#Brings back memories of doodling on the back of my notebooks in middle school haha
kelbunny · 2 months
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Aeshna Doodle bc I bought myself a fancy little toned sketchbook today and wanted to test it out a bit haha
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jaysurveys · 5 years
Girly Do you like the color pink? It is my least favorite color.
What have you spent more money on: a purse or a pair of shoes? Shoes.
Do you ever wear heels? Very rarely. 
What are the most stylish but uncomfortable shoes you own? Heels, lmao.
Do you have any shoes you mostly only wear for photo shoots? No photoshoots. 
What’s your all-time favorite lipstick (brand and color)? I don’t wear lipstick.
Do you buy drugstore make-up or high-end make-up? Walmart!
What dog breed do you think you look the most like? Depends on what my hair is doing that day. Lmao.
Do you like light blue jeans or dark blue jeans better? I like both. 
What are your favorite type of pants to wear? Leggings or yogas,
What’s the last good love story you read? I love to read but its been a while since I’ve read :(
Who is/was the most romantic of your friends? None of them haa.
Have you ever had a magical kiss? Uh huh.
Do you like kissing or hugs better? Depends on the person, duhhh. 
Retro Do you own any records? Sure do.
Do you own a pair of bell-bottoms? Not anymore.
Have you ever tie-dyed anything? T-shirts!
What’s one oldies song you like? I can’t pick just ONE.
Do you think Disco is a cute name for a boy? Oh hell no.
Do you own a lava lamp or disco ball? I did.
Did you own a disco light when you were younger? A while ago.
Have you ever put a dime in a jukebox? You bet.
When was the last time you went to the roller rink? Middle school.
Do you wear hoop earrings ever? Never.
Do you own a kaleidoscope? When I was a kid.
Have you ever done hard drugs? No.
Tumblr What are three of your favorite Starbucks drinks? I do not go to Starbucks.
Do you have photos on the wall in your room? I have lots of pictures.
If you own/owned a Polaroid camera, which color would/do you have? I sadly never had one.
Have you ever done a craft with a record? if so, what? Noo.
What’s one of the best Tumblr-inspired craft projects you’ve seen? I’ve not seen any actually.
Do you have a Tumblr account? Obviously.
Which do you like better: Tumblr or Pinterest? I like both.
Do you have a mandala tapestry hanging in your home? No.
Do you own any succulents? I don’t, my mom does.
Fake succulents or real succulents? She has real ones.
Do you doodle on your notebook paper? I attempt to but I suck at drawing.
Do you own Sharpies? Lots of them for no reason.
What’s your favorite Sharpie color? Black.
What color are your Converse shoes? Maroon!
Have you ever made an inspiration board for your room? Yes.
Who is the best-looking male celebrity? Heath Ledger.
Boho Where would you like to travel to next? I want to go back to Italy.
List three more vacations you would like to go on. Italy, Rome, Venice. I want to do that vacation all over again.
Where are three places you go to relax? My room, shower, the beach.
Are you a musician, artist, or writer? Musician and writer. 
Do you believe in truth, freedom, and love? Okay?
What is your favorite store at the mall? I don’t go to the mall.
Would you hitchhike if people were generally trustworthy? I have my own car.
What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done? I’m boring.
Would you ever belly dance at a faire? No.
If you became famous, would you change your name to something exotic? No.
What are five exotic names that you like? What the.
Do you own a dreamcatcher? Yes.
Do you feel closer to God in nature? No.
Fashion What are five things that were in style when you were in high school? I didn’t even pay attention and honestly my anxiety was too high to even care.
What does your favorite scarf that you’ve made look like? I’m not a fan of scarves, I feel like they are choking me.
Do you wear scarves? No. 
List the different colors of jeggings and/or skinny jeans that you have. Light blue, black, dark blue, gray, navy, maroon.
What color is your favorite pair of shorts? Black.
What color is your favorite sweater? Black.
List five people whom you think have great style. Demi. Kelly. Grace. Sarah. Cindy.
List five of some of the worst trends you’ve seen. I don’t wannnnnna.
List five items on your current wardrobe wish list. I don’t have five.
Where do you shop the most for clothes? I shop at random places, I don’t have a go to.
Do you own anything leopard print? No. 
Do you wear earmuffs? Nope.
What color are your favorite pair of boots? Black!
Music What song makes you cry? Iris.
What could be the theme song to your life? Oh, I have no idea.
What is a good break-up song? There’s lots of them.
What song makes you want to dance? WHITNEY.
What is one of your all-time favorite songs? Iris. 
What is your current favorite song? Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi.
Which show has a great theme song? Friends lmao.
Which song is so catchy it’s easy to get stuck in your head? How am I supposed to just pick one?
Which song is used in a lot of youtube videos? I don’t really watch youtube.
Which song is sad? There’s lots.
Who makes great song covers on YouTube? Boyce Avenue.
Who is one of the best songwriters? Johnny.
Who has a beautiful voice? Johnny.
Who made it big fast? Mendez.
Arts and Crafts List five DIY youtubers you love to watch. I don’t watch youuuutube.
Who makes the best craft videos? -----
Have you ever painted rocks and hid them in your town? No. 
What craft project is harder than it looks? All of them.
Have you ever got hot glue stuck to your hands? Ohhh yes.
Are you messy when it comes to painting? I suck at painting.
What color is your cutting board? Gray.
Would you rather build something or decorate something? Decorate.
Have you ever painted something on canvas? No way I could attempt it.
List a few of your favorite painters. Rockwell.
Do you love the brand Natural Life? I don’t know what that is.
Do you love the brand Lisa Frank? Oh my. That brings back a lot of memories haha.
Oil pastels or chalk pastels? Which do you prefer, and why? How the hell would I know lmao.
Glitter gel pens or regular gel pens? Glitter.
Colored pencil or regular pencil? Colored pencils.
Charcoal or colored chalk? Chalk. 
Painting or drawing? I suck at both.
Painting that shows brushstrokes or painting that looks like a photograph? Ooooh, brushstrokes for sure!
Knitting or crocheting? Neither.
Sewing on a machine or doing embroidery by hand? None.
Color or black-and-white? Black and white.
Digital photography or film photography? FILM.
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