#Brittany Furlan
sourwolf-sterek32 · 5 months
Mötley Crüe Fics
The Dirt (Your Version) - Completed
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Summary: Meeting Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee was a coincidence. Being friends was a choice. But falling in love with them both was beyond your control.
A rewrite of The Dirt with all the highs and lows of Mötley Crüe from your perspective.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Reader, Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee x Reader
Warnings: Past child abuse, cancer, miscarriage, language, and of course, excessive alcohol and substance abuse.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17 / Chapter 18 / Chapter 19 / Chapter 20 / Chapter 21
Idiotic Hero (In Progress)
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Summary: Nikki Sixx chooses a random fan from the crowd to come on stage and it happens to be you. But what happens when a person with a knife pushes through security and runs straight towards you both?
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Mötley Crüe & Reader
Warnings- language, blood, serious injury, mentions of past drug & alcohol abuse
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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celebpicss · 2 years
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Brittany Furlan
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metalbrojack · 3 months
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Now put me in between them.
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sunsetsixx · 1 year
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the old men are at it again 🤨🤡
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Just Friends- Part 3
Summary: Almost thirty years after the fight that ended your friendship with the rudest, crudest bassist in the history of metal, you run into a ghost from your past while living in Las Vegas.
platonic!Nikki Sixx x Reader
a/n: soooo yeah, here we are. this is the last part of this fic and honestly i was so excited to write this part! with the way their friendship/relationship was set up i had a clear direction i wanted their futures to go and here we are! i hope you enjoy!
warnings: language, mentions of overdose, some bestie fluff tbh
Part 1 | Part 2
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October, 2016 Las Vegas, NV
Twenty nine years have passed since that night in Nashville. The one that had, arguably, changed your life forever. After catching the first flight back to Los Angles you spoke with your landlord and were able to cut your lease. You packed up all your clothes and got on the next flight to New York. You had decided you wanted a bit of a break from life in the city of angels.
Throughout the next twenty nine years you picked up a career as a self-taught photographer, going on to achieve recognition in multiple magazines around the world. In these last years you had never married; however, you had a few flings and occasional long term relationships during that time. Your longest, and probably most serious, relationship led to the birth of your twin sons, Theo and Kai, in 1994. Thats right, the universe had blessed you with your own terror twins. You had broken up in 2001 but you still co-parented the boys successfully. Your little family had made the move back to LA when the boys were 6 and you continued your career in photography there until they went off to college, at which you point you shifted to Las Vegas.
Vegas is where you began to work with musicians once more. You worked with different venues and owners to photograph celebrities during their Vegas residencies. You got to rub elbows with the members of KISS and even Britney Spears when she did hers. All this led to you stepping foot back into the world of music. A world you thought you’d left behind long ago. You didn’t really speak to the members of Mötley Crüe. Nikki had never tried to reach out to you but you had managed to occasionally keep up with him over the years through various news outlets.
The hardest day for you was December 23, 1987. The day Nikki Sixx died, and was subsequently brought back to life. You were still living in New York at the time when you got the phone call from one of your LA friends in hysterics, babbling incoherently about turning on the news and something something Nikki Sixx. You had managed to turn on the news to be assaulted with the information that Nikki Sixx had died. Frantically you dialed Nikki’s house phone, hoping foolishly that this was an April Fools joke in December but there was no answer. So you did what any rational, former friend of Mötley Crüe would do. You called Mick Mars.
Mick answered the phone that night and reassured you that while yes, Nikki was clinically dead, he was alive. And he was being a fucking dumbass that needed to figure out what to do with his life. You offered to hop on the first flight back to LA but Mick held you off. He told you that you needed to figure out your life before you’d ever be able to help Nikki with his. And he was right. By the time you’d figured out your life, Nikki had a wife and a kid on the way. But you wouldn’t trade your experiences for anything, nor your friendships with the rudest, crudest, and frankly sleaziest, band of the last three and a half decades.
It was your off day and still pretty early so you had decided to treat yourself to a day at the New York, New York casino, before the rest of the city decided to truly start their day. You had just been sitting down at one of the slot machines for a few minutes when a gorgeous brunette woman sat to play at the machine next to you. She looked like the models you used to photograph in the earlier days of your photography career. You decided to raise the bet, just a little higher. You won some free spins and the chance to play a mini-game. You were focused. The mini-game gave way to a mini jackpot win, about five hundred dollars. While the game made it’s winning noises you couldn’t help but hear a sound that you thought you’d never hear again. A laugh that haunted you like the ghost of your past to this day.
There, next to the gorgeous brunette who had just sat down next to you not five minutes before, was a familiar head of black hair. Eyes, that you just knew were as green as seaglass under those sunglasses, looking at the screen of the slot machine in front of him. Your mouth moved faster than your brain and before you knew it you were saying, “Nikki fucking Sixx, is that you?”
His neck nearly snapped with the speed at which he looked up, momentarily startling Courtney. That voice had been one he hadn’t heard in a long time. Almost thirty years if he was doing his math correctly. Nikki finally turned his head to look in your direction, the two of you meeting each others’ eyes for the first time in twenty nine years. His mouth started to hang open and hot tears started to well in your eyes. Courtney sat between the two of you with a confused look on her face and a quick raise of her brow at the look on Nikki’s face. “Holy shit, Y/N?” Nikki finally managed to sputter, Courtney’s confusion ebbing and a look of recognition of the name coming over her face, the corner of her lips pulling up in a small smile. 
“In the flesh, Sixxter! Also, I’m so sorry, I definitely didn’t mean for it to seem like I just overlooked you, I’m Y/N. Y/N L/N,” you introduced yourself.
“Courtney Sixx, I’ve heard so much about you. I never thought I’d actually have the opportunity to meet you,” Courtney responded, reaching out to shake your hand. 
You laughed at her statement and shook her hand enthusiastically. “Honestly, I never thought I’d have the opportunity to meet you. I had heard about your wedding through one of those magazines, you did good, Sixx,” you added with a wink in Nikki’s direction, a small blush forming on Courtney’s cheeks.
“Alright, enough ragging on me. Where’s my introduction? You gonna shake my hand or give me a hug, princess?” Nikki threw your nickname from thirty years ago back at you like it was nothing causing you and Courtney to both roll your eyes. But you stole a quick glance at Courtney, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. She could tell the question you were asking with your eyes and her smile only grew. In response, you approached the man that had changed your life with the biggest hug you could muster.
“Holy shit dude, it’s been so long. Why the fuck are you wearing sunglasses inside?” you mumbled into his chest as Nikki squeezed the life out of you and barked out a laugh, almost as if he was making sure you were real.
You ended the hug and wiped away a few stray tears that had managed to creep their way down your cheeks, your reaction causing Nikki to laugh. “God, when’d you get so emotional, princess?” he added, wiping a few tears away from his own eyes causing all three of you to laugh at the ridiculousness. 
“I’ve always been emotional, Sixx. Just couldn’t exactly show it around you idiots,” you jested, “now what the hell are you doing in Vegas? Are you two still living in LA?”
“My new band Sixx:AM is performing at the T-Mobile Arena tonight and Court wanted to spend part of the day here before I had to leave to get ready and, well, here we are!” Nikki smiled at Courtney as he moved his arm around his wife’s waist, the motion causing more tears to spring to your eyes. They weren’t sad tears. Not at all. They were some of the happiest tears you had shed since the day your boys were born. You were just so damn happy for Nikki. Nikki turned his attention back to you and asked, “Now what about you? What have you been up to? What are you doing here? I heard you introduce yourself with the same last name, you married?” 
“Pump the brakes for a second, hon. Let the woman breathe. It’s not everyday you run in to your best friend for the first time in thirty years,” Courtney said softly while rubbing small circles on Nikki’s back.
Her statement caused you to laugh. Same old, Sixx. “It’s okay, Courtney. Nikki never learned to slow down, I see,” you added with a wink towards his wife before continuing, “well after Tennessee, I headed up to New York for a bit and ended up starting up a career in photography. Mostly models at first, got a couple gigs thanks to a few girls that knew me from hanging with you and the Crüe funnily enough. Stayed there for a bit, never married but I’ve got two boys, twins if you can believe that luck. And we moved out to LA when Theo and Kai were about six. When they went off to college, I moved here. I’d done so many gigs at that point that eventually I got offered a job photographing some musicians and bands in residence. I was KISS’s photographer last year...”
Nikki swore someone had to be cutting onions in his vicinity with the way his eyes were tearing up as you told him about your life. He knew it just as well as you did, the two of you were like fire and gasoline when you were together. Not helping the other, just feeding the destruction. But here you are. Both of you happy and healthy and doing what you love. 
“Okay, stop getting all sappy on me, Sixx. I see those fucking tears. Knock it off before you make me cry,” you joked, making Courtney laugh even more. You liked her. A lot.
“Oh shut up, Y/N,” Nikki responded, not so subtly trying to wipe the tears from his eyes, only making you and Courtney laugh harder. He liked this. Seeing you and Courtney interact made his heart full. 
“Hey are you guys using these machines? Some of us wanna play too ya know?” some kid who looked barely legal to be in the casino asked, surrounded by a group of his also-questionably-aged friends. 
You rolled your eyes at the children and held your hand out to Courtney, “come on, wanna go get something to eat and catch up?” you asked the couple, to which they immediately nodded, as soon as Nikki was done glaring at the kids that interrupted the three of you.
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The three of you finished your conversation at the Irish pub in the casino before Nikki had to head back to their hotel room to get ready for the show. But not before you had the opportunity to tell him how proud you were of him and his fifteen years of sobriety. You both reassured each other that you never had any lingering ill feelings towards the other, that eventually you both understood that you leaving the tour was probably the best thing for both of you at the time. It was your absence, Nikki said, that ultimately kicked his ass into gear following his overdose. Courtney just sat and watched as two best friends reconnected and you made sure to include her whenever possible. The three of you promised to catch up again and made sure to swap contact information, and follow each other on social media of course.
Over the next six years, the three of you caught up whenever possible. When you found out Courtney was pregnant, you bought the crib and nursery decorations and a scrapbook/photo album that Nikki could fill with photos of their new baby. Courtney had asked you at one point during her pregnancy if you ever wanted to be a mom again to which you just laughed. Your answer? “Hell no, the terror twins I had were enough for me. I swear it was like trying to wrangle slightly tamed versions of Nikki and Tommy.” The three of you laughed at that.
 You followed all the other members of the Crüe on social media, hell you even tried to reach out to Tommy via DM one day but he never read it, or it could buried under a sea of other messages. Vince and Mick used social media the least of the four, but you made sure to follow them and keep up with them whenever possible. You didn’t necessarily want your first reunion with the boys to be virtual. And that brings you to...
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September 9, 2022 Las Vegas, NV- The Stadium Tour
When Mötley announced that their new tour end date was going to be in Vegas, you knew you had to find a way to get there. You could afford tickets, sure. But that wasn’t going to be good enough. But somehow, you were offered a gig to photograph the show and you just couldn’t turn it down. You had contacted Courtney the second you found out about the offer to let her know that you wanted to try and surprise the boys at the show and she got so excited. Mostly she couldn’t wait to introduce you officially to Ruby, you’d seen her over social media and the occasional Facetime call but never in person.
You made your way through the backstage area of Allegiant Stadium, your hands nervously playing with the name-tag given to you out front. As you turned the corner that’s when you saw them. Nikki and Tommy were playing hide and seek with Ruby, Mick and Vince were talking in the corner mimicking something that had to do with the show, and Courtney was talking with Brittany, Rain and Seraina. It was Courtney who noticed you first, her eyes lighting up as she yelled, “hey hon, what’s that over there?” pointing in your direction to make sure Nikki looked the right way. That got everyone’s attention and suddenly way too many eyes were on you. Eyes that you hadn’t seen in far too long.
“HOLY FUCK! IS THAT YOU, PRINCESS?” Tommy yelled, his eyes wide and mouth open while Nikki looked like his twin, go figure. Vince and Mick looked at each other like fish out of water at Tommy’s statement. Tommy and Nikki made eye contact before they were both taking off across the stage, pushing each other out of the way to see who could get to you first. Tommy won.
“Woaaaaaah there, T-bone! Let me down, I’m a grown woman damn it!” you squealed as the human personification of a stick picked you up and swung you around.
“Let her down, Tommy. Gotta share princess with the rest of us!” Nikki yelled, dodging out of the way of your legs as Tommy swung you one more time. The three of you were cackling like a bunch of witches by the time the group hug was all over.
“Alright you two, enough. Lemme go see these pretty wives of yours and these other two hooligans I’ve missed very much,” you stated, wrapping your arm around both of the original Terror Twins’ waists and dragging them to the rest of the group.
“It’s just like old times,” Tommy fake sniffled while Nikki rolled his eyes and mussed up your hair.
“Hey, hands off, Sixx. Only Courtney gets to mess up my hair,” you joked upon your arrival in front of the group, Courtney blushing at the innuendo. That was your goal every time the three of you caught up. See who could make Courtney blush the most. She was married to Nikki Sixx so she had some tough skin, but damn if every time you complimented her she didn’t turn pink.
She removed yourself from the weight of the Terror Twins and wrapped your arms around Courtney, “hiya, Court. Miss me?”
“More and more every day, princess,” she added with a kiss to your cheek, you doing the same to her. Ruby clung to her mama’s leg and you looked down at her. Every time you saw her, you saw different features that resembled Nikki or Courtney. But damn if this child wasn’t a near perfect mix of the two.
“Ruby, this is your Auntie Y/N. You remember, Auntie Y/N?” Courtney asked softly, trying to coax Ruby away from her legs. Ruby’s eyes widened in recognition of the person she had seen so many times on Facetime as she unwound her arms from her mother’s legs and threw herself at yours. “Auntie Y/N!” she yelled as you bent down to pick her up and give her a proper hug. You passed her back to Courtney and introduced yourself to Brittany, Rain and Seraina as they were in your immediate circle.You didn’t need to explain who you were, they all seemed to have heard stories about “princess” at some point over the years. The nickname caused you to smile and roll your eyes, you’d never be getting rid of it. Your smile caught as you saw Mick and Vince looking at you, both frozen in place.
“You okay there, blondie?” you called out cheekily. It took Vince a second before he seemed to realize that you were talking to him.
“I think so, I mean...it’s not every day I see a ghost,” he added, slowly walking towards you with Mick in tow.
“No ghost here, Neil. Just a real, live human who has waited thirty-five years for a Vinnie special,” you added with a wink, holding your arms out for a hug which he happily gave you. You could swear you heard him sniffle.
“Don’t go crying on me now, Neil. Gotta be strong for the pretty ladies,” you added with a wink causing him to scoff and push off you with a roll of his eyes. Vince started talking about how Nikki had told them all about the two of you reconnecting in Vegas six years ago and about how your life had changed for the better after you left Mötley, making a joke at how of course you’d have twin boys, almost like a punishment, making everyone laugh in response. Vince hadn’t changed a bit.
 Eventually that just left you and Mick. The guitarist looked at you, a fondness in his eyes.The look on his face belonging to the older brother you never had biologically but were magically gifted in 1981. You had grown. Of course you had. You looked good. Healthy. Happy. Kids. A succesful career you enjoyed. It was all he could have asked for.
“Hey kid. I see you figured this whole life thing out huh?” Mick asked softly as you approached him, the two of you breaking into tears the second he wrapped you into a hug. You were home. Here in this arena, where soon 65,000 people would be cheering and singing along to songs you heard the boys write. Here with the rudest and crudest band of the last four decades. Here with this motley crew of a family that you had somehow wiggled your way back into. And you couldn’t have been happier. 
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the end! i hope y’all liked this fic! Thank you @youlightmeupfinn for your help and @la-undercover-latina for your support! i love you besties!
@marvelsshadow* (couldn’t tag properly)
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lazymoonconnoisseur · 9 months
Okay okay okay here me out......a threesome with Brittany and Tommy Lee tho...
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obscenery · 2 years
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chezzabellesworld · 6 months
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Tommy Lee is such a douche Libra man I'm sorry but I can't help her the way he treats women and gets away with it it's just unbelievable to me he has that Libra thing where he just like it's friendly with everybody but you know underneath that exterior there's a monster, they started out together being Tommy Lee how do you first wife who's in the first picture I believe I'm sure that's his first wife but they were only married for something like a week typically broman making you think you're the world and then letting you down. But they are completely intoxicated with love is among many other things the way you treated Bobby Brown Pamela Anderson he's been with Naomi Campbell's,mayte Garcia and Pink the singer he's dating history is like a who's who and it needs to be known that Libra men are like this and maybe keep away unless they have over replacements I know his Venus is in Scorpio and I think that's where the anger issues may come from along with his Mars in cancer comma men with Mars in cancer a very close to like being very womanly and being comfortable in their feminine side which is probably why this man has cut become so attractive to every other type of woman and that is my view to Tommy Lee
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kajalnasit · 2 years
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Brittany Furlan Bio, Net worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband
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celebpicss · 2 years
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Brittany Furlan
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metalbrojack · 4 months
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Yikes 😬😬😬😬
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sunsetsixx · 2 years
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
Fics with Sixx
a/n: alright folks! Time to try my hand at a lil Sixx fic! enjoy! (p.s. this one was a little weird to write lol you’ll see why)
current!Nikki x YN
Summary: You and Brittany have been hanging out a lot during the Stadium Tour. Following your husbands, keeping up with fan posts on social media, and making TikToks in your free time for the hell of it. But what happens when you two discover that the world of fanfiction has grown? 
warnings: age gap ( ~35 years)
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June 25, 2022
The Stadium Tour was in full swing. You had finally made it to Philadelphia after a few days in New York and you and Brittany had been hanging out all day in preparation for the show tonight while your husbands hung out, just the two of them, for the first time in what felt like forever. Over the course of the last couple of years, you and Brittany had gotten close. You had followed her on her Vine days and when you and Nikki started dating you bonded over your proximity in age and your love for the Terror Twins themselves.
But now you had been scrolling through tumblr for almost an hour. After Brittany and you had discovered fanfictions involving your husbands you had spent half an hour reading some of the raunchy works together. Some were way off the mark, others were spot on and it just made experience all the more fun. Hell, you had even decided to look up stories about each others’ husbands to send to each other for the fun of it.
You were a few years younger than Brittany, and more than a few younger than Nikki, so you had always known that fanfiction existed, it just always seemed to be focused more on fictional characters and taking stories pre-existing stories and making them your own. But fanfiction about real people, your husband in particular, well that just took things to a whole new level. 
Like every other site on the internet, tumblr was a vast ocean of... interesting things that lead to some equally as interesting discoveries. You were reading a particularly good fic about Nikki and his mommy kink that Brittany had found when the door to the hotel suite opened revealing the man in question. His hair held out of his face with a bandana and his sunglasses covering those green eyes that you swore you loved more and more everyday. You should have noticed him, you should have said something, but the fanfiction was just getting to a particularly juicy part, and for once you had eyes for something other than your husband, well the physical version of him at least.
Nikki’s eyes scanned the hotel room until they landed on your figure lounging on the couch. Your bottom lip between your teeth and your legs squeezed tight all Nikki could do was smirk. Taking advantage of the fact that you hadn’t heard him come him, he snuck over to the couch and plopped down next to you, causing you to jump and almost throwing your phone at him in fear.
“Nikki! I didn’t know you were back!” you said hurriedly while scrambling to find the hold button on your phone. But Nikki was smart, he knew that look you had on your face just moments before and he knew that when you squeezed your thighs together it was to try and both deny yourself while simultaneously giving your body the friction it yearned for. Nikki leaned in to press soft kisses along your jaw, your body slowly giving in to the pleasure your husband sought to give you. 
“Whatcha been looking at, kitten? Anything you want to tell me about?” Nikki practically purred, a sense of enjoyment overcoming him when he saw the light pink blush rise to your cheeks. He took your small silence to imagine you watching porn on the couch, waiting for him to come home and give you all the pleasure you could scream for. He knew better than to think you were shy, especially when it came to him.
You debated about whether to tell Nikki about fanfiction. On one hand, you weren’t sure he’d understand what it was you were talking about. On the other hand, it could lead to some pretty fun conversations, almost as fun as the one you had with Brittany earlier that led to your current discovery.
“I was just reading, baby,” you whispered coyly as he began to lay kisses against your throat, a soft moan escaping your lips.
“Mmm? Reading what, honey? You can tell me, you don’t have to be shy. Maybe I can help you out, you were making that face I like so much,” he murmured as his hands came up to rest on your stomach, his fingers playing with the hem of your shirt. It was that moment that you made up your mind.
“I was reading you, Sixx,” you stated, a smile forming on your face as the confusion grew on your husbands’ as he pulled his face away from your neck causing you to groan.
“Come again?” he asked, his brows furrowing as he tried to comprehend the words that had just come out of your mouth.
“I would if I could finish this fic,” you mumbled under your breath, “I was reading about you, baby. Your fans are very creative,” you added with a wink before opening your phone again to continue where you left off. But Nikki was still confused.
“Baby, honey, I love you, but the words you’re saying aren’t making any sense. Were you reading Instagram comments again? Shit, what could they be saying in the Instagram comments to make you make that face?” Nikki said, scrambling to find his own phone but he stopped after hearing your laugh. It started off as a giggle and eventually turned into a full belly laugh, your face turning red from laughter.
“Baby, no. it’s not Instagram, it’s fanfiction. Your fans have been using their creativity to write stories online about you in different situations, many sexual ones too might I add, and I just think it’s great. Here, this is what I was reading,” you said, showing Nikki the particularly spicy moment he had interrupted. You could practically see the gears turning in Nikki’s head as he realized what he was reading. He turned his head up from the phone to look at you, a grin playing on your lips causing him to lick his in turn.
“Well sweets, what do you think of these “fanfictions”?” he said, putting finger quotes around the word causing you to chuckle.
“Well some of them are hilarious, you should see the ones that Brittany and I found about you and Tommy, they do a great job capturing the essence of the Terror Twins,” you noted with a teasing tone causing him to roll his eyes as you continued, “and some are super sweet and soft, but others...others are pretty damn hot baby, I’m not gonna lie,” you said, biting your lip yet again.
‘Quit biting that damn lip, baby. You know that’s my job,” he growled leaning forward to pull you into a deep kiss, his fingers moving from fiddling with the end of your shirt to tangle in your hair. As he pulled back from the kiss he had a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
“What’s that face for, Sixx?” you asked warily, unsure where your husband’s head was at.
“I just want to know how those fanfictions compare to the real thing, baby?” he teased as he leaned back in to kiss along your neck, giving a small bite as well causing a louder moan than earlier to bubble past your lips. You threaded your fingers through his hair to bring his face up, making eye contact with the green that you wanted to see every day for the rest of your life.
“Guess you’ll just have to give me something fresh to compare it to, huh Sleazy Sixx?” you whispered, pushing him off and running to the bedroom, Nikki hot on your heels.
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arnold-layne · 1 year
Heather misses Tommy
Is this awkward to bring up since Tommy is with Britney
No actually. People are allowed to miss the good moments of their relationship with their exes and that doesn't 1. invalidate the reasons they broke up over 2. mean that they want to get back together
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YOU ATE HIM?!- Biersack Family
Summary: Andy and Amber decide to break the news to their baby girl that she’s going to have another brother or sister.
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Addison sat with Andy while Amber had practice. The couple made it work pretty well with both of them being in separate bands. 
They tried to make sure one of them was always with their daughter, but when it just wasn’t possible, Addison usually spent time with Grandma, Poppa and Grandma Brittany, or Grandpa Nikki and Grandma Taylor.
“Dada? Can we watch the music?” Addison asked, not sure her dad fully understood what she wanted.
“Are you talking about a music video, baby girl?” He asked, and she nodded, her dark brown curls hitting her cheek.
“Do you wanna watch one of daddy's or mommy’s?” He asked, pulling up YouTube on their flatscreen.
“You,” she told him, her attention now brought to the tv.
“Tell daddy when to stop,” he told her as he went down the list.
“Top!” She demanded and it was on Fallen Angels.
“Uncle Jakey!” Addy clapped when she saw her godfather on the screen in his stage makeup.
“Uncle CC!” She called again when she saw her crazy uncle CC that always made her laugh.
“Daddy, your hair so long and pwetty,” She told him and climbed off his lap.
“Who’s that daddy?” Addison pointed to Ashley and Andy sighed.
“A man that was not a good person baby,” He told her. There was no doubt in his mind that he made the right call getting rid of Ashley.
Andy had to open his camera to record his little girl singing along with the video, dancing in the living room, twirling in in a circle, her black and red dress circling around her.
“We scweam, we shout!” She belted, lifting her arm with the horns, and Andy laughed before sending it to the group chat with Amber, Heather, Tommy, Nikki, and their wives.
As expected, once that video was over, Addy came bounding towards Andy again.
“One more daddy?” She asked, and he chuckled.
“Of course princess. Same thing as the last one. Tell daddy when to stop,” he told her and Addison had him stop at Perfect Weapon.
“That one,” she told him and her eyes lit up as she saw her dad in the corner of the window.
“Daddy, what happened to your hair?” Addison asked, and Andy smiled.
“Well daddy didn’t wash it and brush it sweetie,”
“Ew!” Her nose wrinkled.
“Yeah baby, mommy and daddy were on tour together and daddy got hurt and it was hard for daddy to wash his hair,” he explained to her. Even at almost 3, Addison knew about Andy’s incident at the release party of Set The World On Fire. Mainly due to her launching herself at him when his ribs were hurting, so they had to explain it to her.
“Guys, I’m home!” Amber called. The sound of paws hitting the hardwood floor filled the house.
“We’re in the living room kitten,” Andy called once he heard his wife greet their dogs.
“Mommy! We’re watching music,” Addy told her mom when she saw her round the corner with Persephone on her heels and Hades trotted forward to the three year old, laying at her feet.
“Mine or daddy’s?” Amber asked, having a good idea of the answer before the question left her lips.
“Dada’s,” she answered when the music really picked up.
“Addy, do you know that this is the first of daddy’s music videos that mommy watched,”
“Was it like a pwincess?” She asked, her blue eyes sparkling.
“Kinda. Mommy knew she wanted to meet daddy,” she answered, pressing a kiss to Andy’s lips.
“Didn’t Gamma Tay say she thought Dada was cwute?” She asked, having heard the story from Ella.
“Really?” Andy surprisingly never heard that story before.
“Yes baby. Gamma Tay thought daddy was so cute,” Amber told her and pressed a kiss to her husband’s lips.
“Hey sweetie, Daddy and I need to talk to you when you guys are done watching Daddy’s music videos,” Amber told her, her hand instinctively moving to her belly.
“Okay mama,”
Once the video finished, Andy turned off the tv so they would have her undivided attention and nothing would overstimulate her.
“Okay baby, so you know how Auntie Ella is Uncle Jude’s big sister?”
“But Uncle Jude is bigger,”
“That’s because he got Grandpa Nikki’s height, but Auntie Ella is actually older sweetheart,” Andy told her, rubbing circles in her back.
“Yeah, so how would you feel about being a big sister Addy?” Amber asked, not wanting to beat around the bush.
“Yeah. Can we take him back when he messes with my dollies?” Addison asked, making Andy snicker a little.
“No baby. If that happens, you come get mommy and daddy. Wait, what makes you think you’d get a little brother?” Amber asked, an eyebrow raised. Addison shrugged.
“Poppa said you having a boy,” Addison told her and a chill went down her spine. Tommy really had a talent for predicting baby genders, especially if their new baby is a little boy.
“Well, we get to see if Poppa is right. Sweetie, you’re going to be a big sister,” Andy told her with a beaming smile.
“Where is he?” Addison looked around, making her parents smile.
“The baby is in mommy’s tummy,” Amber told her.
“YOU ATE HIM!?” Addison snapped a horrified look at her mom, both parents having to stop from laughing.
“No baby, they have to grow in mommy’s tummy,” Amber moved strands of Addison’s curls out of her face before sitting next to her. Addison’s crystal blue eyes moved to her mom’s belly.
“You be nice to mama. I help Dada and Poppa make your room,” Addison smiled and pressed a tiny kiss to Amber’s belly.
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