#Brook too will make an appearence and I'm not pairing her with Stormfur just because I love Cherrytail
duckwhistle · 6 months
ok I have like an idea but. I don't know.
I really really despise the Tribe in the canon. I hate how they tried to make an Indigenous American culture and used every last droplet of stereotype they could. I hate how they could make another cat group and while they did not make them evil, the writers made them incompetent and clearly worse than the Clans. I hate how everytime someone's gotta fix something it's the Tribe asking the Clans for help. I hate most TNP books just for that reason.
.... but it's iconic. It's important for a lot of arcs. I can't just axe it away completely...
BUT I also needed a way to introduce Skyclan that was different from the other books, especially since Firestar cannot go and recreate it for a lot of reasons, and I wanted Sandstorm to go instead, but it needed to be after Squirrel and Leaf were a- born and b- old enough to survive without their mom for months. Also I am anti Lake-Skyclan not because I don't want them there, but because it feels more interesting to have a Clan separate from the others.
So here's the idea: The Skypoints, a group hailing from ancient Skyclan (as ancient as it gets) dealing with the curse of a Rat King. They live in a gorge close enough to a town, and twolegs are common to see because there's a lot of small trails. They use the naming system from the ancient Clans, the rule being that they get named after what color thay are. Roles are chosen at birth, but the only role that is different from Medic or Warrior is Deputy. Yes, Deputies are chosen at birth, you can imagine the main problem from this decision. This sets up a few things: -they need help from someone with Skyclan blood (Feathertail) -the mountain lion is gone, but there's a threat that is just as big because the rats try to overtake the gorge constantly. -their numbers are dwindling after a surge of rats and a bad epidemic happening at the same time. I kinda want to have the Shadowclan journey cat (that is not Tawnypelt) get flashbacks from the Carrion Disease, before realizing these rats do not carry it. -in this moment Squirrelpaw gets the idea: "why don't you ask for help from the kittypets? My dad was one and he's become a hero." -recruiting time, I wanna make it clear that not everybody's sold on living with the Skypoints, either because they're stupidly aggressive towards others (Clear Sky propaganda) or have family and friends back in town. -Dappled Leaves comes out with a compromise (she's Leafstar, but not yet considered a great match for a leader because she's not Clear Sky-esque and also a Warrior) that those who might have families can either bring them with, even if they're not able to fight, or go back after helping during the day. Daylight Warriors babeyyyyy -may or may not begin a small moment of civil unrest, that does not tip into a war just because there's a bigger problem at the moment. -in the end, Feathertail dies to the Rat King while slaying it, but I wanna make it clear she's not the only one to be honored in death. I want something like seven or eight cats to die. Stormfur gets a crush on Cherry Tail, and in the Great Migration will be staying behind... alongside Sandstorm, who's found companionship in Dappled Leaves hehe. Leafpaw gets the idea that Starclan might communicate with them through water by seeing the Starcave, where the Stoneteller, the eldest medic, goes to commute with Starclan. Also here medics are a lot more than the usual, and some of them have families (hint hint) -Sandstorm and Dappled Leaves become, through omens and Starclan's approval, Leaders of the new Skyclan, and are named Risingstar and Shootingstar (read one of my previous posts about the renaming in the #duck! tag). Skyclan becomes the first clan to have two leaders, but also begins to make various pairs of deputies for that reason. This sets up Sharp Claws and Darktail as a deputy pair later on hehe
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