosmetic surgery is mostly written by the surgeon. As a result, evaluate his/her self-assurance. Besides personal parameters of doctor, do evaluate the normal of facilities being supplied. The selected medical center must be on the list on the insurance coverage business that is going to reimburse the costs. click for more info: cosmetic surgery India.
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priyasharmasblog · 3 months
Breast Augmentation with Implants: Considerations, Safety, and Alternatives
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Breast augmentation with implants has long been one of the most common cosmetic surgeries worldwide. Over the years, the concept of breast implants has evolved, with a strong emphasis on safety and patient satisfaction. In this blog, we will explore essential considerations for breast implants, including when to change them, the possibility of breast cancer, implant removal, and addressing potential concerns. The insights used to draft this blog have been gathered by Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a renowned cosmetic and plastic surgeon at SB Aesthetics for breast augmentation surgery in Gurgaon. Continue reading to learn more.
Safety of Modern Breast Implants
The current generation of breast implants is generally considered safe, with a minimal risk of cancer associated with them. Advancements in implant technology and rigorous testing have led to more reliable and secure options for breast augmentation.
Timing for Implant Change
One important aspect to be aware of is that breast implants may need to be changed every 10-12 years. Over time, the implant shell can weaken, increasing the risk of rupture, particularly after the 10-year mark. It is essential to stay in touch with the plastic surgeon for regular check-ups and to discuss the timing of potential implant replacements.
Is Implant Replacement a Complex Procedure?
The process of changing breast implants is generally straightforward. Patients are often advised to return to the same surgeon who performed the initial procedure. However, a qualified plastic surgeon nearby can also provide assistance if needed. 
When implants are located beneath the breast glands, the breast tissue may experience stretching over time. In such cases, the surgeon may recommend a breast lift in combination with implant replacement. However, for some patients, merely changing the implant to a larger size without a breast lift may suffice.
Addressing Concerns about Breast Cancer
There has been concern about breast implants, specifically textured implants, being associated with a form of lymphoma. Many countries have issued advisories against the use of textured implants due to this risk. If one is worried about breast cancer, it's essential to stay in contact with the plastic surgeon for regular check-ups. 
Early detection and treatment are possible, and the risk should not automatically necessitate implant removal. Regular annual breast check-ups are recommended, especially for women over the age of 40, even if they do not have breast implants.
Implant Removal and Impact on Breast Shape
For those considering implant removal, it is crucial to be mentally prepared for the changes that will occur. After removal, patients may experience a decrease in breast volume and shape. To address these changes, fat grafting or fat grafting with a breast lift can be viable options. This approach may require multiple sessions, but it allows the patient's body fat to be used to achieve a satisfactory result.
Concerns about Implant Leakage
If one experiences a strange sensation around their breasts and fears it may be related to implant leakage, it is best to consult a plastic surgeon. Through examination and necessary investigations, a skilled surgeon can determine whether there is a leak and recommend appropriate action.
Breast augmentation with implants is a common cosmetic procedure that offers many benefits to patients. However, it's essential to stay informed about the timing of implant replacement, potential concerns, and safety measures. Regular communication with a qualified plastic surgeon is key to addressing any issues and ensuring the ongoing health and satisfaction of patients with breast implants. 
If one is looking for the best cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon, one can visit SB Aesthetics. The clinic, led by Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, is well known for providing the best results with the latest techniques. Dr. Shilpi’s utmost priority lies in ensuring the safety of her patients while performing any surgery.
Consult her today for more details!
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curenishant · 4 months
Dr. Shlpi Badani - Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Gurgaon
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Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a distinguished figure in the realm of cosmetic surgery, stands as a beacon of excellence in Gurgaon. With over 7 years of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgeries, Dr. Bhadani has earned widespread acclaim for her commitment to delivering transformative results and enhancing the lives of her patients. Her journey towards becoming a leading cosmetic surgeon is marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge, dedication to her craft, and a genuine passion for helping individuals achieve their aesthetic goals.
Education and Training:
Dr. Shilpi Bhadani's journey in the field of medicine began with a stellar academic foundation. She completed her MBBS from SCB Medical College, Cuttack, and pursued further specialization with an MS in General Surgery from the Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Driven by a desire to delve deeper into the intricacies of plastic surgery, she went on to attain her M.Ch. in Plastic Surgery from Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. Her thirst for knowledge led her to pursue additional training and exposure in prestigious institutions such as the Dutch Association of Facial, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons (DAFPRS), Laclinic, Montreux, Switzerland.
Clinical Expertise:
Dr. Bhadani's expertise spans a wide spectrum of cosmetic surgeries, each tailored to address the unique needs and desires of her patients. Here are some of the key areas where she excels:
Face Surgeries:
Blepharoplasty: Enhancing the appearance of the eyelids to rejuvenate the eyes.
Chin Lift: Reshaping and contouring the chin for a more defined profile.
Face Lift: Restoring youthful contours to the face by lifting and tightening sagging skin.
Lip Surgery: Augmenting or reshaping the lips to achieve a desired aesthetic.
Rhinoplasty: Sculpting and reshaping the nose to improve its appearance and function.
Body & Chest:
Breast Implant: Enhancing the size and shape of the breasts through implant placement.
Breast Lift: Lifting and reshaping sagging breasts to restore a more youthful contour.
Breast Reduction: Reducing the size of overly large breasts to alleviate discomfort and improve proportion.
Gynaecomastia: Correcting enlarged male breasts to achieve a more masculine chest contour.
Liposuction: Removing excess fat deposits to sculpt and contour various areas of the body.
Mommy Makeover: Comprehensive surgical rejuvenation of the body post-pregnancy, typically including procedures such as breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction.
Tummy Tuck: Removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen to create a firmer, flatter midsection.
Hair Treatment:
Hair Booster Desk: Providing advanced treatments to enhance hair growth and combat hair loss.
Hair Transplant: Restoring hair density and natural-looking hairlines through surgical transplantation.
Mesotherapy: Administering injections of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to nourish and stimulate hair growth.
Anti Wrinkle Injections: Using injectable neuromodulators to smooth wrinkles and fine lines.
Dermal Fillers: Restoring volume and fullness to the face by injecting fillers into targeted areas.
Facial Skin Revive: Utilizing innovative techniques to rejuvenate and refresh the skin's appearance.
Skin & Hair:
Power Shots: Delivering potent formulations to revitalize and nourish the skin.
Facial Skin Tone: Improving skin tone and texture through customized treatments.
Hair Booster Therapy: Providing specialized therapies to promote hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.
Dr. Shilpi Bhadani's unwavering commitment to excellence, combined with her extensive training and expertise, makes her a trusted authority in the field of cosmetic surgery. With a focus on personalized care and natural-looking results, she continues to transform the lives of her patients, empowering them to embrace their beauty and confidence with pride.
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dezireclinicindia · 3 years
Best Clinic for cosmetic surgery - Dr. Prashant Yadav
Cosmetic surgery procedures are performed to make a person to enhance his or her appearance. Cosmetic surgeries are also used to reattach body parts severed in accidents or to perform skin grafts after severe burns, or to reconstruct parts of person's body that. Cosmetic surgery procedures can be done on any part of the body, but before going for the procedure you should be careful and choose the best clinic and best surgeon for your surgery. Before surgery get a proper counselling with your surgeon and then go for surgery.  Some of the cosmetic surgery procedures which are being practiced are breast augmentation and reduction, Liposuction, Gynecomastia, Tummy tuck etc.
Best clinic for cosmetic surgery
If you are looking for the best clinic for cosmetic surgery then visit Dezire clinic India located in Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune, Bangalore and Ahmadabad. Dr Prashant Yadav the Director of the clinic and the Chief Operating Surgeon is a renowned and reputed cosmetic surgeon of International class with practical, authentic and extensive experience and proficiency in this thrilling field.
He is an Indian Board Certified Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon as well as member of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India and Pune Association of Plastic Surgeons. He completed his M.S. (General Surgery) & M.Ch. in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at B.J. Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmadabad. He is the Director of Dezire Clinic and his patients receive the highest standards of individually focused care in his, ISO 9001;2008 CERTIFIED Clinic in the heart of city of Pune. He is trained under the guidance of renowned body contouring surgeon Dr Alfredo Hoyos for VASER 4 D HI DEF liposuction. He has published various articles in international and national journals.
Dr. Prashant special interests include laser treatments, gynecomastia treatment, cosmetic surgery of the breast (including augmentation and breast lift), Rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty (tummy-tuck), VASER 4D HI DEF liposuction, cosmetic surgery of the face, autologous fat transfer, and body contouring surgery after massive weight loss.
Dr Prashant Yadav is dedicated to providing the highest quality cosmetic surgery in a friendly, private setting at an affordable price. Respected by his patients because of his excellent reputation and honesty.He is very thorough in his consultations and enjoys the one-on-one relationships he develops with his patients. He decision regarding cosmetic surgery.
The clinic is assisted by an accomplished team of dermatologists with vast experience in the field, a team of approachable and professional staff, state of the art fully equipped procedure suites, zero infection zones and fulfill all of the international standard protocols.
The Clinic is pictured to offer you the best exclusive services under one roof. The services offered at Dezire clinic involves FUE HAIR transplantation, BioFUE Hair Transplantation, Front Hairline transplantation, beard transplantation, eyebrows transplantation, hair transplantation, hairline advancement, hair loss treatment, Gynecomastia surgery, laser removal for both men and women, mole removal, scar removal, tattoo removal, white hair removal, acne treatment and much more. The clinic is also known for providing cosmetic surgery involving face, breast, male penile enhancement, and liposuction for body fat removal.
For more information call us on +91 9222122122 or mail at [email protected]
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priyasharmasblog · 10 months
Breast Implant Changes: A Guide to Safety and Options
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According to ISAPS (the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), breast augmentation surgery with implants has gained significant popularity and stands as one of the most common cosmetic procedures worldwide. As the concept of breast implants evolves, it's crucial to stay updated on safety measures and technological advancements. 
In this blog, with insights from Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, renowned for breast augmentation surgery in Gurgaon, we'll explore the considerations before opting for breast implants, the process of implant change, addressing concerns, and available options.
Before embarking on the journey of breast augmentation, a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is essential. Expert advice is crucial to understanding the implications and expectations associated with the procedure. Most experienced plastic surgeons recommend implant changes every 10-12 years due to the weakening of implant shells over time, increasing the risk of rupture.
Simplifying the Implant Change
The process of changing implants is relatively straightforward. It's advisable to consult the same surgeon for the procedure, although a qualified plastic surgeon nearby can also assist. In cases where implants are placed beneath the chest glands, the surgeon might suggest a breast lift alongside an implant change. While some cases may require a lift, changing implants alone can sometimes achieve the desired outcome.
Benefits of a Breast Lift with Implant Change
Opting for a breast lift along with an implant change offers a fuller and firmer appearance to the breast. This combination proved particularly effective as breasts naturally sag over time. Since the same pocket is often used for the implant, the downtime is usually less compared to the initial procedure.
Addressing the Cancer Scare and Implant Removal
While textured implants have raised concerns regarding lymphoma in some countries, the current generation of breast implants is considered safe. Regular check-ups are recommended, and advisory notes suggest that textured implants aren't the only option. For those considering implant removal, options like fat grafting or fat grafting combined with a breast lift offer a way to reshape the breast, utilizing the patient's own body fat.
Detecting Leaks and Seeking Professional Advice
If one experiences unusual sensations around the breast, it's best to consult a plastic surgeon for examination and appropriate investigations. These measures can determine if a leak has occurred and guide one towards suitable solutions.
Breast implant augmentation is a common and evolving cosmetic procedure. With proper consultation, patients can make informed decisions about their implant choices. While changes might be required over time, the process is often simpler than the initial implant placement. Advancements in technology and safety protocols have led to improved options for those considering implant changes, ensuring a positive experience and desirable outcomes.  Remember, consulting a qualified plastic surgeon is crucial for personalized advice and solutions tailored to individual needs and concerns.
Looking for an advanced clinic for getting breast implants? Visit SB Aesthetics, the best cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon led by an expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani.
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priyasharmasblog · 1 year
Breast Uplift Surgery: When To Go For It?
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Breast lift surgery is an excellent technique to achieve fuller-looking breasts, adjust their placement, and regain body confidence. It is also known as mastopexy that reshapes the breasts by removing extra skin, tightening breast tissue, and positioning the areola.
Visit SB Aesthetics, and consult Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at her clinic SB Aesthetics for Breast Uplift Surgery in Gurgaon,
Read on to know more on for whom breast lift surgery is recommended for:
Women who have lost breast firmness owing to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss
Asymmetrical Breasts
Tuberous breast deformity, characterized by a thin and tubular breast shape
Breast alignment following mastectomy (breast removal due to breast cancer)
Breasts that are flat or extended
Nipples and areolas that are low-lying or pointing downward (fixed with nipple raising)
An ordinarily healthy woman with stable blood pressure who is not pregnant or breastfeeding is often an excellent candidate.
Most importantly, one should be in the age range where the breasts have fully matured, which is at least 18 years old.
Various breast lift techniques can be used to achieve the best results.
Anchor lift: It involves making an inverted "T" incision from the areola down the breast crease.
Crescent lift: To execute the breast lift surgery using this minimally invasive technique, the surgeon makes a crescent-shaped incision at the top of the nipple.
Periareolar lift: The surgeon makes a doughnut-shaped incision to remove the tissue around the areola.
Lollipop lift: This method involves a downward vertical incision from the areola line.
When to go for breast lift surgery?
A breast lift surgery is performed to relocate and stiffen the breasts and nipples to a higher, more central position on the chest and breast. It improves the appearance of the breasts, making them appear younger and perkier.
A breast lift is ideal for a woman who is satisfied with the size of her breasts but not their sagging, drooping appearance and wishes for them to be higher and firmer. If a woman has drooping nipples and/or areolas, or if one of her breasts is in a different position than the other, a breast lift (which includes a nipple lift) can help to rectify those concerns as well.
Suppose a woman wishes to change the dimension and positioning of her breasts. In that case, she must combine the breast lift with breast augmentation or breast implants, known as “augmentation mastopexy,��� or with breast reduction surgery, known as “reduction mastopexy.”
Breast lifts are also performed following a mastectomy (the removal of a breast due to malignancy) to align both breasts and address asymmetries.
A nipple lift frequently accompanies a breast lift surgery, and it is also combined with inverted nipple surgery or nipple reduction for nipple hypertrophy.
Most women want to improve their self-image and self-confidence by making their breasts look younger.
If one has any query on any type of female breast cosmetic or plastic surgery. They can schedule a visit at SB Aesthetics, best plastic surgery clinic in Gurgaon.
Do visit at the clinic to learn more
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