#Brie Larson x the glass closet
jennyboom21 · 1 year
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skittlesfics · 4 years
Blind Date - Jack Barakat x Reader
Title: Blind Date
Pairing: Jack Barakat x Reader
Word Count:1653
Author’s Note: Okay, okay, so I’m not supposed to write RPF on this blog BUT I’m going to see All Time Low THIS WEEKEND and I found this in my drive. based on the prompt: “It’s nice to meet you and I love your songs but wow, now that I know who you are and you’re paying for dinner and all I feel really bad for pirating all your music.”
P.S. Requests always open (especially for Harry Potter and Dragon Age)
“I swear you’ll love him. Have I ever steered you wrong?” Clara called through your bathroom door as you changed into outfit number three. You frowned, stepping into another pair of heels that was somehow taller than the last. If your friend hadn’t arranged this date as a huge favor to you, you would think that she was trying to kill you.
“Yes.” You said as you walked out of the bathroom. “Two weeks ago at that club downtown.” Clara wolf-whistled and stood to get the full impression. Outfit number three was braver than what you would have picked for yourself, but Clara had insisted that outfits one and two were too conservative for the guy you were meeting.
“He’s not like that guy at the club. You’ll really love him.” She assured you, already approaching you to do something with your hair, now that you had found something that she approved of. You stood still, letting her style your hair and decide what to do with your makeup. 
"I don't have to love him, Clara. I just have to get him to fuck me." 
She choked for a second before bursting into laughter, thumping you hard on the shoulder. 
"With this outfit? If he doesn't fuck you, I will." She insisted with just enough of an eyebrow raise that you believed her, too. You rolled your eyes and let her guide you over to you vanity so that the two of you could finish the look. 
By the time you were all dressed up and Clara was driving you downtown, you would have fucked you. 
"I'll be in the area for the first hour or so, but if you need to bail after that it might take me a bit to get to you." Clara said. "Remember the code word?" 
"Weightless." You replied, scrunching your nose at the laugh she tried to stifle. There was something about this date that she wasn't telling you and you hadn't been able to figure out what it was. You knew her well enough that she wouldn't pull a harmful prank on you, but that didn't mean that she didn't have something up her sleeve. 
"What did you say his name was again? And how do you know him?" You asked, switching gears. She gave you a suspicious look out of the corner of her eye, but returned her attention to the road as traffic inched forward again. 
"Jack. I met him through work." She answered. You tried not to wince as she sped up, sliding into a spot between two cars that her car barely fit into. You should have known better than to accept her offer to drop you off, but you weren't too keen on letting a blind date have your address. 
"He worked with you on a music video?" You asked when you were sure that death was no longer imminent. She hummed as if considering and gave you a shrug. 
"Something like that. He's a cool guy, really easy to work with." She finally replied. It wasn't an answer, but you knew by now that you weren't going to get any more out of her. You huffed dramatically and sunk low in your seat, closing your eyes. She laughed at you and turned the radio up, the sound of a new Simple Creatures song playing on the radio. 
You opened your eyes just to glare at her again. You were glad that Alex was having fun making music, but you really wished he would release another album with All Time Low, and Clara knew that. She shrugged at you and you closed your eyes again, trying not to be nervous about the date. 
The Black Sheep was a gastropub on 6th that you had been meaning to check out for a while, but you never seemed to be downtown after 7pm, at least not with the intention to eat. Now that you were going on a date there, you wish that you had managed to get there at least once so that you could have at least scoped out the place. As Clara pulled up slightly down the block, you swallowed your nerves. You were hot, you were confident, and you would take someone home tonight. 
"Love you, get laid!" Clara called from the rolled-down window. 
"Love you, I'll try!" You called back, blowing her a kiss. You watched her drive off and then took a moment to confirm that you had your phone and your clutch. You wished that you had done more than drink the single glass of rose while Clara was destroying your closet, but the plans for the night were gastropub, nightclub. There was plenty of time to take the edge off. 
You took a final steadying breath and walked towards The Black Sheep. 
It was still relatively early, but you weren't the only person dressed up for a night out. You felt less insecure about the leather clinging to your legs and the deep v of your bodysuit that went down to the high waist of your pants. The looks that you got were mostly appreciative, and that did a lot towards calming your nerves. As you neared the door, you heard someone shout your name from behind you. 
You twisted around, eyes scanning for whoever called you, but freezing when they landed on Jack Fucking Barakat. Living in LA, running into celebrities was a common occurrence. You went to the same gym as Ariana Grande and Brie Larson, and had showered in the same room with them. All Time Low, however, had been the soundtrack of your emo years. You still had a poster of Jack folded up with some of your other memorabilia from going to Warped and other festivals. 
You realized with horror that you were staring, and that he had noticed. He was half-jogging, but he slowed when he got to you. When he opened his mouth, you thought he was going to call you out for being a total fangirl and you started to apologize. Instead, he said your name and your brain short circuited. 
"Sor- I'm sorry, what?" You asked, stumbling back a half-step, wobbling on one precariously high heel as you caught yourself. He reached out and steadied you with an arm on your elbow and you thought that you might explode. Your biggest teen fantasy was touching you. And then he said your name again. 
"Clara's friend, right? Sorry, I thought I saw you back there but I wasn't sure until she sent me a picture of the back of you. I'm Jack." He held up his phone, showing you a picture that Clara had snapped as you were walking towards her car. You were still mad at her for the heels, but damn you looked good from behind. 
"You're Jack? " You asked incredulously before realizing how stupid that was. Of course you knew his name was Jack. "Actually, I knew that. What I meant was, you're the Jack I'm meeting for a blind date?" You asked, eyes still wide. He grinned, running a hand through his dyed silver hair and you thought you might melt into the sidewalk right there. 
"Yeah, lucky me, right? Come on, this place has great burgers and booze, and I didn't get to pre-game like I wanted." You let him pull you along into the gastropub. That made two of you, at least. 
You settled in at the bar and ordered your burgers. Jack got the Macho Patty Melt and a Hell or High Watermelon, while you got the titular Black Sheep burger and a pear cider that didn't have a cute name. As you reached for your clutch, Jack waved your hand away and handed his card over, telling them to keep the tab open. 
You wanted to text Clara to scream at her for not telling you that your date was Jack Motherfucking Barakat of All Time Low, but you didn't want to look rude in front of JACK MOTHERFUCKING BARAKAT OF ALL TIME LOW.
"Hey, you okay? You look nervous." He said softly, or as softly as he could while still being heard over the general noise of a gastropub. "Clara mentioned that you were an ATL fan, so you don't have to worry about that." You smiled at his concern and shook your head. 
"It's not that." You admitted, biting your bottom lip, "It's just... Well, I know who you are and obviously I really love your music but... With you paying for dinner and all I feel really bad for all the albums I torrented." 
Jack's eyes widened slightly and you worried that you had upset him. Had you really just told a music artist that you pirated their music instead of paying for it? Oh, fuck. Clara would be so pissed if you struck out on this date. 
You started to apologize but he burst into laughter, his body shaking as he laid his head on the table for support. You managed a weak smile, taking a sip of your cider to calm your nerves some. The laughing fit passed and he looked up at you, still grinning. 
"How about I consider your company as a repayment of your debt and call it even?" He said, reaching out to shake your hand. 
"I don't know... It's a lot of debt." 
"Guess you've got a lot of repayment to do, then." 
You regarded him for a moment, looking from his hand to his face. You had never shaken hands with a first date before, but you did it anyway. 
His hand was big and warm and you could feel his callouses as it engulfed yours. The contact lasted only the briefest moment, but you were already starting to feel warm. You swallowed, reaching for your drink immediately. 
Oh fuck. You were on a date with Jack Barakat, oh fuck. You downed the second half of your cider.
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jennyboom21 · 2 years
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"It really has to do with my own sense of feeling completely unlovable and shameful about who I am as an individual. That's what fueled all this," Larson tells Yahoo Entertainment.
"Because I realized that because I was living with shame about who I was and fears about who I was, that that meant I needed to talk about it. And I started having conversations with friends and family and realized that everybody that I spoke to was living with some thing or maybe multiple things inside of them that they thought was shameful, and 100 percent of the time, there was nothing to be ashamed of."
The celesbians are restless!
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jennyboom21 · 1 year
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jennyboom21 · 3 years
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…….🍻 Did she get caught again?
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jennyboom21 · 3 years
  The Braylor of it all… 
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jennyboom21 · 4 years
Well if Kaylor broke up earlier than we thought what could be the reason? Scooter hiring Karlie? Maybe Karlie realized Taylor was still writing songs abt Dianna? (DWOHT is clearly abt Dianna 😏) or Karlie really messed up their rs telling Scotter Taylor’s stuff. But I can tell you that Taylor would NEVER b ok with Karlie hanging out with Katy at that time. And she was left out of the LWYMMD t-shirt. However IMO End Game is not abt Karlie neither Dianna. Idk. It’s just not 😕
I don’t think there was one specific reason we could nail down, but the Junior Jewels situation didn’t help, and since this is just conjecture about what was shared/made public, arguments could be made that:
Karlie signing with Scooter late 2015/2016 may have kicked off the pursuit of Taylor as a representative, despite working with Tree since early 2014.
Karlie reminding the public that she was with Josh Kushner, especially after the election, probably didn’t help, since I don’t think Taylor miraculously became a Democrat in 2018, nor 2016. 
Karlie’s engagement to Josh, followed by Taylor’s performance with Hayley Kiyoko at Foxboro stadium on VERY short notice didn’t have the same feeling as when we got emo Taylor when Dianna’s engagement/marriage was announced.  It came off as “are you kidding me right now?”.
Karlie and Josh’s random wedding on a Thursday, just days after news about Jared Kushner’s involvement with Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi’s murder and dismemberment, probably did them no favors, especially since Karlie’s role is to give Josh and his family positive promotion.
The KimYe mess was dealt with in quick fashion, but then you had Karlie step out with Kendall Jenner, and Katy Perry, pre-reconciliation. 
Karlie’s “Cold Shoulder” IG post after the Masters Heist was announced, couldn’t have helped.  
If Karlie was left in the dark about an alleged reconciliation with Dianna, whom seemingly knew about Reputation’s contents, then things were either A.) already on the rocks, and they hadn’t spoken in some time B.) they were “together” in name only, but that could’ve really hurt.  
The 2018 August Nashville concert could’ve been their own version of the Swiftgron FUN concert, with Karlie telling Taylor about the upcoming wedding, since the engagement was announced just a month prior, with Karlie’s quote:  “I love you more than I have words to express. Josh, you’re my best friend and my soulmate. I can’t wait for forever together. Yes a million times over.”
Their relationship just could’ve ran its’ course, since it appeared as if Karlie wasn’t going to leave Josh (their relationship predates Kaylor), Taylor had doubled-down with Joe, and was about to get LOUD with Lover LP.  They also could’ve not been as “committed” as many in the fandom would like to believe, and maybe casually dating other people took it’s toll?  Not to mention Taylor x Brie Larson appeared to be in a race to see who could Glass Closet harder (also, whatever was going on with the Braylor stuff before the Masters Heist, and Brie getting a beard), Taylor x Dianna probably saw eachother/hung out at the 2019 Vanity Fair Oscars Afterparty.  
As for “Endgame”? Those lyrics are suspect as hell, not to mention Taylor randomly bringing it up as it related to Avengers: Endgame (i think during Ellen?) without provocation.  It comes off as describing what happened in the past, and moving past that (bury hatchets, for one), “So It Goes...” is another example of this, too.
These are just several explanations off the top of my head. 
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jennyboom21 · 5 years
When you tag things as the glass closet what does that mean?
Not “Narnia”, not as secretive, but more so an “Open Secret”. The Gays can pick them out pretty easily.
I consider Taylor Swift (and the X amount of times she’s either soft outed herself or by the media), Brie Larson, and Sophia Bush (in addition to a few USWNT players) “Glass Closeted”.
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jennyboom21 · 3 years
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jennyboom21 · 3 years
Brie literally is screaming *I'm frea*king GAY* Why would she put in her captions an explanation at all. Like, she definitely knows we know what she is. Look at her recent Instagram post. "When she takes your breath away...(SHE BEING THE THAT GORG RASPBERRY TART)" I'm screaming 🤣 Did Tay herself bake that tart for you?
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jennyboom21 · 3 years
Brie trying to get into Taylor’s pants screams of desperation to me. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I dunno it’s not really a turn on.
It provides for great content if you can dicepher (celes)lesbian social media code speak!
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jennyboom21 · 3 years
“Cottagecore” (road trip mention) and “Fried Green Tomatoes” is Brie just screaming into the void that she’s gay, part 13... 🔍👀
The whole video is gay as hell!
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