#Bro that's not a healthy mindset. Bro you are in a false dichotomy bro.
guqin-and-flute · 9 months
For the ask game, 11 and 17 please!
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KITTY!!!! This looks like one of my cats omg
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
Oh, yes!! I really really want to try horror! I'm not quite sure why, I think it's because I've never been able to partake in it in the past because of my anxiety disorder, but now that I'm doing better with that, I'm able to handle more than I used to. And I like trying to evoke emotional responses with the things I write, so unease/fear is just another one I don't think I've delved into! I don't know how successful I'll be at it, but it will be fun to try
And tropes--I probably should pick a couple to try out, just to keep things fresh! 🤔
17. Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year?
I absoLUTELY read and appreciate every single comment, ask, and tag that people put--sometimes even in the bookmark sections on Ao3, I'm there like 👁👁. Sometimes, when I'm having a bad brain day, I'll just go back and read through them and feel happy.
I got behind on responding a while ago and then did that thing where I felt overwhelmed and then really guilty that it's taken me this long to respond, so I just...didn't. Which is not very helpful.
I'm hoping to catch up on the past comments, but also get rid of that 'all-or-nothing' mentality which says since I haven't answered the ones in the past, that means I shouldn't reply to the more recent ones yet.
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