#Brody has a phase two helmet
crosshairscrustysock · 6 months
Just some helmet sketches of my ocs and a little bit of background
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Brody-(CT-1209) 104th battalion
“son of a karabast!” “Laser brain”
Heavy weapons specialists
First battle : battle of geonosis 1
Kidnapped and held hostage by separatists during battle of Ryloth. Brody’s throat was slit executioner style but the wound would turn out to be non fatal leaving a nasty scar across his throat. Brody was only then rescued after witnessing the death of his brother - Scooter-
Heavy grief lead to substance abuse and personality shifts
Scooter-(CT-1210 [formally 104st]
“Karkin hell dude”. “Holy sith”
Flame thrower (Bt X-42 )
First battle : battle of genonosis 1
Kidnapped and held hostage by separatists during battle of Ryloth
Died on the planet of Ryloth
executed (22 BBY)
0 notes
grantyort · 4 years
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Prelude V: Space Mission
April 11th 2018
Sean: Alright, you can open your eyes now! We’re here!
Daniel: The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry? We drove an hour for this?!
Sean: Oh quit complainin’! Brody got us early access. Besides, you haven’t even seen the inside yet!
Daniel: I thought you were taking me to Aweso-land. I need to grab the new Powerbear merch before it sells out.
Sean: Don’t you have enough toys already?
Daniel: You can never have enough.
Sean: (sigh) Dude, have some self-control! You’re bleeding Claire and Stephen dry!
Daniel: You’re just jealous cuz they like me better.
Sean: (rolling eyes) Yeah… you got me.
[A man approaches them at the entrance to the museum]
Docent: Hello, are you Sean Diaz?
Sean: That’s right. And that’s my brother Daniel. We’re here for the tour.
Docent: Roland Chambers at your service. Mr. Holloway has arranged a private showing of the new Human Innovations Exhibit here at the OSMI.
Daniel: Ah yes jolly good, ol’ chap.
Sean: Ignore him.
Roland: For the next two hours you and your brother will have unfettered access to the new wing of the museum. Explore at your leisure. I hope it will be an enriching experience for you both.
Sean: His mind could use some enriching.
[Daniel punches Sean in the arm, Sean feigns injury, then smiles.]
Roland: I’ll be taking my leave now. Good day.
Daniel: Toodle-loo to you! (to Sean) That guy was so cool. I wish I had a butler!
[Sean pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a long, exasperated sigh]
Sean: Alright enano, you ready for the best birthday ever?
Daniel: Yeah, yeah. Let’s just get this over with.
[The brothers enter the museum and begin to explore. Daniel’s attention is immediately drawn to the futuristic sports car on display]
Daniel: Hey Sean, check this out!
Sean: Man, what I wouldn’t give for a car like that.
Daniel: Maybe you’ll get one on your birthday.
Sean: Yeah right. Maybe if Claire and Stephen won the lottery.
Daniel: What about Mom?
Sean: (scoff) I’ll be lucky if get a card from her this year.
[They poke around the rest of the exhibit. Daniel begins to take pictures with his phone]
Sean: What are you doing, enano?
Daniel: Just taking some pics for Chris. He loves this kind of stuff.
Sean: We should bring him back a souvenir.
Daniel: Yeah totally! Remind me when we get to the gift shop section!
Sean: You do realize that’s not part of the exhibit, right?
[Sean and Daniel come across a modern statue in a display case. Daniel examines the contours and the statue and stares quizzically]
Daniel: Hey Sean. Why don’t statues ever have clothes on?
Sean: I guess people didn’t really care back then.
Daniel: So everybody would just walk around naked?
Sean: Yeah, it’s a... liberated lifestyle or something. Brody talked about it in his article.
Daniel: That’s so weird, but kinda cool. Maybe we should try it. I don’t think grandma and grandpa would mind.
Sean: Dude are you kidding?! Claire freaks out if you show up to breakfast without pants!
Daniel: Yeah, I guess you’re right. Oh well.
[After wandering off from Sean who is busy reading the inscription underneath a steam engine, Daniel returns wearing a Roman style war helmet]
Daniel: I’m Julius Caesar! Ruler of Rome and inventor of the Caesar Salad!
Sean: Dude! Put that back before you break it.
Daniel: Ugh you’re no fun! Here put this one on!
Sean: No.
Daniel: Please Sean? It’s my birthday!
Sean: Oh okay, but that’s the last time you get to use that today.
[Sean reluctantly dons the helmet.]
[The brothers approach the center of the exhibit and see the centerpiece: A giant space capsule. Daniel rushes over to read the inscription.]
Daniel: Wow it says here that Franklin Chang-Diaz was one of the first Mexican-Americans to ever go to space!
Sean: I don’t believe it. You actually learned something.
Daniel: Shut up. Anyway, think he’s related to us?
Sean: Sure. Technically, all Diazes are related.
Daniel: Awesome possum! Oooh look at all the lights! I bet astronauts went to the moon in this thing!
Sean: It’s probably just a replica. (He touches the outside of the hull and focuses) Yep. Made in Taiwan.
Daniel: You’re such a buzzkill.
Sean: Why don’t you go have a look inside?
Daniel: But it’s roped off.
Sean: Since when do you care about rules? Just do it!
Daniel: What if someone catches us?
Sean: There’s no one else here. I won’t tell if you won’t.
[Daniel nods and vaults over the rope. Sean follows]
Daniel: Aw man it’s tight in here. Watch your head, Sean!
Sean: (hitting his head) Argh fuck!
Daniel: So much for cosmic awareness.
Sean: That’s not what- never mind, just sit down.
[Daniel switches his Centurion helmet for an astronaut helmet]
Daniel: Oooh What’s this thing do?
Sean: I think it’s one of those prerecorded tours. Why don’t you plug it in and find out?
(Daniel puts in his earbuds, he hears the sound of a rocket propulsion system)
Daniel: Okay! You be mission control!
Daniel: (mimicking static) Diagnostics check complete. Houston are we a go, over?
Sean: Uh yeah sure. Everything looks good here. We launch in T – 5 seconds. Why don’t you count us down? Over!
Daniel: Five, four, three, two, one! Blast off!
Sean: (saluting) Godspeed, Captain Diaz.
[After the ignition sequence ends, the brothers emerge from the capsule. Daniel has a big smile on his face]
Daniel: That...was... AWESOME!
Sean: You might not have been the first Diaz in space, but you’re definitely the youngest.
[They explore the rest of the exhibit, finally exiting through the gift shop]
Sean: (annoyed) Of course, they have to have a gift shop at the exit.
Daniel: Are you kidding? This is the best part!
[Daniel begins rummaging through the various toys and souvenirs with glee. Sean motions apologetically at the clerk.]
Daniel: Think Chris will like this one?
Sean: (shrugs) You know him better than I do.
Daniel: (looking at toy dinosaur) I think he’ll like this one better. Mar-T-Rex needs a friend.
Sean: (looking at a tacky keychain) Five bucks for this piece of junk? No thanks!
Daniel: (holding a shirt with print an elaborate rocket schematic) Wow! Look at this!
Sean: It reminds me of your old one. I think might be time for an upgrade.
Daniel: Really?
Sean: Yep. It is your birthday after all.
Daniel: Wow, 100% cotton and It’s only $12.99.
Sean: (sarcastically) What a steal.
Daniel: (whispering) Psst Sean. You distract her while I put this in my bag.
Sean: (under breath) Dude!
Daniel: Relax, I was just kidding!
Sean: Good. We don’t need a return to your klepto-phase.
[The cashier looks over absentmindedly then goes back to her phone]
[Sean approaches the counter, goods in hand]
Cashier: (monotonously) Do you have a museum membership?
Sean: Uh… no sorry.
Cashier: That comes out to $21.35. Will that be all for today sir?
Sean: Yeah thanks.
Cashier: (monotonously) We hope you enjoyed the tour. Please come back soon.
[Outside the museum]
Sean: So birthday boy, how’d I do?
Daniel: Well I did spend my last birthday with a bunch of religious nutjobs so… compared to that I’d say, a solid 9.
Sean: Well the day is still young, enano! Let’s see if we can’t get that up to a perfect ten!
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