#Brian isn't doing it because he already had a stroke and died.
zizbombs · 1 year
Wish Taylor got to hang out with more people. Just shoot the shit with some friends. Like that one time Taylor took Aisha and Alec on a walk and put maggots in Valefor's eyes but instead of violence they were just walking around Brockton fucking around. Doubly so if it was people she had no business hanging out with. Taylor in an arcade playing pinball with Faultline and the rest of her crew are also there. Parian and Foil dressing up Taylor up in fancy dresses that she would have no business wearing unless they insisted. Like I realize Taylor would absolutely hate her but her shooting the shit fucking Bakuda would be utterly amazing. 2x for String Theory.
Basically, Worm slice of life AU.
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loverboyromanroy · 3 years
do you really think logan will die? i think maybe he ends up in jail and roman as ceo (also following your theory about him being the 'big bad' of s4) boi i'm scareddd
the more i think about it – and the more jesse armstrong keeps saying "it's the name of the show, it's in the name of the show" in every interview – the more i'm CONVINCED logan does not return as ceo in any capacity. in my mind, roman gets permanent ceo one way or another – whether it's because he and gerri engineer it that way and fulfill the rockstar/mole woman/ceo/chair strategy, because his dad gets a final call and rewards roman for his loyalty, etc etc – because kendall is out and shiv just can't nail it down. also, for what it's worth, roman is the ONLY one who has been consistently working in the company all this time and i wholeheartedly believe he would've been the interim choice if he hadn't made the gerri time call.
now from there, it seems like there are two options: logan goes to jail or logan dies. i think there's a cultural model/precedent for logan going to jail and i think that leaves a lot of options open for season 4 (roman going after kendall for sending their dad to jail comes to mind, shiv caught playing peacekeeper between her brothers). but with the way they've been building tension this season, that almost doesn't feel impactful enough to me? plus now the past two episodes we're highlighting health concerns again and, lest we forget, he's 80 years old and had a stroke not so long ago lol
i think it would be brutal to see logan die and, of course, would untether EVERYONE. their universe fundamentally changes if their dad dies. it sets up roman to really, actually hate kendall (he's already getting angrier that kendall doesn't seem to care much about their father's health) and go after him about his death. it throws kendall and shiv into identity crises because who are they without their dad. it even kind of sets up connor to go a little nuts (inheritance, running for president because his dad isn't there to say no).
the biggest detractor from that theory, obviously, is that they wouldn't want to write out brian because he's incredible. BUT if you're going for something that will drive EVERYONE crazy and set us up for a particularly nasty season four, it'd be pretty damn intriguing 👀
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Unicorn Sometimes One Middle Finger Isn't Enough To Let Someone Know How I Feel That's Why I Have Two Hands Shirt T Shirt
OF US AND THAT’S GOING TO CAUSE SHORTAGES SO IT IT HAS BEEN MADE PUBLIC IN CERTAIN WAYS AND ALSO WE HAVE OTHER SOURCES THAT YOU CAN EXPECT SOME SHORTAGES OR BASICALLY SHELVES BEING EMPTY THIS FALL AND MAYBE IN THE NEXT YEAR SO IT’S SOMETHING I THINK THAT EVERYBODY SHOULD TAKE NOTE OF AND BASICALLY PREPARE FOR SECTIONS START OFF WITH A Unicorn Sometimes One Middle Finger Isn't Enough To Let Someone Know How I Feel That's Why I Have Two Hands Shirt T Shirt GREAT VIDEO IT’S THE FORBIDDEN DISCOVERY IT’S A DOCUMENTARY OF THE IMPOSSIBLE DEVICES AND THE OUT OF TIME TECHNOLOGY AND ARTIFACTS SO WHAT WERE FINDING IS IN THE ARTIFACTS WERE FINDING SOME AMAZING TECHNOLOGIES THAT EXISTED AND THEY’RE TRYING TO PUT THE STORY TOGETHER OF JUST WHAT THAT MEANS AND WHAT THEY ARE AND ESSENTIALLY WHAT THAT MEANS IS THERE ADVANCED CIVILIZATIONS. Is going on I always felt smog like in LA nation encoders working guys encoder issues a little earlier know this will we get into topic number one what is the show works okay I can start working on the show like five or six the morning that a right shown us a graphics together Texas but togetherand we gotta get there notes I know that I need to come in around 10 o’clock sometimes just not a big piece of news breaksand we can get into the graft everything will happen today wonder woman for me to steal to to big business I guess wonder woman is going to be in a steel to she’s been asked one woman is none other than fastand furious is gal guy know I believe that’s a pronounced trainingand now so correct me if I’m at the station for names it says asked to confirm that it is officially confirmed this is our new wonder woman so she is still in this is our wonder woman this is out of nowhere now there was a rumor number we show that there were three women going into test for rolling ministerial to speculated I was for one woman but we did all three was gal it was monetaryand go there is a third actress I can remember thinking at the time of these would fit to be one woman so it will be for another role that they’re all going in for turn as wonder woman are going in for they selected her now before I give my opinion about this let me preface what I want to say with this I’m going to give this a shot when the movie opens going with check my prejudices at the door check my preconceived notions at the door going space a movieand I’ll judge it on some errands but since were talking outand we just heard about it I get my first impressions this is terrible terrible casting just awful for several reasons number one I was one of the simpler things out of the way I want 95 pound one woman dies a beautiful woman absolutely that’s gracious got exotic looking at one for woman what all I kind of stuff what incarnation when we look at where this accomplished animated movies or whatever one only 95 pounds we need somebody a little bit more like oh the enemy fire they were just type the other day who seems to some aluminum or physically do like her now rated you can get her on the horse steroids get her pumping iron as fast you can put aluminum ocelot but her frame I’m sorry that is not one of the other reason I have a problem with this is fastand furious she has been acceptable for the role she was playing but I’ve never look at her snatch something this actress cannot only play in a small sign role this actress put on her own shoulders carry a franchiseand you know that DCand Warner Bro are just planning on using a wonder woman just as a little side character ministerial to another user is now our wonder woman for the Justice league universe moving for you know the wonder woman franchise now based around her I never believed that she is the type of actress who carry a franchise sell for for those plus she’s language a little bit so for all those reasons physically I don’t think it’s a criteria I don’t think she has that level of acting ability to carry an entire major league franchise on her shoulders I just don’t see now maybe we’ll go see ministerial two 2015and she will blow our socks off we got it open the possibility it’s very possible escape our fingers crossed I like the casting decisions Warner Broand Zach Snyder made so far so we give them the benefit of the doubt my initial reaction is this is awful anyway we Campbell got back to town select training in the mail sort is not that I’m good to give her the benefit of the doubt I think whether she’s a great actress in the fastand the furious actorsand actresses always had to do different roles so if they saw that the actor you come up with your character firstand then go get the best actor for what were saying I not giving disclaimers to death here she might end up being awesome we have to remain open to that possibility comes from an island of Amazon’s who’s to say that all the position you incarnated in the same site as my or my quibbles with thisand she’s gonna bulk up she might not have the building frame of what’s the idealized version of one woman but in a mean that’s neither here nor there for me as long as they keep true to the actual characterand make a really cool character out of this version of oneand that’s all that matters in a I’m sure that they got it under control so I’m yes if I just as you were to hear that they cast downand out but now I’m in a just like Ben Affleck for minerals like wineand as I now is actually that makes a lot of sense so welland hope hoping I’m I’m right I wanted to be horrible here today I’m I’m I’m very negative on this I think this is a terrible decision but there is not entity anybody more hoping that they this was this that this is a stroke of genius I would hope that this is a stroke of geniusand that she can knock our socks offand is going to be awesome keep our fingers crossed my enthusiasm to love our lives who are official first topic today how long are you going to acquaint before considering the other to to the will of the over Email the other day we talked about where to’s go from hereand a list of three options that they had this was one of the options not because I don’t think it’s it’s a valid option facility because I never dreamed in 1 million years universal consider being already halfway done filming scrapping of they got reworked the scriptand start again that’s what they’re doing okay with it actually I’m totally okay that like logisticallyand makes life a lot simpler despite the fact that start over again then say trying to patchwork in makeshiftand very awkward departure of the Paul Walker character out of the film because it is not like they were 90 done filming they just had finished his last couple of scenes all that kind of stuff now once again on the actual options is not having their party replaced with another actor I will still firmly stand on the ground that you replace them with another actor absolutely replaced with another actor I mention this the other day but it bears repeating their some people say respect for Paul Walker you don’t replace them that’s bull crap that is absolute stupidityand nonsense because if you’re a guy like Paul Walker reported your heart passion mine soul strength everything into that characterand in that role you honor him by making it the best fastand furious ever there was some guy who is an architect right now this dream of a building this story skyscraperand when it was 60 stories tall he passed away he wants to go welland respect for him to stop it at 60 stories now you honor him you take that building all the way to where was supposed to go on the shoulders of what he built Paul Walker fast appears as important as the rock is become fastand furious is about Domand Brian this franchise is about is about Domand Brian anything planning to take us to fastand furious nineand 10 with Domand Brian on Paul Walker you take it to nine or 10 with Donand Brian this some people say well you know I will deal with you some Your Pl. Are troops Donald Trump supports our veterans you want to ask Donald Trump is paid all the taxes that he’s deemed not take the letter honestly it is a are troops I understand my order changes I understand what you want to change the subject and learning be very clear on this Russian thing the larger question here is someone we’re dealing with is is the and others an old proverb that says the Russian bear never dies just hibernates in the truth the matter is that we can feckless foreign policy Hillary Clinton Barack Obama has awakened an aggression in Russia that first appeared a few years ago with her mood in Georgia now their move into crime
Source: Unicorn Sometimes One Middle Finger Isn't Enough To Let Someone Know How I Feel That's Why I Have Two Hands Shirt T Shirt
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I just put is a Unicorn Sometimes One Middle Finger Isn't Enough To Let Someone Know How I Feel That's Why I Have Two Hands Shirt T Shirt had a trip people are likely to show you how the choices of how like that these the tell you Satan is running this place is world is a Satan is one place but you got the word having that equals 55 and you got 28 in the notice and and a teacher they teach us that about and going to have you know line this is a root this is teaching and ended stuff that was given some people not I’m telling you Satan is this stuff they came up with this always religion they put these stories together I’m telling not a natural in that because they didn’t have truth in these books in these religious books especially the Bible didn’t have truth in when despair when the cello armhole at a break because if you start with a good foundation of truth and being put up with a layer of glass you are about to lay alive when you have truth because the truth is the foundation so as will people go hold on to enable filtered louder middle made all the lies make sense to notice and I’m telling the norm talk about the way they’ve been taught. Is right up there to answer this nice addition by not the fight you as a crush on was so this is a great actress really funnyand Seeing Eye Siemensand now I might have to seen see me to just because that’s onlineand I think about Amy I can’t believe you what was the exact line I love her line in hot tub Time Machine were she just looks at junk is a site oh I’m awesome believe that is awesome I present for mailbag listen if you got a topic or question you like us or doesn’t show emails anytime at AMC movie talk Gmail. On everything eliminate confirmed and what is the place for years Nepali has been on the wrong side of the Kremlin he accused Putin’s party of rigging the 2011 parliamentary elections what’s happening See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks
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